the role of the lukan parables in terms of the purpose of luke's gospel

the role of the lukan parables in terms of the purpose of luke's gospel the role of the lukan parables in terms of the purpose of luke's gospel
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on Luke and Acts, Earl Richard (ed.). Collegeville: MN: Liturgical Press, 1990, 78-85. ——, “The Departure for Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-56) as a Rhetorical Imitation of Elijah’s Departure for the Jordan (2 Kgs 1:1-2:6),” Bib 70 (1989), 96-109. Brown, Raymond E. The Birth of the Messiah: A Commentary on the Infancy Narratives in Matthew and Luke. Garden City: Doubleday, 1976. Brown, S. Apostasy and Perseverance in the Theology of Luke. Rome: Pontifical Bible Institute, 1969. Bruce, A.B. The Parabolic Teaching of Christ: A Systematic and Critical Study of the Parables of Our Lord. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1886. Bruce, F.F. “Justification by Faith in the Non-Pauline Writings of the New Testament,” EvQ 24 (1952), 66-77. ——, The Acts of the Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. London: The Tyndale Press, 1952. ——, The Apostolic Defence of the Gospel: Christian Apologetics in the New Testament. Lodon: Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1959. Büchsel, F. “,” TDNT, I, 378. Buckwalter, H. Douglas, The Character and Purpose of Luke’s Christology. SNTSMS 89; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. Bultmann, R. The History of the Synoptic Tradition. Oxford: Blackwell; New York: Harper & Row, 1963. Burridge, Richard A. (ed.), “About People, by People, for People: Gospel Genre and Audiences,” in The Gospels for All Christians: Rethinking the Gospel Audience. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1998, 113-145. ——, Imitating Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2007. Bussby, F. “Did a Shepherd Leave Sheep upon the Mountains or in the Desert? A Note on Matthew 18:12 and Luke 15:4,” ATR 44 (1963), 93-94. Buttrick, David, Speaking Parables: A Homiletic Guide. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2000. Byrne, B. “Forceful Stewardship and Neglected Wealth: A Contemporary Reading of Luke 16,” Pacifica 1 (1988), 1-14. Cadbury, H.J. “‘We’ and ‘I’ Passages in Luke-Acts,” NTS 3 (1956-57), 128-132. ——, “Commentary on the Preface of Luke,” The Beginnings of Christianity, Part 1. The Acts of Apostles, F.J.F. Jackson and K. Lake (eds.). Vol. II. London: MacMillan, 1922, 489-510. ——, “The Knowledge Claimed in Luke’s Preface,” ExpTim 24 (1922), 401-422. ——, “The Purpose Expressed in Luke’s Preface,” Exp 8/21 (1921), 431-441. ——, The Making of Luke-Acts. London: SPCK, 1968. ——, The Style and Literary Method of Luke. New York: Kraus Reprint, 1969. Cadoux, A.T. The Parables of Jesus: Their Art and Use. London: J. Clarke, 1930. Cadoux, C.I. “The Visits of Jesus to Jerusalem,” Exp 9/3 (1925), 175-192. Caird, G.B. The Gospel of St. Luke. London: A & C. Black, 1968. Callan, T. “The Preface of Luke-Acts and Historiography,” NTS 31 (1985), 576-581. Carey, Greg “Luke and the Rhetorics of Discipleship: The L Parables as Case Study,” in Rhetorics and Hermeneutics: Wilhelm Wuellner and His Influence, James D. Hester and J. David Hester (eds.). New York: T&T Clark International, 2004, 145-174. Carlston, C.E. “Parable and Allegory Revisited: An Interpretive Review,” CBQ 43 (1981), 228-242. ——, “Reminiscence and Redaction in Luke 15:11-32,” JBL 94 (1975), 368-390. Carroll, John T. “Luke’s Portrayal of the Pharisees,” CBQ 50 (1988), 604-621. Carter, Warren and Heil, John Paul, Matthew’s Parables, CBQMS 30. Washington, DC: The Catholic 319

Biblical Association of America, 1998. Cassidy, R.J. Jesus, Politics, and Society: A Study of Luke’s Gospel. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books, 1978. Catchpole, D.R. “Q and ‘the Friend at Midnight’ (Luke 11:5-8/9),” JTS 34 (1983), 407-424. ——, “The Son of Man’s Search for Faith (Lk 18:8b),” NovT 19 (1977), 81-104. Cave, C.H. “Lazarus and the Lukan Deuteronomy,” NTS 15 (1968-69), 319-325. Charles, R.H. The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament in English, with introductions and critical and explanatory notes to the several book. London: Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1963. Charlesworth, J.H. (ed.), The Old Testament Pseudepighrapha, Vol 2, London: Darton, Longman & Todd, 1985. ——, The Pseudegrapha and Modern Research with a Supplement. SCSS 7; Chico: Scholars Press, 1981. Chester, S. Conversion at Corinth. London: T & T Clark, 2003. Chilton, B.D. “Jesus and the Repentance of E.P. Sanders,” TynBul 39 (1988), 1-18. ——, “The Gospel according to Thomas as a Source of Jesus’ Teaching,” in The Jesus Tradition outside the Gospels, David Wenham (ed.). Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1985, 155-176. Cohen, H. “Bet Din and Judges,” Encyclopedia Judaica 2, 721-23. Cohen, S.J.D. “Respect for Gentiles in the Writings of Josephus,” HTR 80 (1987), 409-30. Coleridge, Mark, The Birth of the Lukan Narrative: Narratives as Christology in Luke 1-2. Sheffield: JSOT, 1993. Colson, F.H. “Notes on St. Luke’s Preface,” JTS 24 (1923), 300-309. Combrink, H.J.B. “A Social-Scientific Perspective on the parable of the ‘unjust’ steward (Lk 16:1-8a),” Neotestamentica 30 (1996), 281-306. ——, “Multiple meaning and/or multiple interpretation of a text,” Neotestamentica 18 (1984), 26-37. Conn, Walter E. “Conversion: A Developmental Perspective,” Cross Currents 32 (1982), 323-328. Conzelmann, H. The Theology of St Luke. New York: Harper & Row, 1960. Cook, E.J. “The Synoptic Indications of the Visits of Jesus to Jerusalem,” ExpTim 41 (1929/30), 121- 123. Corlett, T. “This Brother of Yours,” ExpTim 100 (1988), 216. Cortés Juan B. and Gatti, Florence M. “On the Meaning of Luke 16:16,” JBL 106 (1987), 247-259. Cortés, Juan B. “The Greek Text of Luke 18:14a: A Contribution to the Method of Reasoned Eclecticism,” CBQ 46 (1984), 255-273. Cosgrove, C.H. “The Divine ΔEI in Luke-Acts: Investigations into the Lukan Understanding of God’s Providence,” NovT 26 (1984), 168-90. Cotter, Wendy “The Parable of the Feisty Widow and the Threatened Judge (Luke 18:1-8),” NTS 51 (2005), 328-43. Cranfield, C.E.B. “The Parable of the Unjust Judge and the Eschatology of Luke-Acts,” SJT 16 (1963), 297-301. Creed, J.M. The Gospel according to St. Luke: The Greek Test with Introduction, Notes, and Indices. London: Macmillan, 1930. Crossan, J.D. ‘Structuralist Analysis and the Parables of Jesus: A Reply to D.O. Via, “Parable and Example Story: A Literary-Structuralist Approach,’” Semeia 1 (1974), 50-54. ——, “Parable and Example in the Teaching of Jesus,” NTS 18 (1972), 285-307. ——, “Parable, Allegory, and Paradox,” in Semiology and Parables: An Exploration of the Possibilities Offered by Structuralism for Exegesis, Daniel Patte (ed.). Pittsburgh: Pickwick Press, 1976, 264-277. 320

on Luke and Acts, Earl Richard (ed.). Collegeville: MN: Liturgical Press, 1990, 78-85.<br />

——, “The Departure for Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-56) as a Rhetorical Imitation <strong>of</strong> Elijah’s Departure for<br />

<strong>the</strong> Jordan (2 Kgs 1:1-2:6),” Bib 70 (1989), 96-109.<br />

Brown, Raymond E. The Birth <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Messiah: A Commentary on <strong>the</strong> Infancy Narratives <strong>in</strong> Mat<strong>the</strong>w<br />

and Luke. Garden City: Doubleday, 1976.<br />

Brown, S. Apostasy and Perseverance <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Theology <strong>of</strong> Luke. Rome: Pontifical Bible Institute, 1969.<br />

Bruce, A.B. The Parabolic Teach<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Christ: A Systematic and Critical Study <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Parables <strong>of</strong> Our<br />

Lord. New York: A. C. Armstrong & Son, 1886.<br />

Bruce, F.F. “Justification by Faith <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Non-Paul<strong>in</strong>e Writ<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> New Testament,” EvQ 24 (1952),<br />

66-77.<br />

——, The Acts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Apostles: The Greek Text with Introduction and Commentary. London: The<br />

Tyndale Press, 1952.<br />

——, The Apostolic Defence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Gospel: Christian Apologetics <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> New Testament. Lodon:<br />

Inter-Varsity Fellowship, 1959.<br />

Büchsel, F. “,” TDNT, I, 378.<br />

Buckwalter, H. Douglas, The Character and Purpose <strong>of</strong> Luke’s Christology. SNTSMS 89; Cambridge:<br />

Cambridge University Press, 1996.<br />

Bultmann, R. The History <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Synoptic Tradition. Oxford: Blackwell; New York: Harper & Row,<br />

1963.<br />

Burridge, Richard A. (ed.), “About People, by People, for People: Gospel Genre and Audiences,” <strong>in</strong><br />

The Gospels for All Christians: Reth<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> Gospel Audience. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans,<br />

1998, 113-145.<br />

——, Imitat<strong>in</strong>g Jesus: An Inclusive Approach to New Testament Ethics. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans,<br />

2007.<br />

Bussby, F. “Did a Shepherd Leave Sheep upon <strong>the</strong> Mounta<strong>in</strong>s or <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> Desert? A Note on Mat<strong>the</strong>w<br />

18:12 and Luke 15:4,” ATR 44 (1963), 93-94.<br />

Buttrick, David, Speak<strong>in</strong>g Parables: A Homiletic Guide. Louisville: Westm<strong>in</strong>ster John Knox, 2000.<br />

Byrne, B. “Forceful Stewardship and Neglected Wealth: A Contemporary Read<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Luke 16,”<br />

Pacifica 1 (1988), 1-14.<br />

Cadbury, H.J. “‘We’ and ‘I’ Passages <strong>in</strong> Luke-Acts,” NTS 3 (1956-57), 128-132.<br />

——, “Commentary on <strong>the</strong> Preface <strong>of</strong> Luke,” The Beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>of</strong> Christianity, Part 1. The Acts <strong>of</strong><br />

Apostles, F.J.F. Jackson and K. Lake (eds.). Vol. II. London: MacMillan, 1922, 489-510.<br />

——, “The Knowledge Claimed <strong>in</strong> Luke’s Preface,” ExpTim 24 (1922), 401-422.<br />

——, “The Purpose Expressed <strong>in</strong> Luke’s Preface,” Exp 8/21 (1921), 431-441.<br />

——, The Mak<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> Luke-Acts. London: SPCK, 1968.<br />

——, The Style and Literary Method <strong>of</strong> Luke. New York: Kraus Repr<strong>in</strong>t, 1969.<br />

Cadoux, A.T. The Parables <strong>of</strong> Jesus: Their Art and Use. London: J. Clarke, 1930.<br />

Cadoux, C.I. “The Visits <strong>of</strong> Jesus to Jerusalem,” Exp 9/3 (1925), 175-192.<br />

Caird, G.B. The Gospel <strong>of</strong> St. Luke. London: A & C. Black, 1968.<br />

Callan, T. “The Preface <strong>of</strong> Luke-Acts and Historiography,” NTS 31 (1985), 576-581.<br />

Carey, Greg “Luke and <strong>the</strong> Rhetorics <strong>of</strong> Discipleship: The L Parables as Case Study,” <strong>in</strong> Rhetorics and<br />

Hermeneutics: Wilhelm Wuellner and His Influence, James D. Hester and J. David Hester (eds.).<br />

New York: T&T Clark International, 2004, 145-174.<br />

Carlston, C.E. “Parable and Allegory Revisited: An Interpretive Review,” CBQ 43 (1981), 228-242.<br />

——, “Rem<strong>in</strong>iscence and Redaction <strong>in</strong> Luke 15:11-32,” JBL 94 (1975), 368-390.<br />

Carroll, John T. “Luke’s Portrayal <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Pharisees,” CBQ 50 (1988), 604-621.<br />

Carter, Warren and Heil, John Paul, Mat<strong>the</strong>w’s Parables, CBQMS 30. Wash<strong>in</strong>gton, DC: The Catholic<br />


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