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e Monthly Aspectarian America’s Oldest Spiritual and Metaphysical Magazine Interview with... Monthly By Kelley Hunter By Walter Perschke DEDICATED TO ELEVATING CONSCIOUSNESS MARCH 2013 Volume 34, No. 7 FREE

e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

America’s Oldest Spiritual and Metaphysical Magazine<br />

Interview with...<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong><br />

By Kelley Hunter<br />

By Walter Perschke<br />


MARCH 2013<br />

Volume 34, No. 7<br />


Body Mind Spirit EXPO Lectures<br />

Lecture Schedule Secrets Of Ancient Wisdom<br />

Walter Perschke<br />

Publisher of<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

and founder of the<br />

Spiritual Learning Center<br />

Northlake<br />

Saturday, March 2, 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM, Room: 3<br />

The mystery religions off er us a legacy of ancient rituals that can<br />

benefi t us today, if we only know what they are and how to use<br />

them. Bring the power of ancient mysti cal knowledge into your<br />

life today. Find out what you are missing in this fi rst ti me public<br />

presentati on by the Emmy nominated publisher of the <strong>Monthly</strong><br />

<strong>Aspectarian</strong> and founder of The Spiritual Learning Center,<br />

Walter Perschke.<br />

Secrets Of Success<br />

Northlake<br />

Sunday, March 3, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM, Room:4<br />

Self-made millionaires do think diff erently. Successful<br />

people really are diff erent from others. Learn the secrets to move<br />

yourself into a prosperity mindset and how to consciously manifest<br />

your dreams in your daily life, whether that be relati onships, career<br />

or money. This presentati on will demonstrate those secrets and<br />

Natural HealtH<br />

help you to achieve the success that is rightf ully yours.<br />

Learn four easy acti ons you can take to achieve your goals,<br />

from someone<br />

INtuItIVes<br />

who has done it, and how to start today. Presented<br />

by the Emmy nominated publisher of the <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> and<br />

founder of The Spiritual Learning Center, Walter Perschke.<br />

PersoNal GrowtH<br />

Metaphysical Dream<br />

Interpretation Workshop<br />

Northlake<br />

CHICaGo<br />

Sunday, March 3, 3:00 PM-4:00, PM Room:1<br />

marCH 2-3<br />

Milwaukee<br />

mIDwest CoNFereNCe CeNter<br />

Saturday, 12:00 pm, Room: 1<br />

401 w laKe st, NortHlaKe, Il Dreams are messages from your soul. Our dreams speak to us,<br />

Saturday 10-7, Sunday 11-6 fi nd out how to listen. Why do we dream and how can we best<br />

KeYNote (2 Free sessions) remember our dreams? What happens if we don’t dream? What is<br />

GaIl FREE tHaCKraY PARKING the secret language of your dreams? What are the archetypes that<br />

Also sPIrItual in Milwaukee our dreams present FeaturING<br />

to us and what do they mean?<br />

March 9-10, JourNeYs Ramada Plaza<br />

An introducti 110HolIstIC on to metaphysical eXHIBItors dream interpretati on,<br />

complete with real life case histories.<br />

Milwaukee Airport 70Free semINars<br />

BarBara 6331 eVaNs<br />

Att end this compelling presentati on for answers to these<br />

S 13th St<br />

Free ParKING<br />

tHe art oF raIsING Sat. 10-6 FrequeNCY and other dream questi ons. Presented by the Emmy nominated<br />

susaN wIseHart Sun.11-5 publisher of the <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> and founder of The Spiritual<br />

Past & BetweeN lIFe JourNeYs Learning Center, Walter Perschke. Dreamers welcome.<br />

Karl mollIsoN<br />

weeKeND eNtrY<br />

soul wHIsPerers<br />

JeaN tINDle<br />

tHe CrYstallINe Heart<br />

steVeN rosleY<br />

CrYstal HealING<br />

For more information Just call: $12847-966-1110

CHICaGo<br />

marCH 2-3<br />

mIDwest CoNFereNCe CeNter<br />

401 w laKe st, NortHlaKe, Il<br />

GaIl tHaCKraY<br />

KeYNote (2 Free sessions)<br />

sPIrItual<br />

JourNeYs<br />

our sPoNsors<br />

BarBara eVaNs<br />

tHe art oF raIsING FrequeNCY<br />

susaN wIseHart<br />

Past & BetweeN lIFe JourNeYs<br />

Karl mollIsoN<br />

soul wHIsPerers<br />

JeaN tINDle<br />

tHe CrYstallINe Heart<br />

steVeN rosleY<br />

CrYstal HealING<br />

Also in Milwaukee, WI • March 9-10<br />

Ramada Plaza Milwaukee Airport<br />

The<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

dedicated to awakening consciousness<br />

Natural HealtH<br />

PersoNal GrowtH<br />

INtuItIVes<br />

110<br />

Emergen-C<br />

FeaturING<br />

HolIstIC eXHIBItors<br />

70Free semINars<br />

Free ParKING<br />

weeKeND eNtrY<br />

Just $12<br />

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Letter from the Publisher<br />

Mark your calendar for Saturday May 11, to join The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> family in attending our fi rst ever<br />

spiritual conference at the Double Tree Hotel in Oakbrook. It is an opportunity to meet many of our columnists,<br />

staff and writers in an atmosphere of community and sharing. See this months back cover and future issues for<br />

more detailed information about the event.<br />

Change is in the air, and everywhere else for that matter. Manifesting your dreams and wish list is now easier<br />

than at anytime in recorded history. The world didn’t end on December 21, but a new one did begin on December<br />

22 nd and the question many have now is “How do I participate in the extraordinary fl ow of energy that our world<br />

is now experiencing.” The other question that is being asked is, “I want to be on my spiritual path, but how do I<br />

fi nd it?” Those may be versions of the same question, and a good question. The spiritual path for all of us is to<br />

go within, but that may be easier said than done for some. Start a spiritual practice if you do not already have<br />

one. Meditation is a good starting place. In my weekly meditation group the energy has defi nitely shifted in the<br />

last two months, and shifted in a very positive direction. We are now focusing more on manifestation than ever<br />

before with good results, while incorporating releasing and letting go of baggage, and this life and maintaining<br />

the staple practice of grounding in every group meeting. The energy now is very favorable to manifesting, which<br />

means creating what you are capable of.<br />

Today we are all Gemini’s because we have a foot in two worlds, our past and our future. There has been a shift<br />

in spiritual conscious that is noticeable to those with the ability to feel it. Understand that shifting the world’s<br />

consciousness is not like voting in a democracy, a majority is not required. Quite the contrary, a tiny percentage<br />

of the population with the right energy and belief system can get the job done, and it can be done area by area,<br />

country by country. That is because positive energy is so much more powerful than what we label as negative<br />

energy.<br />

There are groups forming now to facilitate the desired changes in our country and our world. While individual<br />

practice is essential for everyone, the group magnifi es the individual energy well beyond simply a multiple of<br />

the members of the group. When you participate in a group meditation or healing you should be able to sense the<br />

difference.<br />

Please consider reading my article on “Vision of the Future” for a forecast of what lies ahead, sometime in the<br />

very near future. And then focus on what is most important to you personally.<br />

Until next time.<br />

by Walter Perschke<br />

Today we are all Geminis. We have a foot in two worlds,<br />

our past and our future

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

8<br />

13<br />

21<br />

21<br />

6 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

An Interview with…<br />


What we are is God’s gift to us; what we become is our gift to<br />

God.<br />

Features<br />

24 PlUg InTO COnSCIOUSnESS WITH YOgA by Margo Gebraski<br />

Your “veiled” state is your “battery” state. When you<br />

experience your true Self, you no longer will be satisfied to run<br />

on batteries.<br />

26 VISIOn OF THE FUTURE – Part 2 by Walter Perschke<br />

The faster the fear consciousness that exists is dissipated, the faster<br />

we can move forward in the spiritual expansion of humanity.<br />

Columns<br />

5 lETTER FROM THE PUBlISHER by Walter Perschke<br />

13 SOUnD MATTERS by Steven Halpern<br />

Neuroscience, Quantum Physics, and Sound Healing<br />

21 MOnTHlY COSMIC nEWS by Kelley Hunter<br />

This Year March comes in like a Fish, goes out like a Ram.<br />

23 FROM THE HEART by Alan Cohen<br />

A Critical Gift<br />

37 I’VE gOT YOUR nUMBER by Angel Carlton<br />

Spring into Your Human Blueprint<br />

47 THE SHARED HEART: new Dimensions of Relationship<br />

by Joyce and Barry Vissell<br />

Men’s Difficulty Understanding Women<br />

49 EVERYDAY MATTERS by Jeanne Spiro<br />

Country of Smart<br />

Reviews<br />

16 CYBERWEAVE: Spirituality and the Internet by Mary Montgomery<br />

Have We Ascended Yet?

33 All ABOUT TOWn ... in the Western Suburbs<br />

by Theresa Puskar<br />

Finding Our Way Home. Ruth Landis – The Ethical Humanist Society<br />

41 SCIEnCE FICTIOn & The Art of Storytelling<br />

by Jacqueline Lichtenberg<br />

What is Life? Part 5: Let’s Dance!<br />

43 In PRInT by Jeanne Spiro<br />

Feeding the Hungry Ghost by Ellen Kanner; The Healing Power of<br />

the Sacred Woman by Christine R. Page, M.D.; Mothering from<br />

Your Center by Tami Lynn Kent; E-Squared by Pam Grout; Talking<br />

Back to Dr. Phil by David Bedrick; The Art of True Healing by Israel<br />

Regardie; more ...<br />

Connections<br />

30 THE PUlSE CAlEnDAR<br />

March Events, Happenings, and Announcements of Interest<br />


Resources for Better Living<br />

Cover Image:<br />

Crocus Spring Flowers<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

February 2013<br />

Volume 34, No.5<br />

Publisher<br />


Editor<br />


Contributing Editor<br />


Circulation Manager<br />


Advertising’s Representatives<br />





Art Department<br />


Web Designer<br />


Online<br />


Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

is published 12 times yearly by<br />


47 W. Polk St., Suite 153<br />

Chicago, IL 60605<br />

Tel: 847-966-1110<br />

E-mail: themonthlyaspectarian@gmail.com<br />

Follow Us On:<br />

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http://twitter.com/Th e<strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

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Th e<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

© 2013 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong>, LLC.<br />

Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in<br />

part without written permission of the publisher.<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> does not<br />

necessarily agree with opinions of the writers<br />

nor is it liable for advertiser claims or<br />

representations. We believe in the reader’s<br />

judgment regarding the quality of any information.<br />

All ads should be received by the<br />

15th of the month preceding publication.<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 7

Interview with...<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz<br />

Walter Perschke: Rosemary,<br />

how did you get involved with the<br />

Enneagram and when?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: One good thing<br />

led to another, I see now as I look<br />

back. Motherhood was so amazing<br />

to me, and raising a family. I was<br />

looking for something for my own<br />

development …. My husband and<br />

I were facilitators for Discovery, a<br />

program patterned after Marriage<br />

Encounter for the engaged, which<br />

I loved. Then I enrolled in a two<br />

year program for facilitating small<br />

groups with Christian laity. Some<br />

people were into the Enneagram in<br />

that program. At the end of those two<br />

years, loyola University offered us<br />

a few credits toward our Masters in<br />

Pastoral Studies. My work was in<br />

corporate recruiting and I remember<br />

thinking, at the time I was very<br />

pregnant with our youngest, “well,<br />

that is really nice, but I’m not going<br />

to be doing that.” (“life is what<br />

happens when you’re making other<br />

plans,” John lennon.)<br />

Our daughter was born, and two<br />

and a half years later, my mom died.<br />

My mom was a strong spiritual<br />

infl uence in my life, and I began<br />

thinking about the offer from loyola<br />

(with a fi ve year window) that would<br />

close a few years after she died. I<br />

decided I wanted to do the Masters<br />

program, and the fi rst course I<br />

wanted to take was the Enneagram.<br />

going back to school would<br />

8 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

by Walter Perschke<br />

coincide with my youngest starting<br />

kindergarten, and I was excited at the<br />

idea of changing careers from HR/<br />

corporate recruiting to the holistic<br />

fi eld. There is also a deeper reason<br />

the Enneagram appealed so much to<br />

me.<br />

I often share with clients and<br />

students that I believe it had “neon”<br />

around it for me—that is, appealed<br />

to me, because I had worked very<br />

hard on my own individuation and<br />

somehow was being called to assist<br />

others in theirs. I had a clinical<br />

depression my fi rst year in college,<br />

and while it was a very dark night<br />

of the soul, it was perhaps the most<br />

fruitful experience of my life. I think<br />

my folks and entire family learned<br />

through it, too. Because of that<br />

experience, I was very interested in<br />

good emotional and mental health.<br />

good emotional and mental health<br />

go hand in hand with spiritual<br />

connection, which is summarized in<br />

the statement from St. Augustine: my<br />

heart is restless until it rests in thee.<br />

Walter Perschke: What is the origin<br />

of the Enneagram?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: The origin is<br />

in question. Some say it began 2500<br />

years ago and others say it may have<br />

roots in the sacred geometry of the<br />

Pythagoreans approximately 4000<br />

years ago. The Enneagram symbol,<br />

which is a nine-pointed star-like<br />

fi gure within a circle, depicting the<br />

nine types (ennea means nine in<br />

greek, and gram means point), has<br />

been found in some variation within<br />

the 3 major religions, Judaism, Islam<br />

and Christianity. These variations<br />

can be found within an Islamic Sufi<br />

order, the Brotherhood of the Bees<br />

(because they collected and stored<br />

knowledge), and it’s been likened<br />

to the tree of nine-foldedness in<br />

Judaism, in Kaballah, and in the work<br />

of Christian mystics like Ramon lull,<br />

who was infl uenced by his Islamic<br />

studies. It fi ltered down to Loyola<br />

University and to the mainstream.<br />

I see it as a bridge to these three<br />

main faith traditions, and spiritually<br />

speaking, the Enneagram is 9<br />

manifestations of the Divine.<br />

god is 1. good reformer, 2.<br />

loving giver, 3. effective achiever,<br />

4. original individualist, 5. wise<br />

observer, 6. loyal faithful, 7. joyful<br />

adventurer, 8. powerful protector,<br />

and 9. peaceful mediator. We have all<br />

those aspects within us, too, but have<br />

our “home” in one, that is, one type<br />

is dominant within us. This has to do<br />

with our essence, I believe.<br />

Psychologically we view the<br />

Enneagram as 9 ways of being, so<br />

among the non-spiritual, it is wellreceived<br />

also for their personal<br />

development and well-being.<br />

It is mainstream. I have taught<br />

it and led workshops in corporate<br />

environments, as well holistic and<br />

continuing education centers, not just<br />

in the spiritual community. Atheists

and agnostics look at it from the<br />

standpoint of 9 ways of being, not a<br />

spiritual point of view.<br />

It is an ancient and time-honored<br />

personal and spiritual growth tool<br />

that develops self awareness and<br />

compassion. It is very rich and<br />

profound for many who study it<br />

alone or with a guide. It helps greatly<br />

with understanding ourselves and<br />

others on their path through life.<br />

There is a saying on a needlepoint<br />

sampler that I did during the clinical<br />

depression I experienced. It kind of<br />

describes the process of the practice<br />

of the Enneagram; it is:<br />

What we are is God’s gift to us;<br />

what we become is our gift to God.<br />

You can substitute the word love or<br />

Spirit or Divine for god, and it will<br />

work.<br />

Different authors use different<br />

synonym descriptors for the nine<br />

types. I like to use two word<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz<br />

descriptors because I think it helps to<br />

“fl esh them out” a bit more.<br />

The nine Universal—because<br />

they are found all over the world—<br />

Types are:<br />

1. good reformer<br />

2. loving giver<br />

3. effective achiever<br />

4. original individualist<br />

5. wise observer<br />

6. loyal faithful<br />

7. joyful adventurer<br />

8. powerful protector<br />

9. peaceful mediator<br />

Walter Perschke: How does it<br />

work?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: With the<br />

enneagram you can learn your own<br />

wellness map; it shows you what<br />

you feel like when you are really<br />

experiencing your own well being,<br />

and how you can come from this<br />


1. About the 9 universal types and your core personality type - (which of<br />

the 9 universal types you have your "home in."- see the Enneagram<br />

symbol here.)<br />

2. Your wing-style and how this contributes to your unique personality.<br />

3. Your emotional passion or driving energy is and how it works to make<br />

the most of it.<br />

4. Your area of avoidance, under your "shadow" how to recognize it and<br />

work it through.<br />

5. Your preferred instinctual center, (heart, head or gut) and how to align<br />

them when problem solving.<br />

6. Your "wellness map." This is a profound piece of the consult because it<br />

will show you very specifi cally (and resonate within you) where you 'go'<br />

in states of security or stress. This new awareness can help you to live<br />

from your gifts, and choose to come from security not stress, more<br />

often, living with more joy, creativity.and inner-direction.<br />

place, live from this place more<br />

often. It is a powerful tool for self<br />

mastery, loving healthy relationships,<br />

and good emotional health. Of<br />

course, there is a spectrum of health<br />

that runs from a maladaptive,<br />

disconnected Charles Manson to very<br />

adaptive, connected Mother Theresa.<br />

And most of us fall in the middle.<br />

I like to believe people who are<br />

attracted to this work are veering to<br />

the high end of the middle. I have<br />

given thousands of Enneagram<br />

profi les and consults and I see that<br />

this is often the case.<br />

Walter Perschke: What do people<br />

like about the Enneagram and gain<br />

from it?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: The public is<br />

receptive because many of us want<br />

to take better care of our health. You<br />

know if you do not resolve the little<br />

Invest in your well-being<br />

with an Enneagram<br />

reading/consult with me<br />

www.spiritdrivenliving.com<br />

www.facebook.com/spiritdrivenliving<br />

rosepetalmusic@aol.com<br />

In a 75 minute consult you will learn 6 very important things which will<br />

encourage your emotional wellness and can positively impact your relationships<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 9

things, they might turn into bigger<br />

things, like a bad back, etc.<br />

The Enneagram shows us<br />

our points of integration and<br />

disintegration. I use simpler<br />

language—it has within it what I call<br />

a wellness map; it shows you where<br />

you “go” for safety and security or<br />

in tension or stress. It shows you<br />

very specifi cally what this looks<br />

like for you when you are connected<br />

and disconnected, and shows you<br />

how to maintain the connection,<br />

at least more often. When you are<br />

disconnected you learn practical<br />

strategies for course correcting. I<br />

often tell my students we are going<br />

to learn, in the vernacular of the<br />

old Jerry Seinfeld shows, to tell<br />

ourselves, “Don’t go there.” like<br />

with an inner gPS, we can redirect<br />

ourselves back to the safe and<br />

secure places which bring out our<br />

resourcefulness. This awareness<br />

is not general at all—it is very<br />

specifi c. It shows me my essence, my<br />

authentic self—who I am called to<br />

be, really—and keeps me in charge<br />

of my life and my emotional patterns<br />

and behaviors.<br />

Two very big areas you learn<br />

to work with (in yourself) with<br />

the Enneagram are your area of<br />

avoidance, falling under what Carl<br />

Jung called the “shadow,” and your<br />

emotional passion or driving energy.<br />

It helps to work through areas of<br />

avoidance such as confl ict, or anger<br />

or your own needs or intimacy or<br />

control. I have a little saying, “name<br />

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10 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

it. Claim it, to Tame it.”<br />

With emotional passions, or<br />

driving energies, it isn’t that they are<br />

right or wrong, they just are, and it is<br />

what we do with them that impacts<br />

ourselves and others. We need to<br />

lead them, not the other way around.<br />

If leaders of countries would do this<br />

work, the impact and results could be<br />

staggering.<br />

Walter Perschke: How much of<br />

what we are looking at is hereditary<br />

and how much life experiences?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: It is a<br />

combination and I don’t know<br />

exactly; not sure anyone does, but<br />

as a mother and an 11 year student<br />

and teacher of the Enneagram, I<br />

know there are different aspects<br />

contributing to it. We come into the<br />

world with something going on;<br />

that I am convinced of, call it prebirth<br />

in the womb and maybe even<br />

before, for all we know. Taking our<br />

temperament and adding to it our<br />

reactions to caregivers and other life<br />

experience factors, we become the<br />

unique personality we are by about 4<br />

years of age, maybe 5.<br />

Walter Perschke: How would you<br />

describe our culture? Which number<br />

are we in America as a country?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: America is<br />

the Effective Achiever type, a 3. We<br />

are good leaders, when we manage<br />

our emotional passion of self deceit.<br />

We lose that leadership ability, in<br />

the purest sense, when we reframe<br />

ourselves as “successful no matter<br />

what types.”<br />

When the U.S. says “only I can<br />

do this,” we get viewed as ugly<br />

Americans, and the rest of the world<br />

says, can I take a turn and contribute,<br />

too?<br />

At the high end, 3 is a team player<br />

and builder, and that end trumps any<br />

fear of failing.<br />

Each type brings a different light<br />

to the table; these nine universal<br />

types are kind of like a diamond with<br />

a different light that comes through<br />

nine sections of the diamond.<br />

At the high end, 3 knows how all<br />

the parts fi t and is committed to truth<br />

and knows about the natural order of<br />

things. 5 sees the big picture, and can<br />

detach healthfully with no judgment,<br />

6 has a strong inner knowing and<br />

faithfulness that with god before<br />

them, who can be against them? 7<br />

sees essence and light, 8 innocence.<br />

4 is like the woman or Man of la<br />

Mancha, and teaches us to have a<br />

dream , 9 brings in brilliance with<br />

nuance and harmony. The gifts are<br />

amazing.<br />

Walter Perschke: How do you<br />

prevent the subject from picking the<br />

wrong type?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: In an<br />

introductory workshop, I do a<br />

discernment process with them<br />

that is quite effective, but with a<br />

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longer workshop, I always give a<br />

comprehensive profile, in which they<br />

learn 6 things: core type, wing style,<br />

emotional passion, area of avoidance,<br />

preferred instinctual center, and<br />

(what I call) the wellness map.<br />

learning all of this is a start.<br />

Deepening your awareness and<br />

compassion for others is a process<br />

and a practice. Dr. David Daniels<br />

uses 4 “A”s as an Enneagram<br />

practice. Awareness, Acceptance<br />

(of this awareness,) Action (taking<br />

action, that is making choices that<br />

support my emotional health which<br />

I learn in my wellness map), and<br />

Adherence (or, practice of those<br />

actions that will manifest in deep<br />

growth). Again, what I am is god’s<br />

gift to me; what I become is my gift<br />

to god.<br />

Becoming is not just wishing; it is<br />

co-creating; there is much grace here<br />

in this work when you do your part.<br />

Walter Perschke: Tell us where<br />

you teach and give workshops in the<br />

Chicago area.<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: I am on the<br />

faculty at Common ground in<br />

Deerfield and have a Friday morning<br />

Enneagram group, and teach for The<br />

Present Moment and Harper College,<br />

and other area holistic centers, such<br />

as Be Optimal Holistic Health Care.<br />

I have some online classes as well. In<br />

my workshops or in private sessions,<br />

I also offer an Enneagram pendant,<br />

which I have created for each of<br />

the nine types, with their essence<br />

qualities on the back, close to their<br />

heart, for a symbol of what they have<br />

learned.<br />

Walter Perschke: Are you writing a<br />

book on your work?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: Yes, I will be<br />

turning in my Enneagram themed<br />

manuscript to a publishing company<br />

this spring, who published another<br />

inspirational (compilation) book that<br />

I have a chapter in, which is due out<br />

this June (2013). The title of that<br />

book is No Mistakes; How You Can<br />

Change Adversity into Abundance.<br />

My chapter is “The Call,” and<br />

actually it is a story of my experience<br />

with clinical depression and the<br />

positive outcome as a young adult.<br />

Walter Perschke: What is the most<br />

powerful thing about your work?<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz: I like<br />

metaphors so; here is one I like that<br />

may answer your question;<br />

getting to be an instrument<br />

for this profound “music” of the<br />

Enneagram, which expresses<br />

wholeness through each individual<br />

who is drawn to it, is powerful. It<br />

can be so helpful and healing in our<br />

relationships too, as the foundational<br />

one with the self is healed.<br />

Every time, I get to be around the<br />

process called the Enneagram, I am<br />

humbled and grateful.<br />

a<br />

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Sound Matters:<br />

Neuroscience, Quantum<br />

Physics, and Sound Healing<br />

by Steven Halpern<br />

“Deep Alpha by Steven Halpern – GRAMMY® Nominated Album “<br />

This month marks the 27th<br />

anniversary of my monthly<br />

newsletter. Over the years, I’ve<br />

covered a wide range of subjects,<br />

but always related them to my<br />

primary focus, harnessing the<br />

healing powers of music to<br />

enhance physical, emotional and<br />

spiritual well-being, and amplify<br />

our connection with Source.<br />

As a sound healer, my work<br />

is based on honoring our innate<br />

intelligence and our body’s natural<br />

ability to heal itself. Because this<br />

happens most effectively in a state<br />

of deep relaxation, most of my<br />

recordings have focused on that<br />

intention.<br />

However, it is also true that<br />

healing happens in a variety of<br />

ways. One of the keys is to pay<br />

attention to the subtle clues and<br />

cues and the way your body and<br />

spirit communicate the signs of<br />

and the presence of “the healing<br />

feeling.”<br />

Healing can also be enhanced<br />

through the release of endorphins,<br />

neurotransmitters/hormones we<br />

make in our own bodies when we<br />

experience pleasure. lately, I’ve<br />

been spotlighting the connection<br />

between certain music and what<br />

Jennifer lopez has made famous<br />

on American Idol as “the goosies.”<br />

learning the code can<br />

deepen your understanding, and<br />

appreciation of these magical<br />

moments whenever they occur.<br />

That’s why I may comment on<br />

an example in sports, such as the<br />

amazing pass and catch of Eli<br />

Manning and Mario Manningham<br />

of the new York giants football<br />

team.<br />

Some of you may remember<br />

The Psychic Side of Sports,<br />

the landmark book by Michael<br />

Murphy, co-founder of the Esalen<br />

Institute. Well, what I’ve been<br />

writing about over the years<br />

has been “The Psychic Side of<br />

Music.” If you’ve been in any<br />

of my keynote presentations<br />

or workshops, you know that I<br />

often share some personal stories<br />

that have not been as widely<br />

publicized.<br />

On the other hand, I have<br />

written extensively about some of<br />

my own experiences in the liner<br />

notes of Gifts of the Angels and of<br />

course, Chakra Suite. It seems that<br />

reading liner notes is not nearly<br />

as common now as it was when<br />

many of us read every word on the<br />

album jacket of vinyl lPs.<br />

I’ll be sharing some stories<br />

in upcoming newsletters I think<br />

you’ll resonate with.<br />

At the moment, I’ve been<br />

refl ecting on why I’m enjoying<br />

the recent American Idol<br />

performances, in which band<br />

members appear on stage with<br />

the vocalist. It’s a vicarious deja<br />

vu for me,<br />

especially<br />

when the<br />

horn section<br />

is up front.<br />

last<br />

week, I<br />

fl ashed on<br />

the time my<br />

band opened for and then backed<br />

pop star B.J. Thomas in 1969.<br />

It was an object lesson in magic<br />

moments, virtuosity and music’s<br />

power to heal a racially divided<br />

stage.<br />

In past installments, I’ve<br />

refl ected on breakthroughs and<br />

limitations of research, hot topics<br />

in the fi eld of sound healing, and<br />

many other issues. For instance,<br />

I was likely the fi rst person to<br />

publicly question the reality<br />

of the “Mozart Effect.” My<br />

newsletter was cited in hundreds<br />

of other websites, including<br />

Fundamentalist ones. (Strange<br />

bedfellows?)<br />

Although I got a bunch of fl ack<br />

for pointing out what I believed to<br />

be true, I was ultimately proven<br />

correct.<br />

You heard it here fi rst.<br />

In future installments, I’ll<br />

be refl ecting on the current<br />

fascination with neuroscience,<br />

which offers new insights into how<br />

our brain processes music, but<br />

which also contains a fundamental<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 13

Questions & Answers<br />

Walter Perschke<br />

Publisher of<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

magazine<br />

Founder of<br />

The Spiritual Learning Center<br />

Angel Carlton<br />

For a private numerology<br />

life personal coaching session,<br />

please contact: AngelTCarlton@<br />

gmail.com. A free comprehensive<br />

printed report with your initial<br />

session is provided for <strong>Monthly</strong><br />

<strong>Aspectarian</strong> readers.<br />

14 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Ask our writer a question and get the answer!<br />

Call or text 847-966-1110<br />

Barbara Schermer<br />

author of Astrology Alive and<br />

practicing astrologer in<br />

Chicago since 1974<br />

is an internationally recognized<br />

speaker and teacher.<br />

She passionately advocates a<br />

Soul-centered astrology and is<br />

known for her positive, pragmatic<br />

and affi rming approach.<br />

Theresa Puskar<br />

our All About Town contributor,<br />

resides in Westmont and is an<br />

inspirational audio book producer,<br />

writer and performer.<br />

Kelley Hunter<br />

Ph.D. is an internationally known<br />

astrologer and mythologist, author<br />

of Living Lilith: Four Dimensions<br />

of the Cosmic Feminine and Black<br />

Moon Lilith.

flaw.<br />

I am also the only source I<br />

know of that is offering a fair<br />

and balanced exploration of<br />

the competing “most healing<br />

frequency” debate. Is there a<br />

“true” vibratory frequency music<br />

should be tuned to? Is it 528 Hz,<br />

440 Hz, 432 Hz?<br />

Does anyone really know? Is<br />

there research, or shall I say, good<br />

research?<br />

let me give you a few<br />

examples.<br />

When it comes to research,<br />

I’ve been honored and privileged<br />

to work with and be mentored<br />

by some of the most brilliant and<br />

respected scientists in the world,<br />

including Itzhak Bentov, Dr.<br />

Andrijah Puharich, Dr. Marcel<br />

Vogel, Dr. Maxwell Cade, and<br />

Dr. Stanley Krippner. I have<br />

developed a highly sensitized<br />

BS radar, so when I hear several<br />

different individuals saying “their<br />

CD has the most healing music<br />

on the planet,” I naturally have to<br />

wonder: can they all be right?<br />

It seems more and more often<br />

I’m seeing folks asserting “facts”<br />

when they are really just their<br />

opinions. As a great author said,<br />

“You’re entitled to your own<br />

opinions. You are not entitled to<br />

your own facts.” ... Or to make up<br />

facts.<br />

When I first went public with<br />

my work in 1975, I wanted, and<br />

needed, to educate the media<br />

and the public about what sound<br />

healing entailed. It was important<br />

to me to establish a high level of<br />

integrity, so that the field couldn’t<br />

easily be dismissed. It almost<br />

seems as if some of what has<br />

gone on has been intentional misinformation<br />

and dis-information.<br />

We see a lot of this sort of spin<br />

and distortion in the presidential<br />

campaign. I suppose I was a bit<br />

naïve to think the field of sound<br />

healing would have more integrity.<br />

I share my insights and<br />

observations in my newsletters,<br />

and offer suggestions on how you<br />

can enhance your own sensitivities<br />

so you can determine what is best<br />

for you, rather than just taking<br />

someone else’s word for it.<br />

Examples of well-done<br />

research would be the studies<br />

headed by Dr. Barry Bittman for<br />

the REMO percussion company on<br />

the healing power of drumming.<br />

Brain Wave Synchronization<br />

(Photo-Stimulation) with the<br />

Shealy RelaxMate (1990) at<br />

normshealy.com is a classic in the<br />

field. There are many others in<br />

the audio sphere indexed by Dr.<br />

Eldon Taylor and available on his<br />

website, www.EldonTaylor.com<br />

The seminal book on brainwave<br />

biofeedback is by Dr. C. Maxwell<br />

Cade, The Awakened Mind:<br />

Biofeedback and the Development<br />

of Higher States of Awareness<br />

(1979). I had the opportunity to<br />

conduct a brief bit of research<br />

in his lab on my first visit to<br />

london in 1977. He was shocked<br />

to see how powerfully my music<br />

balanced and entrained the brain<br />

to the highest level of functioning,<br />

what he termed “The Fifth State.”<br />

I’ll share never before revealed<br />

details next month.<br />

On the other hand, some<br />

authors, researchers and recording<br />

artists make such outrageous<br />

claims that they are just begging to<br />

be exposed. This is especially true<br />

when I’m directly involved, and<br />

know the truth firsthand.<br />

Case in point was a book<br />

that was first published in 1984,<br />

The Secret Power of Music. The<br />

first historical chapter covering<br />

ancient music in China is accurate;<br />

I referenced most every one of<br />

his source materials in my own<br />

graduate dissertation. However,<br />

when he writes “In All of<br />

Halpern’s workshops, he states<br />

that ...”<br />

I know he’s just blowing<br />

smoke.<br />

First of all, only one person<br />

has been in all my workshops<br />

and lectures ... and that person<br />

is me! If he was even in two<br />

or three programs, I’d likely<br />

have recognized him as a repeat<br />

attendee, or a stalker.<br />

Secondly, he misquotes me, or<br />

simply makes up a quote from me<br />

that is exactly opposite to what I,<br />

in fact, have stated.<br />

And thirdly, he even spells my<br />

name wrong!<br />

With a track record like that,<br />

how can anyone trust anything else<br />

he says?<br />

As you’ll see, as ancient<br />

mystics and quantum physics tell<br />

us, it is no longer a stretch to say<br />

that “all life is vibration, all life<br />

is music.” I’ll continue to explore<br />

the many aspects of the world of<br />

sound and music.<br />

I invite you to join the<br />

discussion at Facebook.com/<br />

StevenHalpernFanpage, Twitter.<br />

com/StevenHalpern, or email<br />

me directly at askdrsound@<br />

innerpeacemusic.com.<br />

Yours for sound health and<br />

inner peace.<br />

Steven Halpern is a pioneering<br />

sound healer and master musician<br />

whose latest release, Deep Theta,<br />

transports you into the theta zone<br />

for deeper meditation, healing and<br />

inner peace.<br />

Experience the buzz at: www.<br />

stevenhalpern.com/deeptheta.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 15

Columnist’s Note: Due to space<br />

considerations, my Cyberweave column<br />

did not appear in the February issue<br />

of The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong>. That<br />

column, which was written in January,<br />

focused on the consternation that has<br />

cropped up among those who were so<br />

sure that December 21st, the end of the<br />

Mayan Calendar, would bring with it<br />

sudden and dramatic world changes.<br />

Please read that original column, then<br />

the update at the end, in which I revisit<br />

these folks as I write this in February.<br />

My December CyberWeave column<br />

asked the question, “What if?” As<br />

we were closing in on the end of the<br />

Mayan calendar, I explored the question<br />

of whether that date would possibly<br />

be the turning point for planet Earth,<br />

a signifi cant date that births a time<br />

of great transformation leading to<br />

enlightenment.<br />

That December exploration included<br />

some of the foremost proponents of<br />

the idea that December 21st would<br />

be a giant turning point for the Earth<br />

and all of the beings upon it—a<br />

veritable portal to Ascension. The list<br />

included Messages from Matthew<br />

(www.matthewbooks.com), galactic<br />

Channeling (http://galacticchannelings.<br />

com) and The 2012 Scenario (http://<br />

the2012scenario.com).<br />

In this column I will revisit these<br />

websites in order to take the pulse of<br />

the Ascension community. In addition,<br />

I will check in with José luis Stephens,<br />

Ph.D. (www.thepowerpath.com), who<br />

gave a lecture entitled “Re-envisioning<br />

the Future of Our Planet: Mayan,<br />

Hope and Contemporary Forecasts<br />

for 2013-2071,” during the December<br />

meeting of Chicago suburban-IOnS.<br />

16 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

CyberWeave:<br />

Spirituality and the Internet<br />

By Mary Montgomery<br />

Have We Ascended Yet?<br />

An excellent overview of that lecture<br />

appeared in the “All About Town”<br />

section of The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

in January. It turned out that Stephen<br />

s’ view of a very positive, but much<br />

slower, transformation may be a helpful<br />

prescription that allows us to continue<br />

our belief that ascendant transformation<br />

is possible.<br />

If you’re like me, you probably did<br />

something special on December 21st.<br />

You may have meditated; you may have<br />

joined together with friends. For me,<br />

December 21st is also my birthday, so<br />

I threw a big Mary’s Birthday Party/<br />

End of the Mayan Calendar party<br />

that featured a combination of joyful<br />

celebration and serious ceremony,<br />

prayer and meditation. It was a fabulous<br />

and mutually uplifting occasion. But,<br />

I have to admit that I woke up the next<br />

morning to a world that seemed pretty<br />

much the same as before. Things didn’t<br />

seem suddenly ascendant to me! In fact,<br />

a few days later, my own ego raised its<br />

ugly head and plunged me into some<br />

very unnecessary dark nights of the<br />

soul. Because of my quiver of excellent<br />

spiritual tools and mentors, I was able<br />

to get a handle on that situation. But,<br />

what about the folks who so ardently<br />

espoused big time Ascension on<br />

December 21st? How were they fairing?<br />

Did they experience something I didn’t,<br />

etc.? let’s take a look:<br />

Messages from Matthew (www.<br />

matthewbooks.com): There has only<br />

been one Matthew message since<br />

December 21st. That message on<br />

December 29th acknowledged that<br />

there was a whole spectrum of reactions<br />

on the big date, all the way from<br />

heightened spiritual attunement to a<br />

sense of peacefulness and well being to<br />

disheartenment for those who expected<br />

to see momentous changes to absolutely<br />

nothing (what most people expected<br />

and felt). nonetheless, according to<br />

Matthew, something big did happen.<br />

The message states: Our beloved Earth<br />

family, something absolutely out of<br />

the ordinary did happen! Everyone in<br />

your world would rejoice with us if<br />

they knew that the powerful energy<br />

that was anchored on Earth during the<br />

solstice illuminated many millions of<br />

souls … You cannot see this from our<br />

perspective, of course, but you will<br />

be seeing the effects of that massive<br />

infusion of love-light energy ...<br />

This Matthew’s Message also<br />

stated: Earth is passing through the<br />

celestial window where the last few<br />

wisps of third density are so feeble that<br />

they’re barely perceptible alongside the<br />

brighter, stronger fi rst wisps of fourth<br />

density, where darkness cannot enter.<br />

While all light beings are jubilant about<br />

this glorious accomplishment, which is<br />

unprecedented in universal history, it<br />

doesn’t mean that suddenly Earth will<br />

be transformed into a paradise.<br />

I love this message, so fi lled with<br />

hope, but …<br />

To be fair, although the Matthew<br />

Messages have an ardent following<br />

among those who looked for spectacular<br />

changes on December 21st, the actual<br />

messages themselves indicate a<br />

more gradual change. For example,<br />

the December 10th message stated:<br />

December 12th and 21st have long<br />

been considered as pivotal dates for<br />

the planet. To be sure, major energy<br />

surges due to planetary alignment are<br />

important thrusts forward, but Earth has<br />

been on an ascension course through

successively higher vibratory levels<br />

and surges for over 70 years … That<br />

is why we do not see a momentous<br />

event occurring on the 21st that will<br />

be equally profound for all worldwide.<br />

Each individual is a unique being and<br />

will experience a uniquely personal<br />

response to that day …<br />

Galactic Channeling (http://<br />

galacticchannelings.com): The home<br />

page of the galactic Channeling site<br />

had a Count Down to Ascension box.<br />

As I wrote my December column,<br />

the counter said: 36 Days; 00 Hours;<br />

24 Minutes; 30 Seconds. The counter<br />

is gone now, but not the idea that<br />

somehow we still are on that<br />

Ascension course. In addition<br />

to Matthew Ward (Matthew<br />

Messages), the channelers<br />

featured on this site include<br />

Mike Quinsey, Blossom<br />

goodchild, Sheldon nidle and<br />

Kris-Wan.<br />

Prior to December 21st,<br />

the channelings seemed so<br />

sure that a major transition<br />

was imminent. Mike<br />

Quinsey’s november 14th<br />

SaluSA message talked<br />

about the idea that some of<br />

our learning would take place<br />

aboard galactic space ships<br />

and stated: We know how<br />

patient you have been as the<br />

saga of defeating the dark<br />

Ones has dragged on. We are<br />

satisfi ed that they have little<br />

power left and we are in the<br />

throes of curtailing it now.<br />

After December 21st, the<br />

channeling is still stressing a<br />

shift and Ascension, but there<br />

is a toned down feeling to<br />

the messages. For example,<br />

Quinsey’s December 28thth<br />

SaluSA message begins:<br />

It does not matter how<br />

many predictions are made<br />

because as given they are all<br />

possibilities, dependent on<br />

the extent of your creative<br />

powers as to whether they<br />

materialize. So we are<br />

telling you that what you<br />

experienced was what you<br />

created, but for those of you<br />

expecting more evidence of Ascension<br />

it was disappointing. We understand<br />

your feelings, but the process of the<br />

awakening Ascension energies has not<br />

stopped and will proceed even more<br />

quickly than previously. The upliftment<br />

of energies in your Solar System, took<br />

place through the alignment of your Sun<br />

and the great Central Sun of the galaxy,<br />

and as many souls experienced some<br />

evidence of it, as did not.<br />

The other channelers on the site<br />

seem to have followed a similar pattern.<br />

The 2012 Scenario (http://<br />

the2012scenario.com): In the days after<br />

December 21st, this website retained<br />

its the 2012 Scenario name and URl.<br />

In early January, however, the name<br />

was changed to golden Age of gaia<br />

(http://goldenageofgaia.com). Seeing<br />

that, you might think that these folks<br />

all experienced Ascension big time on<br />

December 21st. not so. While great<br />

hope is being kept alive, there sure have<br />

been a lot of rollercoaster emotions<br />

among the contributors including those<br />

of the sites’ creator, Steve Beckow.<br />

Prior to December 21st, Beckow was<br />

certain of big and immediate changes<br />

that would take place on or even before<br />

that date. His “2012 for Beginners”<br />

section, for example, said:<br />

Welcome to a new and unimaginable<br />

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Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 17

world, taking shape before our very<br />

eyes. What world am I talking about?<br />

I’m talking about the new Age<br />

expected to begin after a planetary<br />

transformation on or before Dec. 21,<br />

2012.<br />

But in the days immediately<br />

following Beckow and at least some of<br />

the other contributors were wringing<br />

their hands, wondering what had<br />

really happened. They had followed<br />

all the guided instructions. They had<br />

stayed in a quiet place and meditated<br />

during the fateful December 21st date<br />

and although there were moments of<br />

ecstasy, at the end of the day, they<br />

weren’t quite sure that anything really<br />

big had happened. In the days that<br />

followed, posts ranged from the hopeful<br />

to almost despairing rants against<br />

galactic forces and angels that had<br />

not followed through on the golden<br />

promise.<br />

I wish I had printed out these<br />

postings, but I didn’t and they are<br />

gone, not even archived as far as I<br />

can tell. Instead, the messages on the<br />

newly named site seem to be saying<br />

that Ascension is truly coming, but<br />

the time line had to be restructured.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> is seeking teenage writers<br />

for our new column, “My Spiritual Journey,”<br />

written by teens for teens.<br />

If you have a story to tell about your own spiritual<br />

journey we would love to hear from you.<br />

Call or email for article speci cations or with<br />

questions.<br />

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18 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

A January 8th post entitled “Sanat<br />

Kumara: Our Heartfelt Apologies to the<br />

Disappointed,” for example, features<br />

a message from Sanat, the planetary<br />

logos and keeper of the universal laws.<br />

Beckow’s communication with Sanat<br />

occurred during his “An Hour with<br />

an Angel” radio show on January 7th.<br />

Beckow states: Sanat begins with a<br />

heartfelt apology to those of us who feel<br />

that the Company of Heaven let them<br />

down. He says that a cry went up from<br />

humanity to extend the process and the<br />

Divine Mother granted an extension. I<br />

don’t disbelieve that statement but it’ll<br />

be a hard sell, I think. Ascension was<br />

postponed in 2000, if memory serves<br />

me, for much the same reason …<br />

Oh dear, this is all beginning<br />

to sound a lot like those Christian<br />

ministers who keep moving up the date<br />

of the end of the world! It’s a brighter,<br />

more hopeful picture, however, and<br />

there is some comfort in that.<br />

The Power Path (www.thepowerpath.<br />

com): All this brings me to the work of<br />

José luis Stephens. Unlike those who<br />

were so focused on the big December<br />

21st date, Stephens’ view was and is<br />

that December 21st, while defi nitely<br />

a shifting point, is more realistically<br />

seen as the beginning of a highly<br />

transformative time period that extends<br />

until 2071. During this extended time<br />

period, according to Stephens, we will<br />

see the rise of the feminine and this is a<br />

good thing for our planet.<br />

I checked out Stephen s’ website<br />

to see if there had been any updates.<br />

First, in order to get your own overview<br />

of what Stephens thinks the Mayan<br />

Calendar really means, check out his<br />

article “The Mayan Calendar, 2012: A<br />

Vision for a new World,” which you<br />

can fi nd in the section, “Forecasts,<br />

Trends, Articles, Reviews & More.”<br />

Stevens, who made two recent trips to<br />

guatemala to study the matter, states:<br />

let me begin with my two recent<br />

trips to guatemala, land of the ancient<br />

and current Mayans … Every Mayan<br />

priest or shaman I encountered on my<br />

travels pointed out without exception<br />

that the end of the long count is not the<br />

end of the world but rather a transition<br />

point, a shamanic initiation if you will<br />

… given the importance of the date<br />

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in Qero and Hopi prophecies as well<br />

as the predictions of many western<br />

astrologers, we can be certain that the<br />

12/21/2012 date is extremely important<br />

and transformative. All the Mayans I<br />

spoke with perceived the date as a time<br />

to celebrate the ending of the old dream<br />

and the beginning of a brand new one,<br />

one that all humans could take part in<br />

forming. So rather than the events of the<br />

date being preordained they were saying<br />

that the future is ours to dream, ours to<br />

create, our responsibility after all.<br />

Will all of this take place on<br />

12/21/12? Of course not! There is no<br />

way all these changes can take place<br />

in one day. Change takes time. But<br />

unlike the past, the changes we are<br />

about to go through will be radically<br />

accelerated. This accelerated change<br />

will be experienced by the peoples of<br />

the world like a massive tsunami of<br />

shifting values, like a mammoth social<br />

earthquake, like a raging forest fi re or<br />

fl ood, burning and washing away all the<br />

old corrupt forms, all rigid hierarchies,<br />

all inequities for so long unquestioned<br />

and tolerated. nothing will be<br />

untouched by the time these changes are<br />

adopted. Is this the end of the world?<br />

Yes, in a manner of speaking. Is it the<br />

beginning of a new world? Absolutely.<br />

So, Stephens, like the others<br />

mentioned in this column is also talking<br />

about a coming Ascension—but not<br />

something we should have counted<br />

upon happening in one 24-hour time<br />

frame. Stephens’ website contains<br />

monthly forecasts, so I checked out the<br />

one he posted for January, 2013. I think<br />

that one of Stephen s’ January forecast<br />

statements sums up the tone of the rest<br />

of this column pretty well:<br />

The energy this month is up and<br />

down. One day you will feel truly<br />

inspired with your new ideas, clarity<br />

and resolutions, and the next day<br />

you may feel depressed, withdrawn,<br />

confused and scattered. Some of you<br />

may experience yourselves as wanting<br />

to sleep more, being drawn into the<br />

dreamscapes of the astral plane, and<br />

for some it may be just the opposite.<br />

There is a fatigue factor that relates<br />

to a let down after holding so much<br />

intensity and energy around events and<br />

expectations and changes in the last few<br />

months.<br />

Update for March Column:<br />

For my update, I decided to revisit<br />

two sites that were most vocal about<br />

the dramatic December 21st changes:<br />

galactic Channeling and golden Age<br />

of gaia (pre-December 21st name: The<br />

2012 Scenario).<br />

Galactic Channeling (http://<br />

galacticchannelings.com): Basically,<br />

the channelers on this site are sticking<br />

to their guns. While toning down their<br />

pre-December 21st dramatic and sudden<br />

change messages, they emphasis that a<br />

huge energy shift did indeed occur on<br />

that date. They urge us to be patient as<br />

the new golden age takes shape—soon.<br />

Here are some recent excerpts:<br />

Mike Quinsey’s February 8th<br />

SaluSA message states:<br />

Where are your travels leading<br />

you to now, after the excitement of<br />

Ascension even if did not bring with<br />

it the greatly expected changes? As<br />

we have informed you, you have lost<br />

absolutely nothing as<br />

a result of Ascension<br />

passing in a manner that<br />

failed to bring you the<br />

long awaited changes.<br />

They remain ready to<br />

be brought upon the<br />

scene, when they can<br />

be co-ordinated in such<br />

a way that they can be<br />

of maximum benefi t to<br />

everyone … Meantime<br />

millions of lightworkers<br />

have been able to<br />

recognize the changes<br />

within Self, and are<br />

continuing to bring even<br />

more light to Earth.<br />

They are in the forefront<br />

of a massive move to<br />

fully establish even<br />

more light upon Earth.<br />

This growth cannot be<br />

halted and will continue<br />

to set up your future. It<br />

is like a giant snowball<br />

gathering more as it<br />

moves around. Believe us<br />

Dear Ones, this year will<br />

see you set up for great<br />

advancements …<br />

And, Blossom goodchild’s February<br />

13th galactic Federation of light<br />

message states:<br />

You are moving into the new world<br />

that has been created by you. Yet, it<br />

would not be agreeable on all accounts<br />

to fi nd yourself suddenly plonked there.<br />

It would not be the easiest way for you<br />

to adjust and although you are feeling<br />

‘odd’ at that which you are going<br />

through to get there … get there you<br />

shall. It is quite diffi cult to describe in<br />

Earthy terms … as many things … as<br />

you know … often are. Imagine it to<br />

be a transitional period. A time when<br />

you simply are fl oating in a sea of<br />

‘unknown.’ You cannot get out … and<br />

you feel you are being tossed and turned<br />

by the fl ow of the water. Yet it seems<br />

more at these times that there is no<br />

particular direction of that fl ow ….<br />

Golden Age of Gaia (http://<br />

goldenageofgaia.com): As was<br />

mentioned above, this site was formerly<br />

known as The 2012 Scenario. These<br />

folks expressed the most anguish<br />

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Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 19

immediately following December 21st.<br />

As of February 13th, while there is<br />

still a mild sense of disappointment<br />

over what did and did not happen on<br />

December 21st, the overall message is<br />

about forging ahead and about taking<br />

action to ensure that Ascension happens<br />

after all. The lead messages on February<br />

13th, for example, were about nova<br />

Earth Day, a world-wide event taking<br />

place on February 14th.<br />

Site creator Steve Beckow’s entry<br />

states:<br />

Tomorrow is nova Earth Day. And<br />

nova Earth Day has several objects.<br />

The first is to send a Valentine to<br />

Mother Earth, to gaia … Archangel<br />

Michael gave us our marching orders<br />

for that day: “[nova Earth Day] is a<br />

celebration of the new, it is a celebration<br />

Crystals * Gems * Soy Candles * Books * CDs * Statuary * Incense * Soaps * Bath Products * Lotions * Tarot Card Decks * Greeting Cards * Native American Goods * Angels<br />

20 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Spiritual Resource Center of the Western Suburbs….<br />

of the divine qualities, and it is a<br />

celebration of love. There are many on<br />

this side, particularly the Council of<br />

Love, that are finally joyous that this is<br />

being acknowledged. [Valentine’s Day]<br />

has been a day of love for a long time,<br />

but not in the true universal sense …<br />

nova Earth Day has other objects as<br />

well, most prominent among which is to<br />

draw attention to discrimination against<br />

and the persecution of women, not just<br />

in our neighborhood, our city or our<br />

nation, but around the world. It’s a day<br />

to shake off from ourselves all unloving<br />

thoughts and to commit to stopping<br />

all unloving behavior. This alone<br />

will accelerate our entry into higher<br />

dimensionality.<br />

Beckow puts meat on the bone<br />

of his nova Earth Day message by<br />

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If you are someone with an unfulfilled business ownership vision who also feels like a professional part of<br />

them is unspoken, this session is for you. Join author and professor Dr. Ed Paulson as he presents entrepreneurship<br />

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you to more fully serve others.<br />

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It is a tool used for healing, divination, direction, and clarity. Rhonda has developed her own system of<br />

reading which allows the receiver to move through obstacles with great clarity. This is a tool of<br />

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in your life. Rhonda will not define your energy, but will help YOU to define what comes up.<br />

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suggesting a specific activity. He urges<br />

his readers to “join one billion people<br />

on the planet Feb. 14, 2013, dancing<br />

as a flash mob to end violence against<br />

women (http://www.onebillionrising.<br />

org/livestream). Click on that site to<br />

view an interview with One Billion<br />

Rising leader Eve Ensler and to see<br />

another video, which teaches you the<br />

dance. The news section of the One<br />

Billion Rising site features articles<br />

from around the world including los<br />

Angeles, India, the Philippines, the<br />

United Kingdom and Thailand. I was<br />

impressed. I can really resonate with the<br />

idea that if Ascension is going to ever<br />

get here, we are going to have to get<br />

proactive about it.<br />

My Advice: Stay tuned. I’m an optimist<br />

and always hopeful that we can and will<br />

transform ourselves and our world into<br />

a much better and more enlightened<br />

place. However, although the idea of<br />

radical Ascension happening through<br />

galactic intervention is tempting, so<br />

far there is no real evidence for its<br />

imminent occurrence. On the other<br />

hand, it seems that José Stephens may<br />

just be right: great transformation<br />

is on the horizon and it’s up to us to<br />

make sure it really happens. So my<br />

advice is: Don’t quite your day job—or<br />

the traditional meditation, prayer or<br />

spiritual techniques that have helped<br />

you steer a steady course through<br />

all those storms of life. But also,<br />

let us meditate, pray and use those<br />

spiritual techniques to raise the overall<br />

vibrational frequencies that can allow<br />

great transformations to happen.<br />

Mary Montgomery’s company,<br />

Montgomery Media Enterprises,<br />

specializes in public relations,<br />

writing projects and web authoring,<br />

development and publicity, especially in<br />

the non-profit sector. Ms. Montgomery<br />

has a Master’s Degree in religious<br />

studies from Chicago Theological<br />

Seminary (CTS) and is working on a<br />

Ph.D. with a focus on the scholarship<br />

of Unlimited Love and the Other<br />

Regarding Virtues. She is the Assistant<br />

to the Director for CTS’s Institute for<br />

Spirituality and Wellness (ISW). Contact<br />

her via e-mail at monty764@sbcglobal.<br />


There’s the old saying, “March comes<br />

in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.”<br />

Probably not this month. This year,<br />

“March comes in like a Fish, goes out<br />

like a Ram.” After swimming through a<br />

dreamy sea of planets in Pisces as March<br />

begins, we end with planetary fireworks<br />

in Aries. Firecrackers and popcorn will<br />

be popping.<br />

The nEW MOOn at 22 PISCES, March<br />

11, 1:51pm CST,<br />

is the first of this Chinese Year of the<br />

Water Snake, thematically hosting<br />

an ocean of Pisces planets: neptune,<br />

Mercury, Chiron, Venus, Sun-Moon and<br />

Mars. That’s a lot of fish in the sea! Let’s<br />

sort them out.<br />

nEPTUnE continues to rule in its own<br />

Dreamtime sign, with increasingly<br />

subtle affects that stir the soul but slide<br />

sideways and slippery in the mundane<br />

world, especially with Mercury<br />

retrograde. Still at the beginning of its<br />

14-year stay in Pisces, neptunian themes<br />

infuse movies, music and the internet<br />

with images that speak to the collective<br />

consciousness. What are you watching<br />

lately? Our level of emotional sensitivity<br />

may be more open and impressionable,<br />

needing plenty of down time to clear<br />

the waters. Watch out what you watch,<br />

as images may stick with you longer<br />

and haunt your waking hours. While<br />

thinking about themes for this month, I<br />

web surfed into Eckhart Tolle, with his<br />

nOW presence, very apt for any time—<br />

especially nOW!<br />

MERCURY is retrograde until the<br />

March<br />

Cosmic News<br />

17th. Distractions, wonderments and<br />

confusions diffuse any clear-edged<br />

reality, which eludes our grasp and seems<br />

to shapeshift when we try to locate our<br />

space-time coordinates. Saturn in Scorpio<br />

supports this proposition, agreeing that<br />

reality is “in process” of being redefined.<br />

This Mercury retrograde is a fine time to<br />

allow the mind to deeply relax and offer<br />

up guidance in its quiet murmur.<br />

The “sweet spot” of this retrograde is on<br />

March 4, when Mercury is in the heart of<br />

the Sun. The Magician aspect of Mercury<br />

takes over from the Trickster, able to<br />

cancel out the retrograde frustrations<br />

and bring out the best of its insight. Ask<br />

for a special message and try out the<br />

possibilities in this moment to connect<br />

Heaven with Earth.<br />

CHIROn adds another level to the<br />

“be here now” theme, with quantum<br />

potentials. The healing sensitivity of<br />

the current energy has a yearning for<br />

wholeness, compassion and forgiveness.<br />

Don’t forget self-compassion. Pisces,<br />

especially with the presence of neptune<br />

and Chiron, evokes a felt understanding<br />

that we are all one. This universal<br />

consciousness is opening in a poignant<br />

way through personal experiences and<br />

other larger events, including tragedies.<br />

VEnUS is still “under the beams” of<br />

the Sun, unseen until May. Her brilliant<br />

presence is missed in the sky, but her<br />

quality of compassion in Pisces is felt.<br />

Venus is said to be exalted in Pisces,<br />

where its best qualities of universal love<br />

come forth, but this position has a down<br />

side. A tendency to demur and doubt<br />

from a hesitant lack of self-esteem can<br />

undermine one’s strength in a Cinderella<br />

sort of way. There is an undercurrent of,<br />

“If others are having a hard time, I don’t<br />

by Kelley Hunter<br />

deserve to be happy.” We contribute and<br />

support as we can, while remembering<br />

that joy is a great contribution to the<br />

collective field. Empathic identification<br />

may be an emotional drain or, on a<br />

more energizing level, be full of grace,<br />

uplifting spiritual devotion and aesthetic<br />

appreciation of the beauties of life and<br />

arts.<br />

The Chiron connection to Venus was<br />

exact on March 5, sending a wave of<br />

female shamanic power that reverberates<br />

with emotional healing into the currents<br />

of the new Moon. Here is another<br />

lovely, relevant musical selection,<br />

called “lamento as Aguas,” a Brazilian<br />

“lament Ye Waters” (I think that is<br />

correct translation) that conveys a<br />

universal sorrow that this combination<br />

can evoke. Music, dance and the arts<br />

unite us beyond the limitations of<br />

language.<br />

http://www.youtube.com/<br />

watch?v=O0bV64bb8Vk<br />

With all these Pisces planets, keep in<br />

mind that we are easily picking up on<br />

energy all around us. It may not be “our<br />

stuff” to take on. let the energy keep<br />

flowing, and keep moving to avoid any<br />

cluttered emotional eddies. let’s call on<br />

Virgo energy to balance out the Pisces<br />

emphasis. listen to your body, support<br />

your health in this sensitized energy<br />

field, stay grounded with exercise,<br />

yoga—do whatever it takes to support<br />

the strength and wellbeing of your body,<br />

so very essential during the current Earth<br />

changes.<br />

MARS is at the outside edge of Pisces on<br />

the new Moon, but immediately<br />

heads into ARIES on March 12.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 21

Appropriately, Mars is the first to enter its own sign, the Hero<br />

heading into the unknown, blazing a trail for a caravan of<br />

planets to follow. Heading into Aries, any planet is soon to<br />

encounter Uranus and its globe-changing square with Pluto.<br />

Mars will activate the square on March 21-27, releasing a<br />

surge of power that can shift the balance and push forward<br />

the revolutionary agenda. Aggression is one option when<br />

frustrations can no longer be repressed. Prepare to step forth<br />

with clarity that is cleanly assertive, not pushy or domineering.<br />

MERCURY TURnS DIRECT at 6 PISCES, March 17<br />

Impressions are the forte and fallback mental mode of Mercury<br />

in Pisces. At this turn-around point, the Messenger of the gods<br />

is close to both neptune and Chiron, altering perceptions either<br />

toward confusion, even paranoia, or in serendipitous ways<br />

that suggest magic. Mercury/neptune can be very distracting<br />

and spacey if you don’t give it enough relaxing, napping or<br />

meditation time. Take a break with nothing on the schedule that<br />

calls for attention, so you can deeply tune in to inner directives.<br />

SUn into ARIES, March 20<br />

Equinox gets the Aries ball rolling in earnest!<br />

Emerging anew from the ocean of universality, every Aries<br />

knows s/he is first a child of the gods, the First (and sometimes<br />

Only) Child, washed in newness, freshly energized to move<br />

forth into undiscovered vistas, “where no one has gone before.”<br />

The quest for the true self is the adventure of a lifetime. Aries<br />

seeks to fully live the wonder of being human, to clarify the<br />

divine impulse. There is an unmistakable flash, a warm glow,<br />

a twinkle in the eyes of even the gentlest of Arians. This light<br />

is a ray from the Cosmic Mind, the logos, shining in a keen,<br />

knowing glance.<br />

Aries is the Original Hero—Jason sailing in search of the<br />

golden Fleece; young Parsifal naively stumbling along the<br />

road to knighthood; Joan of Arc leading the French army to<br />

enthrone the righteous King; Hercules with the strength to meet<br />

the challenge of every task. “Follow me, warriors!” cry these<br />

captains courageous. Even if no one else follows, they will<br />

carry on alone if they identify with the cause. Aries knows it is<br />

essential to face the challenge, and will often enough emerge<br />

victorious through the integrity of his/her convictions and the<br />

necessity to act upon them.<br />

This becomes ever more so as the month ticks on. The Sun<br />

shines its brightest light on the<br />

Uranus-Pluto square from the 28th,<br />

conjuncting Uranus, to April 1,<br />

squaring Pluto.<br />

22 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

[See more Mythic Zodiac short<br />

stories on my new, improved<br />

website: http://heliastar.com/astromythology-mythic-impressions-ofthe-zodiac<br />

VEnUS into ARIES, March 22<br />

now we’ve got a theme going!<br />

Sabian Symbols are images relevant to each degree of the<br />

Zodiac, often experienced in some literal way. The first degree<br />

of Aries shows “A<br />

woman rising from<br />

the sea, embraced<br />

by a seal.” This is<br />

the mythic image of<br />

the seal-woman or<br />

Selkie shapeshifter.<br />

She arises anew after<br />

her sea change, clear<br />

as a crystal or a bell chime. I’ve got two book suggestions along<br />

this line from award-winning fantasy writer Patricia McKillip<br />

(one of my top favorite authors): The Changeling Sea and The<br />

Bell at Sealey Head. And for movies: Ondine and The Secret of<br />

Roan Inish.<br />

Rising from the seas of Pisces, Venus bursts into flame, needing<br />

to match the initiative of Mars without overdoing it. Venus<br />

meets the Uranus-Pluto square on March 28-31, with emotional<br />

fire. What new initiatives are you going for in your life?<br />

FUll MOOn in lIBRA-ARIES, March 27, 3:27am CST<br />

This is an exclamation point Full Moon! one of the most<br />

powerful of the year, right in synch with the Uranus-Pluto<br />

square. Venus and Mars flank Uranus, with Venus exactly<br />

conjunct Sun and Mars exactly square Pluto. This Moon will<br />

move a lot of the energy!! incorporating new dynamics into the<br />

global revolution.<br />

JUPITER in GEMINI amplifies the WOW! NOW! factor of<br />

this Full Moon manyfold in a precise, to the minute, activating<br />

square with Chiron. The crazy wisdom potential is multiplied<br />

exponentially when we bring an open mind to each and every<br />

moment. If your mind seems to sizzle with faulty wiring, and<br />

what appears to be cosmic interference turns out to be a silly<br />

simplistic “mistake,” don’t worry. It may be inconvenient, but<br />

kind of funny, eh what? Just a jump-up in the operating system.<br />

We can’t cling on to any outer thing. new avenues spark and<br />

sparkle in our neural pathways, offering new perceptions while<br />

short-circuiting others. Saturn in Scorpio’s deep circuits keep us<br />

plugged in to the regenerative currents in this process.<br />

The Moon weaves cosmic energy into the mundane. The Full<br />

Moon is like a flower in full blossom, revealing what was<br />

planted at the new Moon. Water your seeds, with the waters<br />

of Pisces. The Sprouts of potential emerge with the fireworks<br />

of Aries. With clarity, integrity and a fresh open-mindedness<br />

without expectation, watch the fireworks shimmer with<br />

inventive possibilities and amazing outcomes.<br />

Kelley Hunter, Ph.D. is an internationally known astrologer<br />

and mythologist, author of living lilith: Four Dimensions<br />

of the Cosmic Feminine and Black Moon lilith. She lives<br />

in the Virgin Islands, where she leads stargazing nights for<br />

star-struck visitors. A Sagittarian, she travels far and wide,<br />

teaching, lecturing and consulting. Astrology parties are one<br />

of her specialties. Watch for her online offerings. Visit her<br />

website at www.heliastar.com or on FaceBook: Kelley Hunter,<br />

AstroMythology.<br />

Call or Text 847-966-1110 with any<br />

questons regarding this article.

During an overnight airplane fl ight, I<br />

perused the entertainment selections and<br />

discovered the audio book Fire Starter<br />

Sessions by Danielle laPorte. I liked<br />

what I heard and found Ms. laPorte to be<br />

an articulate, poetic exponent of living a<br />

juicy, authentic life. She had my attention.<br />

One of the ways to recognize your<br />

talent and passion, laPorte suggests, is to<br />

consider what other people have criticized<br />

you for. I had heard, “What you thought<br />

was wrong with you may be what’s right<br />

with you,” but the idea of using criticism<br />

as a compass to greatness takes the lesson<br />

to a whole new level.<br />

Consider, for example, humor writer<br />

Dave Barry. In junior high school, Barry<br />

was the class clown, often dismissed to<br />

stand in the hall after disrupting the class.<br />

One day Barry’s teacher told him, “You’d<br />

better get serious, Dave Barry, you can’t<br />

earn a living making people laugh.”<br />

Fast forward fi ve decades: Barry’s<br />

weekly columns have been syndicated<br />

in over fi ve hundred newspapers, he has<br />

written thirty popular books, and The New<br />

York Times dubbed him “the funniest man<br />

in America.” Oh, and by the way—he also<br />

won a Pulitzer Prize.<br />

“The Dog Whisperer,” Cesar Millan,<br />

shy and unpopular as a child, was teased<br />

by his friends for spending more time<br />

with dogs than he spent with them. They<br />

nicknamed him, “El Perrero” —“dog<br />

boy.” Since then he has starred in a wildly<br />

successful television series broadcast in<br />

eighty countries, written fi ve bestselling<br />

books, produced a line of pet products,<br />

established dog sanctuaries, and donated<br />

large sums to charities.<br />

Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, and<br />

other genius inventors were chastised<br />

by their early teachers for not paying<br />

attention in class. Their minds were about<br />

other things. Einstein later declared,<br />

“Imagination is more important than<br />

knowledge.”<br />

From the Heart<br />

A Critical Gift<br />

by Alan Cohen<br />

let’s reframe the verbal and emotional<br />

arrows that others cast at you for not fi tting<br />

in, and regard them as arrows pointing you<br />

in the direction you were born to walk. The<br />

world rarely welcomes genius in its early<br />

stages; more often it is ridiculed. Jonathan<br />

Swift said, “When a true genius appears<br />

in the world, you may know him by this<br />

sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy<br />

against him.” Einstein echoed, “great<br />

spirits have always encountered violent<br />

resistance from mediocre minds.”<br />

Another way to appreciate your holy<br />

weirdness is to recognize that your biggest<br />

challenges can become your most helpful<br />

assets. nearly all successful teachers have<br />

risen to greatness by passing along the<br />

skills they gained through overcoming<br />

their undesirable traits. The founders of<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous had to get beyond<br />

their own drinking problem; weight loss<br />

teachers were overweight; yoga teachers<br />

were stressed; relationship gurus have<br />

had bad marriages; and on and on. Your<br />

biggest problems offer you the most fertile<br />

opportunities for personal transformation<br />

and service to others. So don’t criticize<br />

yourself for your problems or apologize<br />

for them. Turn them into rocket fuel for<br />

awakening, a dazzling livelihood, and<br />

world upliftment.<br />

You will gain far more by authenticity<br />

than by conformity. Conformity is safe but<br />

boring; realness is risky but empowering.<br />

After I gave a lecture, an audience<br />

member told me, “I took a course in public<br />

speaking, and as I observed you giving<br />

your talk, you violated eight of the ten<br />

rules of public speaking. But of all the<br />

speakers I have heard, you are my favorite<br />

because you are the most authentic.” I took<br />

his statement as a compliment. (I didn’t<br />

ask him which rules I broke. I refuse to<br />

spoil my career with training.)<br />

I know many people who have either<br />

quit or been fi red from “straight” jobs<br />

because they couldn’t survive as a cubicle<br />

dweller. Then they went on to become<br />

successful entrepreneurs, selling unique<br />

products and services they never would<br />

have developed if they remained in their<br />

cube. Sherrie Baxter became sick living<br />

and working in the rainy northwest. She<br />

contracted “Seasonal Affect Disorder.”<br />

In fi nding her way back to health, Sherrie<br />

discovered full-spectrum light bulbs that<br />

compensate for lack of natural sunlight. As<br />

a result, she now has a thriving business<br />

(bio-light.com) providing SAD sufferers<br />

with the products that helped revive her.<br />

In the new Testament, we are told<br />

that Jesus told a sick person, “This is not<br />

an illness unto death, but unto greater<br />

life.” Thus we might regard the barbs and<br />

pains you have been dealt for not fi tting<br />

into the cookie cutter mold. That mold is<br />

appropriate for some cookies, but not for<br />

all.<br />

There is nothing wrong with you. Selfcriticism<br />

is based on illusion. A Course in<br />

Miracles asks us to remember, “let me<br />

recognize the problem so it can be solved,”<br />

and then, “let me recognize that the<br />

problem has been solved.”<br />

Every experience is a gift, including<br />

criticism. If criticism is valid, you can take<br />

the feedback and improve. If it is not valid,<br />

affi rm your strength and your purpose to<br />

the contrary. Thank the world for criticism.<br />

It is your arrow to positive destiny.<br />

Alan Cohen is the author of many popular<br />

inspirational books, including the newlyreleased<br />

Enough Already: The Power of<br />

Radical Contentment. Join Alan beginning<br />

September 1 for his acclaimed Life Coach<br />

Training Program. For more information<br />

about this program, Alan’s other books,<br />

free daily inspirational quotes, and his<br />

weekly radio show, visit www.alancohen.<br />

com, email info@alancohen.com, or phone<br />

800-568-3079 or 808-572-0001.<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 23

Every day, throughout the world,<br />

millions of people go to their yoga<br />

mats and begin their practice of poses,<br />

breathing and meditation. In America<br />

however, yoga practitioners are eluding<br />

yoga’s true purpose while their practice<br />

becomes more athletic than meditative.<br />

In traditional yoga teachings, one of the<br />

most renowned yoga texts is Patanjali’s<br />

Yoga Sutras. These teachings begin<br />

with the most important concepts: “The<br />

quieting of the activity of the mind is<br />

yoga” and “When you quiet the mind<br />

you will abide in your own true form.”<br />

(Sutras 1.2 and 1.3)<br />

This, then, is the true purpose of<br />

yoga: to abide (live within) your own<br />

true form. What then, is your “true<br />

form”? Is it outward? The evidence of<br />

dedicated physical practice that results<br />

in a lithe, flexible body? Or is it inward?<br />

Quiet emotional poise in a noisy,<br />

abrasive world?<br />

Yes, and no. There’s even more.<br />

When you come into this world, you<br />

arrive with what is often called a “veil<br />

of forgetfulness.” This “veil” helps you<br />

cope with entering another lifetime.<br />

You forget who you were in other lives<br />

and you forget where you came from.<br />

You forget that everything is Shiva,<br />

the omnipotent divine reality or god<br />

or infinite being or Spirit or whatever<br />

name you choose. You also forget your<br />

true Self. You cannot remember that<br />

24 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Plug Into<br />

Consciousness<br />

with Yoga<br />

you came from this infinite state and<br />

contracted into this finite form.<br />

With yoga, you can reconnect with<br />

Consciousness; you can pierce this<br />

lifetime’s veil of forgetfulness and reexperience<br />

your true Self as Shiva—or<br />

god, or divine reality. Every time you<br />

practice yoga or meditation you have<br />

an opportunity to connect to this divine<br />

spiritual knowing of your true form.<br />

Much like cell phones running on<br />

battery power: you can function well<br />

for a limited time, but eventually you<br />

must find your way back to your power<br />

source for recharging. Your “veiled”<br />

state is your “battery” state. When you<br />

experience your true Self, you no longer<br />

will be satisfied to run on batteries:<br />

you must connect to the Main Power<br />

Source—Consciousness.<br />

According to Kashmiri Shaivism<br />

philosophy, “Consciousness is the ever<br />

pervasive, omniscient, divine energy<br />

that contracts to create all energy, all<br />

matter, all things.” Consciousness is<br />

there to be experienced from the seat of<br />

your yoga or meditation pose.<br />

Have you plugged yourself in lately?<br />

First contact with Consciousness<br />

may be initiated in the pause. Pauses in<br />

yoga are between the movements from<br />

one direction to the next or between the<br />

inhale and the exhale of each breath.<br />

What is “the pause”?<br />

Margo Gebraski<br />

The pause is the moment or second,<br />

or even less, that allows you to drop<br />

into a calm and quiet state, beyond<br />

the activity of the mind when you are<br />

grounded into your inner being. For<br />

that instant, you begin to reconnect<br />

with your true form, not your external<br />

identity, but your divine essence which<br />

is you, as you in this world.<br />

Many yoga practitioners do<br />

sequences of poses that flow from one<br />

pose to the next, typically connecting<br />

the poses with the breath. When poses<br />

are done at an appropriate pace and with<br />

awareness, the flow can be more than<br />

physical and the pauses can drop you<br />

into a space of quiet. The space when<br />

you can connect with Consciousness.<br />

When your practice is more<br />

physically focused and you are<br />

following an instructor who moves<br />

you in and out of poses faster than<br />

you are able to keep up, you miss this<br />

opportunity to be in consciousness. As<br />

you attempt to catch up to the next pose<br />

you miss the most delicious moments<br />

of ease and peace. Your mind is focused<br />

more on the external pose than the<br />

internal effects and the pauses available<br />

to you.<br />

Then at the very final moments of<br />

the class when you are in shavasana,<br />

yoga’s relaxation pose, the opportunity<br />

is there to experience the pause and<br />

you drop into Consciousness. This is

the feeling that brings you back to your<br />

next class looking for more!<br />

The physical practice may be<br />

superseding the purpose of yoga, which<br />

is to quiet your mind and connect with<br />

your Self. It is as if you are seeking the<br />

most precious gem in the world, which<br />

is buried just beneath the earth and you<br />

continue to only look within the grass.<br />

If you knew that this priceless gem was<br />

just inches below you, would you dig<br />

and fi nd it?<br />

The initial contact with<br />

Consciousness is available to you in<br />

every pause in your life and your spine<br />

is the conduit of Consciousness. It’s<br />

just like turning on a lamp; the energy<br />

begins to fl ow from the base into the<br />

light bulb to illuminate the room. When<br />

you connect to Consciousness, you<br />

awaken the energy from the base of the<br />

spine and the energy rises to illuminate<br />

the higher sense of your true form, your<br />

Svarupe.<br />

If you do a more subtle practice<br />

such as Svaroopa ® yoga, fully supported<br />

poses are aligned for spinal release<br />

and awareness is cultivated. A basic<br />

tenet of Svaroopa ® is “Support equals<br />

Release.” You support yourself with soft<br />

blankets and simple blocks. In this safe,<br />

supported space, you allow the release<br />

of bodily tension surrounding the spine.<br />

In this practice, more time is taken in<br />

each pose, which then allows for more<br />

pauses. Awareness is cultivated in every<br />

pose to experience the change and<br />

transformation. The opportunity to drop<br />

into Consciousness is there in every<br />

pose.<br />

In Patanjali’s yoga sutras, mostly<br />

a book about working with the mind,<br />

physical postures are referred to only a<br />

few times as they are not as important<br />

as quieting the mind. In one sutra, it<br />

states, “Asana or poses are to be steady<br />

and comfortable.” (Sutra 2.46) Asana<br />

here refers to a seated posture. The<br />

physical poses of yoga are to prepare<br />

your body for a steady seated posture<br />

with an upright spine in preparation<br />

for meditation. Meditation techniques<br />

are used to quiet the mind. When you<br />

quiet your mind you abide in the bliss<br />

of your own true form, also known as<br />

Consciousness.<br />

In Svaroopa ® yoga, the spine and<br />

body are well supported to enable<br />

a steady and comfortable posture<br />

for meditation. You can try this for<br />

yourself.<br />

Sit in the middle of a stack of<br />

blankets, high enough to make your<br />

thighs level with each other and parallel<br />

to the fl oor. Your legs are crossed at the<br />

shins.<br />

Place a “wedge” of another blanket<br />

tucked under the fl eshy part of your<br />

buttocks to assist your spine to stay in<br />

an upright position.<br />

Use rolled blankets under your<br />

knees to stabilize your whole body.<br />

Then sit in the steady quiet, notice<br />

the pause, become aware of your<br />

breath and notice the pauses between<br />

the inhale and the exhale. If your mind<br />

becomes active, gently bring it back to<br />

the pauses of the breath.<br />

In this solidly supported pose, your<br />

sit bones at the base of your pelvis are<br />

the prongs of the lamp plug. Seated<br />

fi rmly on your sit bones, the energy<br />

begins to move from the tailbone at<br />

the base of your spine up through the<br />

crown of your head. You may feel a<br />

sense of heaviness as you drop into<br />

your inner Self and then an immediate<br />

lightness as this contraction of<br />

Consciousness becoming you expands<br />

out into the Universal Consciousness.<br />

There is a constant play of energy that<br />

you become aware of and you begin to<br />

Svaroopa ® yoga a radically new approach to yoga!<br />

Healthy Body, Peaceful Mind<br />

April 22nd-­‐23rd Weekend Yoga Workshop<br />

**Coming to the Chicago area**<br />

Vidyadevi Stillman<br />

the world’s top Svaroopa ® yoga trainer<br />

Pain Clinic, Workshops & more<br />

April 25th-­‐28thin Lisle, Antioch & DeKalb<br />

Foundations of Svaroopa ® yoga<br />

Teacher Training In Antioch, IL June 21st – 25 th<br />

* <strong>Monthly</strong> Sound Healing Sessions * ½ day Workshops<br />

* Ayurveda Courses *Meditation Courses<br />

*Privates & more<br />

recognize that you are so much more<br />

than the person whom you identify with<br />

in this lifetime. This balances all of the<br />

chakras or energy centers in the spine<br />

and connects you to Consciousness,<br />

the knowledge of your true form, your<br />

Divine essence, Shiva, God, Infi nite<br />

Being.<br />

Yoga, done with awareness to<br />

cultivate Consciousness, can dissolve<br />

the veil of forgetfulness to illuminate<br />

your Self. Every time you go to<br />

your yoga mat, have the intention of<br />

exploring the pauses. notice where they<br />

are and search into them to fi nd the<br />

priceless gem that is waiting for you to<br />

recognize. The fi rst step to living your<br />

life from Consciousness is to become<br />

aware of your true form, your inner<br />

light or divine energy and recognize<br />

it in the quiet moments of your yoga<br />

practice.<br />

Yoga Rhythms Studio<br />

6450 College Road<br />

Lisle 60532<br />

www.Yoga-­‐Rhythms.com<br />

630-­‐778-­‐5991<br />

What people are saying<br />

about Svaroopa ® Yoga<br />

Relaxing, centering,<br />

Amazing, peaceful, open<br />

from the inside out!<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 25

This is the second part of a two part<br />

article forecasting the future. In this<br />

article I am discussing the topics of<br />

Medicare and health care, our life<br />

span, attitudes toward death, our state<br />

of spiritual isolation, climate change<br />

and global warming, world hunger,<br />

celebrating holidays, the practice of<br />

rituals and what is America’s place in<br />

all this.<br />

I think that’s enough for right now.<br />

Some are trying to support<br />

Medicare and others are trying to tear<br />

it down. Both of their visions are of<br />

the past. Our future is very bright and<br />

includes medical breakthroughs we can’t<br />

even imagine now and they will come<br />

quickly. Medical technology is going<br />

to move in directions that cannot be<br />

envisioned now, but the developments<br />

will be spectacular and soon. The<br />

energy of medicine and healing is<br />

evolving rapidly and will make the<br />

debate over Medicare moot within 10<br />

years.<br />

Illness, including cancer, when<br />

evidenced in the physical body can be<br />

dealt with spiritually and medically<br />

and it will go away. now, illness has an<br />

energetic hold on us until we move to a<br />

higher vibrational level.<br />

Today, some hospitals and<br />

medical facilities are practicing healing<br />

modalities that were not accepted 20 and<br />

even 10 years ago. Acupuncture, energy<br />

healing, Reiki, sound and color healing,<br />

prayer and many other modalities<br />

are now being accepted by western<br />

medicine and that trend will accelerate<br />

as well. Some hospitals with heart care<br />

units are now painting the walls of those<br />

rooms green, the heart chakra color.<br />

Once the insurance industry catches on<br />

that these alternate practices not only<br />

work but are cheaper, the merger of<br />

Eastern and Western medicine will be<br />

26 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Vision Of e Future<br />

Part 2<br />

By Walter Perschke<br />

well on its way to completion.<br />

Our life span is headed towards 120<br />

years or perhaps 130.<br />

That is good news for most people and<br />

the even better news is that we will be<br />

healthy throughout that lifetime. Much<br />

of our energy fi eld is subconscious. It is<br />

below the surface and we are not aware<br />

of it. As we raise our consciousness<br />

our immunity to illness soars and<br />

prevents many of the health challenges<br />

that we now experience. That higher<br />

consciousness brings with it the ability<br />

to manifest perfect health. That doesn’t<br />

mean we will live forever in these<br />

bodies because these bodies do simply<br />

wear out, and our soul may decide to<br />

move out and experience reincarnation<br />

once again. Our concerns about<br />

Medicare and health insurance will fade<br />

as illness does, and we get to decide<br />

how quickly this occurs by addressing<br />

the issue of the internal journey to our<br />

higher self, where perfect health lives,<br />

at a faster or slower pace. As with most<br />

issues, we get to choose.<br />

As our consciousness rises and<br />

illness falls away, our attitude toward<br />

death will change. The belief in<br />

reincarnation will rise and people will<br />

honor the life and death process with<br />

no fear. A new sense of community is<br />

emerging where everyone will be cared<br />

for and each has a role to play.<br />

Energy is moving in cycles upon<br />

cycles and patterns upon patterns.<br />

Everything is cyclical. There are cycles<br />

within a lifetime, birth through death.<br />

In a well lived life we pass through all<br />

cycles, life, old age, and death. now we<br />

have a fear of and a confl ict with death<br />

which shall pass.<br />

Assisted death will be readily available<br />

legally for those who choose it, but<br />

eventually, when the fear subsides,<br />

we will choose our own time to leave<br />

and prepare for it, leaving no mess or<br />

baggage behind. (See the portion of this<br />

article on rituals for more on death.)<br />

We are moving out of the state<br />

of isolation that we created for<br />

ourselves and we have been in for<br />

over 10,000 years. Our future holds<br />

a movement from the individual to<br />

the community. Communication<br />

technology is a partner in this. I hear<br />

the complaints of how people spend<br />

their time texting or twittering and are<br />

losing the personal contact and that<br />

is true, but it is also creating a whole<br />

new universe of community that is<br />

connected electronically. look at<br />

what has happened in Egypt where the<br />

demonstrators communicated on their<br />

cell phone and other devices about<br />

where to go next and where not to go.<br />

That was a community effort facilitated<br />

by technology that was not in use 10<br />

years ago.<br />

The fi scal cliff has not been<br />

resolved, just put on hold, and it is not<br />

looking good. There is a Hatfi eld & Mc<br />

Coy energy at work. The two sides are<br />

ready to arm wrestle each other over the<br />

cliff, and the country with them. neither<br />

side has the right vision. Old systems<br />

are no longer applicable anywhere, but<br />

both sides are not just struggling with<br />

each other, they are struggling with the<br />

old paradigm which simply needs to be<br />

abandoned because it no longer serves<br />

our current situation. Change is needed<br />

on both sides. Polarization is so extreme<br />

it may need outside intervention.<br />

neither plan works. They are both right<br />

and wrong at the same time. We need<br />

something new, outside of the box.<br />

The cliff is self imposed. Congress<br />

created it. It is real only because we<br />

say it is real. If we hadn’t created the<br />

cliff we would have nothing to jump<br />

off of. The focus has been on lack and

limitation. It should be on the incredible<br />

economic power of America and our<br />

ability to create wealth where none<br />

existed before. That creation will pay all<br />

our bills and debt if we can just let it go<br />

unfettered. The answer lies in creation<br />

of wealth, not saving it. Try and find<br />

a multi-millionaire, or especially a<br />

billionaire that saved their way to<br />

wealth.<br />

Will it be resolved, yes it will,<br />

but probably not in the spirit of<br />

bipartisanship co-operation but rather in<br />

the energy of desperation, and that won’t<br />

be a long term solution.<br />

Climate change, weather, and<br />

global warming are real. But don’t<br />

place much blame on humanity for<br />

the change, because we have very<br />

little to do with it. The earth’s core is<br />

simply warming up. We are actually<br />

experiencing the end of an ice age<br />

and the melting ice will have to go<br />

somewhere, so some areas of the world<br />

will experience flooding, and some,<br />

especially in the Pacific Ocean, will<br />

disappear. The eastern coast of America<br />

will also experience flooding and some<br />

loss of land, particularly the outer banks<br />

of north Carolina and parts of Florida<br />

and louisiana.<br />

We can’t prevent global warming,<br />

we can barely slow it down, but we can<br />

participate in all efforts at pollution<br />

control, conservation, recycling and<br />

minimizing the warming because it is<br />

good for the planet and good for us as<br />

residents.<br />

Shifting effort into adjusting to the<br />

changes rather than struggling against<br />

them is a productive idea. Changes<br />

in the construction of buildings in<br />

hurricane and tornado areas would be a<br />

start. no new construction in waterfront<br />

areas is another.<br />

There are other effects of climate<br />

change and they are called tsunamis<br />

and volcanoes. We have nothing to do<br />

with them; they are part of the evolution<br />

of the earth. We can, however, affect<br />

the path and density of storms like<br />

hurricanes and tornadoes. It requires a<br />

group consciousness to manifest these<br />

changes. Call or email me if you are<br />

interested in participating.<br />

World hunger, while a serious issue,<br />

can be changed. There is no shortage of<br />

food in our world. There is inadequate<br />

distribution and inappropriate use of<br />

food as fuel that is creating the problem.<br />

In some cases there is a lack of political<br />

will to get the job done. Again, this is<br />

a problem that we can solve and solve<br />

fairly quickly with resolve and effort.<br />

Professional sports! Do I have the<br />

attention of the men and some of the<br />

women in our reading audience? The<br />

good news for fans is that professional<br />

sports will be with us for some time.<br />

Professional sports dissipate aggression<br />

and we need that now and for the near<br />

future. As you can already tell, they<br />

are evolving along with the rest of the<br />

world into a safer format for the athletes<br />

and a more level playing field for all<br />

participants.<br />

The Olympics will grow as more<br />

athletes participate, but a shift in<br />

emphasis beyond personal goals and<br />

towards a more harmonious relationship<br />

with our physical bodies and mother<br />

earth will occur. It doesn’t seem likely<br />

that we will return to the ancient greek<br />

Olympic tradition of competing naked,<br />

but today, anything is possible. Our<br />

Olympics are a metaphor for a “more<br />

harmonious relationship with self and<br />

the earth.” And we will continue to set<br />

more records in the Olympics.<br />

Holidays and celebration days<br />

will evolve. Thanksgiving, Christmas<br />

and Easter will remain but evolve into<br />

a new tradition or form. We do many<br />

things “for old times sake” and those<br />

practices will fade and ultimately fall<br />

by the wayside as our own evolution in<br />

consciousness grows and expands. It is<br />

difficult to say which will fade because<br />

our collective consciousness hasn’t<br />

decided yet, but when change comes,<br />

it will be rapid. Part of that shift in<br />

consciousness is honoring and blessing<br />

the past while releasing it. Clinging to<br />

the past is like clinging to an anchor<br />

that holds you in place right where you<br />

are. no forward or expansive progress<br />

is possible, but the comfort zone it<br />

creates will be more than many people<br />

can let go of. There is stagnation in our<br />

civilization created by an underlying<br />

sense of fear, fear of where things are<br />

going and fear of change in any form.<br />

Where we are going is for certain. How<br />

long it will take is problematic. The<br />

faster the fear consciousness that exists<br />

is dissipated, the faster we can move<br />

forward in the spiritual expansion of<br />

humanity. The dissipation of the fear<br />

energy takes two forms. Those who<br />

are consciously endeavoring to change<br />

themselves and move ahead on their<br />

personal journey to their inner higher<br />

self and those who will simply leave the<br />

planet, perhaps because it has become<br />

too uncomfortable for them here and<br />

their soul decides to move on.<br />

Rituals will evolve. Some will fall<br />

away, some new will be created, and<br />

the rest will evolve for the spiritually<br />

and emotionally engaged. The power<br />

of the ceremony is much more profound<br />

in a group, or community. Overall, an<br />

increased use of ritual in our lives would<br />

be a healthy development and I believe<br />

we will see some of the ancient practices<br />

enjoy resurgence. One ritual that will be<br />

created is to honor the life of a soon to<br />

depart person, while they are still here<br />

in the earth plane. We will know 3 to 4<br />

months in advance of our death and that<br />

will be the time for this ceremony to<br />

celebrate the life.<br />

And what is Americas place in<br />

all this? America has a unique voice<br />

in our world. There are many regions<br />

of our country with different cultural<br />

and ethnic customs, but we are still one<br />

country. The uniqueness of America<br />

began before our Revolutionary War<br />

and continues today. America has an<br />

important role to play in the future of<br />

the planet as a beacon of freedom and<br />

example of democracy. We have played<br />

the role of world’s policeman but that<br />

role is coming to an end. Our world<br />

leadership role is not.<br />

America’s military will be reduced<br />

and its role morphed to natural disaster<br />

relief troops, who are welcomed world<br />

wide.<br />

There is no end point to change!<br />

We will create the end point, but we<br />

have barely begun to create changes and<br />

that process will take some time, and we<br />

will determine the end point and we may<br />

determine that there never will be an end<br />

point.<br />

Call or Text 847-966-1110<br />

with any questons regarding<br />

this article.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 27

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> aspectarian<br />

Chicago Pulse<br />

March<br />

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e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />


AUGUST 2012<br />

Volume 34, No. 1<br />

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And Get 12 issues for $36<br />

by 1st-class mail<br />

Call: 847-966-1110<br />

Cover Image:<br />

Crocus Spring Flowers<br />

by arthur durkee<br />

Sunday Monday TueSd<br />

24 25 26<br />

3 4 5<br />

10 10 11 11 12 12<br />

• Master Your Energy -<br />

Master Your Life, Webinar<br />

17 18 19<br />

• Gong Meditation,<br />

Willowbrook<br />

24 25 26<br />

31 1 2<br />

• Easter Service, Deerfield<br />

• Discussion group on the<br />

gospel of Mark<br />

• NDEs & OBEs<br />


Sday WedneSday ThurSday Friday SaTurday<br />

BEs,<br />

dale<br />

27 28 1 2<br />

6 7 8 9<br />

• Guided Meditation with<br />

Walter Perschke,<br />

Willowbrook<br />

13 14 15 16<br />

• Awakening Codes of the<br />

Golden Age,<br />

TeleConference<br />

• Guided Meditation with<br />

Walter Perschke,<br />

Willowbrook<br />

20 21 22 23<br />

27 28 29 30<br />

• Intuition & A.K., Homewood<br />

• The Burning Bowl<br />

Ceremony with Guided<br />

Meditation, Willowbrook<br />

• Guided Meditation with<br />

Walter Perschke,<br />

Willowbrook<br />

• The Stillborn God of the<br />

Islamic Reform<br />

• Advertisers: April listings,<br />

display ads due.<br />

• The history of new thought<br />

• Club Divine conscious<br />

dancing, prayer, meditation,<br />

more, Chicago<br />

3 4 5 6<br />

• Chicago IANDS lecture,<br />

Virgina Hummel, Evanston<br />

• Group Channeling

Thursday, March 7<br />


WALTER PERSCHKE. 7-8pm.<br />

Suggested Love Offering<br />

$5. “Now is the time to build<br />

bridges. Because when the<br />

fl ood comes, and it will come,<br />

you need to be ready. It will be<br />

too late to prepare.” – Walter<br />

Perschke. Be a learner to<br />

prepare for the changes our<br />

world is experiencing now and<br />

the changes to come. Learn<br />

how to center yourself and enter<br />

the inward journey we are all<br />

on. Join the peaceful future<br />

rather than the chaotic present.<br />

The answers are there for us<br />

to fi nd. Let us help you to fi nd<br />

them. Yoga room. Location:<br />

Soderworld.<br />

Friday, march 8<br />



Ahmad Sadri, professor of<br />

Did you know that the Pulse Calendar section is one of the most read parts of The <strong>Monthly</strong><br />

<strong>Aspectarian</strong>? he Pulse Calendar listings are $.90 per word with 12 words minimum.<br />

Copy is due by the 15 th of the month prior to publication. Copy submitted after the deadline is<br />

not guaranteed to be included in the next issue. Check or credit card must accompany calendar<br />

listings. For questions, please email: Kasia@<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com or call: 847-966-1110.<br />

30 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - January 2013<br />

Islamic World Studies at Lake<br />

Forest College, 7-9 pm. MARK<br />




(2007) describes the emergence<br />

of modern liberal political<br />

philosophy after the demise of<br />

the Christian political theology.<br />

But the disestablishment of the<br />

church in the West remains a<br />

controversial process to this<br />

day. Why is the God of the<br />

reform so weak in keeping the<br />

promises of a modern religion<br />

that is compatible with science,<br />

democracy and human rights?<br />

And what are the implications<br />

for the reform movement in<br />

Islam? Fee: $10 fee payable to<br />

Common Ground. Refreshments.<br />

Saturday, March 9<br />


ASSOCIATION for Near-Death<br />

Studies (IANDS)/International<br />

Society for Extraordinaary<br />

Attention Advertisers<br />

Experiences (ISEE), support/<br />

study group/resource/forum<br />

for spiritual experiences,<br />

near-death experiences, outof-body<br />

experiences, losses,<br />

research. Saturday, March 9,<br />

2013: Guest Speaker: Virginia<br />

Hummel, Author, NDEr, expert in<br />

photographing of ORBS! Frank<br />

Auditorium at Evanston Hospital.<br />

2-5 pm. Free parking. For more<br />

info: 847-251-5758 or http://www.<br />

chicagoiands.org.<br />


gifted channeler, Sharyl Noday,<br />

as she channels information from<br />

spirit. Being with Siria Family<br />

offers us guidance in creating<br />

our dreams into realities.<br />

Answers for your individual<br />

questions and guided meditation.<br />

10:15 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. $25.00.<br />

Chakrashoppe 5034 N. Lincoln,<br />

chakrashoppe.com (773) 271-<br />

3054.<br />

Monday, March 11

MASTER YOUR ENERGY–Master Your Life: Free<br />

Webinar 3/11 at 7pm: www.lydiavandenbroeck.<br />

com.<br />

Thursday, March 14<br />

AWAKENING CODES of the Golden Age:<br />

TeleConference 3/14 at 7pm pre-register www.<br />

lydiavandenbroeck.com.<br />


PERSCHKE. See 3/7 listing for information.<br />

Friday, March 15<br />


display advertising and Calendar and Lightworkers<br />

Directory listings are due today. Call The<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> at 847-966-1110 or see<br />

www.monthlyaspectarian.com for advertising<br />

information.<br />



THE PROSPERITY GOSPEL, with John Haller,<br />

emeritus professor of history and medical<br />

humanities at Southern Illinois University<br />

Carbondale, 7-9 pm. NEW THOUGHT is both a<br />

movement and a uniquely American philosophy,<br />

one that emphasizes the power of the mind over<br />

matter and challenges its followers to visualize<br />

their way to health and success. Identifying the<br />

emergence of the movement with mind-cure healer<br />

Phineas Quimby, Haller will discuss how Quimby’s<br />

ideas were spread by students such as Warren<br />

Evans and Christian Scientist Mary Baker Eddy.<br />

Learn about this important but little-studied facet of<br />

American culture. Fee: $5. Refreshments.<br />

Sunday, March 17<br />

GONG MEDITATION, 5-6pm, $25. This hour-long<br />

Sound Bath will be comprised of a few minutes of<br />

Tibetan Singing Bowls at both the beginning and<br />

ending, with a Paiste Earth Gong in between. This<br />

event is called a “Sound bath” because you are<br />

bathed in sound, while remaining fully clothed in<br />

a comfortable position. Bring your own yoga mat<br />

if you prefer to lie on the floor. The vibrations of<br />

the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Earth Gong coax<br />

the brain into Alpha and/or Theta states, resulting<br />

in the autonomic nervous system switching to<br />

parasympathetic dominance. When the brain goes<br />

into Alpha or Theta it then slows our heart rate,<br />

lowers blood pressure, releases stored tension<br />

and toxins, and more. Join Danielle Dvorak for<br />

absorbing the soothing sounds of the gong and<br />

singing bowls. Location: Soderworld.<br />

Mondays through March 18<br />


MARK, with Rev. Dr. George Dole, professor<br />

emeritus of the Swedenborg House of Studies<br />

at the Pacific School of Religion, 6-7pm. Join<br />

this discussion group discussing the Gospel of<br />

Mark, using Paul Vickers’ Person to Person: The<br />

Gospel of Mark as a study guide. Discussion is<br />

led by Rev. Dr. George Dole, participating from<br />

his study in Bath, Maine via Google Talk. Vickers’<br />

insightful discussion of its rich symbolism reveals<br />

the relevance of this gospel has to our lives. Fee:<br />

Free will offering. Copies of Person to Person are<br />

available on loan from the Swedenborg Library.<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 31

Thursday, March 21<br />


CEREMONY with Guided<br />

Meditation, 7-8pm. Suggested<br />

Love Offering $5. The Burning<br />

Bowl Ceremony is a traditional<br />

ritual of release and letting go of<br />

what does not serve us now. The<br />

equinox presents an opportunity<br />

for renewal and releasing<br />

everything in your life that is<br />

holding you back, especially<br />

negative thoughts and emotions,<br />

bad habits, and unhealthy<br />

relationships. It is an extremely<br />

transformative experience,<br />

especially in a group setting.<br />

Join us in releasing the past and<br />

celebrating the future. Location:<br />

Soderworld.<br />

Friday, March 22<br />

CLUB DIVINE. Join us for an<br />

evening of conscious dancing,<br />

prayer, meditation, ceremony,<br />

laughing, healing, and loving<br />

each other. We will be hosting<br />

many artists, healers, DJs,<br />

muscians and performers from<br />

all of Chicago. Fri., March, 22nd,<br />

9pm-1am. At Bodhi Center, 2748<br />

N. Magnolia Ave., Chicago. $10<br />

advance or $15 door. Get your<br />

tickets here www.clubdivine.<br />

eventbrite.com.<br />

866-279-8666<br />

keri@virtualfreedom.biz<br />

Virtual Assistance can free you to earn more!<br />

Email Newsletters * Social Media * Blogging * Transcription<br />

Free Consultation<br />

Save 20% on Directory Package<br />

32 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - January 2013<br />

Thursday, March 28<br />

Over 30 Online Directories -<br />

Are you listed accurately?<br />

We can make sure your customers find you.<br />


WALTER PERSCHKE. See 3/7<br />

listing for information.<br />

Sunday, March 31<br />

EASTER SERVICE. 10:30am.<br />

Contemporary celebratory music<br />

performed by The Grateful<br />

Living, will complement our<br />

uplifting and life-affi rming<br />

message of resurrection and<br />

transformation. See website<br />

for complete list of Holy<br />

Week events. Abundant Life<br />

Spiritual Center led by Rev.<br />

Carol Saunders, Founder, 375<br />

Elm Street, Deerfi eld. Kids<br />

Community. Ph: 847-337-3866,<br />

AbundantLifeUnity.org.<br />


Saturday, April 27<br />


CEREMONY; April 27, 2013;<br />

4:30pm/sunset; Monee;contact<br />

Peggy. pegshands@sbcglobal.<br />

net, http://hot-river-rock.com,<br />

815-729-9302.<br />

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and many more<br />

Saturday-Sunday, May 18-19<br />


TO BODYWORK. Chicago, May<br />

18/19, 2013, 9am-4pm. Contact<br />

Peggy pegshands@sbcglobal.<br />

net, http://hot-river-rock.com,<br />

815-729-9302.<br />

Every single one of us can do things<br />

that no one else can do - can love<br />

things that no one else can love. We<br />

are like violins. We can be used for<br />

doorstops, or we can make music.<br />

You know what to do.<br />

- Barbara Sher<br />

It is essential that we enable<br />

young people to see themselves<br />

as participants in one of the most<br />

exciting eras in history, and to have a<br />

sense of purpose in relation to it.<br />

- Nelson Rockefeller<br />

Chase your passion, not your<br />

pension.<br />

- Denis Waitley<br />

• Erwin Naturals<br />

• 450 Loose Herbs<br />

• Stash, Black, Green, White Teas<br />

• Health King Teas<br />

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“Our tango with Loss, Grief, and Dying offers us a poignant<br />

opportunity to know our True Self more fully, explore how<br />

we Love, and how we engage with Others and with Life<br />

itself.” – Ruthie Landis<br />

On February 9th I<br />

attended the Finding<br />

Your Way Home<br />

workshop hosted<br />

by certifi ed Body-<br />

Psychotherapist<br />

and hypnotherapist,<br />

Enneagram teacher,<br />

life coach, and<br />

Reiki master,<br />

Ruthie Landis.<br />

Ruthie Landis & Liz Wagele<br />

Joined by about<br />

50 fellow spiritual seekers, I was moved, entertained and<br />

educated by Ruthie, along with a variety of performers and<br />

guest musician, speaker, and renowned Enneagram author<br />

and expert, Elizabeth Wagele. While I’ve been introduced to<br />

the Enneagram personality system in the past, I have never<br />

delved into the study of this ancient mode of transformational<br />

technology. I don’t have the page space to provide you with a<br />

summary of the Enneagram, however I thought this humorous<br />

illustration written by one of the attendees, Reverend Liz<br />

Stout would be both insightful and entertaining:<br />

DE GUSTIBUS NON DISPUTANDUM (Latin Translation:<br />

No Accounting for Tastes)<br />

ONES always chew<br />

more than they have<br />

bitten off.<br />

TWOS offer a bite<br />

to someone else<br />

fi rst.<br />

THREES take a bite<br />

of the best-selling,<br />

most popular brand.<br />

FOURS take a<br />

bite slowly and<br />

dramatically, hoping<br />

that others are watching.<br />

FIVES hide the wrapper so no one else will know what bites<br />

they are enjoying.<br />

All About Town…<br />

Finding Our Way Home<br />

Ruthie Landis<br />

The Ethical Humanist Society, February 9, 2013<br />

SIXES check the expiration date or read the list of ingredients<br />

before taking a bite.<br />

SEVENS do bite off more than they can chew, and proceed to<br />

chew it.<br />

EIGHTS may take possession of someone else’s bite, putting<br />

up a fi ght if necessary.<br />

NINES can’t make up their minds what to take a bite of; they<br />

take a little of everything so as not to show partiality.<br />

Did you spot your core self in one of the nine personality<br />

types described above? To further assist you on your journey<br />

of self-refl ection: Type 1: Perfectionists, Type 2: Helpers,<br />

Type 3: Achievers, Type 4: Romantics, Type 5: Observers,<br />

Type 6: Questioners, Type 7: Adventurers, Type 8: Asserters,<br />

and Type 9: Peace Seekers. When I fi rst arrived, I was wary<br />

of labeling myself as a defi nitive type, however as the day<br />

progressed, I could clearly see how we each portray one of<br />

the nine dominant features. You can, in fact, be a combination<br />

of two types. For example, I am a Romantic with an Achiever<br />

wing.<br />

As I entered the workshop hall, I was immediately struck by a<br />

fi gure that stood at the front of the stage. It was life sized and<br />

was wrapped in a dark and somewhat daunting black hood. It<br />

brought images of the grim reaper up from my subconscious,<br />

which was apropos given that the theme of the workshop<br />

was death and grief. While many avoid these subjects at all<br />

costs, I was impressed by the way the attendees delved right<br />

into their own pain and fear around loss. Ruthie opened the<br />

event by honoring her recently deceased father. Her heart was<br />

wide open as she shed tears in remembrance of her beloved<br />

dad. This heartfelt<br />

memorial set the<br />

mood for the rest of<br />

the day. Laughter,<br />

tears, pain and joy<br />

were all a part of<br />

the smorgasbord of<br />

emotions that were<br />

shared throughout<br />

the event.<br />

After Ruthie’s<br />

introduction, we<br />

were privileged to<br />

watch one of the<br />

Dr. Ann Cusak & Peter Maslej<br />

participants,<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 33

Dr. Ann Cusak, do the Death Tango with her dance partner,<br />

Peter Maslej. It was both somber and dramatic, and<br />

again, added to the tone of the event. We then watched<br />

monologue readings based upon the nine Enneagram<br />

types that refl ected both their inner descriptions and their<br />

transformational journeys. The performers were powerful<br />

and true to their type. Most of the actors were actually the<br />

type they portrayed, and shared anecdotes and insights on<br />

their own personal dances with death and loss. After each<br />

performance, participants shared their own moving insights<br />

and experiences. It was very evident that, while we may all<br />

have different ways of dealing with death (or not dealing with<br />

it!), we all share the mutual pain that loss brings.<br />

One of the most touching moments of the day took place<br />

near the end of the morning. Having once been a professional<br />

dancer, Marylou Tromanhauser took to the stage and shared<br />

a chair dance that was truly inspiring. She had recently been<br />

diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease; however this debilitating<br />

disease showed<br />

no signs of<br />

stopping her.<br />

While the<br />

disease may<br />

have slowed her<br />

down physically,<br />

she remains<br />

a magnifi cent<br />

creative force!<br />

The afternoon<br />

was very<br />

interactive in<br />

nature as we<br />

broke into groups,<br />

joining with<br />

fellow enneagram<br />

types. I supped<br />

the sweet nectar<br />

Marylou Tromanhauser<br />

of creative<br />

expression with fellow dramatic, creative number fours. After<br />

we each briefl y shared what our recent experiences were with<br />

grief and loss, we wrote our own private phrase about the<br />

subject matter on a long scroll of paper. The scroll was later<br />

read out loud as a compilation of our myriad of thoughts and<br />

feelings. It became a loosely contrived co-creative expression;<br />

our composite eulogy.<br />

One of my favorite endeavors of the day was our fi nal project.<br />

Ruthie spread art supplies, magazine pictures, ribbons, and<br />

all sorts of fun items out on tables around the room. Each<br />

Enneagram group had a blank mural to fi ll in whatever ways<br />

their imaginations saw fi t. The room was all a clutter with<br />

busy bodies, fi nding manifestations of their soul messages<br />

among the art supplies. Ribbons, pictures, messages and<br />

nametags were all placed on each blank mural, and ultimately<br />

became montages that spoke our heart and soul messages<br />

on grief and loss. After we fi nished the exercise, we walked<br />

34 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - January 2013<br />

around<br />

Monologue Performers<br />

the room<br />

observing<br />

the<br />

messages<br />

and<br />

meaning of<br />

each mural.<br />

As I drank<br />

them in, I<br />

was struck<br />

with a very<br />

distinct<br />

personality<br />

that emanated from each. For example, the Perfectionists<br />

had a very thoughtfully constructed mural - symmetric and<br />

orderly. The Adventurers posted pictures and messages that<br />

refl ected faraway places in distant lands. The Romantics<br />

created an eclectic collage of various shapes, sizes, and<br />

textures - few words were printed. On the other hand, the<br />

Achievers had hand-written messages and lots of ribbons,<br />

indicative of an organized, corporate layout, award ribbons<br />

and all. The pictorials and messages of the Helpers, were all<br />

about caretaking and healing, serving as they do so well.<br />

Yes, the event was a feast of inspiration and creativity.<br />

Laughter and tears, combined with stories of joy and pain<br />

were honored and shared, as we waded through the delicacies<br />

and delights that go hand in hand with fond farewells and new<br />

beginnings.<br />

Ruthie’s next workshop, The War Within: Making Peace with<br />

your Inner Enneagram Community will be held on Saturday-<br />

March 9th, 2013, 9:30 am -12:30 pm, $35.<br />

Theresa Puskar, our All About Town contributor, resides in<br />

Westmont and is an inspirational audio book producer, writer<br />

and performer.<br />

Call or Text 847-966-1110 with any<br />

questons regarding this article.<br />

I just wanted to let you know that your<br />

magazine played a major role in my Awakening.<br />

Many years ago I came across it and it opened<br />

my mind to things I had never dreamed<br />

possible.<br />

Thank You...and keep up the good work!!!<br />

—Kathy Messenger-Beltrone<br />

Glad that this wonderful publicati on conti nues<br />

on - thanks.<br />

—Rozanne Cifaldi

Lightworkers<br />

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Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 35<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.lightworks.com 47


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36 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

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As we approach Springtime, we are<br />

peeking out of the hibernating months of<br />

winter and beginning to stretch our arms<br />

up to the sky, maybe give out a big yawn<br />

as if to say, “Alrighty, I have had enough<br />

sleep. I am ready to be back out in the<br />

world and bask in the sunshine and<br />

dance in the moonlight.” This is truly<br />

what is happening internally with the<br />

enlightened human. We are waking up<br />

to so many truths. We have been getting<br />

downloads of information coming out of<br />

nowhere. The answers to the questions<br />

we’ve had our entire lives are somehow<br />

showing up for us. We have been<br />

seeking answers, searching for ways<br />

to not just survive our existence, but to<br />

live it fully. We were asleep, but now we<br />

have awakened. Now we see the truth,<br />

and it’s getting clearer and clearer.<br />

The time has come for many of us<br />

to break free from the “trying” and start<br />

“doing,” We’ve been reading the books,<br />

we have attended the seminars, we’ve<br />

listened to webcasts, all because we are<br />

continually searching for and sometimes<br />

fi nding the answers and solutions.<br />

We are seekers, it’s part of the human<br />

experience. We want to know all about<br />

this life here and explore the depths of<br />

our spiritual selves. But what do you<br />

seek? What answers to life? Answers to<br />

know who you are in the greatest form?<br />

Your destiny? What answers lie ahead<br />

for you to fi nd?<br />

What I am about to share with you<br />

is one perspective, getting you closer to<br />

the answers you seek. So, I invite you to<br />

come along with me on a journey as we<br />

55 5 9<br />

1<br />

33<br />

I’ve Got Your Number!<br />

Spring into Your<br />

Human Blueprint<br />

6<br />

travel back to a far, far away place, the<br />

place where it all began, prior to your<br />

being here.<br />

Before you got here, in your body,<br />

in this physical life on planet Earth, you<br />

sat down with the almighty Creator. Yes,<br />

you sat one-on-one with the Architect<br />

of Life and when you were asked to<br />

come into human form, you jumped up<br />

with enthusiasm and said, “Yes! Yes!<br />

Pick Me!” And so the creative process<br />

of inventing yourself began. Then you<br />

began to visualize the experience as an<br />

expression of the Creator on Earth and<br />

you were asked, what would you like<br />

to experience in order to evolve? How<br />

will you choose to contribute to the<br />

betterment of humankind? Who would<br />

you like to become? What does your<br />

potential look like in human form?<br />

And you deeply pondered these<br />

questions, imagining the highest,<br />

grandest version of yourself. Then<br />

suddenly the Creator exposed a beautiful<br />

beam of light, showing you the entire<br />

world, all the people in it and every<br />

form of life to choose from. You saw<br />

the beauty of the land, the miracles, the<br />

good deeds being done for one another,<br />

but you also saw the suffering that took<br />

place. And you suddenly felt the urgency<br />

of having your presence there. And in<br />

awe of it all, you began to weep. You<br />

could hardly wait nine months to be<br />

born.<br />

And so you got to choose. Your free<br />

will has chosen your existence. The<br />

good, the bad and the ugly. You chose<br />

it all. We were born with a veil over our<br />

By Angel Carlton<br />

44 44<br />

22<br />

7<br />

eyes that prevents us from remembering<br />

ourselves prior to being here, but we did<br />

bring that one important component to<br />

help us navigate our human experience,<br />

our free will and the freedom of choice.<br />

We got to carry that free will with us<br />

here so we can use it to choose again and<br />

again and again. Until we can remember<br />

who we are, our authentic spiritual self,<br />

that we are an expression of the Creator<br />

and why we chose to be here.<br />

While you were gazing upon all the<br />

amazing choices, you could see all the<br />

paths leading you to your destiny. So<br />

many to choose from to get you there,<br />

although you knew as a human, you<br />

would not be able to see them all, and<br />

thus realizing the opportunity to utilize<br />

your free will would come in handy.<br />

And so you got to work, mapping<br />

out all the aspects of your human<br />

experience; what you’ll look like; your<br />

personality traits; where you’ll live and<br />

what part of the world you will grow up<br />

in; what your gifts and talents will be;<br />

your mission and soul purpose and all<br />

the people, relationships, assignments,<br />

soul contracts to help you fulfi ll that<br />

mission. These souls, the ones you<br />

selected, all agreed to play that role for<br />

you while you’re here; the good and the<br />

bad, the ones who bring out the best and<br />

worst, the ones who remind you who<br />

you are and teach you who you are not.<br />

These are the messengers you planted<br />

here to remind you who you are and why<br />

you are here.<br />

Then you picked the two people<br />

(souls) who would bring you into<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 37

physical form ... your mother and<br />

father, and they gave you ... your name.<br />

Your name has an energetic blueprint<br />

that decodes the characteristics of<br />

your human make up including your<br />

motivation, inner-self, expression,<br />

hidden tendencies, subconscious<br />

response to life karmic lessons and<br />

challenges. Yes, you chose all of it.<br />

Your plans are complete and finally,<br />

it’s time to select the special point in<br />

time that you would make your grand<br />

entrance, your arrival date, your birth<br />

date. And you carefully selected this date<br />

so that it will contain all the answers you<br />

have about your human life. This code,<br />

behind the numbers of your birth date,<br />

will lead you to your destiny.<br />

And you were well aware that life<br />

as a human would not be easy for you<br />

as you observed so many in emotional<br />

and physical pain and disbelief of their<br />

own spiritual selves. You knew life<br />

here wasn’t going to be smooth sailing.<br />

Growth rarely happens on Easy Street.<br />

You didn’t come here for simplicity. You<br />

came here to grow, evolve and to serve.<br />

And you set up for yourself 9-year<br />

increments, so in the event you’re not<br />

on track with your human plan, you<br />

arranged for some life-altering event<br />

(crisis, tragedy, illness, relationship,<br />

financial distress, marriage, divorce,<br />

death, etc.) to bring you back to your<br />

spiritual self and perhaps call to your<br />

Creator for assistance. Pain is a catalyst<br />

for change. And yes, you chose it all.<br />

The Law of Life Cycles allows you to<br />

hit the reset button every nine years;<br />

unfortunately, we have to experience<br />

some discomfort to realize/remember we<br />

even have a button to press. If you are<br />

not following your blueprint, each year<br />

brings you energetic support to guide<br />

you closer to your destiny.<br />

Yes, this is one way to look at your<br />

existence and if anything, it will take<br />

you to the balcony for you to get another<br />

look, a higher perspective, at your life.<br />

But now that you see and resonate with<br />

some truth in this, let me ask you ... do<br />

you have the courage to really look at<br />

your life as it was intended to be lived?<br />

And the greatest question of all ... are<br />

you ready to live it?<br />

There’s a reason why you chose to<br />

read this article. You asked, and I said,<br />

“Yes, I would. I will be a messenger<br />

38 The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

for you and do my best to remind you,<br />

because I love you.” The blueprint you<br />

created, its available to you. The humans<br />

call it Numerology.<br />

By adding the numbers of your<br />

chosen birth date and breaking down<br />

the letters of the name your parents<br />

gave you, it will give you tremendous<br />

insight into who you came here to<br />

become. Numerology will also help you<br />

understand the events that have occurred<br />

in your life as you calculate the events<br />

and match them to the 9-year cycles.<br />

You still have permission to seek<br />

the answers to all of life’s questions,<br />

however, you must know by now, you<br />

were born with them and you’ve had<br />

them all along.<br />

History of Numerology<br />

For those of you who are new to<br />

Numerology, here is a brief history of<br />

how it began.<br />

The history of numerology is<br />

somewhat cloudy with no definite<br />

answer as to where it first originated.<br />

Egypt and Babylon are recognized as<br />

the locations of the earliest recorded<br />

history of numerology by the majority<br />

of numerologists. It was here that the<br />

Chaldean system was developed under<br />

the influence of the Hebrews. There is<br />

also evidence of the use of numerology<br />

thousands of years ago in China,<br />

Rome, Japan and Greece. The credit for<br />

modern numerology, however, is most<br />

often given to the Greek philosopher<br />

Pythagoras.<br />

Pythagoras was born is Greece<br />

around 590 B.C. and was one of the best<br />

known philosophers of his day. If his<br />

name sounds familiar, it is likely because<br />

you were taught his theories in high<br />

school geometry class. He was a very<br />

important figure in the development of<br />

mathematics, although little is known<br />

about his true achievements.<br />

There is very little recorded of the<br />

early life of Pythagoras, but it has been<br />

reported that he was a very magnetic,<br />

attractive, charismatic person and that<br />

everyone loved him. He is also believed<br />

to have won prizes for his agility at the<br />

Olympic games.<br />

When Pythagoras was around fifty<br />

years old, he established a school that<br />

was sort of a secret society in Crotona,<br />

Italy. The society was called the semi-<br />

circle and there he taught Mathematics,<br />

Astronomy and Music. The society<br />

was open to both men and women, and<br />

it is said that his students were made<br />

to adhere to a strict code of secrecy<br />

and were not allowed to put any of his<br />

teachings in writing. It has also been<br />

reported that his students had to go<br />

through a five year period of perfect<br />

silence which allowed them to reach<br />

a level of deep contemplation and to<br />

develop faith. Most of the little that is<br />

known of what he taught was written<br />

down after his death.<br />

Rather than focusing on solving<br />

mathematical problems like modern<br />

day mathematicians, Pythagoras was<br />

primarily interested in the concepts or<br />

principles behind the mathematics. He<br />

felt that the entire universe could be<br />

expressed through numbers, and created<br />

a system for this that was then further<br />

expanded by other Greek philosophers.<br />

Although Pythagoras did not invent<br />

numerology, his theories took it to<br />

a different level which is why he is<br />

often credited with being the father of<br />

numerology.<br />

Dr. Julia Stenton is credited both<br />

with raising awareness of Numerology in<br />

modern times in many parts of the world<br />

and with giving the name “Numerology”<br />

to the Science of Names and Numbers.<br />

Though numerology is probably<br />

the least known or understood of the<br />

metaphysical sciences, it is enjoying a<br />

resurgence in popularity. Today it is most<br />

often used to discover secret meanings<br />

and to predict the future. (Resource:<br />

AboutNumerology.com.)<br />

Characteristics of the Numbers<br />

You can calculate which path is yours<br />

simply by adding the numbers of your<br />

birthdate. For example: My birthdate<br />

is June 23, 1966, So I would add the<br />

numbers as such: 6+2+3+1+9+6+6 =<br />

33, 3+3 = 6 path. Always break down<br />

the number into a single digit. If you<br />

end up with a double digit with the same<br />

number, you came here with the option<br />

of a Master Soul Path. Here are some of<br />

the characteristics of the numbers that<br />

make up your human plan:<br />

Number 1<br />

Strengths: Independent,<br />

extraordinary leadership skills, very

ambitious, driven, goal-oriented, strong<br />

will power, courageous, unconventional,<br />

inventive, creative, original, pioneer,<br />

unique approach to problems,<br />

independent, individualistic, great<br />

potential for success, lone ranger.<br />

Challenges: Stubborn, dominant,<br />

impatient, selfish, egotistical, selfcentered,<br />

angry, aggressive, demands<br />

respect and attention, pride, need to feel<br />

in command, status and prestige, bossy.<br />

Professions: Entrepreneur, leader,<br />

manager, business person, inventor,<br />

speaker, consultant, editor, scientist,<br />

ideally you should be your own boss.<br />

Number 2<br />

Strengths: You are gentle, subtle,<br />

cooperative, tactful, diplomatic,<br />

patient, sincere, harmonious, love,<br />

detail oriented, kind, artistic, emphatic,<br />

intuitive, supportive, loving, cautious, a<br />

follower, humble and peaceful. You are<br />

considerate and sensitive to the needs<br />

of others. You sense what others want<br />

and how they feel, you are a great teamworker<br />

and an organizational talent. You<br />

have an eye for beauty and are often the<br />

power behind the throne.<br />

Challenges: Timidity, fear, low selfesteem,<br />

lack of self-confidence, paranoia,<br />

coward, obsess about insignificant<br />

details, dependent on others, depressed.<br />

You are vulnerable and easily hurt and<br />

you try to escape from all kinds of<br />

confrontation and criticism.<br />

Professions: Healer, counselor,<br />

teacher, musician, designer, architect,<br />

diplomat, advisor, researcher, secretary,<br />

administrative assistant.<br />

Number 3<br />

Strengths: You are creative, social,<br />

artistic, very positive and optimistic,<br />

playful, happy and fun-loving,<br />

expansive, diversified, inspirational,<br />

loves the limelight, imaginative,<br />

motivating, enthusiastic and uplifting.<br />

You have great verbal skills and a talent<br />

for self expression. You are a great<br />

communicator, you enjoy life and you<br />

don’t take things too seriously.<br />

Challenges: You are disorganized,<br />

irresponsible, conceited, talk to much,<br />

antisocial, jealous, moody, emotional<br />

and vulnerable. You can be moody and<br />

cynical, you lack focus and discipline<br />

and you might have difficulties with<br />

handling money. You tend to scatter your<br />

energies, often lack direction and it is<br />

often difficult for you to finish projects.<br />

Professions: Entertainer, writer,<br />

actor, musician, singer, interior designer,<br />

journalist, model, art therapist.<br />

Number 4<br />

Strengths: You are practical, detailoriented,<br />

self-disciplined, determined,<br />

organized, orderly, systematic, stable,<br />

conservative, hard worker, endurance,<br />

methodical, precise, reliable, punctual,<br />

dependable, honest, trustworthy, without<br />

artifice. You are the rock and cornerstone<br />

of an enterprise, don’t give up easily, are<br />

perseverant and a hard worker.<br />

Challenges: You can be rigid, stingy,<br />

stubborn, completely lack self-discipline<br />

or be too disciplined, judgmental,<br />

stubborn, too detail-oriented, bossy,<br />

overly cautious and too serious. You<br />

might lack flexibility and adaptability. It<br />

is difficult for you to deal with changes<br />

and you are often too conventional in<br />

your approach.<br />

Professions: Banker, accountant,<br />

manager, scientist, lawyer, engineer,<br />

mechanic, professional athlete, builder,<br />

general contractor.<br />

Number 5<br />

Strengths: Change, adventure,<br />

curiosity, adaptable, versatile, social,<br />

sensuality, passionate, charismatic,<br />

upbeat, good communicator, dynamic,<br />

explorer, persuasive, bright, quickwitted.<br />

Challenges: Lack of discipline<br />

and order, impatient, restless, easily<br />

distracted, rebellious, addictions,<br />

reckless, very impulsive. You might<br />

also be susceptible to overindulgence in<br />

sensual pleasures. Discipline and focus<br />

are the keys to your success.<br />

Professions: Salesperson, promoter,<br />

entertainer, scientist, travel agent,<br />

travel or food writer, life coach, actor,<br />

advertising.<br />

Number 6<br />

Strengths: You are compassionate,<br />

responsible, sacrificing and unselfish,<br />

harmonious and balanced, generous,<br />

kind, humble, community, family focus,<br />

charismatic and charming. You are<br />

also committed, protective, nurturing,<br />

domestic, community conscious and<br />

family oriented. You like to offer a<br />

shoulder for others and are a good<br />

parent.<br />

Challenges: Overly emotional and<br />

sentimental, overanxious, obstinate,<br />

sacrifice self for others, suppresses<br />

own talents for others. You have to find<br />

a balance between truly helping and<br />

interfering. Sometimes you are also selfrighteousness,<br />

stubborn and egotistical<br />

and you tend to dominate family and<br />

friends.<br />

Professions: Musician, actor, teacher,<br />

healer, artist, craftsperson, social worker,<br />

counselor, doctor, nurse, choreographer.<br />

Number 7<br />

Strengths: You are analytical,<br />

intellectual, focused, scientific and<br />

inventive, contemplative, secretive,<br />

studious, quiet, introspective, analytical,<br />

needs to be alone, meditative, spiritual<br />

and enigmatic. You are a seeker of truth<br />

and an accumulator of knowledge and<br />

wisdom. You prefer working alone and<br />

you need space and privacy. You enjoy<br />

solitude, but you also like to display<br />

your knowledge in public. You are an<br />

abstract thinker, you are self-oriented,<br />

a perfectionist and you possess great<br />

mental strength.<br />

Challenges: Intimacy might be<br />

difficult for you. You can be cynical,<br />

selfish, egocentric, withdrawn, sensitive,<br />

sarcastic, aloof, reclusive, lonely, can<br />

use drugs or alcohol to escape, overly<br />

reserved and suspicious. Maintain your<br />

independence, but be careful not to<br />

become too inward and isolated.<br />

Professions: Scientist, religious<br />

leader, philosopher, scholar, preacher,<br />

sage, teacher, inventor, researcher,<br />

psychiatrist, investigator, artist.<br />

Number 8<br />

Strengths: You are inspiring, resultoriented,<br />

powerful, ambitious, visionary,<br />

generous, perseverant, zeal, forgiving,<br />

broad-minded, money-conscious<br />

and self-disciplined, executive,<br />

philanthropist. You have the potential for<br />

enormous success and the possibility to<br />

accumulate great wealth. You are also a<br />

good judge of character a natural leader<br />

and a survivor.<br />

Challenges: You might be stubborn,<br />

intolerant, impatient, stressed,<br />

materialistic, greedy, stingy, impatient<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 39

with people, bully, abuse of power, arrogant and reckless. You<br />

have the power to accumulate great wealth, but you are also<br />

susceptible to losing everything. You are a gambler, you have a<br />

strong desire for luxuries and you can fall for corruption. You<br />

have to fi nd a balance between the spiritual and the material<br />

world. Learn to use your power for the benefi t of mankind.<br />

Professions: Manager, investor, entrepreneur, CEO,<br />

business person, manufacturer, scientist, politician, fi nancial<br />

expert, real estate, politician, athlete, publisher.<br />

Number 9<br />

Strengths: You are socially conscious, concerned about<br />

the betterment of the world, humanitarian, service-oriented,<br />

idealistic, visionary, tolerant, imaginative and creative,<br />

compassionate, romantic, selfl ess and generous. are also<br />

giving, sharing, loving, caring, compassionate, patient, noble<br />

and aristocratic. You don’t mind sacrifi cing time, money and<br />

energy for a better world. You usually fi nish what you start and<br />

are ready to sacrifi ce without the need for reward.<br />

Challenges: You can be aloof, bitter, sad, selfi sh, blame<br />

others, withdrawn, distracted, possessive, moody, timid and<br />

uncertain. You are often unsatisfi ed with achieved results and<br />

you might get disappointed with life’s realities. You also tend<br />

to be careless with your fi nances.<br />

Professions: Designer, photographer, politician, lawyer,<br />

teacher, healer, statesperson, writer, philosopher, artist,<br />

physician, philanthropist.<br />


Number 11 Illumination<br />

Strengths: Idealist, humanitarian, courage, power,<br />

leadership, visionary, inspirational, extremely high standards,<br />

decisive, sensitive, psychic, charismatic.<br />

Challenges: Egocentric, dishonest, abuse of power, dictator,<br />

selfi sh, loss of self-confi dence, late bloomers.<br />

Professions: Politician, diplomat, psychic, writer, artist,<br />

musician, inspirational speaker, teacher, astronomer, scientist.<br />

Number 22 The Master Builder<br />

Strengths: Inspirational, intuitive, ambitious, hard worker,<br />

practical, self-confi dent, visionary, idealistic, large goals<br />

beyond that of a personal scope.<br />

Challenges: Greedy, abuse of power, workaholic, rigid,<br />

stubborn, bossy, lazy, lack focus, too serious, fear, avoid<br />

confrontation.<br />

Professions: Import-export business, ambassador,<br />

international fi nance, CEO, fi lm director, political organizer,<br />

entrepreneur, leader.<br />

Number 33 The Master Teacher<br />

Strengths: Devotion, determination, understanding,<br />

wisdom, caring, healing, compassion, truth, protector,<br />

humanitarian, giving, romance, altruistic, leadership,<br />

responsibility.<br />

Challenges: Caring too much, taking on the pain of<br />

others, overly critical, doing everything for others, intolerant,<br />

disconnected, dictatorial and dogmatic, co-dependent,<br />

40 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

compulsive liar.<br />

Professions: Spiritual leader, doctor, nurse, counselor,<br />

social worker, social services, artist, musician, interior<br />

decorator, theater, prophet.<br />

Number 44 The Alchemist – Mental Mastery<br />

Strengths: Building group consciousness, wisdom,<br />

visionary, empowerment, individualist, hard work, joyous,<br />

insightful, honor, strength, leadership, abundance, selfdiscipline,<br />

successful.<br />

Challenges: Lack of personal discipline, abuse of<br />

power, rigid, insensitive, outspoken, critical, controlling,<br />

procrastination, lazy.<br />

Professions: Business, military, law, architect, builder, high<br />

fi nance, industry, manufacturing, government, psychotherapy,<br />

analyst, scientifi c research.<br />

Mystery Celebrity<br />

Last month’s mystery celebrity: A Universal sex symbol, an<br />

American Academy Award winning actress and fi lm director.<br />

She was named Hollywood’s highest-paid actress by Forbes in<br />

2009 and 2011 and often promotes humanitarian causes.<br />

If you guessed Angelina Jolie, you were correct! She is a<br />

Life Path Number 5. The key to Angelina’s personality is<br />

liberty. Angelina loves travel, adventure, variety and meeting<br />

new people. She possesses the curiosity of a cat and longs to<br />

experience all life has to offer. Angelina enjoys being involved<br />

in several areas at the same time as long as she isn’t tied down<br />

to any one area. Angelina likes change, new things and new<br />

horizons. She makes friends easily; her upbeat and frequently<br />

inspiring personality attracts from all walks of life.<br />

Next month’s Mystery Celebrity:<br />

A former American professional basketball player and<br />

entrepreneur, is also noted for his product endorsements. He<br />

also gained a reputation for being one of the best defensive<br />

players in basketball. In 1991, he won his fi rst NBA<br />

championship. He holds the NBA records for highest career<br />

regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and<br />

highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game).<br />

In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete<br />

of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth<br />

on the Associated Press list of athletes of the century. He was<br />

inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame in 2009. (Look for<br />

the answer and a numerological overview in the next issue of<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong>.)<br />

It is an honor and privilege to serve the readers of The<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong>. For a private numerology consultation,<br />

please contact: AngelTCarlton@gmail.com. A discounted<br />

rate and free comprehensive report with your initial session is<br />

provided for <strong>Monthly</strong> Apectarian readers.<br />

Call or Text 847-966-1110 with any questons<br />

regarding this article.

Science Fiction<br />

& The Art of Storytelling<br />

What Is Life? Part 5: Let’s Dance!<br />

Dragon’s Ring by Dave Freer. (Baen<br />

Paperback, January, 2011.)<br />

The Legend of Jig Dragonslayer. (Daw,<br />

July, 2012.)<br />

Dream Called Time by S. L. Viehl.<br />

(RoC Paperback, 2010.)<br />

Life Guards In The Hamptons by Celia<br />

Jerome. (Daw, May, 2012.)<br />

Firebird by Jack McDevitt. (Ace<br />

Hardcover, November, 2011.)<br />

Burn Notice (USA Network, June,<br />

2012.)<br />

“Let’s dance!” is a very famous movie<br />

line, but I can’t recall the name of the<br />

fi lm that fi rst used it. The cliché scene<br />

is two martial arts experts contending<br />

an issue. Eye to eye, in a showdown,<br />

one says to the other, “Let’s dance,”<br />

meaning, “Let’s fi ght.” Movie fi ght<br />

scenes are choreographed like dance for<br />

an esoteric reason.<br />

Dance, combat, warfare, chess,<br />

football, and all the board gaming<br />

and videogaming, even online games<br />

like Second Life and Farmville, all of<br />

these are metaphors for life that have<br />

“fi gures” like dance and rhythm like<br />

music.<br />

I explained how that works in this<br />

column in 2007 and 2008, in the series<br />

titled “The Soul-Time Hypothesis and<br />

Formulating Decisions” (www.simegen.<br />

com/reviews/rereadablebooks/2007/<br />

index.html, and<br />

www.simegen.com/reviews/<br />

rereadablebooks/2008/index.html).<br />

The reason fi ction “works” for<br />

consumers of stories has to do with<br />

the way a story replicates our reality.<br />

The similarities that are hidden the<br />

most deeply are the ones that affect<br />

us the most powerfully. Blake Snyder<br />

fi ngered that perfectly in his series on<br />

screenwriting: Save The Cat!<br />

The magical principle is “As Above:<br />

So Below”—an artistic piece that<br />

reveals the Above’s pattern is exciting,<br />

riveting, because it ignites the hope<br />

of understanding the Below where we<br />

struggle. Artists reveal the hidden forces<br />

driving the events in our world.<br />

Games are an artform, as is warfare.<br />

“Let’s dance!” is the invitation to throw<br />

down, to determine the philosophical<br />

truth of a matter that’s unfolding above<br />

by determining who the prevailing<br />

contestant is below. Does might make<br />

right? Or does right make might? Do<br />

the good guys always win? Or are the<br />

winners always transformed into good<br />

guys in spite of themselves? Or, as<br />

detailed in the February, 2012, column<br />

“Justice Part 2,” is that question a false<br />

Hobson’s Choice? There is such a thing<br />

as a Pyrrhic victory, isn’t there?<br />

Combat is a dance, the dance of<br />

life, as well choreographed as corporate<br />

negotiating or political maneuvering.<br />

It’s all about patterns, dance step<br />

patterns, the moves, the rhythm, the<br />

grace and coordination with a partner’s<br />

moves.<br />

I suspect this is why every time I<br />

analyze the natal charts of candidates<br />

for public offi ce, I see that they hit the<br />

campaign trail when solar arc transits<br />

to their natal mid-points are indicating<br />

by Jaqueline Lichtenberg<br />

peaks in artistic performance, not<br />

peaks in judgment. They’re inviting<br />

the audience to watch them dance, like<br />

two martial artists in a showdown at a<br />

tournament. The one who gets the most<br />

applause, or points for form, prevails.<br />

Watching carefully, the audience<br />

may glimpse that which is above by<br />

analyzing the choreographed moves<br />

below. This is exactly what the best<br />

novelists do. Some of the best are using<br />

the tropes polished in videogames to<br />

create novels with very broad appeal.<br />

Here’s a novel that Sarah A. Hoyt,<br />

whose work I’ve reviewed here,<br />

recommended to me. Dragon’s Ring<br />

by Dave Freer gives us a world with<br />

a Tolkienesque variety of intelligent<br />

creatures. Filmed, it would be as<br />

colorful and breathtaking as the movie<br />

Avatar.<br />

In Dragon’s Ring as well as in<br />

Avatar, destruction of the most precious<br />

and beautiful is the primary image. The<br />

motivations, as with the two squared<br />

off martial artists, show us that life<br />

“Below” is about power and dominance.<br />

This leaves us to infer what is “Above.”<br />

Dragon’s Ring shows us how those<br />

without power in their world can<br />

nevertheless achieve miracles worthy of<br />

a hero.<br />

Two equally matched martial artists<br />

are fun to watch, but even more fun<br />

is David vs. Goliath! Jim C. Hines<br />

has invented a David who is a tiny<br />

runted goblin named Jig in a world of<br />

huge dragons and immensely complex<br />

(realistic) supernatural politics. The<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 41

three novels reprinted in The Legend<br />

of Jig Dragonslayer all feature this<br />

very likeable goblin who somehow<br />

wins despite the odds. That lets us see<br />

“Below” (in the text) that which is<br />

“Above” (good wins!)<br />

S. L. Viehl has this long-running<br />

series called Stardoc about an artifi cial<br />

intelligence shaped as a woman, who<br />

believes she is a woman, and who is<br />

a healer, and maybe a weapon, in an<br />

interstellar war. She fi nally unravels<br />

the truth about who and what she is in<br />

Dream Called Time, but that raises a<br />

lot more questions. This entire novel<br />

is a showdown, a set of climaxes to a<br />

long story. This is where the artifi cial<br />

intelligence gives that little smile and<br />

says to her opponents, “Let’s dance.” If<br />

you haven’t been reading Stardoc, start<br />

with the novel titled Stardoc.<br />

I’ve been following Celia Jerome’s<br />

In The Hamptons series since Daw<br />

sent me the fi rst one. It’s an ongoing<br />

urban fantasy story, so I recommend<br />

you start with Trolls In The Hamptons.<br />

This little town in the Hamptons is at<br />

the intersection with another dimension<br />

where magical creatures abide. They<br />

aren’t supposed to come over here, but<br />

something about Willow Tate’s magical<br />

gift attracts them. She can communicate<br />

with them by drawing, as she draws and<br />

writes graphic novels for a living. In<br />

Life Guards In The Hamptons, Willow<br />

Tate once again must confront the<br />

overwhelming forces re-shaping her<br />

life, against her will.<br />

Celia Jerome is using the structure<br />

of a typical amateur detective novel<br />

where each novel is a “case” that<br />

drops into the detective’s life (Willow<br />

Tate). The story is about how Willow<br />

Tate struggles to meet book deadlines<br />

despite the “cases” she has to cope with,<br />

solve, resolve via confrontation. She<br />

is resisting being manipulated by her<br />

grandmother. Often she ends up in a<br />

magical battle to protect the town full<br />

of people. Sometimes they help. Her<br />

compassion is her undoing.<br />

Jack McDevitt is doing something<br />

very similar, but in a more science<br />

fi ction interstellar setting where the<br />

“magic” is science beyond our current<br />

ability to understand. Alex Benedict,<br />

the amateur detective, is an antiques<br />

auctioneer, a fellow who buys and sells<br />

42 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

unique artifacts usually of artistic value,<br />

often with archeological value. It’s a<br />

profession akin to that of a detective,<br />

needing vast amounts of expertise,<br />

powers of observation, and Sherlock<br />

Holmes level logic.<br />

In each Alex Benedict novel, some<br />

artifact, or an estate that must be closed<br />

out, drops into his life. Benedict is<br />

famous enough to be a TV talk show<br />

guest upon occasion, so everything<br />

interesting ends up in his life!<br />

In Firebird, the sixth Alex Benedict<br />

novel, mysteries discovered in previous<br />

novels begin to be solved. Benedict has<br />

to auction off the estate of a physicist<br />

who is famous in the fringe-science<br />

community, perhaps the most scoffed<br />

at among the fringe crackpots for his<br />

theories about former civilizations in<br />

the galaxy. As Benedict suspects the<br />

truth, then proves it, we get a sense of<br />

a galaxy-spanning mystery emerging, a<br />

mystery that affects our ideas about who<br />

and what humanity is. The past matters,<br />

pay attention.<br />

McDevitt’s terse, precise prose<br />

creates a refreshing, fast-paced, hardhitting<br />

mystery/detective series as<br />

award-worthy as his Nebula Award<br />

work. You don’t have to read these in<br />

order, though it helps.<br />

From all these novels, it’s possible<br />

to learn to dance with adversaries<br />

such as advertisers, politicians, and<br />

others who are treating you the way<br />

the miscreants in these novels treat the<br />

amateur detectives—with misdirection,<br />

covert actions, hidden clues, and outfl<br />

anking maneuvers.<br />

One of my favorite TV shows was<br />

on again this summer, Burn Notice<br />

on the USA Network (Characters<br />

Welcome) season seven, I think. You<br />

can get previous seasons on Amazon<br />

streaming video, Netfl ix and elsewhere.<br />

Michael Westin is a spy—just like a<br />

detective who has to fi nd out something<br />

other people want very urgently to<br />

keep from him. But he’s no amateur.<br />

In the season opener in June, Michael<br />

has found the man who “burned” him<br />

(kicked him out of his spy job without<br />

I.D.). Michael and his friends leave a<br />

trail of explosions across Miami as they<br />

chase their quarry of several seasons,<br />

and fail to nab him. This leaves Fiona,<br />

one of the team, in jail framed for<br />

murder, and Michael at his wits’ end.<br />

The fellow Michael’s been chasing<br />

is a con artist who uses Michael’s<br />

love for his mother, for Fiona, and<br />

his willingness to sacrifi ce himself<br />

for the good of others, as weapons to<br />

manipulate Michael into doing things<br />

Michael considers evil. For the good<br />

of others, Michael has done things that<br />

make him emotionally unstable, one<br />

might say, that make him hate himself.<br />

He has to save Fiona by proving that<br />

this man, who was a spy boss with<br />

power over Michael, who may not be<br />

the only rotten apple in the FBI/CIA<br />

barrel, is the murderer.<br />

Burn Notice is plausible because<br />

the plot choreography replicates some<br />

elements in modern politics.<br />

Send books for review in this column<br />

to: Jacqueline Lichtenberg, email jl@<br />

simegen.com for instructions.<br />

Tell me what you like and I’ll<br />

tell you what you are.<br />

—John Ruskin<br />

e meaning of life is to give<br />

life meaning.<br />

—Ken Hudgins<br />

A di cult time can be more<br />

readily endured if we retain<br />

the conviction that our<br />

existence holds a purpose - a<br />

cause to pursue, a person to<br />

love, a goal to achieve.<br />

—John Maxwell<br />

Outstanding people have one<br />

thing in common: an absolute<br />

sense of mission.<br />

—Zig Ziglar

In Print<br />

Feeding the Hungry Ghost: Life,<br />

Faith, and What to Eat for Dinner<br />

by Ellen Kanner. (New World Library,<br />

$15.95, Paperback.)<br />

The “hungry ghost” in the title of<br />

this book is a Tao concept, evoking<br />

restless souls<br />

still hungry,<br />

still seeking,<br />

even beyond the<br />

grave. We all<br />

have a hungry<br />

ghost that food<br />

alone cannot<br />

satisfy. We see<br />

this by the rise<br />

in obesity and<br />

the sense of<br />

disconnection<br />

from the very food we gobble.<br />

Spirituality alone doesn’t fulfi ll<br />

all our human needs, either, which<br />

is why we need to combine these<br />

hungers and learn to eat mindfully,<br />

in harmony with our natural seasons<br />

and in relationship with our families<br />

and wider communities. Feeding the<br />

Hungry Ghost contains stories that are<br />

centered on the seasons. The moods<br />

they evoke nudge us to think and feel<br />

more deeply about how we live now.<br />

Ellen Kanner knows that all the spiritual<br />

cheerleading in the world can’t get the<br />

average person to change their habits,<br />

so she offers bait, specifi cally, delicious<br />

vegan recipes from her personal arsenal,<br />

many of them re-workings of cultural<br />

favorites from around the world.<br />

Feeding the Hungry Ghost combines<br />

elements of humor, spirituality, cultural<br />

food traditions, current science about<br />

health and diet, and seasonal recipes.<br />

It shares the importance of food that<br />

nourishes both heart and soul while<br />

supporting a more sustainable approach<br />

to raising the food that graces our<br />

tables. She describes why simple<br />

choices can begin to change habits and<br />

alter behavior, how these small steps<br />

can lead to a healthier, happier person<br />

and a healthier, more peaceful planet.<br />

The Healing Power of the Sacred<br />

Woman: Health, Creativity, and<br />

Fertility for the Soul by Christine R.<br />

Page, M.D. (Bear & Company, $20.00,<br />

Paperback.)<br />

Four<br />

thousand<br />

years ago,<br />

women were<br />

seen as living<br />

representatives<br />

of the Great<br />

Mother, whose<br />

cyclical and<br />

potent energy<br />

gave birth to<br />

all existence.<br />

Today, this<br />

sacred awareness has been lost or<br />

distorted, causing a collective amnesia<br />

among women around the world.<br />

There is, however, one symbol of the<br />

Great Mother’s loving presence that<br />

has remained unchanged for tens of<br />

thousands of years: the physical body.<br />

Its curves, sensuality, softness, and<br />

monthly fl ow are constant reminders<br />

of this deep, loving connection. When<br />

illness appears, especially within the<br />

breasts and fertility organs, a woman is<br />

being reminded to return to her pure and<br />

sacred identity, where death and birth<br />

are essential for growth and love fl ows<br />

without expectations.<br />

Combining more than thirty years<br />

of experience in health care with in<br />

depth research into the history and<br />

mythology of the divine feminine,<br />

Christine Page reveals that women<br />

are the foundations of the birth of<br />

new levels of consciousness, without<br />

which the evolution of humanity will<br />

become barren and dry. Yet, such birth<br />

can occur only when women have the<br />

courage to reject the beliefs and images<br />

of the feminine imposed upon them and<br />

reclaim their true identity. Through a<br />

fascinating journey into the body, Dr.<br />

Page shows the importance of self-love<br />

and self-respect. She reminds women<br />

to reconnect to the potent and creative<br />

energy of Mother Earth, which gives<br />

power to the intuitive voice of the heart<br />

and nurtures new seeds of inspiration<br />

and enlightenment.<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 43

Mothering from Your Center: Tapping<br />

Your Body’s Natural Energy for<br />

Pregnancy, Birth, and Parenting<br />

by Tami Lynn Kent, foreword by<br />

Christianne Northrup and Kate<br />

Northrup. (Beyond Words/Atria,<br />

$16.99, Paperback.)<br />

Mothering from Your Center offers<br />

a holistic approach to women’s health<br />

that goes beyond simple healing to help<br />

each woman tap into her core feminine<br />

energy to live<br />

a creative,<br />

joyful, and<br />

powerful life as<br />

both a mother<br />

and a woman.<br />

Whether trying<br />

to conceive,<br />

presently<br />

pregnant,<br />

recovering from<br />

childbirth, or<br />

raising children<br />

today, we can fi nd hope, healing, and<br />

inspiration.<br />

Tami Kent shares the story of<br />

her own soul-fi lled journey from<br />

miscarriage to motherhood and offers<br />

effective tools to help women heal and<br />

thrive both physically and emotionally.<br />

She also teaches women how to access<br />

the energetic power of the pelvic bowl<br />

and connect with their feminine energy.<br />

We can learn how to strengthen the<br />

bond between mother and child, create<br />

holistic family harmony, and fi nd the<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />


AUGUST 2012<br />

Volume 34, No. 1<br />

44 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

balance between work and home. Kent<br />

offers an intimate and comprehensive<br />

guide to reclaiming the energetic center<br />

of the female body to liberate the spirit<br />

and ultimately unleash the creative<br />

potential as both woman and mother.<br />

E-Squared: Nine Do-It-Yourself<br />

Energy Experiments That Prove Your<br />

Thoughts Create Your Reality by Pam<br />

Grout. (Hay House Insights, $15.95,<br />

Paperback.)<br />

Don’t face reality. Create reality!<br />

E-Squared could best be described as<br />

a lab manual with simple experiments<br />

to prove once and for all that reality is<br />

malleable, that consciousness trumps<br />

matter, and<br />

that you shape<br />

your life with<br />

your mind.<br />

Rather than<br />

take it on faith,<br />

you are invited<br />

to conduct<br />

nine 48-hour<br />

experiments<br />

to prove there<br />

really is a<br />

positive, loving,<br />

totally hip force in the universe. Yes,<br />

you read that right. It says prove. The<br />

experiments, each of which can be<br />

conducted with absolutely no money<br />

and very little time expenditure,<br />

demonstrate that spiritual principles are<br />

as dependable as gravity, as consistent<br />

New Distriburors Wanted for<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> magazine<br />

Once a month,<br />

easy and fun job!<br />

Call 847 966 1110 or send email to:<br />

Kasia@monthlyaspectarian.com<br />

as Newton’s laws of motion. For years,<br />

you’ve been hoping and praying that<br />

spiritual principles are true. Now, you<br />

can know.<br />

E-Squared proves the following:<br />

1. There is an invisible energy force<br />

or fi eld of infi nite possibilities. 2.<br />

We impact the fi eld and draw from<br />

it according to your beliefs and<br />

expectations. 3. We, too, are a fi eld<br />

of energy. 4. Whatever we focus on<br />

expands. 5. Our connection to the<br />

fi eld provides accurate and unlimited<br />

guidance. 6. Our thoughts and<br />

consciousness impact matter. 7. Our<br />

thoughts and consciousness provide<br />

the scaffolding for our physical body.<br />

8. We are connected to everything and<br />

everyone else in the universe. 9. The<br />

universe is limitless, abundant, and<br />

strangely accommodating.<br />

Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives<br />

to Mainstream Psychology by David<br />

Bedrick. (Belly Song Press, $17.95,<br />

Paperback.)<br />

In Talking Back to Dr. Phil, David<br />

Bedrick introduces a fresh approach to<br />

understanding disturbing feelings and<br />

behaviors. Using examples from the<br />

television show Dr. Phil, he illustrates<br />

mainstream psychology’s tendency to<br />

shame people<br />

into thinking<br />

something is<br />

wrong with<br />

them. He<br />

then debunks<br />

many standard<br />

protocols and<br />

“fi xes.” Drawing<br />

on provocative<br />

insights into<br />

such topics<br />

as dieting,<br />

sex, anger, addictions, and domestic<br />

violence, he goes on to present a love<br />

based psychology rooted in the belief<br />

that there is profound meaning in our<br />

struggles, which can come to light when<br />

they are compassionately reframed.<br />

Through the lens of a love based<br />

psychology, Bedrick tells us that we can<br />

embrace our authentic selves instead<br />

of attempting to fi x ourselves. He<br />

shows us that we can view humanity’s<br />

deviations from the norm as a refl ection<br />

of nature’s diversity. Recognizing the

larger culture’s formative role in our individual suffering,<br />

we can learn to experience the power and intelligence of our<br />

feelings. We can also learn to transform conflict into a catalyst<br />

for building sustainable relationships and begin to accept our<br />

greatest difficulties as our strongest allies.<br />

The Art of True Healing: The Unlimited Power of Prayer<br />

and Visualization by Israel Regardie, edited by Marc Allen.<br />

(New World Library, $12.95, Paperback.)<br />

The Art of True Healing details a powerful exercise that<br />

stimulates the body, mind, and spirit in creating physical<br />

health and personal success. Predating by over seventy years<br />

the current interest in the mind’s power to heal, this concise<br />

work guides us through what Dr. Regardie calls the Middle<br />

Pillar meditation—a technique that combines the mystical<br />

concepts of yoga’s chakras and the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life to<br />

create a simple and effective healing<br />

tool.<br />

“The first step toward freedom<br />

and health is a conscious realization<br />

of the vast reservoir of energy in<br />

which we live and move and have our<br />

being,” writes Regardie. “When we<br />

reflect on this repeatedly, and make<br />

repeated mental efforts to make this<br />

part and parcel of our outlook upon<br />

life, part of the hard, inflexible shell of<br />

the mind beaks down and dissolves.<br />

Then, inevitably, life and spirit pour<br />

abundantly through us. Health spontaneously arises, and a<br />

new life begins as our point of view undergoes this radical<br />

change.”<br />

Like few books before or since, The Art of True Healing<br />

provides both the theory and practices necessary for wellbeing<br />

and fulfillment. In this new edition, Mark Allen, cofounder of<br />

New World Library, brings Regardie’s work into the twentyfirst<br />

century—showing us how to unleash energy to create<br />

physical healing and, ultimately, healing in every part of our<br />

lives. He urges us all to try these exercises as this form of<br />

meditation definitely contributed to his health, success in the<br />

world, and ability to help others.<br />

The Two Truths About Love: The Art and Wisdom of<br />

Extraordinary Relationships by Jason B. Fischer, MA, LPC.<br />

(New Harbinger, $16.95, Paperback.)<br />

Some relationships last, others<br />

fall apart, and still others seem to<br />

thrive and grow as the years go<br />

on. The Two Truths About Love is<br />

a guide to creating this third type<br />

of relationship—an extraordinary<br />

partnership wherein each partner feels<br />

fully accepted and loved as they are.<br />

Designed over the course of thousands<br />

of hours conducting face-to-face<br />

counseling sessions with clients,<br />

psychotherapist and former Buddhist monk Jason Fischer’s<br />

unique approach has already improved the lives of countless<br />

individuals and couples.<br />

The two secrets to creating extraordinary relationships are<br />

simple: partners must give permission for the other person<br />

to be who they truly are, and take responsibility for their<br />

own reactions, behaviors, assumptions, and expectations<br />

of their partner and the relationship. This book gives us the<br />

tools to start giving permission and taking responsibility in<br />

our own relationships and offers strategies for letting go of<br />

dissatisfaction and habitual conflicts. In short, accessible<br />

chapters, we learn how to put these seemingly simple rules<br />

into practice to regain balance and peace in our partnerships.<br />

Answering the Contemplative Call: First Steps on the<br />

Mystical Path by Carl McColman. (Hampton Roads, $16.95,<br />

Paperback.)<br />

The mystical path is not some sort of static experience for<br />

the select few, says Carl McColman,<br />

rather, it is a living tradition, a rich<br />

and many-layered dimension of<br />

spirituality that is in large measure a<br />

quest to find the mysteries at the heart<br />

of the universe, paradoxically nestled<br />

within the heart of your own soul.<br />

McColman first introduced readers<br />

to Christianity’s lost mystical roots<br />

in his popular book, The Big Book of<br />

Christian Mysticism. Now he is back<br />

with Answering the Contemplative<br />

Call to show us how to apply the<br />

riches of the mystical tradition to daily living.<br />

Psychic Affaire<br />

This book is organized in three sections: “Recognizing<br />

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the Call” explores how each one of us is called to the<br />

mystical life, and what that might look like. “Preparing for<br />

the Journey” shows what we need to do in response to the<br />

contemplative call. And “Embarking on the Adventure”<br />

considers what those first steps on the path might look like.<br />

Throughout the book, McColman includes quotes from the<br />

great mystics of the Christian tradition who have also traveled<br />

this path, including Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton, Evelyn<br />

Underhill, and more.<br />




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The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 45

Spiritual Learning Center<br />

March Calendar of Events<br />

This hour-long Sound Bath will be comprised of a few minutes of Tibetan Singing Bowls at both the beginning<br />

and ending, with a Paiste Earth Gong in between. This event is called a “Sound bath” because you are bathed in<br />

sound, while remaining fully clothed in a comfortable position. Bring your own yoga mat if you prefer to lie on the<br />

fl oor. The vibrations of the Tibetan Singing Bowls and Earth Gong coax the brain into Alpha and/or Theta states,<br />

resulting in the autonomic nervous system switching to parasympathetic dominance. When the brain goes into<br />

Alpha or Theta it then slows our heart rate, lowers blood pressure, releases stored tension and toxins, and more.<br />

Join Danielle Dvorak for absorbing the soothing sounds of the gong and singing bowls.<br />

Location: Soderworld<br />

46 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Guided Meditation with Walter Perschke<br />

Thursday, March 7, 14, 21, 28 • 7-8pm • Suggested Love Offering $5<br />

“Now is the time to build bridges. Because when the fl ood comes, and it will come, you<br />

need to be ready. It will be too late to prepare.” Walter Perschke<br />

Be a learner to prepare for the changes our world is experiencing now and the changes to come.<br />

Learn how to center yourself and enter the inward journey we are all on. Join the peaceful future<br />

rather than the chaotic present. The answers are there for us to fi nd. Let us help you to fi nd<br />

them. Yoga room.<br />

Location: Soderworld, 16 W. 501 Nielson Ln Willowbrook. On Kingery just south of I55. Free Parking.<br />

Gong Meditation<br />

Sunday, March 17, 5-6pm • $25<br />

The Burning Bowl Ceremony with Guided Meditation<br />

Thursday, March 21, 7-8pm • Suggested Love Offering $5<br />

The Burning Bowl Ceremony is a traditional ritual of release and letting go of what does not serve us now. The<br />

equinox presents an opportunity for renewal and releasing everything in your life that is holding you back, especially<br />

negative thoughts and emotions, bad habits, and unhealthy relationships. It is an extremely transformative<br />

experience, especially in a group setting. Join us in releasing the past and celebrating the future.<br />

Location: Soderworld<br />

www.SpiritualLearningCenter.com<br />

SpiritualLearningCenter@gmail.com<br />

47 W Polk Street Suite 153,<br />

Chicago IL 60605<br />


Can men and women really understand<br />

each other? Sometimes it seems like the<br />

wall between the sexes is impenetrable.<br />

At my annual men’s retreat last<br />

month, the difficulty understanding<br />

women became a central theme. One<br />

after another of the men shared his<br />

challenges with his female partner.<br />

During dinner on Saturday night, after<br />

a very deep and vulnerable day for the<br />

men, I was feeling the need to give<br />

the group a break for the evening –<br />

maybe do something lighter or more<br />

entertaining. One of the men and I came<br />

up with a funny skit. I would pretend<br />

to be his wife (who I actually knew),<br />

and he would try to understand and<br />

communicate with me. We came up<br />

with some pretty funny lines. Except<br />

we had no idea what was really in store<br />

for us!<br />

The evening program began with<br />

several of the men sharing their musical<br />

talents. Then I introduced my idea. I<br />

felt vulnerable, even though it was my<br />

intention to keep it light. It was still a<br />

risk for me. I found a feminine-looking<br />

scarf to put around my head. The man<br />

and I ran through our semi-rehearsed<br />

skit, some of which was funny, and<br />

some of it more serious.<br />

When we were done, another man<br />

raised his hand with a question for his<br />

wife (me), “Do I snore?” I instantly<br />

quipped back, “Only when you sleep.”<br />

I fully expected these kinds of silly<br />

questions but, without warning, the<br />

mood shifted with another man’s words<br />

to his wife, “I try so hard to protect you.<br />

I do so much to make sure you feel safe.<br />

Why aren’t we more connected?” He<br />

T he Shared Heart<br />

New Dimensions of Relationship<br />

by Joyce and<br />

Barry Vissell<br />

“Men’s Difficulty Understanding<br />

Women”<br />

looked like he was on the verge of tears.<br />

Although his real wife might not be<br />

able to say this, I felt her answer and<br />

compassionately spoke, “You’re so busy<br />

being the strong one in our marriage,<br />

you rarely give me a chance to protect<br />

you. If you would only come to me for<br />

help, or lean on my strength, it would<br />

make me so happy. We would then be<br />

so much closer.”<br />

He started crying and spoke, “I never<br />

realized that. I’ve been so vulnerable<br />

here at this men’s retreat, but I don’t<br />

show you this part of me. Thank you for<br />

helping me understand.”<br />

My intention of a light and whimsical<br />

evening was turning into something<br />

much more meaningful.<br />

Another man spoke to his “wife:” “I see<br />

how afraid you are. I just don’t know<br />

how to help you with your fears…”<br />

I interrupted him, feeling what his wife<br />

would want to most say, “Rather than<br />

focus so much on my fears which, I<br />

admit, I maybe talk too much about, I<br />

need to hear about your fears.”<br />

Again, the message from the women<br />

(and the woman in me): stop attributing<br />

all the vulnerability to me. Be more<br />

vulnerable yourself. Rather than trying<br />

to fix me, which keeps me weak, let me<br />

help you, which makes me strong.<br />

He got it. And I found myself getting<br />

more and more energized. I was really<br />

getting into this special kind of roleplaying,<br />

which was turning out to<br />

be so much more than role-playing.<br />

Even though the mood in the group<br />

had turned very serious, all the men<br />

were into it as well. Somehow Barry,<br />

the workshop leader and the man, had<br />

taken a back seat. In his place was<br />

every man’s special woman. Even the<br />

single men addressed questions to the<br />

significant partners from their past.<br />

The next man addressed a former<br />

lover. “We had so much trouble<br />

communicating. You would ask me a<br />

deep question. I would start to ponder<br />

the answer but before I could even start<br />

to speak, you would ask me another<br />

question. This would drive me crazy,<br />

so I ended up wordless, and ultimately,<br />

woman-less.”<br />

I didn’t have to ponder long for an<br />

answer. The woman in me spoke, “I,<br />

like many women, am so clued in to my<br />

feelings that they always seem to be on<br />

the surface, easily accessed. I should<br />

have given you more time to answer my<br />

feeling-oriented questions. I see now<br />

that it just took longer for you to get to<br />

your feelings. Each time I got impatient<br />

and asked another question, it drew<br />

you back up to your head and you had<br />

to start the process again. This was my<br />

part. Your part was not stopping me to<br />

give yourself the time. Instead, you just<br />

got more silent. Maybe we would still<br />

be together if we both understood this<br />

dynamic…”<br />

What I “planned” to last perhaps fifteen<br />

minutes, ended up lasting one and a half<br />

hours. Every man in the room got to<br />

understand something important about<br />

a woman in his life. We ended with a<br />

little more music and then called it an<br />

evening. Except I couldn’t sleep. For<br />

the next few hours I was wide awake.<br />

I had activated my inner woman,<br />

my feminine side, and I actually had<br />

some difficulty getting back to my<br />

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 47

masculine side. It was exhilarating. I<br />

lay in bed deepening my understanding<br />

of Joyce, what she needed from me,<br />

especially my own vulnerability and the<br />

expression of my deeper feelings.<br />

I wish every man could have my<br />

experience of such deep attunement<br />

with the inner woman. I believe it<br />

would so much help his relationships<br />

with women. In the end, I deeply<br />

believe, as souls, we are both male and<br />

female. Taking birth as one sex just<br />

seems to partially eclipse the expression<br />

of the other sex. For me, it just took the<br />

Saturday evening of a men’s retreat to<br />

more deeply drive this point home.<br />

Here are a few opportunities to bring<br />

more love and growth into your life,<br />

at the following longer events led by<br />

Barry and Joyce Vissell: Jul 21-26,<br />

2013—Breitenbush Hot Springs<br />

Summer Renewal in Oregon; and Oct<br />

22-28, 2013—Living from the Heart<br />

in Assisi, Italy.<br />

Joyce & Barry Vissell, a nurse/<br />

therapist and psychiatrist couple since<br />

1964, are counselors near Santa Cruz,<br />

CA, who are widely regarded as among<br />

the world’s top experts on conscious<br />

relationship and personal growth. They<br />

are the authors of The Shared Heart,<br />

Models of Love, Risk to Be Healed,<br />

The Heart’s Wisdom, Meant to Be, and<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

866-279-8666<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

www.keridak.com<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

48 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

A Mother’s Final Gift.<br />

Call Toll-Free 1-800-766-0629<br />

(locally 831-684-2299) or write to<br />

the Shared Heart Foundation, P.O.<br />

Box 2140, Aptos, CA 95001, for free<br />

newsletter from Barry and Joyce,<br />

further information on counseling<br />

sessions by phone or in person, their<br />

Find relief – call today<br />

Modalities:<br />

Reiki Reiki Teacher<br />

Life Coach<br />

Reference Point Therapy<br />

DNA Theta Healing<br />

Commanding Wealth Practitioner<br />

LOA teacher<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

ABC Living<br />

Joan Protano<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Stress Relief<br />

Balance your energy<br />

Heal emotional and physical blocks<br />

Intuitive Development<br />

Get in touch with your inner being<br />

Empowerment training<br />

Classes and Workshops<br />

Abundance and Prosperity clearings<br />

Guiding you 866-279-8666 into the wisdom of your body and soul. Teaching 866-279-8666 you to heal<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

keri@keridak.com<br />

at the physical, www.keridak.com emotional, financial and spiritual levels. www.keridak.com Powerful healings<br />

and teachings a phone call away. Call: 815-739-4329<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

WWW.ABCLiving.net<br />

books, recordings or their schedule of<br />

talks and workshops. Visit their web<br />

site at SharedHeart.org for their free<br />

monthly e-heartletter, their updated<br />

schedule, and inspiring past articles<br />

on many topics about relationship and<br />

living from the heart.<br />

Keridak Kae<br />

Visit me: 1st Spiritualist Church of West<br />

Allis, WI Spirit Fair 1st Sat of the month.<br />

Readings by phone 40 min $60<br />

Karmic Readings—Learn how past lives<br />

affect you today.<br />

Keridak Kae Keridak Kae Keridak Kae

I-35W Bridge, 2007 (Kevin Rofi dal/Wikimedia)<br />

Everyday Matters<br />

By Jeanne Spiro<br />

Country of Smart<br />

Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, recently said, speaking to Republicans, that they should stop being the party of stupid.<br />

I would broaden that sentiment to include all of us here is the U.S.—let’s stop being the country of stupid. As I see it, we are<br />

letting our greatness slip through our hands. Instead of wondering what we can do, and taking steps toward change, most of us<br />

seem to be oblivious, caught up in non-issues and the trivia of everyday life. Maybe we’ve never attained our ideal of greatness,<br />

but we need to change direction and continue to strive for it.<br />

We mostly hear about the rights and freedoms our form of government affords us. While those who founded our country<br />

were conscious of this, we’ve forgotten the responsibility we all carry to make sure this grand experiment of ours survives<br />

intact for those who follow. We all must begin to assume that responsibility in a bigger way since there are a multitude of issues<br />

we must deal with.<br />

The list is seemingly endless. The economy, privacy, food, health care, environmental issues, violence, prisons, treatment<br />

of women, veterans, immigration, poverty, corporate infl uence, loss of jobs, energy, banking, poverty, our deteriorating<br />

infrastructure, obesity and its attendant issues, children’s health, our broken government, voting, income disparity, education,<br />

wars ...<br />

Our representatives, government agencies, courts, media and corporations have dropped the ball; we’ve allowed them<br />

to, and things are poised to crash down around us. While I know that <strong>Aspectarian</strong> readers are likely to be well informed,<br />

most Americans are all wrapped up in silly stuff and are not paying attention. We are becoming the country of stupid. We are<br />

frittering our greatness away, while living under the illusion that since we’ve been on top, it’s a given that we’ll always be on<br />

top.<br />

It may look as if there are more problems than we could ever deal with, but I think they are due to just a few core attitudes.<br />

While these attitudes have always been around, they have been adopted by more of our population over the last handful of<br />

decades, they’ve infl uenced behavior and policymaking, and the texture of our lives has been changed dramatically. I think it<br />

would be smart for us to take a look at our attitudes toward Us/Them thinking, me-not-we thinking, and short term thinking.<br />

We suffer from thinking that somehow those in our group are different from, and less than, those in other groups. This is<br />

amusing for sports fans or college alumni, but it’s not great for rich vs. poor, educated vs. non-educated, color vs. not, resident<br />

vs. immigrant, old vs. young. We have to know that we’re all in this together, that the hopes and dreams of all of us are more<br />

similar than they are different. We’re all here, we all have a stake, we all have value, and we all deserve a shot at a good and<br />

rewarding life.<br />

Our culture has become very self-centered. In some ways it’s healthy to have freed ourselves from the bonds of the<br />

repression of earlier times, but now we need to grow to the next evolutionary step which is to understand that what’s best for<br />

the whole is what’s best for each of us. Taking another’s share of the pie is not only unfair, it doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it<br />

creates unintended repercussions.<br />

And fi nally, like in all things, taking a long view translates to more success than grabbing short term gratifi cation. We need<br />

to get into the habit of thinking several generations ahead. We need to replace what we take, establish systems that sustain<br />

themselves, and remember that the roots of the future are being formed now. Many of the tensions we’re experiencing in the<br />

world today are the consequences of thoughtless actions taken decades ago.<br />

As more of us keep these things in mind as we go about our days, we’ll soon begin to see positive results. The way we<br />

conduct ourselves, how we spend our money, where we choose to put our consciousness, which issues we choose to support, all<br />

these things improve the quality of our own lives, but also that of our country. If every decision is one that respects the dignity<br />

of all, supports the greater good, and takes into account the world that future generations will inherit, the transformation will be<br />

tremendously great. Seems stupid not to go for it.<br />

A note about last month’s article: BPA was banned from baby bottles and sippy cups last July; my apologies for missing this<br />

development. Contact me with comments or questions at jeanne@monthlyaspectarian.com.<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 49

50 Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - March 2013<br />

Advertising Index<br />

ABC Living - Joan Protano page 48<br />

ARCH - Rainbow Healing Center page 15<br />

Blue Feather Books & Botanicals page 20<br />

Body, Mind, Spirit EXPO page 3<br />

Chakra Shoppe page 10<br />

Church of the Spirit page 36<br />

Consciousness Connection Conference page 51<br />

CQ America - Kittnar, George page 45<br />

Crystal Life Technology page 11<br />

Distriburors Wanted page 44<br />

Earthsong page 18<br />

Hurwitz, Rosemary page 9<br />

Infi nity Foundation page 16<br />

Kae, Keridak page 48<br />

Larrabee Herbs page 32<br />

Light Unlimited page 4<br />

Moon Whispers page 36<br />

<strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> Locations page 12<br />

Pathways to Light - Ellie Stewart page 19<br />

Perschke, Walter – BMSE page 2<br />

Psychic Affaire page 18<br />

Rosemary Hurwitz page 9<br />

Rejuvenation Wellness Center page 31<br />

Spiritual Empowerment Coach - Shelley Amdur page 10<br />

Spiritual Learning Center page 46<br />

The Healing Triad page 17<br />

Mind Body Spirit Coach - Van Vliet, Denise page 48<br />

Virtual Freedom page 32<br />

Wispers from the Moon page 37<br />

Writers Wanted page 18<br />

Yoga Rhythms Studio page 25

The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong>’s Inaugural<br />

Conscious Connection<br />

Conference<br />


Saturday, May 11, 2013<br />

9:00 am - 8:00 pm<br />

Doubletree Hotel, Oakbrook, IL<br />

Only $30 (email us to get a discount!)<br />


Its Time to Celebrate YOU!<br />

Treat your soul to a day of rejuvenation, as<br />

some of the most talented spiritual teachers in<br />

America nurture your spirit, awaken your<br />

potential and inspire you to live the life of your<br />

dreams.<br />

Cleanse your spirit in our<br />


Yes, we have selected the most masterful<br />

healers and energy workers to assist you in<br />

clearing out what no longer serves you.<br />

Has awakening your spirit got you feeling like<br />

no one can relate?<br />

The wondrous event includes the first-of-itskind<br />


An inviting, open forum where you’ll connect<br />

with kindred spirits; like-minded souls who<br />

share so many of the beliefs and experiences<br />

that you do.<br />

You’ll meet with<br />


writers and contributors - spiritual teachers<br />

and healers that are the heart and soul of the<br />

magazine...and much, much more!<br />

Plus 25 Spiritual Vendors!<br />


Publisher of The <strong>Monthly</strong><br />

<strong>Aspectarian</strong> Magazine and<br />

Founder of The Spiritual<br />

Learning Center. Walter<br />

captivates his audience<br />

sharing the secrets of ancient<br />

wisdom.<br />


Internationally-known channel<br />

speaks on what the future<br />

holds, translated from our<br />

guides and teachers. Bring<br />

your questions and get<br />

answers from the wisdom of<br />

our guides and teachers.<br />


A captivating mystic and<br />

messenger of the Divine<br />

Messengers, encourages the<br />

direction of oneʼs Divine<br />

Purpose and shifting the<br />

collective consciousness one<br />

individual at a time.<br />


The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> All<br />

About Town contributor Join<br />

Theresa as she shares<br />

insights, anecdotes and<br />

experiential exercises that will<br />

help you to stop suffering and<br />

start living your life to the<br />

fullest!<br />


The <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong><br />

Numerology Contributor and<br />

Spiritual Cheerleader. Angel<br />

brings a unique and<br />

refreshing perspective on life<br />

and helps you find your true<br />

path in the numbers!<br />

REGISTER TODAY! CALL: 847-966-1110 or<br />

Email: The<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>@gmail.com<br />

Th e <strong>Monthly</strong> <strong>Aspectarian</strong> - www.<strong>Monthly</strong><strong>Aspectarian</strong>.com 51

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