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– Abnormal labor – breech delivery, transverse lie (diagnosis) – Obstetric operations (assistance at labor and delivery) – Obstetric operations (vacuum extraction, forceps, cesarean section, episiotomy) – Postnatal care – Evaluation of the premature, dysmature and eutrophic newborns – Fundamentals of neonatal management – Essential Requirements in Gynecology – Gynecologic anamnesis – Gynecologic examinations (to be carried out) – vaginal examination – colposcopy – cytology (basic knowledge, how to take a PAP smear) – examination of the breast – Gynecologic operations (assistance) – bartholin abscess, cyst – D and C – abdominal hysterectomy – vaginal hysterectomy – colporrhaphy – Postoperative management (basic knowledge) – Outpatient clinics (to take part in the office work of outpatient clinics for gynecology, genetic counseling, adolescent gynecology, menopause, endocrinology, etc.) – Bleeding disorders – Cervical, corporal, ovarian, vulvar cancer (etiology, screening, diagnosis, therapy) – Inflammation of the genital tract (PID) – Urinary incontinence – Contraception NEUROLOGY General information Tutor: Dr. Róbert Debreczeni Tel.: 210-0330, Fax: 210-1368 SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Office hours at the Department of Neurology: Monday 13,00-14,00 Friday 10,00-12,00 Responsible Secretary: Andrea Kovács (Andi) Rotation periods: set by the English Secretariat, but for individual changes one might apply at the Department of Neurology. To ease the scheduling of other 6th year practices the Department shall organize “early rotations” right after taking the 5th year semifinal exam. Neurology rotation is 4 weeks long (when at Semmelweis University 3 weeks clinical practice+1 week preparation for the exam). Students receive their schedule and assignments on the first day of practice. During the training students must write one neurological case report. It is also obligatory to spend one day at our Outpatient Clinic and to take part in one nightduty (no sleep in). Students’ activity in the wards, at the Outpatient Clinic and during duty, and also the case report is evaluated by the student’s tutor on an assessment sheet. The assessment form and the case report must be presented at the final exam. During the training period two days of absence are allowed. Faculty of Medicine 263

264 SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Final examination One can register for the exam only through the Neptun-system. The final examination consists of: 1. practical part: neurological examination skills, decision making, tested at the bedside; 2. theoretical part: 3 theoretical questions. Examinations start at 10 a.m. Students must present their index book, assessment form, case report and in case of retake the permission from the Office of Dean. On event of failing the earliest possible retake is 10 days later. Official textbooks: 1. Arányi Zs., Kamondi A., Kovács T., Szirmai I.: Investigation of neurological patients 2. Adams: Principles of Neurology. McGraw-Hill 3. Lindsay,Bone,Callender:Neurology and Neurosurgery Illustrated. Churchill Livingstone Other suggested books: 1. Marsden, Fowler: Clinical Neurology. Raven Press 2. Duus: Topical Diagnosis in Neurology. Thieme Medical Publishers 3. Gilroy: Basic Neurology. Pergamon Press 4. Weiner- Lewitt: Neurology of House Officer. Williams and Wilkins 5. Bannister: Brain an Bannister’s Clinical Neurology. Oxford University Press 6. Mumenthaler: Neurology. Georg Thieme Verlag. 6 th year Medical Student Clinical Neurology Learning Objectives Neurologic History and Examination 1. Perform a competent history, noting the following factors: A. Establish the onset, progression and character of the disorder identifying all related symptoms. B. Perform a standard neurologic review of symptoms with regard to personality, memory, headaches, pain, seizures, impairments of consciousness, vision, hearing, language function, swallowing, coordination, gait, weakness, sensory alterations, sphincter disturbance, and involuntary movements. 2. Perform a neurologic examination A. Perform a screening mental status examination to include: level of consciousness assessment, and aphasia assessment. B. Examine for meningismus, straight leg raising maneuver. C. Cranial nerve examination D. Motor examination including: tone, strength and bulk, pronator drift, abnormal movements. E. Perform a reflex examination (muscle stretch reflexes, superficial reflexes, pathologic reflexes) F. Coordination examination including finger-to-nose- test, heel-to-shin test, rapid alternating movements. G. Gait examination: stance and Romberg test, gait, tandem gait, ability to rise from sitting, toe walking and heel walking. H. Perform sensory examination including primary modalities(pain, temperature, position, vibration)and secondary/cortical modalities (stereognosis, graphesthesia, double simultaneous stimulation). I. Acquire the following skills: A. Anatomic and physiologic basis of the neurologic examination. B. Competent history, physical and neurologic examination. C. Localize the lesion using the clinical database. D. Develop a differential diagnosis of the clinical problem. E. Assess the acuteness of neurological diseases, recognize neurological emergencies. F. Formulate a plan of investigation and management. II. Describe the indications, techniques, results, contraindications and risks of the followings:

– Abnormal labor<br />

– breech delivery, transverse lie (diagnosis)<br />

– Obstetric operations (assistance at labor and delivery)<br />

– Obstetric operations (vacuum extraction, forceps, cesarean section, episiotomy)<br />

– Postnatal care<br />

– Evaluation of the premature, dysmature and eutrophic newborns<br />

– Fundamentals of neonatal management<br />

– Essential Requirements in Gynecology<br />

– Gynecologic anamnesis<br />

– Gynecologic examinations (to be carried out)<br />

– vaginal examination<br />

– colposcopy – cytology (basic knowledge, how to take a PAP smear)<br />

– examination of the breast<br />

– Gynecologic operations (assistance)<br />

– bartholin abscess, cyst<br />

– D and C<br />

– abdominal hysterectomy<br />

– vaginal hysterectomy<br />

– colporrhaphy<br />

– Postoperative management (basic knowledge)<br />

– Outpatient clinics (to take part in the office work of outpatient clinics for gynecology, genetic<br />

counseling, adolescent gynecology, menopause, endocrinology, etc.)<br />

– Bleeding disorders<br />

– Cervical, corporal, ovarian, vulvar cancer (etiology, screening, diagnosis, therapy)<br />

– Inflammation of the genital tract (PID)<br />

– Urinary incontinence<br />

– Contraception<br />


General information<br />

Tutor: Dr. Róbert Debreczeni<br />

Tel.: 210-0330, Fax: 210-1368<br />


Office hours at the Department of Neurology:<br />

Monday 13,00-14,00<br />

Friday 10,00-12,00<br />

Responsible Secretary: Andrea Kovács (Andi)<br />

Rotation periods: set by the English Secretariat, but for individual changes one might apply at the<br />

Department of Neurology. To ease the scheduling of other 6th year practices the Department shall<br />

organize “early rotations” right after taking the 5th year semifinal exam.<br />

Neurology rotation is 4 weeks long (when at Semmelweis University 3 weeks clinical practice+1 week<br />

preparation for the exam). Students receive their schedule and assignments on the first day of practice.<br />

During the training students must write one neurological case report. It is also obligatory to spend one<br />

day at our Outpatient Clinic and to take part in one nightduty (no sleep in). Students’ activity in the<br />

wards, at the Outpatient Clinic and during duty, and also the case report is evaluated by the student’s<br />

tutor on an assessment sheet. The assessment form and the case report must be presented at the<br />

final exam. During the training period two days of absence are allowed.<br />

Faculty of Medicine<br />


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