\fdO'^ - Old Forge Coal Mines

\fdO'^ - Old Forge Coal Mines

\fdO'^ - Old Forge Coal Mines


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(a) The moment of resistance of the cofferdam is the product<br />

of its weight, viz., 7,150 lb. multiplied by the perpendicular<br />

distance from the inner toe of the dam to the vertical<br />

line drawn through the center of gravity of the dam. This<br />

perpendicular distance is 2.5 ft. The moment of resistance<br />

is, therefore, 7,150 X 2.5 = 17,875 ft. -lb. Ans.<br />

(d) The factor of safety of the cofferdam is the quotient<br />

of the moment of resistance of the dam divided by the<br />

moment of water pressure. Hence, 17,875 -r- 10,417 = 1.71.<br />

This calculation does not include the additional weight and<br />

resistance of the piles and timber enclosing the puddled wall,<br />

which will greatly increase the factor of safety.<br />

(913)<br />

(914)<br />

(915)<br />

(916)<br />

(917)<br />

(918)<br />

(919)<br />

See Art. 1565.<br />

See Art. 1555.<br />

See Art. 1556.<br />

See Art. 1557.<br />

See Art. 1559.<br />

See Arts. 1560 and 1561.<br />

See Arts. 1563 and 1564.<br />

(920) As the sides of the bridge piers are always, and<br />

the ends often, battered, the deeper the foundation the<br />

greater will be the dimensions of the caisson plan. The<br />

thickness of the walls and deck of the caisson will depend<br />

upon the weight of the masonry and the bridge which they<br />

must support.<br />

(921) To reduce the friction of the earth against its sides<br />

while sinking.<br />


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