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11 SPECT, PET Coulter counter Beta-radiation, beta-decay 12 Alpha-radiation, alpha-decay Determination of skin-impedance Interaction with matter 13 Dosimetry Concentration determination with refractometer 14 Radiation protection; estimation of risk Repetition MEDICAL BIOPHYSICS II. Second Semester SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Week Lecture (2 hours per week) Laboratory (2 hours per week) 1 Bonds and their significance in macromolecular The attenuation of gamma-radiation structure; Boltzmann distribution, examples 2 Liquid crystals, membranes Dosimetry 3 Electronic properties of condensed materials Amplifier (solids, macromolecules) 4 Ultrasound properties, generation of ultrasound Gamma energy determination 5 Ultrasonography, Doppler methods Pulse generators (e.g. pacemaker, defibrillator) 6 Methods for structure examination Sine wave oscillators (high frequency heat therapy, ultrasound) 7 Basic concepts of Thermodynamics, First law Audiometry 8 General description of transport phenomena, Isotope diagnostics Onsager`s equation, examples 9 Diffusion; transport across membrane Densitography (CT) 10 Resting potential and its local changes Flow of fluids. Electric model of vascular circulation 11 Action potential, properties, interpretation Electrocardiography 12 General characteristics of sensory function, Diffusion hearing, vision 13 Biophysics of muscle function Sensory function 14 Motor proteins Repetition Faculty of Medicine 85

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE 86 MEDICAL CHEMISTRY Teaching Secretary: Dr. András Hrabák First Semester Lecture topics Week 1. Introduction to Medical Chemistry. The chemical equilibrium. Definition of pH and pOH, pH scale. pH of strong electrolytes. Week 2. Acid-base theories. Acidic and basic ionization Constants (pK a and pK b), conductance of strong and weak electrolytes. pH of weak acids and bases. Acid-base indicators. Ionization of polyprotic acids. Week 3. Anion- and cationhydrolysis. Calculation of pH of salts. Conditions for precipitation of salt solutions. Solubility rules. Buffers. Calculation of the pH of buffer solutions. Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.Buffer capacity. Week 4. 27 September: The most important physiological buffer systems. The bicarbonate/carbonic acid system. Solutions. Gas mixtures. Henry , s law, Bunsen coefficient. Decompression sickness. Solubility of CO2 in blood serum. Week 5. Enthalpy change of the solution process and its relation to the solubility. Raoult , s law. Laws of dilute solutions. Chemical thermodynamics. First law of thermodynamics in chemistry. Enthalpy change of physical processes.Determination of reaction heat from combustion heat data. Bond energy. Week 6. Second law of thermodynamics in chemistry. Entropy content and entropy change. Gibbs free energy (or free enthalpy). Third law of thermodynamics. Free enthalpy changes in biochemistry and in redox reactions. Basics of chemical kinetics. Equilibrium constant. The thermodynamical and kinetic controll of reactions. Week 7. Catalysis. Activation energy. Arrhenius equation. Electrochemistry. Electrode potential, cation and anion electrodes. The hydrogen electrode. The electromotive force of voltaic (galvanic) cells. Week 8. Electromotive force and the Gibbs free energy change of a reaction. The Nernst equation. Concentration cells. Direction of a redox reaction. Non-polarizable electrodes. Week 9. Complex ions and coordination compounds. Central ions and ligands. IUPAC nomenclature of coordination complexes. Stability exponent. Some biomedically important coordination complexes and chelating ligands. Week 10. Organic chemistry. Introduction, general structure of organic compounds. Isomerism, constitution, configuration, conformation. Stereochemistry, geometric isomerism, chirality, prochirality. Week 11. The most important groups of organic compounds. Alkanes, structures, reactions. Alkenes, their structures, properties, reactions. Lecturer: Dr. Pál Bauer Week 12. Aromatic compounds. Aromatic properties. Reactions of the aromatic ring. Organic hydroxy compounds. Classification, structures, reactions. Formation of ethers, esters. Week 13. Aldehydes, ketones. Reactions, nucleophilic addition. Organic acids, classification, their properties, reactions. Lecturer: Dr. Attila Ambrus Week 14. Organic compounds containing nitrogen, amines, amides. Structures, reactions. Halogenated compounds. Organic compounds containing sulfur. Classification, structures, reactions.


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Teaching Secretary: Dr. András Hrabák<br />

First Semester<br />

Lecture topics<br />

Week 1. Introduction to Medical Chemistry. The chemical equilibrium. Definition of pH and pOH,<br />

pH scale. pH of strong electrolytes.<br />

Week 2. Acid-base theories. Acidic and basic ionization Constants (pK a and pK b), conductance<br />

of strong and weak electrolytes. pH of weak acids and bases. Acid-base indicators.<br />

Ionization of polyprotic acids.<br />

Week 3. Anion- and cationhydrolysis. Calculation of pH of salts. Conditions for precipitation of<br />

salt solutions. Solubility rules. Buffers. Calculation of the pH of buffer solutions.<br />

Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.Buffer capacity.<br />

Week 4. 27 September: The most important physiological buffer systems. The<br />

bicarbonate/carbonic acid system. Solutions. Gas mixtures. Henry , s law, Bunsen<br />

coefficient. Decompression sickness. Solubility of CO2 in blood serum.<br />

Week 5. Enthalpy change of the solution process and its relation to the solubility. Raoult , s law.<br />

Laws of dilute solutions. Chemical thermodynamics. First law of thermodynamics in<br />

chemistry. Enthalpy change of physical processes.Determination of reaction heat from<br />

combustion heat data. Bond energy.<br />

Week 6. Second law of thermodynamics in chemistry. Entropy content and entropy change.<br />

Gibbs free energy (or free enthalpy). Third law of thermodynamics. Free enthalpy<br />

changes in biochemistry and in redox reactions. Basics of chemical kinetics.<br />

Equilibrium constant. The thermodynamical and kinetic controll of reactions.<br />

Week 7. Catalysis. Activation energy. Arrhenius equation. Electrochemistry. Electrode potential,<br />

cation and anion electrodes. The hydrogen electrode. The electromotive force of voltaic<br />

(galvanic) cells.<br />

Week 8. Electromotive force and the Gibbs free energy change of a reaction. The Nernst<br />

equation. Concentration cells. Direction of a redox reaction. Non-polarizable<br />

electrodes.<br />

Week 9. Complex ions and coordination compounds. Central ions and ligands. IUPAC<br />

nomenclature of coordination complexes. Stability exponent. Some biomedically<br />

important coordination complexes and chelating ligands.<br />

Week 10. Organic chemistry. Introduction, general structure of organic compounds. Isomerism,<br />

constitution, configuration, conformation. Stereochemistry, geometric isomerism,<br />

chirality, prochirality.<br />

Week 11. The most important groups of organic compounds. Alkanes, structures, reactions.<br />

Alkenes, their structures, properties, reactions. Lecturer: Dr. Pál Bauer<br />

Week 12. Aromatic compounds. Aromatic properties. Reactions of the aromatic ring. Organic<br />

hydroxy compounds. Classification, structures, reactions. Formation of ethers, esters.<br />

Week 13. Aldehydes, ketones. Reactions, nucleophilic addition. Organic acids, classification,<br />

their properties, reactions. Lecturer: Dr. Attila Ambrus<br />

Week 14. Organic compounds containing nitrogen, amines, amides. Structures, reactions.<br />

Halogenated compounds. Organic compounds containing sulfur. Classification,<br />

structures, reactions.

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