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P3-4 Koagulacija<br />

laboratorijski obrađeno 197 ispitanika zbog sumnje na<br />

poremećaj primarne hemostaze, te je napravljena korelacija<br />

PFA-100 s VWF:RCo (r=-0,5091 za CEPI; r=-0,5649 za<br />

CADP) i s VWF:Ag (r=-0,4003 za CEPI; r=-0,5223 za CADP).<br />

Logaritamskom transformacijom dobivena je jača korelacija<br />

s VWF:RCo (r=-0,6423 za CEPI; r=-0,7403 za CADP), kao<br />

i s VWF:Ag (r=-0,4879 za CEPI; r=-0,6117 za CADP). Ispitivanjem<br />

korelacije vremena krvarenja po Ivyju s PFA-100<br />

dobiveni su bolji rezultati (r=-0,4291 za CEPI; r=-0,5614 za<br />

CADP) nego s VWF (r=-0,2216 za VWF:RCo; r=-0,1590 za<br />

VWF:Ag). Potpuno podudaranje rezultata između PFA-100<br />

i ispitivanja PA (oba rezultata patološka ili oba normalna)<br />

dobiveno je u 94/162 (58%) ispitanika. U skupini od 96 ispitanika<br />

s normalnim nalazom PA, u 72 (75%) je dobiven<br />

normalan rezultat za CEPI-CT i CADP-CT, u 13 (13,5%) ispitanika<br />

dobiven je barem jedan patološki nalaz na PFA-<br />

100, dok su oba patološka rezultata dobivena u 11 (11,5%)<br />

ispitanika. Od 66 ispitanika s patološkim vrijednostima PA<br />

s najmanje jednim agonistom, oba patološka rezultata na<br />

PFA-100 nađena su u 22 (33,3%) ispitanika, barem jedan<br />

normalan rezultat dobiven je u 15 (22,7%) ispitanika, a oba<br />

normalna nalaza su dobivena u 29 (44,0%) ispitanika. U<br />

zaključku, normalan nalaz CEPI-CT i CADP-CT ne može isključiti<br />

sve poremećaje primarne hemostaze zbog izrazite<br />

složenosti primarne hemostaze te velikog broja različitih<br />

poremećaja funkcije trombocita.<br />

E-mail: marijamilos1@yahoo.com<br />

P3-5<br />

Predviđanje stupnja defi cita FVIII analizom<br />

reakcijskih krivulja za APTV<br />

Miloš M, Coen-Herak D, Zadro R<br />

Klinički zavod za laboratorijsku dijagnostiku, Klinički bolnički centar<br />

Zagreb, Zagreb, Hrvatska<br />

Na modernim koagulacijskim analizatorima APTV ne<br />

predstavlja samo broj, nego skup foto-optičkih podataka<br />

u obliku reakcijske krivulje. U ovom radu napravljena je<br />

kvantitativna analiza reakcijskih krivulja za APTV na analizatoru<br />

Behring Coagulation Timer (BCT) te je pomoću<br />

dobivenih parametara ispitana mogućnost predviđanja<br />

stupnja defi cita FVIII. U uzorcima plazme 38 zdravih ispitanika<br />

i 87 bolesnika s hemofi lijom A izmjeren je APTV (Actin<br />

FS) uporabom dviju metoda procjene reakcijske krivulje:<br />

zadana promjena apsorpcije (fi x e d a b s o r b a n c e , APTV-FA) i<br />

točka infl eksije (point of infl exion, APTV-PI). Zatim su izračunati<br />

slijedeći parametri: delta-APTV (DaPTT) kao razli-<br />

<strong>Biochemia</strong> <strong>Medica</strong> 2006;16(Suppl 1):S1–S268<br />

S108<br />

was found to be 80-160 s for CEPI-CT, and 60-120 s for<br />

CADP-CT. The PFA-100 CTs were correlated to VWF:RCo<br />

(r=-0.5091 for CEPI; r=-0.5649 for CADP), and to VWF:Ag<br />

(r=-0.4003 for CEPI; r=-0.5223 for CADP). With logarithmic<br />

transformation of data, we obtained an even stronger<br />

correlation to VWF:RCo (r=-0.6423 for CEPI; r=-0.7403 for<br />

CADP), as well as to VWF:Ag (r=-0.4879 for CEPI; r=-0.6117<br />

for CADP). Bleeding times were correlated much better to<br />

PFA-100 CTs (r=0.4291 for CEPI; r=0.5614 for CADP) than<br />

to plasma VWF levels (r=-0.2216 for VWF:RCo; r=-0.1590<br />

for VWF:Ag). The overall agreement (both normal or both<br />

abnormal) between PFA-100 and PA was 94/162 (58%).<br />

In the group of 96 patients with normal PA results, both<br />

normal CTs were found in 72 (75%), at least one abnormal<br />

CT in 13 (13.5%), and both abnormal CTs in 11 (11.5%) patients.<br />

Among 66 patients with at least one abnormal PA<br />

result, both abnormal CTs were observed in 22 (33.3%), at<br />

least one normal CT in 15 (22.7%) and both normal CTs in<br />

29 (44.0%) patients. In conclusion, normal CTs could not<br />

exclude all primary hemostasis disorders, probably due<br />

to the large number and variety of platelet defects.<br />

E-mail: marijamilos1@yahoo.com<br />

P3-5<br />

Is it possible to predict the degree of FVIII<br />

defi ciency from aPTT waveform analysis on a<br />

Behring Coagulation Timer (BCT)?<br />

Miloš M, Coen-Herak D, Zadro R<br />

Coagulation<br />

Clinical Institute of Laboratory Diagnosis, Zagreb University Hospital<br />

Center, Zagreb, Croatia<br />

With modern coagulation instruments, every aPTT result<br />

is not just a number but a collection of photo-optical<br />

data in the form of reaction curve. We performed a quantitative<br />

aPTT waveform analysis to see whether it was<br />

possible to detect the degree of FVIII defi ciency using parameters<br />

from this analysis. We measured aPTT (Actin FS)<br />

in 38 normal subjects and 87 hemophilia A patients on a<br />

Behring Coagulation Timer, with two diff erent evaluation<br />

modes: fi xed absorbance (FA) and point of infl exion (PI).<br />

Additionally, we calculated delta-aPTT (DaPTT) as aPTT-PI<br />

minus aPTT-FA and aPTT-slope ratio (aPTTSR) as the ratio<br />

between DaPTT and aPTT-FA. FVIII activity was measured

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