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Registering for, but failing to attend an exam shall result in forfeiting 1 exam opportunity, just like the student would have failed the exam (in this case without the opportunity to retake the exam). The only difference is that in case the student does not attend the exam, he/she is not allowed to try to take his/her first exam in the extension period, since this period is exclusively upheld for retaking failed exams. Should I go to the department when applying for an exemption? Yes, except in case of Physical Education and the summer Nursing Practice. Physical Education medical certificates, and certificates/degree proving the completion of nursing courses/studies must be submitted to the English Secretariat by October 1, (1st semester), March 1 (2nd semester) in each year, along with a letter in which you describe your problem in a few words and apply for a permission to be exempted from the subject. The request letter must be addressed to the English Secretariat. In other subjects, first, you have to see the English Secretariat, where you’ll get a blank exemption form, which must be filled out and stamped by the competent department. Then, you must see the competent department with the form and the certificate of your previous studies, which will be reconsidered when granting an exemption from the subject. At the department you need to get your exemption form signed and stamped. Important: the teacher must indicate the offered grade on the form. After having the form filled and stamped, you have to return it to the English Secretariat, where it will be processed. In case it is ok, the registrar will enter the given grade into the Neptun and will indicate it in your lecture book too. Having completed the above, you have no further obligations relevant to the particular subject. Transfer students admitted from another Hungarian Medical University must note that the credits for a subject they have completed at the other university, and Semmelweis University grants exemption with a grade for that, the credits can be acknowledged just once: either the credits from the other university or the credits granted by SU. Should I go to the teacher to get my index book signed, if I got exemption in the subject? No, but you must submit the filled out exemption form to the English Secretariat. (In some subjects the departments send to the Secretariat the list of students who got exemption in the subject, but it is your responsibility to make sure whether you are supposed to submit the document or the list is sent to the Secretariat by the department.) How shall I register for the next semester? Please see Article 7, Point 5 What shall I do if I failed my first retake attempt ? First, please read the part titled “Extra curricular fees” in the Calendar, where you’ll find the different extracurricular fees. Log on your Neptun, go to „Finances”, choose „Payment”, then „Transcribe item”, choose „Retake exam”, choose „Semester”, then the relevant subject from the list, and finally click on „Create item”. After this, please see the English Secretariat to pick up your check. The check must be paid at the Post Office, and the retained part of the check is to be shown prior to the exam on site. 503

504 What do the so-called CV and FM exams mean? CV and FM are abbreviations. CV stands for the Hungarian term „Csak Vizsga”, meaning „Exam only”. The term indicates that the student has already received the signature (fulfilled the semester requirements), and shows that he/she wouldn’t be able to sit again for the subject, because the subjects in not announced in the following semester, there are only retake exams of the subject announced. CV can be taken only in case you have exam opportunity remained. FM stands for the Hungarian term „Felmentett”, meaning „Exempt”. This term also indicates fulfilling requirements of the subject, and that the student is not obliged to take the course again. However, the subject is announced again, so the student can choose to attend the class, if he/she decides so… (Should the student decide to attend the course again even though he/she has already fulfilled the requirements, the same rules shall apply to him/her, as to those attending the class for the first time (Absence, attendance at classes, etc.)) How many retake opportunities do I have in a semester and in an academic year? There are 3 exam opportunities in each subject, per academic year (1 exam, and 2 retakes). There is a special 4 th trial (the 3 rd retake), which may be used exclusively in 1 chosen subject, once a year. After using this 4 th exam opportunity, the student shall not have a 4 th trail in other subjects and cannot be granted a “special permission” for a 5 th opportunity. Please count carefully your remaining exam opportunities! For example if you use 2 exam opportunities in Chemistry in the 1 st semester (1 exam and 1 retake), you will only have 1 remaining opportunity for a retake in the following semester (plus the one extra 4 th chance, in case you hadn’t used it up in the same year in another subject. How do I order a check for my 3rd or 4th exam in the given semester? First, please read the part titled “Extra curricular fees” in the Calendar, where you’ll find the different extracurricular fees. Log on your Neptun, go to „Finances”, choose „Payment”, then „Transcribe item”. Choose „Retake exam”, choose „Semester” then the relevant subject from the list and finally click on „Create item”. Please visit the English Secretariat to pick up your check. The check must be paid at the Post Office, the retained part of the check is to be shown prior to the exam on site. Where can I get blank forms for my summer practice? Please visit Downloads What should I do when applying for summer practice at a Semmelweis department? Students wishing to complete their summer practice at a Semmelweis institution or clinic should make preparations for the practice during the 2nd semester at the chosen Semmelweis department. A signed, stamped acceptance letter must be procured from the department, which ensures the place of the student for the 4 weeks of the practice. The current cost of the practice - if spent at Semmelweis University - is USD 330, the HUF equivalent of which has to be transferred to the bank account of the relevant department (in case the department does not have a separate bank account, the sum must be wired to the main account of Semmelweis University.) The institution or clinic may request that the student submit a certificate of school attendance, which the student must obtain from the English Secretariat.

504<br />

What do the so-called CV and FM exams mean?<br />

CV and FM are abbreviations. CV stands for the Hungarian term „Csak Vizsga”, meaning „Exam<br />

only”. The term indicates that the student has already received the signature (fulfilled the<br />

semester requirements), and shows that he/she wouldn’t be able to sit again for the subject,<br />

because the subjects in not announced in the following semester, there are only retake exams<br />

of the subject announced. CV can be taken only in case you have exam opportunity remained.<br />

FM stands for the Hungarian term „Felmentett”, meaning „Exempt”. This term also indicates<br />

fulfilling requirements of the subject, and that the student is not obliged to take the course<br />

again. However, the subject is announced again, so the student can choose to attend the<br />

class, if he/she decides so…<br />

(Should the student decide to attend the course again even though he/she has already fulfilled<br />

the requirements, the same rules shall apply to him/her, as to those attending the class for the<br />

first time (Absence, attendance at classes, etc.))<br />

How many retake opportunities do I have in a semester and in an academic year?<br />

There are 3 exam opportunities in each subject, per academic year (1 exam, and 2 retakes).<br />

There is a special 4 th trial (the 3 rd retake), which may be used exclusively in 1 chosen subject,<br />

once a year. After using this 4 th exam opportunity, the student shall not have a 4 th trail in other<br />

subjects and cannot be granted a “special permission” for a 5 th opportunity.<br />

Please count carefully your remaining exam opportunities! For example if you use 2 exam<br />

opportunities in Chemistry in the 1 st semester (1 exam and 1 retake), you will only have 1<br />

remaining opportunity for a retake in the following semester (plus the one extra 4 th chance, in<br />

case you hadn’t used it up in the same year in another subject.<br />

How do I order a check for my 3rd or 4th exam in the given semester?<br />

First, please read the part titled “Extra curricular fees” in the Calendar, where you’ll find the<br />

different extracurricular fees. Log on your Neptun, go to „Finances”, choose „Payment”, then<br />

„Transcribe item”. Choose „Retake exam”, choose „Semester” then the relevant subject from<br />

the list and finally click on „Create item”. Please visit the English Secretariat to pick up your<br />

check. The check must be paid at the Post Office, the retained part of the check is to be<br />

shown prior to the exam on site.<br />

Where can I get blank forms for my summer practice?<br />

Please visit http://www.<strong>semmelweis</strong> Downloads<br />

What should I do when applying for summer practice at a Semmelweis department?<br />

Students wishing to complete their summer practice at a Semmelweis institution or clinic<br />

should make preparations for the practice during the 2nd semester at the chosen Semmelweis<br />

department.<br />

A signed, stamped acceptance letter must be procured from the department, which ensures<br />

the place of the student for the 4 weeks of the practice. The current cost of the practice - if<br />

spent at Semmelweis University - is USD 330, the HUF equivalent of which has to be<br />

transferred to the bank account of the relevant department (in case the department does not<br />

have a separate bank account, the sum must be wired to the main account of Semmelweis<br />

University.) The institution or clinic may request that the student submit a certificate of school<br />

attendance, which the student must obtain from the English Secretariat.

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