Country Reports on Terrorism 2012

Country Reports on Terrorism 2012 Country Reports on Terrorism 2012

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proliferation of conventional and non-conventional weapons from Syria to terrorist organizations. Israeli politicians and security officials pointed to Hizballah's efforts to rebuild and re-arm following the 2006 Lebanon War as evidence that the group remained a threat to Israel. According to the Government of Israel, Hizballah has stockpiled 50,000 missiles in Lebanon, some of which are capable of striking anywhere in Israel, including population centers. A series of terrorist attacks and foiled plots against Israeli interests abroad that began in 2011 continued in 2012. Though most of these plots were disrupted, a July 18 suicide attack against Israeli tourists in Burgas, Bulgaria, killed five Israeli citizens and one Bulgarian and injured dozens, and a February 13 attack in New Delhi injured the wife of an Israeli Ministry of Defense employee. Terrorist plots were also uncovered against Israeli targets in Thailand, Azerbaijan, and Cyprus, and an attack was foiled in Georgia. Israeli officials publicly linked many of these plots and attacks to Hizballah and its Iranian sponsors. [On February 5, 2013, the Bulgarian government publically implicated Hizballah in the July 2012 Burgas bombing that killed five Israelis and one Bulgarian citizen, and injured 32 others. On March 21, 2013, a Cyprus court found a Hizballah operative guilty of charges stemming from his surveillance activities, carried out in 2012, of Israeli tourist targets, while Thailand was prosecuting a Hizballah member for his role in helping plan a possible terrorist attack in that country.] 2012 Terrorist Incidents: Incidents included rocket and mortar fire from Gaza, a bus bombing, attacks along the Gaza security fence, and cross-border attacks from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula. Rocket and mortar fire emanating from Gaza was the most prevalent form of attack by Palestinian terrorist organizations. Israel experienced major escalations in rocket attacks in March, June, October, and November. According to figures released by the Israel Security Agency (ISA), as of the end of November, a total of 2,331 rockets were fired from Gaza at Israel in the course of 2012, up from the previous peak of approximately 2,000 in 2008. In addition, 224 mortar shells were launched toward Israel. Following attacks from Gaza, Israeli forces targeted sites used by terrorists to launch indirect-fire attacks against Israeli civilians and security forces. In addition, Israel faced terrorist threats abroad, including attacks that were carried out in Bulgaria and India, and at least five plots or attempted attacks in other countries. Please see the country reports for Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Kenya, and Thailand in this chapter for information on attacks against Israeli citizens. Between November 14 and 21, some 1,814 rockets and mortars were launched from Gaza toward Israel. The bulk of incoming fire targeted communities in the South, but some longer-range rockets were fired from Gaza at Tel Aviv and the Jerusalem area for the first time. Although most of these landed in open areas or were intercepted, one rocket struck a residential building in the Tel Aviv suburb Rishon Lezion, causing extensive damage. The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted 421 rockets during the operation, successfully engaging approximately 85 percent of rockets targeted for interception. Despite Iron Dome and other civil defense efforts, incoming rocket and mortar fire resulted in the deaths of six Israelis and significant property damage. On November 15, three people were killed in a direct rocket hit on an apartment building in Kiryat Malachi. On November 20, an Israeli soldier and an Israeli civilian were killed by mortar fire in the Eshkol Regional Council. On November 22, an Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reserve officer died of wounds suffered in a November 21 rocket attack from Gaza. 118

On November 21, a bomb exploded in a city bus in central Tel Aviv, near the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, wounding 26 Israeli civilians. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhiri praised the bombing. In December, the ISA announced that it arrested the perpetrators of the attack, who it said were members of a Ramallah-area-based terrorist cell consisting of Hamas and PIJaffiliated operatives. According to the ISA, the cell was led by Ahmed Salah Ahmed Musa, a Hamas operative who was responsible for intelligence collection, production of the improvised explosive device (IED), and recruiting the individual who planted the IED and remotely activated it. Muhammad Abed Al Jfar Nasser Mfarja, an Israeli citizen, was recruited to Hamas by Musa, and planted the IED on the bus. The ISA described Fuad Rabach Sucry Azai as a PIJ operative who provided Musa with a handgun and ammunition and attempted to provide him with an M-16 rifle. Prior to the attack, Musa requested the assistance of another Hamas operative, Muhammad Mahpod Said Damara, who reportedly admitted the possession of a rifle that was to be used during the attack. On December 19, the Tel Aviv District Advocate filed an indictment in the Tel Aviv District Court against Mfarja; indictments against the remaining operatives were expected to follow. Incidents along the Gaza security fence included: On May 1, IDF soldiers came under fire near the security fence in central Gaza; two armored vehicles were damaged. On June 1, an Israeli soldier was killed when a terrorist attempting to enter Israel from southern Gaza opened fire on IDF soldiers. On October 23, an IDF officer was injured in an IED attack on the Gaza border. Israel subsequently uncovered additional explosive devices near the security fence, and on November 9, an “explosive tunnel” on the Gaza border detonated during an operational activity by the IDF. On November 10, an anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF patrol along the security fence in northern Gaza, injuring four Israeli soldiers. Incidents on the Israel-Egypt border included: In February, an IDF team found an explosive device with a remote trigger along the portion of the Israel-Egypt border known as the Philadelphi Corridor. In a June 18 cross-border attack from Egypt, militants detonated a roadside bomb and fired anti-tank rockets and live ammunition at two Israeli vehicles. An Israeli civilian working on the Israel-Egypt border fence was killed, and two others were wounded. On August 5, terrorists identified by the IDF as a global terrorist cell operating in the Sinai stormed an Egyptian military post near Rafah, killing 16 Egyptian soldiers and border guards and capturing an armored personnel carrier (APC) and a truck filled with explosives. The truck exploded at the Israel-Egypt border, and the APC entered Israeli territory near Kerem Shalom with four attackers inside, where it was targeted by the Israel Air Force. The attack came shortly after a mortar barrage from Gaza pounded the Kerem Shalom border crossing in Israel, and rockets were fired at adjacent towns. Hizballah-linked incidents included: According to the ISA, in early June, Hizballah smuggled 20 kilograms of C-4 explosive and an IED detonation system into Israel from Lebanon, using a network of narcotics dealers. Weapons were also seized as part of a joint ISA-Israel National Police operation 119

On November 21, a bomb exploded in a city bus in central Tel Aviv, near the headquarters of the<br />

Ministry of Defense, wounding 26 Israeli civilians. Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhiri praised<br />

the bombing. In December, the ISA announced that it arrested the perpetrators of the attack, who<br />

it said were members of a Ramallah-area-based terrorist cell c<strong>on</strong>sisting of Hamas and PIJaffiliated<br />

operatives. According to the ISA, the cell was led by Ahmed Salah Ahmed Musa, a<br />

Hamas operative who was resp<strong>on</strong>sible for intelligence collecti<strong>on</strong>, producti<strong>on</strong> of the improvised<br />

explosive device (IED), and recruiting the individual who planted the IED and remotely<br />

activated it. Muhammad Abed Al Jfar Nasser Mfarja, an Israeli citizen, was recruited to Hamas<br />

by Musa, and planted the IED <strong>on</strong> the bus. The ISA described Fuad Rabach Sucry Azai as a PIJ<br />

operative who provided Musa with a handgun and ammuniti<strong>on</strong> and attempted to provide him<br />

with an M-16 rifle. Prior to the attack, Musa requested the assistance of another Hamas<br />

operative, Muhammad Mahpod Said Damara, who reportedly admitted the possessi<strong>on</strong> of a rifle<br />

that was to be used during the attack. On December 19, the Tel Aviv District Advocate filed an<br />

indictment in the Tel Aviv District Court against Mfarja; indictments against the remaining<br />

operatives were expected to follow.<br />

Incidents al<strong>on</strong>g the Gaza security fence included:<br />

On May 1, IDF soldiers came under fire near the security fence in central Gaza; two<br />

armored vehicles were damaged.<br />

On June 1, an Israeli soldier was killed when a terrorist attempting to enter Israel from<br />

southern Gaza opened fire <strong>on</strong> IDF soldiers.<br />

On October 23, an IDF officer was injured in an IED attack <strong>on</strong> the Gaza border. Israel<br />

subsequently uncovered additi<strong>on</strong>al explosive devices near the security fence, and <strong>on</strong><br />

November 9, an “explosive tunnel” <strong>on</strong> the Gaza border det<strong>on</strong>ated during an operati<strong>on</strong>al<br />

activity by the IDF.<br />

On November 10, an anti-tank missile was fired at an IDF patrol al<strong>on</strong>g the security fence<br />

in northern Gaza, injuring four Israeli soldiers.<br />

Incidents <strong>on</strong> the Israel-Egypt border included:<br />

In February, an IDF team found an explosive device with a remote trigger al<strong>on</strong>g the<br />

porti<strong>on</strong> of the Israel-Egypt border known as the Philadelphi Corridor.<br />

In a June 18 cross-border attack from Egypt, militants det<strong>on</strong>ated a roadside bomb and<br />

fired anti-tank rockets and live ammuniti<strong>on</strong> at two Israeli vehicles. An Israeli civilian<br />

working <strong>on</strong> the Israel-Egypt border fence was killed, and two others were wounded.<br />

On August 5, terrorists identified by the IDF as a global terrorist cell operating in the<br />

Sinai stormed an Egyptian military post near Rafah, killing 16 Egyptian soldiers and<br />

border guards and capturing an armored pers<strong>on</strong>nel carrier (APC) and a truck filled with<br />

explosives. The truck exploded at the Israel-Egypt border, and the APC entered Israeli<br />

territory near Kerem Shalom with four attackers inside, where it was targeted by the<br />

Israel Air Force. The attack came shortly after a mortar barrage from Gaza pounded the<br />

Kerem Shalom border crossing in Israel, and rockets were fired at adjacent towns.<br />

Hizballah-linked incidents included:<br />

According to the ISA, in early June, Hizballah smuggled 20 kilograms of C-4 explosive<br />

and an IED det<strong>on</strong>ati<strong>on</strong> system into Israel from Leban<strong>on</strong>, using a network of narcotics<br />

dealers. Weap<strong>on</strong>s were also seized as part of a joint ISA-Israel Nati<strong>on</strong>al Police operati<strong>on</strong><br />


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