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P23-1 Ostalo<br />

sidacijskim stresom i štetnim reakcijama kao što su peroksidacija<br />

višestruko nezasićenih masnih kiselina i smanjena<br />

aktivnost antioksidacijskih enzima. Mehanizam kojim<br />

je Fe uključen u započinjanje ili poticanje oksidacijskog<br />

oštećenja nije sasvim jasan. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je<br />

ispitivanje učinka velikih količina Fe na antioksidacijski<br />

status miševa čija je hrana obogaćena kukuruznim uljem.<br />

Mužjaci miševa Balb/c hranjeni su 3 tjedna standardnom<br />

prehranom obogaćenom s 5% kukuruznog ulja i s optimalnom<br />

količinom Fe (skupina FCO), odnosno obogaćenom s<br />

1% karbonilnog Fe (skupina FCOFe). Kontrolna skupina je<br />

hranjena standardnom prehranom. Količina Fe, bakra (Cu)<br />

i cinka (Zn) u tkivu jetre određeni su induktivno spregnutom<br />

plazma spektrometrijom. Aktivnosti Cu/Zn superoksid<br />

dismutaze (CuZnSOD) i glutation peroksidaze (GPx)<br />

određene su spektrofotometrijski u nadsloju homogenata<br />

jetre. Lipidna peroksidacija određena je mjerenjem<br />

količine reaktivnih spojeva s tiobarbiturnom kiselinom<br />

(TBARS). Prehrana s velikim udjelom Fe povećala je količinu<br />

Fe u jetri 2 puta. Međutim, porast količine Fe u timusu<br />

izazvan je isključivo masnoćama u hrani. Sadržaj Cu u jetri<br />

blago se smanjio u skupini FCO. U slezeni je porast količine<br />

Fe izazvan prehranom obogaćenom Fe negativno<br />

korelirao s količinom Cu. Na antiokidacijski status utjecali<br />

su oboje, i prehrambena masnoća i Fe. Miševi čija je hrana<br />

bila obogaćena kukuruznim uljem imali su povećanu količinu<br />

TBARS, s većim porastom u skupini FCOFe. Aktivnost<br />

CuZnSOD u jetri smanjena je u skupini FCO, dok je dodatak<br />

Fe u prehrani uzrokovao daljnje smanjenje aktivnosti<br />

enzima. Rezultati ukazuju na to da prehrana obogaćena<br />

kukuruznim uljem uzrokuje oksidacijsko oštećenje i smanjenje<br />

antioksidacijske enzimske zaštite. Dodatak velikih<br />

količina Fe dodatno je utjecao na antioksidacijski sustav<br />

povećavajući osjetljivost jetrenog tkiva na lipidnu peroksidaciju.<br />

Uz to, prehrana obogaćena kukuruznim uljem i<br />

Fe povećala je u miševa potrebe za Cu.<br />

E-mail: robertd@medri.hr<br />

P23-2<br />

Povezanost koncentracije serumskog<br />

kolesterola i suicidnog ponašanja<br />

Ruljančić N, Malić A, Mihanović M<br />

Psihijatrijska bolnica Sveti Ivan, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />

Ranije studije pokazale su povezanost niske koncentracije<br />

ukupnog kolesterola i suicidnog ponašanja. Cilj ispitivanja<br />

bio je ustanoviti postoje li razlike u koncentraciji serumskog<br />

kolesterola u bolesnika s određenim psihijatrij-<br />

<strong>Biochemia</strong> <strong>Medica</strong> 2006;16(Suppl 1):S1–S268<br />

S230<br />

P23-2<br />

Other<br />

and deleterious reactions such as peroxidation of polyunsaturated<br />

fatty acids and decreased antioxidant enzyme<br />

activities. The mechanism by which Fe is involved in<br />

initiating or promoting oxidative damage is not entirely<br />

clear. The aim of the study was to analyze the eff ect of<br />

high dietary iron (Fe) on liver antioxidant status in mice<br />

fed corn oil-enriched diet. Male Balb/c mice were fed for<br />

3 weeks standard diets enriched with 5% by weight of<br />

corn oil, with adequate Fe (FCO group), or supplemented<br />

with 1% carbonyl Fe (FCOFe group). Control group was<br />

fed standard diet. Fe, copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) levels<br />

in liver tissue were determined by inductively coupled<br />

plasma spectrometry. Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase<br />

(CuZnSOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities<br />

were determined spectrophotometrically in liver homogenate<br />

supernatant. Lipid peroxidation was evaluated by<br />

measuring thiobarbituric acid-reactive species (TBARS).<br />

High-Fe diet induced 2-fold increase of hepatic Fe level.<br />

However, the increase of thymic Fe level was induced<br />

solely by dietary fat. Hepatic Cu level slightly decreased<br />

on FCO diet. In spleen, the high-Fe diet induced increase<br />

of Fe level correlated negatively with Cu level. The antioxidant<br />

status was infl uenced by both dietary fat and Fe.<br />

Mice fed corn oil-enriched diets had a higher concentration<br />

of TBARS, with a greater increase on FCOFe diet.<br />

Hepatic CuZnSOD activity was decreased in FCO diet,<br />

and Fe supplementation caused further decrease in the<br />

enzyme activity. These results suggest that feeding with<br />

corn oil-enriched diets increases oxidative damage by<br />

decreasing antioxidant enzyme defense. The high-Fe<br />

diet additionally aff ects the antioxidant defense system,<br />

further increasing the tissue susceptibility to lipid peroxidation.<br />

Additionally, both corn oil- and Fe-enriched diets<br />

increased Cu requirements in mice.<br />

E-mail: robertd@medri.hr<br />

Relationship between serum cholesterol and<br />

suicidal behavior<br />

Ruljančić N, Malić A, Mihanović M<br />

Sveti Ivan Psychiatric Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia<br />

Previous studies have pointed to a relationship between<br />

low level of total serum cholesterol and suicidal behavior.<br />

The aim of our study was to investigate the possible differences<br />

in cholesterol level between psychiatric patients

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