� e Monthly Aspectarian

� e Monthly Aspectarian � e Monthly Aspectarian

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masculine side. It was exhilarating. I lay in bed deepening my understanding of Joyce, what she needed from me, especially my own vulnerability and the expression of my deeper feelings. I wish every man could have my experience of such deep attunement with the inner woman. I believe it would so much help his relationships with women. In the end, I deeply believe, as souls, we are both male and female. Taking birth as one sex just seems to partially eclipse the expression of the other sex. For me, it just took the Saturday evening of a men’s retreat to more deeply drive this point home. Here are a few opportunities to bring more love and growth into your life, at the following longer events led by Barry and Joyce Vissell: Jul 21-26, 2013—Breitenbush Hot Springs Summer Renewal in Oregon; and Oct 22-28, 2013—Living from the Heart in Assisi, Italy. Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/ therapist and psychiatrist couple since 1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz, CA, who are widely regarded as among the world’s top experts on conscious relationship and personal growth. They are the authors of The Shared Heart, Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed, The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and Keridak Kae Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month. Readings by phone 40 min $60 866-279-8666 keri@keridak.com www.keridak.com Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives affect you today. 48 Th e Monthly Aspectarian - March 2013 A Mother’s Final Gift. Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629 (locally 831-684-2299) or write to the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O. Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free newsletter from Barry and Joyce, further information on counseling sessions by phone or in person, their Find relief – call today Modalities: Reiki Reiki Teacher Life Coach Reference Point Therapy DNA Theta Healing Commanding Wealth Practitioner LOA teacher Readings by phone 40 min $60 ABC Living Joan Protano Keridak Kae Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month. Stress Relief Balance your energy Heal emotional and physical blocks Intuitive Development Get in touch with your inner being Empowerment training Classes and Workshops Abundance and Prosperity clearings Guiding you 866-279-8666 into the wisdom of your body and soul. Teaching 866-279-8666 you to heal keri@keridak.com keri@keridak.com at the physical, www.keridak.com emotional, financial and spiritual levels. www.keridak.com Powerful healings and teachings a phone call away. Call: 815-739-4329 Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives affect you today. WWW.ABCLiving.net books, recordings or their schedule of talks and workshops. Visit their web site at SharedHeart.org for their free monthly e-heartletter, their updated schedule, and inspiring past articles on many topics about relationship and living from the heart. Keridak Kae Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month. Readings by phone 40 min $60 Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives affect you today. Keridak Kae Keridak Kae Keridak Kae

I-35W Bridge, 2007 (Kevin Rofi dal/Wikimedia) Everyday Matters By Jeanne Spiro Country of Smart Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, recently said, speaking to Republicans, that they should stop being the party of stupid. I would broaden that sentiment to include all of us here is the U.S.—let’s stop being the country of stupid. As I see it, we are letting our greatness slip through our hands. Instead of wondering what we can do, and taking steps toward change, most of us seem to be oblivious, caught up in non-issues and the trivia of everyday life. Maybe we’ve never attained our ideal of greatness, but we need to change direction and continue to strive for it. We mostly hear about the rights and freedoms our form of government affords us. While those who founded our country were conscious of this, we’ve forgotten the responsibility we all carry to make sure this grand experiment of ours survives intact for those who follow. We all must begin to assume that responsibility in a bigger way since there are a multitude of issues we must deal with. The list is seemingly endless. The economy, privacy, food, health care, environmental issues, violence, prisons, treatment of women, veterans, immigration, poverty, corporate infl uence, loss of jobs, energy, banking, poverty, our deteriorating infrastructure, obesity and its attendant issues, children’s health, our broken government, voting, income disparity, education, wars ... Our representatives, government agencies, courts, media and corporations have dropped the ball; we’ve allowed them to, and things are poised to crash down around us. While I know that Aspectarian readers are likely to be well informed, most Americans are all wrapped up in silly stuff and are not paying attention. We are becoming the country of stupid. We are frittering our greatness away, while living under the illusion that since we’ve been on top, it’s a given that we’ll always be on top. It may look as if there are more problems than we could ever deal with, but I think they are due to just a few core attitudes. While these attitudes have always been around, they have been adopted by more of our population over the last handful of decades, they’ve infl uenced behavior and policymaking, and the texture of our lives has been changed dramatically. I think it would be smart for us to take a look at our attitudes toward Us/Them thinking, me-not-we thinking, and short term thinking. We suffer from thinking that somehow those in our group are different from, and less than, those in other groups. This is amusing for sports fans or college alumni, but it’s not great for rich vs. poor, educated vs. non-educated, color vs. not, resident vs. immigrant, old vs. young. We have to know that we’re all in this together, that the hopes and dreams of all of us are more similar than they are different. We’re all here, we all have a stake, we all have value, and we all deserve a shot at a good and rewarding life. Our culture has become very self-centered. In some ways it’s healthy to have freed ourselves from the bonds of the repression of earlier times, but now we need to grow to the next evolutionary step which is to understand that what’s best for the whole is what’s best for each of us. Taking another’s share of the pie is not only unfair, it doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it creates unintended repercussions. And fi nally, like in all things, taking a long view translates to more success than grabbing short term gratifi cation. We need to get into the habit of thinking several generations ahead. We need to replace what we take, establish systems that sustain themselves, and remember that the roots of the future are being formed now. Many of the tensions we’re experiencing in the world today are the consequences of thoughtless actions taken decades ago. As more of us keep these things in mind as we go about our days, we’ll soon begin to see positive results. The way we conduct ourselves, how we spend our money, where we choose to put our consciousness, which issues we choose to support, all these things improve the quality of our own lives, but also that of our country. If every decision is one that respects the dignity of all, supports the greater good, and takes into account the world that future generations will inherit, the transformation will be tremendously great. Seems stupid not to go for it. A note about last month’s article: BPA was banned from baby bottles and sippy cups last July; my apologies for missing this development. Contact me with comments or questions at jeanne@monthlyaspectarian.com. Th e Monthly Aspectarian - www.MonthlyAspectarian.com 49

masculine side. It was exhilarating. I<br />

lay in bed deepening my understanding<br />

of Joyce, what she needed from me,<br />

especially my own vulnerability and the<br />

expression of my deeper feelings.<br />

I wish every man could have my<br />

experience of such deep attunement<br />

with the inner woman. I believe it<br />

would so much help his relationships<br />

with women. In the end, I deeply<br />

believe, as souls, we are both male and<br />

female. Taking birth as one sex just<br />

seems to partially eclipse the expression<br />

of the other sex. For me, it just took the<br />

Saturday evening of a men’s retreat to<br />

more deeply drive this point home.<br />

Here are a few opportunities to bring<br />

more love and growth into your life,<br />

at the following longer events led by<br />

Barry and Joyce Vissell: Jul 21-26,<br />

2013—Breitenbush Hot Springs<br />

Summer Renewal in Oregon; and Oct<br />

22-28, 2013—Living from the Heart<br />

in Assisi, Italy.<br />

Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/<br />

therapist and psychiatrist couple since<br />

1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz,<br />

CA, who are widely regarded as among<br />

the world’s top experts on conscious<br />

relationship and personal growth. They<br />

are the authors of The Shared Heart,<br />

Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed,<br />

The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

866-279-8666<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

www.keridak.com<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

48 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

A Mother’s Final Gift.<br />

Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629<br />

(locally 831-684-2299) or write to<br />

the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O.<br />

Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free<br />

newsletter from Barry and Joyce,<br />

further information on counseling<br />

sessions by phone or in person, their<br />

Find relief – call today<br />

Modalities:<br />

Reiki Reiki Teacher<br />

Life Coach<br />

Reference Point Therapy<br />

DNA Theta Healing<br />

Commanding Wealth Practitioner<br />

LOA teacher<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

ABC Living<br />

Joan Protano<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Stress Relief<br />

Balance your energy<br />

Heal emotional and physical blocks<br />

Intuitive Development<br />

Get in touch with your inner being<br />

Empowerment training<br />

Classes and Workshops<br />

Abundance and Prosperity clearings<br />

Guiding you 866-279-8666 into the wisdom of your body and soul. Teaching 866-279-8666 you to heal<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

at the physical, www.keridak.com emotional, financial and spiritual levels. www.keridak.com Powerful healings<br />

and teachings a phone call away. Call: 815-739-4329<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

WWW.ABCLiving.net<br />

books, recordings or their schedule of<br />

talks and workshops. Visit their web<br />

site at SharedHeart.org for their free<br />

monthly e-heartletter, their updated<br />

schedule, and inspiring past articles<br />

on many topics about relationship and<br />

living from the heart.<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

Keridak Kae Keridak Kae Keridak Kae

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