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SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF DENTISTRY Lectures (3 hours per week) Practices (2 hours per week) Nutritional and hormonal influences on salivary Hematology VI. gland function and saliva composition. – Immune Abnormalities of red blood cell and non-immune defense mechanisms – Salivary production. secretion of drugs – S. gland regeneration Classification of anemias. sideorblastic, hemolytic anemia. Aplastic, iron deficiency, Abnormalities of red blood cell production. Platelet disorders Oral motor and sensory system – Ultrastructure of Folate- and Vit. B12-deficiency anemia temperature, touch, pressure and taste receptors Polycythemia, erythrocytosis. of the oral cavity.– Physiology of pain in the oro-facial region and its control. – Physiology of temperature and touch perception in the oro-facial region – Dentin sensitivity and its control. Biochemistry and physiology of taste perception Biomechanics and structure of the temporomandibular Midterm exam of hematology joint – Neuoro-physiology of mastication – Kinesology and electromyography of oral musculature – Phenomenon of deglutition – Microcirculation and I nnervation of the tongue – Role of the tongue in speech and other oral phenomena. Physiology of olfaction – Food consistency and its effects on oral phenomena The oral mucosa and periodontium – Ultrastructure Determination of salivary flow rate and of oral mucosa – epithelial cell and oral collection of samples for analysis mucosa metabolism – Epithelial cell adhesion and aggregation Bacterial tooth and epithelial interaction. Transmucosal absorption. – The physiology and composition of sulcular fluid. – Microcirculation of the gingiva and periodontium – The biochemistry of the structure proteins of the periodontium – Ultrastructure of alveolar and associated bone – Physiology of bone remodeling, mechanical effects on bone – Physiology of bone remodeling, mechanical effects on bone Eruption and resorption – Oral immunological mechanism – Nutritional and hormonal influences on the oral mucosa and periodontium Plaque associated diseases – Structures adhering Measurement of fluoride concentration to dental pellicle – Formation, composition and metabolism of dental plaque. – Plaque and the demineralization-remineralization phenomena – Dynamism and control of the oral microbial ecosystems – Pathogenesis of caries – Pocket formation Plaque and dental calculus formation – Gingivitis and periodontitis and alveolar bone resorption. Aging – Nutrition Immunologic techniques Aging Nutrition Part Two Oral clearance measurements Hemostasis and fibrinolysis – Physiology Oral cytology and biochemistry – Activators and inhibitors of blood clotting and fibrinolysis – Thrombosis and bleeding disorders: etiology, pathomechanism, oral symptoms, differential diagnosis Faculty of Dentistry 339

SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF DENTISTRY 340 Lectures (3 hours per week) Practices (2 hours per week)Inflammation – cardinal signs – fever – changes in RES Analyses of oral hard tissues – vascular permeability – cellular reactions – chemical mediators – inflammation and repair The biological effects of ionizing radiation – The sources Measurement of plaque and salivary pH of ionizing radiation in the environment – General and specific effects: cell and genedamages – Radiation diseases and its consequences – Oral symptoms of therapeutic irradiations and the management of head and neck irradiated patients Note: A final exam will be organized at the end of the semester. During the semester one midterm examination (hematology) should be passed. The mark of that will also be considered when establishing the mark of the final. During the final examination there are the following requirements: a.) to reach the minimum level of a written theoretical evaluation, b.) to present orally two of the main theoretical questions, and also, c.) to present one question of the subject-specific practices. In the case of an invalid midterm the examination will start with assessing the knowledge of hematology. Under the minimum level of passing hematology (mark 2) there is no possibility of continuing of the final. A failed exam can be retaken at least one week after the first one. The maximum number of absences from practice in a semester is 3! More than 3 absences invalidate the semester. RADIATION PROTECTION department: Independent Division of Radiology Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Csaba Dobó Nagy prerequisites: basic module Third year second semester Lectures (1,5 hours per week) Atomic structure, radioactivity Ionization, Dosimetry Health physics Protection against external exposure Measurement of exposure at work General rules of application of ionization Types and levels of exposure Radiation protection legislation Regulation of accident prevention at work Controlling system of the radiation supervisory authority Protection of patients Dose limits X-ray equipments Consultation Written exam


340<br />

Lectures (3 hours per week) Practices (2 hours per<br />

week)Inflammation – cardinal signs – fever – changes in RES Analyses of oral hard tissues<br />

– vascular permeability – cellular reactions – chemical<br />

mediators – inflammation and repair<br />

The biological effects of ionizing radiation – The sources Measurement of plaque and salivary pH<br />

of ionizing radiation in the environment – General and<br />

specific effects: cell and genedamages – Radiation<br />

diseases and its consequences – Oral symptoms of<br />

therapeutic irradiations and the management of head<br />

and neck irradiated patients<br />

Note: A final exam will be organized at the end of the semester. During the semester one midterm<br />

examination (hematology) should be passed. The mark of that will also be considered when<br />

establishing the mark of the final. During the final examination there are the following<br />

requirements:<br />

a.) to reach the minimum level of a written theoretical evaluation, b.) to present<br />

orally two of the main theoretical questions, and also, c.) to present one question of the<br />

subject-specific practices.<br />

In the case of an invalid midterm the examination will start with<br />

assessing the knowledge of hematology. Under the minimum level of passing hematology (mark<br />

2) there is no possibility of continuing of the final. A failed exam can be retaken at least one<br />

week after the first one.<br />

The maximum number of absences from practice in a semester is 3!<br />

More than 3 absences invalidate the semester.<br />


department: Independent Division of Radiology<br />

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Csaba Dobó Nagy<br />

prerequisites: basic module<br />

Third year second semester<br />

Lectures (1,5 hours per week)<br />

Atomic structure, radioactivity<br />

Ionization, Dosimetry<br />

Health physics<br />

Protection against external exposure<br />

Measurement of exposure at work<br />

General rules of application of ionization<br />

Types and levels of exposure<br />

Radiation protection legislation<br />

Regulation of accident prevention at work<br />

Controlling system of the radiation supervisory authority<br />

Protection of patients<br />

Dose limits<br />

X-ray equipments<br />

Consultation<br />

Written exam

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