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Week Lectures (4 hours per week) 13 Mean activity coefficients. Debye–Hückel theory. The ionic strength. The mobilities of ions. The measurement of transport numbers. Conductivities and ion-ion interactions. Diffusion and transport. The metal ion/metal electrode. The ion (insoluble salt) metal electrode. Oxidation-reduction electrodes. Liquid junctions and membrane potentials. 14 Kinds of cell. E.m.f. and electrode potentials, the sign convention. The concentration dependence of the e.m.f. Standard electrode potentials. Thermodynamic data from cell e.m.f.-s and applications of e.m.f. measurement. The rate of charge transfer. The current density. Overpotential. Polarography. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY Second Semester Week Lectures (1 hour per week) Practicals (4 hours per week) 1 Determination of freezing point depression. 2 Calibration of a thermometer. Determination the temperature of a phase transition. 3 Studying IR Spectra. 4 Spectrophotometric investigations in the ultraviolet region. 5 Determination of ionization constant of indicators by spectrophotometric method. 6 Solubility product determination by potentiometric method. 7 Measurement of pH by hydrogen-electrode, measurement of redox potential. 8 Deadstop titration, determination of ionization constant of a weak acid. 9 Computer assisted conductimetric titration. 10 Polarography. 11 Studying the kinetics of the hydrolysis. 12 Investigation of stressed decomposition of a medicine. 13 Studying of the surface tension. 14 Supplementary lab. SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF PHARMACY Faculty of Pharmacy 423

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF PHARMACY 424 COLLOID CHEMISTRY Lecturer: Dr. Ferenc Csempesz Second Semester Week Lectures (2 hours per week) 1 What are colloids? Definitions, nomenclature, historical perspective. 2 Basic principles of colloid stability Intermolecular forces, interparticle forces, effect of the intervening medium. Electrostatic forces and the electrical double layer. 3 Steric repulsion, the effect of adsorbed or anchored layers. The total interaction potential curve. 4 Preparation of colloidal dispersions Dispersion methods, condensation methods: nucleation and particle growth. Emulsion and dispersion polymerization. Preparation of monodisperse colloids. 5 Interfaces Surface tension, surface energy, wetting phenomena. 6 Adsorption: the Gibbs adsorption equation, the influence of adsorption on interparticle forces The effect of the curvature of surfaces on equilibrium. 7 Some important properties of colloids. Kinetic properties: Brownian motion, diffusion, osmosis, Donnan equilibrium, dialysis, electrokinetic phenomena, sedimentation and creaming. Scattering of radiation: light scattering, neutron scattering. 8 Rheology: viscosity, Newtonian and non-Newtonian systems, rheology of suspensions of colloidal particles. 9 Aggregation processes in colloidal dispersions Flocculation and coagulation of electrostatically stabilized dispersions, the Deryagin–Landau–Verwey–Overbeek (DLVO) theory. Reversible flocculation, bridging flocculation, depletion flocculation, sterically stabilized systems. Kinetics of coagulation, heterocoagulation. 10 Structure of flocs and sediments. Coalescence and particle growth. 11 Association colloids and self-assembly systems Micellisation, solubilization. 12 Thin films, foams and emulsions Film stability, film tension. Foams, foaming and antifoaming agents, froth flotation. Emulsions and microemulsions. 13 Macromolecular colloids and gels The formation and structure of macromolecules. General properties of polymer solutions. Determination of the molecular mass of macromolecules. Forces leading to gel formation. Swelling properties of gels. 14 The industrial importance of colloids.

Week Lectures (4 hours per week)<br />

13 Mean activity coefficients. Debye–Hückel theory. The ionic strength.<br />

The mobilities of ions. The measurement of transport numbers.<br />

Conductivities and ion-ion interactions. Diffusion and transport.<br />

The metal ion/metal electrode. The ion (insoluble salt) metal electrode.<br />

Oxidation-reduction electrodes. Liquid junctions and membrane potentials.<br />

14 Kinds of cell. E.m.f. and electrode potentials, the sign convention.<br />

The concentration dependence of the e.m.f. Standard electrode potentials.<br />

Thermodynamic data from cell e.m.f.-s and applications of e.m.f. measurement.<br />

The rate of charge transfer. The current density. Overpotential. Polarography.<br />


Second Semester<br />

Week Lectures (1 hour per week)<br />

Practicals (4 hours per week)<br />

1 Determination of freezing point depression.<br />

2 Calibration of a thermometer. Determination the temperature of<br />

a phase transition.<br />

3 Studying IR Spectra.<br />

4 Spectrophotometric investigations in the ultraviolet region.<br />

5 Determination of ionization constant of indicators by<br />

spectrophotometric method.<br />

6 Solubility product determination by potentiometric method.<br />

7 Measurement of pH by hydrogen-electrode, measurement of<br />

redox potential.<br />

8 Deadstop titration, determination of ionization constant of<br />

a weak acid.<br />

9 Computer assisted conductimetric titration.<br />

10 Polarography.<br />

11 Studying the kinetics of the hydrolysis.<br />

12 Investigation of stressed decomposition of a medicine.<br />

13 Studying of the surface tension.<br />

14 Supplementary lab.<br />


Faculty of<br />

Pharmacy<br />


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