Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel

Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel

Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel


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<strong>Nucor</strong>-<strong>Yamato</strong> <strong>Steel</strong><br />

Prime<br />

Section<br />

Group<br />

METRIC<br />

Section Size<br />

Area Depth<br />

Web<br />

Thick-<br />

Flange<br />

Width Thick-<br />

Distance<br />

Fillet<br />

Elastic Properties<br />

Plastic Modulus<br />

ness ness Radius X - X Y - Y<br />

A d tw bf tf T k k1 R Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry Zx Zy mm x kg/m mm 2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 10 6 mm 4<br />

10 3 mm 3 mm 10 6 mm 4<br />

10 3 mm 3 mm 10 3 mm 3<br />

610 x 320 W610 x 551 70 200 711 38.6 347 69.1 510 101 49 30 5 577 15 682 282 483 2 786 83.1 18 517 4 375<br />

W610 x 498 63 500 699 35.1 343 63.0 510 94 48 30 4 953 14 158 279 429 2 491 82.0 16 715 3 900<br />

W610 x 455 57 900 689 32.0 340 57.9 510 89 46 30 4 454 12 929 277 383 2 245 81.3 15 109 3 507<br />

W610 x 415 52 900 679 29.5 338 53.1 510 85 45 30 3 996 11 766 274 343 2 032 80.5 13 683 3 163<br />

W610 x 372 47 400 669 26.4 335 48.0 510 80 43 30 3 534 10 553 272 301 1 803 79.8 12 192 2 802<br />

W610 x 341 43 400 661 24.4 333 43.9 510 75 42 30 3 184 9 636 272 271 1 629 79.0 11 061 2 524<br />

W610 x 307 39 100 653 22.1 330 39.9 510 71 41 30 2 839 8 701 269 241 1 455 78.2 9 931 2 245<br />

W610 x 285 36 100 647 20.6 329 37.1 510 69 40 30 2 606 8 046 267 221 1 340 78.0 9 160 2 065<br />

W610 x 262 33 300 641 19.0 327 34.0 510 66 40 30 2 364 7 374 267 199 1 218 77.2 8 374 1 885<br />

W610 x 241 30 800 635 17.9 329 31.0 510 63 39 30 2 152 6 784 264 184 1 121 77.5 7 669 1 721<br />

W610 x 217 27 700 628 16.5 328 27.7 510 59 38 30 1 906 6 080 262 163 991 76.5 6 850 1 527<br />

W610 x 195 24 800 622 15.4 327 24.4 510 56 38 30 1 673 5 391 259 142 869 75.4 6 063 1 336<br />

W610 x 174 22 200 616 14.0 325 21.6 510 53 37 30 1 473 4 769 257 124 762 74.7 5 359 1 170<br />

W610 x 155 19 700 611 12.7 324 19.0 510 51 36 30 1 290 4 228 257 108 667 73.9 4 736 1 023<br />

610 x 230 W610 x 153 19 600 623 14.0 229 24.9 510 56 37 30 1 249 4 015 254 49.5 434 50.5 4 588 680<br />

W610 x 140 17 900 617 13.1 230 22.2 510 54 37 30 1 124 3 638 251 45.4 393 50.3 4 162 615<br />

W610 x 125 15 900 612 11.9 229 19.6 510 51 36 30 986 3 212 249 39.3 342 49.5 3 671 534<br />

W610 x 113 14 500 608 11.2 228 17.3 510 49 36 30 874 2 884 246 34.3 302 48.8 3 277 469<br />

W610 x 101 13 000 603 10.5 228 14.9 510 46 35 30 762 2 524 243 29.3 257 47.5 2 900 401<br />

CSA W610 x 91 11 500 598 9.7 227 12.7 510 44 35 30 657 2 200 239 24.8 219 46.5 2 520 342<br />

CSA W610 x 84 10 600 596 9.0 226 11.7 510 43 35 30 603 2 020 239 22.6 200 46.2 2 320 311<br />

610 x 180 W610 x 92 11 700 603 10.9 179 15.0 532 36 24 19 645 2 147 234 14.4 161 35.1 2 507 257<br />

W610 x 82 10 500 599 10.0 178 12.8 532 33 24 19 562 1 868 231 12.1 136 34.0 2 196 218<br />

May 2013<br />

10 3 mm 3

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