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semmelweis university 2 0 1 2 / 2 0 1 3


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Title of the lecture<br />

Introduction. Epidemiology, etiology and pathomechanism of cardiac diseases<br />

Diagnosis of cardiac diseases.<br />

Acute coronary syndrome. Angina. Myocardial infarction<br />

Disorders of the myocardium. Ischemic and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Congestive heart failure.<br />

Cor pulmonale.<br />

Sudden cardiac death.<br />

Disorders of the heart valves<br />

Inflammation and infection of the heart. Endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis.<br />

Arrhytmias<br />

Disorders of the electrical system of the heart. Cardiac electrophysiology.<br />

Cardiac pharmaceutical agents<br />

Procerudes done for coronary diseases. Devices used in cardiology; pace maker, defibrillator, devices used<br />

to maintain blood pressure.<br />

Heart surgery, heart transplantation. Primary tumors of the heart.<br />

Diseases of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis, aneurism. Diseases of aorta and carotid arteries.<br />

Competition – Written test<br />

NOTE: 3 absences are allowed with the need of replacement.<br />


I. Department of Surgery<br />

II. Department of Surgery<br />

Department of Transplantation and Surgery<br />

Tutors: Dr. Péter Kokas<br />

Dr. Bíborka Bereczky<br />

Dr. Gábor Telkes<br />

First Semester<br />


Lectures (2 hours per week)<br />

History of Surgery. - Developments. Recent trends and perspectives.<br />

General Anesthesia.<br />

The resuscitation. (CPR). The Shock.<br />

Fluid, electrolite and metabolic disturbances. Artificial nutrition.<br />

Surgical infections I. -Pyogenic infections, wound infections. Anaerob infections.<br />

Tetanus and gas gangrene. -Artificial nutrition of septic patient.<br />

Surgical infections II. -Hepatitis. Aids, etc.<br />

The role of antibiotics in surgery.<br />

Asepsis, antisepsis. - Prevention of Surgical infections.<br />

Surgical complications. Preparation of the patients and problems of the perioperative period.<br />

Principles of operative surgery. Basic technics, sutures etc.<br />

Bleeding and blood clotting. Technics of haernostasis.<br />

Plastic surgery.<br />

Surgical oncology.<br />

Tissue and organ transplantation.<br />

Consultation. Questions/Answers.<br />

Faculty of Medicine<br />


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