local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development of bistriþa ...

local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development of bistriþa ...

local agenda 21 local plan for sustainable development of bistriþa ...


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73<br />

Morbidity caused by infectious diseases in Bistrita, 2003<br />

(incidence per 100,000 inhabitants)<br />

Death caused by non-infectious diseases at municipality level, 2003:<br />

Total no. <strong>of</strong> inhabitants<br />

Acute viral hepatitis<br />

Scarlatina<br />

Leptospirosis<br />

Acute diarrhoea<br />

Mumps (parotidittis)<br />

Influenza<br />

Infections <strong>of</strong> upper breathing tracts<br />

Infections <strong>of</strong> lower breathing tracts<br />

Streptococci Angina<br />

Erysipelas<br />

Viral Meningitis<br />

Rubella<br />

Varicella<br />

Scab<br />

Salmonella diseases<br />

Food toxic-infections<br />

Tuberculosis<br />

Syphilis<br />

Gonorrhoea<br />

Lambliasis<br />

Oxiuris disease<br />

Ascariosis<br />

Other helminthiasis<br />

Pediculosis<br />

Guşă simplă netoxică<br />

Diabet zaharat<br />

Malnutriţii protein-calorice<br />

Epilepsie<br />

Anemii<br />

Boli psihice<br />

Boli hipertensiv e<br />

Boli cerebro-v asculare<br />

Reumatism articular acut<br />

Cardiopatii reumatismale<br />

cronice<br />

Ciroză – alte hepatite<br />

cronice<br />

Cardiopatii ischiemice<br />

Cord pulmonar cronic<br />

Boli pulmonare cronice<br />

obstructiv e<br />

Boală ulceroasă<br />

Insuficienţă renală cronică<br />

Anomalii congenitale aparat<br />

circulator<br />

Comment [SWF1]: Table contains<br />

words in Romania

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