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Chapter 2: Framework and guiding principles for the policy response Coordinating Lead Author: Bernd hansjürgens (helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UfZ) Contributing Authors: Marianne Kettunen, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Stephen White, heidi Wittmer Editing and language check: Clare Shine Acknowledgements: for comments and inputs from Giles Atkinson, Lina Barrerra, Peter Bridgewater, Deanna Donovan, Stefan van der Esch, Jan Koost Kessler, Tim Killeen, hugh Laxton, Eimear Nic Lughadha, Paul Morling, Karachepone Ninan, Alfred oteng-yeboah, Benjamin Simmons, Monique Simmons, Paul Smith, Graham Tucker, Alexandra vakrou, James vause, Sirini Withana and Carlos Eduardo young and many others. Disclaimer: „The views expressed in this chapter are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the organisations involved“. Citation: TEEB – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers (2009). URL: TEEB for Policy Makers Team TEEB for Policy Makers Coordinator: Patrick ten Brink (IEEP) TEEB for Policy Makers Core Team: Bernd hansjuergens (UfZ), Sylvia Kaplan (BMU, Germany), Katia Karousakis (oECD), Marianne Kettunen (IEEP), Markus Lehmann (SCBD), Meriem Bouamrane (UNESCo), helen Mountford (oECD), Alice Ruhweza (Katoomba Group, Uganda), Mark Schauer (UNEP), Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (UfZ), Benjamin Simmons (UNEP), Alexandra vakrou (European Commission), Stefan van der Esch (vRoM, The Netherlands), James vause (Defra, United Kingdom), Madhu verma (IIfM, India), Jean-Louis Weber (EEA), Stephen White (European Commission) and heidi Wittmer (UfZ). TEEB Study Leader: Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP) TEEB communications: Georgina Langdale (UNEP)

ThE ECoNoMICS of ECoSySTEMS AND BIoDIvERSITy TEEB for National and International Policy Makers Table of Contents Chapter 2 Framework and Guiding Principles for the Policy Response Key Messages of Chapter 2 2 2.1 Why is biodiversity neglected in decision-making? 4 2.2 Changing the tide: using economic information to improve public policies 6 2.2.1 How can economic values help? 6 2.2.2 When can economic values help? 7 2.2.3 Broader uses of economic values in policy-making 9 2.3 Guiding principles for policy change 11 2.3.1 Address the right actors and balance diverse interests 11 2.3.2 Pay attention to the cultural and institutional context 13 2.3.3 Take property rights, fairness and equity into account 15 2.3.4 Base policies on good governance 19 2.4 The TEEB toolkit for policy change 21 References 23 TEEB foR NATIoNAL AND INTERNATIoNAL PoLICy MAKERS - ChAPTER 2: PAGE 1

Chapter 2: Framework and guiding principles<br />

for the policy response<br />

Coordinating Lead Author: Bernd hansjürgens (helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UfZ)<br />

Contributing Authors: Marianne Kettunen, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack, Stephen White, heidi Wittmer<br />

Editing and language check: Clare Shine<br />

Acknowledgements: for comments and inputs from Giles Atkinson, Lina Barrerra, Peter Bridgewater, Deanna<br />

Donovan, Stefan van der Esch, Jan Koost Kessler, Tim Killeen, hugh Laxton, Eimear Nic Lughadha, Paul Morling,<br />

Karachepone Ninan, Alfred oteng-yeboah, Benjamin Simmons, Monique Simmons, Paul Smith,<br />

Graham Tucker, Alexandra vakrou, James vause, Sirini Withana and Carlos Eduardo young and many others.<br />

Disclaimer: „The views expressed in this chapter are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances<br />

be regarded as stating an official position of the organisations involved“.<br />

Citation: <strong>TEEB</strong> – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers (2009).<br />

URL:<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> for Policy Makers Team<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> for Policy Makers Coordinator: Patrick ten Brink (IEEP)<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> for Policy Makers Core Team: Bernd hansjuergens (UfZ), Sylvia Kaplan (BMU, Germany), Katia Karousakis (oECD),<br />

Marianne Kettunen (IEEP), Markus Lehmann (SCBD), Meriem Bouamrane (UNESCo), helen Mountford (oECD), Alice Ruhweza<br />

(Katoomba Group, Uganda), Mark Schauer (UNEP), Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (UfZ), Benjamin Simmons (UNEP), Alexandra vakrou<br />

(European Commission), Stefan van der Esch (vRoM, The Netherlands), James vause (Defra, United Kingdom), Madhu verma<br />

(IIfM, India), Jean-Louis Weber (EEA), Stephen White (European Commission) and heidi Wittmer (UfZ).<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> Study Leader: Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP)<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> communications: Georgina Langdale (UNEP)

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