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Young poets society<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Sc. Gimn. Nr.29 Galati (Romania), Gimnazjum nr 16 im. Fryderyka Chopina w Lublinie<br />

(Poland), Γυμνάσιο Ζάρκου (Greece), Γυμνάσιο Οιχαλίας-Νεοχωρίου (Greece)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Reading and writing skills, Digital competence<br />

Description:<br />

Poetry can motivate students and present a wide range of learning opportunities.<br />

Therefore, the project aimed to introduce students to the world of poetry and learn to<br />

read and different styles of poetry, to work collaboratively and communicate, share<br />

ideas and concerns, and discover ways in which pupils are connected, using poetry as<br />

a means for self-expression and self-realisation. Furthermore it aimed to motivate<br />

students to improve their use of the English language through reading and writing<br />

poetry and reinforce their grammar, vocabulary skills, creativity and<br />

development of the child’s imagination.<br />

Through the “Young Poets Society” project, students aged 12-15 from exchange<br />

poems by great poets of their countries, explore their characteristics and finally,<br />

cooperate to write their own poems using various structures and styles (haiku,<br />

cinquain, quatrain, sensory-emotion poems, couplets, diamonte poems, limericks,<br />

shape poems, tanka, ballad, and free verse poems). All these poems are illustrated<br />

with the students own drawings and, finally, included in an e-book under the title<br />

"Young Poets Society: Collection of Poems". Students also use their poems creatively<br />

to make their own video or audio files, dramatize them or make them into songs. All<br />

this material is hosted in a blog specially designed for this project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=35771<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p35771/welcome<br />


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