Jennet Rodriguez Betancourt

Jennet Rodriguez Betancourt

Jennet Rodriguez Betancourt


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capitalista” (Díaz 41). Within the text, Díaz emphasizes that it is important to rescue “…<br />

la noción de un sujeto- hablante que, sin conciencia plena de su proceder, se dispone a<br />

proyectar (a crear) la visión tanto real como utópica de un nuevo proyecto social” (41).<br />

Alonso was constantly looking to the future towards change and progress and he believed<br />

that it could be accomplished through educating the jibaro. With Spain’s help this pursuit<br />

of progress for the island could be reached. Scenes I, III, IX, XIX, address one of<br />

Alonso’s major concerns and themes, education.<br />

In Reflecciones Sobre Instrucción Pública A Los Padres De Familias, Scene III<br />

Alonso stresses and warns that the best contribution that parents can give their children is<br />

a good education; an education that unfortunately Puerto Rico does not offer.<br />

Throughout the vignette, he reveals the appalling educational conditions and contrasts it<br />

with the superior education offered in the metropolis and even in Cuba. In addition, he<br />

reveals that many “señoritos” sent abroad to acquire a better education just waste their<br />

time and their parent’s hard earned money (an example in Scene I previously discussed).<br />

Alonso inserts recommendations that could contribute to elevate the quality of<br />

instruction, “En cuanto al colegio centro de estas escuelas en mi concepto debería ser un<br />

establecimiento en el cual se enseñara filosofía tal como previene el plan de estudios que<br />

rige en España, adoptando en el los mismos métodos y obras, para que nada nuevo<br />

encontrara un estudiante al llegar a la Península…” (31).<br />

While Alonso concludes the vignette motivating parents to claim a fair and<br />

superior education for their children, it is evident that the author writes with much<br />

caution and reverence towards the Spanish Crown.<br />

“Sin instrucción no puede haber adelanto en las artes y la industria que tanto necesita el<br />

país; los extranjeros nos comprarán siempre nuestros productos para elaborarlos, y hacer<br />


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