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T h E E C o N o M I C S o F E C o S y S T E M S A N D B I o D I v E R S I T y TEEB for National and International Policy Makers Part I: The need for action Ch1 The global biodiversity crisis and related policy challenge Ch2 Framework and guiding principles for the policy response Part II: Measuring what we manage: information tools for decision-makers Ch3 Strengthening indicators and accounting systems for natural capital Ch4 Integrating ecosystem and biodiversity values into policy assessment Part III: Available solutions: instruments for better stewardship of natural capital Ch5 Rewarding benefits through payments and markets Ch6 Reforming subsidies Ch7 Addressing losses through regulation and pricing Ch8 Recognising the value of protected areas Ch9 Investing in ecological infrastructure Part IV: The road ahead Ch10 Responding to the value of nature

Bernd hansjürgens, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ) Graham Tucker and Alexandra vakrou Samuela Bassi, Patrick ten Brink, Ece ozdemiroglu, Clare Shine, heidi Wittmer Clare Shine for comments and inputs from Jonathan Armstrong, Burkhard Schweppe Kraft, Thomas Kretzschmar, Dorit Lehr, hylton Murray Philipson, Manfred Rosenstock, Jo Treweek and Frank Wätzold and many others. The views expressed in this chapter are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the organisations involved. TEEB – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers (2009). Patrick ten Brink (IEEP) Bernd hansjuergens (UFZ), Sylvia Kaplan (BMU, Germany), Katia Karousakis (oECD), Marianne Kettunen (IEEP), Markus Lehmann (SCBD), Meriem Bouamrane (UNESCo), helen Mountford (oECD), Alice Ruhweza (Katoomba Group, Uganda), Mark Schauer (UNEP), Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (UFZ), Benjamin Simmons (UNEP), Alexandra vakrou (European Commission), Stefan van der Esch (vRoM, The Netherlands), James vause (Defra, United Kingdom), Madhu verma (IIFM, India), Jean-Louis Weber (EEA), Stephen White (European Commission) and heidi Wittmer (UFZ). Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP) Georgina Langdale (UNEP)

Bernd hansjürgens, Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (helmholtz<br />

Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ)<br />

Graham Tucker and Alexandra vakrou<br />

Samuela Bassi, Patrick ten Brink, Ece ozdemiroglu, Clare Shine, heidi Wittmer<br />

Clare Shine<br />

for comments and inputs from Jonathan Armstrong, Burkhard Schweppe Kraft,<br />

Thomas Kretzschmar, Dorit Lehr, hylton Murray Philipson, Manfred Rosenstock, Jo Treweek and<br />

Frank Wätzold and many others.<br />

The views expressed in this chapter are purely those of the authors and may not in any circumstances<br />

be regarded as stating an official position of the organisations involved.<br />

<strong>TEEB</strong> – The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity for National and International Policy Makers (2009).<br /><br />

Patrick ten Brink (IEEP)<br />

Bernd hansjuergens (UFZ), Sylvia Kaplan (BMU, Germany), Katia Karousakis (oECD),<br />

Marianne Kettunen (IEEP), Markus Lehmann (SCBD), Meriem Bouamrane (UNESCo), helen Mountford (oECD), Alice Ruhweza<br />

(Katoomba Group, Uganda), Mark Schauer (UNEP), Christoph Schröter-Schlaack (UFZ), Benjamin Simmons (UNEP), Alexandra vakrou<br />

(European Commission), Stefan van der Esch (vRoM, The Netherlands), James vause (Defra, United Kingdom), Madhu verma<br />

(IIFM, India), Jean-Louis Weber (EEA), Stephen White (European Commission) and heidi Wittmer (UFZ).<br />

Pavan Sukhdev (UNEP)<br />

Georgina Langdale (UNEP)

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