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48<br />

Departments of Loránd Eötvös University of Natural Sciences<br />

Department of Analytical Chemistry<br />

1117 Budapest XI., Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A<br />

Phone: 372-2548; 372-2500 / ext 1241, 6426 Dr. Kurin-Csörgei, Dr. Béni 459-1500/53062 ext<br />

Fax: 372-2592<br />

Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Gyõzõ Láng<br />

Department of Biology, Plant Anatomy<br />

1117 Budapest XI., Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A<br />

Phone: 381-2179 Dr. Kovács<br />

Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Béla Böddi<br />

Department of Physical Chemistry<br />

1117 Budapest XI., Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A<br />

Phone: 372-2548 Dr. Takács<br />

Fax: 372-2592<br />

Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Attila Császár<br />

National Ambulance Service<br />

1134 Budapest XIII., Róbert Károly krt. 77.<br />

Phone: 350-3737, Dr. Gorove, Dr. Márton; 350-6931, Dr. Engelbrecht; 311-9850/ ext 113<br />

Director-General: Dr. Gábor Göbl M. D.<br />

Division of Foreign Languages and Communication – Faculty of Health Sciences<br />

1046 Budapest, Erkel Gyula u. 26.<br />

Phone: +(36-1) 486-4960 Fax: +(36-1) 486-4962 Bakó<br />

Head of the Division: Katalin Zöldi Kovács Ph.D.<br />


To find the contact information of your Embassy in Hungary, please visit:<br />


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