Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org


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<strong>Talks</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Ramana</strong> <strong>Maharshi</strong><br />

M.: It is according to one’s samskaras (predispositions). One man<br />

will practise hatha yoga for curing his bodily ills; another man<br />

will trust to God to cure them; a third man will use his will-power<br />

for it and a fourth man may be totally indifferent to them. But all<br />

of them will persist in meditation. The quest for the Self is the<br />

essential factor and all the rest are mere accessories.<br />

A man may have mastered the Vedanta philosophy and yet remain<br />

unable to control his thoughts. He may have a predisposition<br />

(purva samskara) which takes him to practise hatha yoga. He<br />

will believe that the mind can be controlled only by yoga and so<br />

he will practise it.<br />

D.: What is most suitable for gaining facilities for steady dhyana?<br />

M.: It depends on one’s samskara. One may find hatha yoga suitable<br />

and another man nama japa, and so on. The essential point is the<br />

atma-vichara - enquiry into the Self.<br />

D.: Is it enough if I spend some time in the mornings and some time<br />

in the evenings for this atma-vichara? Or should I do it always<br />

- say, even when I am writing or walking?<br />

M.: Now what is your real nature? Is it writing, walking, or being? The<br />

one unalterable reality is Being. Until you realise that state of pure<br />

being you should pursue the enquiry. If once you are established<br />

in it there will be no further worry.<br />

No one will enquire into the source of thoughts unless thoughts<br />

arise. So long as you think “I am walking,” “I am writing,” enquire<br />

who does it.<br />

These actions will however go on when one is firmly established<br />

in the Self. Does a man always say, “I am a man, I am a man, I am<br />

a man,” every moment of his life? He does not say so and yet all<br />

his actions are going on.<br />

D.: Is an intellectual understanding of the Truth necessary?<br />

M.: Yes. Otherwise why does not the person realise God or the Self<br />

at once, i.e., as soon as he is told that God is all or the Self is<br />

all? That shows some wavering on his part. He must argue <strong>with</strong><br />

himself and gradually convince himself of the Truth before his<br />

faith becomes firm.<br />


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