semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3

semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3 semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3


Title of the lecture Introduction. Epidemiology, etiology and pathomechanism of cardiac diseases Diagnosis of cardiac diseases. Acute coronary syndrome. Angina. Myocardial infarction Disorders of the myocardium. Ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Congestive heart failure. Cor pulmonale. Sudden cardiac death. Disorders of the heart valves Inflammation and infection of the heart. Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis. Arrhytmias Disorders of the electrical system of the heart. Cardiac electrophysiology. Cardiac pharmaceutical agents Procerudes done for coronary diseases. Devices used in cardiology; pace maker, defibrillator, devices used to maintain blood pressure. Heart surgery, heart transplantation. Primary tumors of the heart. Diseases of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis, aneurism. Diseases of aorta and carotid arteries. Competition – Written test NOTE: 3 absences are allowed with the need of replacement. SURGERY I. Department of Surgery II. Department of Surgery Department of Transplantation and Surgery Tutors: Dr. Péter Kokas Dr. Bíborka Bereczky Dr. Gábor Telkes First Semester SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Lectures (2 hours per week) History of Surgery. - Developments. Recent trends and perspectives. General Anesthesia. The resuscitation. (CPR). The Shock. Fluid, electrolite and metabolic disturbances. Artificial nutrition. Surgical infections I. -Pyogenic infections, wound infections. Anaerob infections. Tetanus and gas gangrene. -Artificial nutrition of septic patient. Surgical infections II. -Hepatitis. Aids, etc. The role of antibiotics in surgery. Asepsis, antisepsis. - Prevention of Surgical infections. Surgical complications. Preparation of the patients and problems of the perioperative period. Principles of operative surgery. Basic technics, sutures etc. Bleeding and blood clotting. Technics of haernostasis. Plastic surgery. Surgical oncology. Tissue and organ transplantation. Consultation. Questions/Answers. Faculty of Medicine 183

184 SEMMELWEIS UNIVERSITY / FACULTY OF MEDICINE Practice (2 hours per week) Introduction of the Department. The OP, the instruments of OP. The organization. The wards, etc. The central sterilization station. The admission system of the patients. The preoperative wash-up. Asepsis, antisepsis, Get dressed for OP. The practical preparation of the skin. The surgical instruments. What and when. The treatment of wounds. The wound healing. The type of wounds. Bandaging procedures. Injections. - Hypodermic, intracutan, intra muscular etc.,- The suture technics. Sutures, knots, clips, etc.- Laparoscopic technics. Transfusion. The blood groups. Possible reactions and complications. Anaesthesiology. - General anaesthesia. Narcosis systems. The intensive care unit. The post operative treatments. The resuscitation. - The CPR. - The latest pharmaceutical aspects of the CPR. - Demonstration on AMBU unit. Ward practices. (5x) - Investigate the surgical patients. The method of physical examinations. The evaluation of the findings. SURGERY Second Semester Lectures (2 hours per week) Appendicitis Acute abdomen The oesophagus and diaphragm The stomach, duodenum and small intestine The large intestine and the ano-rectal region The ileus The liver The cholelithiasys and biliary surgery Pancreas I. - Acut pancreatitis Pancreas II. (Chr. Pancreatitis. Tumours) The artificial nutrition - Enteral, parenteral The acute gastrointestinal bleeding Catastrophic surgery. - Surgery of tropical diseases Pediatric Surgery Consultation - Questions-answers Site of lectures: (elõadasok helye): lecture hall PRACTICALS: all in wards (2,5 hours per week)

184<br />


Practice (2 hours per week)<br />

Introduction of the Department. The OP, the instruments of OP. The organization. The<br />

wards, etc. The central sterilization station. The admission system of the patients.<br />

The preoperative wash-up. Asepsis, antisepsis, Get dressed for OP. The practical preparation<br />

of the skin.<br />

The surgical instruments. What and when.<br />

The treatment of wounds. The wound healing. The type of wounds. Bandaging procedures.<br />

Injections. - Hypodermic, intracutan, intra muscular etc.,-<br />

The suture technics. Sutures, knots, clips, etc.-<br />

Laparoscopic technics.<br />

Transfusion. The blood groups. Possible reactions and complications.<br />

Anaesthesiology. - General anaesthesia. Narcosis systems. The intensive care unit.<br />

The post operative treatments.<br />

The resuscitation. - The CPR. - The latest pharmaceutical aspects of the CPR.<br />

- Demonstration on AMBU unit.<br />

Ward practices. (5x) - Investigate the surgical patients. The method of physical<br />

examinations. The evaluation of the findings.<br />


Second Semester<br />

Lectures (2 hours per week)<br />

Appendicitis<br />

Acute abdomen<br />

The oesophagus and diaphragm<br />

The stomach, duodenum and small intestine<br />

The large intestine and the ano-rectal region<br />

The ileus<br />

The liver<br />

The cholelithiasys and biliary surgery<br />

Pancreas I. - Acut pancreatitis<br />

Pancreas II. (Chr. Pancreatitis. Tumours)<br />

The artificial nutrition - Enteral, parenteral<br />

The acute gastrointestinal bleeding<br />

Catastrophic surgery. - Surgery of tropical diseases<br />

Pediatric Surgery<br />

Consultation - Questions-answers<br />

Site of lectures: (elõadasok helye): lecture hall<br />

PRACTICALS: all in wards (2,5 hours per week)

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