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DERMATOLOGY Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Márta Marschalkó Tutor: Dr. Nóra Erõs Department of Dermatology, Venerology and Dermatooncology Second Semester Lecture Lecturer SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF DENTISTRY Introduction to Dermatology. Dr. Márta Marschalkó Diagnostic procedures, anatomy, functions of skin (Deputy: Dr. Norbert Wikonkál) comparing to oral mucosa. Elementary lesions. Autoimmune bullous diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhoea, Dr. Márta Marschalkó NGU, HPV). (Deputy: Dr. Péter Holló) AIDS, herpes virus infections. Dr. Péter Holló (Deputy: Dr. Márta Marschalkó) Skin tumors. Malignant melanoma, basal cell Dr. Norbert Wikonkál carcinoma , squamous cell carcinoma. (Deputy: Dr. Péter Holló) Benign tumors, paraneoplastic syndromes. Allergic skin diseases, drug allergy. Dr. Márta Marschalkó Dermatitis, eczema, implication (Deputy: Dr. Nóra Erõs) for dentists. Atopic dermatitis, urticaria, psoriasis. Dr. Péter Holló (Deputy: Dr. Márta Marschalkó) Bacterial skin diseases. Dr. Norbert Wikonkál (Deputy: Dr. Márta Marschalkó) Cutaneous and mucosal diseases caused by fungi. Dr. Nóra Erõs Treatment modalities. (Deputy: Dr. Norbert Wikonkál) Dermatological treatment. Dr. Gyöngyvér Soós (Deputy: Dr. Péter Holló) Seborrheic dermatitis, acne. Dr. Nóra Erõs Cutaneous and oral manifestations of internal (Deputy: Dr. Márta Marschalkó) diseases. Faculty of Dentistry 387

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF DENTISTRY 388 OBSTETRICS AND FAMILY PLANNING 2 nd Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology Head of Department: Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy Tutor: Dr. Nándor Ács Second Semester Lectures (1 hour/week) Anatomy and physiology of the genital organs. The menstrual cycle. Conception. Prenatal care, diagnosis of pregnancy. Normal pregnancy and development of the fetus. Changes in maternal anatomy and physiology during pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion. Ectopic pregnancy. EPHgestosis. Hyperemesis. Medical complications during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes. Infections in obstetrics and gynecology. Normal labour and delivery. Abnormalities of labour and delivery. Normal and abnormal puerperium. Neonatology. Gyn. endocrinology. Family planning. Sterility, infertility. Genetic counseling, fetal anomalies. OPHTHALMOLOGY Dept. of Ophthalmology Program director: Dr. Zsuzsa Récsán Tutor: Dr. Zsófia Hargitai First Semester Lectures (1 hour/week) Introduction. History of ophthalmology. Conjunctivitis (“red eye”). Keratitis (“red eye”). Uveitis (“red eye”). Differential diagnostic approach of the “red eye”. Basics of optics. Diseases of the crystalline lens. Cataract surgery. Diseases of the retina. Intraocular tumours. Glaucoma (pathomechanismus). Glaucoma (conservative and surgical treatment). Diseases of the eyelids. Ocular injuries. Sudden visual loss. First aid in ophthalmology.


388<br />


2 nd Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology<br />

Head of Department: Dr. Ferenc Bánhidy<br />

Tutor: Dr. Nándor Ács<br />

Second Semester<br />

Lectures (1 hour/week)<br />

Anatomy and physiology of the genital organs. The menstrual cycle.<br />

Conception.<br />

Prenatal care, diagnosis of pregnancy.<br />

Normal pregnancy and development of the fetus.<br />

Changes in maternal anatomy and physiology during pregnancy.<br />

Spontaneous abortion. Ectopic pregnancy.<br />

EPHgestosis. Hyperemesis.<br />

Medical complications during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes.<br />

Infections in obstetrics and gynecology.<br />

Normal labour and delivery.<br />

Abnormalities of labour and delivery.<br />

Normal and abnormal puerperium.<br />

Neonatology.<br />

Gyn. endocrinology. Family planning.<br />

Sterility, infertility.<br />

Genetic counseling, fetal anomalies.<br />


Dept. of Ophthalmology<br />

Program director: Dr. Zsuzsa Récsán<br />

Tutor: Dr. Zsófia Hargitai<br />

First Semester<br />

Lectures (1 hour/week)<br />

Introduction. History of ophthalmology.<br />

Conjunctivitis (“red eye”).<br />

Keratitis (“red eye”).<br />

Uveitis (“red eye”). Differential diagnostic approach of the “red eye”.<br />

Basics of optics.<br />

Diseases of the crystalline lens. Cataract surgery. Diseases of the retina. Intraocular tumours.<br />

Glaucoma (pathomechanismus).<br />

Glaucoma (conservative and surgical treatment).<br />

Diseases of the eyelids. Ocular injuries. Sudden visual loss. First aid in ophthalmology.

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