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P13-2 Endokrinologija<br />

P13-3<br />

Usporedba triju potpuno automatiziranih<br />

imunokemijskih metoda za mjerenje<br />

ukupnog HCG u serumu<br />

Kačkov S, Rogić D, Fressl G, Kralik S, Fuček M<br />

Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, KBC Zagreb, Zagreb,<br />

Hrvatska<br />

Mjerenje ukupnog HCG rabi se u ranom otkrivanju i praćenju<br />

normalne i patološke trudnoće te specifi čnih malignih<br />

bolesti. Danas na tržištu postoje brojne potpuno automatizirane<br />

imunokemijske metode za mjerenje ovoga analita.<br />

U ovoj studiji uspoređene su tri homogene imunokemijske<br />

metode s dva protutijela i to: A. metoda s elektrokemiluminiscentnom<br />

detekcijom (Roche, Elecsys 2010), B.<br />

metoda s fl uorescentnom detekcijom (BioMerieux, Vidas)<br />

te C. biotin-streptavidinska metoda s luminiscentnom detekcijom<br />

(Johnson&Johnson, Vitros). Nepreciznost (CV%)<br />

unutar i između serija bila je prihvatljiva za sve tri ispitane<br />

metode i to: A: 2,1 i 4,1; B: 4,5 i 5,7 i C: 3,2 i 6,1. Funkcionalna<br />

osjetljivost izražena kao najniža koncentracija s CV<br />

20% bila je: A 0,7 U/L, B: 2,5 U/L i C: 1,4 U/L. Poznato je<br />

da se beta-HCG u serumu, s obzirom na stadij trudnoće<br />

ili prisutnost maligne bolesti, može nalaziti u vrlo širokom<br />

rasponu mjernih koncentracija. U tom smislu, veći raspon<br />

linearnosti metode omogućuje brži i jednostavniji rad uz<br />

manji utrošak reagenasa. Linearnost ispitanih metoda bila<br />

je kako slijedi: A: 0,1-10.000 U/L, B: 2-1500 U/L i C: 0,5-1000<br />

U/L. Usporedba rezultata dobivenih svim trima ispitanim<br />

metodama (N=50) ukazala je na visoku razinu korelacije<br />

(r>0.96 za sva tri para vrijednosti), s obzirom na to da se<br />

radi o imunokemijskim metodama. Međutim, zapaženo je<br />

izrazito pozitivno odstupanje rezultata dobivenih metodom<br />

B, i to samo u području visokih vrijednosti koje prelaze<br />

linearnost te zahtijevaju prethodnu diluciju za sve tri<br />

metode. Ovaj podatak još jednom ukazuje na nemogućnost<br />

bilo kakvog praćenja bolesnika primjenom različitih<br />

imunokemijskih metoda.<br />

E-mail: sanjakackov@net.hr<br />

P13-3<br />

Comparison of three fully automated<br />

immunassays for serum total HCG<br />

determination<br />

Kačkov S, Rogić D, Fressl G, Kralik S, Fuček M<br />

Endocrinology<br />

Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Zagreb University Hospital<br />

Center, Zagreb, Croatia<br />

HCG determination in serum is used for detection and follow<br />

up of early pregnancy and some specifi c malignancies.<br />

There are numerous fully automated beta-HCG immunoassays<br />

available. In this study, we compared three<br />

methods, all of them homogeneous sandwich immunassays:<br />

A) electrochemiluminescence detection method<br />

(Roche, Elecsys 2010), B) fl uorescence detection method<br />

(BioMerieux, Vidas), and C) biotin-streptavidin method<br />

with luminescent signal detection (Johnson&Johnson,<br />

Vitros). Imprecision (expressed as CV%) both within- and<br />

between-run was within acceptable limits: A) 2.1 and 4.1,<br />

B) 4.5 and 5.7, and C) 3.2 and 6.1, respectively. Functional<br />

sensitivity, expressed as the lowest beta-HCG concentration<br />

that could be measured with a CV 20%, was as<br />

follows: A) 0.7 U/L, B) 2.5 U/L and C) 1.4 U/L. As it is commonly<br />

known, serum HCG concentrations, depending<br />

on the stage of pregnancy or the presence of malignant<br />

growth, can vary within several orders of magnitude.<br />

Thus, methods with higher linearity are highly preferable,<br />

since they allow for ease of operation and cost reduction.<br />

Linearities of the three methods studied were as follows:<br />

A) 0.1-10,000 U/L, B) 2-1500 U/L and C) 0.5-1000 U/L. Comparison<br />

of results obtained by all three methods (N=50)<br />

revealed a high degree of correlation, taking into account<br />

the diff erent antibodies and signal detection used (r>0.96<br />

for all three pairs of results). However, we noticed a substantial<br />

positive bias in the results obtained by method B,<br />

not throughout the concentration range but only in the<br />

results that required prior dilution. This fi nding confi rms<br />

the known fact that patient follow-up should always be<br />

performed by using the same immunochemistry method.<br />

E-mail: sanjakackov@net.hr<br />

<strong>Biochemia</strong> <strong>Medica</strong> 2006;16(Suppl 1):S1–S268<br />


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