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Comenius<br />

good <strong>Practices</strong><br />

Examples<br />

→ Literacy<br />

→ Maths & Sciences and Technology<br />

→ Early Childhood Education and Care<br />

→ Early School Leaving<br />

→ Teaching Professions: Teachers,<br />

Teacher Educators, School Leaders<br />

Lifelong Learning<br />


Contents<br />

General Introduction ........................................................................... 5<br />

Chapter 1: Literacy .............................................................................. 7<br />

Reading, an active search for meaning ........................................................................... 8<br />

Imago 2010 ................................................................................................................ 9<br />

Using Web Comics in Education .................................................................................... 10<br />

The European Children’s Travelling Language Library ...................................................... 11<br />

Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling .................................. 12<br />

Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education (TeL4ELE) ........................................... 13<br />

Lifelong Readers: A European Reading Promotion Framework for Primary School Librarians,<br />

Educators and Administrators ....................................................................................... 14<br />

Discovering and supporting dyslexia in the early years .................................................... 15<br />

Reading is a Pleasure. Learn About Yourself Through Literature ........................................ 16<br />

G@t it! The European Feeling ....................................................................................... 17<br />

Increasing Literacy Skills ............................................................................................. 18<br />

Libraries without borders ............................................................................................. 19<br />

Methods to increase reading motivation ......................................................................... 20<br />

Creative Literacy through Innovation Project - CLIP ........................................................ 21<br />

Bibliooprevention ........................................................................................................ 22<br />

Europe: Reading is also the Future ................................................................................ 23<br />

Bookworms/Bookworms become actors! ........................................................................ 24<br />

Reporting without borders ............................................................................................ 25<br />

Bookraft .................................................................................................................... 26<br />

Let's introduce a book - The Little Prince ........................................................................ 27<br />

Young poets society .................................................................................................... 28<br />

Chapter 2: Maths, Science and Technology ........................................ 29<br />

EU-HOU: Hands-On Universe teacher training and support program .................................. 30<br />

Innovation in Mathematics Education on European Level (InnoMathEd) ............................. 31<br />

Biodiversity Education and Awareness to Grow a Living Environment (BEAGLE) .................. 32<br />

SETAC: Science Education as a Tool for Active Citizenship................................................ 33<br />

Science Pedagogy Innovation Centre for Europe ............................................................. 34<br />

UniSchooLabS: Remote Access for Schools to University Science Labs ............................... 35<br />

Stimulating Science and Technology Competences through Innovative Means for Teaching<br />

and Learning .............................................................................................................. 36<br />

Fly High - the principles of aviation as an opportunity to make physical theory accessible .... 37<br />

Connecting Europe through mathematics developing new teaching strategies –friends 4<br />

numbers .................................................................................................................... 38<br />

The schoolyard a place for outdoor pedagogy and creative playing .................................... 39<br />

PC Based Math Project for High School Students ............................................................. 40<br />

Explore Creativity and Innovation in Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design .................. 41<br />

School Math in learning English SMILE + Goal: Go Outside And Learn ............................... 42<br />

EU-EMSET Excellence in Maths and Natural Sciences ....................................................... 43<br />

Teacher trainers learning to show Maths ........................................................................ 44<br />

Teacher training in robotics brings an award to school ..................................................... 45<br />

Teaching Maths through the medium of English .............................................................. 46<br />

3e’s: e-counting; e-culture; e-communications ............................................................... 47<br />

Chapter 3: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) ..................... 49<br />

Naturbild ................................................................................................................... 50<br />

Towards Opportunities for Disadvantaged and Diverse Learners on the Early-childhood<br />

Road ........................................................................................................................ 51<br />

EASE - Early Years Transition Programme .................................................................... 52<br />

From The Waste Basket ............................................................................................. 533<br />


Euro-citizens of the future ......................................................................................... 544<br />

Democracy at school, based on respect and mutual understanding ................................ 555<br />

IN.DEM Quality in preschool through inclusive and democratic education ......................... 566<br />

Pathway to success ................................................................................................... 577<br />

Early Years and Equality – Observing and living each other's practice in Early Years to<br />

inform quality development ........................................................................................ 588<br />

MusEUms ................................................................................................................... 59<br />

Act-in Art ................................................................................................................... 60<br />

Once upon a time...it is time for our story ...................................................................... 61<br />

Our Feathery Friends ................................................................................................... 62<br />

Job-Shadowing of a Czech pre-school teacher in Sweden ................................................. 63<br />

Job-Shadowing at a French primary school ..................................................................... 64<br />

Assistantship at a Portuguese pre-primary school ........................................................... 65<br />

Chapter 4: Early School Leaving (ESL) ............................................... 67<br />

Social Mindedness In Learning community SMILY ............................................................ 68<br />

Physical and sport activities in different environments ..................................................... 69<br />

Heidi's Education Adventure ......................................................................................... 70<br />

Teenagers in the 21st century: between difficulties and hopes .......................................... 71<br />

European school and professional orientation: a necessity for all....................................... 72<br />

Eco-friendly construction for the future .......................................................................... 73<br />

DROPS dropout prevention in schools ............................................................................ 74<br />

Comenius Stay on Track .............................................................................................. 75<br />

Improving engagement and learning capacity for disaffected pupils................................... 76<br />

Improve inclusion – Reduce abandon. Solutions M.I.D.A.S ............................................... 77<br />

RETAIN – a course dealing with student drop-out ............................................................ 78<br />

Viv(r)e mon collège ..................................................................................................... 79<br />

Chapter 5: The Teaching Professions: ................................................ 81<br />

PROject-Based SCHOOL Management ............................................................................ 82<br />

Contextual Learning in Management and Teaching in Europe (CLIMATE) ............................ 83<br />

European CLiL in Development: A Primary Phase Consortium ........................................... 84<br />

European Leaders' Training in Education (ELTE) .............................................................. 85<br />

Competences of Professional Educators in Europe ........................................................... 86<br />

Self – evaluation in schools for better education ............................................................. 87<br />

Working at European Talent ......................................................................................... 88<br />

Standeduqual: Standards of the quality in education ...................................................... 89<br />

Enhancing quality in education and preserving it ............................................................. 90<br />

Future European Teachers: Training Kit According To the Lisbon Strategy .......................... 91<br />

Improving engagement and learning capacity for disaffected pupils................................... 92<br />

Classroom Leadership in Real Life ................................................................................. 93<br />

Students' guidance in IT based open learning environments ............................................. 94<br />

ISATT - ICT in Schools, Administration and Teachers' Training .......................................... 95<br />

Developing "Start-up Support" for new teachers in their first year of practice ..................... 96<br />

Schools in Europe develop talent .................................................................................. 97<br />

Effective Classroom Learning through an awareness of "Basic Competences ....................... 98<br />

Digital media? ICT? – Know how! .................................................................................. 99<br />

Cross-cultural practice-oriented teacher education ........................................................ 100<br />

Unlimited Learning .................................................................................................... 101<br />

Global improvement in teaching and learning across curricular transversal subjects .......... 102<br />

Pasi Siltakorpi, teacher from Finnland, and his ten eTwinning projects ............................. 103<br />

Annex: COMENIUS ........................................................................... 105<br />


General Introduction<br />

I. Comenius: Europe in the classroom<br />

The Comenius Programme focuses on all levels of school education, from preschool<br />

to secondary. It is relevant for everyone involved in school education:<br />

mainly pupils and teachers but also local authorities, representatives of<br />

parents’ associations, non-governmental organizations, teacher education<br />

institutions and universities.<br />

Through the Comenius programme, the European Union invests around € 200 million<br />

each year in projects that promote school exchanges, school development, the<br />

education of school staff, school assistantships and more.<br />

Part of the EU’s Lifelong Learning Programme, the Comenius actions aim to help<br />

young people and educational staff better understand the range of European cultures,<br />

languages and values. They also help young people acquire the basic life skills and<br />

competences necessary for personal development, future employment and active<br />

citizenship. This is done by funding transnational mobility, European partnerships and<br />

projects, education networks and school twinning. Larger scale projects and networks<br />

focussing on key EU priorities have pooled expertise from different countries, and<br />

developed innovative approaches. Please see Annex 1 for more details on the actions.<br />

With Comenius School Partnerships and eTwinning, 20,000 schools, 150,000 teachers<br />

and 400,000 pupils experience Europe in their everyday life at school each year.<br />

Comenius Regio Partnerships target the policy level of regional / local authorities.<br />

There are some 12,500 individual mobility grants for teacher education and pupil<br />

mobility awarded every year.<br />

The programme addresses issues strongly related to current discussions and<br />

developments in school policy, such as: motivation for learning and ‘learning-to-learn’<br />

skills, key competences, digital educational content and inclusive education.<br />

II. School education: equipping a new generation<br />

Comenius Projects help participating countries to work together to develop<br />

their school education systems.<br />

Although in the EU each Member State is responsible for the organization and content<br />

of its education and training systems, there are advantages in working together on<br />

issues of shared concern.<br />

The programme contributes to the cooperation of the European Commission with<br />

national policy-makers to help them develop their school education policies and<br />

systems in priority areas.<br />


EU Education ministers have set themselves priority areas for joint policy work:<br />

To ensure that all pupils gain the competences they need in the rapidly<br />

changing knowledge society. This includes: increasing levels of literacy and<br />

numeracy and modernising curricula, learning materials and pupil assessment.<br />

To provide high-quality learning for every student. Improving equity in school<br />

systems involves making high quality pre-school education widely available,<br />

reducing early school leaving and improving support within mainstream<br />

schooling for students with special needs.<br />

To improve support for teachers, school leaders and teacher educators,<br />

through more effective recruitment and selection and better-quality<br />

professional education.<br />

This publication shows the close links between European school policy developments<br />

and the Comenius projects implemented in the field. In the following pages you will<br />

find an introduction to the topics and a selection of Comenius projects classified<br />

around five themes:<br />

Chapter 1: Literacy<br />

Chapter 2: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Chapter 3: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)<br />

Chapter 4: Early School Leaving (ESL) and<br />

Chapter 5: Teaching Professions: Teachers, Teacher Educator, School leaders<br />

The project descriptions contain basic information on each project and its participants,<br />

together with links to more information.<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/comenius/participate_en.htm<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/comenius_en.htm<br />


Chapter 1: Literacy<br />

In the modern 21st-century society in which we live, literacy has become<br />

more essential than ever before. This raises the importance and urgency of<br />

ensuring that Europeans acquire effective reading and writing skills from an<br />

early age. Despite the EU’s high standards of education, some young people<br />

fall through the literacy net for a diversity of complex reasons.<br />

There is no single cause of poor literacy and, hence, no magic pill or cure for it. Given<br />

the complexity and interrelatedness of the challenges involved, effectively addressing<br />

illiteracy and poor literacy requires the commitment and active engagement of a wide<br />

range of actors.<br />

Member States have a shared interest in improving literacy standards and improving<br />

reading literacy. As this was one of the first objectives of the Commission's 'Education<br />

and Training' work programme, launched in 2002, it was re-confirmed as a priority for<br />

2010-2020. Member States have committed to reduce the ratio of low-achieving 15year-olds<br />

in reading literacy to 15% at most by 2020.<br />

In 2011 the European Commission established a High Level Group of Experts in the<br />

field of literacy (HLG). This group examined how to support literacy throughout<br />

lifelong learning, identified common success factors of literacy programmes and policy<br />

initiatives and came up with proposals for improving literacy. The HLG concluded its<br />

work and published its final report in September 2012. The report states that literacy<br />

is a fundamental requirement for citizens of all ages in modern Europe. Changes in<br />

the nature of work, the economy, and society more generally are making good<br />

literacy skills even more important. Achieving real improvement in literacy requires<br />

political ownership and cooperation across the policy spectrum and beyond. The<br />

group's report seeks to raise awareness of the literacy crisis affecting all Member<br />

States and provides recommendations on how to solve it.<br />

Schools, teachers and parents have a crucial role to play in nurturing the literacy of<br />

children and young people, while other key players, such as local authorities, training<br />

institutions, libraries play important supporting roles. Therefore, close coordination,<br />

co-operation and partnerships promoted by the Comenius programme are essential if<br />

initiatives to develop literacy skills in children and young people are to succeed.<br />

In the following pages, there are several good examples of Comenius projects that<br />

contribute to the improvement the literacy skills in young people; they are very varied<br />

in terms of focus and types of authorities but they all implement strategies and<br />

measures that lead to concrete results and impacts. Many of them address teacher's<br />

competencies and teaching strategies; other focus on the learning processes of<br />

children particularly those with low reading and writing skills.<br />

Most of the projects profit from the possibilities offered by ICT as a teaching and<br />

learning tool and as an effective way of motivating pupils and teachers as well as a<br />

means to sustain their outcomes and results.<br />

The project also highlights the relevance of the involvement of teacher training<br />

institutions, parents and other organizations as libraries involvement in the<br />

partnerships can contribute to a comprehensible approach to improve literacy.<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/literacy/index_en.htm<br />


Reading, an active search for meaning<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Zespól szkól w Przeclawiu (Poland), Initiative et Formation Belgique (Belgium),<br />

Association Européenne des Enseignants – Enseignement Libre (Belgium), Lycée<br />

français Notre Dame de Sion (Turkey), Escola Secundaria C/3° Ceb de Afonso de<br />

Albuquerque (Portugal), Liceu Teoretic (Romania), Universitatea din Bucuresti<br />

(Romania), Centre national de formation de l'enseignement technique privé (France)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

INFOREF – initiatives pour une formation efficace (Belgium)<br />

Key word: Low achievers in reading, Literacy strategies, Teaching skills<br />

Description:<br />

The project Signes@Sens addresses the problem of weak reading<br />

comprehension. Many young and adults alike have low literacy skills; they can<br />

decipher words and short sentences but are unable to understand the meaning of an<br />

ordinary text on everyday issues. And for longer, more complex texts with implicit<br />

meanings and the use of symbols, the number of people with reading problems<br />

increases considerably, as shown by the PISA surveys.<br />

The Signes@Sens project has collected successful approaches to literacy and has<br />

developed an initial and in-service training module to help teachers improve their<br />

knowledge of what reading actually involves, to better identify the real obstacles to<br />

reading comprehension and to develop teaching practices adapted to overcome<br />

these hurdles. The methodology has been tested with different profiles of learners<br />

(age, socioeconomic background, and certain specific needs) and in different learning<br />

contexts (learning French as mother tongue or foreign language, in the countries of<br />

origin or in a foreign country, etc.).The project website gives access to all its results.<br />

The project contributes to the improvement of reading comprehension for all pupils,<br />

with a particular focus on the weaker pupils. These are the pupils who risk eventual<br />

exclusion from the education system, the labour market, and society in general. The<br />

key competence of "learning to learn" is an essential part of the project’s approach<br />

to reading literacy. It is about helping the learner (young or adult) to become aware of<br />

their mental processes and thus become master of his or her learning.<br />

Duration:<br />

2007-2009<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.signesetsens.eu<br />


Imago 2010<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Sofia university Hl. Kl. Ochridski (Bulgaria), University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria),<br />

Panepistimio Thessalias (Greece), Justus-Liebig Universität Giessen (Germany)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Amt für Lehrerbildung Hessen (Germany)<br />

Key words: Literacy curriculum, Teaching skills, Digitalisation and literacy<br />

Description:<br />

The main goal of this project was to develop and test a European-style curriculum<br />

for visual literacy for teachers and student teachers in pre-primary and primary<br />

schools.<br />

In the media age, children face reading literacy and visual literacy challenges even<br />

at pre-school and primary school age. The development of broad literacy skills, which<br />

go far beyond a purely text-based approach (e.g. critical and competent use of visual<br />

material, coding and decoding of pictures) would therefore appear necessary.<br />

However, school education has traditionally focussed primarily on the acquisition of<br />

written language. The need for an "aesthetic literacy" remains mostly ignored.<br />

The purpose of this project was therefore to develop, test and evaluate new<br />

materials and curricula, where the use of symbols, images and texts can be<br />

practiced and shared. The materials aim to develop elementary visual skills, evoke<br />

interest in visual forms of expression, promote individual articulacy and help to<br />

advance verbal and non-verbal linguistic skills in the form of best-practice examples.<br />

The early years are critical in the development of language and reading skills. Working<br />

with images is particularly appealing to children, promotes non-linear, lateral thinking<br />

and can motivate for learning. Including (visual) literacy is particularly valuable in<br />

language learning programmes for children from an immigration background.<br />

Elementary and primary school teachers are given the necessary professional skills<br />

and trained in visual skills and level-of-learning diagnosis in training sequences and<br />

further training modules. The international comparison in the project gives an insight<br />

into cultural differences and visual communication. The reference to three different<br />

scripts (Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets) makes this a particularly exciting project.<br />

The results of the project have been published for practising teachers,<br />

supplemented by publications for children. Articles intended for specialists and<br />

teacher trainers have also been published.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/acc_mes_fin<br />

al_report_2007/com_mp_142381_imago2010.pdf<br />


Using Web Comics in Education<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology<br />

(Cyprus), Kindersite Project (United Kingdom), University of Granada (Spain),<br />

University of Cyprus (Cyprus), Politecnico Di Milano (Italy)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

University of Piraeus Research Center (Greece)<br />

Key words: Teaching skills, Promotion of reading, Digital competence, Suppport for<br />

children with reading difficulties<br />

Description:<br />

Literacy has become a problem in many schools, and teachers are looking for new<br />

ways to teach that will be stimulating and fun while skill-building at the same time.<br />

Web comic books are an instructional medium that gives children the chance to use<br />

material from their own lives to conceive, write, and illustrate stories. They also offer<br />

a dynamic way to teach elements of fiction that are required in many schools. The<br />

Web Comics combines text and imagery as well as hypermedia and streaming<br />

elements. They can be interactive means for studying as well as for selfassessment.<br />

Children having read some pages of the web comic book could be asked<br />

to respond to an online assessment test. Furthermore, Web comics can offer<br />

scaffolding to difficult scientific disciplines and concepts and can be an effective<br />

instructional medium especially for reluctant readers and poor students.<br />

On that basis, the goal of the project was to help teachers and children effectively<br />

use an alternative instructional method for learning about literacy and scientific<br />

concepts by writing, designing, and publishing original web comic books. It places<br />

children in the role of creators, rather than merely receivers of information. Children<br />

write and draw about their personal experiences and interests, thereby being engaged<br />

in the learning process and motivated to succeed. The idea is not to drop a web comic<br />

book on a child’s desk and say: "read this". Rather, the project will train teachers to<br />

design learning scenarios where students will have the opportunity to draw upon<br />

stories which they then revise, publish and share with others.<br />

The project collected and published best practices in terms of educational comic<br />

books on various subjects such as literacy, language learning, science education,<br />

authoring tools as well as effective learning strategies and lesson plans. It also<br />

created training material for teachers and organised seminars for teachers; these<br />

teachers applied strategies and lesson plans to their schools in order to gather<br />

evidence of what works, why and under which conditions.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.educomics.org/<br />


The European Children’s Travelling Language Library<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Çukurova Ünivesitesi, Yabancı Diller Öğretimi ve Araştırma Me (Turkey), Jazyková<br />

škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky PELIKÁN s.r.o (Czech Republic), Sastamalan<br />

Opisto (Finland), Associazione Culturale Benalua (Italy) Asociacion Cultural LibreMente<br />

(Spain)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

The Mosaic Art And Sound Ltd (United Kingdom)<br />

Key words: Reading skills, Libraries, Teaching skills, Promotion of reading<br />

Description:<br />

The EuroLib projects aims to answer 3 needs: to provide early European language<br />

experiences using a format that can resonate with the imagination of young students,<br />

to introduce books as the best source of autonomous lifelong learning, and directly<br />

attack the lowering levels of book readership and to promote the idea of Europe and<br />

its cultural diversity .<br />

In the project, travelling libraries of the most beautifully illustrated children's books<br />

in multiple European languages travel from school to school across Europe. Each<br />

school has the library for a period and has to carry out a number of pedagogic and<br />

collaborative activities before, during and after the visit of the Library. They place the<br />

results on the project website for use and viewing by other schools.<br />

Activities include inter-comprehension, comprehension, creative expression, criticism,<br />

reflection, task-based learning, collaboration and using languages within a social<br />

context. On the project website and travelling with the library itself are tools, teacher<br />

diaries and teacher guides.<br />

The impact on students includes exposure to the rich cultural heritage of Europe,<br />

motivation to learn languages, motivation to read books as a source of autonomous<br />

lifelong learning and reinforcement of emerging literacy.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.eulib.eu<br />


Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

University College Lillebælt (Denmark), Marsilio Editori (Italy), Scottish Book Trust<br />

(United Kingdom), Curtea Veche Publishing (Romania), Rüştü Akin Kiz Teknik Meslek<br />

Lisesi (Turkey), Liceul Teoretic “Ovidius” Constanţa (Romania)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi-Telematica (Italy)<br />

Key words: Digitalisation and literacy, Teaching skills, Reading and writing skills,<br />

Promotion of reading<br />

Description:<br />

OCED data (2009) suggest that teachers often lack ICT skills, which prevents schools<br />

from fully exploiting technology to improve teaching and learning. To keep up the<br />

fast-moving technology, teachers need to be trained to integrate ICT in the classroom.<br />

In this context, the READ IT project aims to improve teacher skills through a<br />

methodology based on video production using digital storytelling, developing new<br />

teaching approaches through the use of ICT to support learning. According to the<br />

2009 Horizon Report, "There is a growing need for formal instruction in key new skills,<br />

including information literacy, visual literacy and technology literacy. Digital media<br />

literacy continues its rise in importance as a key skill in every discipline and<br />

profession". In response to this, the project aims at developing an innovative didactic<br />

methodology that integrates traditional teaching strategies with ICT tools to help<br />

teachers acquire new skills through video production using digital storytelling<br />

techniques. The techniques can be applied to different subjects but in this project<br />

production of book trailers was used as a method to promote literature appreciation.<br />

The main outcomes are an e-learning platform delivering the e-course for teachers,<br />

READ IT methodology for video production and digital storytelling and modular course,<br />

Face-to-face seminars in each partner country involving teachers and students and<br />

Book trailers. Through the training, teachers will learn and test a new educational<br />

approach, based on digital technology (i.e. book trailers) that can help raise the<br />

interest level and motivate students to read. Students will not only learn about<br />

storytelling and how books are constructed, but will also develop transversal skills<br />

(e.g. communicative, ICT, teambuilding) useful for future professional development.<br />

The innovative aspect of the READ IT didactic methodology is to combine the<br />

technology in terms of Digital Storytelling and book trailer production with writing<br />

techniques such as narrative and screenplay to reinforce teaching of reading and<br />

writing in an interactive, creative and authentic way.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.readitproject.eu<br />


Teacher Learning for European Literacy Education (TeL4ELE)<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Strathclyde University (United Kingdom), National Centre for Reading (Denmark),<br />

University of Sydney (Australia), Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Spain), Institute of<br />

Theoretical and Computational Linguistics (Portugal)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Stockholm Education Administration (Sweden)<br />

Key words: Teaching skills, Literacy curriculum, Literacy strategies<br />

Description:<br />

The purpose of the project is to explore literacy pedagogy based on a Functional<br />

Model of language as recommended by the Comenius project: European Core<br />

Curriculum for Mainstreamed Second Language - Teacher Education. All partners have<br />

an interest in working with genre pedagogy based on its success in Australia<br />

particularly with second language learners. Most partners have expertise in<br />

Systemic Functional Linguistics, which underpins this approach, and others have<br />

already trialled the pedagogy and experienced success, particularly with<br />

disadvantaged learners.<br />

The project partners have established clusters of interested educators who survey<br />

their national literacy environments in order to identify key areas for development.<br />

The clusters have produced "national literacy profiles" for each participating country.<br />

Knowledge about the Functional Model of language and its associated pedagogies is<br />

built up through the sharing of expertise among project partners and enhanced by<br />

input from the 3rd country partner, Australia.<br />

Based on the key literacy issues identified in each context, the partners make<br />

appropriate adaptations and develop materials for their socio-cultural education<br />

context. The project website provides e.g. lesson plans developed in the project.<br />

Cluster members trial their common teacher learning approach and train small<br />

groups of teachers to trial the culturally adapted pedagogy with students. Data on<br />

teacher implementation and student literacy achievement is collected in order to<br />

evaluate the effectiveness of the approach in each country. The project will thus<br />

produce a shared pedagogy and a new group of experts in the previously trialled<br />

functional linguistic approach to literacy. These experts will then be able to train future<br />

groups of teachers.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://tel4ele.eu/<br />


Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Lifelong Readers: A European Reading Promotion Framework for<br />

Primary School Librarians, Educators and Administrators<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Κεντρο Ερευνων Πανεπιστημιο Πειραια (Greece), University Of Worcester (United<br />

Kingdom), Biblioteka Publiczna IM.W.J. Grabskiego W Dzielnicy Ursus Mst (Poland),<br />

County Meath Vocational Education Committee (Ireland), International Institute For<br />

Children´s Literature and Reading (Austria), Innovade Li Ltd (Cyprus)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Center for the ADV. of RES. & DEV in EDU. TEC. LTD (Cyprus)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Teaching skills<br />

Description:<br />

A lifelong learner is first and foremost a lifelong reader. Lifelong Readers (LiRe) aims<br />

to provide school librarians, teachers, and administrators with guidance and<br />

tools for encouraging children of ages 6-12 to develop lifelong reading habits. The<br />

low level of young Europeans' literacy skills has been repeatedly documented, and the<br />

EU emphasizes the need for lifelong learning.<br />

The Lifelong Readers (LiRe) project aims to convince stakeholders about the need to<br />

devote more time and effort to reading promotion and to place reading for pleasure<br />

at the centre of their policies, approaches and practices, to provide stakeholders with<br />

guidance, training, and an array of tools for reading promotion in the primary school<br />

and to initiate change by implementing reading promotion programmes in all<br />

participating countries.<br />

The LiRe project builds a reading promotion framework which features: summary<br />

descriptions of successful reading promotion programs, strategies and<br />

approaches, an extensive collection of reading promotion actions (grouped under<br />

categories such as Reading Promotion through Play / ICT / Volunteerism / Awards /<br />

the Arts) reading promotion evaluation tools and a catalogue of relevant sources<br />

and resources.<br />

The training modules will address the reading promotion training of teachers, school<br />

librarians, and administrators. The material will be piloted and implemented by all<br />

partners.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.lifelongreaders.org/<br />


Discovering and supporting dyslexia in the early years<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries Involved:<br />

IT, SE, TR, CY, SI, RO, BG<br />

Key words: Support for children with reading difficulties, Teaching skills<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

The project promotes "schools that work for everyone" by addressing how teachers<br />

can support a dyslexic student as well as support the parents. The project has<br />

developed a teacher's guide focussing on best practices for teachers to help<br />

students before school age and in the early school years in order to get good language<br />

awareness and to prevent reading and writing difficulties.<br />

Dyslexia is a difficulty in the development of reading and writing skills. However, it<br />

is possible to identify those at risk of dyslexia, and who may have problems in<br />

developing the necessary skills that underpin the development of reading and writing<br />

even before they learn these skills. This can be achieved through long term<br />

observation in pre-school and careful monitoring and support.<br />

This project develops a system designed to prepare the dyslexic child for transition<br />

from preschool to primary school. The work builds on a comparison of alternative<br />

practices in partner countries, and development of a model of best practice that may<br />

be widely used. This includes an Individual Support Plan (ISP) that provides details of<br />

the history of the child and their needs, as well as information to the primary school.<br />

It includes a checklist for identification of difficulties and an associated manual as<br />

the basis of development of the ISP and support for these individuals when they enter<br />

school. This material is aimed at all teachers working in pre-primary and in primary<br />

schools, to provide a school-wide support, as well as at parents and others involved in<br />

helping the dyslexic child.<br />

A series of resources have been produced: historical background and current studies,<br />

how to observe the child during the transition from kindergarten to primary school<br />

through specific checklist, Teacher’s Guide, Parents’ guide, Individual Educational Plan.<br />

The partners have also written a book with the title "Bridges over learning<br />

difficulties", putting together the guidance material developed in the project. The<br />

book is designed for teachers, parents and others who want to acquire some new<br />

knowledge about discovering children at risk of developing dyslexia in the early years.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.bold-dyslexia.com<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-IT2-<br />

COM06-14298<br />


Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Reading is a Pleasure. Learn About Yourself Through Literature<br />

Comenius Bilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

EE, DE<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Reading and writing skills, Digital competence, Age<br />

and gender appropriate reading material<br />

Description:<br />

One of the serious problems today is that young people have lost interest in reading.<br />

Therefore, the main aims of the project are to encourage students to read good<br />

fiction, and to motivate them to get information not only from the internet but from<br />

paper books as well.<br />

The project aims to help students open and express themselves through drama and<br />

animation, and to give students a possibility to compare and contrast teenagers' lives<br />

in different countries and different time periods. The project also aims to promote<br />

Estonian and German literature in Europe and get to know the literature of the<br />

partner countries. Reading books about teenagers, students will be able to see how<br />

the matters of friendship and love, relationships with classmates, teachers, and<br />

parents etc., rights and duties, responsibilities... are solved. Discussing all these<br />

important things at the round table with foreign students will help them solve their<br />

own problems connected with the topics mentioned above.<br />

In each partner country, three books are chosen. The students read the books in their<br />

native language, and write summaries of these books in English to present them to<br />

their partners. Animated films based on the books are made by the students.<br />

Extracts from each book are acted out by the students (theatre methodology<br />

helping students to express themselves and their emotions through acting). Students<br />

visit theatre performances in both countries, visit museums (mostly literature<br />

museums) and have meetings with writers. Round tables about youth problems are<br />

held. As final products, students create 5 animated films and a video about the<br />

project activities.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

https://sites.google.com/site/parnuborken/home<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2011-1-EE1-<br />

COM07-02443<br />


G@t it! The European Feeling<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

ES, NL, TR, IT, FR, HU, PL, DE<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Key words: Writing skills, Reading across the curriculum, Digital competences<br />

Description:<br />

The main aim of the project was to have students work cooperatively in the creation of<br />

articles regarding European teenagers’ interests and culture. The themes of the<br />

different issues were chosen by the students themselves through a questionnaire<br />

carried out in all the schools.<br />

The activities consisted of publishing a European magazine (paper and online),<br />

written by and for students, whose aims were related to the educational project of<br />

each school. It involved students of different levels of secondary education schools<br />

and the following subjects: Maths, Languages, Art, Sciences, Sports, Geography,<br />

History and Technology. The project took an interdisciplinary, inter-cultural,<br />

communicative, student-centered and multi-learning style approach, and<br />

supported the development of creative thinking skills to foster the academic, personal<br />

and social growth of the participants.<br />

The project established a Web 2.0 social network for teachers and for students to<br />

share ideas and project files, add comments, assign tasks and start discussions<br />

concerning the project. Four issues were published of "G@t it!" the European student<br />

magazine written with and for students.<br />

This project developed students' writing skills as well as cross-curricular and other<br />

transversal key competences.<br />

Awards:<br />

EST star Project<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.ejournal.fi/cfm33/index.php?action[]=IArticleShow::showArticle%28%27<br />

33173%27%29<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-ES1-<br />

COM06-00046<br />


Increasing Literacy Skills<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Ringsaker municipality<br />

Partner organisations: Nes primary school<br />

NO - Norway Fagerlund primary school<br />

Library Service<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: South Lanarkshire Council<br />

Partner organisations: Crawforddyke Primary/Nursery<br />

UK – United Kingdom Lanark Primary/Nursery<br />

Carluke High<br />

Coulter/Lamington Primaries<br />

Library Service<br />

Key words: Libraries, Literacy strategies<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Description:<br />

In many regions there is little awareness and cooperation between the main public<br />

libraries on the one hand and schools and school authorities on the other hand. This<br />

partnership addressed this issue by exchanging experiences and looking at ways to<br />

include the public libraries in literacy education and provide library staff with<br />

competences and motivation to turn the libraries into literacy education resource<br />

centres, cooperating actively with schools and the school authority to improve<br />

literacy education. In that sense, the partner regions worked to improve their<br />

approaches to and methodologies in literacy education.<br />

By exchanging experiences and results from the use of different literacy models and<br />

additional literacy aid tools such as ICT-programmes in the two partner regions, the<br />

partners gained better knowledge of models and tools, making the strategic decisions<br />

for school authorities easier and contributing to removing teachers' barriers against<br />

using new models and tools in literacy education. The project provided new insights<br />

into the effects of different pedagogical literacy and early intervention models<br />

and explored ways to involve public libraries more actively, efficiently and<br />

coherently as pedagogical tools in literacy education<br />

The project has had considerable impact at all levels. Teachers from both regions<br />

report that they have benefited from the exchange of experiences. Similarly, the<br />

libraries have exchanged ideas they want to implement in their practice, both within<br />

schools and in the public libraries. The project has brought the participating schools<br />

and the libraries within each region closer together, and other schools in both<br />

countries have also benefited from the work. As a result of this project, links to the<br />

public libraries were introduced in the partner regions' local strategies to improve<br />

literacy education in the early years of school.<br />

Awards<br />

National award in Scotland<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://ils-norwayandscotland.wikispaces.com/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-NO1-<br />

COM13-00847<br />


Libraries without borders<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Consejería de Educación y Cultura del Gobierno de<br />

Extremadura<br />

Partner organisations: CEIP José Mª de Calatrava<br />

ES -Spain IES Jálama; IES El Brocense; CEIP Manuel Pacheco; C.R.A<br />

Maestro Don Victoriano Mateos<br />

C.P.R Cáceres; C.P. R Badajoz<br />

Biblioteca Municipal Juan Pablo Forner<br />

Asociación Cultural Extremeño Alentejana<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Direcção Regional de Educação do Alentejo<br />

Partner organisations: Agrupamiento de Escolas de Campomaior; Agrupamiento de<br />

PT - Portugal Escolas de Elvas nº 1; Agrupamiento de Escolas de Elvas nº 4<br />

Grupo Nabeiro Delta-Cafes<br />

Centro de formaçao de professores do Nordeste Alentejano<br />

Portalegre<br />

Biblioteca Pública de Évora. José Antonio Calixto<br />

Key words: Libraries, Promotion of reading<br />

Description:<br />

This project links libraries and schools in the two participating regions in order to<br />

foster reading and exchange academic experiences on the use of school libraries as<br />

an educational tool.<br />

The project identified good practices focussed on motivation, working methodology<br />

and strategies to integrate the different students' capabilities and working paces,<br />

the use of e-readers to boost and foster reading habits, the use of school libraries as<br />

the centres to manage and handle all the information that schools receive from<br />

different sources, etc.<br />

The project shows that collaboration and exchange of good practices between<br />

schools and educational institutions is possible. The interest in and impact of the<br />

project has been even larger than expected. The coordinators of the project have been<br />

required to detail the main project work lines at several national and regional<br />

conferences and meetings; furthermore the schools have incorporated the initiatives<br />

promoted through this association in their daily teaching practice, for example, the<br />

documentary projects or the use of blogs as information and promotion tools and<br />

educational resources. The partner administrations intend to maintain in the future<br />

the relationships regarding this and other similar projects.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star Project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://biblioregiosf.educarex.es/, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_M669W4lsHo<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-ES1-<br />

COM13-20646<br />


Methods to increase reading motivation<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Coordinator organisation: Staatliche Schulämter in der Stadt und im Landkreis Passau<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

DE - Germany<br />

Gemeinde-Bucherei Tiefenbach,Ausleihstelle Haselbach<br />

Grundschule Witzmannsberg<br />

Volksschule Salzweg<br />

Grundschule Haselbach<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: School-Adminstration Haapajärvi<br />

Partner organisations: Emolahden koulu (Primary school Emolahti)Pyhäjärvi<br />

FI - Finland Venetpalon koulu (Primary school Venetpalo)Kärsämäki<br />

Väliojan koulu (Primary school Välioja)Haapajärvi<br />

Oksavan koulu (Primary school Oksava)Haapajärvi<br />

Haapajärven kaupunginkirjasto, The Library in Haapajärvi<br />

Key words: Age appropriate teaching material, Libraries, Promotion of reading<br />

Description:<br />

The objectives of the project were to increase literacy, capabilities and skills in dealing<br />

with modern media and to work with students from the partner country. The project<br />

has developed new concepts and methods to teach children reading. It started with<br />

a comparison of methods for promoting reading in both regions: the Finnish visitors<br />

liked the cosy reading corners in the Bavarian elementary schools, while German<br />

teachers were convinced by the networking of Finnish schools and libraries. After the<br />

exchange of best practices, a new approach to reading was developed by the<br />

partners.<br />

At the heart of the project is a pool of German and Finnish children's books. The<br />

pupils discuss the books and exchange information about them. It's done through the<br />

bilingual literary game "Owlfinch", which has been developed specifically for the<br />

project. Through this game, the children communicate with their partners in the other<br />

country. The project managers have found that this social interaction and<br />

communication through books encourages children to read more books.<br />

The project has produced a wide collection of reading methods on a Wiki internetplatform.<br />

On this website, teachers can find a number of different methods for use in<br />

schools, as well as a new e-learning reading method which can be used by everybody.<br />

Teachers, principals, students and library staff alike - all have benefited from the<br />

partnership. The children have become more confident and interested, while the<br />

adults get an intense professional growth through the project. The involvement of<br />

professionals has had a positive effect, so that the children are now reading more and<br />

their love of books has grown. The pupils are better at discussing what they read, and<br />

take pleasure in sharing with their counterparts.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star Project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://comenius-regio-passau.mixxt.de/, http://www.pandio.eu/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-10415<br />


Creative Literacy through Innovation Project - CLIP<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Peterborough City Council<br />

Partner organisations: Nene Valley Primary School<br />

UK- United Kingdom St Botolph’s Primary School<br />

Peterborough City Council Library<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: St Mary’s Vocational Educational Committee<br />

Partner organisations: St Mary's Primary School<br />

IE - Ireland Scoil Gharbháin<br />

Waterford County Council Library Service<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Key words: Cross-sector cooperation in literacy, Teaching skills, Literacy strategies,<br />

Promotion of reading<br />

Description:<br />

The objectives of the project were to raise the literacy achievements of primary aged<br />

children with a particular emphasis on using up-to-date technology to enhance and<br />

improve teaching and learning and to involve the wider community through bringing<br />

volunteers into the schools to enhance the literacy experience for all ages.<br />

This project has developed a comprehensive and easy to use resource for schools<br />

wanting to set up a "reading buddies" scheme. A "reading buddy" is a parent, an<br />

older student or a volunteer from a business or from the wider community who gives<br />

their time to help children develop their reading skills and takes an interest in the<br />

child and works with them for a minimum of one term so that they can develop a good<br />

relationship. Reading buddies are role models, their ultimate aim being to develop<br />

within the children a love of reading, increase the children’s confidence and selfesteem<br />

and leave the children with a real sense of achievement. Reading buddies<br />

provide schools with an extremely important resource – their time - and as a result<br />

they are very much appreciated and valued in the schools they attend.<br />

The "reading buddies" website is designed to be a "one stop shop" for all schools<br />

wishing to organise their own volunteer reading programme. The written materials<br />

include workshop notes with accompanying PowerPoint presentation, information for<br />

parents and how to involve secondary school pupils as reading volunteers. A<br />

promotional film features volunteer readers, teachers and children who have taken<br />

part in the project. The project produced a training pack that is easily adaptable for<br />

other schools and available to download free on-line.<br />

The reading buddy programme has had a positive impact on the literacy levels of the<br />

children, along with raising the general profile of reading among the school population<br />

and the wider community. It has also resulted in a far reaching involvement by the<br />

wider community in the daily school life. The effects of the project have far outreached<br />

the partners' expectations. Three years later it continues to grow, and is now<br />

self-sustaining as it has become an integral part of daily school life.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://reading-buddies.com/sites/reading-buddies/<br />


Bibliooprevention<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership/eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Municipality Of Domžale<br />

Partner organisations: Primary School Rodica<br />

SL - Slovenia Youth Center Domžale<br />

Public Library Of Domžale<br />

Kindergarten Domžale<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: The City Of Lodz<br />

Partner organisations: Grammar School No. 16<br />

PL - Poland Regional Pedagogic Library In Lodz<br />

The Association For Mentally Handicapped Children And Young<br />

People "Closer To Yourselves"<br />

Key words: Reading skills, Literacy strategies, Support for children with reading<br />

difficulties, Age appropriate reading material, Teaching skills<br />

Description:<br />

The topic of this partnership is the use of literature and reading as a method for<br />

teaching violence prevention and problem-solving in schools. As an outcome, the<br />

project has created a model which could be used in other educational institutions.<br />

Through literature and reading, the method helps to develop an individual's selfconcept,<br />

relieves emotional or mental pressure, shows an individual that he or she is<br />

not the first or only person to encounter such a problem as well as that there is more<br />

than one solution to a problem. Using fictional narrative encourages pupils to<br />

discuss the problems more freely. Pupils work in small groups, while the teacher is the<br />

mentor and guide, encourages critical thinking, problem solving, and ensures every<br />

pupil feels accepted and respected. Furthermore, pupils learn to listen to each other.<br />

The methods developed were implemented in a practical context with pupils within an<br />

eTwinning partnership. Books were selected which were tailored to the age and<br />

receptive ability of the participants, i.e. their reading preferences and moods. The<br />

books chosen were novels which raise issues faced by teenagers. Bibliotherapeutic<br />

classes were conducted in both partner schools, during which discussions were held on<br />

previously prepared questions. Students discuss reading books, talk about their<br />

problems, possible ways of solving them with the help of books, share their<br />

experience, etc. These classes allowed the young people to think about themselves,<br />

enhance their self-esteem as well as to strengthen their motivation to learn, and<br />

finally to be able to activate it in the classroom.<br />

The project involved staff exchange with exchange of experience and good practice<br />

connected with the development of the method and its impact on students' behaviour.<br />

The project's public TwinSpace website contains further information and examples.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/de/pub/profile.cfm?f=2&l=de&n=16906<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-SI1-<br />

COM13-00880<br />


Europe: Reading is also the Future<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Colegio de Educación Infantil y Primaria Tremañes (Spain), Circolo Didattico Statale<br />

"G. Rodari" di Opera - Scuola dell'Infanzia "F.lli Cervi" (Italy)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Reading and writing skills, digital competence<br />

Description:<br />

This is a project for the creation of a children's campaign to encourage reading in<br />

Europe and the development of a collaborative creative writing workshop. More<br />

specifically, the aims to exchange experiences, knowledge and educational resources<br />

related to children's literature, reading and writing initiation, school libraries and<br />

encouraging reading, to promote pupils' self-esteem through believing in the creative<br />

potential, to strengthen the role of literature, books and reading among the values<br />

and interests of the pupils, to provide new literary experiences for pupils to expand<br />

their creative skills and to strengthen positive attitudes toward books and reading.<br />

The project involves 4 to 5 year old children in a large number of activities such as<br />

the design of a campaign for making reading attractive, collaborative "writing",<br />

blogging, video conferencing between the schools in Italy and Spain etc.<br />

Throughout the project, groups of children correspond across classrooms with pupils of<br />

the same age. They share photos, presentations, videos or games. Using a video<br />

chat programme, the children have virtual meetings with each other. Together with<br />

their partners, the children develop an advertising campaign in favour of reading in<br />

Europe, making slogans, posters etc.<br />

The project activities also include video production and collaborative writing and<br />

illustration of a story. The story is published as a digital book on the<br />

Internet. Children become familiar with the use of 2.0 applications for collaborative<br />

online drawing. The blog "Parliamo di Infantile Literature" contains the project<br />

materials and information and experiences developed by the project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/profile.cfm?fuseaction=app.project&pid=37240<br />

http://twinblog.etwinning.net/27772/<br />

http://infantiltremanes.wordpress.com<br />


Bookworms/Bookworms become actors!<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Dunston Primary School (United Kingdom), Siegerland Grundschule (Germany)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Age and gender appropriate reading material,<br />

Digital competence<br />

Description:<br />

The main aim of the "Bookworms" project is to increase children's motivation to<br />

read. Since reading is a key skill, it is important to motivate children to read and to<br />

exploit a diversity of media.<br />

This project allows students (10-12 years of age) to learn about the culture of their<br />

partners through multimedia communication dealing with the fairy tales, myths,<br />

legends and history of the partner countries. The students write about what they read<br />

(tales, legends, fables and stories), and present their favourite books through reading<br />

diaries, illustrations and presentation of the characters or heroes. With the help of the<br />

Internet, they research the authors, communicate (through e.g. blog and video<br />

conference) with their partners, and use the TwinSpace.<br />

The activities are further developed through the additional "Bookworms become<br />

actors" project, where pupils explore European children's literature even further,<br />

through reading and then acting out scenes from the stories.<br />

A final result the project hopes to achieve the improvement of pupils' native language<br />

as well as foreign language skills; intercultural exchanges and learning, development<br />

of pupils' multimedia competences and development of pupils' imagination through<br />

teamwork.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=17839<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p17839/welcome<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=46958<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p46958/welcome<br />


Reporting without borders<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Lycée Marguerite Yourcenar (France), Liceul Teoretic "Dr Mihai Ciuca" (Romania),<br />

Zespół Szkół nr 1 w Pszczynie (Poland)<br />

Key words: Digital competence, Reading and writing skills<br />

Description:<br />

In this project, pupils aged 15-19 cooperate to write an e-magazine: they select<br />

some topical issues they'd like to investigate, interview their European partners to<br />

know their views on this topic, then organize the information collected and write their<br />

articles. All the articles written by the pupils are published in an e-magazine.<br />

Among other things, the project aims to develop collaborative writing and proofreading<br />

skills and to develop critical thinking skills when selecting and organising<br />

relevant information; Furthermore it plans to write different types of articles<br />

(interview, report, survey, essay, opinion,…) on various topics, use ICT collaborative<br />

tools for publishing, editing, commenting, communicate efficiently with both<br />

classmates and partners abroad, develop inter-cultural skills, share ideas and<br />

concerns with European partners and bring to the surface the personal interests of the<br />

students.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=41236<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p41236<br />

http://issuu.com/ccoatanea/docs/e-magazine-rwb<br />


Bookraft<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

5th Gymnasio Serron (Greece), Gimnazjum nr 3 w Lublinie (Poland), Primary School<br />

Lakatameias 6 "Ag.Stylianou" (Cyprus), Zespół Szkół Zawodowych w Bogatyni<br />

(Poland), 1 Geniko Lykeio Elefsinas (Greece)<br />

Key words: Libraries, Promotion of reading, Digital competence<br />

Description:<br />

In this project, school librarians cooperate with teachers in Poland, Cyprus and<br />

Greece to enhance pupils' enjoyment of books through crafts and creative activities.<br />

The pupils' ages are 11-17.<br />

The project aims to encourage reading pleasure through a variety of creative<br />

activities and crafts, to teach library services and media education through<br />

eTwinning, to apply peer education on a teachers' level, as well as on a student<br />

level, to make the libraries more interesting and attractive and to make the pupils<br />

"library ambassadors".<br />

The expected result is a common blog with all the work and more interesting and<br />

attractive libraries with all the students crafts on books.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=28256<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p28256/welcome<br />

http://etwinningbookraft.blogspot.be/<br />


Let's introduce a book - The Little Prince<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Scoala Gimnaziala Octavian Goga Cluj Napoca (Romania), 5ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ<br />

ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΥΠΟΛΗΣ (Greece), Direzione Didattica 3° Circolo (Italy)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Digital competence, Reading and writing skills<br />

Description:<br />

Three primary school classes worked together on turning a chosen book - the Little<br />

Prince - into theatre performances, slide presentations and comic books published on<br />

the Internet. To make the experience more real, pupils produce a Little Prince visit to<br />

their own country, present it on stage and organise an exhibition about the project.<br />

The pupils were 10-12 old and the aims of the project were to motivate pupils to<br />

love reading, to help them improve their foreign language skills, make contact with<br />

peers from other countries and to improve their computer, theatre, drawing, writing<br />

and speaking skills.<br />

Pupils use various techniques to design/draw scenes from the book. Pupils' drawings<br />

are then scanned, exchanged between the classes and printed, and pupils organise an<br />

exhibition in their schools. The slide presentations made by pupils in all the classes<br />

are put together in order to create a joint presentation. Similarly, all the videos from<br />

the theatre performances are merged to create a joint movie.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=43099<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p43099/welcome<br />

http://ourlittleprince.wikispaces.com/01.Home<br />


Young poets society<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Literacy<br />

Sc. Gimn. Nr.29 Galati (Romania), Gimnazjum nr 16 im. Fryderyka Chopina w Lublinie<br />

(Poland), Γυμνάσιο Ζάρκου (Greece), Γυμνάσιο Οιχαλίας-Νεοχωρίου (Greece)<br />

Key words: Promotion of reading, Reading and writing skills, Digital competence<br />

Description:<br />

Poetry can motivate students and present a wide range of learning opportunities.<br />

Therefore, the project aimed to introduce students to the world of poetry and learn to<br />

read and different styles of poetry, to work collaboratively and communicate, share<br />

ideas and concerns, and discover ways in which pupils are connected, using poetry as<br />

a means for self-expression and self-realisation. Furthermore it aimed to motivate<br />

students to improve their use of the English language through reading and writing<br />

poetry and reinforce their grammar, vocabulary skills, creativity and<br />

development of the child’s imagination.<br />

Through the “Young Poets Society” project, students aged 12-15 from exchange<br />

poems by great poets of their countries, explore their characteristics and finally,<br />

cooperate to write their own poems using various structures and styles (haiku,<br />

cinquain, quatrain, sensory-emotion poems, couplets, diamonte poems, limericks,<br />

shape poems, tanka, ballad, and free verse poems). All these poems are illustrated<br />

with the students own drawings and, finally, included in an e-book under the title<br />

"Young Poets Society: Collection of Poems". Students also use their poems creatively<br />

to make their own video or audio files, dramatize them or make them into songs. All<br />

this material is hosted in a blog specially designed for this project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/connect/browse_people_schools_and_pro/profile.cf<br />

m?f=2&l=en&n=35771<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p35771/welcome<br />


Chapter 2: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

A strong, competitive Europe needs a strong innovation basis. That means<br />

developing innovative skills from early years onwards - and inspiring the next<br />

generation to approach mathematics and science with curiosity, motivation<br />

and determination.<br />

Tackling low achievement in maths, science and reading is the main focus of<br />

cooperation among education policymakers at European level - one of the EU's 5 key<br />

targets for education and training. The aim is that by 2020, less than 15% of 15-yearolds<br />

should be low-achiever (under ISCED 2 level) in those basic skills, as measured<br />

by PISA tests.<br />

This is a considerable challenge, given recent low achievement figures for the EU as a<br />

whole: mathematics: 22.2% in 2009 – that figure must be reduced by almost a third<br />

to reach the 15% target and science: 17.7% in 2009.<br />

The current EU educational initiatives in this field are founded on the agenda for<br />

cooperation on improving basic skills in European schools, adopted by EU ministers in<br />

November 2010.<br />

The Thematic working group on mathematics, science and technology (MST) promotes<br />

peer learning between policymakers from participating EU countries to help them<br />

develop and implement policies to raise attainment levels and improve attitudes to<br />

MST. To date the Group includes members from 25 countries and representatives of<br />

Eurydice, OECD and ETUCE.<br />

Comenius Programme projects reflect these concerns and local regional authorities,<br />

schools, teacher, teacher training institutions and other actors, cooperate to improve<br />

the performance of school students in those subjects. Some projects explore how ICT<br />

can be used to address low achievement in maths and science, for example by<br />

diversifying teacher approaches, facilitating personalisation of teaching and learning,<br />

encouraging problem-based or hands-on approaches. Other projects undertake<br />

inquiry-based approaches, cross-curricular links, hands-on and co-operative learning<br />

to improve pupils' problem-solving skills and motivation. Furthermore, many projects<br />

address the need to provide teachers with adequate skills and resources to study and<br />

teach these subjects by developing courses for effective initial teaching training.<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/school-education/math_en.htm<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

EU-HOU: Hands-On Universe teacher training and support program<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France), Observatoire royal de Belgique - Planétarium<br />

de Bruxelles (Belgium), Lykeio Agiou Nikolaou (Cyprus), Förderverein Astropeiler<br />

Stockert e.V. (Germany), Instituto Diastimikon Efarmogon & Tilepiskopisis, Ethniko<br />

Asteroskopio Athinon (Greece), Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika W Toruniu -<br />

UMK (Poland) NUCLIO – Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia (Portugal), Universitatea<br />

din Craiova (Romania) , Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain), Vetenskapens<br />

Hus (Sweden), University of Glamorgan (United Kingdom)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Hands-on learning, Inquiry-based pedagogies<br />

Description:<br />

The project specialises in research in astronomy and aims to increase students'<br />

interest in science. The project provides resources for high school teachers and<br />

the organization of a network of pilot schools and resource persons. The educational<br />

material is posted on the Web site of the project. The project gives the opportunity to<br />

develop educational tools of high quality as part of a European partnership, and create<br />

situations at the interface between research and teaching.<br />

The exercises developed by EU-HOU are designed to promote active learning by<br />

giving students real astronomical data and the tools to analyse them simply and<br />

easily in their own classroom. The project work is based on actual astronomical<br />

observations, often acquired by the pupils themselves. It uses a network of European<br />

and international automatic telescopes operated via Internet as well as dedicated tools<br />

(Webcam systems, radio telescopes) developed for this project. These observations<br />

can be carried out in class, and their analysis with software designed for educational<br />

purposes. Educational resources have been built in close collaboration between<br />

researchers and teachers in partner countries.<br />

EU-HOU started in 2004 and is now in its third phase “2010-2012 EU-HOU -<br />

Connecting classrooms to the Milky Way”. In the “Connecting classrooms to the<br />

Milky Way” project, EU-HOU is developing the first European network of radio<br />

telescopes for education, enabling schools to explore the Milky Way through the<br />

Internet, as well as inquiry-based pedagogical resources to be used in<br />

classrooms.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010 – 2012 (third phase)<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.euhou.net/<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Innovation in Mathematics Education on European Level (InnoMathEd)<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics (Bulgaria),<br />

University of South Bohemia, Pedagogical Faculty (Czech Republic), Tyrolean<br />

Educational Service (TiBS), Austria, University of Cyprus, Department of Education<br />

(Cyprus,), University of Bayreuth, Chair of Mathematics and Mathematics Education<br />

(Germany), Projekt Bildung Institut (Germany), German School Board Bolzano,<br />

Department for Mathematics and Science Education in Primary and Secondary Schools<br />

Italy), University of Oslo, Teacher Training and School Development (Norway),<br />

University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education (UK).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

University of Augsburg (Germany)<br />

Key words: ICT, Teacher education<br />

Description:<br />

The project InnoMathEd aimed at substantial innovations in mathematics education on<br />

European level and developing pupils' key competences and their ability to use ICT<br />

for learning maths. As a result, the project InnoMathEd partners collected experiences<br />

of using computers in mathematics education, didactic concepts, pedagogical<br />

methodologies and innovative learning environments on European level. These results<br />

are published in a book together with a CD containing learning environments with<br />

software.<br />

The project also included the development of strategies and courses for effective<br />

initial and in-service teacher training. The long-term impact of InnoMathEd on the<br />

European educational system is ensured by: distributing the innovative didactic<br />

concepts through initial and in-service teacher education; disseminating bestpractice<br />

learning environments via web-based tools and print media; including<br />

policy-makers and education administration as well as the larger public in the<br />

dissemination processes; distributing the InnoMathEd results to the scientific<br />

community so that further research in the fields of didactics and pedagogy can<br />

benefit from the outcomes of the project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008 – 2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.math.uni-augsburg.de/prof/dida/innomath/<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

1831_innomathed.pdf<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Biodiversity Education and Awareness to Grow a Living Environment<br />

(BEAGLE)<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Helmholtz – Centre for Environmental Research (Germany), Hungarian Society of<br />

Environmental Education (Hungary), Miljolare.no, Norwegian Environmental Education<br />

Network (Norway), Slovak Environmental Agency (Slovakia), Field Studies Council<br />

(UK).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

University of Warsaw Centre for Educational Studies (Poland)<br />

Key words: Teaching materials, Sustainability, Awareness, Environmental education<br />

Description:<br />

BEAGLE is an online free biodiversity project open to all schools in Europe. The overall<br />

objective of the BEAGLE biodiversity project was to improve the quality of learning<br />

outside the classroom and enhance pupils’ motivation to learn. It encouraged the<br />

awareness and understanding of teachers and young people that European and<br />

global scale solutions are required for successful sustainable development.<br />

As a result, it enhanced teacher's knowledge and understanding of biodiversity<br />

and sustainable development through effective and relevant out of classroom<br />

learning experiences for young people. It motivated pupils to explore the curriculum in<br />

a non-classroom based context and encouraged them to make connections with other<br />

subject areas. A school in Denmark used this model to build the curriculum around<br />

an environmental theme.<br />

In practical terms the project involved online tree monitoring, supported by a<br />

comprehensive teaching guide. The monitoring was carried out via the website which<br />

would continue for 5 years. This method has been particularly effective in primary<br />

schools which are more used to a multidisciplinary approach.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008 – 2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.beagleproject.org/en/<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

2340_beagle.pdf<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

SETAC: Science Education as a Tool for Active Citizenship<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Catholic High School Kempen (Belgium), National Museum of Playing Cards (Belgium),<br />

Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen, (Denmark), Deutsches<br />

Museum – Masterpieces of Science and Technology (Germany), Technical University of<br />

München (Germany), Hungarian Natural History Museum (Hungary), Technical<br />

Industrial State Institute "Marie Curie" (Italy)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci (Italy)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Integrated science education<br />

Description:<br />

The project aimed at the development of science teaching. The activities for<br />

teachers and students have improved knowledge about ‘how science works’ in order to<br />

take conscious and informed decisions about science and technology. The project<br />

focused on the building of skills for addressing science and technology in everyday<br />

life (and not only during school teaching sessions, or through textbooks) and for<br />

becoming active and informed citizens participating in issues of social interest and<br />

concern.<br />

The project developed a new pedagogy that draws on different fields (psychology,<br />

museum education, scientific research, civic responsibility) and methods (observation,<br />

inquiry, experimentation, children’s misconceptions, authentic questions, dialogue and<br />

debate) and considers museums and science centres as fundamental resources. The<br />

partners also devised a series of activities for schools focusing on health, energy<br />

and climate change and using inquiry, debate and direct participation in experiments.<br />

Other results include a European in-service training course for primary and<br />

secondary school teachers and a publication: "Quality Science Education: Where do we<br />

stand?" Guidelines for practice from a European experience in the form of<br />

recommendations for practitioners working in formal and informal science<br />

learning institutions. For students it provided different tests, games, questionnaires<br />

and simulations to be used in the classroom.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008 – 2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.museoscienza.org/setac/<br />

http://acea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/deocuments/comenius/acc_mes_fin<br />

al_report_2007/com_mp_142449_setac.pdf<br />


Science Pedagogy Innovation Centre for Europe<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Direcção Geral de Inovação e Desenvolvimento Curricular (Portugal), Dum<br />

Zahranicnich Sluzeb MSMT (Czech Republic).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

European Schoolnet (Belgium)<br />

Key words: Teacher education<br />

Description:<br />

The project was targeted at secondary school students and teachers and established a<br />

Science Pedagogy Innovation Centre for Europe (SPICE). The main objective was to<br />

collect, analyse, spread innovative pedagogical practice, especially those which<br />

enhance pupils' motivation for science studies.<br />

The SPICE project is a continuation of cooperation started under the project INSPIRES<br />

(Innovative Science Pedagogy in Research and Education). The SPICE project involves<br />

teachers and experts from 16 participating countries. In each country one maths<br />

and/or science teacher has been selected to be part of the SPICE teacher panel,<br />

which, along with a science expert panel, has helped the SPICE partners in defining 24<br />

good practices, so that they could be transposed and tried out in schools in other<br />

countries. Each selected good practice was tested in more than one country.<br />

The project is a successful example of how teachers from across Europe can work and<br />

learn from each other. The positive feedback received proves the need for<br />

collaborative projects that allow teachers to exchange good practices and are an<br />

important opportunity for professional development, encouraging teachers to reflect<br />

on their own practice. The importance of assessment methods in IBSME should be<br />

stressed and more collaborative efforts are needed. The partners and teachers that<br />

participated in the project will furthermore continue to disseminate the results of the<br />

project via conferences, presentations, teacher training, etc.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009 – 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://spice.eun.org/web/spice<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_50<br />

2244_spice.pdf<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

UniSchooLabS: remote access for schools to university science labs<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

European Schoolnet (Belgium), MENON Network (Belgium), Ellinogermaniki Agogi<br />

(Greece), Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche (Italy).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Scienter (Italy)<br />

Key words: Problem solving, Virtual learning environments, Teacher education<br />

Description:<br />

The UniSchooLabS aimed at improving quality in science education in Europe by<br />

promoting collaboration between universities and schools in the provision of<br />

remote access to science laboratories for primary and secondary schools through<br />

internet. The project produced a tool-kit which supports the teachers in selecting a<br />

remote or virtual lab and developing a lab activity based on an inquiry model<br />

template.<br />

The UniSchooLabs activities are composed of a number of pages and associated<br />

folders that facilitate the teacher in organizing experiments for the students using<br />

remote or virtual labs. The use of internet-based services and mobile<br />

technologies allows access to science experiments that would not otherwise be<br />

possible, because of the difficult or fragmented access to science laboratories in most<br />

schools, especially for those based in rural areas.<br />

The pedagogical approaches and scenarios developed within the project rely upon<br />

inquiry-based learning and problem-solving approaches, where learners learn by<br />

doing and through inquiry (science experiments) both in real and in virtual<br />

settings. These approaches foster creativity, analytical skills and motivate learners to<br />

learn through the pleasure of discovery.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010 – 2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://unischoolabs.eun.org/<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Stimulating Science and Technology Competences through Innovative<br />

Means for Teaching and Learning<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Phaenovum Schülerforschungszentrum Lörrach-Dreiländereck e.V. (Germany),<br />

Steinbeis Innovation gGmbH (Germany), Colegiul National “Nicolae Titulescu” Craiova<br />

(Romania), Elhuyar Foundation (Spain), Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), St. Mary’s<br />

University College, Queens University Belfast (UK).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Elhuyar Foundation (Spain)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Partnership with business<br />

Description:<br />

The main objective of this project is to foster the interest and take-up of science<br />

and technology among the European students from 12 to 18 years old. The project<br />

aims at increasing the motivation of students to study science and technology, and<br />

to contributing to the improvement and development of key competences. The project<br />

is working on creation of specific teacher training methods and programmes,<br />

addressed to current and future science and technology teachers.<br />

The STIMULA project encourages the active involvement of the world of work<br />

(universities, research and innovation centres and companies) in educational<br />

activities. The core of the project focuses on designing, implementing and validating<br />

new educational initiatives. The project is testing diverse curriculum extending<br />

initiatives, aimed at fostering students' interest in science and technology and their<br />

entrepreneurial spirit. The gap between schools and the world of work is bridged<br />

through different networking models established between them.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011 – 2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://stimula-project.eu/<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Fly High - the principles of aviation as an opportunity to make physical<br />

theory accessible<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

BG/BRG Seebacher (Austria), Steirische Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft (Austria),<br />

Hochschule Bremen (Germany), Christelijk Lyceum Delft Secondary School<br />

(Netherlands), Inholland University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands), Universidad<br />

politecnica de Madrid (Spain).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Fh Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Problem solving, Cross-subject collaboration<br />

Description:<br />

The project was initiated in order to address the major challenges of modern European<br />

school systems, namely how to teach and learn abstract forms of natural sciences<br />

like mathematics and physics. The substance of the subjects envisaged create<br />

pedagogical challenges in a more and more concrete, practical and life oriented school<br />

environment. The project Fly High is using the theme of aviation to teach maths,<br />

physics and other subjects like geography, economics or languages<br />

The project is targeting secondary school students and teachers, and also vocational<br />

school students and trainers. FlyHigh is producing teaching materials which provide<br />

an appropriate and practically relevant methodology for teaching physics and<br />

mathematics, fostering a problem solving, more self-guided and practically relevant<br />

learning approach. The content of the materials is based on the secondary school<br />

curricula of the countries, taking part in the project, and is composed of separate<br />

modules to be adaptable to various educational systems in the EU.<br />

All results will be available in all partner languages as well as in an English master<br />

version for further use. Fly High also organises a student competition "Fly High<br />

Challenge", and a series of teacher training courses.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011 – 2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://flyhigh-321.eu/home<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Connecting Europe through mathematics developing new teaching<br />

strategies –friends 4 numbers<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

PT, SE, ES, GR, IT, TR<br />

Key words: Teacher education, ICT, Diversifying teaching<br />

Description:<br />

The project was started in response to concerns across Europe regarding the falling<br />

interest among children in mathematics. It aimed at improving teacher<br />

competences and increasing their awareness of pupils’ needs and difficulties in<br />

learning maths.<br />

The partners analysed the teaching methods used by each of the participating schools<br />

and made teachers more aware of their pupils’ expectations. The project developed<br />

new teaching practices different learning materials, including a multilingual<br />

dictionary of mathematical terms, a selection of virtual learning resources and a<br />

selection of articles related to teaching maths and promoted pedagogical innovation<br />

among all the teachers.<br />

During the project, all the teaching staff was engaged in pedagogical innovation.<br />

The involvement in this project also fostered the use of the new technologies and of<br />

different European languages and thus increased the feeling of belonging to the<br />

European community.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2009 – 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://xtec.cat/centres/a8005072/index.html<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-ES1-<br />

COM06-09878<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

The schoolyard a place for outdoor pedagogy and creative playing<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

SE, FI, PL, RO, TR<br />

Key words: Contextualising learning, Diversifying teaching<br />

Description:<br />

For partner schools, mathematics seems to be a challenge and a phobia for many<br />

students and bookish mathematics can be boring and stifling when it's only taught in a<br />

classroom environment. As a consequence, many pupils find maths difficult and they<br />

have difficulties reaching the goals for the subject.<br />

Therefore, the aim of the project was to make learning maths more attractive for<br />

students. The project was successful in merging the learning of maths and different<br />

outdoor activities and setting up the outdoor integrated maths teaching<br />

methodology which helps the pupils to acquire the mathematical competences.<br />

The schools created a mathematic lab at every school with educational tools<br />

necessary for outdoor maths. In addition, the partners learned how to create a<br />

schoolyard which supports pedagogy with varied methods for all types of learning<br />

and social training.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009 – 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

https://sites.google.com/site/outdoorpedagogy/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-SE1-<br />

COM06-01899<br />


PC Based Math Project for High School Students<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

CZ, PT, PL, NO, LT, IS, DE, FI, DK, AT, SK<br />

Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Key words: ICT, Diversifying teaching, Teacher education, Problem solving<br />

Description:<br />

The main objective of this project was to improve the quality of mathematics<br />

education in secondary schools. This was achieved by targeted instructions with the<br />

help of modern software. 14 schools in 11 countries took part in the project.<br />

The students learned to work with new software and later they developed a project<br />

of applied mathematics. The students used their math and ICT knowledge to develop,<br />

calculate and document mathematical models. The project used e-learning<br />

software, such as M@th Desktop (MD) on the basis of Mathematical which is a<br />

Computer Algebra System. MD supports various teaching styles through its flexible<br />

handling. The math project was planned and carried out together with the partner<br />

countries.<br />

The teachers got a sound training for teaching math with the help of modern<br />

educational software and they came to understand the benefits of the "Blended<br />

Learning" concept. The outcome was the presentation of the different math projects<br />

by the students and a web page, from which all math projects documents are<br />

downloadable.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008 - 2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.lyska.net/MathProject/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-CZ1-<br />

COM06-00057<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Explore Creativity and Innovation in Technology, Entrepreneurship<br />

and Design<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

BE, NO, DE, CZ, DK, IS<br />

Key words: Hands-on learning, Cross-subject collaboration, Experimental work<br />

Description:<br />

The project was created by secondary schools and offered possibilities for practical<br />

work in creating a technological assembly line so as to motivate students' to get<br />

involved in learning science and technology.<br />

The project work focussed on intercultural learning, the use of foreign languages,<br />

the use of modern communication media and modern technological techniques<br />

and self-contained planning, organisation of interdisciplinary work forms. The students<br />

and teachers took care of the design, the creation and the connection of several<br />

handling units. The challenge of the project was to let the units work separately as<br />

well as joined.<br />

To make the project work, the students and the teachers had to communicate on a<br />

very detailed scale. Each school was responsible for one part of the project consisting<br />

of mechanical modules, controlling units and a mainframe unit. The ability to work<br />

in a team with partners all over Europe was a perfect simulation of the realistic<br />

industry operation. The result of the project was creation of the multi-purpose<br />

programmable assembly-line.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010 – 2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-BE3-<br />

COM06-02376<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

School Math in learning English SMILE + Goal: Go Outside And Learn<br />

Comenius Bilateral School Partnerships<br />

Countries involved:<br />

FR, PL<br />

Key words: Cross-subject collaboration, Teacher education, ICT, Problem solving<br />

Description:<br />

The project was created in response to the lack of students’ interest in learning<br />

(especially maths and science), and also sought to improvement of foreign language<br />

skills. The S.M.I.L.E. project aimed to reverse these negative trends and strengthen<br />

cooperation between students, teachers and local communities. It focused on<br />

learning languages and maths and concentrated on using new methods in teaching,<br />

which were are effective and attractive for students.<br />

The project is a good example how standard cooperation project evolves into an<br />

eTwinning project. In the bilateral partnership teachers and students experimented<br />

with many innovative lessons or activities using modern communication tools,<br />

working in a CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) context. The results of<br />

the bilateral partnership were produced as tutorials or videos.<br />

In the eTwinning GOAL! project (Go Outside And Learn) teachers cooperated, planed<br />

and shared ideas of lessons outside the classroom, which were a part of ordinary<br />

school timetable. The topics of these lessons were related to curricula and integrated<br />

several subjects. Students cooperated and communicated using electronic devices and<br />

the Internet, and worked in groups. GOAL! is an example of Problem Based<br />

Learning project integrated in the school timetable and curriculum.<br />

Teachers analysed, compared and used different methods in teaching including<br />

computer programmes, on-line teaching and CLIL.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2009 – 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.exemple-site.fr/smile/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-PL1-<br />

COM07-05196<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

EU-EMSET Excellence in Maths and Natural Sciences<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: City of Västerås, Pedagogiska nämndernas stab/LEA<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Teaching materials<br />

Description:<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

SE - Sweden<br />

Rönnbyskolan, Västerås<br />

St Ilians skola, Västerås<br />

Lindboskolan, Hallstahammar<br />

ABB (Automation and Power Technologies), Västerås<br />

Vafab Miljö AB<br />

Mälardalen University<br />

Mediecenter Mälardalen AB<br />

Asköviken Nature School<br />

Västmanlands Kommuner och Landsting<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: International Education Office, Gloucestershire County Council<br />

Partner organisations: Cirencester Deer Park School<br />

UK - United Kingdom Wyedean School and Sixth Form Centre<br />

University of Gloucestershire<br />

Gloucestershire First Economic Partnership<br />

Forest Education Business Partnership<br />

Real Ideas Organisation<br />

Before starting the project the local authorities identified a need to improve the<br />

quality of education in science, maths and technology, and designed a project which<br />

provided measures for stimulating teaching and learning through developing a<br />

joint framework for supporting students' involvement in learning.<br />

The objectives of the partnership were to improve the quality of education in maths<br />

and the natural sciences, and to increase the take-up of these subjects in upper<br />

secondary and higher education. The project resulted in university co-operation on<br />

initial teacher training, identifying and sharing materials and resources for<br />

teaching and learning (by using a web-based learning facility Natural Science and<br />

Technology for all and developing units of cross-curricular work in maths, science<br />

and technology for primary and secondary schools. The regions also learned from<br />

practices already in place and considered implementing similar measures at home.<br />

The project triggered further bilateral cooperation between the schools in Sweden<br />

and the UK on students' preferences for learning Maths and Science (2010 – 2012)<br />

and another Comenius partnership (2011 – 2013) on how young Europeans could<br />

build a sustainable future together, which involves schools from France, Hungary,<br />

Spain and Turkey.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://eur-emset.wikispaces.com,<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-SE1-<br />

COM13-01497<br />


Teacher trainers learning to show Maths<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Institution involved:<br />

Mary Immaculate College, Limerick (Ireland)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Hands-on learning<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

The Mary Immaculate College in Limerick trains future teachers of primary school<br />

education. Niamh Armstrong is a teacher of IT and Mathematics in the College, and<br />

she learned new skills in the training course "Using Video to support lifelong<br />

learning".<br />

The course provided training in a combination of practical and theoretical information.<br />

The practical course involved writing a scenario for video, learning how to shoot<br />

video, use of light and sound, and use of cameras, sound recording equipment and<br />

editing software.<br />

Back at the College N. Armstrong developed a short CPD workshop for staff, and<br />

shared her knowledge with other colleagues. They began working on a project to<br />

develop video materials for mathematics and hope to develop this idea to provide<br />

resources for maths teachers. N. Armstrong reported that the course provided a<br />

valuable resource to include video in her teaching and learning portfolio and<br />

incorporate additional material into her future courses which she hopes will improve<br />

the performance of her students.<br />

Duration:<br />

The training took place in 2010<br />


Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Teacher training in robotics brings an award to school<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Institution involved:<br />

Kristiine Gümanasium, Tallinn (Estonia)<br />

Key words: Teacher education, Hands-on learning<br />

Description:<br />

Lauri Vilibert from Kristiine Gümanasium in Tallinn took part in the training course<br />

on robotics, and not only learned modern teaching methods and approaches, but<br />

also improved foreign language skills and established international contacts, which<br />

led to development of new international project.<br />

Back in his school the teacher used the acquired knowledge in his lessons and under<br />

his guidance students won an award in the robotics competition at national level.<br />

The training focused on one of the Estonian national priorities, namely Science and<br />

Technology. Theoretical part of the training course was aimed at the past, present and<br />

tomorrow's changes and challenges in the field of robotics. The training dealt with the<br />

impact of robotics on pupils of different age groups. Participants were learning by<br />

doing, they were constructing and programming robots themselves. The training gave<br />

a lot of new ideas on how to use Lego NXT Mindstorm sets in the classroom and how<br />

to integrate different subjects to help students to understand the subjects better.<br />

Duration:<br />

The training took place in 2010<br />


Teaching Maths through the medium of English<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Institution involved:<br />

J. Rainis Secondary School, Daugavpils (Latvia)<br />

Key words: Teacher education<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Ludmila Voitova, a teacher of Mathematics, improved her skills in CLIL (Content and<br />

Language Integrated Learning) application after taking part in the course “Teaching<br />

Effectively through the Medium of English (CLIL), English language, education<br />

and culture for teachers of other subjects” in the United Kingdom.<br />

During the course she learned new CLIL approaches and obtained useful materials.<br />

The participants of the course had also observed 8 lessons of Mathematics in different<br />

schools in Wales.<br />

Back in Latvia, Ludmila Voitova has been approved as a trainer to deliver master<br />

classes on CLIL for other teachers and she already shared her experience with<br />

teachers in other schools by giving an open lesson of Mathematics in another region<br />

of Latvia. The new contacts allowed the teacher to continue international cooperation<br />

by developing European projects.<br />

Duration:<br />

The training took place in 2010<br />


3e’s: e-counting; e-culture; e-communications<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Maths, Science and Technology<br />

Dun Guzepp Zerafa, Fgura Primary A school (Malta), Cauldeen Primary School (United<br />

Kingdom), Scuola dell'infanzia ex I.P.P.A.I. (Italy), Escuela Infantil Gloria Fuertes,<br />

Gijón (Spain)<br />

Key words: Curriculum<br />

Description:<br />

In this activity oriented project pre-school and primary children were encouraged<br />

to explore and discover mathematical concepts in an exciting and interesting way.<br />

They performed a series of hands-on mathematical activities using ICT based<br />

learning which were shared between all participants. Children were encouraged to<br />

invent and play games whilst they learn to follow rules.<br />

To realize this vision the project team work together to raise awareness of the<br />

importance of mathematics in early education, sharing sound pedagogical<br />

approaches to mathematical teaching and learning and developing essential<br />

resources to support high quality equitable mathematical experiences for all young<br />

children.<br />

In different activities involving new ICT tools children created mathematical digital<br />

puzzles and games. Different European cultures and languages are also introduced to<br />

the children. The results and descriptions of the mathematical activities and digital<br />

games and puzzles were published on the project’s website. Parents were introduced<br />

to the website to observe the development of the project and to use the educational<br />

games and puzzles with their children.<br />

Award:<br />

Spanish National eTwinning award in 2009.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://3eees.wikispaces.com<br />


Chapter 3: Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC)<br />

Early childhood Education and Care services should provide a safe<br />

environment for children, giving them the emotional, physical, social and<br />

educational support they need to start a successful and full-filling life.<br />

Recognizing that early childhood education and care can lay the foundations for<br />

educational success, personal development, social integration and later<br />

employability, especially for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, there has been<br />

an increasing focus on this sector at the European level in recent years.<br />

Education and care systems for children below the compulsory school age vary in<br />

different countries; Member States are co-operating to develop ‘pre-primary’ or ‘preschool’<br />

provision across the EU. Education ministers from across the EU set a target<br />

that by 2020 at least 95% of children between four years old and the age for<br />

starting compulsory primary education should participate in early childhood<br />

education. It is also increasingly recognized that the quality of such services is<br />

paramount.<br />

In February 2011, the Commission set out the key issues for future European cooperation<br />

in early childhood education and care with the aim to improve access and<br />

quality of services from birth to the start of compulsory schooling: "Early Childhood<br />

Education and Care - providing all our children with the best start for the world of<br />

tomorrow " In May 2011 EU Education ministers endorsed these plans and launched<br />

a process of policy co-operation at European level in the : Council conclusions on<br />

early childhood education and care. The main aim of the policy cooperation between<br />

Member States' representatives is to develop a proposal for a European Quality<br />

Framework in ECEC based on evidence from research, policy and practice.<br />

At EU programme level, many of the Comenius projects presented here have<br />

contributed in different ways, to improving ECEC systems. Some of them have<br />

promoted the reinforcement of the staff competences through training and providing<br />

tools and strategies to improve their practices.<br />

Other projects have focused on the quality of ECEC by revising the pedagogical<br />

content, the curriculum, developing methodologies based on children's diverse needs<br />

and competences and involving and supporting parents. It is important to stress that<br />

many of the projects have been designed and implemented by taking into account<br />

the diversity of the different ECEC institutions and the special needs of some<br />

disadvantaged groups.<br />

A key element of success in these projects has been the involvement of staff training<br />

institutions as well as of the relevant authorities responsible for education in the<br />

area.<br />

The gathered examples of good projects show how supporting cooperation and<br />

exchange programs have had direct impact on improving ECEC and have delivered<br />

concrete results such as changes in the staff training curricula and training courses,<br />

assessment tools, manuals, good practices, etc.<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/school-education/childhood_en.htm<br />


Naturbild<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich (Austria), Sofiiski Universitet "Sveti Kliment<br />

Ohridski" (Bulgaria), Kecskeméti Fõiskola Tanitokepzo Foiskolai Kar (Hungary),<br />

Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei (Romania),<br />

Selye Janos University (Slovakia), Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Germany)<br />

Key words: Staff competences, Curriculum, Transition to school<br />

Description:<br />

The partners focused on the importance of "Nature and Technology" in the early<br />

formation processes of children as early education is key towards improvements<br />

in the field of science and technical education, as pillar of the knowledge society.<br />

They identified deficiencies at different levels; on the conceptual level of content<br />

(training plans, curricula), at teacher level as they are not sufficiently trained in the<br />

field and on the institutional level where the cooperation between kindergarten and<br />

Primary school is not adequate developed.<br />

The project approach takes as starting point children’s creative and constructional<br />

skills and encourages them to look at natural phenomena close to children lives from<br />

numerous perspectives. It involves playing and experimentation, building and<br />

handicrafts, exploration of the world, improvised movement and the aesthetic<br />

expression of movement, social co-construction, the explicit interpretation of<br />

phenomena, the inclusion of imagination, literature and poetry as well as autonomous<br />

exploration through learner-centred projects.<br />

The partners developed efficient teaching strategies and scenarios for challenging<br />

children in transition from pre-school to school education to discover and<br />

understand natural phenomena and solve technical problems. It focused on the<br />

improving of skills of pre-primary teachers to deliver scientific and technical<br />

education. Some of the scenarios are provided in the video format accompanied<br />

with detailed comments for teachers.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008–2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.projekt-naturbild.eu<br />


Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Towards Opportunities for Disadvantaged and Diverse Learners on the<br />

Early-childhood Road<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

University College South Denmark (Denmark), West University of Timisoara<br />

(Romania), Artevelde University College (Belgium), Kingston University (United<br />

Kingdom), University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd (Germany), Instituto Politécnico<br />

de Santarém (Portugal), Universitat Ramon Lull (Spain), Haute Ecole Libre Mosane<br />

(Belgium)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Universitetet i Stavanger (Norway)<br />

Key words: Quality, Diversity, Parental involvement, Staff competences<br />

Description:<br />

The project shows the educational potential of high quality education and care in<br />

centre-based settings for toddlers, in particular for those from low education/low<br />

income/migrant families.<br />

The project focuses on the development of provisions for toddlers and investigates<br />

different approaches to improve curriculum and teaching strategies and to<br />

strengthen parental engagement. The project is based on the principle that the<br />

most enduring cognitive results are achieved when both cognitive and socio-emotional<br />

outcomes are pursued simultaneously. The involved teacher training institutions<br />

cooperate with student teachers, teachers working with toddlers and policy makers.<br />

The project collects knowledge and experience on how to enhance equity in early<br />

education (0 - 3 years) and implements this in teacher training programmes of the<br />

involved institutions.<br />

The knowledge and examples of good practice gathered within the project will be<br />

developed into a European in-service course and a course module for student<br />

teachers. The course material shall invite practitioners and students to reflect on the<br />

learning conditions for disadvantaged children in early childhood settings and<br />

provide them with tools for their better integration in schools.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.toddlerineurope.eu<br />


EASE - Early Years Transition Programme<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

School of Education, Aarhus University (Denmark), University of Western Macedonia<br />

School of Education/Department of Early Childhood Education (Greece), Apor Vilmos<br />

Catholic College (Hungary), Pädagogische Hochschule Burgenland (Austria), Wroclaw<br />

University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Institute of German Philology (Poland),<br />

University of Gothenburg, Department of Education (Sweden), School of Education at<br />

University of Iceland (Iceland), Erzbischöfliches Berufskolleg Köln, St. Ursula<br />

Berufskolleg Düsseldorf, Georg-Kerschensteiner Berufskolleg Troisdorf, Berufskolleg<br />

Ehrenfeld Köln, Berufskolleg des Kreises Heinsberg, (Germany)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

EU-Geschäftsstelle Wirtschaft und Berufsbildung, Bezirksregierung Köln (Germany)<br />

Key words: Transition to school, Curriculum, Evaluation<br />

Description:<br />

The objectives of EASE were to maximize the exchange and cooperation between the<br />

Early Childhood sector and primary schools and thus facilitate the transition of<br />

children from one stage to the next one. The project wanted to promote the<br />

involvement and exchange of views between parents and professionals in both<br />

sectors and to develop connecting curricula in early literacy and language practice<br />

within a play-oriented and participatory approach.<br />

The project used a learning stories approach to evaluate children's progress in<br />

language and early literacy. The children were involved in progressively more<br />

complex patterns of reciprocal activity and challenged by gradual shifts in the balance<br />

of power from the teacher to the learner. These shifts reflect children's growing ability<br />

to set their own goals, assess their own achievements, and take on responsibility for<br />

their learning. Children's development was stimulated by learning experiences and<br />

guided participation and both adults and peers nurtured children's learning and<br />

development.<br />

Among the concrete outcomes and results the project developed curricula for<br />

teacher training in early literacy and language practice and an early childhood<br />

framework curricula which emphasized continuity in children's education. The<br />

partners developed methods to assess children's literacy learning which put an<br />

emphasis on children's empowerment and capacity to reflect on their own learning<br />

processes. Furthermore, a European handbook of transitions was developed that<br />

summarized the main findings of the project across the participating countries.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.ease-eu.com<br />


From The Waste Basket<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

BG, EE, FR, IT, SI, UK<br />

Key words: Curriculum<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

The purpose of the partnership was to raise the awareness of the recycling issue at<br />

kindergarten level, with the help of teachers, parents and school staff. The<br />

children learned about the waste that is thrown away, what happens to it, and how it<br />

can harm the environment.<br />

Thought the different activities, children learned about the partner countries,<br />

exchanged items they had made from recycled materials (toys, artwork, postcards,<br />

etc.) and enriched their vocabulary and understanding about the recycling issue.<br />

Two booklets were produced for partners on paper and plastic recycling with<br />

activities and products made of paper by children involved in English. The exhibitions<br />

of the children's work were displayed publicly in each school for all children and<br />

teacher's to see; furthermore, questionnaires were distributed to raise the awareness<br />

also of parents about recycling.<br />

A brochure containing information about the partners, the project objectives, activity<br />

calendar, instructions for making items with recycled materials, etc. was distributed to<br />

all the families involved in the project and also to officials. At the end of the project<br />

the outcomes were assembled and published on the project website.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.from-the-waste-basket.eu/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-FR1-<br />

COM06-07173<br />


Euro-citizens of the future<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved<br />

FR, IC, IT, PL, SE, UK<br />

Key words: Curriculum<br />

Description<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

The partner nursery schools from 6 countries with different climates, landscapes,<br />

latitudes and natural heritage, aimed to encourage pupils to become euro-citizens<br />

responsible for their environment through the theme of sustainable development.<br />

Throughout the project pupils created their own “eco-code” step-by-step that depict<br />

what is suitable and unsuitable for our planet hoping that this citizenship education<br />

will change their habits for the benefit of themselves as citizens of the future. The idea<br />

was to let children mind about that and together find and exchange ideas to spread<br />

their ecological message. ICT tools and video and photos featured greatly in all<br />

project activities.<br />

The project also produced a book on the subject of the respect of our<br />

environment, consisting of a chapter by country invented and illustrated by children.<br />

The travelling mascots were the heroes; their adventures reflect the discoveries made<br />

by children during the project. Each chapter was written in both language of its<br />

author's country and reader's native language, to enable as many parents, children<br />

and potential readers the opportunity to understand the stories. The book was<br />

published on paper and digital version.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/search.php?&P0=A.COM06&&P1=E.FR&&P2=<br />

E.IS&&P3=E.IT&&P4=E.PL&&P5=E.GB<br />


Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Democracy at school, based on respect and mutual understanding<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

IC, IT, NO, ES, TR<br />

Key words: Voice of the child<br />

Description:<br />

The project was based on the desire wish to make children's thoughts, opinions<br />

and imagination visible for teachers and peers. Following the assumption that<br />

everyone has the right to be seen and heard in a democratic society, children should<br />

learn about concepts such as freedom, rights and obligations.<br />

All activities aimed at creating in the pupils with strong moral personalities,<br />

autonomy and critical skills. Throughout the diverse activities, children had the<br />

opportunity to express their opinions (no opinion is stupid or inferior), to listen to, to<br />

talk with, to meet argument with argument, to explain decisions with concrete<br />

reasons.<br />

Among the products there were project newsletters, a publication about Democracy<br />

made with the direct input of the pupils and a Tool Booklet for Democracy and<br />

participation in Kindergarten and at School which contains observation forms,<br />

interview guide, questionnaire for teachers to use in the future (directly down able).<br />

Throughout and after the end of the project the participating schools experienced that<br />

the project has influenced their lives and changed attitudes within the staff. All<br />

involved partners agreed that the project offered a unique opportunity to understand<br />

other cultures, exchange experiences and learn to work together across borders and<br />

language barriers.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://sw.lme.lausn.is/doc/908?download=false<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-PT1-<br />

COM06-00046<br />


Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

IN.DEM Quality in preschool through inclusive and democratic<br />

education<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

IT, NL, SE<br />

Key words: Quality, Staff competences, Diversity<br />

Description:<br />

This project focuses on the experiences in the field of age 0-6 education developed in<br />

the pre-schools participating in this project. Its main goal was to share and<br />

disseminate a discussion about quality in education. The basic principle was the idea<br />

that children have strong abilities ever since birth. They master different languages:<br />

verbal and non-verbal, visual, body and symbols. This project sought to explore<br />

how teachers can create opportunities to offer children the chance to develop such<br />

languages and ways to express themselves. This idea, common and known on a<br />

theoretic level, but not on a practical one, could lead to create new high quality<br />

opportunities for children. Therefore, the project intended to offer and provide<br />

teachers with proper tools and specific skills throughout education.<br />

The different project activities such as study-visits highly fostered the desire to<br />

discover other cultures and social, political, educational histories; it also gave the<br />

opportunity to enforce the idea that the experience about children demonstrates how<br />

education can be considered an essential resource for the countries and for the<br />

development of a quality daily way of living.<br />

The Indem Project Blog showcases the most significant events that have<br />

characterized the project (as conferences, workshops, study visits). The project also<br />

created a "Best <strong>Practices</strong> Book".<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.progettinfanzia.eu/it/?page_id=50<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-SE1-<br />

COM06-00216<br />


Pathway to success<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Key words: Staff competences<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Municipality of Šumperk<br />

Partner organisations: Happy Kindegarten, pre-primary school in Šumperk<br />

CZ -Czech Republic Pedagogical-psychological counselling of Olomouc<br />

region<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Municipality of Prievidza<br />

Partner organisations: Pre-primary school in Prievidza<br />

SK -Slovakia Educational and psychological counselling and<br />

prevention centre, Prievidza<br />

This was a pioneering project on how to develop teacher mentoring skills by using<br />

ICT. Its main objective was getting a better understanding of how learning with ICT<br />

tools takes place in open learning environments and how it can be enhanced. The<br />

specific scope of the project was the role of teachers and tutors in such blended<br />

learning arrangements and the question to which extent self-organised learning is<br />

possible and how guidance and feed-back to the pupils can be organised in the<br />

best way in order to allow well customized learning for each pupil. The project<br />

therefore did not only have a didactic side but also touched aspects of staff<br />

resource economy and school organisation.<br />

The project activities were carried in four stages: First, to analyse the practice and<br />

conditions of ICT use in self-organized learning and the specific requirements of<br />

support for learners offered by the school; Secondly a guidance and feed-back<br />

model, the “Learn Desk” concept developed to improve students' results in<br />

schoolboy increasing access to the teachers during the day as a help-desk and be<br />

complementary to the availability of regular teachers for student support. Next, the<br />

“Learn Desks” were tested and finally the results were disseminated in work-shops<br />

addressed to the regional and national open learning community in both countries.<br />

Project results are available for download on the project website and the teachers in<br />

Varberg produced a short film describing how the participating schools worked with it.<br />

Award:<br />

National Comenius award in the Czech Republic in 2012 and EST star project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.sumperk.cz/cs/mesto-sumperk/projekty-eu/ukoncene-projekty/cestickak-uspechu.html;<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-CZ1-<br />

COM13-01936<br />


Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Early Years and Equality – Observing and living each other's practice<br />

in Early Years to inform quality development<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Staffordshire County Council<br />

Partner organisations: Stafford Children's Centre<br />

UK – United Kingdom Centre for Research in Early Childhood<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: City of Antwerp<br />

Partner organisations: Stedelijk kinderdagverblijf (Children's Day Care Centre De<br />

BE - Belgium Duveltjes)<br />

Kinderdagverblijf Kadee (Childre's Day Care Centre Kadee)<br />

KDV 't Folieke<br />

Basisschool Unescoschool<br />

GO! Onderwijs van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap<br />

Key words: Quality, Diversity<br />

Description:<br />

The overall purpose of the project was to improve quality in early year's provisions<br />

and settings and aimed to examine what quality overall means and in particular in<br />

relation to equality and diversity within provisions, early language acquisition,<br />

transition points in a child's learning and development.<br />

The exchanges of staff (job shadowing weeks in both regions) offered early years<br />

practitioners in Flanders, Belgium and in England a unique opportunity to have firsthand<br />

experiences of early years practice in the other country, and to explore with<br />

colleagues in the other country aspects of practice and the reasoning behind it.<br />

Proactive and mutual reflection help practitioners and their counterparts in the<br />

other country, as well as their colleagues ‘at home’ to attain maximum benefit from<br />

collaborative reflection. The learning and the improvements in practice thus acquired<br />

benefit all the children of the schools involved.<br />

At the start of the project a toolkit was produced to give information to practitioners<br />

about observation and reflection and it provided a coherent framework and common<br />

language to collect practitioners’ ideas, thoughts and questions. The revised toolkit is<br />

and free for use by others although practitioners should be given instructions and<br />

supported by their managers before, during and after the whole process of using the<br />

toolkit.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://eyeproject.eu<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-GB1-<br />

COM13-06198<br />


MusEUms<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Przedszkole nr 48 z Oddziałami, Zabrze (Poland), Southwater Infant School (United<br />

Kingdom)<br />

Key words: Curriculum, Diversity<br />

Description:<br />

The aim of the project was to help kindergarten pupils (age 4-7) to learn about the<br />

history of the home town and another town in Europe and to recognise and<br />

appreciate the similarities and differences between them.<br />

During the project, each school selected an artefact (for example a brick from the<br />

second world war, a plush dinosaur and a coal stone) that was linked to the history of<br />

their town and sent it to the other kindergarten. Through various activities involving<br />

ICT tools, the children learned more about each artefact, which helped them to have<br />

an idea of each town and what is was like in the past. Each of the artefacts and other<br />

related information were displayed throughout the year in a museum in each<br />

kindergarten to share with the wider community. To assist the process, the pupils also<br />

visited a selection of local museums over the year and shared these experiences<br />

with their partner schools.<br />

As outcome, children gained a better understanding of their own history, and how it<br />

links to the history of other places in Europe. Furthermore, by seeing the similarities<br />

between themselves and their new friends in Europe, they were able to develop their<br />

sense of being Global Citizens.<br />

Award:<br />

The project received the UK National eTwinning Award 2011, the Polish National<br />

eTwinning Award in 2012 and the European Quality Label in 2011.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.emuseums.wordpress.com<br />


Act-in Art<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Kindergarten of Launegg (Austria), Kindergarten of Jules Ferry (France), Kindergarten<br />

of Kaparelli (Greece), Kindergarten of Mežmaliņa (Latvia), Kindergarten of Porto de<br />

Mós (Portugal).<br />

Key words: Diversity, Curriculum<br />

Description:<br />

The goals of the project were to develop an appreciation for the art of other countries<br />

and cultures, and to acquire confidence to express own thoughts and feelings<br />

through art. Throughout the different interactive activities children developed artistic<br />

skills and the talent of each pupil through creative ways of activities.<br />

Pupils from each partner school started an artwork on a canvas based on the style of a<br />

pre-chosen artist, and they send it to the next school by post. Every 2 months each<br />

partner joined the ‘traveling artwork’ which arrived at the school and together with<br />

the pupils they did research to identify the style of the specific artist they had to work<br />

on. This way, all partners build together 5 visual biographies. Each partner uploaded<br />

the pupils' work of each phase on a Glogster as well as produced a short video that<br />

shows how they worked, which is available on the Wikispace.<br />

The outcomes of the project were a better understanding and appreciation of art as an<br />

expression of cultural diversity, to realize that art communicates ideas and feelings in<br />

a visual format. In addition, children explored a variety of art media, got familiar<br />

using art vocabulary and created unique art works.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://act-in-art.wikispaces.com/Project<br />


Once upon a time...it is time for our story<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Agar Children’s Centre, London (United Kingdom), Przedszkole Mieiskie nr 13, Olsztyn<br />

(Poland)<br />

Key words: Curriculum, Staff competences, parental involvement<br />

Description:<br />

The project consisted of six story times (three of them were classic and well known,<br />

like Little Red Riding Hood and Cinderella) and was aimed at children within the Early<br />

Years Foundation Stage (3 to 5 years), inclusive of children with Speech &<br />

Learning difficulties and children with English as an Additional Language. The<br />

objectives of the project were to exchange story-telling methods between<br />

teachers, to become familiar with different methods and techniques used to tell<br />

stories, to develop language learning with the children and to develop teachers' IT<br />

skills. During the sessions teachers incorporated new and different techniques to<br />

make story time as captivating as possible for the children.<br />

The project attempted to incorporate all areas of development such as<br />

communication, language, creativity, numeracy, physical activities and social<br />

skills. The children developed a real interest and enjoyment in the books and learned<br />

to share and interact with each other through participation in the various activities<br />

relating to the stories. Learning was also evident on a deeper level, whereby children<br />

collaborated and engaged in a range of activities, having been given different roles<br />

within a group setting, using various ICT tools and fun activities, which appealed to<br />

different senses. To further support this, the project gave way to different learning<br />

styles, within different physical contexts, involving peers, teachers and parents.<br />

This ultimately gave children the opportunity to engage with Polish and English culture<br />

on many different levels.<br />

The most outstanding result was the progress the children made in their<br />

communication development. From analysis at the end of project almost all of the<br />

children (including children with speech and learning difficulties and English as an<br />

additional language) were achieving above expectations in this area.<br />

Award:<br />

The project received the UK National eTwinning award for Best newcomer in 2012.<br />

Duration:<br />

3 months in 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p51376<br />


Our Feathery Friends<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Leikskólinn Bakki, Reykjavík (Iceland), Flataskóli, Garðabær (Iceland), Ceip La<br />

Angostura school, Canary Islands (Spain), St Albans Road Infant school, Dartford<br />

(United Kingdom), Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Dartford (United Kingdom)<br />

Key words: Curriculum<br />

Description:<br />

Based on the assumption that young children are curious about the world surrounding<br />

them and the young age is the best to reinforce lifelong learning skills about the<br />

natural environment, this cross-curricular project helped pupils to learn about their<br />

local environment and to understand that there are no boundaries for nature. Pupils<br />

observed local birds and compared them with partner countries.<br />

In different activities they produced bird feeders, visited local nature reserves, learned<br />

songs in native and partner languages and made observational drawings of birds and<br />

exchanged them with partners. Pupils also practiced their reading skills using a<br />

special “Bird” library and taking challenges to read more books than their partners.<br />

Flashmeetings helped to compare the reading challenge results and set new<br />

challenges. Through traditional stories and singing songs pupils learned about each<br />

other's cultures.<br />

Pupils benefited from exploration during the visits to nature reserves leading to<br />

presentation of their own findings using ICT tools. The carried out activities<br />

addressed a wide range of topics and were in line with the preschool curriculum. All<br />

project partners felt a great impact on their schools.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p16809/welcome<br />


Job-Shadowing of a Czech pre-school teacher in Sweden<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Mateřská škola Karlovy Vary, Komenského 7 (Czech Republic), Katrineholms kommun,<br />

Sjoholm-Strangsjo BOU (Sweden)<br />

Key words: Staff competences, Content<br />

Description:<br />

This job-shadowing in the Swedish kindergarten was an excellent opportunity for Ms<br />

Hana Komárková to observe the teaching methods used with the pre-schoolers<br />

abroad and thus help her in thinking of how to enhance the quality of teaching in her<br />

home school.<br />

In her report from the In-Service training, she says: "Children have similar<br />

opportunities to acquire knowledge and experience as in my country. Yet, I was very<br />

impressed that the Swedish teachers give their children far more freedom for<br />

autonomous selection of both room for play and equipment - particularly in the<br />

countryside. I was very surprised by the standards of environmental education<br />

and by the children's knowledge, skills and attitude to nature. I was also surprised by<br />

their approach to assuming responsibility for their behaviour and relationships<br />

within the group. Teachers carefully helped children develop and refine their<br />

knowledge. All activities take place in a quiet, relaxing atmosphere that reminded me<br />

of a harmonious family. Children get a more practical experience with the various<br />

ethnic groups due to the increasing rate of migration. They learn to live with these<br />

children in friendship, with respect for their culture, and the same is expected from<br />

them."<br />

In addition to the exchanges of teachers, both kindergartens continue their<br />

cooperation involving children. Existing cooperation with the Swedish kindergarten is<br />

carried out through well-established means – mutual communication per letters, emails<br />

or Facebook. Czech children play the same plays as their Swedish friends and<br />

the Czech kindergarten sent also some ideas and suggestions for future common<br />

plays and competitions. The fruitful cooperation of the above mentioned institutions<br />

shall continue in the future.<br />

Award<br />

National Comenius award in the Czech Republic in 2011.<br />

Duration:<br />

6 days in 2011<br />


Job-Shadowing at a French primary school<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Ecole Primaire Dacier-Angers (France), Direzione Didattica Pallavicino, Palermo (Italy)<br />

Key words: Staff competences, Content, Quality<br />

Description:<br />

Scelfo Donatella, a teacher working at a pre-primary school in Italy did a jobshadowing<br />

activity at Ecole Primaire Dacier in Angers (France). Both involved schools<br />

were already working together in a Comenius partnership, which allowed for a very<br />

good preparation of the training activity and a strong impact on teacher, host and<br />

home institution.<br />

The Italian teacher had the possibility to compare and share various methodologies<br />

of teaching small children; she worked together with the French teachers from the<br />

host institution in various "didactic atelier" with children of pre-primary schools.<br />

Some of the activities were also carried out in mixed groups of children (pre-primary<br />

and primary) in order to facilitate the "continuity" of didactic exercises and allow<br />

children to be better integrated in the school environment. The experience was<br />

considered by the beneficiary to be excellent and with an important impact on her<br />

professional life but also on the home institution.<br />

After the Job-Shadowing, the teacher was able to meet the needs of her school by<br />

developing small units of action to face problems related to management of<br />

differentiated teaching methodologies within the same class, management of<br />

timetables and activities respecting programmes as well as collaboration and<br />

communication with students’ families.<br />

Furthermore, among the results figured an assessment procedure and preparation of<br />

more readable, easy and effective documents to evaluate pre-primary schools<br />

and continuity and collaboration among different classes (in perspective of “vertical<br />

didactical continuity” within the school). After the Job-Shadowing the beneficiary<br />

prepared a presentation with detailed description of the host school, consequent<br />

activities concerning the organisation of school and the working with parents which<br />

was published on the school website and on the website of the schools' network in<br />

which the institute is participating.<br />

Duration:<br />

One week in 2010<br />


Assistantship at a Portuguese pre-primary school<br />

Comenius Assistantship<br />

Institution involved:<br />

Escola Básica de Vivalva, Agrupamento de Escolas n4 de Evora (Portugal)<br />

Key words: Content, Staff competences<br />

Key words: Staff competences, Diversity<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ECEC<br />

Ms Klára Černá from the Czech Republic followed a Comenius assistantship for 10<br />

months at a pre-primary school in Évora (Portugal). The assistant worked with three<br />

classes in the kindergarten (children aged 4-6) as well as with children of the 1st and<br />

2nd class in the primary school. With one of her classes she started a Czech-<br />

Portuguese project in cooperation with a kindergarten in Prague-Vinoř. The aim of the<br />

project was to provide children with the basic knowledge of Czech and Portuguese<br />

culture by exchanging experiences, photographs, letters, pictures and songs.<br />

On a personal level, the assistantship represented a great learning experience,<br />

giving the chance to improve her language skills in English and Portuguese.<br />

Furthermore, the experience abroad clearly added value.<br />

Her personal report reflects the good integration of her in the hosting school and<br />

the strong impact the assistantship had on her professional as well as private life:<br />

"As our school is small, there is very nice atmosphere. We know and support each<br />

other. My colleagues are also my friends. We talk not only about working matters, but<br />

also about our joys and serious topics. I realized that although we come from different<br />

cultures, we have similar problems and strive for similar goals. I believe that I will be<br />

glad to return to Portugal anytime."<br />

Duration:<br />

10 months (2012-2013)<br />


Chapter 4: Early School Leaving (ESL)<br />

In June 2010 the European heads of state and government adopted the<br />

Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.<br />

Early school leaving and its consequences for the individual, society and economy<br />

hamper smart and inclusive growth. Reducing the share of early school leavers to less<br />

than 10% Europe-wide by 2020 is therefore one of the headline targets underpinning<br />

the Europe 2020 strategy. In addition, the Member States agreed to set specific<br />

national targets.<br />

Early school leaving is a serious problem both for individuals and society. Nearly 13%<br />

of all 18 to 24 year olds in the EU finish their education and training with only lower<br />

secondary education or less. That means that one in seven young people faces an<br />

increased risk of being unemployed or in precarious employment, of being in poverty<br />

and in poor health, and is more likely to depend on social benefits throughout life. It<br />

also means that European societies and economies currently lose out on<br />

approximately six million young people who could otherwise contribute to Europe's<br />

social and economic development. There are many reasons why some young people<br />

give up education and training prematurely: learning difficulties, social problems or a<br />

lack of motivation, guidance or support, etc. The impacts of individual and social<br />

conditions are also affected by the set-up of the educational system and the<br />

environment in individual schools.<br />

Therefore tackling early school leaving is the responsibility of many actors at different<br />

levels: from policy makers to schools, teachers, parents and the local community.<br />

At EU policy level, in June 2011 the Education Council adopted a Recommendation on<br />

policies to reduce early school leaving. It defines a common understanding of<br />

evidence-based and comprehensive policies to reduce early school leaving and is one<br />

of the tools to help Member States reducing their early school leaving rates. Following<br />

this, Member States started to exchange their practices and knowledge on the most<br />

effective ways to combat early school leaving.<br />

At EU programme level, Comenius has supported local and regional authorities,<br />

schools, teachers, research and training centers and parent's efforts to fight ESL at<br />

field level. In the following pages we have included only a sample of many projects<br />

that have had worked at school level in specific strategies such as identification of<br />

early warning signals, provision of specific competences and tools for teachers,<br />

development of career guidance services, motivation of students and teachers, health<br />

at schools , transition from different educational levels and cross-sectoral cooperation.<br />

The benefits and impact of participating in the projects have been felt at individual<br />

level (students, teachers) but also at institutional level (schools) that will ensure the<br />

sustainability of the results and the willingness to continue working to reduce the<br />

problem.<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/school-education/childhood_en.htm<br />


Social Mindedness In Learning community SMILY<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

University of Catania – Dipartimento di scienze della formazione (unict)- (IT); PMF<br />

S.r.l. (PMF) – (IT); 4system Polska sp. z o.o (4SYS) – (PL); Kocaeli Provincial<br />

Directorate of National Education (KOCAELI)- (TR); enigma interactive (ENIGMA)-<br />

(UK); Gimnazjum nr. 2 im. Adama Asnyka)– (PL); Colegiul National Mihai Eminescu<br />

Iasi (CMU)– (RO).<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

University of Catania – Dipartimento di scienze della formazione (unict) (Italy)<br />

Key words: Early warning signals, Motivation, Mental health and wellbeing at schools,<br />

Targeted educational support<br />

Description:<br />

Nowadays, we are used to hearing about bullying at school, vandalism and other<br />

acts of violence in which young people are protagonists. All this lets us think that the<br />

new generation doesn't have the basis of social awareness and civic mindedness.<br />

Many articles and studies find that the major causes of these violent attitudes can be<br />

traced back to the parental relationship, peer pressure, rejection and popularity,<br />

school failure, a system of dominator values, etc.<br />

The SMILEY project aims to reach the fundamental target of transforming the<br />

differences that exist between pupils so that they become a resource for rather than a<br />

barrier to integration. This will be achieved through a digital-integrated e-learning<br />

platform and an ERPG (Educational Role-Playing Game), connecting students and<br />

teachers from the partner countries, and promoting the use of ICT and Web 2.0<br />

technologies in order to test a reflexive approach to effective conflict-resolution<br />

strategies and best practices to avoid exclusion in different school contexts.<br />

A methodology was developed on how to reach young people on important themes<br />

such as bullying, racial/religious discrimination etc. through the use of the enjoyable<br />

online ERPG. This methodology will help teachers to get a closer understanding of<br />

young people and their needs. Furthermore, it was intended to train at least 160<br />

referred teachers directly and 1600 teachers indirectly from 5 countries on how to<br />

use and exploit ICT in education with products such as edu-games, e-Journals and<br />

social networking for educational and intercultural purposes to make learning<br />

attractive for young students.<br />

Finally, the project partners created online games for young people to analyse their<br />

level of social awareness. Thus, a new approach for each student can be developed<br />

and so assist in preventing violent attitudes, exclusion practices and the ability to<br />

start early re-education to foster social and cross-cultural awareness at school and<br />

in everyday life.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.smileyschool.eu/4sch/servlet/MainServlet?wbts:page=core.article.show&<br />


Physical and sport activities in different environments<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

PT, IT, ES, AT, BG, GR, TR, DK, RO<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Key words: Mental health and wellbeing at school, extra-curricular activities,<br />

Motivation, Disadvantaged groups<br />

Description:<br />

The project, ''Physical and sports activities in different environments -PYSA'', focused<br />

on the important role of physical and sport education of young generations in<br />

Europe. The objective of PYSA was to make pupils to appreciate and discover playing<br />

sports not only in school, but outside school hours and throughout their long life. PYSA<br />

aimed to enhance variable planning, methods in quality manner for predicting extracurricular<br />

sport practice, the only way to make mind and body to work together<br />

without effort, giving them the sensation of a healthy, proud and useful life as active<br />

European citizenship.<br />

Besides the individual and recovering actions, the teachers of all partner schools<br />

aimed to increase motivation with a range of curricular and optional activities<br />

such as sports, theatre, dancing, gardening, fitness, etc. Sport represents an ideal<br />

way of extending participation in educational opportunities, above all for teenagers.<br />

The project wanted to increase the value of physical and sport activities through<br />

interventions aiming at the acquisition of a healthy behaviour, also involving<br />

important environmental and sanitary aspects and improving social engagement. To<br />

all partners, the project offered a valid opportunity to overcome the socioeconomic<br />

disadvantage, reducing early school leaving and making the integration of the<br />

disabled attending the lessons easier.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.pysa-comenius.com<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-IT2-<br />

COM06-14320<br />


Heidi's Education Adventure<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

TR, IT, PL, RO, SK<br />

Key words: Disadvantaged groups, Transition from primary to secondary,<br />

Involvement of parents<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

The countries involved had similar cultures and common problems. The project<br />

focuses on primary school children and problems during transition periods in the<br />

education path. It dealt with the culture of students coming from suburbs to city<br />

centres for high school education since pupils in suburbs had many problems when<br />

they went to city centre in order to go on with their education and they were sent<br />

there without taking any precaution.<br />

Therefore, the aim of this project was to find solutions to their problems by involving<br />

parents, pupils, teachers, local and school managements, public<br />

organizations, the association of school and family membership in the process.<br />

Through questionnaires, home visits, exchange of students it was possible to get firsthand<br />

information about the issues and real problems.<br />

Furthermore, the project carried out an evaluation based on the data collected and a<br />

play was presented to the students to help them to identify pupil's problems and<br />

their expectations. A seminar was prepared for all related institutions. At the end, a<br />

bulletin and brochure were designed as products and were promoted on the website<br />

as well.<br />

Thanks to this project, intercultural dialogue was promoted and solutions identified.<br />

All the countries prepared a CD/DVD to introduce their own culture, traditional plays<br />

and dances.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-TR1-<br />

COM06-02126<br />


Teenagers in the 21st century: between difficulties and hopes<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

BE, SE, PL, FR, HU, PT<br />

Key words: Disadvantages groups, Motivation<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

This was an inclusive project involving children and youths from disadvantaged<br />

contexts from heavily depressed rural areas who did not view school as an<br />

alternative future. The project intended to provide them with an opportunity to<br />

broaden their personal horizons. It dealt with teenagers' problems associated with<br />

adolescence, the different experiences they encounter and the issues related to their<br />

everyday life.<br />

In a difficult transitional period between childhood and adulthood, the teenagers<br />

usually reject authorities, rebel, and are in conflict with others. Lacking confidence<br />

in themselves, they often use violence, aggressive behaviour and fighting as tools<br />

to assert themselves. Thanks to the project the teenagers realised that they can<br />

build their future through hope, optimism, cooperation and creativity because they are<br />

the citizens of a constantly evolving world and of a new century too. Even if they meet<br />

problems and difficulties on their way, they can fight against them and find the way<br />

towards solutions and overcome the problems, they can handle their future,<br />

broaden their minds, and be sensitive, deal with civic and humanistic issues.<br />

As concrete results, the partners produced pedagogical material/lesson plans with<br />

different activities related to educational issues prepared by teachers of all partner<br />

schools; during the projects, citizenship campaigns and meetings with experts<br />

(psychologists, pedagogists, nutritionists, priests, local government, social welfare and<br />

advisors) were organized for students in local schools to discuss the difficulties and<br />

hopes in teenage life.<br />

Meeting other European teenagers in various countries helped them to become aware<br />

of sharing and facing the same problems, which motivated them to work together<br />

and think about their role in our society.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Website:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-PL1-<br />

COM06-00886<br />


Thematic Field: ESL<br />

European school and professional orientation: a necessity for all<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

GR, IT, FI, DE, ES, RO, FR<br />

Key words: Guidance and orientation<br />

Description:<br />

The project provided the opportunity for students and teachers from different<br />

countries to work together on educational and vocational guidance: a must for all.<br />

The project aimed at the active participation of students and the collaboration of<br />

teachers with the school management concerning pedagogical, administrative and<br />

organisational responsibilities.<br />

The project focused on the importance of preparing students for their future, to be<br />

autonomous, sociable, and competent in their personal and professional lives now and<br />

as adults. For young people with special needs or with difficulties of learning or<br />

even adaptation the challenge is always superior. The partners focused on the active<br />

participation of students in the project which addressed the issues of racism,<br />

xenophobia, European citizenship, etc.<br />

It is essential for the project partners to sensitise the students with regard to the<br />

European dimension of Life Long Learning, professional orientation, the professions<br />

and the job market. The activities were integrated into the regular activities of the<br />

centres. Students were involved in all phases of the project and in the planning,<br />

organization and evaluation of activities.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Web site:<br />

http://comenius-orientation-eng.blogspot.be/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-GR1-<br />

COM06-01545<br />


Eco-friendly construction for the future<br />

Comenius School Bilateral Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

UK, BG<br />

Key words: Transition from school to work, Motivation<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

The partnership involves pupils aged from 14 to 17 and focusses on the topic of<br />

sustainable construction techniques. Both schools have identified that students<br />

currently involved in the Construction curriculum often have poor levels of aspiration<br />

and tend to be less academically motivated or successful.<br />

Both schools have identified community partners to support the construction<br />

curriculum and ensure that students have a real life work based experience. In<br />

both cases the partners, Civil Association Korea in Bulgaria and Teasdale Community<br />

Resources in the UK are developing 'green' techniques of construction using<br />

sustainable resources.<br />

The project not only developed the construction skills of the students but also<br />

aimed at broadening their horizons, raising aspirations and developing initiative<br />

and entrepreneurship within a wider European context; It allowed students to work<br />

jointly with their peers in the partner country on a specific construction challenge and<br />

learn about the use of sustainable resources in construction, to develop construction<br />

and entrepreneurial skills, to experience daily life in a different culture and develop<br />

linguistic skills and to experience a success while teachers had the opportunity to<br />

share pedagogical approaches.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-GB1-<br />

COM07-05678;<br />

http://est.britishcouncil.org/product_show.php?id_project=2010-1-GB1-COM07-<br />

05678-1&id_product=1<br />


DROPS dropout prevention in schools<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Key words: Drop-out, Early warning signals, Transition from school to work<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung -<br />

Außenstelle Neukölln<br />

Partner organisations: Röntgen-Schule<br />

GE – Germany Alfred-Nobel-Schule<br />

Tandem BQG<br />

EuropaBeratung Berlin<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: International Education Office, Gloucestershire County Council<br />

Partner organisations: Hervion College<br />

NL – Netherlands Koning Willem 1 College<br />

PSW arbeidsmarktadvies<br />

Both project regions face problems with early school leaving and youth<br />

unemployment. In order to reduce drop-out quota and improve the transition from<br />

school to work, relevant testing instruments and methods would be needed as well as<br />

an extended network of actors. Therefore, the main goal of the co-operation between<br />

Berlin Neukölln and s’Hertogenbosch was to develop a “toolbox” for the early<br />

recognition and reduction of the dropout threat.<br />

Through the exchange of experiences, systematic comparison of different approaches,<br />

job-shadowing visits, workshops and meetings and compilation of examples of good<br />

practice, it was possible to fill this “toolbox” with a collection of partners, measures,<br />

bodies/organisations, checklists, etc. The aim was to make this “toolbox”<br />

transferable in its application beyond the participating project partners. This<br />

"toolbox" is meant to be an important key to improve the networking of regional<br />

actors dealing with dropout problems, and it can be used by any school. At the end of<br />

the project both regions, together with other European partners, developed a followup<br />

project.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Web page:<br />

www.comenius-regio-drops.eu<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-05585<br />


Comenius Stay on Track<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Stad Antwerpen - Algemeen Onderwijsbeleid<br />

Partner organisations: Central Meldpunt Antwerpen<br />

BE - Belgium Arktos vzw – Stedeljk Vormingscentrum Stad Antwerpen<br />

Fonds voor Vakopleidingen in de Bouwnjiverheid Brussel<br />

Leonardo Lyceum CDO Antwerpen<br />

Don Bosco Werken en Leeren Wilnjk<br />

CDO Spectrumschool Deume<br />

CK&W TNA – Het Leercentrum, Merksem<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Stadtschulrat für Wien - Präsidialabteilung – Europabüro<br />

Partner organisations: PVS der KPH Wien/Krems<br />

AT - Austria KUS Network for education, social action, sports and culture<br />

Jugend am Werk<br />

Vocational school for Gardeners and Florists<br />

Vocational school for Construction<br />

Key words: Drop-out, Truancy/Absenteeism, Guidance and orientation<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

The project "Stay on Track" tackles the issues of drop-out and truancy at school and<br />

also at part-time employment such as apprenticeships The project intends to bring<br />

together strategies and good practices in a innovating modular toolbox in order to: -<br />

counter truant behaviour in school and on the job - prevent early school leaving -<br />

improve and increase the quality of pupil guidance at school and on the job.<br />

During bilateral meetings, study visits and job shadowing partners exchanged<br />

knowledge and experiences concerning educational systems and policies regarding<br />

truancy and drop-out: - How to prevent, detect and remediate truancy in part time /<br />

dual vocational education? - How can we help youngsters to find a job in the labour<br />

market? - How do we organize student guidance at school? They illustrated and<br />

compared their specific solutions and approach by way of case studies.<br />

Partners developed a toolbox consisting of measures, approaches, questionnaires,<br />

manuals and good practices. They also developed models and templates to thoroughly<br />

prepare and evaluate work meetings and job shadowing visits. Furthermore, study<br />

visits were organised for policy makers, supervisors, inspection, school<br />

management and representatives of the partner institutions to fortify the regional<br />

network. The school partners compared their approaches using a truancy mirror,<br />

checklists for evaluation of student counselling at school, in the transition to work and<br />

follow up on the job; the trainers in companies were invited to share their knowledge<br />

on guidance and evaluation of youngsters learning on the job.<br />

Overall, partners learned more about the importance of networking between<br />

different levels of guiding and counselling. Dissemination of collected and<br />

developed material was ensured through the frequently updated website.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.stayontrack.eu<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-BE3-<br />

COM13-02257<br />


Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Improving engagement and learning capacity for disaffected pupils<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Shropshire Council<br />

Partner organisations: St Laurence CE Primary School<br />

UK – United Kingdom<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Edge Hill University<br />

Coordinator organisation: Hvidovre Kommune<br />

Partner organisations: Engstrandskolen<br />

DK - Denmark Laereruddannelsen Zahle<br />

Key words: Motivation, Educational attainment<br />

Description:<br />

Staff from all partner organisations engaged in, and supported, action research to<br />

gather evidence on the impact of interventions on pupils at risk of<br />

underachievement. It focused on how the outdoor environment could be used as a<br />

context for learning to enhancing pupil confidence, self-esteem, independence and<br />

employability and to raise standards in Science.<br />

The development of the confident use of Information Technology to support<br />

learning and to share ideas across the partner institutions was integral to the project.<br />

‘Mobilities’ were used to enable local authority and partner organisation staff to visit<br />

educational settings within the partnership in order to extend their knowledge of the<br />

range of strategies available to support pupils through the use of the outdoor<br />

environment as a context for learning.<br />

Findings were disseminated across the partner organisations, and shared with national<br />

agencies and beyond, to build capacity and establish a sustainable network,<br />

enabling links between the partners to continue beyond the life of the project. The<br />

project enabled Shropshire and Hvidovre to better support pupils in danger of<br />

disaffection, by providing opportunities for local authority, partner organisation and<br />

school staff to work together to reflect upon the impact of their practice.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Website:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-GB1-<br />

COM13-03670<br />


Improve inclusion – Reduce abandon. Solutions M.I.D.A.S<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Key words: Extra-curricular activities, Drop-out, Early warning signals<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Ayuntamiento de Xativa<br />

Partner organisations: IES Sant Vicent Ferrer<br />

ES - Spain IES Simarro<br />

Centro de Formación de Profesorado de Alzira (CEFIRE)<br />

Asociación Innoeduca<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Câmara Municipal de Paredes<br />

Partner organisations: Escola Secundária de Vilela<br />

PT - Portugal Centro de Formação Contínua de Vilela (CFAEP)<br />

The project aimed to involve teachers, authorities and teacher training centres to<br />

integrate the connections that should exist between formal and non-formal<br />

education; to create a learning community between the participating regions,<br />

integrating local authorities, participating secondary schools, teachers, and teacher<br />

training centres, encouraging the use of the computing platform It also aimed to cover<br />

the real dimensions of dropout in compulsory and post-compulsory education and to<br />

encourage and upgrade school integration of students at risk of social exclusion. The<br />

project also addressed the promotion of use of foreign languages, improve the use of<br />

the Information Technologies and to use benchmarking techniques to get better<br />

practices.<br />

The results of the project are sustainable, consisting of a learning community for<br />

the participating regions, local authorities, secondary schools and training centres, as<br />

well as of a Guide with theoretical and practical materials for teachers, for<br />

educational centres’ psych pedagogical cabinets, for City Halls, and for training<br />

courses. Furthermore, two conferences were held - in Valencia and Oporto - with more<br />

than 600 teachers as participants, surveys were carried out, and institutional<br />

programmes applied in each partner country were reviewed.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star Project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.iessantvicent.com/projectes/midas<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-ES1-<br />

COM13-20943<br />


RETAIN – a course dealing with student drop-out<br />

Comenius In-Service Training<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

City of Gothenburg, Education Administration, (Sweden in co-operation with project<br />

partners and placed in Bled, (Slovenia).<br />

Key words: Disadvantaged groups, Motivation, Absenteeism<br />

Description:<br />

Maria Noghi is a primary teacher at Scoala Generala nr. 2, Pecica. The school<br />

population contains 92% Roma pupils. From the first years of teaching there, she<br />

noticed that Roma pupils were not at all motivated to come to school and most of<br />

them left the school long before finishing the compulsory education.<br />

Therefore, she started to look for diverse methods to reduce school absenteeism and<br />

ultimately school failure. She discovered that these pupils were willing to undergo<br />

activities which involved them directly and had practical aspects. Hence, the teacher<br />

participated at the training activity called "Outdoor environmental learning"<br />

which took place in Sweden. The objective of the training was to give the participants’<br />

tools and methods how to prevent students dropping out from education and training.<br />

This course gave her the opportunity to learn multiple games and diverse practical<br />

activities which she could apply to her class. Moreover, she realized the importance of<br />

these activities and the positive impact they have on raising the motivation of her<br />

pupils to come to school.<br />

Since her return back home, the teacher has already used most of the activities learnt<br />

and she could notice that the pupils were extremely enthusiastic to participate with<br />

their whole being. For example, she went on a short trip with the pupils in order to<br />

observe nature and the changes undergone in autumn. On this occasion they<br />

organized a team contest, where each group of pupils represented a season of the<br />

year and had to present the changes that take place in nature in the respective<br />

season. She could notice their joy and the way they worked in teams, which brought<br />

them closer and more interested in school. This In-Service training had an immediate<br />

impact on the pupils: the number of school absences was reduced by 20% for<br />

her class and the teachers' professional development as they were motivated and<br />

encouraged to participate to the course.<br />

Duration:<br />

15-20 May 2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.retainproject.net<br />


Viv(r)e mon collège<br />

eTwinning<br />

Countries involved:<br />

BE, ES, FR, GR, IT, RO, TR<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Collège St-Joseph de la Lys, Comines, (Blgium)<br />

Key words: Motivation, Involvement of parents<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: ESL<br />

The project aims to engage a shared reflection on the various forms of early school<br />

leaving, identifying causes and defining prevention and remediation. Another<br />

goal was to develop and evaluate common tools and methods in their fight against<br />

this phenomenon.<br />

In practice, the project aims to make students main actors in the process of<br />

remediation or prevention, through participation in interdisciplinary activities that<br />

promote values such as tolerance, fight against discrimination, citizenship, citizenship,<br />

cooperation, and self-esteem. The project also aims to involve parents in order to<br />

enhance the value of work and encourage a participatory approach in the context of<br />

the education of their children.<br />

Impacts for students have been (re)mobilization of their education through the<br />

development of autonomy and cooperative work which are key challenges,<br />

improved ICT skills and the development of foreign languages skills. For teachers,<br />

the impact was the development of project-based teaching and learning tools and<br />

remediation and development of foreign language skills. Impacts for parents: to value<br />

the work of students and teachers more highly, increased involvement in the<br />

schooling of their children, development or improvement of relations with the school<br />

and promotion of European identity. Finally for institutions, the impact was the<br />

development of international cooperation.<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://new-twinspace.etwinning.net/web/p93420/welcome<br />


Chapter 5: The Teaching Professions: Teachers,<br />

Teacher's Educators and School Leaders<br />

The quality of an education system depends largely on the quality of its<br />

teachers, of those who educate them, and of School Leaders. Teachers play a<br />

vital role in helping children and young people to develop their talents and<br />

acquire the complex range of knowledge and skills that they will need in their<br />

future lives.<br />

The teaching professions now face rapidly changing demands, which require a new set<br />

of competences. The pace of change in the world is so fast, that every teacher needs<br />

to keep her practice under constant, critical review and adjust it in the light of<br />

students’ outcomes and latest research. Teaching staff need to offer individualised<br />

teaching so that all learners achieve specified learning outcomes, whatever their<br />

particular learning needs, cultural or social background; they need to take maximum<br />

advantage of the latest technologies and methodologies.<br />

In short, teaching staff in the 21st century need a radically broader and more<br />

sophisticated set of competences than before, and developing the competences of<br />

teaching staff and school leaders, including those who have been in the profession for<br />

a long time, is a continuing and increasingly urgent priority in all Member States.<br />

The challenges also affect school leadership and the support schools are providing to<br />

develop and maintain teacher quality. Schools need to develop into learning<br />

communities where everyone - pupils and teachers - is involved in sharing skills and in<br />

creating new knowledge; into environments for successful learning and teaching<br />

practice.<br />

This cannot be achieved without significant improvements to the ways that teaching<br />

staff are encouraged and supported so that they can help every learner to achieve<br />

optimum educational outcomes. The objective has to be the establishment of highly<br />

efficient and effective mechanisms to attract, recruit, educate, retain and support<br />

throughout their careers teachers, school leaders and teacher educators. The<br />

Commission has recently proposed ten priority areas for action in its document<br />

‘Supporting the Teaching Professions’ (Nov. 2012).<br />

The European Commission facilitates the exchange of information and experience<br />

between national policy-makers. A group of them meets regularly to discuss common<br />

challenges in teacher education and to share good practices. These 'peer learning'<br />

activities lead to policy recommendations that support national efforts to improve<br />

policies on teachers and teacher education. A good example of this work is the<br />

Handbook for Policy Makers on the induction of beginning teachers published in April<br />

2010.<br />

To complement this policy work, through the Comenius programme, the Commission<br />

has also supported projects tackling the different challenges facing the teaching<br />

professions. This compilation includes just some of these projects, which have helped<br />

teachers, student teachers, School Leaders and schools to improve the quality of<br />

learning and teaching by developing their professional competences; other projects<br />

focus on school and pupil evaluation and assessment in order to identify challenges<br />

and possible solutions. Many cross national partnership projects encourage teacher<br />

reflectivity to improve their teaching styles and strategies; the issues of mentoring<br />

and leadership are present in many projects.<br />

To learn more: http://ec.europa.eu/education/school-education/teacher_en.htm<br />


PROject-Based SCHOOL Management<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Agenzia Nazionale Per Lo Sviluppo Dell' Autonomia Scolastica (IT); UNIVERSITY OF<br />

Peloponnhsos (GR); Inspectoratul Scolar Al Judetului Brasov (RO); UNIVERSITY<br />

College Ghent (BE); Universitatea "Transilvania" Brasov (RO); Universidad De<br />

Zaragoza (ES)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Menderes Town Education Directorate (Turkey)<br />

Key words: School leadership<br />

Description:<br />

The rationale behind the project was that increased management abilities of school<br />

managers will improve the effectiveness of schools, effective schools will bring up<br />

more successful students and successful students will be a contribution to society.<br />

Therefore, PRO-SCHOOL project intended to provide tools to make schools better and<br />

more productive environments by developing a new school management methodology<br />

and project-based school management.<br />

The project produced six national research reports (TR, IT, GR, BE, RO, CZ) and a<br />

comparative report on school management approaches and effective school<br />

indicators in partner countries (available in English and in national languages) plus<br />

additional research on school managers' in-service training needs.<br />

Furthermore, it developed contents/curriculum elements for in-service training for<br />

school managers, based on these research results. The project resulted in a training<br />

course for school managers.<br />

A book on project-based school management methodology and training curriculum<br />

as well as training modules (in 7 languages) were distributed to target groups and<br />

used in a Comenius In-service training course.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.pro-school.eu/<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

2320_proschool.pdf<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/comenius/documents/Com_en_2008.pdf<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Contextual<br />

(CLIMATE)<br />

Learning in Management and Teaching in Europe<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Högskolan I Gävle (SE); Staatliches Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung<br />

(Gymnasien) Tübingen (DE); Tartu Ulikool (EE); Platform Opleiding, Onderwijs En<br />

Organisatie – Universiteit Leiden (NL); Zavod Rs Za Solstvo (SI); Umeå Universitet -<br />

För Svenska Och Samhällsvetenskapliga Ämmen (SE); Noordelijke Hogeschool<br />

Leeuwarden (NL)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Free University of Brussels (Belgium)<br />

Key words: School leadership, Improving learning, Teacher reflectivity, Teacher<br />

educators<br />

Description:<br />

This project intended to provide tools to make schools a better and more<br />

productive learning environment for teachers. It investigated the relationship<br />

between characteristics of the work environment, learning processes within teams and<br />

the quality of their work.<br />

The project targeted facilitators of professional learning: teacher educators, in service<br />

trainers and advisors. As a basis for further work the project carried out research into<br />

the knowledge productivity of managers and teachers in schools. During the life<br />

time of the project, teacher teams in 16 schools were involved as associated partners.<br />

It developed instruments that help teachers to scan their work environment to see<br />

to what extent it may be considered a learning environment for them. The project also<br />

developed guidelines on how to introduce the framework and the instruments, process<br />

and analyse data, provide feedback, make use of the conclusions and how to turn<br />

these into actions and on how teachers may turn their work environment into a<br />

learning environments thus developing their own corporate curriculum.<br />

The projects chose to measure and describe "quality" within an area of performance<br />

that is relevant for teachers all over Europe: dealing with diversity among students.<br />

Therefore – as a side effect - CLIMATE also provides descriptions of practice<br />

illustrating how teacher teams' knowledge productivity in dealing with diversity can be<br />

raised.<br />

The partnership developed an inventory of good practices of how teachers develop<br />

parts of their own corporate curriculum and provided examples of how lifelong<br />

learning of staff affects the key competences of pupils and students.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.socialsciences.leiden.edu/plato/climate/<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

2382_climate.pdf<br />

http://www.socialsciences.leiden.edu/plato/climate/project/envisaged-impact.html<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

European CLiL in Development: A Primary Phase Consortium<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Universita 'Ca' Foscari Di Venezia (IT); Berlin Senate for Education, Sciences and<br />

Research (De); Universidad De Sevilla (ES); Jagiellonian University (PL); University<br />

College Plymouth St Mark & St John (UK)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

Liverpool Hope University (United Kingdom)<br />

Key words: Teacher competences, Teacher educators<br />

Description:<br />

An initial needs assessment in five countries identified support for teacher educators<br />

working with colleagues developing CLIL-based approaches within the secondary<br />

phase but little existing support for those involved in the primary phase. The<br />

consortium, comprising members from six institutions concerned with initial teacher<br />

education, formed to support primary teacher educators in introducing and developing<br />

CLIL pedagogies with their student teachers.<br />

The results of the project are relevant for teacher educators, both in pre- and inservice<br />

training, as well as student and practising teachers with an interest in<br />

CLIL. They include a mapping of national and regional contexts (CLIL approaches and<br />

their application in the classroom), a profile of a primary CLIL teacher (a development<br />

of the European Foreign Language Teacher Profile); an online portfolio (a<br />

monitoring/assessment tool) enabling student teachers to record their achievements<br />

and areas for development, and the tutor to monitor the student teacher’s progress<br />

and identify where support is required; and a series of training packages, on<br />

predetermined CLIL areas enabling teacher educators to address a range of primary<br />

CLIL issues with student teachers. These include commentaries on usage of video<br />

footage of students or experienced teachers trialling and exemplifying CLIL strategies<br />

within primary classrooms.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.primaryclil.org<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

2328_euclid_appc.pdf<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/comenius/documents/Com_en_2008.pdf<br />


European Leaders' Training in Education (ELTE)<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Hogeschool Van Arnhem En Nijmegen (NL); Akdeniz Üniversitesi Egitim Fakültesi (TR);<br />

Umeå Universitet (SE); Latvijas Universitate (LV); Pedagogiko Institouto Kiprou (CY)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

University of Education in Upper Austria (Austria)<br />

Key words: School leadership<br />

Description:<br />

The most important outcome and the core of the ELTE programme is the 30<br />

European credits' training programme for leading personnel which was produced<br />

as a handbook.<br />

Another result is the implementation of the ELTE curriculum. In Linz, Austria the<br />

whole ELTE curriculum will be implemented in a Master's Programme starting in the<br />

summer semester 2011 which is called “Educational Management and School<br />

Development” (in German “Bildungsmanagement und Schulentwicklung”).<br />

This was possible after introducing and discussing the ELTE handbook with the rector<br />

and vice rectors of the University of Education in Upper Austria and after approval by<br />

the study commission. In Riga, Latvia the ELTE curriculum will also be implemented in<br />

a similar Master's Programme dealing with educational leadership. In Umeå,<br />

Sweden, parts of the ELTE curriculum are already implemented in principals' in-service<br />

activities. In Antalya, Turkey, there are considerations and good chances to implement<br />

the ELTE curriculum in an existing doctoral study programme in the area of<br />

educational management. In the Netherlands it is up to the community and the<br />

schools to offer principals' training courses.<br />

According to the consortium the added value of the whole partnership can be seen in<br />

the process of learning from each other. All institutions are experts in the area of<br />

principals' training. All countries have different systems of training and partners found<br />

it interesting to realise the different approaches of the methodology used in the<br />

modules.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.swap.ac.uk/projects/a-z/0607/elte.html<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

1867_elte.pdf<br />


Competences of Professional Educators in Europe<br />

Comenius Multilateral Project<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Cardinal August Hlond Upper Silesian College Of Pedagogical Education (PL);<br />

Bucharest University (RO); Universiteit Twente (NL); University College Jelling /<br />

University College Lillebaelt (DK); Bergen University College (NO); Teachers<br />

Continuing Education Institution In Gdansk (PL); Casa Corpului Didactic (RO);<br />

Universitat De Les Illes Balears (ES); Saxion Hogescholen (NL)<br />

Coordinating institution:<br />

CEP MANACOR (Spain)<br />

Key words: Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

COPE aimed to make a contribution to study the competences of teachers in Europe<br />

at the levels of both initial and in-service teacher training. The participants in the<br />

project were institutions which provide initial and/or continuing teacher training.<br />

The project identified teachers' competences and the corresponding training needs,<br />

both current and desired, which was the baseline for developing a first pilot course<br />

at a national level in teacher competences, with different designs adapted to each<br />

participating country.<br />

Drawing from the results and best practices of that experience, the consortium<br />

elaborated and conducted an international Comenius course, based on a common<br />

design, with teachers from all the partnership's countries, in order to help promote a<br />

European education dimension by describing the educational system and sharing<br />

situations and experiences regarding multiculturalism and inclusion in the classrooms.<br />

It has also produced a matrix of twenty four indicators on teacher<br />

competencies adapted to all participating countries/regions. This instrument has<br />

been an important asset of the project, since it has influenced many institutions at the<br />

time to design local teacher training plans.<br />

Teacher materials are available on CD and on the web site, and numerous<br />

publications resulted from the project. After the end of the project, COPE has<br />

implemented Comenius-Grundtvig teacher training courses to take place in different<br />

countries up until 2013.<br />

Every partner institution has developed a series of actions, some still taking place, in<br />

order to transfer the results and outcomes of the project among students to be<br />

teachers, in-service teachers and teacher trainers and academic staff. And<br />

therefore because of the wide amount of connections with teachers at schools and<br />

universities, headmasters and policy/decision makers have made it possible for the<br />

COPE information to spread widely to a very large number of people and different<br />

departments involved in education.<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/llp/projects/public_parts/documents/comenius/com_mp_14<br />

1800_cope.pdf<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />


Self – evaluation in schools for better education<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

IT, DE, UK, CY, GR, PL, TR<br />

Key words: Pupil assessment, Leadership, Teacher competences, Teacher reflectivity<br />

Description:<br />

Self-Evaluation of Schools is very important to raise the quality of learning and lies<br />

at the heart of well managed and effective school improvement. It is based on<br />

evidence about the standards achieved by pupils, the quality of teaching and the<br />

effectiveness of leadership and management. The use of attainment evidence<br />

enables head teachers to be more confident in the identification of priorities and<br />

targets for improvement. It is also essential to provide the baseline from which<br />

progress can be measured, both in terms of previous best and when making<br />

comparisons with other schools.<br />

The “Comenius Project SELF-EVA” puts the self-evaluation done by the pupils in the<br />

centre of its activities. The “SELF-EVA-Project-Team” will test and prove: how selfevaluation<br />

done by the pupils will work, how self-evaluation can be done by<br />

questionnaires, how self-evaluation can be done and transferred via computers and<br />

how self-evaluation will lead to better quality in schools.<br />

The outcomes of the project can to be downloaded from the projects portal and<br />

distributed on a CD-ROM; more specifically, there is a calendar for pupils, in which on<br />

each sheet for each month a specific main topic of self-evaluation is explained, a short<br />

handbook in each of the participating schools, how self-evaluation will help during<br />

the learning process and how everybody can participate easily, extensive report with<br />

a collection of all the materials and questionnaires.<br />

Duration:<br />

2011-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.self-eva.eu/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2011-1-DE3-<br />

COM06-18898<br />


Working at European Talent<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

BE, NL, SE<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences, School leadership, Teacher<br />

reflectivity<br />

Description:<br />

Three schools from very different parts of Europe with specific educational and<br />

teachers from different disciplines worked together to introduce new didactic<br />

methods, based on the latest scientific insights to cater for the specific differences of<br />

students. The project tried such methods in order to achieve differentiation for<br />

different groups of learners thus enhancing the motivation of the various groups of<br />

learners. The project intended to works both ways, teachers will become more aware<br />

what didactic tools to use for which groups of learners and the learners will learn<br />

to select the approach which works best for them.<br />

The two years are divided into four parts. The groups of students selected for the trial<br />

period was measured at the start and end of each period. Evaluation took place at<br />

the end of each period and was reported to the international team international level:<br />

per period the evaluation and findings were used during the mobility moment of<br />

members of the core teams. The evaluation of all partner schools per period was used<br />

as the core of the visit the hosting school presenting its strong didactic point to the<br />

visiting partners so the teachers got the opportunity to work with the colleagues of<br />

their own discipline in order to exchange ideas gained during the preceding period as<br />

well as try out the chosen didactic approach together.<br />

The teachers were tested for their personal learning styles, this information was<br />

passed on to the headmasters, enabling them to use this knowledge in their<br />

leadership style to develop the school - to develop basic competences in defining<br />

and dividing proper groups of students according to well-defined criteria - to develop<br />

basic competences in guiding students to profit most from the knowledge of their own<br />

learning style. Furthermore the teachers learn from each other: about the ways<br />

how to divide students into different groups concerning their learning styles and other<br />

specific criteria such as learning disabilities, ethnic backgrounds and non-native<br />

speakers. They also got more experience in designing and implementing lesson plans<br />

or didactic methods that address the different groups and are suitable for those<br />

specific groups and were able to discuss and evaluate pros and cons in the classroom<br />

situation.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-BE3-<br />

COM06-02369<br />


Standeduqual: Standards of the quality in education<br />

Comenius School Multilateral Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

TR, BG, IT, RO<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher reflectivity, School leadership<br />

Description:<br />

To improve the quality of education is a challenge and is a complex process. It implies<br />

a good planning and the effective achievement of the expected learning results, the<br />

observation, the self-assessment and the evaluation of the results and their<br />

permanent improvement. The project responded the necessity of schools in the<br />

partner countries of collaborating in exchanging information and experience in<br />

implementing quality standards, of generalization or transferring of the good<br />

management of quality practices.<br />

The participants analysed the legislative frameworks and the right strategies of the<br />

curriculum following the demands of local, regional and national development. The<br />

European partnership offered to the managerial teams and to the different<br />

categories of personnel flexibility, a greater opening to new things, to<br />

communicating with other educational systems, collaboration and transferring of<br />

information. It ensured a clear picture of the role of schools in relation with the<br />

dynamics of change that work market is undergoing, challenging people to think, to<br />

make an objective report of the reality in the domain of their own institution,<br />

encouraging the expressing of personal opinions, of the individual initiative in order to<br />

reach the quality standards in their own institution or domain.<br />

The project benefited from its own web site which displayed the main coordinates:<br />

objectives, partners, undertaken activities. Surveys, photographs, video materials and<br />

links useful for visitors were also published. At Products there are materials carried out<br />

by teachers and students, available to everyone interested. The site is a space created<br />

to disseminate the project, the management and didactic experience, each<br />

partner’s performance, promoting also the school value; other school institutions have<br />

already benefited from the results and the processes, results, products have potential<br />

for transferability.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.standeduqual.ro<br />

http://www.cn-minulescu.ro<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-HU1-<br />

COM06-01392<br />


Enhancing quality in education and preserving it<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

RO, PL, TR, SE, ES<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

This partnership was set up to contribute to the improvement of the European<br />

educational process, by providing examples of best practices to the institutions<br />

involved, presented and applied models of lessons and classes in various school<br />

subjects, tackled issues related to school administration, student counselling,<br />

parental collaboration, school failure, increasing learners’ motivation, attendance,<br />

evaluation criteria and stimulating extra-curricular activities.<br />

The project objectives were reached by developing methods and rules that are in<br />

themselves tools for a better, qualitative process of education. It improved teaching<br />

abilities and professional performances of people involved, developed teamwork and<br />

responsibility while working in an international team. Active cooperation, involvement,<br />

problem-solving and exchanging experience were key terms of this project. The<br />

participants also compared systems of education and investigated management<br />

issues, offering to the school managers involved the chance to exchange<br />

information, experience and approaches responding to their various needs.<br />

The project book of e.qu.e.p. -golden rules for increasing quality in education,<br />

intends to make a positive contribution to the European educational framework. The<br />

rules aimed at increasing the value of the educational process and it was written for<br />

teachers of any subject, principals, inspectors, trainee-teachers. It also<br />

describes project activities that led to achieving its objectives.<br />

The website includes general information about partners and the project itself,<br />

pictures, summary and objectives, the plan of activities for the 2 years, contacts and a<br />

detailed Download section-with project work and results disseminated.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2008-2010<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2008-1-RO1-<br />

COM06-00026<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Future European Teachers: Training Kit According To the Lisbon<br />

Strategy<br />

Comenius Multilateral School Partnership<br />

Countries involved:<br />

IT, GR, TR, RO, ES<br />

Key words: Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

This partnership analysed the initial European teachers training in secondary<br />

schools, with the aim to outline a ‘training model’ able to implement the postulates<br />

of the Lisbon strategy in the equipment of the future teachers basic skills.<br />

The training through apprenticeships promotes a virtuous synergy among the<br />

subjects operating on a `good practical of training' Framework activating: a) European<br />

dimension in initial training; b) analysis of credit transfer related to the professional<br />

qualification (EUROPASS); c) initial teaching training focused on the<br />

pedagogic/didactic innovation, the improvement of the European linguistic diversity,<br />

the use of the ITC methodologies, stimuli to innovation through new didactic creative<br />

practices; d ) a space for analysis of European training models, as for future<br />

teachers, tutors, mentors, headmasters .<br />

The partnership developed the following items: Analysis of initial teachers training<br />

systems in EU; Notebook - `target skills ' of the future teacher analysis; assessment<br />

of the mobility feasibility; Guide for Trainings tutors; `Handbook of good practical<br />

for trainee’; Framework/ operating profile of mentors; KIT for trainees.<br />

All these documents produced during the two-year partnership are available on the<br />

website EUROKIT. The Framework is provided in an e-book format.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

https://files.itslearning.com/data/231/64/EuroKit2.html<br />

http://www.scuole.provinci.it<br />

www.nfk.itslearning.com/index.aspx<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-IT2-<br />

COM06-06274<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Improving engagement and learning capacity for disaffected pupils<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Shropshire Council<br />

Partner organisations: St Laurence CR Primary school<br />

UK – United Kingdom Edge Hill University<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Hvidovre Kommune<br />

Partner organisations: Engstranskolen<br />

DK - Denmark<br />

Laereruddannelsen Zahle<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences, Teacher reflectivity, Teacher's<br />

educators<br />

Description:<br />

The project enabled Shropshire and Hvidovre to better support pupils in danger of<br />

disaffection, by providing opportunities for local authority, partner organisation<br />

and school staff to work together to reflect upon the impact of their practice. It<br />

focused on how the outdoor environment could be used as a context for learning to<br />

enhancing pupil confidence, self-esteem, independence and employability and to raise<br />

standards in science. The regional teacher training college was involved in order to<br />

support the integration of the approach into teacher training.<br />

Staff from all partner organisations engage in, and supported, action research to<br />

gather evidence on the impact of interventions on pupils at risk of underachievement<br />

and focussing on creativity and innovation in the area of training of teachers and<br />

trainers. The development of the confident use of Information Technology to support<br />

learning and to share ideas across the partner institutions was integral to the project.<br />

‘Mobilities’ were used to enable local authority and partner organisation staff to visit<br />

educational settings within the partnership in order to extend their knowledge of the<br />

range of strategies available to support pupils through the use of the outdoor<br />

environment as a context for learning.<br />

Findings were disseminated across the partner organisations and shared with national<br />

agencies and beyond, to build capacity and establish a sustainable network,<br />

enabling links between the partners to continue beyond the life of the project. The<br />

resulting pedagogical and methodological studies are available at request.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.shropshirelg.net<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-GB1-<br />

COM13-03670<br />


Classroom Leadership in Real Life<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Förvaltningen för lärande och kultur, Hudiksvall<br />

Partner organisations: Bromangymnasiet, Hudiksvall<br />

SE - Sweden Umeå Universitet, Umeå<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Devon local authority children and young people's services,<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

UK – United Kingdom<br />

Exeter, England<br />

Newton Abbot College, Newton Abbot, England<br />

Keywords, Newton Abbot, England<br />

Key words: Teacher competences, Pupil Assessment, Leadership<br />

Description:<br />

The geographical, economic and in philosophical outlook similarities of both regions<br />

inspired this project to enhance teacher professionalism and collaboration to<br />

enable transferable life-long learning skills to empower all students to be active<br />

learners within a world class education system and equip them for making informed<br />

judgments within today’s rapidly changing society.<br />

The joint expertise across the partnership used evolving and innovative approaches<br />

to learning to learn, incorporating personal learning and thinking skills within an<br />

environment that develops the entrepreneurial spirit and the use of new technologies.<br />

It draw together, students, schools – primary, secondary and tertiary, universities,<br />

local/regional authorities and associated businesses to utilize, share and develop<br />

particular strengths and expertise to provide a European dimension to both learning<br />

outcomes and teacher involvement.<br />

The project had large impact; the final conference was arranged as two professional<br />

development days for all teachers and head teachers in the whole Swedish<br />

municipality and the UK partner made up the majority of the workshops offered very<br />

successfully. Applying Entrepreneurial Learning and Personal Learning and Thinking<br />

Skills (PLTS) in the classroom makes students aware of their own learning process,<br />

helps students acquire transferable learning skills and enables teachers to give skillrelated<br />

and formative feedback.<br />

The result was a digital self-assessment tool with which the student him-/herself<br />

assess his/her abilities for the PLTS; the result of the self-assessment can be used by<br />

the student and tutor when they meet. The tool (educational software) can be<br />

ordered and the printed materials can be directly down able.<br />

Awards:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

mealar@gmail.com;<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-SE1-<br />

COM13-04704<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Students' guidance in IT based open learning environments<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Stadt Osterholz - Scharmbeck<br />

Partner organisations: Haupt-und Realschule Osterholz- Scharmbeck<br />

DE - Germany Europäisches Institut für Innovation (EIFI) e.V.<br />

Volkshochschule Osterholz-Scharmbeck Hambergen / Schwanewede e.V.<br />

Initiative D21 e.V.<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Varbergs municipality<br />

Partner organisations: Peder Skrivares Skola<br />

SE - Sweden Lindbergs skola<br />

Lärarförbundet - the Swedish Teachers’ Union, Varberg<br />

Lärarnas riksförbund<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences, Collaborative learning,<br />

Mentoring<br />

Description:<br />

It's a pioneering project on how to develop teacher mentoring skills by using ICT.<br />

Its main objective has been getting a better understanding of the process of learning<br />

with ICT tools in open learning environments and the enhancement of ICT based<br />

learning processes. The specific scope of the project was the role of teachers and<br />

tutors in such blended learning arrangements and the question up to what extend<br />

self- organised learning is possible and how guidance and feedback to the pupils<br />

can be organised in the best way in order to allow well customized learning for each<br />

pupil. Thus the project had not only a didactic side but touched also aspects of staff<br />

resources economy and school organisation.<br />

The approach to achieve the objectives has been fourfold: First, to analyse the<br />

practice and conditions of ICT use in self-organized learning and the specific<br />

requirements of support for the learners offered by the school; Secondly a guidance<br />

and feed-back model, the “Learn Desk” concept was developed to improve the<br />

student’s results in school. The “Learn Desk” should increase the access to the<br />

teachers during the day as a help-desk open from 8 to 8 and be a compliment to the<br />

ordinary teacher allowing helping students which are not able to assist ordinary school<br />

sessions for whatever reason. The concept was been developed by local expert groups<br />

in each region. Next stage was to implement the “Learn Desks” in the participating<br />

schools and a 6 months testing phase. Step four was dedicated to the dissemination<br />

of project results by planning work-shops addressed to the regional and national open<br />

learning community in both countries.<br />

The web page has the option to download the project results. The teachers in Varberg<br />

produced a short film describing how the participating schools worked with it as a way<br />

to make the school more accessible and flexible for students.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.learndesk.eu/; http://vimeo.com/34886518<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-10406<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

ISATT - ICT in Schools, Administration and Teachers' Training<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Administrative district of Celle<br />

Partner organisations: Christian-Gymnasium Hermannsburg<br />

DE- Germany Studienseminar für das Lehramt an Gymnasien Celle<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Municipality of Tuusula<br />

Partner organisations: Hyrylän lukio, Tuusula<br />

FI- Finland University Jyväskylän yliopisto/ rehtori-instituutti Jyväskylä<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences, Leadership<br />

Description:<br />

The growing importance of ICT in school management is well known and shown by<br />

the growing network of administration with school and other training centers via data<br />

transmission. The use of efficient school administration programmes is standard, but<br />

acquiring and setting them up involves high costs for the educational authority which<br />

have to be justified by application. This also goes for personal tutoring. Set in this<br />

context, the goals for the project were to analyse the value of the use of ICT for<br />

pupils’ media competence (eLearning), the school equipment (material and staff)<br />

and needs of teachers’ training.<br />

The main activities carried out were the comparison of the educational school systems<br />

of the partners in the form of assignments to the students of the teacher training<br />

seminar, inquiry among teachers and student teachers on the employment of<br />

traditional vs. new teaching methods in class and in teacher-training; presentation of<br />

the results of a test trial; analysis of the relevance of Content Management Systems<br />

(Moodle, iserve, Xmood) in teaching; Information on a Master’s degree program in<br />

educational leadership of the university of Jyväskylä, Finland, and other advanced<br />

training programs (employment of interactive boards and tablets, data abuse and<br />

security) and development and management of a website for the project.<br />

The findings of the project have led school administration to plan for the acquisition<br />

and installation of new media in classrooms (stationary and mobile presentation<br />

units). The method of inquiries was introduced as a tool for evaluation and planning<br />

and the existing personnel planning (Assignment of a Media Assistant position) was<br />

reconfirmed. The comparison of the educational school systems led to new insights in<br />

the area of advancement /support of slow-learning students and in other areas of<br />

school management (inclusion).<br />

In working together with schools and school administration, the participating<br />

teacher training institutions succeeded in developing and implementing teacher<br />

training concepts.<br />

Duration:<br />

2009-2011<br />

Webpage<br />

http://www.isatt.eu/fi/home/<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2009-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-05875<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Developing "Start-up Support" for new teachers in their first year of<br />

practice<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Staatliches Schulamt Gießen/Vogelsberg (HESSE Education<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

DE - Germany<br />

Authority, Giessen-Vogelsberg)<br />

Ricarda-Huch-Schule, Gießen<br />

Studienseminar GHRF Gießen<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Delegacion Provincial de Education de Granada, Spain<br />

Partner organisations: Centro de Profesorado de Montril<br />

ES - Spain IES Alpujarra<br />

Key words: Teacher Career, Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

Regardless of the specific situation of the individual school (rural school or city school,<br />

focus school or elite high school, etc.) the introduction to the practice of the teaching<br />

profession is a challenge; the question of career companion for teachers was<br />

identified by the partners as an issue of common interest and considerable importance<br />

for a successful career start.<br />

Therefore the project partners agreed to develop and test a manual (pilot version)<br />

of common benefit to young teachers in both partner regions, which enables them to<br />

find better access to their first year of teaching practice, to exchange existing good<br />

practice in partner regions and to highlight best practice examples; the project will<br />

also carry on a survey/questionnaire for teachers in their first year of practice about<br />

their experiences and expectations and to evaluate the feasibility of the manual, to<br />

improve it and to disseminate it in both regions.<br />

The manual, in paper and digital version, will be available in the website for every<br />

school in both regions and it is intended to offer a broad variety of “Start-up<br />

support” for new teachers and it will help new teachers to improve the process of first<br />

orientation at schools; furthermore it will also offer the possibility to identify existing<br />

communication structures in individual institutions and between them. This may<br />

prepare the basis of transparency and systematic information structures.<br />

Awards:<br />

It was awarded as Project of the Month 2012 by the German National Agency<br />

Duration:<br />

2011-2013<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://comenius-regio-giessen-granada.com/<br />

http://www.kmk-pad.org/praxis/pdm/pdm-10-2012.html#c14536<br />

http://comenius-regio-giessen-granada.com/?p=1770<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2011-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-18858<br />


Schools in Europe develop talent<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Coordinator organisation Regierungspräsidium Tübingen, Abt. 7 Schule und Bildung<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

DE - Germany<br />

Staatliches Seminar für Didaktik und Lehrerbildung<br />

(Gymnasien) Stuttgart<br />

Schulzentrum Ulm-Wiblingen, Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Landesschulrat für Oberösterreich, Linz<br />

Partner organisations: Verein Stiftung Talente, Linz<br />

AT - Austria Ramsauergymnasium Linz (Bundes- und Realgymnasium)<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

The project focuses of the different ways that education of gifted pupils is addresses<br />

in different partner regions: on the one hand segregate in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg,<br />

in integrative forms in Linz, Upper Austria. The best of both funding schemes were<br />

recognized conceptually and systemically analysed and developed. It controlled the<br />

school administration at the same time running processes, extracurricular<br />

partners were responsible for the development and evaluation process, the<br />

participating schools developed the curricular models and tested it. The study also<br />

considered in this context, issues of gender, migration and transfer to secondary<br />

schools.<br />

The Ramsauer High School and the Albert-Einstein-Gymnasium developed specialized<br />

Enrichmentkonzeptionen on the basis of their educational plans and offered to design<br />

innovative forms of teaching. Additional extracurricular activities such as the<br />

Summer School or College students were integrated. The Department of Curriculum<br />

and Teacher Education Association Foundation and the Staatliches Seminar Stuttgart<br />

accompanied talents and evaluated these operations. They helped to determine the<br />

diagnosis and individual needs with differentiated measures within the heterogeneous<br />

needs. The development of a training plan for teachers allows the professional<br />

handling of heterogeneity and leads to a much larger potential cognitive and<br />

social activation in appropriate learning arrangements. This leads to an overall<br />

strategy of gifted education that is provided to all schools with integrated and<br />

segregated funding available, so as to optimize an appropriate European contribution<br />

to the development of special talents. The outcomes, Pedagogical and Methodological<br />

Studies are directly downloadable in the project site.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

www.schulen-foster-begabungen.eu<br />

http://est.kmk-pad.org/product_show.php?id_project=2010-1-DE3-COM13-10380-<br />

0&id_product=JOINT_1<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-10380<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Effective Classroom Learning through an awareness of "Basic<br />

Competences<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Bournemouth Council<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

UK – United Kingdom<br />

Shadows Professional Development<br />

Avonbourne School; Glenmoor School<br />

Bishop of Winchester Academy<br />

Portchester School;<br />

St Michaels Primary<br />

Stourfield Primary<br />

Moordown St John’s Primary<br />

Malmesbury Park Primary<br />

Pokesdown Primary<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Delegacion de Huelva<br />

Partner organisations: CEP Bollullos-Valverde; CEP Huelva- Isla Cristina;<br />

ES - Spain CEP Aracena<br />

Shadows Andalucía<br />

IES San Blas (Aracena); IES Delgado Hernández (Bolludos)<br />

IES Rafael Reyes (Cartaya)<br />

CEIP Dunas de Doñana (Matalascañas); CEIP El Lince (Almonte)<br />

CEIP Manuel Pérez (Bollullos); CEIP Manuel Siurot (Huelva)<br />

CEIP Juan Ramón Jiménez (Cartaya)<br />

IES La Palma (La Palma del Cdo.)<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences<br />

Description:<br />

The objectives of the project were to developing approaches to teaching and learning/<br />

pedagogical skills that support the acquisition by all students of the ““Basic<br />

Competences” including the training of teachers in adopting a holistic approach to<br />

achieve the above; to encourage teachers in the classroom to integrate the “Basic<br />

Competences” into their subject teaching and to provide support: linguistic,<br />

methodological, IT support and the sharing of best practice.<br />

It has developed 32 topic-based "Units" in accessing Science through English as a<br />

foreign (additional) language; the language-neutral, subject-neutral "Model" which will<br />

be used as a teacher-training tool in the production of the "Units" will also allow<br />

future development of "Units" in other languages/subjects.<br />

The target students have benefited from clearer linguistic access to the curriculum,<br />

teachers have benefited from more effective lesson planning and teacher trainers<br />

have benefited from a wider vision of meeting the needs of their CLIL teachers in<br />

schools. The results are Didactic materials.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/educacion/adistancia/profesorado/login/index.php<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-GB1-<br />

COM13-06201<br />


Digital media? ICT? – Know how!<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Kuratorium Oświaty w Rzeszowie<br />

Partner organisations: Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Rzeszowie<br />

PL - Poland Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Czarnej<br />

Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 1 w Łancucie<br />

Gimnazjum Katolickie w Stalowej Woli<br />

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi w Jarosławiu<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus<br />

Partner organisations: Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung und Personalführung Dillingen<br />

DE - Germany Bischof-Ulrich-Schule Illertissen<br />

Josef-Anton-Schneller-Volksschule (Hauptschule) Dillingen<br />

Bismarckschule Memmingen (Hauptschule)<br />

Dominikus-Hertel-Volksschule (Grundschule) Boos<br />

Key words: Teacher competences, Improving learning, Leadership<br />

Description:<br />

The main objective was to update teachers' skills and knowledge so that they make<br />

best use of the new opportunities created by information and communication<br />

technologies to support learning and teaching, and competence development. In<br />

relation to the subjects taught by the teachers involved and regarding the technical<br />

equipment of the partner schools, the project focussed on how to use multimedia<br />

devices (e.g. interactive digital whiteboards), how to use the internet for creating<br />

teaching materials and aids, which computer programs can be used during lessons,<br />

how to teach using e-learning, make lessons more attractive and the role of ICT in<br />

self-learning, search of an optimal balanced mixture of computer-based and traditional<br />

learning methods and finally how ICT can support headmasters' management.<br />

The promotion of digital media equipment enabled the participating schools to<br />

purchase necessary modern technology for teaching and learning with a focus on<br />

digital interactive whiteboards. The new methods tried and approved by single<br />

teachers aroused interest among the colleagues of the participating as well as of<br />

surrounding schools.<br />

As the (in-service) teacher training institutes of both regions were leading<br />

partners of the project all results will have a direct and enduring impact on their<br />

courses and programs. Due to the positive experiences during the project the<br />

participating teachers, headmasters and personnel of the central institutions<br />

are more capable to convince decision makers of the advantages of self-guided<br />

learning with digital media and the necessity of appropriate equipment as well as<br />

organisational and structural procedures. The results were published and distributed<br />

among schools and other educational organizations in the partner regions and it is<br />

available on their website.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star projet<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.multimedia-;<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-PL1-<br />

COM13-11547<br />

ict.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=15&Itemid=2<br />

0&lang=en<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Cross-cultural practice-oriented teacher education - Interkulturelle<br />

praxisorientierte Lehrerbildung<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Coordinator organisation: Staatliches Schulamt für den Landkreis und die Stadt Kassel,<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

DE - Germany<br />

Hessen<br />

Georg-Christoph-Lichtenbergschule (Kassel),<br />

Studienseminar für Gymnasien in Kassel, Zentrum für<br />

Lehrerbildung der Universität Kassel, Hessen<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Ville de Nancy, Lorraine<br />

Partner organisations: Lycée Général et Technolologique Ernest Bichat, Université<br />

FR - France Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1 (IUFM de Lorraine), Centre<br />

Régional<br />

Lorraine<br />

de Documentation Pédagogique Lorraine,<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher's educators<br />

Description:<br />

The project's objective was to ensure better coordination between the different<br />

phases of the training of teachers and to improve the provision of education and<br />

training in the partner regions. The emphasis was on intercultural and language<br />

skills of teachers and the provision was intended oriented practices. The project<br />

partners grasped the complexity of both systems and were engaged in the<br />

implementation, information, training, publishing and distribution of resources for<br />

students and teachers.<br />

The project focussed to provide tools and devices for perennial continuing education<br />

for teachers of French-based civilization and culture. It has developed an intercultural<br />

portfolio for support to teachers, students and trainee teachers in training observation,<br />

a model of the intercultural approach to secondary education in France, a model<br />

study tour in France teachers for German students intending to teach French, centered<br />

observation classes in school and organised exchanges with French counterparts. It<br />

also developed intercultural module for students in the course teaching M1 German /<br />

French or DNL (non-linguistic discipline).<br />

All products of this partnership are transferable to other regions/countries and be<br />

adapted to the needs expressed elsewhere. On the German side, an association<br />

(Frankreichforum Hessen) was created to broadcast the ideas from partnership<br />

through projects. All results of the project are available on the homepage of the<br />

project.<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://regio.lg-ks.de./<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-DE3-<br />

COM13-10560<br />


Unlimited Learning<br />

Comenius Regio Partnership<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Partner Regio 1<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Coordinator organisation: Childcare and Education department, city of Mölndal<br />

Partner organisations:<br />

SE - Sweden<br />

Bifrost pedagogical unit<br />

Lackarebäck pre-primary schools<br />

Krokslätt primary school<br />

Sörgård general secondary school<br />

Askengren & Co.<br />

Partner Regio 2<br />

Coordinator organisation: Giresun Milli Egitim Mudurlugu (municipality)<br />

Partner organisations: Yetmisbesinci Yýl Anaokulu<br />

TR - Turkey Cumhuriyet Ðlköðretim Okulu<br />

Gazipasa Ðlkögretim Okulu<br />

Espiye Halk Egitim Müdürlügü (adult education)<br />

Key words: School leadership, Collaborative learning<br />

Description:<br />

The aim of project was to create and offer Unlimited Learning for all children and<br />

students in the partner regions and go from a teaching organisation to a learning<br />

organisation. More specifically, the project objectives were to define and try out<br />

indicators for a learning organisation, to find out how to organise and manage a<br />

learning organisation, to create sustainable local and European networks, to use<br />

ICT as a creative tool in the pedagogical process and to try and evaluate Action<br />

Learning (AL) as a method for cross border cooperation.<br />

A learning organisation needs to be managed by a learning leader; a non-learning<br />

leader will not recruit learning persons and will also suppress a learning attitude<br />

eventually. Action Learning can be useful for organising learning groups that help in<br />

constant learning, the foundation for a learning organisation. Therefore, learning<br />

leaders are the core of the learning organisation and learning management sets the<br />

framework for the learning organisation. During the first year partners, discussed the<br />

challenges: “what is a learning leader? What is a learning organisation? What are the<br />

optimal conditions for learning?”. During the second year, it addressed the<br />

identification of the needs and competences of a learning leader and develops actions<br />

for change and development.<br />

Main results were studies of local and transnational action learning groups,<br />

workshops on “leadership” and “competences”, movies reflecting the effect of i-pads<br />

on pupils, learning exhibitions, project logo, website, learning materials and booklet<br />

of the project, published in three languages. The movie showcases interviews with<br />

headmasters and teachers on how they perceive their own inner journey and change<br />

and what they see at this point in time. They also discuss how this inner change is the<br />

basis for organisational change. The materials are available in EST site.<br />

Award:<br />

EST star project<br />

Duration:<br />

2010-2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.europeansharedtreasure.eu/detail.php?id_project_base=2010-1-SE1-<br />

COM13-04705<br />


Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

Global improvement in teaching and learning across curricular<br />

transversal subjects<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

ES Barres i Ones (Badalona, Spain); 12. Schule in Mitte (Gymnasium) (Berlin,<br />

Germany); The Long Eaton School (Long Eaton, UK); Perstorp Gymnasium (Perstorp,<br />

Sweden); ITIS con Liceo Tecnologico (Crema, Italy)<br />

Key words: Improving learning, Teacher competences, Teacher reflectivity,<br />

Collaborative work<br />

Description:<br />

This project, involving schools from across Northern and Southern Europe, aimed to<br />

embed Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) into the curriculum of all<br />

partners. Through learning the content of different subjects, including concepts such<br />

as learning to learn, in a foreign language, the project aimed to increase students'<br />

awareness of the need to be able to communicate effectively and enable them to be<br />

more autonomous learners.<br />

These skills will allow students to be more successful in a globalised society. Teachers<br />

participating in the project had the opportunity to develop, test and share CLIL<br />

materials in a wide variety of subject areas including Maths, Science, Technology and<br />

Humanities.<br />

Through a constant process of evaluation, the project asked teachers to identify<br />

and encourage best practice by combining ideas and methods from across the<br />

partner institutions. A continual focus on using collaborative work and<br />

communication as the main tools for developing the partnership ensured that all<br />

participants benefit from the pan-European nature of the project.<br />

Duration:<br />

Year 2012<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/it/pub/profile.cfm?f=2&l=it&n=85476<br />

http://www.etwinning.net/en/pub/profile.cfm?f=2&l=en&n=85476<br />


Pasi Siltakorpi, teacher from Finland, and eTwinning<br />

eTwinning<br />

Institutions involved:<br />

Pääskytie school, Porvoo (Finland)<br />

Key words: Improving learning<br />

Description:<br />

Thematic Field: Teaching professions<br />

The ten eTwinning projects coordinated by one teacher from Finland have increased<br />

the motivation of pupils with learning difficulties and attracted other teachers from<br />

the region to start European cooperation. The projects were implemented via the<br />

eTwinning platform and themselves did not receive any funding from the Commission.<br />

They covered a wide range of themes including: upgrading ICT, video and digital<br />

imaging skills, intercultural communication skills, using ICT to support the learning<br />

process of children with special educational needs, support for transition to working<br />

life and looking at career opportunities in the EU, and introducing eTwinning to<br />

other teachers from the town and the region. The project activities have attracted<br />

the attention of the national media which brought better visibility and recognition of<br />

European projects to a wide public.<br />

Pasi Siltakorpi says "For my pupils it has been very uplifting to find out that they can<br />

communicate with their foreign friends although they have learning difficulties. This<br />

and all the good publicity we have had in newspapers and even on national television<br />

has strengthened their self-esteem; not forgetting national awards that we have won<br />

twice. I feel that our example has also encouraged other teachers to do projects.<br />

At least the number of projects in my hometown has increased during the last years.<br />

Doing international projects has its effects on everyday school work as well. I have<br />

always believed that learning should be fun and motivating. eTwinning is one way to<br />

make it happen."<br />

Duration:<br />

diverse projects<br />

Webpage:<br />

http://www.edu.fi/etwinning/opastusta/kuukauden_opettaja/pasi_siltakorpi_kumpulan<br />

_koulu<br />



Annex: COMENIUS Programme<br />

Part of the European Life-Long Learning Programme<br />

What are the aims?<br />

Specific objectives:<br />

To develop knowledge and understanding among young people and educational<br />

staff of the diversity of European cultures and languages and its value<br />

To help young people acquire the basic life-skills and competences necessary<br />

for<br />

their personal development, for future employment and for active European<br />

citizenship<br />

Operational objectives<br />

To improve the quality and to increase the volume of mobility involving pupils<br />

and educational staff in different Member States<br />

To improve the quality and to increase the volume of partnerships between<br />

schools in different Member States, so as to involve at least 3 million pupils in<br />

joint educational activities during the period of the programme<br />

To encourage the learning of modern foreign languages<br />

To support the development of innovative ICT-based content, services,<br />

pedagogies and practice in lifelong learning<br />

To enhance the quality and European dimension of teacher training<br />

To support improvements in pedagogical approaches and school management<br />

Who can participate?<br />

Basically everyone involved in school education:<br />

Pupils in school education up to the end of upper secondary education<br />

Schools, as specified by Member States, from pre-school up to the end of upper<br />

secondary level<br />

Teachers and other categories of staff within those schools<br />

Associations, not-for-profit organisations, NGOs and representatives of those<br />

involved in school education<br />

Persons and bodies responsible for the organisation and delivery of education<br />

at<br />

local, regional and national levels<br />

Research centres and bodies concerned with lifelong learning issues<br />

Higher education institutions<br />

Bodies providing guidance, counselling and information services<br />

Specific eligibility rules:<br />

Schools participating in the Comenius Programme must be located in a country<br />

participating in the LLP and belong to any of the types of institution specified by the<br />

relevant National authorities in their list of eligible school types<br />

(link: http://ec.europa.eu/education/comenius/eligible_en.htm)<br />


Please note also the specific cases below:<br />

1) Schools under the supervision of national authorities of another country<br />

(e.g. lycée français, German school, UK "Forces" schools). The national authorities<br />

responsible for supervising the administrative, financial and curricular regime of the<br />

school concerned shall decide which establishments are eligible to participate. This<br />

principle implies the following operational modalities:<br />

The participation of the "national schools" located in a different country will be<br />

supported by the Comenius budget of the supervising country (= "country of origin").<br />

These national schools can participate in any type of Comenius activity and the same<br />

rules shall apply to them as to any other eligible school from the supervising country.<br />

2) Specialised schools. The decision on the participation in Comenius of other<br />

national schools, such as minority schools, private schools for expatriates etc. is the<br />

remit of the national authorities of the country in which the institution is located.<br />

3) European Schools. The European Schools are official educational establishments<br />

controlled jointly by the governments of the Member States of the European Union.<br />

European schools are eligible institutions for participation in Comenius. They shall<br />

apply to the NA of the country in which they are located and shall be subject to the<br />

same selection procedure as local schools. In the case of Belgium, the three NAs will<br />

agree on appropriate arrangements. European schools are subject to the same<br />

Comenius rules as any other eligible school in the country in which they are located.<br />

However, the participation of European schools - either as a coordinator or as a<br />

partner - will be limited to one European school in each Partnership. Staff from<br />

European schools are entitled to participate in Comenius in-service training under the<br />

same conditions as staff from any other eligible school.<br />

What types of activity?<br />

The following actions are supported by the Comenius Programme:<br />

Mobility of individuals to another European country, which may include:<br />

exchanges of pupils and staff within the context of a project or partnership,<br />

individual pupil mobility in the context of an on-going or previous School<br />

partnership, participation in training activities for teachers and other<br />

educational staff, preparatory visits for School Partnerships, Networks and<br />

Multilateral Projects and assistantships for future teachers.<br />

School Partnerships between schools from different European countries, with<br />

a view to developing joint learning projects for pupils and their teachers.<br />

Comenius Regio Partnerships between local and regional authorities with a<br />

role in school education. Their aim is to enrich the educational offer for school<br />

aged young people by supporting the cooperation between school education<br />

authorities, schools and other educational providers in different European<br />

regions.<br />


The eTwinning initiative takes advantage of the possibilities offered by the<br />

Internet and digital media to promote European school cooperation,<br />

collaborative<br />

learning and project based pedagogy.<br />

Multilateral projects aim to develop, promote and disseminate new curricula,<br />

new teacher training courses or materials and new teaching methodologies,<br />

and to provide a framework for the organisation of mobility activities for<br />

student<br />

teachers.<br />

Multilateral Networks aim to promote European co-operation and innovation<br />

in specific thematic areas of particular importance to school education in a<br />

European context.<br />

Accompanying measures aim to support various activities which will clearly<br />

contribute to achieving the Comenius Programme objectives.<br />

What are the COMENIUS actions?<br />

COMENIUS Preparatory Visits<br />

COMENIUS Assistantships (Assistants)<br />

COMENIUS Assistantships (Host Schools)<br />

COMENIUS Individual Pupil Mobility<br />

COMENIUS In-Service Training for Teachers and other Educational Staff (IST)<br />

COMENIUS Multilateral school partnerships<br />

COMENIUS Bilateral school partnerships<br />

COMENIUS Regio Partnerships<br />

COMENIUS Multilateral projects<br />

COMENIUS Multilateral networks<br />

COMENIUS Accompanying measures<br />

eTwinning<br />

To learn more:<br />

http://ec.europa.eu/education/llp/official-documents-on-the-llp_en.htm<br />


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