Procedure Codes No Longer a Benefit Surgical Component ... - TMHP

Procedure Codes No Longer a Benefit Surgical Component ... - TMHP Procedure Codes No Longer a Benefit Surgical Component ... - TMHP


Procedure Codes No Longer a Benefit Information posted July 23, 2010 Effective for dates of service on or after September 1, 2010, changes will be applied to Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Services Program procedure codes. Surgical Component The surgical component of the following procedure codes will no longer be reimbursed by the CSHCN Services Program: Procedure Codes 32604 55970 55980 57170 57335 57700 59050 Assistant Surgery Component The assistant surgery component of the following procedure codes will no longer be reimbursed by the CSHCN Services Program: Procedure Codes 13102 15933 15934 15937 15944 15945 15946 15958 15999 17999 19499 20661 20662 20663 20931 20950 21899 22315 22523 22524 22525 22999 23044 23066 23076 23101 23106 23130 23140 23146 23330 23331 23415 23480 23620 23625 23921 24066 24076 24110 24120 24130 24145 24147 24160 24164 24495 24530 24538 24935 24999 25020 25023 25066 25076 25105 25110 25111 25112 25115 25116 25118 25120 25125 25130 25230 25430 25445 25450 25455 25652 25671 25900 25920 25931 25999 26060 26116 26121 26123 26125 26130 26135 26140 26145 26170 26180 26200 26205 26210 26215 26250 26320 26370 26426 26428 26432 26449 26471 26477 26480 26489 26490 26496 26500 26508 26516 26520 26525 26540 26545 26567 26615 26665 26685 26715 26735 26742 26746 26765 26785 26989 27041 27050 27062 27175 27185 27215 27217 27218 27230 27232 27235 27240 27257 27324 27328 27330 27372 27416 27425 27437 27475 27477 27485 27503 27594 27596 27600 27607 27610 27613 27614 27619 27630 27635 27640 27641 27681 27686 27695 27696 27707 27726 27730 27732 27734 27766 27784 27792 27830 27831 27884 27886 27892 27899 28002 28003 28035 28045 28060 28062 28070 28072 28088 28090 28108 28110 28111 28112 28113 28116 28119 28124 28126 28150 28153 28173 28222 28226 28230 28234 28280 28286 28288 28290 28309 28310 28344 28406

<strong>Procedure</strong> <strong>Codes</strong> <strong>No</strong> <strong>Longer</strong> a <strong>Benefit</strong><br />

Information posted July 23, 2010<br />

Effective for dates of service on or after September 1, 2010, changes will be applied to<br />

Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Services Program procedure codes.<br />

<strong>Surgical</strong> <strong>Component</strong><br />

The surgical component of the following procedure codes will no longer be reimbursed<br />

by the CSHCN Services Program:<br />

<strong>Procedure</strong> <strong>Codes</strong><br />

32604 55970 55980 57170 57335 57700 59050<br />

Assistant Surgery <strong>Component</strong><br />

The assistant surgery component of the following procedure codes will no longer be<br />

reimbursed by the CSHCN Services Program:<br />

<strong>Procedure</strong> <strong>Codes</strong><br />

13102 15933 15934 15937 15944 15945 15946 15958 15999 17999<br />

19499 20661 20662 20663 20931 20950 21899 22315 22523 22524<br />

22525 22999 23044 23066 23076 23101 23106 23130 23140 23146<br />

23330 23331 23415 23480 23620 23625 23921 24066 24076 24110<br />

24120 24130 24145 24147 24160 24164 24495 24530 24538 24935<br />

24999 25020 25023 25066 25076 25105 25110 25111 25112 25115<br />

25116 25118 25120 25125 25130 25230 25430 25445 25450 25455<br />

25652 25671 25900 25920 25931 25999 26060 26116 26121 26123<br />

26125 26130 26135 26140 26145 26170 26180 26200 26205 26210<br />

26215 26250 26320 26370 26426 26428 26432 26449 26471 26477<br />

26480 26489 26490 26496 26500 26508 26516 26520 26525 26540<br />

26545 26567 26615 26665 26685 26715 26735 26742 26746 26765<br />

26785 26989 27041 27050 27062 27175 27185 27215 27217 27218<br />

27230 27232 27235 27240 27257 27324 27328 27330 27372 27416<br />

27425 27437 27475 27477 27485 27503 27594 27596 27600 27607<br />

27610 27613 27614 27619 27630 27635 27640 27641 27681 27686<br />

27695 27696 27707 27726 27730 27732 27734 27766 27784 27792<br />

27830 27831 27884 27886 27892 27899 28002 28003 28035 28045<br />

28060 28062 28070 28072 28088 28090 28108 28110 28111 28112<br />

28113 28116 28119 28124 28126 28150 28153 28173 28222 28226<br />

28230 28234 28280 28286 28288 28290 28309 28310 28344 28406

28465 28485 28505 28525 28546 28645 28675 28750 28755 28805<br />

28899 29000 29049 29058 29105 29125 29126 29130 29131 29200<br />

29240 29260 29280 29358 29435 29440 29505 29515 29520 29530<br />

29540 29550 29580 29590 29700 29705 29710 29715 29720 29730<br />

29740 29799 29873 30117 30118 30210 30220 30560 30915 30920<br />

31002 31040 31090 31200 31201 31299 31320 31505 31510 31511<br />

31512 31513 31582 31599 31605 31613 31614 31615 31630 31717<br />

31720 31725 31800 31820 31825 31899 32201 32400 32999 33015<br />

33202 33203 33207 33212 33216 33218 33503 34471 34490 35540<br />

35682 35683 36299 36640 36800 36810 36815 37140 37184 37185<br />

37186 37187 37188 37500 37620 37650 37700 37718 37722 37735<br />

37760 37780 37785 37799 38550 38999 39400 43244 43246 43258<br />

43264 43600 43999 44388 44389 44391 44392 44799 45150 45303<br />

45355 45382 45999 46753 46930 46999 47382 47399 47701 47999<br />

48102 49180 49250 49904 49999 50020 50684 50686 51030 51792<br />

51999 53420 53502 53520 53899 54065 54505 54512 54520 54840<br />

55605 55970 55980 57000 57135 57150 57513 57700 58340 58800<br />

58999 61150 61316 61526 61530 61595 61735 61760 61790 62165<br />

62190 63688 64575 64577 64734 64744 64790 64856 64999 65125<br />

65175 65285 65760 65765 66999 67005 67010 67110 67314 67318<br />

67332 67334 67399 67400 67412 67999 68399 68550 68899 69120<br />

69399 69631 69632 69633 69637 69641 69642 69643 69644 69645<br />

69799 69905 69949 69979<br />

Professional Interpretation and Technical <strong>Component</strong>s<br />

The professional interpretation and technical components of procedure codes 76150 and<br />

78351 will no longer be reimbursed by the CSHCN Services Program.<br />

The technical component for procedure code 62252 will no longer be reimbursed by the<br />

CSHCN Services Program.

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