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SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY Section 26 (1) A decision imposing a disciplinary sanction must be made if the disciplinary committee establishes that the student is guilty of a disciplinary offence and believes a disciplinary sanction must be imposed. (2) The operative part of the decision imposing a sanction must include the following information: (a) the name and other personal data (date and place of birth, permanent or temporary address, ID card number, year, major and type of course) of the student found guilty in the procedure; (b) the disciplinary sanction imposed; (c) reference to the possibility of appeal and the 15-day deadline for lodging the appeal; (3) The commentary of the decision imposing the penalty must briefly describe: (a) the facts of the case established by the committee; (b) a list of evidence and the assessment of the evidence; (c) whether the act or omission qualifies as a severe violation of the student’s obligations and whether the student is personally responsible for the violation, and the degree of the student’s responsibility; (d) the aggravating and extenuating circumstances taken into consideration when the penalty was imposed; (e) reference to the rules on which the disciplinary sanction is based. Section 27 (1) The disciplinary committee will terminate the procedure if (a) the student’s actions do not qualify as a disciplinary offence, or it is not the student who has committed the offence; (b) it has not been proven that the disciplinary offence was committed; (c) it is not possible to establish that the student was personally responsible for the offence; (d) the statute of limitation period has expired; (e) a final and non-appealable disciplinary decision has already been passed regarding the student’s same action; or (f) the disciplinary committee chooses to issue a warning instead of imposing a sanction. (2) The operative part of the decision terminating the procedure must include the following information: (a) the name and other personal data of the student; (b) the alleged disciplinary offence due to which the procedure has been started; (c) a statement that the disciplinary procedure has been closed; (d) the reason for terminating the procedure; (e) a reference to the fact that a warning has been issued if the committee decided to issue a warning; (f) a reference to the possibility of appeal and the 15-day deadline for lodging the appeal; (3) The commentary section of the decision terminating the procedure must describe the facts of the case, the evidence and the reasons due to which the disciplinary committee terminated the procedure. Also, the decision must refer to the item of paragraph (1) on the basis of which the procedure has been terminated (Annex 3). Section 28 (1) The chair of the disciplinary committee will announce the disciplinary decision made at the closed session. (2) When the decision is announced, the operative part of the decision (which is put in writing at the closed session) must be read out and the commentary of the decision must be summarised orally. Semmelweis University 33

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY 34 (3) When the decision has been announced, the chair of the disciplinary committee will inform those entitled to lodge an appeal to make sure their appeal is filed before the deadline specified in the decision. After this, the chair closes the trial. (4) The disciplinary decision must be delivered in a written form to those affected but not present. Section 29 (1) The full decision must be put in writing within 8 days of the day it is announced. (2) The written decision is signed by the chair of the committee in the required number of copies. (3) The student and their legal counsel must be delivered a written copy of the decision even if it has been announced in their presence. (4) The disciplinary committee may not modify a decision that has already been announced. However, minor corrections irrelevant to the merits of the case (misspelt names, numbers, arithmetical and other typographical errors) may be made. Section 30 (1) The first instance decision may be appealed by the student or their legal counsel. (2) The person entitled to appeal the decision may lodge the appeal immediately after the decision is announced, may waive the right of appeal or may request time to consider whether to appeal a decision. In the latter case, the deadline for lodging the appeal is 15 days from the day the decision is delivered to the person. If the deadline for filing an appeal is missed, the person may file an appeal within an additional period of 8 working days if they can present a proper reason for the delay. (3) The written appeal must be submitted to the Dean’s Office or the Doctoral School’s Office but it must be addressed to the disciplinary committee of first instance. (4) The appeal will automatically suspend the execution of the decision. Section 31 (1) The disciplinary committee will forward the appeal and the case documents to the person authorised to make the appellate decision without delay when the deadline for appeal expires. (2) The person authorised to make the appellate decision will make a decision on the appeal within 15 working days from the day they receive the appeal. (3) As a general rule, the person authorised to make the appellate decision will make the decision on the basis of the documents available. If it is necessary to present evidence, the person authorised to make the appellate decision may summon the affected parties, hear their testimony or obtain other evidence. In the latter case, the deadline for making the appellate decision is 30 days. (4) The person authorised to make the appellate decision must contact the Faculty Students’ Representative Council or the Doctoral Students’ Representative Council and ask for the relevant Council’s opinion. (5) The person authorised to make the appellate decision (a) upholds the first instance decision; (b) modifies the first instance decision; or (c) quashes the decision and orders that a new procedure of first instance be conducted. (6) If the appeal is filed late or is not lodged by the person entitled to appeal the decision, the person authorised to make the appellate decision will reject the appeal. Act, Section 73 (7) The student may request a judiciary review of the appellate decision within 30 days of the day the student is notified of the appellate decision. The decision may be reviewed by the court if it is against the law or violates the provisions regulating the students’ legal status. The judicial review procedure is regulated by Chapter XX of Act III of 1952 on Civil Procedure. The court has the right to modify the decision. The court will make a decision in the case without delay.


34<br />

(3) When the decision has been announced, the chair of the disciplinary committee will inform<br />

those entitled to lodge an appeal to make sure their appeal is filed before the deadline<br />

specified in the decision. After this, the chair closes the trial.<br />

(4) The disciplinary decision must be delivered in a written form to those affected but not present.<br />

Section 29<br />

(1) The full decision must be put in writing within 8 days of the day it is announced.<br />

(2) The written decision is signed by the chair of the committee in the required number of copies.<br />

(3) The student and their legal counsel must be delivered a written copy of the decision even if it<br />

has been announced in their presence.<br />

(4) The disciplinary committee may not modify a decision that has already been announced.<br />

However, minor corrections irrelevant to the merits of the case (misspelt names, numbers,<br />

arithmetical and other typographical errors) may be made.<br />

Section 30<br />

(1) The first instance decision may be appealed by the student or their legal counsel.<br />

(2) The person entitled to appeal the decision may lodge the appeal immediately after the<br />

decision is announced, may waive the right of appeal or may request time to consider whether<br />

to appeal a decision. In the latter case, the deadline for lodging the appeal is 15 days from<br />

the day the decision is delivered to the person. If the deadline for filing an appeal is missed,<br />

the person may file an appeal within an additional period of 8 working days if they can present<br />

a proper reason for the delay.<br />

(3) The written appeal must be submitted to the Dean’s Office or the Doctoral School’s Office but<br />

it must be addressed to the disciplinary committee of first instance.<br />

(4) The appeal will automatically suspend the execution of the decision.<br />

Section 31<br />

(1) The disciplinary committee will forward the appeal and the case documents to the person<br />

authorised to make the appellate decision without delay when the deadline for appeal expires.<br />

(2) The person authorised to make the appellate decision will make a decision on the appeal<br />

within 15 working days from the day they receive the appeal.<br />

(3) As a general rule, the person authorised to make the appellate decision will make the decision<br />

on the basis of the documents available. If it is necessary to present evidence, the person<br />

authorised to make the appellate decision may summon the affected parties, hear their<br />

testimony or obtain other evidence. In the latter case, the deadline for making the appellate<br />

decision is 30 days.<br />

(4) The person authorised to make the appellate decision must contact the Faculty Students’<br />

Representative Council or the Doctoral Students’ Representative Council and ask for the<br />

relevant Council’s opinion.<br />

(5) The person authorised to make the appellate decision<br />

(a) upholds the first instance decision;<br />

(b) modifies the first instance decision; or<br />

(c) quashes the decision and orders that a new procedure of first instance be conducted.<br />

(6) If the appeal is filed late or is not lodged by the person entitled to appeal the decision, the<br />

person authorised to make the appellate decision will reject the appeal.<br />

Act, Section 73 (7) The student may request a judiciary review of the appellate decision<br />

within 30 days of the day the student is notified of the appellate decision. The decision<br />

may be reviewed by the court if it is against the law or violates the provisions regulating<br />

the students’ legal status. The judicial review procedure is regulated by Chapter XX of Act<br />

III of 1952 on Civil Procedure. The court has the right to modify the decision. The court will<br />

make a decision in the case without delay.

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