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Palaeontology - Natural History Museum Palaeontology - Natural History Museum


AR_artwork_v4 7/7/03 9:54 AM Page 38 Palaeontology Agirrezabala L M, OWEN H G & Garcia-Mondejar J 2002. Sedimentation and tectonic deformation in a short-lived transgression zone (Late Albian, Mutriku, Basque-Cantabian Basin). Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 114: 281–297. AHLBERG P E 2003. Fossils, developmental patterning and the origin of tetrapods. In: Legakis A, Sfenthourakis S, Polymeni R & Thessalou-Legaki M (Eds) The New Panorama of Animal Evolution. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia and Moscow: 44–54. ANDREWS P J & Aiello L 2002. The palaeoecology of the Upper Ndolanya Beds at Laetoli, Tanzania. Journal of Human Evolution 43: 395–418. Aubry M-P, Ali J, Berggren W A, Brinkhuis H, Dupuis C, Gingerich P, Hardenbol J, Heilmann-Clausen C, HOOKER J J, Kent D, King C, Knox R, Laga P, Molina E, Schmitz B, Steurbaut E & Ward D 2002. The Paleocene/Eocene boundary Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP): Criteria for characterisation and correlation. Tertiary Research 21: 57–70. Ausich W I, Gil Cid M D & DOMINGUEZ P 2002. Ordovician [Dobrotivian (Llandeillian stage) to Ashgill] crinoids from the Montes de Toledo and Sierra Morena, Spain with implications for Paleogeography of Perigondwana. Journal of Paleontology 76: 975–992. BARRETT P M, Clarke J B, Brinkman D B, CHAPMAN S D & ENSOM P C 2002. Morphology, histology and identification of the ‘granicones’ from the Purbeck Limestone Formation (Lower Cretaceous:Berriasian) of Dorset. Cretaceous Research 23: 279–295. Bates M R, Keen D H, WHITTAKER J E & Wenban-Smith F F 2002. Middle Pleistocene molluscan and ostracod faunas from All Hallows, Kent, UK. Proceedings of the Geologist's Association 113: 223–236. Beverdam A, Merlo G R, Paleari L, Mantero S, Genova F, Barbieri O, JANVIER P & Levi G 2002. Jaw transformation with gain of symmetry after Dlx5/Dlx6 inactivation: Mirror of the past? Genesis 34: 221–227. BLOM H, Märss T & MILLER C G 2002. Silurian and earliest Devonian birkeniid ansapids from the northern Hemisphere. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 92: 263–323. Charlton T R, Barber A J, Harris R A, Barkham S T, Bird P R, Archbold N W, MORRIS N J, Nicoll R S, OWEN H G, Owens R M, Sorauf J E, TAYLOR P D, Webster G D & WHITTAKER J E 2002. The Permian of Timor: its stratigraphy, palaeontology and palaeogeography. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20: 719–774. COCKS L R M 2002. Key Lower Palaeozoic faunas from near the Trans- European Suture Zone. Special Publications Geological Society 201: 37–46. COCKS L R M & FORTEY R A 2002. The palaeogeographical significance of the late Ordovician Panghsa-pye Formation of Burma. Special Papers in Palaeontology 67: 57–76. COCKS L R M & Torsvik T H 2002. Earth geography from 500 to 400 million years ago: a faunal and palaeomagnetic review. Journal of the Geological Society 159: 631–644. CORNISH L & Jones C G 2002. Application of electron microscopy in the study of pulse-laser cleaned natural history specimens. In: 15th International Congress on Electron Microscopy. Durban, South Africa. CORNISH L & Jones C G 2003. Laser cleaning natural history specimens and subsequent SEM examination. In: Townsend J H, Eremin K & Adriaens A (Eds) Conservation Science 2002. Archetype Publications, London: 101–106. Crame J A & ROSEN B R 2002. Cenozoic palaeogeography and the rise of modern biodiversity patterns. In: Crame J A & Owen A (Eds) Palaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: the Ordovician and Mesozoic- Cenozoic Radiations. Geological Society Special Publications, London: 153–168. CURRANT A & Jacobi R 2002. Human presence and absence in Britain during the early part of the Late Pleistocene. In: Tuffreau A & Roebroeks W (Eds) Le Denier Interglaciaire et les occupations du Paléolithique moyen. Publications du CERP no. 8, Univ. des Sciences et Technologies, Lille. Dlussky G M & RASNITSYN A P 2003. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of Formation Green River and some other Middle Eocene deposits of North America. Russian Entomological Journal 11: 411–436. Elton S, Barham L & ANDREWS P J 2003. Pliocene femur of Theropithecus from the Luanga Valley, Zambia. Journal of Human Evolution 44: 135–139. Embery G, MILNER A C, Hall R C, Waddington R J, Langley M & Milan A 2003. The identification of proteinaceous material in the bone of the dinosaur Iguanodon. Connective Tissue Research 44 (Suppl 1): 41–46. ENSOM P C 2002. Reptile eggshell, tiny vertebrate remains and globular calcified cartilage from the Purbeck Limestone Group of southern England. In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in Palaeontology 68: 221–239. ENSOM P C 2002. The Purbeck Limestone Group of Dorset: a guide to the lithostratigraphic terms applied to these strata. In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in Palaeontology 68: 7–11. ENSOM P C 2002. Vertebrate trace fossils in the Purbeck Limestone Group of southern England. In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in Palaeontology 68: 203–220. FEIST-BURKHARDT S & Götz A E 2002. Palynofazies und Sequenzstratigraphie (K1). Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. In: Hüssner H, Hinderer M, Götz A E & Petschik R (Eds) Sediment 2002. Frankfurt a.M. Darmstadt: 18. 57–72. FEIST-BURKHARDT S & Hottenrott M 2002. Ein fossilführender Klast des Oberen Muschelkalks (Trias) aus dem Untergrund des hohen Vogesberges bei Ulrichstein (Forschungsbohrung Vogelsberg 1996). Geologische Abhandlungen Hessen 107: 189–196. Fone W, Donovan S K & LEWIS D N 2002. Middle Ordovician crinoids from the Shelve Inlier. In: Wyse Jackson P N, Parkes M A & Wood R (Eds) Studies in Palaeozoic palaeontology and biostratigraphy in honour of Charles Hepworth Holland. Special Papers in Palaeontology 67. The Palaeontological Association, London: 97–113. FOREY P L 2002. A knotty problem of nomenclature. Nature 415: 939. FOREY P L 2002. Phylocode – pain, no gain. Taxon 51: 43–54. GALE A, Hardenbol J, Hathway B, Kennedy W J, YOUNG J R & Phansalkar V 2002. Global correlation of Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) sequences; evidence for Milankovitch control on sea level. Geology 30: 291–294. Geisen M, Billard C, Broerse A T C, Cros L, Probert I & YOUNG J R 2002. Life-cycle associations involving pairs of holococcolithophorid species – Intraspecific variation or cryptic speciation? European Journal of Phycology 37: 531–550. Geisen M, Probert I & YOUNG J R 2002. Coccolithophores for exhibition. Journal of Nannoplankton Research 24/1: 3–7. Grischenko A V, TAYLOR P D & Mawatari S F 2002. A new cheilostome bryozoan with gigantic zooids from the north-west Pacific. Zoological Science 19: 1279–1289. HUMPHREY L T & STRINGER C B 2002. Cranial remains from Gough’s Cave. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, London (Geology) 58: 153–168. JANVIER P, Racheboeuf P, Hung N H & Truong D N 2003. Devonian fish (Placodermi, Antiarcha) from the Tra Ban Island (Bai Tu Long Bay, Quang Ninh, Vietnam) and the question of the ge of the Do Son Formation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 21: 795–801. Johanson Z, AHLBERG P E & Ritchie A 2002. The braincase and palate of the tetrapodomorph sarcopterygian Mandageria fairfaxii: morphological variability near the fish-tetrapod transition. Palaeontology 46: 271–293. KENRICK P 2002. The origin of roots. In: Waisel Y, Eshel A & Kafkafi U (Eds) Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. Marcel Dekker, New York: 1–13. KENRICK P 2002. The telome theory. In: Cronk R M, Bateman R M & Hawkins J A (Eds) Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution. Taylor and Francis, London: 365–387. Korall P & KENRICK P 2002. Phylogenetic relationships in Selaginellaceae based on rbcL gene sequences. American Journal of Botany 89: 506–517. Lees D C, FORTEY R A & COCKS L R M 2002. Quantifying paleogeography using biogeography: a test case for the Ordovician and Silurian of Avalonia based on brachiopods and trilobites. Paleobiology 28: 343–363. MacLEOD N 2002. Geometric morphometrics and geological formclassification systems. Earth-Science Reviews 59: 27–47. MacLEOD N 2002. Testing evolutionary hypotheses with adaptive landscapes: use of random phylogenetic-morphological simulation studies. Mathematische Geologie 6: 45–55. McCormick T & FORTEY R A 2002. The Ordovician trilobite Carolinites, a test case for microevolution in a macrofossil lineage. Palaeontology 45: 229–257. MILLER C G 2002. Micropalaeontological models at the Natural History Museum, London. The Geological Curator 7: 263–274. MILLER C G, Richter M & Do Carmo D 2002. Fish and ostracod remains from the Santos Basin (Cretaceous to Recent), Brasil. Geological Journal 37: 297–316. MILNER A C 2002. Reptiles. In: Smith A B & Batten D J (Eds) Fossils of the Chalk, 2nd edn. Palaeontological Association, London: 323–343. MILNER A C 2002. Theropod dinosaurs of the Purbeck Limestone Group. In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special

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<strong>Palaeontology</strong><br />

Agirrezabala L M, OWEN H G & Garcia-Mondejar J 2002. Sedimentation<br />

and tectonic deformation in a short-lived transgression zone (Late Albian,<br />

Mutriku, Basque-Cantabian Basin). Bulletin of the Geological Society of<br />

America 114: 281–297.<br />

AHLBERG P E 2003. Fossils, developmental patterning and the origin of<br />

tetrapods. In: Legakis A, Sfenthourakis S, Polymeni R & Thessalou-Legaki M<br />

(Eds) The New Panorama of Animal Evolution. Pensoft Publishers, Sofia and<br />

Moscow: 44–54.<br />

ANDREWS P J & Aiello L 2002. The palaeoecology of the Upper Ndolanya<br />

Beds at Laetoli, Tanzania. Journal of Human Evolution 43: 395–418.<br />

Aubry M-P, Ali J, Berggren W A, Brinkhuis H, Dupuis C, Gingerich P,<br />

Hardenbol J, Heilmann-Clausen C, HOOKER J J, Kent D, King C, Knox R,<br />

Laga P, Molina E, Schmitz B, Steurbaut E & Ward D 2002. The<br />

Paleocene/Eocene boundary Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point<br />

(GSSP): Criteria for characterisation and correlation. Tertiary Research 21:<br />

57–70.<br />

Ausich W I, Gil Cid M D & DOMINGUEZ P 2002. Ordovician [Dobrotivian<br />

(Llandeillian stage) to Ashgill] crinoids from the Montes de Toledo and Sierra<br />

Morena, Spain with implications for Paleogeography of Perigondwana. Journal<br />

of Paleontology 76: 975–992.<br />

BARRETT P M, Clarke J B, Brinkman D B, CHAPMAN S D & ENSOM P C<br />

2002. Morphology, histology and identification of the ‘granicones’ from the<br />

Purbeck Limestone Formation (Lower Cretaceous:Berriasian) of Dorset.<br />

Cretaceous Research 23: 279–295.<br />

Bates M R, Keen D H, WHITTAKER J E & Wenban-Smith F F 2002.<br />

Middle Pleistocene molluscan and ostracod faunas from All Hallows, Kent,<br />

UK. Proceedings of the Geologist's Association 113: 223–236.<br />

Beverdam A, Merlo G R, Paleari L, Mantero S, Genova F, Barbieri O,<br />

JANVIER P & Levi G 2002. Jaw transformation with gain of symmetry after<br />

Dlx5/Dlx6 inactivation: Mirror of the past? Genesis 34: 221–227.<br />

BLOM H, Märss T & MILLER C G 2002. Silurian and earliest Devonian<br />

birkeniid ansapids from the northern Hemisphere. Transactions of the Royal<br />

Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 92: 263–323.<br />

Charlton T R, Barber A J, Harris R A, Barkham S T, Bird P R, Archbold N<br />

W, MORRIS N J, Nicoll R S, OWEN H G, Owens R M, Sorauf J E,<br />

TAYLOR P D, Webster G D & WHITTAKER J E 2002. The Permian of Timor:<br />

its stratigraphy, palaeontology and palaeogeography. Journal of Asian Earth<br />

Sciences 20: 719–774.<br />

COCKS L R M 2002. Key Lower Palaeozoic faunas from near the Trans-<br />

European Suture Zone. Special Publications Geological Society 201: 37–46.<br />

COCKS L R M & FORTEY R A 2002. The palaeogeographical significance of<br />

the late Ordovician Panghsa-pye Formation of Burma. Special Papers in<br />

<strong>Palaeontology</strong> 67: 57–76.<br />

COCKS L R M & Torsvik T H 2002. Earth geography from 500 to 400<br />

million years ago: a faunal and palaeomagnetic review. Journal of the<br />

Geological Society 159: 631–644.<br />

CORNISH L & Jones C G 2002. Application of electron microscopy in the<br />

study of pulse-laser cleaned natural history specimens. In: 15th International<br />

Congress on Electron Microscopy. Durban, South Africa.<br />

CORNISH L & Jones C G 2003. Laser cleaning natural history specimens and<br />

subsequent SEM examination. In: Townsend J H, Eremin K & Adriaens A<br />

(Eds) Conservation Science 2002. Archetype Publications, London: 101–106.<br />

Crame J A & ROSEN B R 2002. Cenozoic palaeogeography and the rise of<br />

modern biodiversity patterns. In: Crame J A & Owen A (Eds)<br />

Palaeobiogeography and Biodiversity Change: the Ordovician and Mesozoic-<br />

Cenozoic Radiations. Geological Society Special Publications, London:<br />

153–168.<br />

CURRANT A & Jacobi R 2002. Human presence and absence in Britain<br />

during the early part of the Late Pleistocene. In: Tuffreau A & Roebroeks W<br />

(Eds) Le Denier Interglaciaire et les occupations du Paléolithique moyen.<br />

Publications du CERP no. 8, Univ. des Sciences et Technologies, Lille.<br />

Dlussky G M & RASNITSYN A P 2003. Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) of<br />

Formation Green River and some other Middle Eocene deposits of North<br />

America. Russian Entomological Journal 11: 411–436.<br />

Elton S, Barham L & ANDREWS P J 2003. Pliocene femur of Theropithecus<br />

from the Luanga Valley, Zambia. Journal of Human Evolution 44: 135–139.<br />

Embery G, MILNER A C, Hall R C, Waddington R J, Langley M & Milan A<br />

2003. The identification of proteinaceous material in the bone of the<br />

dinosaur Iguanodon. Connective Tissue Research 44 (Suppl 1): 41–46.<br />

ENSOM P C 2002. Reptile eggshell, tiny vertebrate remains and globular<br />

calcified cartilage from the Purbeck Limestone Group of southern England.<br />

In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times.<br />

Special Papers in <strong>Palaeontology</strong> 68: 221–239.<br />

ENSOM P C 2002. The Purbeck Limestone Group of Dorset: a guide to the<br />

lithostratigraphic terms applied to these strata. In: Milner A R & Batten D J<br />

(Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in <strong>Palaeontology</strong><br />

68: 7–11.<br />

ENSOM P C 2002. Vertebrate trace fossils in the Purbeck Limestone Group<br />

of southern England. In: Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments<br />

in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in <strong>Palaeontology</strong> 68: 203–220.<br />

FEIST-BURKHARDT S & Götz A E 2002. Palynofazies und<br />

Sequenzstratigraphie (K1). Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Geologischen<br />

Gesellschaft. In: Hüssner H, Hinderer M, Götz A E & Petschik R (Eds)<br />

Sediment 2002. Frankfurt a.M. Darmstadt: 18. 57–72.<br />

FEIST-BURKHARDT S & Hottenrott M 2002. Ein fossilführender Klast des<br />

Oberen Muschelkalks (Trias) aus dem Untergrund des hohen Vogesberges bei<br />

Ulrichstein (Forschungsbohrung Vogelsberg 1996). Geologische Abhandlungen<br />

Hessen 107: 189–196.<br />

Fone W, Donovan S K & LEWIS D N 2002. Middle Ordovician crinoids<br />

from the Shelve Inlier. In: Wyse Jackson P N, Parkes M A & Wood R (Eds)<br />

Studies in Palaeozoic palaeontology and biostratigraphy in honour of Charles<br />

Hepworth Holland. Special Papers in <strong>Palaeontology</strong> 67. The Palaeontological<br />

Association, London: 97–113.<br />

FOREY P L 2002. A knotty problem of nomenclature. Nature 415: 939.<br />

FOREY P L 2002. Phylocode – pain, no gain. Taxon 51: 43–54.<br />

GALE A, Hardenbol J, Hathway B, Kennedy W J, YOUNG J R &<br />

Phansalkar V 2002. Global correlation of Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous)<br />

sequences; evidence for Milankovitch control on sea level. Geology 30:<br />

291–294.<br />

Geisen M, Billard C, Broerse A T C, Cros L, Probert I & YOUNG J R 2002.<br />

Life-cycle associations involving pairs of holococcolithophorid species –<br />

Intraspecific variation or cryptic speciation? European Journal of Phycology 37:<br />

531–550.<br />

Geisen M, Probert I & YOUNG J R 2002. Coccolithophores for exhibition.<br />

Journal of Nannoplankton Research 24/1: 3–7.<br />

Grischenko A V, TAYLOR P D & Mawatari S F 2002. A new cheilostome<br />

bryozoan with gigantic zooids from the north-west Pacific. Zoological Science<br />

19: 1279–1289.<br />

HUMPHREY L T & STRINGER C B 2002. Cranial remains from Gough’s<br />

Cave. Bulletin of the <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>, London (Geology) 58: 153–168.<br />

JANVIER P, Racheboeuf P, Hung N H & Truong D N 2003. Devonian fish<br />

(Placodermi, Antiarcha) from the Tra Ban Island (Bai Tu Long Bay, Quang<br />

Ninh, Vietnam) and the question of the ge of the Do Son Formation. Journal<br />

of Asian Earth Sciences 21: 795–801.<br />

Johanson Z, AHLBERG P E & Ritchie A 2002. The braincase and palate of<br />

the tetrapodomorph sarcopterygian Mandageria fairfaxii: morphological<br />

variability near the fish-tetrapod transition. <strong>Palaeontology</strong> 46: 271–293.<br />

KENRICK P 2002. The origin of roots. In: Waisel Y, Eshel A & Kafkafi U (Eds)<br />

Plant Roots: The Hidden Half. Marcel Dekker, New York: 1–13.<br />

KENRICK P 2002. The telome theory. In: Cronk R M, Bateman R M &<br />

Hawkins J A (Eds) Developmental Genetics and Plant Evolution. Taylor and<br />

Francis, London: 365–387.<br />

Korall P & KENRICK P 2002. Phylogenetic relationships in Selaginellaceae<br />

based on rbcL gene sequences. American Journal of Botany 89: 506–517.<br />

Lees D C, FORTEY R A & COCKS L R M 2002. Quantifying paleogeography<br />

using biogeography: a test case for the Ordovician and Silurian of Avalonia<br />

based on brachiopods and trilobites. Paleobiology 28: 343–363.<br />

MacLEOD N 2002. Geometric morphometrics and geological formclassification<br />

systems. Earth-Science Reviews 59: 27–47.<br />

MacLEOD N 2002. Testing evolutionary hypotheses with adaptive<br />

landscapes: use of random phylogenetic-morphological simulation studies.<br />

Mathematische Geologie 6: 45–55.<br />

McCormick T & FORTEY R A 2002. The Ordovician trilobite Carolinites, a<br />

test case for microevolution in a macrofossil lineage. <strong>Palaeontology</strong> 45:<br />

229–257.<br />

MILLER C G 2002. Micropalaeontological models at the <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>History</strong><br />

<strong>Museum</strong>, London. The Geological Curator 7: 263–274.<br />

MILLER C G, Richter M & Do Carmo D 2002. Fish and ostracod remains<br />

from the Santos Basin (Cretaceous to Recent), Brasil. Geological Journal 37:<br />

297–316.<br />

MILNER A C 2002. Reptiles. In: Smith A B & Batten D J (Eds) Fossils of the<br />

Chalk, 2nd edn. Palaeontological Association, London: 323–343.<br />

MILNER A C 2002. Theropod dinosaurs of the Purbeck Limestone Group. In:<br />

Milner A R & Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special

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Papers in <strong>Palaeontology</strong>: 191–201.<br />

OWEN H G 2002. The base of the Albian Stage; comments on recent<br />

proposals. Cretaceous Research 23: 1–13.<br />

Oxford M, GREGORY F J, Hart M, HENDERSON A S, Simmons M A &<br />

Watkinson M P 2002. Jurassic planktonic foraminifera from the United<br />

Kingdom. Terra Nova 14: 205–209.<br />

Popov L E, COCKS L R M & Nikitin I F 2002. Upper Ordovician<br />

brachiopods from the Anderken Formation, Kazakhstan: their ecology and<br />

systematics. Bulletin of the <strong>Natural</strong> <strong>History</strong> <strong>Museum</strong>, London (Geology) 58:<br />

13–79.<br />

RASNITSYN A P 2002. Evolutionary process and methodology of<br />

systematics. Transactions of the Russian Entomological Society 73: 107 pp.<br />

Richards M, Pearson J, MOLLESON T, Martin L & Russell N 2003. Stable<br />

isotope evidence for subsistence, animal domestication and age of weaning at<br />

the Catalhoyuk site, Turkey. Journal of Archaeological Science 30: 60–76.<br />

ROSEN B R, Aillud G S, Bosellini F, Clack N J, Insalaco E, Valldeperas F X<br />

& Wilson M E J 2003. Platy coral assemblages: 200 million years of<br />

functional stability in response to the limiting effects of light and turbidity. In:<br />

Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium. Bali, Indonesia:<br />

255–265.<br />

ROSS A J & Vannier J 2002. Crustacea (excluding Ostracoda) and Chelicerata<br />

of the Purbeck Limestone Group, southern England: A review. In: Milner A R<br />

& Batten D J (Eds) Life and Environments in Purbeck Times. Special Papers in<br />

<strong>Palaeontology</strong> 68: 71–82.<br />

Rosso A & TAYLOR P D 2002. A new anascan cheilostome bryozoan from<br />

Icelandic deep waters and its uniserial colony growth pattern. Sarsia 87:<br />

35–46.<br />

Rousham E K & HUMPHREY L T 2002. The dynamics of child survivorship.<br />

In: MacBeth H & Collinson P (Eds) Human Population Dynamics. Cambridge<br />

University Press, Cambridge: 124–140.<br />

RUSHTON A W A 2002. Geology of the New Galloway and Thornhill<br />

district. Sheets 9W and 9E (Scotland). In: McMillan A A (Ed) Memoir of the<br />

British Geological Survey. The Stationery Office, London: viii + 126.<br />

RUSHTON A W A & Berg-Madsen V 2002. The Age of the Middle<br />

Cambrian ‘Paradoxides forchhammeri’ Grit of the Wrekin district, Shropshire,<br />

England. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences 92:<br />

335–346.<br />

RUSHTON A W A, COCKS L R M & FORTEY R A 2002. Upper Cambrian<br />

trilobites and brachiopods from Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia, and their<br />

importance for correlation and biogeography. Geological Magazine 139:<br />

281–290.<br />

Shu D G, Conway Morris S, Han J, Zhang Z F, Yasui K, JANVIER P, Chen<br />

L, Zhang X-L, Lui J N, Li Y & Liu H K 2003. Head and backbone of the early<br />

Cambrian vertebrate Haikouichthys. Nature 421: 526–529.<br />

SMITH A B & Peterson K J 2002. Dating the time of origin of major clades:<br />

molecular clocks and the fossil record. Annual Reviews in Earth and Planetary<br />

Science 30: 65–88.<br />

SMITH A B & Savill J J 2002. Bromidechinus, a new Middle Ordovician<br />

Echinozoa (Echinodermata), and its bearing on the early history of echinoids.<br />

Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Earth Sciences 91: 137–147.<br />

Sprengel C, Geisen M, Probert I, Baumann K-H, Boeckel B & YOUNG J R<br />

2002. Coccolithophore carbonate fluxes revisited. Journal of Nannoplankton<br />

Research 24/2: 161.<br />

Sternhell G, TAYLOR P D & Itzhak D 2003. Bryozoans recruited onto<br />

aluminium-based galvanic couples in the Red Sea off Eilat, Israel. Israel Journal<br />

of Zoology 48: 221–233.<br />

Stoll H M, Ziveri P, Geisen M, Probert I & YOUNG J R 2002. Potential and<br />

limitations of ~Sr/Ca ratios in coccolith carbonate: new perspectives from<br />

cultures and monospecific samples from sediments. Philosophical Transactions<br />

of the Royal Society, London (A) 360: 719–748.<br />

STRINGER C 2002. Modern human origins – progress and prospects.<br />

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, London (B) 357: 563–579.<br />

STRINGER C 2002. The morphological and behavioural origins of modern<br />

humans. Proceedings of the British Academy 106: 23–30.<br />

TAYLOR P D 2002. Bryozoans. In: Smith A B & Batten D J (Eds) Fossils of the<br />

Chalk. Palaeontological Association, London: 53–75.<br />

TAYLOR P D 2002. W. D. Lang, orthogenesis and the evolution of<br />

Cretaceous cribrimorph Bryozoa. In: Wyse-Jackson P N & Spencer-Jones M E<br />

(Eds) Annals of Bryozoology. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin:<br />

275–298.<br />

TAYLOR P D & McKinney F K 2002. Brooding in the Cretaceous bryozoan<br />

Stichomicropora and the origin of ovicells in cheilostomes. In: Wyse Jackson P<br />

N, Buttler C J & Spencer Jones M E (Eds) Bryozoan Studies 2001. Proceedings<br />

of the 12th International Bryozoology Association Symposium. Balkema, Lisse.<br />

TAYLOR P D & Wilson M A 2002. A new terminology for marine organisms<br />

inhabiting hard substrates. Palaios 17: 522–525.<br />

TAYLOR P D & Zaborski P M 2002. A Late Cenomanian bryozoan<br />

biostrome from north-eastern Nigeria. Cretaceous Research 23: 241–253.<br />

TODD J A, Jackson J B C, Johnson K, Fortunato H M, Heitz A, Alvarez M<br />

& Jung P 2002. The ecology of extinction: molluscan feeding and faunal<br />

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