Together good things happen - Airtel

Together good things happen - Airtel Together good things happen - Airtel


Corporate social responsibility Farmer Welfare Bharti Airtel believes that the real India lives in its villages and our rapid rural penetration enables us to impact the lives of farmers. The Company has been working with farmers’ co-operative society IFFCO to provide farmers with vital information around weather, mandi prices, agronomy, horticulture, forestry, government schemes, etc. This is managed through our joint venture with IFFCO called IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL). Customer Welfare Airtel has also been instrumental in changing 2 lakh lives by infusing confidence amongst rural India by offering the Speak English service. The service offers lessons in spoken English using real life scenarios like how to greet people, how to talk to women, how to interact in an interview etc. and has specifically benefited many housewives & job seeking youth. IFFCO IKSL Programme Highlights No. of states covered 18 Experts on panel 46 Total unique messages prepared 31,537 Questions on pelpline 34,212 Feedbacks from farmers 1,583 Success stories 984 Internet with just 80 mn users in India limits the reach of the classifieds services. Jobs on mobile, a utilitarian and livelihood enhancement service from Bharti Airtel is bridging this information divide. It is enabling 5 mn Indians to access relevant job posting through the largest Classifieds content repository in the country. This service is being rendered by tying up with the leading classified job portals. ‘Jobs on mobile’ has impacted the lives of people from all walks of life including carpenters, plumbers, ironsmiths, village youth, women etc and has so far delivered over 75 mn matching alerts.

Photos by Amit Bhatia, Legal & Regulatory, Bharti Airtel 31

Photos by Amit Bhatia, Legal & Regulatory, Bharti <strong>Airtel</strong><br />


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