Mustereinstufungstest Universität Passau Sprache: Englisch

Mustereinstufungstest Universität Passau Sprache: Englisch

Mustereinstufungstest Universität Passau Sprache: Englisch


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<strong>Mustereinstufungstest</strong> <strong>Universität</strong> <strong>Passau</strong><br />

<strong>Sprache</strong>: <strong>Englisch</strong><br />

Studiengänge: B.A. Kulturwissenschaft<br />

B.A. / M.A. European Studies<br />

Lehramt<br />

Magister<br />

Arbeitszeit: 90 Minuten<br />

Hilfsmittel: keine<br />

Empfohlene Lektüre: jede gute einschlägige Grammatik aus der<br />

Sekundarstufe!<br />

Weitere Empfehlungen:<br />

Murphy, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge<br />

University Press, 1999.<br />

Freese, Holger. <strong>Englisch</strong> Vorsicht Fehler! 200 Typische <strong>Englisch</strong>-Fehler<br />

Erkennen und Vermeiden. München: Mentor, 1996.<br />

A) Tenses<br />

Gezeichnet Charles Madsen / Paul Davies<br />


Each time only ONE answer is correct!<br />

(1) ......... a car when you were living in Montreal?<br />

A Did you have<br />

B Had you<br />

C Were you having<br />

D Have you had<br />

(2) While I ......... TV, the phone ........ .<br />

A was watching ......... rang<br />

B watched ......... was ringing<br />

C was watching ......... was ringing<br />

D watched ......... rang<br />

(3) Can I get you some more wine or ..... enough?<br />

A do you have<br />

B have you had<br />

C had you had<br />

D had you<br />

(4) If I ..... a million dollars, I ..... at least half of it to the poor.<br />

A should win ..... could donate<br />

B won ..... would donate<br />

C would win ..... would donate<br />

D won ..... donate<br />

(5) Next year, Ted and Amy ......... for twenty-five years.<br />

A would be married<br />

B will have been married<br />

C are married<br />

D will be marrying<br />

(6) You really ..... me when you ..... me you never wanted to eat ice cream again.<br />

A surprised ..... have told<br />

B have surprised ..... told<br />

C surprised ..... told<br />

D had surprised ..... have been telling

(7) —It was a great class this morning and you ......... . Why didn‘t you?—<br />

A must have come<br />

B ought to have come<br />

C had to come<br />

D will have come<br />

(8) According to Christian belief, Christ ..... on the third day after his death.<br />

A raised<br />

B rise<br />

C rose<br />

D risen<br />

(9) It wasn‘t my first game of tennis. I ......... many times before.<br />

A had played<br />

B did play<br />

C have played<br />

D was playing<br />

(10) Cynthia didn‘t feel well so she ..... down on the bed and took a nap.<br />

A lied<br />

B lay<br />

C lain<br />

D laid<br />

B) ”-ing‘ and the infinitive<br />

Each time only ONE answer is correct!<br />

(11) You can‘t stop us ......... what we want.<br />

A to do<br />

B that I do<br />

C do<br />

D from doing<br />

(12) Although I gave up smoking five years ago, I don‘t think I‘ll ever get used ......... .<br />

A to not smoke<br />

B not smoking<br />

C not smoke<br />

D to not smoking

(13) Are you ..... forward ..... to Canada again?<br />

A looking ..... to go<br />

B looking ..... to going<br />

C looking ..... going<br />

D look ..... going<br />

(14) I‘m sure you‘ll have no ..... a job after graduating<br />

A difficulty to find<br />

B difficulty finding<br />

C difficulties find<br />

D difficulties to find<br />

(15) ..... for somewhere to stay the night for three hours, we just gave up.<br />

A Looking<br />

B Having looked<br />

C We looked<br />

D After we have looked<br />

C) Prepositions<br />

Each time only ONE answer is correct!<br />

(16) Why didn‘t you listen ......... the soccer game ......... the radio?<br />

A to ......... with<br />

B through ......... over<br />

C to ......... on<br />

D on ......... in<br />

(17) —Who‘s that woman ......... the front row of the cinema?“<br />

A on the photograph at<br />

B at the photograph in<br />

C in the photograph at<br />

D in the photograph in<br />

(18) —Welcome ......... our country! When did you arrive ......... Britain?“<br />

A in ......... to<br />

B through ......... at<br />

C to ......... in<br />

D into ......... from

(19) There has been an increase ......... unemployment recently yet tax cuts for the rich are<br />

definitely NOT a solution ......... the problem.<br />

A in ......... to<br />

B of ......... for<br />

C from ......... to<br />

D in ......... on<br />

(20) —Have you read any books ......... Agatha Christie?— —Yes - in fact, I love to read them<br />

......<br />

a bus.“<br />

A from ......... in<br />

B by ......... on<br />

C of ......... into<br />

D by ......... in<br />

(21) We live ......... a tower block, and our flat is ......... the fifteenth floor.<br />

A on ......... in<br />

B at ......... from<br />

C by ......... into<br />

D in ......... on<br />

(22) If you‘re worried about your grades in Spanish, you really should do something ..... it.<br />

A against<br />

B towards<br />

C about<br />

D from<br />

(23) —Does anyone have any more questions ……… the text we‘ve just read?“<br />

A to<br />

B at<br />

C on<br />

D through

(D) English in Use<br />

Complete the following text by inserting ONE word of your choice (and only one word!) in<br />

each of the gaps.<br />

For the latest edition of AA Hotels and Restaurants in Britain and Ireland, the AA questioned<br />

2,000 hotels about the way their guests behave. The survey proves, the AA says, that the<br />

(24) ……… the hotel‘s star rating, the greater its bill for thieving guests. Brian Sack, partner<br />

of the Sharrow Bay Country House Hotel on Unswater, noticing a guest with three ashtrays in<br />

her handbag, deftly (25) ……… two of them with the gentle reproof that one should be<br />

enough.<br />

Thefts (26) ……… from the petty: TV remote control batteries, light<br />

(27) ………,<br />

room numbers and fire assembly notices, through the curious: a single strip of wallpaper and<br />

a picture of Miss World 1988, to the major: grandfather clocks, a grand piano, two beds, a<br />

stuffed bear, a dance floor carpet and a complete (28) ……… of onions taken from the garden<br />

of the Longueville Manor hotel in Jersey. Things guests (29) ……… behind include false<br />

teeth, glass eyes, wigs, a sack of snakes and a box of poisonous spiders.<br />

Some hotels suffered quite serious (30) ……… . One had its front door kicked down<br />

by three soldiers who had been (31) ……… out. At the Seckford Hall Hotel in Suffolk, a<br />

sleepwalking guest wrenched a radiator off the wall, (32) ……… rooms. One manager<br />

(33) ……… —my nose“ (34) ……… under items which had been broken. Room service (35)<br />

……… included jam sandwiches and fillet steak for a dog, fried eggs and ice cream, and<br />

chocolate sauce.<br />

Hoteliers said that some guests‘ complaints were ridiculous. Bad weather (36) ………<br />

offence though other natural phenomena that (37) ……… guests included birdsong and the<br />

sound of the sea. One guest at the Seacrest Hotel in Hampshire complained to the tourist<br />

board about a hurricane that had (38) ……… him awake. The roof of the hotel had blown off.<br />

From The Times

E) Sentence Transformations<br />

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the<br />

word given. Do NOT change the word given! Here is an example:<br />

—If I were you, Jane, I‘d take an umbrella and a raincoat“ said Annabel.<br />

advised<br />

Annabel ………………………………………………………. an umbrella and a raincoat.<br />

correct = . . . advised Jane to take . . .<br />

(39) You must do exactly what the manager tells you.<br />

carry<br />

You must ……………………………………………………… instructions exactly.<br />

(40) The switchboard operator connected me to the manager.<br />

put<br />

I was …………………………………………………………………………. the manager.<br />

(41) Maria said I had caused the accident.<br />

blamed<br />

Maria …………………………………………………………………………. the accident.<br />

(42) This is the most amusing book I‘ve ever read.<br />

amusing<br />

I‘ve never read ………………………………………………………………… one before<br />

(43) You‘re like another person I‘ve met here recently.<br />

else<br />

You remind …………………………………………………………… I‘ve met here recently.<br />

(44) Ingrid has become confident as a result of her success.<br />

turned<br />

Ingrid‘s success has ……………………………………………………………….. person.

(45) Paul often gets angry for no reason.<br />

lose<br />

Paul tends ………………………………………………………………………for no reason.<br />

G) Text Production<br />

Please write ONE 100 word-essay on one of the following three topics:<br />

i. How do you think President Bush and his administration have reacted to the hurricane<br />

catastrophe in New Orleans?<br />

ii. Who would you like to see win the next German federal election and why?<br />

iii. Do you think Britain is a reliable member of the EU?<br />

Note: The placement test might contain a further section consisting of a listening<br />

comprehension test.

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