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Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Future European Teachers: Training Kit According To the Lisbon<br />

Strategy<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

IT, GR, TR, RO, ES<br />

Key words: Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

This partnership analysed the initial European teachers training in secondary<br />

schools, with the aim to outline a ‘training model’ able to implement the postulates<br />

of the Lisbon strategy in the equipment of the future teachers basic skills.<br />

The training through apprenticeships promotes a virtuous synergy among the<br />

subjects operating on a `good practical of training' Framework activating: a) European<br />

dimension in initial training; b) analysis of credit transfer related to the professional<br />

qualification (EUROPASS); c) initial teaching training focused on the<br />

pedagogic/didactic innovation, the improvement of the European linguistic diversity,<br />

the use of the ITC methodologies, stimuli to innovation through new didactic creative<br />

practices; d ) a space for analysis of European training models, as for future<br />

teachers, tutors, mentors, headmasters .<br />

The partnership developed the following items: Analysis of initial teachers training<br />

systems in EU; Notebook - `target skills ' of the future teacher analysis; assessment<br />

of the mobility feasibility; Guide for Trainings tutors; `Handbook of good practical<br />

for trainee’; Framework/ operating profile of mentors; KIT for trainees.<br />

All these documents produced during the two-year partnership are available on the<br />

website EUROKIT. The Framework is provided in an e-book format.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

https://files.itslearning.com/data/231/64/EuroKit2.html<br />

http://www.scuole.provinci.it<br />

www.nfk.itslearning.com/index.aspx<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-IT2-<br />

COM06-06274<br />


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