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semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3


PUBLIC HEALTH Tutor: Dr. András Terebessy Second Semester Lectures (2 hours per week) Practices (2 hours per week) The development and role of public health in medicine. Introduction to Public Health. Principles of Basic principles of epidemiology and demography. epidemiology of communicable diseases. Global situation of communicable diseases in the Classification of communicable diseases. world and in Hungary. Life expectancy, morbidity, Disinfection and sterilisation. Laboratory mortality in Hungary. investigations The occurrences of communicable diseases. Activity of doctors in case of communicable Surveillance. New immunizations, chemoprophylaxis. diseases. Immunisations: vaccines and sera. Nosocomial infections. Infections of Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Tract. Epidemiology I. (Most important rates and indices). Haematogen infections and infections of the skin. Epidemiology II. (Methods of epidemiology, calculations: standardisation, risk). STD. AIDS/HIV. Viral hepatitis. The role of the pharmacist in primary prevention of smoking, alcohol and drugs. New, emerging diseases. Health care in case of The role of the pharmacist in healthy nutrition and disasters. required physical activity. Malnutritions. Nutrition related non infectious Nutrition I. (Healthy nutrition. Assessment of diseases. Vegetarianism. nutritional status. Diet planning.) Acute food-borne diseases. Nutrition II. (Prevention of food – borne diseases) Water hygiene. Practical aspects of water hygiene. Air-and soil hygiene. Practical aspects of air hygiene. Occupational risk factors, prevention of occupational Occupational diseases, accidents. Vibration, diseases.Ionising and non-ionising radiation noise. The health care system, quality assurance. Toxicology. Radiation hygiene. Maternal, infant child and youth health care. Practical aspects of maternal, infant, child and young people hygiene. Health promotion and health education. Practical aspects of health education. Practices are compulsory for each student. The obligatory material for the final exam: The material of the lectures and practices compulsory textbooks, see List of Textbooks SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF PHARMACY Faculty of Pharmacy 457

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF PHARMACY 458 INDUSTRIAL PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY I: Dosage form and product development Department of Pharmaceutics Director: Prof. Dr. Imre Klebovich Tutor: Dr. István Antal First semester The subject is recommended for the students interested in several fields of industrial pharmaceutical technology such as research and development of new dosage forms and medicinal preparations. Topics: History of industrial pharmacy. Profiles of the pharmaceutical industry, career for pharmacists. Pharmaceutical technological aspects of product authorization. Evolution of dosage forms. Innovation and intellectual property. Preformulation and formulation studies. Optimization of dosage form composition. Control of active substance and excipients, physic-chemical and solid state characterization. Novel drug delivery systems. Design of the manufacturing process. Critical formulation attributes and process parameters. Comparison of scaling-up methods. INDUSTRIAL PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY II: Operations and procedures Department of Pharmaceutics Director: Prof. Dr. Imre Klebovich Tutor: Dr. István Antal Second semester The subject is recommended for the students interested in several fields of industrial pharmaceutical technology such as operations and procedures in the manufacture of medicinal preparations. Topics: Evolution of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations and procedures. Novel technologies for the production of dosage forms. Quality by design, manufacturing related to quality assurance and quality control. Critical parameters in the production. In-process control methods. Process Analytical Technology. Novel analytical methods for testing production and product quality. Validation of the manufacturing method. Methods for statistical process control. Current Good Manufacturing Practice.


Tutor: Dr. András Terebessy<br />

Second Semester<br />

Lectures (2 hours per week) Practices (2 hours per week)<br />

The development and role of public health in medicine. Introduction to Public Health. Principles of<br />

Basic principles of epidemiology and demography. epidemiology of communicable diseases.<br />

Global situation of communicable diseases in the<br />

Classification of communicable diseases.<br />

world and in Hungary. Life expectancy, morbidity,<br />

Disinfection and sterilisation. Laboratory<br />

mortality in Hungary.<br />

investigations<br />

The occurrences of communicable diseases.<br />

Activity of doctors in case of communicable<br />

Surveillance. New immunizations, chemoprophylaxis. diseases. Immunisations: vaccines and sera.<br />

Nosocomial infections.<br />

Infections of Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Tract. Epidemiology I. (Most important rates and<br />

indices).<br />

Haematogen infections and infections of the skin. Epidemiology II. (Methods of epidemiology,<br />

calculations: standardisation, risk).<br />

STD. AIDS/HIV. Viral hepatitis. The role of the pharmacist in primary prevention of<br />

smoking, alcohol and drugs.<br />

New, emerging diseases. Health care in case of<br />

The role of the pharmacist in healthy nutrition and<br />

disasters.<br />

required physical activity.<br />

Malnutritions. Nutrition related non infectious<br />

Nutrition I. (Healthy nutrition. Assessment of<br />

diseases. Vegetarianism.<br />

nutritional status. Diet planning.)<br />

Acute food-borne diseases. Nutrition II. (Prevention of food – borne diseases)<br />

Water hygiene. Practical aspects of water hygiene.<br />

Air-and soil hygiene. Practical aspects of air hygiene.<br />

Occupational risk factors, prevention of occupational Occupational diseases, accidents. Vibration,<br />

diseases.Ionising and non-ionising radiation<br />

noise.<br />

The health care system, quality assurance. Toxicology. Radiation hygiene.<br />

Maternal, infant child and youth health care. Practical aspects of maternal, infant, child and<br />

young people hygiene.<br />

Health promotion and health education. Practical aspects of health education.<br />

Practices are compulsory for each student.<br />

The obligatory material for the final exam:<br />

The material of the lectures and practices<br />

compulsory textbooks, see List of Textbooks<br />


Faculty of<br />

Pharmacy<br />


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