Patentee Name Harmonisation - ecoom.be

Patentee Name Harmonisation - ecoom.be

Patentee Name Harmonisation - ecoom.be


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Finally, as the replacements and removals in the search and replace statements can also lead to<br />

leading or trailing spaces, names have to <strong>be</strong> checked for and trimmed of leading and trailing<br />

spaces after removal of legal form indications.<br />

Result<br />

Legal form indications have <strong>be</strong>en removed and harmonized at the end of names in 221,498<br />

names, at the <strong>be</strong>ginning of names in 1,216 names, and anywhere in the name in 2,865 names.<br />

Moreover, words, commonly used in a company context, appearing as last words were<br />

harmonized in 9,150 cases.<br />

Since not all legal form indications have <strong>be</strong>en identified, nor all spelling variations of identified<br />

legal form indications have <strong>be</strong>en identified and added to the list of search and replace<br />

statements (<strong>be</strong>cause they would cause too many false matches), a significant num<strong>be</strong>r of names<br />

will still contain legal form indications. However, the vast majority of legal form indications are<br />

removed, with accuracy well above 99%.<br />

Impact<br />

From 437,336 unique names to 392,226 unique names, an additional reduction of 45,110<br />

names, or a total reduction of 51,496 names (11.6%).<br />

2.2 Common company word removal<br />

Description<br />

In addition to the legal form indication that can <strong>be</strong> removed as it is not really part of the name,<br />

there are some other words commonly used in a company context that are not really distinctive<br />

elements of a company name. Such words include “COMPANY”, “CORPORATION”,<br />


The idea is that if two names are found that are completely identical except for these words, the<br />

underlying organization name will <strong>be</strong> the same and these words can <strong>be</strong> removed.<br />

Examples include “3COM” and “3COM CORPORATION”, “AMIC” and “AMIC COMPANY”, “BAUR<br />


“NOVATEC”.<br />

In addition, legal forms identified but not removed in the previous step – legal form indication<br />

treatment - are removed at this stage. Such legal forms as “KG” were not removed previously<br />

<strong>be</strong>cause they are, to all intents and purposes, part of the name and removing them could make<br />

the underlying name less comprehensible.<br />

Common company word removal can mutilate organization names and make them less<br />

understandable. However, the idea is not to use these common company word removal names<br />

as final harmonized names but as some kind of technical search name that can <strong>be</strong> used to<br />

identify name variations in the same organization.<br />

Analysis<br />

Common company words that can <strong>be</strong> removed were identified by using the last word index and<br />

first word index employed in the previous step – legal form indication treatment - and a full text<br />

index of the organization names.<br />

Firstly, the occurrence of “CORPORATION”, “COMPANY”, “KG” and “GESELLSCHAFT” at the end<br />

of names, identified but not always completely removed in the previous step – legal form<br />

indication treatment - were analyzed by manually scanning for all spelling variations.<br />

Table 19 contains all spelling variations of all common company words that can <strong>be</strong> deleted if<br />

they appear at the end of a name.<br />

Table 19: Common company words to <strong>be</strong> removed at the end of a name<br />


"CORPORATION" 23,134<br />

"CORP" 102<br />


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