� e Monthly Aspectarian

� e Monthly Aspectarian � e Monthly Aspectarian

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Body Mind Spirit EXPO Lectures Lecture Schedule Secrets Of Ancient Wisdom Walter Perschke Publisher of The Monthly Aspectarian and founder of the Spiritual Learning Center Northlake Saturday, March 2, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Room: 3 The mystery religions off er us a legacy of ancient rituals that can benefi t us today, if we only know what they are and how to use them. Bring the power of ancient mysti cal knowledge into your life today. Find out what you are missing in this fi rst ti me public presentati on by the Emmy nominated publisher of the Monthly Aspectarian and founder of The Spiritual Learning Center, Walter Perschke. Secrets Of Success Northlake Sunday, March 3, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Room:4 Self-made millionaires do think diff erently. Successful people really are diff erent from others. Learn the secrets to move yourself into a prosperity mindset and how to consciously manifest your dreams in your daily life, whether that be relati onships, career or money. This presentati on will demonstrate those secrets and Natural HealtH help you to achieve the success that is rightf ully yours. Learn four easy acti ons you can take to achieve your goals, from someone INtuItIVes who has done it, and how to start today. Presented by the Emmy nominated publisher of the Monthly Aspectarian and founder of The Spiritual Learning Center, Walter Perschke. PersoNal GrowtH Metaphysical Dream Interpretation Workshop Northlake CHICaGo Sunday, March 3, 3:00 PM-4:00, PM Room:1 marCH 2-3 Milwaukee mIDwest CoNFereNCe CeNter Saturday, 12:00 pm, Room: 1 401 w laKe st, NortHlaKe, Il Dreams are messages from your soul. Our dreams speak to us, Saturday 10-7, Sunday 11-6 fi nd out how to listen. Why do we dream and how can we best KeYNote (2 Free sessions) remember our dreams? What happens if we don’t dream? What is GaIl FREE tHaCKraY PARKING the secret language of your dreams? What are the archetypes that Also sPIrItual in Milwaukee our dreams present FeaturING to us and what do they mean? March 9-10, JourNeYs Ramada Plaza An introducti 110HolIstIC on to metaphysical eXHIBItors dream interpretati on, complete with real life case histories. Milwaukee Airport 70Free semINars BarBara 6331 eVaNs Att end this compelling presentati on for answers to these S 13th St Free ParKING tHe art oF raIsING Sat. 10-6 FrequeNCY and other dream questi ons. Presented by the Emmy nominated susaN wIseHart Sun.11-5 publisher of the Monthly Aspectarian and founder of The Spiritual Past & BetweeN lIFe JourNeYs Learning Center, Walter Perschke. Dreamers welcome. Karl mollIsoN weeKeND eNtrY soul wHIsPerers JeaN tINDle tHe CrYstallINe Heart steVeN rosleY CrYstal HealING For more information Just call: $12847-966-1110

CHICaGo marCH 2-3 mIDwest CoNFereNCe CeNter 401 w laKe st, NortHlaKe, Il GaIl tHaCKraY KeYNote (2 Free sessions) sPIrItual JourNeYs our sPoNsors BarBara eVaNs tHe art oF raIsING FrequeNCY susaN wIseHart Past & BetweeN lIFe JourNeYs Karl mollIsoN soul wHIsPerers JeaN tINDle tHe CrYstallINe Heart steVeN rosleY CrYstal HealING Also in Milwaukee, WI • March 9-10 Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport The Monthly Aspectarian dedicated to awakening consciousness Natural HealtH PersoNal GrowtH INtuItIVes 110 Emergen-C FeaturING HolIstIC eXHIBItors 70Free semINars Free ParKING weeKeND eNtrY Just $12 Bmse.Net 541.482.3722

CHICaGo<br />

marCH 2-3<br />

mIDwest CoNFereNCe CeNter<br />

401 w laKe st, NortHlaKe, Il<br />

GaIl tHaCKraY<br />

KeYNote (2 Free sessions)<br />

sPIrItual<br />

JourNeYs<br />

our sPoNsors<br />

BarBara eVaNs<br />

tHe art oF raIsING FrequeNCY<br />

susaN wIseHart<br />

Past & BetweeN lIFe JourNeYs<br />

Karl mollIsoN<br />

soul wHIsPerers<br />

JeaN tINDle<br />

tHe CrYstallINe Heart<br />

steVeN rosleY<br />

CrYstal HealING<br />

Also in Milwaukee, WI • March 9-10<br />

Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport<br />

The<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

dedicated to awakening consciousness<br />

Natural HealtH<br />

PersoNal GrowtH<br />

INtuItIVes<br />

110<br />

Emergen-C<br />

FeaturING<br />

HolIstIC eXHIBItors<br />

70Free semINars<br />

Free ParKING<br />

weeKeND eNtrY<br />

Just $12<br />

Bmse.Net<br />


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