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immediately following December 21st. As of February 13th, while there is still a mild sense of disappointment over what did and did not happen on December 21st, the overall message is about forging ahead and about taking action to ensure that Ascension happens after all. The lead messages on February 13th, for example, were about nova Earth Day, a world-wide event taking place on February 14th. Site creator Steve Beckow’s entry states: Tomorrow is nova Earth Day. And nova Earth Day has several objects. The first is to send a Valentine to Mother Earth, to gaia … Archangel Michael gave us our marching orders for that day: “[nova Earth Day] is a celebration of the new, it is a celebration Crystals * Gems * Soy Candles * Books * CDs * Statuary * Incense * Soaps * Bath Products * Lotions * Tarot Card Decks * Greeting Cards * Native American Goods * Angels 20 The Monthly Aspectarian - March 2013 Spiritual Resource Center of the Western Suburbs…. of the divine qualities, and it is a celebration of love. There are many on this side, particularly the Council of Love, that are finally joyous that this is being acknowledged. [Valentine’s Day] has been a day of love for a long time, but not in the true universal sense … nova Earth Day has other objects as well, most prominent among which is to draw attention to discrimination against and the persecution of women, not just in our neighborhood, our city or our nation, but around the world. It’s a day to shake off from ourselves all unloving thoughts and to commit to stopping all unloving behavior. This alone will accelerate our entry into higher dimensionality. Beckow puts meat on the bone of his nova Earth Day message by Blue Feather Books & Botanicals, Ltd. 19 W. Harris Avenue * LaGrange * Illinois * 60525 * (708) 352-8481 March 2013 Friday-Sunday, March –10, 2013 $475 Wisdom of the Earth: Level 1 Medicinal Aromatherapy Certification This three day intensive workshop will cover many different aspects of medicinal aromatherapy. This workshop is for those who have a serious interest, personally and/or professionally, in medicinal aromatherapy for the facilitation of healing-spiritually, emotionally, and spiritually. Wednesday, March13 7-10 p.m. Risk Everything! Collective This life changing collective is full for 2013. Saturday, March 16 Appointment Only $150 Native American Spirit Stone Readings with Arieahn Matmonasa, Ph.D. Native American Spirit Stone Readings provide an overview of the 7 major areas of ones life-(7 being a sacred number): personality, talents/skills, relationships, family, work and spiritual path issues along with the energies associated with each. Counsel stones reveal possible approaches for dealing with each life-area. The goal is to provide clarity and confirmation of what the client knows on a deeper intuitive level. Thursday, March 21 7-9 p.m. $20 Entrepreneurship as Self-Expression To create is uniquely human and this ability is not restricted to the arts. Anyone who turns a business idea into reality has expressed themselves creatively in a way that gives their work meaning beyond “making a living.” If you are someone with an unfulfilled business ownership vision who also feels like a professional part of them is unspoken, this session is for you. Join author and professor Dr. Ed Paulson as he presents entrepreneurship as a mode of self-expression that not only serves your personal and financial growth but also allows you to more fully serve others. Friday, March 29 7-8:30 p.m. $25 Healing Drumming and Journeywork Circle Come heal your spirit with sound and journey to the soul of who you are. *Please bring: mat, blanket, pillow, and eye covering. You may also bring your own drum, but it is not necessary. SHAMANIC CARD READINGS AVAILABLE DAILY It is a tool used for healing, divination, direction, and clarity. Rhonda has developed her own system of reading which allows the receiver to move through obstacles with great clarity. This is a tool of empowerment, not fortune telling. Part of the process is to use the information to make movement or change in your life. Rhonda will not define your energy, but will help YOU to define what comes up. HOURS: Tuesday-Saturday 10:30-5 p.m. ALL CLASSES MUST BE PRE-REGISTERED. SPACE IS LIMITED. Drums * Rattles * Dreamcatchers * Chimes * Flower Essences * Organic Baby Products * Swaddling Blankets * Perfumes Medicinal Grade Essential Oils Certification Programs * Yoga Supplies * Wall Hangings * Clothing * Journals * Jewelry * Teas * Herbs * Natural Pain Relief * Essential Oils suggesting a specific activity. He urges his readers to “join one billion people on the planet Feb. 14, 2013, dancing as a flash mob to end violence against women (http://www.onebillionrising. org/livestream). Click on that site to view an interview with One Billion Rising leader Eve Ensler and to see another video, which teaches you the dance. The news section of the One Billion Rising site features articles from around the world including los Angeles, India, the Philippines, the United Kingdom and Thailand. I was impressed. I can really resonate with the idea that if Ascension is going to ever get here, we are going to have to get proactive about it. My Advice: Stay tuned. I’m an optimist and always hopeful that we can and will transform ourselves and our world into a much better and more enlightened place. However, although the idea of radical Ascension happening through galactic intervention is tempting, so far there is no real evidence for its imminent occurrence. On the other hand, it seems that José Stephens may just be right: great transformation is on the horizon and it’s up to us to make sure it really happens. So my advice is: Don’t quite your day job—or the traditional meditation, prayer or spiritual techniques that have helped you steer a steady course through all those storms of life. But also, let us meditate, pray and use those spiritual techniques to raise the overall vibrational frequencies that can allow great transformations to happen. Mary Montgomery’s company, Montgomery Media Enterprises, specializes in public relations, writing projects and web authoring, development and publicity, especially in the non-profit sector. Ms. Montgomery has a Master’s Degree in religious studies from Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS) and is working on a Ph.D. with a focus on the scholarship of Unlimited Love and the Other Regarding Virtues. She is the Assistant to the Director for CTS’s Institute for Spirituality and Wellness (ISW). Contact her via e-mail at monty764@sbcglobal. net.

There’s the old saying, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.” Probably not this month. This year, “March comes in like a Fish, goes out like a Ram.” After swimming through a dreamy sea of planets in Pisces as March begins, we end with planetary fireworks in Aries. Firecrackers and popcorn will be popping. The nEW MOOn at 22 PISCES, March 11, 1:51pm CST, is the first of this Chinese Year of the Water Snake, thematically hosting an ocean of Pisces planets: neptune, Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Sun-Moon and Mars. That’s a lot of fish in the sea! Let’s sort them out. nEPTUnE continues to rule in its own Dreamtime sign, with increasingly subtle affects that stir the soul but slide sideways and slippery in the mundane world, especially with Mercury retrograde. Still at the beginning of its 14-year stay in Pisces, neptunian themes infuse movies, music and the internet with images that speak to the collective consciousness. What are you watching lately? Our level of emotional sensitivity may be more open and impressionable, needing plenty of down time to clear the waters. Watch out what you watch, as images may stick with you longer and haunt your waking hours. While thinking about themes for this month, I web surfed into Eckhart Tolle, with his nOW presence, very apt for any time— especially nOW! MERCURY is retrograde until the March Cosmic News 17th. Distractions, wonderments and confusions diffuse any clear-edged reality, which eludes our grasp and seems to shapeshift when we try to locate our space-time coordinates. Saturn in Scorpio supports this proposition, agreeing that reality is “in process” of being redefined. This Mercury retrograde is a fine time to allow the mind to deeply relax and offer up guidance in its quiet murmur. The “sweet spot” of this retrograde is on March 4, when Mercury is in the heart of the Sun. The Magician aspect of Mercury takes over from the Trickster, able to cancel out the retrograde frustrations and bring out the best of its insight. Ask for a special message and try out the possibilities in this moment to connect Heaven with Earth. CHIROn adds another level to the “be here now” theme, with quantum potentials. The healing sensitivity of the current energy has a yearning for wholeness, compassion and forgiveness. Don’t forget self-compassion. Pisces, especially with the presence of neptune and Chiron, evokes a felt understanding that we are all one. This universal consciousness is opening in a poignant way through personal experiences and other larger events, including tragedies. VEnUS is still “under the beams” of the Sun, unseen until May. Her brilliant presence is missed in the sky, but her quality of compassion in Pisces is felt. Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces, where its best qualities of universal love come forth, but this position has a down side. A tendency to demur and doubt from a hesitant lack of self-esteem can undermine one’s strength in a Cinderella sort of way. There is an undercurrent of, “If others are having a hard time, I don’t by Kelley Hunter deserve to be happy.” We contribute and support as we can, while remembering that joy is a great contribution to the collective field. Empathic identification may be an emotional drain or, on a more energizing level, be full of grace, uplifting spiritual devotion and aesthetic appreciation of the beauties of life and arts. The Chiron connection to Venus was exact on March 5, sending a wave of female shamanic power that reverberates with emotional healing into the currents of the new Moon. Here is another lovely, relevant musical selection, called “lamento as Aguas,” a Brazilian “lament Ye Waters” (I think that is correct translation) that conveys a universal sorrow that this combination can evoke. Music, dance and the arts unite us beyond the limitations of language. http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=O0bV64bb8Vk With all these Pisces planets, keep in mind that we are easily picking up on energy all around us. It may not be “our stuff” to take on. let the energy keep flowing, and keep moving to avoid any cluttered emotional eddies. let’s call on Virgo energy to balance out the Pisces emphasis. listen to your body, support your health in this sensitized energy field, stay grounded with exercise, yoga—do whatever it takes to support the strength and wellbeing of your body, so very essential during the current Earth changes. MARS is at the outside edge of Pisces on the new Moon, but immediately heads into ARIES on March 12. The Monthly Aspectarian - www.MonthlyAspectarian.com 21

There’s the old saying, “March comes<br />

in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”<br />

Probably not this month. This year,<br />

“March comes in like a Fish, goes out<br />

like a Ram.” After swimming through a<br />

dreamy sea of planets in Pisces as March<br />

begins, we end with planetary fireworks<br />

in Aries. Firecrackers and popcorn will<br />

be popping.<br />

The nEW MOOn at 22 PISCES, March<br />

11, 1:51pm CST,<br />

is the first of this Chinese Year of the<br />

Water Snake, thematically hosting<br />

an ocean of Pisces planets: neptune,<br />

Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Sun-Moon and<br />

Mars. That’s a lot of fish in the sea! Let’s<br />

sort them out.<br />

nEPTUnE continues to rule in its own<br />

Dreamtime sign, with increasingly<br />

subtle affects that stir the soul but slide<br />

sideways and slippery in the mundane<br />

world, especially with Mercury<br />

retrograde. Still at the beginning of its<br />

14-year stay in Pisces, neptunian themes<br />

infuse movies, music and the internet<br />

with images that speak to the collective<br />

consciousness. What are you watching<br />

lately? Our level of emotional sensitivity<br />

may be more open and impressionable,<br />

needing plenty of down time to clear<br />

the waters. Watch out what you watch,<br />

as images may stick with you longer<br />

and haunt your waking hours. While<br />

thinking about themes for this month, I<br />

web surfed into Eckhart Tolle, with his<br />

nOW presence, very apt for any time—<br />

especially nOW!<br />

MERCURY is retrograde until the<br />

March<br />

Cosmic News<br />

17th. Distractions, wonderments and<br />

confusions diffuse any clear-edged<br />

reality, which eludes our grasp and seems<br />

to shapeshift when we try to locate our<br />

space-time coordinates. Saturn in Scorpio<br />

supports this proposition, agreeing that<br />

reality is “in process” of being redefined.<br />

This Mercury retrograde is a fine time to<br />

allow the mind to deeply relax and offer<br />

up guidance in its quiet murmur.<br />

The “sweet spot” of this retrograde is on<br />

March 4, when Mercury is in the heart of<br />

the Sun. The Magician aspect of Mercury<br />

takes over from the Trickster, able to<br />

cancel out the retrograde frustrations<br />

and bring out the best of its insight. Ask<br />

for a special message and try out the<br />

possibilities in this moment to connect<br />

Heaven with Earth.<br />

CHIROn adds another level to the<br />

“be here now” theme, with quantum<br />

potentials. The healing sensitivity of<br />

the current energy has a yearning for<br />

wholeness, compassion and forgiveness.<br />

Don’t forget self-compassion. Pisces,<br />

especially with the presence of neptune<br />

and Chiron, evokes a felt understanding<br />

that we are all one. This universal<br />

consciousness is opening in a poignant<br />

way through personal experiences and<br />

other larger events, including tragedies.<br />

VEnUS is still “under the beams” of<br />

the Sun, unseen until May. Her brilliant<br />

presence is missed in the sky, but her<br />

quality of compassion in Pisces is felt.<br />

Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces,<br />

where its best qualities of universal love<br />

come forth, but this position has a down<br />

side. A tendency to demur and doubt<br />

from a hesitant lack of self-esteem can<br />

undermine one’s strength in a Cinderella<br />

sort of way. There is an undercurrent of,<br />

“If others are having a hard time, I don’t<br />

by Kelley Hunter<br />

deserve to be happy.” We contribute and<br />

support as we can, while remembering<br />

that joy is a great contribution to the<br />

collective field. Empathic identification<br />

may be an emotional drain or, on a<br />

more energizing level, be full of grace,<br />

uplifting spiritual devotion and aesthetic<br />

appreciation of the beauties of life and<br />

arts.<br />

The Chiron connection to Venus was<br />

exact on March 5, sending a wave of<br />

female shamanic power that reverberates<br />

with emotional healing into the currents<br />

of the new Moon. Here is another<br />

lovely, relevant musical selection,<br />

called “lamento as Aguas,” a Brazilian<br />

“lament Ye Waters” (I think that is<br />

correct translation) that conveys a<br />

universal sorrow that this combination<br />

can evoke. Music, dance and the arts<br />

unite us beyond the limitations of<br />

language.<br />

http://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=O0bV64bb8Vk<br />

With all these Pisces planets, keep in<br />

mind that we are easily picking up on<br />

energy all around us. It may not be “our<br />

stuff” to take on. let the energy keep<br />

flowing, and keep moving to avoid any<br />

cluttered emotional eddies. let’s call on<br />

Virgo energy to balance out the Pisces<br />

emphasis. listen to your body, support<br />

your health in this sensitized energy<br />

field, stay grounded with exercise,<br />

yoga—do whatever it takes to support<br />

the strength and wellbeing of your body,<br />

so very essential during the current Earth<br />

changes.<br />

MARS is at the outside edge of Pisces on<br />

the new Moon, but immediately<br />

heads into ARIES on March 12.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 21

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