Together good things happen - Airtel

Together good things happen - Airtel Together good things happen - Airtel


Particulars Schedule As at As at No. March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009 SOURCES OF FUNDS (Rs '000) Shareholder's Funds Share Capital 1 18,987,650 18,982,398 Share Application Money Pending Allotment - 2,933 Employee Stock Options Outstanding 2,838,650 1,983,331 Less: Deferred Stock Compensation 977,748 1,860,902 824,092 1,159,239 (Refer Note 21 on Schedule 21 and Note 27 on Schedule 22) Reserves and Surplus 2 346,523,215 256,295,074 Loan Funds Secured Loans 3 394,296 517,304 Unsecured Loans 4 49,994,936 76,619,167 Deferred Tax Liability (Net) 32,543 - (Refer Note 13 on Schedule 21 and Note 26 on Schedule 22) Total 417,793,542 353,576,115 APPLICATION OF FUNDS Fixed Assets 5 Gross Block 442,125,275 372,667,023 Less: Accumulated Depreciation / Amortisation 161,875,635 122,533,438 Net Block 280,249,640 250,133,585 Capital Work in Progress (including Capital Advances) 15,947,360 25,666,693 296,197,000 275,800,278 Investments 6 157,733,191 117,777,582 Deferred Tax Asset (Net) - 3,271,103 (Refer Note 13 on Schedule 21 and Note 26 on Schedule 22) Current Assets, Loans and Advances Inventory 7 272,443 621,510 Sundry Debtors 8 21,049,770 25,500,488 Cash and Bank Balances 9 8,167,415 22,516,027 Other Current Assets 10 663,743 1,197,127 Loans and Advances 11 62,097,457 44,414,947 92,250,828 94,250,099 Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions 12 Current Liabilities 121,799,933 131,179,816 Provisions 6,587,544 6,344,004 128,387,477 137,523,820 Net Current Assets (36,136,649) (43,273,721) Miscellaneous Expenditure (To the extent not written off or adjusted) 13 - 873 Total 417,793,542 353,576,115 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 21 Notes to the Financial Statements 22 As per our report of even date The Schedules referred to above and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of the Balance Sheet For S.R. BATLIBOI & ASSOCIATES For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti Airtel Limited Firm Registration No: 101049W Chartered Accountants per Prashant Singhal Sunil Bharti Mittal Manoj Kohli Partner Chairman and Managing Director CEO (International) & Membership No: 93283 Joint Managing Director Place : New Delhi Sanjay Kapoor Vijaya Sampath Srikanth Balachander Date: April 28, 2010 CEO (India & South Asia) Group General Counsel & Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary

Bharti Airtel Annual Report 2009-10 (Rs '000) Particulars Schedule For the year ended For the year ended No. March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009 INCOME Service Revenue 355,861,220 339,995,752 Sale of Goods 234,187 147,150 356,095,407 340,142,902 EXPENDITURE Access Charges 44,356,838 52,034,149 Network Operating 14 74,467,226 63,268,921 Cost of Goods Sold 15 203,225 124,051 Personnel 16 14,371,323 14,336,407 Sales and Marketing 17 24,049,062 21,763,991 Administrative and Other 18 22,401,476 20,875,328 Total Expenditure 179,849,150 172,402,847 Profit before Licence Fee, Other Income, Finance Expense (Net), Depreciation, Amortisation, Charity and Donation and Taxation 176,246,257 167,740,055 Licence fee & Spectrum charges (revenue share) 37,548,702 35,821,761 Profit before Other Income, Finance Expense (Net), Depreciation, Amortisation, Charity and Donation and Taxation 138,697,555 131,918,294 Other Income 19 897,295 1,407,368 Finance Expense (net) 20 (8,556,474) 17,639,842 Depreciation 38,900,775 32,062,839 Amortisation 2,078,437 1,788,151 Charity and Donation [Rs 30,000 thousand (March 31, 2009 Rs Nil) paid to Satya Electoral Trust for political purposes] 179,626 219,463 Profit before Tax 106,992,486 81,615,367 MAT credit (10,385,866) (1,396,304) [Includes Rs 703,806 thousands for earlier year (March 31, 2009 Rs 1,093,362 thousand)] Tax Expense - Current Tax 19,813,159 9,173,614 [Includes Rs 952,230 thousands for earlier year (March 31, 2009 Rs Nil)] - Deferred Tax 3,303,646 (3,959,059) (Refer Note 13 on Schedule 21 and Note 26 on Schedule 22) - Fringe Benefit Tax - 358,731 Profit after Tax 94,261,547 77,438,385 Transferred from Debenture Redemption Reserve 38,160 4,411 Transferred to General Reserve 7,100,000 6,000,000 Dividend Proposed 3,797,530 3,796,480 Dividend Paid 362 - Tax on Dividend Proposed / Paid 645,452 645,212 Profit after Appropriation 82,756,363 67,001,104 Profit brought forward 185,028,290 117,972,158 (Refer Schedule 2) Profit carried to Balance Sheet 267,784,653 184,973,262 Earnings per share (in Rs) - Basic 24.83 20.40 Earnings per share (in Rs) - Diluted 24.82 20.39 (Refer Note 18 on Schedule 21 and Note 28 on Schedule 22) Nominal value of share (in Rs) 5 5 Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 21 Notes to the Financial Statements 22 As per our report of even date The Schedules referred to above and Notes to the Financial Statements form an integral part of the Profit and Loss Accounts For S.R. BATLIBOI & ASSOCIATES For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti Airtel Limited Firm Registration No: 101049W Chartered Accountants per Prashant Singhal Sunil Bharti Mittal Manoj Kohli Partner Chairman and Managing Director CEO (International) & Membership No: 93283 Joint Managing Director Place : New Delhi Sanjay Kapoor Vijaya Sampath Srikanth Balachander Date: April 28, 2010 CEO (India & South Asia) Group General Counsel & Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary 69

Particulars Schedule<br />

As at As at<br />

No. March 31, 2010 March 31, 2009<br />


(Rs '000)<br />

Shareholder's Funds<br />

Share Capital 1 18,987,650 18,982,398<br />

Share Application Money Pending Allotment - 2,933<br />

Employee Stock Options Outstanding 2,838,650 1,983,331<br />

Less: Deferred Stock Compensation 977,748 1,860,902 824,092 1,159,239<br />

(Refer Note 21 on Schedule 21 and<br />

Note 27 on Schedule 22)<br />

Reserves and Surplus 2 346,523,215 256,295,074<br />

Loan Funds<br />

Secured Loans 3 394,296 517,304<br />

Unsecured Loans 4 49,994,936 76,619,167<br />

Deferred Tax Liability (Net) 32,543 -<br />

(Refer Note 13 on Schedule 21 and<br />

Note 26 on Schedule 22)<br />

Total 417,793,542 353,576,115<br />


Fixed Assets 5<br />

Gross Block 442,125,275 372,667,023<br />

Less: Accumulated Depreciation / Amortisation 161,875,635 122,533,438<br />

Net Block 280,249,640 250,133,585<br />

Capital Work in Progress (including Capital Advances) 15,947,360 25,666,693<br />

296,197,000 275,800,278<br />

Investments 6 157,733,191 117,777,582<br />

Deferred Tax Asset (Net) - 3,271,103<br />

(Refer Note 13 on Schedule 21 and<br />

Note 26 on Schedule 22)<br />

Current Assets, Loans and Advances<br />

Inventory 7 272,443 621,510<br />

Sundry Debtors 8 21,049,770 25,500,488<br />

Cash and Bank Balances 9 8,167,415 22,516,027<br />

Other Current Assets 10 663,743 1,197,127<br />

Loans and Advances 11 62,097,457 44,414,947<br />

92,250,828 94,250,099<br />

Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions 12<br />

Current Liabilities 121,799,933 131,179,816<br />

Provisions 6,587,544 6,344,004<br />

128,387,477 137,523,820<br />

Net Current Assets (36,136,649) (43,273,721)<br />

Miscellaneous Expenditure<br />

(To the extent not written off or adjusted) 13 - 873<br />

Total 417,793,542 353,576,115<br />

Statement of Significant Accounting Policies 21<br />

Notes to the Financial Statements 22<br />

As per our report of even date The Schedules referred to above and Notes to the Financial Statements<br />

form an integral part of the Balance Sheet<br />

For S.R. BATLIBOI & ASSOCIATES For and on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bharti <strong>Airtel</strong> Limited<br />

Firm Registration No: 101049W<br />

Chartered Accountants<br />

per Prashant Singhal Sunil Bharti Mittal Manoj Kohli<br />

Partner Chairman and Managing Director CEO (International) &<br />

Membership No: 93283 Joint Managing Director<br />

Place : New Delhi Sanjay Kapoor Vijaya Sampath Srikanth Balachander<br />

Date: April 28, 2010 CEO (India & South Asia) Group General Counsel & Chief Financial Officer<br />

Company Secretary

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