Together good things happen - Airtel

Together good things happen - Airtel Together good things happen - Airtel


Related Party Transaction for 2009-10 (Rs '000) Nature of transaction Jersey Bharti Centum Bharti Retail Jataayu Bharti Axa Bharti Axa Bharti Sunil Manoj Sanjay Airtel Enterprises Learning Limited (formerly Software General Investment Teleports Bharti Kohli Kapoor Limited Limited Limited Bharti Retail Limited Insurance Managers Limited Mittal Private Limited ) Company Limited Private Limited Purchase of fixed assets/Bandwidth - - - - - - - - - - - Sale of fixed assets - - - - - - - - - - - Purchase of Investments - (73,795) - - - - (189,960) - - - - Sale of Investments - - - - - - 264,279 - - - - Rendering of services 47,252 4,867 - 31,472 2,465 - - - - - - Receiving of services (11,524) (594) (488,324) (901) - (7,125) - - - - - Management fee (including service tax) - - - - - - - - - - - Fund transferred/includes expenses incurred on behalf of others - 227 11,152 11,962 - - - - - - Fund received/includes expenses incurred on behalf of Company (1,388) (575,622) - - - - - - - - Employee related transaction incurred on behalf of others - - - 221 - - - - - - - Employee related transaction incurred on behalf of Company (75) (426) (8,538) - - - - - - - - Salary - - - - - - - - 234,884 45,276 2,655 Donation - - - - - - - - - - - Amount received on exercise of ESOP options - - - - - - - - - - - Security deposit/Advances paid - - - - - - - - - - - Security deposit/Advances received - - - - - - - - - - - Loan to Related Party - - - - - - - 100,000 - - - Subscription to share capital - - - - - - - - - - - Interest received on fund transferred - - - - - - - 2,066 - - - Dividend paid - - - - - - - - - 180 487 Closing balance 23,559 1,377 60,072 10,301 (2) 153 - 102,066 (118,800) (15,728) (677) Unsecured Loan - - - - - - - - - - - Creditors - - - - (2) - - - (118,800) (15,728) (677) Loans and Advances - - 60,072 - - 153 - 102,066 - - - Debtors 23,559 1,377 - 10,301 - - - - - - - Closing Balance 23,559 1,377 60,072 10,301 (2) 153 102,066 (118,800) (15,728) (677) Maximum Loans and Advance Outstanding during the year - - 60,072 - - 153 - 102,066 - - - Guarantees and Collaterals - - - - - - - - - - - * Refer Note 27 on Schedule 22 During the year, the Company has paid in addition of provision made last year Rs 2,784 thousand to Akhil Gupta towards PLI for the year 2008-09

Related Party Transaction for 2008-09 (Rs '000) Nature of transaction Bharti Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Airtel Bharti Bharti Hexacom Services (USA) Limited (UK) Limited (Canada) (Hongkong) Holdings (Singapore) Telemedia Infratel Limited Limited Limited Limited (Singapore) Pvt. Limited Limited Limited Pte. Limited Purchase of fixed assets/Bandwidth (60,269) (7,073) - - - - - (1,427,039) - (10,555) Sale of fixed assets 1,491,733 408 - - - - - - - 5 Purchase of Investments (Mutual Fund) - - - - - - - - - - Sales of Investments (Mutual Fund) - - - - - - - - - - Rendering of services 3,659,324 5,379 659,829 12,720 3,751 - - 46,852 57,201 - Receiving of services (1,228,856) (3,561,983) (74,510) (35,280) - (162) - - (16,539) (35,484,173) Management fee (including service tax) 527,121 - - - - - - - - - Fund transferred/includes expenses incurred on behalf of others 9,155,136 3,273,104 - - - - - - 5,665,577 251,308 Fund received/includes expenses incurred on behalf of Company (9,034,234) (3,214,358) - - - - - - (158,089) (40,701) Employee related transaction incurred on behalf of others 33,649 2,611 - - - - - - 13,892 - Employee related transaction incurred on behalf of Company (8,319) - - - - - - - (95,700) (50) Salary - - - - - - - - - - Donation - - - - - - - - - - Amount received on exercise of ESOP options - - - - - - - - - - Security deposit/Advances paid - - - - - - - - - 1,985,707 Security deposit/Advances received - - - - - - - - - - Loan to Related Party - - - - - - - - - 12,544,332 Subscription to share capital 343,062 - - 13,093 - - 1,106,553 - - - Interest received on fund transferred 266,820 - 3,374 986 225 - - - - 415,094 Closing balance 4,212,618 546,892 1,063,575 (25,643) 7,409 (162) - (1,380,187) 6,356,874 1,355,506 Unsecured Loan - - - - - - - - - - Creditors - - - (27,418) - (162) - (1,380,187) (27,417) (675,696) Loans and Advances 1,722,565 - 76,306 1,775 3,570 - - - 6,384,291 2,031,202 Debtors 2,490,053 546,892 987,269 - 3,839 - - - - - Closing Balance 4,212,618 546,892 1,063,575 (25,643) 7,409 (162) - (1,380,187) 6,356,874 1,355,506 Maximum Loans and Advances outstanding during the year 7,058,362 - 76,306 1,775 3,570 - - - 6,384,465 11,206,561 Guarantees and Collaterals 849,829 80,629 - - - - - - 624,898 1,185 Bharti Airtel Annual Report 2009-10 105

Related Party Transaction for 2009-10<br />

(Rs '000)<br />

Nature of transaction Jersey Bharti Centum Bharti Retail Jataayu Bharti Axa Bharti Axa Bharti Sunil Manoj Sanjay<br />

<strong>Airtel</strong> Enterprises Learning Limited (formerly Software General Investment Teleports Bharti Kohli Kapoor<br />

Limited Limited Limited Bharti Retail Limited Insurance Managers Limited Mittal<br />

Private Limited ) Company Limited Private Limited<br />

Purchase of fixed assets/Bandwidth - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Sale of fixed assets - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Purchase of Investments - (73,795) - - - - (189,960) - - - -<br />

Sale of Investments - - - - - - 264,279 - - - -<br />

Rendering of services 47,252 4,867 - 31,472 2,465 - - - - - -<br />

Receiving of services (11,524) (594) (488,324) (901) - (7,125) - - - - -<br />

Management fee (including service tax) - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Fund transferred/includes expenses incurred<br />

on behalf of others - 227 11,152 11,962 - - - - - -<br />

Fund received/includes expenses incurred<br />

on behalf of Company (1,388) (575,622) - - - - - - - -<br />

Employee related transaction incurred<br />

on behalf of others - - - 221 - - - - - - -<br />

Employee related transaction incurred on<br />

behalf of Company (75) (426) (8,538) - - - - - - - -<br />

Salary - - - - - - - - 234,884 45,276 2,655<br />

Donation - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Amount received on exercise of ESOP options - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Security deposit/Advances paid - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Security deposit/Advances received - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Loan to Related Party - - - - - - - 100,000 - - -<br />

Subscription to share capital - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Interest received on fund transferred - - - - - - - 2,066 - - -<br />

Dividend paid - - - - - - - - - 180 487<br />

Closing balance 23,559 1,377 60,072 10,301 (2) 153 - 102,066 (118,800) (15,728) (677)<br />

Unsecured Loan - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

Creditors - - - - (2) - - - (118,800) (15,728) (677)<br />

Loans and Advances - - 60,072 - - 153 - 102,066 - - -<br />

Debtors 23,559 1,377 - 10,301 - - - - - - -<br />

Closing Balance 23,559 1,377 60,072 10,301 (2) 153 102,066 (118,800) (15,728) (677)<br />

Maximum Loans and Advance<br />

Outstanding during the year - - 60,072 - - 153 - 102,066 - - -<br />

Guarantees and Collaterals - - - - - - - - - - -<br />

* Refer Note 27 on Schedule 22<br />

During the year, the Company has paid in addition of provision made last year Rs 2,784 thousand to Akhil Gupta towards PLI for the year 2008-09

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