Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org

Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi Complete ... - BrahminVoice.org


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<strong>Talks</strong> <strong>with</strong> <strong>Sri</strong> <strong>Ramana</strong> <strong>Maharshi</strong><br />

time, irrespective of the different nature of individual consciousness<br />

in them prior to Self-realisation.<br />

The kramamukti school objects to the idea of sadyomukti (immediate<br />

liberation) because the Jnani is supposed to lose body-consciousness<br />

at the same time that ignorance is dispelled but he continues to live in<br />

the body. They ask, “How does the body function <strong>with</strong>out the mind?”<br />

The answer is somewhat elaborate:<br />

Knowledge (jnana) is not incompatible <strong>with</strong> ignorance (ajnana) because the<br />

Self in purity is found to remain along <strong>with</strong> ignorance-seed (ajnana beeja)<br />

in sleep. But the incompatibility arises only in the waking and dream states.<br />

Ajnana has two aspects: avarana (veiling) and vikshepa (multiplicity). Of<br />

these, avarana (veiling) denotes the veil hiding the Truth. That prevails in<br />

sleep. Multiplicity (vikshepa) is activity in different times. This gives rise<br />

to diversity and prevails in waking and dream states (jagrat and svapna).<br />

If the veil, i.e., avarana is lifted, the Truth is perceived. It is lifted for a<br />

Jnani and so his karana sarira (causal body) ceases to exist. Vikshepa alone<br />

continues for him. Even so, it is not the same for a Jnani as it is for an ajnani.<br />

The ajnani has all kinds of vasanas, i.e., kartrtva (doership) and bhoktrtva<br />

(enjoyership), whereas the Jnani has ceased to be doer (karta). Thus only<br />

one kind of vasana obtains for him. That too is very weak and does not<br />

overpower him, because he is always aware of the Sat-Chit-Ananda nature<br />

of the Self. The tenuous bhoktrtva vasana is the only remnant of the mind<br />

left in the Jnani and he therefore appears to be living in the body.<br />

This explanation when applied to the mantra amounts to this: A Jnani<br />

has his karana sarira destroyed; the sthula sarira (gross body) has<br />

no effect on him and is for all practical purposes destroyed too. The<br />

sukshma sarira (subtle body) alone remains. It is otherwise called<br />

ativahika sarira. It is this which is held by all persons after the<br />

physical body is given up. And <strong>with</strong> this they traverse to other lokas<br />

until another suitable physical body is taken. The Jnani is supposed<br />

to move in Brahmaloka <strong>with</strong> this sukshma sarira. Then that is also<br />

dissolved and he passes to final Liberation.<br />

The whole explanation is meant only for the onlooker. The Jnani<br />

himself will never raise such questions. He knows by his experience<br />

that he is not bound by any kind of limitations.<br />


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