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Requirement: Participation at the lectures Evaluation: On the base of the scores of the written test Exam: written test The written test is on the last lecture, registration has to be done through the NEPTUN system How to modify the exam date: Personal discussion for another appointment Exam absence justification: Medical certificate is accepted BASICS OF FAMILY MEDICINE 2012/2013 Department of Family Medicine Director: Prof. Dr. László Kalabay Location: Kútvölgyi Hospital, first floor, library Family medicine as a speciality Past and present of family medicine in Hungary Daily routine of family doctor Dr. Kalabay László Doctor-patient relationship in family practices. Communication skills Dr. Torzsa Péter Emergency care in family practice Dr. Szabó János Cardiology and prevention in family practice Dr. Simon Judit Diabetes mellitus in family practice Optimal treatment of diabetes mellitus Dr. Dani Vilmos Prevention program in family practice Optimal treatment of hypertension Dr. Torzsa Péter Primary care in cities Dr. Torzsa Péter Primary care in the countryside Dr. Szabó János Care of gipsy patients Dr. Horváth Péter Medical ethics and law Dr. Vajer Péter Continuing home care Rehabilitation Terminal illnesses Summary Prof. Dr. László Kalabay Dr. Péter Torzsa SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Faculty of Medicine 235

236 SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE History of the medical professionalism Lecturer: Dr. Péter Balázs Class Sessions: Medical professionalism as an ethical norm is an ancient behavioural pattern and theoretical construction alike based on sacral calling. Consequently, roots of the modern professional mythology may be traced back to the late Neolithic age, but the whole framework was systematized as soon as in the old Egyptian and Mesopotamian culture. Since the Hippocratic age, the medicine of craftsmen was based on teachings of natural sciences and the Middle Age supported the medicine with mythology of sciences, but only the Enlightenment provided the social environment for a de-sacralized professionalism, nevertheless it followed exactly the ancient religious patterns. General part of the topic is concerning the onset of professionalism while discussing different manifestations and transitions related to ideologies, socio-economic circumstances and scientific teachings from the Neolithic age down to the latest market economies. Specific part demonstrates milestones and historic ages, which were decisive in this proceeding: Old Egypt, Mesopotamia, old age Judaism, early and consolidated Christianity, impact of Islam on Europe, Reformation of the Roman Catholic church, Enlightenment, the Communist ideology and the social market economy. Attendance at lectures, options for additional lectures: Basic requirement: attendance at 8 sessions. In case of justified non-attendance of more students at a specific session, additional lecture is available. Justification for non-attendance at lectures Up to 2 sessions no need for justification, in case of more than 3 sessions missed no confirming of the course. Justification for non-attendance at the exam Only certificates of administrative authorities. Control of knowledge acquired within the time-frame of sessions No control during the session period Requirements for confirming the session attendance Having attended less than 8 sessions no confirming of the course. Additional sessions, if organized, are parts of the 10 session contingent. Preliminary and final marks Type of marks: five degree evaluation (1-5). Preliminary mark on the written work, which becomes a final mark automatically except additional questions answered (see below). Type of exam Base of exam: homework written about the history of medical professionalism sent by e-mail to the lecturer (deadline: 7 days before the exam, 5-6 A4-pages, margins, fonts, space agreed at the first session) Type of exam: each student will get several questions based on his/her own homework to determine the final mark. Entering for examination Student Administration System (NEPTUN) Modification of data entered for examination When registered in NEPTUN only after consulting the lecturer

236<br />


History of the medical professionalism<br />

Lecturer: Dr. Péter Balázs<br />

Class Sessions: Medical professionalism as an ethical norm is an ancient behavioural pattern<br />

and theoretical construction alike based on sacral calling. Consequently, roots of the modern<br />

professional mythology may be traced back to the late Neolithic age, but the whole framework was<br />

systematized as soon as in the old Egyptian and Mesopotamian culture. Since the Hippocratic age,<br />

the medicine of craftsmen was based on teachings of natural sciences and the Middle Age<br />

supported the medicine with mythology of sciences, but only the Enlightenment provided the social<br />

environment for a de-sacralized professionalism, nevertheless it followed exactly the ancient<br />

religious patterns.<br />

General part of the topic is concerning the onset of professionalism while discussing different<br />

manifestations and transitions related to ideologies, socio-economic circumstances and scientific<br />

teachings from the Neolithic age down to the latest market economies. Specific part demonstrates<br />

milestones and historic ages, which were decisive in this proceeding: Old Egypt, Mesopotamia, old<br />

age Judaism, early and consolidated Christianity, impact of Islam on Europe, Reformation of the<br />

Roman Catholic church, Enlightenment, the Communist ideology and the social market economy.<br />

Attendance at lectures, options for additional lectures:<br />

Basic requirement: attendance at 8 sessions. In case of justified non-attendance of more students<br />

at a specific session, additional lecture is available.<br />

Justification for non-attendance at lectures<br />

Up to 2 sessions no need for justification, in case of more than 3 sessions missed no confirming<br />

of the course.<br />

Justification for non-attendance at the exam<br />

Only certificates of administrative authorities.<br />

Control of knowledge acquired within the time-frame of sessions<br />

No control during the session period<br />

Requirements for confirming the session attendance<br />

Having attended less than 8 sessions no confirming of the course. Additional sessions, if<br />

organized, are parts of the 10 session contingent.<br />

Preliminary and final marks<br />

Type of marks: five degree evaluation (1-5). Preliminary mark on the written work, which becomes<br />

a final mark automatically except additional questions answered (see below).<br />

Type of exam<br />

Base of exam: homework written about the history of medical professionalism sent by e-mail to the<br />

lecturer (deadline: 7 days before the exam, 5-6 A4-pages, margins, fonts, space agreed at the<br />

first session) Type of exam: each student will get several questions based on his/her own<br />

homework to determine the final mark.<br />

Entering for examination<br />

Student Administration System (NEPTUN)<br />

Modification of data entered for examination<br />

When registered in NEPTUN only after consulting the lecturer

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