E. Coli

E. Coli E. Coli


Hui, A.K. and Das, R., (2000): Prevalence of E.Coli in duck in two districts of west Bengal with their serotyping and Antibiogram. Indian Journal of Animal Health. 39(2): 61-64. Hui A.K. and Das R. (2001): Studies isolation, serotyping and antibiotic sensitivity of salmonella isolated from Duek. Ind. V.J. 78(11): 1058-1059 Ibrahim I.A.(2003): Diarrhea in duckling M.V.Sc. Thesis, Fac.Vet. Med., zagazig University. Benha branch (Moshtohor). Irwin,R.J.,MC Eween,S.A.,Clarke,R.C. and Meek, A.H.(1989):The prevalence of verocytotoxin producing E.coli and antimicrobial resistance pattern of non-vercytotoxin-producing E.coli and Salmonell in Ontario broiler chickens.Can.J.Vet.Res.53(4):4.11-8 Johnson J., Kuskowski M., Menard M., Gajewski A., Xercavins M. Jamal W.Y., pal T., Rotimi V.O. and Chugh T.D. (1998): Serogroups and antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of salmonella species from a teaching hospital in Kuwait J. Diarrhoeal Dis Res., 16(3): 180-6. Jacobs-Reitsma W.F., Koenroad P.M., Bolder N.M. and Mulder R.W. (1994): In vitro Susceptibility of campylobacter and Salmonella isolates from broilers to quinolones, ampicillin, tetracycline and erythromycin. Vet.Q., 16(4): 206-8 108 --

Jain S. and Chen J. (2006): Antibiotic resistance profiles and cell surface component of salmonella J. food prot., 69(5): 1017-23. Johanson J, Kuskowski M, Menard M, Gajewski A, Xercavins M, Garau J(2006): Similarity between human and chicken Escherichia coli isolates in relation to ciprofloxacin resistance status (http:// www. Journal. Uchicago.edu/JID/journal/ issue/V194n1/35787/35787. html) J. Infect Dis 194(10;71-8 PMID 16741884 (http://www. Ncbi. Nlm. Nih.gov/entrez/query.Fcgi? Jordan F.T.W. and Pattison M. (1996): Poultry disease 4 th ed. W.B. Saunclers company. Lted, England. P. 1912-7. Joya J.E., Tsuji T., Jacalne A.V., Arita M., Tsukamoto T., Honda T. and Miwatani T. (1990): Demonstration of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in diarrheic broiler chicks. Eur. J. Epidemiology, 6 (1): 88-90. Juncosa. Morros T., Palacin Cammacho E. and latorre othis C. (2005): Salmonellosis in a maternity-childrens hospital in Barcelona over a 10-year period (1992-2001). Pediater. (Barc)., 63(5): 43-8. Karim M.P. and Ali M.P. (1976): Survey of bacterial flora from chicken embryo and their effect on low hatchability. Bangladesh Vet. J., 10 (1/4): 15-18. 109 --

Hui, A.K. and Das, R., (2000): Prevalence of E.<strong>Coli</strong> in duck in two<br />

districts of west Bengal with their serotyping and Antibiogram. Indian<br />

Journal of Animal Health. 39(2): 61-64.<br />

Hui A.K. and Das R. (2001): Studies isolation, serotyping and<br />

antibiotic sensitivity of salmonella isolated from Duek. Ind. V.J. 78(11):<br />

1058-1059<br />

Ibrahim I.A.(2003): Diarrhea in duckling M.V.Sc. Thesis, Fac.Vet.<br />

Med., zagazig University. Benha branch (Moshtohor).<br />

Irwin,R.J.,MC Eween,S.A.,Clarke,R.C. and Meek, A.H.(1989):The<br />

prevalence of verocytotoxin producing E.coli and antimicrobial<br />

resistance pattern of non-vercytotoxin-producing E.coli and Salmonell<br />

in Ontario broiler chickens.Can.J.Vet.Res.53(4):4.11-8<br />

Johnson J., Kuskowski M., Menard M., Gajewski A., Xercavins M.<br />

Jamal W.Y., pal T., Rotimi V.O. and Chugh T.D. (1998): Serogroups<br />

and antimicrobial susceptibility of clinical isolates of salmonella species<br />

from a teaching hospital in Kuwait J. Diarrhoeal Dis Res., 16(3): 180-6.<br />

Jacobs-Reitsma W.F., Koenroad P.M., Bolder N.M. and Mulder<br />

R.W. (1994): In vitro Susceptibility of campylobacter and Salmonella<br />

isolates from broilers to quinolones, ampicillin, tetracycline and<br />

erythromycin. Vet.Q., 16(4): 206-8<br />

108<br />


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