E. Coli

E. Coli E. Coli

04.06.2013 Views Nitrate reduction test reagents: Reagent A: -Naphthyl amine 5 g..m 5N acetic acid 30% 1 litter Reagent B: Sulfanilic acid 8 g. 3.1.5. Stains used: (1975). 5N acetic acid 30% 1 litter Modified Gram’s stain used as described by Cruickshank et al., 3.1.6. Media used for antibiotic sensitivity test Media used: Mueller-Hinton agar (oxoid) was prepared according to Finegold and Martin (1982). Antimicrobial sensitivity discs (Din, 1998): Antmicrobial susceptibility discs were obtained from BioMerieux as follows in table (2). 3.1.7.Diagnostic E.coli Antisera The isolates were identified serologically by diagnostic E.coli antisera for pathogenic types were used in this study. The diagnostic O sera 51 vials (polyvalent,8 vials and monovalent,43 vials (product code 312001) Polyvalent 1: O1 , O26 , O86A , O111 , O119 , O127A , O128 Polyvalent 2: O44 , O55 , O125 , O 126, O146 , O166 Polyvalent 3: O18 , O114 , O142 , O151 , O157 , O185 35

Polyvalent 4: O6 , O27 , O78 , O148 , O159 , O168 Polyvalent 5: O20 , O25 , O63 , O153 , O 167 Polyvalent 6: O8 , O15 , O115 , O169 Polyvalent 7: O28ac , O112AC , O124 , O136 , O144 Polyvalent 8: O29 , O143 , O152 , O164 36

Polyvalent 4: O6 , O27 , O78 , O148 , O159 , O168<br />

Polyvalent 5: O20 , O25 , O63 , O153 , O 167<br />

Polyvalent 6: O8 , O15 , O115 , O169<br />

Polyvalent 7: O28ac , O112AC , O124 , O136 , O144<br />

Polyvalent 8: O29 , O143 , O152 , O164<br />


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