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semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3


REDUCTION OF TUITION FEE 1. Students may apply for a reduction after completing the first academic year if, from the end of the second semester, all their semester average (the average of the grades) results were continuously above 4.51. The reduction is 10% of the tuition fee with average results above 4.51 and 15% with average result of 5.00. Students may apply for a reduction after completing each semester on condition they meet the above requirements, and in case they have completed all the obligatory semester subjects. No reduction is given in case of exemption from one or more subjects. No reduction is given during retaken semesters on account of subjects already completed. Students eligible for the tuition fee reduction pay with 10-15% reduced tuition fee in the next semester. Application deadlines: October 15 th – first semester March 1 st – second semester 2. Students taking just one normal, exempted “FM” or one exam course “CV” in a semester pay 50% of their semester tuition fee. (Note: The permission can be granted upon the student’s written request that has to be handed in at the English Secretariat before starting the semester!) 3. Tuition fee for the 6th year: a. In case the student completes more than the compulsory 2 weeks of clinical rotations at Semmelweis University, he/she has to pay 100% of the tuition fee valid in that academic year. b. In case the student completes the 2 weeks compulsory Pediatrics rotation at Semmelweis University and completes the remaining of the rotations abroad, he/she has to pay 80% of the tuition fee valid in that academic year. The relevant acceptance letters should be handed in latest until December 15, 2012. Otherwise the student is not entitled for the reduction! Please write a letter of request addressed to the Academic Program Director when applying for the 20% reduction! No requests in any of the above matters will be accepted after graduation! 491

492 THE WORDS OF THE SOLEMN VOW AT REGISTRATION I………..…. promise under oath that I will respect the Constitution and laws of Hungary. I promise that I shall abide by the regulations of Semmelweis University. I promise solemnly that I will respect the professors and teachers of the University, and that my conduct will be in keeping with the honor of my profession. I will keep the secrets of the patients that I learn about in the course of my studies. I will pursue my studies with full sense of responsibility to prepare myself to the best of my abilities for all my duties and obligations in my profession so as to be able to serve with my knowledge the progress of mankind. So help me God! THE WORDS OF OATH AT GRADUATION Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry ”I, ............................................. swear that I will devote myself to the medical profession at all times. I will use the knowledge acquired in the field of medicine to prevent and cure diseases, and to benefit the physical and mental well-being of my patients. I will not betray the confidence of those who turn to me, nor will I take advantage of their defenselessness, nor will I disclose their secrets. I will treat every person with equal care and attention. I will maintain the high quality of my knowledge and skills by continuous education, but will also acknowledge the limits of my knowledge and abilities. I will submit myself to the ethical requirements of my medical practice. I will strive to enhance the reputation of the medical profession and SEMMELWEIS University.” “Én, .......................... esküszöm, hogy orvosi hivatásomhoz mindenkor méltó magatartást tanúsítok. Orvosi tudásomat a betegségek megelõzésére, a betegek testi-lelki javára, betegségük gyógyítására fordítom. A hozzám fordulók bizalmával, kiszolgáltatott helyzetével visszaélni nem fogok, titkaikat fel nem fedem. Egyenlõ figyelemmel és gondossággal gyógyítok minden embert. Tudásomat és gyakorlati ismereteimet állandó képzéssel magas szinten tartom, de ismereteim és képességeim korlátait is tudomásul veszem. Az orvosi mûködésemmel kapcsolatos etikai követelményeket tiszteletben tartom. Arra törekszem, hogy az orvostudomány, valamint a SEMMELWEIS Egyetem jó hírnevét öregbítsem és megbecsülését elõmozdítsam.” Faculty of Pharmacy I, ................................., swear that in virtue of my acquired knowledge of pharmaceutical sciences, I shall do my professional duty with the utmost diligence, and I shall always behave worthy of my profession. I shall place before all things the care for and the healing of my patients. I shall not reveal any data concerning the health status or the medication of my patients. I shall maintain my theoretical and practical knowledge at a high level. I shall never use my knowledge for activities that are contrary to the ethical code of pharmacists. As a participant in the activity of healing, I shall use my knowledge only for the defense and restitution of health to my fellow humans. I shall do my best to promote the science of pharmacy and keep the good name of the Semmelweis University.

492<br />



I………..…. promise under oath that I will respect the Constitution and laws of Hungary. I promise<br />

that I shall abide by the regulations of Semmelweis University. I promise solemnly that I will<br />

respect the professors and teachers of the University, and that my conduct will be in keeping with<br />

the honor of my profession. I will keep the secrets of the patients that I learn about in the course<br />

of my studies. I will pursue my studies with full sense of responsibility to prepare myself to the best<br />

of my abilities for all my duties and obligations in my profession so as to be able to serve with my<br />

knowledge the progress of mankind. So help me God!<br />


Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry<br />

”I, ............................................. swear that I will devote myself to the medical profession at all<br />

times. I will use the knowledge acquired in the field of medicine to prevent and cure diseases, and<br />

to benefit the physical and mental well-being of my patients. I will not betray the confidence of<br />

those who turn to me, nor will I take advantage of their defenselessness, nor will I disclose their<br />

secrets. I will treat every person with equal care and attention. I will maintain the high quality of my<br />

knowledge and skills by continuous education, but will also acknowledge the limits of my<br />

knowledge and abilities. I will submit myself to the ethical requirements of my medical practice. I<br />

will strive to enhance the reputation of the medical profession and SEMMELWEIS University.”<br />

“Én, .......................... esküszöm, hogy orvosi hivatásomhoz mindenkor méltó magatartást<br />

tanúsítok. Orvosi tudásomat a betegségek megelõzésére, a betegek testi-lelki javára, betegségük<br />

gyógyítására fordítom. A hozzám fordulók bizalmával, kiszolgáltatott helyzetével visszaélni nem<br />

fogok, titkaikat fel nem fedem. Egyenlõ figyelemmel és gondossággal gyógyítok minden embert.<br />

Tudásomat és gyakorlati ismereteimet állandó képzéssel magas szinten tartom, de ismereteim és<br />

képességeim korlátait is tudomásul veszem. Az orvosi mûködésemmel kapcsolatos etikai<br />

követelményeket tiszteletben tartom. Arra törekszem, hogy az orvostudomány, valamint a<br />

SEMMELWEIS Egyetem jó hírnevét öregbítsem és megbecsülését elõmozdítsam.”<br />

Faculty of Pharmacy<br />

I, ................................., swear that in virtue of my acquired knowledge of pharmaceutical<br />

sciences, I shall do my professional duty with the utmost diligence, and I shall always behave<br />

worthy of my profession. I shall place before all things the care for and the healing of my patients. I<br />

shall not reveal any data concerning the health status or the medication of my patients. I shall<br />

maintain my theoretical and practical knowledge at a high level. I shall never use my knowledge for<br />

activities that are contrary to the ethical code of pharmacists. As a participant in the activity of<br />

healing, I shall use my knowledge only for the defense and restitution of health to my fellow<br />

humans. I shall do my best to promote the science of pharmacy and keep the good name of the<br />

Semmelweis University.

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