� e Monthly Aspectarian

� e Monthly Aspectarian � e Monthly Aspectarian

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Columnist’s Note: Due to space considerations, my Cyberweave column did not appear in the February issue of The Monthly Aspectarian. That column, which was written in January, focused on the consternation that has cropped up among those who were so sure that December 21st, the end of the Mayan Calendar, would bring with it sudden and dramatic world changes. Please read that original column, then the update at the end, in which I revisit these folks as I write this in February. My December CyberWeave column asked the question, “What if?” As we were closing in on the end of the Mayan calendar, I explored the question of whether that date would possibly be the turning point for planet Earth, a signifi cant date that births a time of great transformation leading to enlightenment. That December exploration included some of the foremost proponents of the idea that December 21st would be a giant turning point for the Earth and all of the beings upon it—a veritable portal to Ascension. The list included Messages from Matthew (www.matthewbooks.com), galactic Channeling (http://galacticchannelings. com) and The 2012 Scenario (http:// the2012scenario.com). In this column I will revisit these websites in order to take the pulse of the Ascension community. In addition, I will check in with José luis Stephens, Ph.D. (www.thepowerpath.com), who gave a lecture entitled “Re-envisioning the Future of Our Planet: Mayan, Hope and Contemporary Forecasts for 2013-2071,” during the December meeting of Chicago suburban-IOnS. 16 Th e Monthly Aspectarian - March 2013 CyberWeave: Spirituality and the Internet By Mary Montgomery Have We Ascended Yet? An excellent overview of that lecture appeared in the “All About Town” section of The Monthly Aspectarian in January. It turned out that Stephen s’ view of a very positive, but much slower, transformation may be a helpful prescription that allows us to continue our belief that ascendant transformation is possible. If you’re like me, you probably did something special on December 21st. You may have meditated; you may have joined together with friends. For me, December 21st is also my birthday, so I threw a big Mary’s Birthday Party/ End of the Mayan Calendar party that featured a combination of joyful celebration and serious ceremony, prayer and meditation. It was a fabulous and mutually uplifting occasion. But, I have to admit that I woke up the next morning to a world that seemed pretty much the same as before. Things didn’t seem suddenly ascendant to me! In fact, a few days later, my own ego raised its ugly head and plunged me into some very unnecessary dark nights of the soul. Because of my quiver of excellent spiritual tools and mentors, I was able to get a handle on that situation. But, what about the folks who so ardently espoused big time Ascension on December 21st? How were they fairing? Did they experience something I didn’t, etc.? let’s take a look: Messages from Matthew (www. matthewbooks.com): There has only been one Matthew message since December 21st. That message on December 29th acknowledged that there was a whole spectrum of reactions on the big date, all the way from heightened spiritual attunement to a sense of peacefulness and well being to disheartenment for those who expected to see momentous changes to absolutely nothing (what most people expected and felt). nonetheless, according to Matthew, something big did happen. The message states: Our beloved Earth family, something absolutely out of the ordinary did happen! Everyone in your world would rejoice with us if they knew that the powerful energy that was anchored on Earth during the solstice illuminated many millions of souls … You cannot see this from our perspective, of course, but you will be seeing the effects of that massive infusion of love-light energy ... This Matthew’s Message also stated: Earth is passing through the celestial window where the last few wisps of third density are so feeble that they’re barely perceptible alongside the brighter, stronger fi rst wisps of fourth density, where darkness cannot enter. While all light beings are jubilant about this glorious accomplishment, which is unprecedented in universal history, it doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will be transformed into a paradise. I love this message, so fi lled with hope, but … To be fair, although the Matthew Messages have an ardent following among those who looked for spectacular changes on December 21st, the actual messages themselves indicate a more gradual change. For example, the December 10th message stated: December 12th and 21st have long been considered as pivotal dates for the planet. To be sure, major energy surges due to planetary alignment are important thrusts forward, but Earth has been on an ascension course through

successively higher vibratory levels and surges for over 70 years … That is why we do not see a momentous event occurring on the 21st that will be equally profound for all worldwide. Each individual is a unique being and will experience a uniquely personal response to that day … Galactic Channeling (http:// galacticchannelings.com): The home page of the galactic Channeling site had a Count Down to Ascension box. As I wrote my December column, the counter said: 36 Days; 00 Hours; 24 Minutes; 30 Seconds. The counter is gone now, but not the idea that somehow we still are on that Ascension course. In addition to Matthew Ward (Matthew Messages), the channelers featured on this site include Mike Quinsey, Blossom goodchild, Sheldon nidle and Kris-Wan. Prior to December 21st, the channelings seemed so sure that a major transition was imminent. Mike Quinsey’s november 14th SaluSA message talked about the idea that some of our learning would take place aboard galactic space ships and stated: We know how patient you have been as the saga of defeating the dark Ones has dragged on. We are satisfi ed that they have little power left and we are in the throes of curtailing it now. After December 21st, the channeling is still stressing a shift and Ascension, but there is a toned down feeling to the messages. For example, Quinsey’s December 28thth SaluSA message begins: It does not matter how many predictions are made because as given they are all possibilities, dependent on the extent of your creative powers as to whether they materialize. So we are telling you that what you experienced was what you created, but for those of you expecting more evidence of Ascension it was disappointing. We understand your feelings, but the process of the awakening Ascension energies has not stopped and will proceed even more quickly than previously. The upliftment of energies in your Solar System, took place through the alignment of your Sun and the great Central Sun of the galaxy, and as many souls experienced some evidence of it, as did not. The other channelers on the site seem to have followed a similar pattern. The 2012 Scenario (http:// the2012scenario.com): In the days after December 21st, this website retained its the 2012 Scenario name and URl. In early January, however, the name was changed to golden Age of gaia (http://goldenageofgaia.com). Seeing that, you might think that these folks all experienced Ascension big time on December 21st. not so. While great hope is being kept alive, there sure have been a lot of rollercoaster emotions among the contributors including those of the sites’ creator, Steve Beckow. Prior to December 21st, Beckow was certain of big and immediate changes that would take place on or even before that date. His “2012 for Beginners” section, for example, said: Welcome to a new and unimaginable The Healing Triad is a center dedicated to teaching and sharing the practices of Yoga, Meditation, Therapeutic Massage and Reiki. Located in Bloomingdale, Illinois, a western suburb of Chicago. 630.207.9409 106 South Third Street, Bloomingdale Il. 60108 email ~ thehealingtriad@gmail.com web ~ www.thehealingtriad.com Th e Monthly Aspectarian - www.MonthlyAspectarian.com 17

successively higher vibratory levels<br />

and surges for over 70 years … That<br />

is why we do not see a momentous<br />

event occurring on the 21st that will<br />

be equally profound for all worldwide.<br />

Each individual is a unique being and<br />

will experience a uniquely personal<br />

response to that day …<br />

Galactic Channeling (http://<br />

galacticchannelings.com): The home<br />

page of the galactic Channeling site<br />

had a Count Down to Ascension box.<br />

As I wrote my December column,<br />

the counter said: 36 Days; 00 Hours;<br />

24 Minutes; 30 Seconds. The counter<br />

is gone now, but not the idea that<br />

somehow we still are on that<br />

Ascension course. In addition<br />

to Matthew Ward (Matthew<br />

Messages), the channelers<br />

featured on this site include<br />

Mike Quinsey, Blossom<br />

goodchild, Sheldon nidle and<br />

Kris-Wan.<br />

Prior to December 21st,<br />

the channelings seemed so<br />

sure that a major transition<br />

was imminent. Mike<br />

Quinsey’s november 14th<br />

SaluSA message talked<br />

about the idea that some of<br />

our learning would take place<br />

aboard galactic space ships<br />

and stated: We know how<br />

patient you have been as the<br />

saga of defeating the dark<br />

Ones has dragged on. We are<br />

satisfi ed that they have little<br />

power left and we are in the<br />

throes of curtailing it now.<br />

After December 21st, the<br />

channeling is still stressing a<br />

shift and Ascension, but there<br />

is a toned down feeling to<br />

the messages. For example,<br />

Quinsey’s December 28thth<br />

SaluSA message begins:<br />

It does not matter how<br />

many predictions are made<br />

because as given they are all<br />

possibilities, dependent on<br />

the extent of your creative<br />

powers as to whether they<br />

materialize. So we are<br />

telling you that what you<br />

experienced was what you<br />

created, but for those of you<br />

expecting more evidence of Ascension<br />

it was disappointing. We understand<br />

your feelings, but the process of the<br />

awakening Ascension energies has not<br />

stopped and will proceed even more<br />

quickly than previously. The upliftment<br />

of energies in your Solar System, took<br />

place through the alignment of your Sun<br />

and the great Central Sun of the galaxy,<br />

and as many souls experienced some<br />

evidence of it, as did not.<br />

The other channelers on the site<br />

seem to have followed a similar pattern.<br />

The 2012 Scenario (http://<br />

the2012scenario.com): In the days after<br />

December 21st, this website retained<br />

its the 2012 Scenario name and URl.<br />

In early January, however, the name<br />

was changed to golden Age of gaia<br />

(http://goldenageofgaia.com). Seeing<br />

that, you might think that these folks<br />

all experienced Ascension big time on<br />

December 21st. not so. While great<br />

hope is being kept alive, there sure have<br />

been a lot of rollercoaster emotions<br />

among the contributors including those<br />

of the sites’ creator, Steve Beckow.<br />

Prior to December 21st, Beckow was<br />

certain of big and immediate changes<br />

that would take place on or even before<br />

that date. His “2012 for Beginners”<br />

section, for example, said:<br />

Welcome to a new and unimaginable<br />

The Healing Triad is a center dedicated to teaching and<br />

sharing the practices of<br />

Yoga, Meditation, Therapeutic Massage and Reiki. Located<br />

in Bloomingdale, Illinois,<br />

a western suburb of Chicago.<br />

630.207.9409<br />

106 South Third Street, Bloomingdale Il. 60108<br />

email ~ thehealingtriad@gmail.com<br />

web ~ www.thehealingtriad.com<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 17

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