Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel

Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel

Structural Shapes - Nucor-Yamato Steel


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<strong>Nucor</strong>-<strong>Yamato</strong> <strong>Steel</strong><br />

Prime<br />

Section<br />

Group<br />

METRIC<br />

Section Size<br />

Area Depth<br />

Web<br />

Thick-<br />

Flange<br />

Width Thick-<br />

Distance<br />

Fillet<br />

Elastic Properties<br />

Plastic Modulus<br />

ness ness Radius X - X Y - Y<br />

A d tw bf tf T k k1 R Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry Zx Zy mm x kg/m mm 2 mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm 10 6 mm 4<br />

10 3 mm 3 mm 10 6 mm 4<br />

10 3 mm 3 mm 10 3 mm 3<br />

760 x 380 W760 x 582 74 200 843 34.5 396 62.0 656 94 47 30 8 616 20 484 340 645 3 245 93.2 23 761 5 080<br />

W760 x 531 67 600 833 31.5 393 56.9 656 88 46 30 7 784 18 681 338 579 2 933 92.5 21 631 4 572<br />

W760 x 484 61 700 823 29.0 390 52.1 656 84 45 30 6 993 17 042 335 516 2 655 91.4 19 501 4 130<br />

W760 x 434 55 300 813 25.9 387 47.0 656 79 43 30 6 202 15 240 335 458 2 360 90.9 17 370 3 654<br />

W760 x 389 49 500 803 23.6 385 41.9 656 73 42 30 5 453 13 585 333 399 2 081 89.7 15 453 3 212<br />

W760 x 350 44 500 795 21.1 382 38.1 656 70 41 30 4 870 12 257 330 356 1 868 89.2 13 880 2 868<br />

W760 x 314 40 000 786 19.7 384 33.4 656 65 40 30 4 287 10 897 328 315 1 639 88.6 12 307 2 540<br />

W760 x 284 36 200 779 18.0 382 30.1 656 62 39 30 3 829 9 832 325 280 1 467 87.9 11 061 2 261<br />

W760 x 257 32 800 773 16.6 381 27.1 656 59 38 30 3 426 8 865 323 249 1 308 86.9 9 947 2 016<br />

760 x 270 W760 x 220 28 100 779 16.5 266 30.0 656 62 38 30 2 780 7 145 315 94.5 710 57.9 8 194 1 114<br />

W760 x 196 25 100 770 15.6 268 25.4 656 57 38 30 2 402 6 227 310 81.6 610 57.2 7 161 957<br />

W760 x 185 23 500 766 14.9 267 23.6 656 55 37 30 2 231 5 817 307 75.3 564 56.6 6 686 885<br />

W760 x 173 22 100 762 14.4 267 21.6 656 53 37 30 2 052 5 391 305 68.3 513 55.6 6 194 806<br />

W760 x 161 20 500 758 13.8 266 19.3 656 51 37 30 1 861 4 900 302 60.8 457 54.6 5 670 719<br />

W760 x 147 18 800 753 13.2 265 17.0 656 49 37 30 1 661 4 408 297 53.3 401 53.3 5 113 633<br />

W760 x 134 17 000 750 11.9 264 15.5 656 47 36 30 1 503 4 015 297 47.9 362 53.1 4 638 569<br />

May 2013<br />

10 3 mm 3

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