Eng. Simona Maria AVRAM (MAN) - USAMV Cluj-Napoca

Eng. Simona Maria AVRAM (MAN) - USAMV Cluj-Napoca Eng. Simona Maria AVRAM (MAN) - USAMV Cluj-Napoca








<strong>Eng</strong>. <strong>Simona</strong> <strong>Maria</strong> <strong>AVRAM</strong> (<strong>MAN</strong>)<br />







2011<br />

XXVIII<br />


Prof.univ.Ph.D. Sevastiţa MUSTE


INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................XXX<br />

1. AIM AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................................... XXXI<br />

2. MATERIAL AND METHOD ....................................................................................... XXXII<br />

2.1. EXPERIMENTAL FACTORS................................................................................ XXXII<br />

2.2. THE BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL..........................................................................XXXIV<br />

2.3. RESEARCH METHODS........................................................................................XXXV<br />

3. REZULTS AND DISCUSSIONS..................................................................................XXXV<br />


THE QUALITY OF WINTER WHEAT.........................................................................XXXV<br />

3.1.1. The influence of climatic conditions on the quality of wheat .............................XXXV<br />

3.1.2. The influence of variety on the wheat quality...................................................XXXVI<br />

3.1.3. The influence of fertilization on the wheat quality............................................XXXVI<br />

3.1.4. The influence of treatment on the wheat quality ............................................. XXXVII<br />

3.1.5. Interaction factors (years, , variety, agrofond and treatment) on quality parameters of<br />

the wheat ..................................................................................................................XXXIX<br />



3.2.1. The influence of culture area on the wheat quality...........................................XXXIX<br />

3.2.2. The influence of fertilization on wheat quality cultivated in two areas different<br />

climatic (Turda and Targu Mures)...................................................................................XL<br />

3.2.3. The influence of variety on wheat quality cultivated in two areas different climatic<br />

(Turda and Targu Mures)................................................................................................XLI<br />

3.2.4. Interaction factors (the area of culture, agrofond and variety) on quality parameters of<br />

the wheat ...................................................................................................................... XLII<br />



THE WINTER WHEAT ................................................................................................... XLII<br />


THE INFLUENCE OF THE STUDY FACTORS ............................................................XLIV<br />


PARAMETERS ............................................................................................................... XLV<br />

3.5.1. The relationship between protein content and the wet gluten ...............................XLVI<br />

3.5.2. The relationship between protein content and the gluten index ............................XLVI<br />

3.5.3. The relationship between protein content and the Zeleny index ..........................XLVII<br />

3.5.4. The relationship between wet gluten and the gluten index ..................................XLVII<br />

3.5.5. The relationship between wet gluten and the Zeleny index ............................... XLVIII<br />

3.5.6. The relationship between gluten index and the Zeleny index ............................ XLVIII<br />


HIGH PERFOR<strong>MAN</strong>CE THIN LAYER CHROMATOGRAPHY (HPLC)......................XLIX<br />

3.6.1. Qualitative determination of total aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) for winter wheat grown<br />

from to SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures...........................................................XLIX<br />

4. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.............................................. LI<br />

SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY.............................................................................................LIII<br />



The special value of the grains for food and diet resulting from advantages they<br />

offer over other raw materials of food industry.<br />

The main topic of our research is focused on the wheat because of its great<br />

importance as food, providing a lot of carbohydrates and proteins necessary to human<br />

and release more than half the calories consumed by mankind, being the main raw<br />

material in bakery industry.<br />

Knowing the biological features of wheat is an essential step both ingenetic and breeding<br />

studies and in research related to cultivation technology and processing which aims to<br />

achieve quality standards to ensure quality by-products, but also safe for consumption.<br />

The potential of the production hence the quality and safety by applying a culture<br />

technology which has the starting point for balanced fertilization, disease control (in<br />

particular, which are transmitted by seed), keeping the clean chain of weeds, pest control,<br />

harvesting at full maturity and proper storage.<br />

The clover grown in different climatic conditions, fertilization and treatment are<br />

important factors for achieving high yields, quality and safe for consumption, for which<br />

reason we conducted research into the.<br />

Experience has shown that the storage of grain, grist products and bakery may<br />

occur a microflora under certain conditions enhancing the growth and production of<br />

mycotoxins.<br />

The main mycotoxins that occur in cereals and cereal products, that are regulated<br />

in European Community, are aflatoxins, ochratoxins, deoxynivalenol and zearalenone.<br />

The recent European studies shown high levels of mycotoxins present in cereals<br />

and cereal by-products. These results call requires vigilance and measures to protect<br />

consumers and to increase confidence in the products that best exploits the nutrition<br />

potential of the grains.<br />

The results obtained during these studies can be useful for wheat production in<br />

determining the optimal dose for basic fertilization and the ideal combination of<br />

treatments applied during the season to obtain high-quality wheat crops.<br />

Identification of mycotoxin contamination of wheat processors is important<br />

because, although mycotoxins contamination occurs during the vegetation, their levels<br />

may increase substantially during storage and industrial processing.<br />


The thesis is divided into two main parts, first part including the current state of<br />

knowledge in the field, and the second part, own research results and discussion,<br />

conclusions and bibliography.<br />

FIRST PART: CURRENT STATE OF KNOWLEDGE, has three chapters:<br />

Chapter 1. The concept of the wheat quality and its importance, describes the<br />

history and importance of wheat, geographical distribution, chemical composition and<br />

nutritional value of its, and the importance of ecological, biological and technological<br />

factorson the wheat quality.<br />


Chapter 2. The importance of microflora and mycotoxin xontamination of<br />

grain quality, describes sources of contamination and structure of microflora<br />

contamination, conditions that favor development needs of microorganisms, prevention<br />

of mold contamination and inactivation of mycotoxins, and a description of the main<br />

fungi producers of aflatoxins.<br />

Chapter 3. Mycotoxins, food comtaminants that affect food safety, includes<br />

information on the incidence of mycotoxins in cereals, a general description of aflatoxins,<br />

as well as legislation issues related to cereals mycotoxins.<br />

PART TWO: PERSONAL RESEARCH, is strictured in five chapters, and<br />

include: motovation, purpose and objectives, materials and methods, the study of pedoclimatic<br />

conditions during conducting research, results and discussions, conlusions and<br />

recommendations.<br />

Chapter 4. Thesis aim and main objetives, includes motivation and objectives of<br />

the research done.<br />

Chapter 5. Materials and methods, in which experimental factors are presented,<br />

as well as biological material and research methods involved.<br />

Chapter 6. Research about the pedo-climatic conditions in that study were<br />

carried out, are presented in terms of geographical and pedo-climatic conditions in the<br />

region that were taken into study.<br />

Chapter 7. Rezults and discussions, describes the results and discussions are<br />

presented to each objective.<br />

The second part is ending with Chapter 8. Conclusions and recommendations<br />

of the study and associated References.<br />


The purpose of the research was the influence of ecological, biological and<br />

technological quality of wheat grown in central Transylvania and the identification<br />

and assessment of aflatoxin contamination of raw materials used in bakery.<br />

The research objectives are:<br />

· involvement of ecology, biology and technology factors and their interaction on<br />

the quality of winter wheat;<br />

· comparative study on quality of wheat varieties, cultivated in two different pedoclimatic<br />

areas (Turda and Targu Mures);<br />

· participation rates to identify the factors studied and their interaction to achieve<br />

the quality indicators of winter wheat;<br />

· relationships between the parameters studied in order to know the degree of<br />

association between them;<br />

· identification of aflatoxins in wheat, used as raw material to obtain flour and<br />

bakery products.<br />




To achieve the goal of involvement of ecology, biology and technology and their<br />

interaction on the quality of winter wheat in 2008, 2009, 2010, was organized at the<br />

Agricultural Research and Development Station Turda, an stationary polifactorial type of<br />

experience by the subdivided parcels method with four experimental factors in three<br />

repetitions (experiment 1).<br />

Experience 1: Influence of variety, agrofond and complextreatment with foliar<br />

fertilizers, fungicides and insecticides, on the quality of winter wheat in different climatic<br />

conditions, between following ranges:<br />

Factor A: production year in terms of pedo-climatic conditions, between<br />

following ranges:<br />

A1 – 2007 – 2008 (Mt.)<br />

A2 – 2008 – 2009<br />

A3 – 2009 – 2010<br />

Factor B: variety, with the following ranges:<br />

B1 – Arieşan (Mt.)<br />

B2 – Apullum<br />

B3 – Dumbrava<br />

Factor C: base fertilization, with following ranges:<br />

C1 – N40P40 kg/ha at sowing (Mt.)<br />

C2 – N40P40 kg/ha at sowing + N20P20 kg/ha at the resumption of vegetation in spring<br />

Factor D: complex combination of treatments with foliar fertilizers, fungicides<br />

and insecticides at four different phenological moments significant for vegetation with<br />

following ranges (table 1).<br />

Graduation<br />

The resumntion<br />

of vegetation<br />

Graduations factor D (vegetation treatments)<br />

Fenofaza end twin step<br />

and herbicide step<br />

XXXII<br />

Fenofaza of<br />

bellows<br />

Table 1<br />

Fenofaza of<br />

flowering<br />

D1(Mt.) ÎF + IS ÎF ÎF+FG+IS ÎF+FG+IS<br />

D2 - ÎF + IS ÎF+FG+IS ÎF+FG+IS<br />

D3 - ÎF + IS - ÎF+FG+IS<br />

D4 ÎF + IS ÎF + IS - ÎF+FG+IS<br />

ÎF – foliar fertilizers Polyfeed 19:19:19 + microelemente 5kg/ha<br />

IS-isecidices: Capypso 100 ml/ha in phenophase 1 and 2, Proteus 0,4 1/ha in phenophase 3 şi 4<br />

FG - fungicid Falcon 480 EC 0,6 1/ha in phenophase 3 and Prosaro 11/ha in phenophase 4<br />

The combination of factors and graduations, for each variety result of experience<br />

polyfactoriala type 3 x 3 x 2 x 4, with 72 variants, like, presented in Table 2.

Presenting of experimental’s variants in first experience<br />

A1 (2007/2008)<br />


XXXIII<br />

Table 2<br />

C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60)<br />

D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4<br />

A2 (2008/2009)<br />


C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60)<br />

D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4<br />

A3 (2009/2010)<br />


C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60) C1 (N40P40) C2 (N60P60)<br />

D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4 D1 D2 D3 D4<br />

Previous cropping was the soy beans. The experiments were made each year<br />

according to the experimental design, taking into account the best times for cropping, in<br />

terms of optimisation. Experimental plot area was of 3m x 7.5 m (22.5 m 2 ) in three<br />

repetitions.<br />

Due to the experiment 1, complex treatments were carried out at important<br />

moments during the vegetation phonological wheat, aiming their influence on quality<br />

indices to achieve the goal of identification of aflatoxins in wheat, raw material, to obtain<br />

flour and products bread is done in the experimental fields at SCDA Turda and Mures in<br />

2009/2010 a polyfactorial experiment following the subdivided parcels method in three<br />

repetitions (experiment 2).<br />

Experience 2: Influence of variety and agrofond contamination with<br />

mycotoxins on the quality of winter wheat in different climatic conditions, with the<br />

following ranges:<br />

Factorul A – the area of culture with the following ranges:<br />

A1 – Turda (Mt.)<br />

A2 – Targu Mures<br />

Factorul B – base fertilization, with the following ranges:<br />

B1 – unfertilized (Mt.)<br />

B2 – fertilized with N40P40<br />

Factorul C – variety, with the following ranges:<br />

C1 – Arieşan (Mt.)<br />

C2 – Apullum<br />

C3 – Dumbrava<br />

C4 – Turda 2000<br />

C5 – Exotic<br />

C6 – Faur<br />

C7 – Serina<br />

C8 – Glosa<br />

C9 – Josef<br />

C10 – Dropia

Experiments were placed in strict compliance with three repetitions of wheat<br />

cultivation technology for tracking the experimental factors.<br />

Soil tillage consisted of stubble-turning with a disc harrow, followed by plowing<br />

at 20 cm and two works with disc harrow for seedbed formation, the previous plant used<br />

being a spring plant.<br />

The combination of factors and graduations, for each kind of results of<br />

polyfactorial experiments variants of 10 x 2 x 2, with 40 variants, alike, are shown in the<br />

Table 3.<br />

Presenting of experimental’s variants in the second experience<br />


B1 (N0P0) B2 (N40P40) B1 (N0P0) B2 (N40P40)<br />

C1 (Arieşan) C1 (Arieşan) C1 (Arieşan) C1 (Arieşan)<br />

C2 (Apullum) C2 (Apullum) C2 (Apullum) C2 (Apullum)<br />

C3 (Dumbrava) C3 (Dumbrava) C3 (Dumbrava) C3 (Dumbrava)<br />

C4 (Turda 2000) C4 (Turda 2000) C4 (Turda 2000) C4 (Turda 2000)<br />

C5 (Exotic) C5 (Exotic) C5 (Exotic) C5 (Exotic)<br />

C6 (Faur) C6 (Faur) C6 (Faur) C6 (Faur)<br />

C7 (Serina) C7 (Serina) C7 (Serina) C7 (Serina)<br />

C8 (Glosa) C8 (Glosa) C8 (Glosa) C8 (Glosa)<br />

C9 (Josef) C9 (Josef) C9 (Josef) C9 (Josef)<br />

C10 (Dropia) C10 (Dropia) C10 (Dropia) C10 (Dropia)<br />

XXXIV<br />

Table 3<br />

Throughout the growing season has followed the influence of climatic factors on<br />

the development of plant varieties resistancem to stressors with a particular emphasis on<br />

the influence of technological factors on the qualitative characteristics, especially for<br />

baking ones.<br />

Samples were taken from SCDA Turda and SCDCB Mures, both units are located<br />

in the centre of Transylvania. Samples collection and training was conducted in<br />

compliance with existing standards SR ISO 13690/2001, replacing STAS 1068-75.<br />

For each experience, at harvest, samples were chosen and retained of foreign<br />

bodies, being storage in paper bags at 20 C to determine the physicochemical and<br />

backing characteristics. In the study were prepared samples to determine contamination<br />

with mycotoxins, which are stored at 3-4 C until the determination in the laboratory.<br />


In order to study the influence of ecology, biology and technology on the quality<br />

of bread wheat (one made in SCDA Turda experience, from 2007 to 2010) were used<br />

three winter wheat clovers, namely Ariesan, Apullum and Dumbrava. For experiement 2<br />

on comparative study of wheat quality and identification of aflatoxins contamination<br />

were taken into study ten winter wheat varieties domestic and imported, cultivated in the<br />

same technological conditions of the same year (2009/2010), but in different areas at<br />

SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures.

The studies involved following winter wheat clovers: Ariesan, Apullum,<br />

DUmbrava, Turda 2000, Exotic, Faur, Serina, Glosa, Josef and Dropia.<br />


In order to assess the quality of wheat clover we determined moisture by drying<br />

method in the oven, hectolitre mass was assessed by the hectolitice balance, protein<br />

content was determined by Kjeldahl method, wet gluten content was assessed by<br />

washing with sodium chloride solution with sodium chloride solution 2%, the<br />

deformation index gluten was assessed by using the formula, Zeleny sedimentation index,<br />

based on particle sedimentation method of flour in the presence of lactic acid and<br />

Bromophenol blue, followed by reading the volume of sediment and falling index with<br />

the index Falling number equipment.<br />

The identification of mycotoxins were done by the method of assessment of all<br />

aflatoxins of vegetable origin by high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC),<br />

based on a method of extraction from Camag with methanol and distilled water.<br />




3.1.1. The influence of climatic conditions on the quality of wheat<br />

In 2008/2009, years characterized as thermally hot and dry excessively; all quality<br />

parameters analyzed were favourable influenced by climatic conditions of the year<br />

recording significant positive differences compared to2007/2008, considered as control.<br />

Protein content increased by 5.04% in 2008/2009 (from 9.31% to 14.35%) and to<br />

1.05% in 2009/2010 (from 9.31% to 10.36%) and wet gluten increased by 18.62% (from<br />

16.11% to 34.73%) in 2008/2009 and 2009/2010 increase to 4.11%.<br />

In 2009/2010, a year characterized with normal temperature values, but excessive<br />

rain, only the protein content, wet gluten content and quality of gluten index (index of<br />

deformation and gluten index) showed significant positive differences towards the<br />

control. Thus hectolitric mass increases from 75.94 kg /hl to 79.50kg /hl (+3.56), in<br />

2008/2009 and in 2009/2010 decreased to 72.15 kg /hl, accounting significantly negative<br />

differences (-3.78) compared to the control.<br />

The deformation index registered a slight increase from 3.61mm to 4.67mm in<br />

2008/2009 to 5.11 mm in 2009/2010 while the gluten index registered a considerable<br />

increase from 28.42% to 58.13% (+29.71), in 2008/2009 and from 28.42% to 39.71% in<br />

2009/2010.<br />

In terms of sedimentation index and drop index we noted in 2008/2009, a<br />

significant positive differences (+17.69 for sedimentation index and +16.90 for index<br />

fall), while in 2009/2010, which was excessively rainy year is very significant negative (-<br />

5.71 and -172.13 for sedimentation index for index fall) differences. These values show<br />

the importance of climatic conditions on the quality of protein and especially the amylase<br />

activity.<br />


3.1.2. The influence of variety on the wheat quality<br />

The variety is one of the most important factors in wheat culture technology.<br />

In terms of genetics, there are quite high differences between varieties of wheat<br />

depending on the content of protein substances. For wheat the protein and gluten content<br />

are two hereditary characteristics that are strongly influenced by the environmental<br />

factors and culture conditions.<br />

The three studied, wheat varieties, Arieşan, Apullum and Grove, are clearly<br />

different regarding thir quality for bread.<br />

Thus, the variety Arieşan used as a blanck in the analyzed experiences is the<br />

largest variety from the area production, being known for its high production potential<br />

associated with a good crop quality. For all the analyzed quality parameters, this variety<br />

has proven to have a better quality than the varieties Apullum and Dumbraba, with values<br />

of 74.55 kg / hl for hectolitrical weight, 11.80% for protein content, 25.45% for wet<br />

gluten content, 5.38 for deformation index, 43.46 % for falls index and 37.33 ml for the<br />

Zeleny index. Apullum and Dumbrava wheat varieties have shown very significant<br />

negative differeces for all the quality parameters, except the hectoliter weight, which<br />

showed very significant positive differences compared to the blanck, by increasing the<br />

hectoliter mass from 74.55 kg/hl to 78.20 kg/hl ( 3.65%) from the Apullum variety, and<br />

from 74.55 kg/hl to 74.85 kg/hl (0.30%) for the Dumbrava variety.<br />

A decreased of the α-amylase activity was also noticed for the Dumbrava variety,<br />

that has shown very significant negative differences (-32.43) by raport to the Arieşan<br />

variety, considered as blanck.<br />

3.1.3. The influence of fertilization on the wheat quality<br />

An important factor for wheat quality is the fertilization which by differential<br />

amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus given to plants in various stages of vegetation can<br />

affect the gluten proteins accumulation in the wheat grains, with repercussions on their<br />

qualitative characteristics.<br />

The fertilization variety for seeding N40P40 kg/ha, was chosen as blank in the<br />

three-year experience achieved at ARDS Turda.<br />

Significant positive values were noticed for all the analyzed parameters, except the<br />

drop index which shown very significant negative values by report to the dose of<br />

fertilization applied (-18.0).<br />

Applying the nitrogen and phosphorus dose during seeding and in the spring,<br />

when the vegetation in the spring (N60P60) an increase of the quality parameter values<br />

has been noticed depending on the studied variety. The hectoliter weight increased by<br />

0.29 - 0.89 kg / hl (figure 1), the protein by 0.75 - 1.17% (figure 2), the wet gluten by<br />

3.67 - 4.09% (figure 3),the gluten index by 4.08 - 6.83% (figure 4) and the sedimentation<br />

index by 4.28 - 6.67 ml (figure 5). Also it was noticed that all the quality parameters,<br />

regardless of fertilization applied, the Arieşan wheat variety has showed the highest<br />

values, except the hectoliter mass, which recorded the highest values regardless the<br />

fertilization applied for Apullum variety.<br />



(+0.29)<br />


(+ 0.57)<br />


(+0.89)<br />

74.71<br />

74.11<br />

74.99<br />

74.99<br />

78.48<br />

77.91<br />

70 72 74 76 78 80<br />

Masa hectolitrică/Weight test (kg/hl)<br />

N60P60***<br />

N40P40(Mt.)<br />

Fig. 1 The evolution of weight test depending on fertilization at winter<br />

wheat varieties (SCDA Turda)<br />


(+4.09)<br />


(+3.98)<br />


(+3.67)<br />

20.22<br />

21.35<br />

23.61<br />

24.31<br />

25.33<br />

27.28<br />

10 15 20 25 30<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

N60P60***<br />

N40P40(Mt.)<br />

Fig. 3 The evolution of wet gluten depending on fertilization at winter<br />

wheat varieties (SCDA Turda)<br />


(+6.67)<br />


(+5.56)<br />


(+4.28)<br />

XXXVII<br />


(+0.97)<br />


(+1.17)<br />


(+0.75)<br />

10.42<br />

10.63<br />

11.39<br />

11.79<br />

11.53<br />

9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content<br />

(%)<br />

12.27<br />

N60P60***<br />

N40P40(Mt.)<br />

Fig. 2 The evolution of protein content depending on fertilization at<br />

winter wheat varieties (SCDA Turda)<br />


(+6.83)<br />


(+4.92)<br />


(+4.08)<br />

37.58<br />

39.33<br />

41.42<br />

44.42<br />

44.25<br />

45.5<br />

5 15 25 35 45 55<br />

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

N60P60***<br />

N40P40(Mt.)<br />

Fig 4 The evolution of gluten index depending on fertilization at<br />

winter wheat varieties (SCDA Turda)<br />

38.83<br />

32.17<br />

38.25<br />

32.69<br />

39.47<br />

35.19<br />

5 15 25 35 45<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index (ml)<br />

N60P60***<br />

N40P40(Mt.)<br />

Fig. 5 The evolution of Zeleny index depending on fertilization at winter<br />

wheat varieties (SCDA Turda)<br />

3.1.4. The influence of treatment on the wheat quality<br />

The success of wheat crops is often conditioned by the appearance of different<br />

diseases and pests which by the realized attack helps to the production potential and<br />

varieties quality decreasing below the provided agrotechnical conditions. During the<br />

growing season the wheat crop monitoring is necessary, by using in time the insecticides<br />

and fungicides that are necessary to fight diseases and pests, and also by foliar fertilizer<br />

application when the vegetation is regained in order to get a better crop quality.<br />

The graphical representation of the quality parameters evolution, for each studied<br />

variety was realized depending on the treatments applied during wheat growing season.<br />

The treatment variety D1, for which complex treatments have been applied to all four<br />

major phenological moments, was considered as blank.

For all the experimental variants by applying treatments in different stages of<br />

vegetation, significant positive or negative differences was noticed for all the analyzed<br />

quality parameters except the deformation and failure index where insignificant<br />

differences were noticed in most variants.<br />

Regarding the quality parameters: protein content (figure 7), wet gluten (figure 8),<br />

indicating gluten (figure 9) and Zeleny sedimentation index (figure 10), very significant<br />

negative differences were observe compared to the blank for all the studied wheat<br />

varieties. The treatment variety D1, for which were applied vegetation treatments in all<br />

four major phenological times, the highest values of 11.33% - 12.41% for protein,<br />

23.38% - 25.86% for wet gluten, 43.33% - 46% for index gluten, 36.83 ml - 39.83 ml for<br />

sedimentation index have been recorded.<br />

Concerning the hectoliter weight (figure 6), very significant positive differences<br />

have been noticed compared to the blank (D1) for all wheat varieties, for treatment<br />

variants D3 and D4, which suggest an increase of grains filling capacity by not applying<br />

treatments during skin phase.<br />

Masa hectoliotrică/Weight test<br />

(kg/hl)<br />

79<br />

78<br />

77<br />

76<br />

75<br />

74<br />

73<br />

72<br />

71<br />

75.09<br />

74.84<br />

74.56<br />

73.71<br />

78.19<br />

78.58 78.49<br />

78.19<br />

75.39<br />

75.18<br />

74.7<br />

74.13<br />

Arieşan Apullum Dumbrava<br />

D1 (Mt.)<br />

D2 (ooo)<br />

D3 (***)<br />

D4 (***)<br />

Fig. 6 The evolution of weight test depending on treatment<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein<br />

content (%)<br />

12.5<br />

12<br />

11.5<br />

11<br />

10.5<br />

10<br />

9.5<br />

12.41<br />

11.92<br />

11.78<br />

11.5 11.5<br />

11.36 11.33<br />

11.08<br />

10.91 10.9110.88<br />

10.49<br />

Arieşan Apullum Dumbrava<br />

D1 (Mt.)<br />

D2 (ooo)<br />

D3 (ooo)<br />

D4 (ooo)<br />

Fig. 7 The evolution of protein content depending on treatment<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index (ml)<br />

40<br />

39<br />

38<br />

37<br />

36<br />

35<br />

34<br />

33<br />

32<br />

31<br />

30<br />

39.83<br />

37.56<br />

37.11 37.56<br />

34.83<br />

35<br />

33.67<br />

35.67<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />


25.86 26.34<br />

25.48<br />

24.12 24.5723.61<br />

23.08 23.38<br />

22.09 22.4721.16 22.06<br />

Arieşan Apullum Dumbrava<br />

D1 (Mt.)<br />

D2 (-)<br />

D3 (ooo)<br />

D4 (ooo)<br />

Fig.8 The evolution of wet gluten depending on treatment<br />

46<br />

44<br />

42<br />

40<br />

38<br />

36<br />

34<br />

46<br />

43.17<br />

43.5 43.5<br />

41.17<br />

42<br />

39.17<br />

42.5<br />

43.33<br />

41.67<br />

38.67<br />

Arieşan Apullum Dumbrava<br />

40.33<br />

D1 (Mt.)<br />

D2 (ooo)<br />

D3 (ooo)<br />

D4 (ooo)<br />

Fig. 9 The evolution of gluten index depending on treatment<br />

36.83<br />

36<br />

33.33<br />

Arieşan Apullum Dumbrava<br />

35.83<br />

D1 (Mt.)<br />

D2 (ooo)<br />

D3 (ooo)<br />

D4 (ooo)<br />

Fig. 10 The evolution of Zeleny index depending on treatment

3.1.5. Interaction factors (years, , variety, agrofond and treatment) on quality<br />

parameters of the wheat<br />

The complexity of wheat quality parameters is even more obvious if is taken into<br />

account the interaction of these elements with the ecological, biological and<br />

technological factors, by improving the quality of the crops. The interaction between the<br />

studied factors years, variety, agrofond and treatments on wheat quality parameters is<br />

different depending on the analyzed parameter. Thus, the factors interaction was<br />

statistically analyzed by the polifactorial analysis of the variance in subdivided plots,<br />

with which combinations between variants and positive or negative significations were<br />

obtained.<br />

For the interaction between year and variety, regardless the cultivated variety, the<br />

achievement of the analyzed quality parameters is influenced by the climatic conditions<br />

of the experimental years, with a specific reference to the index of fall whose values are<br />

strongly influenced by the climatic conditions, especially by precipitations.<br />

Regarding the interaction between agrofond and year, regardless of climatic<br />

conditions of the culture, the applied agrofondul favorably influence all the quality<br />

parameters.<br />

If treatment interactions with year, regardless of climatic conditions of culture,<br />

treatments can influence the quality parameters, especially the hectoliter weight by not<br />

applying the treatments during the skin phase, but it cannot influence the index of fall,<br />

which is stronger influenced by the climatic conditions.<br />



MURES)<br />

3.2.1. The influence of culture area on the wheat quality<br />

The representative ecological factors, regarding the different pedo-climatic<br />

conditions of the culture areas can influence the accumulation of protein and gluten in<br />

wheat grain, and also their quality, by changes of temperature and precipitation,<br />

especially during grain filling.<br />

The experience made at ARDS Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures, in the year<br />

2009/2010, considered as thermal normal, but excessive in rains in both culture areas, all<br />

the quality parameters analyzed showed significant and significant positive values by<br />

raport to the culture area from Turda, considered as blank (table 4). This proves that with<br />

the favorable influence of climatic conditions of the area can also interact other<br />

ecological factors which have’t been studied. Thus the protein content increased by<br />

0.36% (11.94% of the ARDS Turda, from 12.30% to SCDCBB Targu Mures), wet gluten<br />

content increased by 1.26% (26.51% of the ARDS Turda, from 27.77% to SCDCB Targu<br />

Mures ) and Zeleny sedimentation index increased from 35.75 ml in ARDS Turda, to<br />

37.78 ml (+2.03) in Targu Mures SCDCB.<br />


The influence of the culture on the quality parameters of wheat, in 2009 – 2010<br />

Area of the culture<br />

(A)<br />

Specification<br />

Protein<br />

content,<br />

%<br />

XL<br />

Wet<br />

gluten,<br />

%<br />

Zeleny<br />

index, ml<br />

TURDA (A1) – Mt. Value (Mt.) 11.94 26.51 35.75<br />

TÂRGU MUREŞ (A2)<br />

Value 12.30 27.77 37.78<br />

% 103.0 104.8 105.7<br />

Dif. ± +0.36 +1.26 +2.03<br />

Semnif. * ** **<br />

Table 4<br />

Characterization<br />

the year<br />

Normal heat<br />

Excessive rain<br />

Normal heat<br />

Excessive rain<br />

5% +0.22 +0.27 +0.57<br />

DL<br />

1% +0.50 +0.62 +1.31<br />

-<br />

0.1% +1.59 +1.98 +4.16<br />

The significance of effect: NS not significant, * significant pozitive, ** significant distinct pozitive, *** very significant pozitive;<br />

0 00 000<br />

significant negative, significant distinct negative, very significant negative;<br />

3.2.2. The influence of fertilization on wheat quality cultivated in two areas<br />

climatic different (Turda and Targu Mures)<br />

An important factor on the quality of wheat is the agrofondul, which by its<br />

different amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus given to the plants can influence the<br />

accumulation of gluten proteins from the wheat grains with repercussions on their<br />

qualitative characteristics.<br />

In the experiments realized at ARDS Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures in the years<br />

2009 – 2010, ten varieties of wheat have been cultivated on the fertilized and nonfertilized<br />

agrofond, with a dose of nitrogen and phosphorus N40P40 kg / ha. From the<br />

statistical data analyze presented in Table 5 can be noticed very significant positive<br />

changes for all the analyzed quality parameters. The presence of nitrogen and phosphorus<br />

doses is strongly felt by the protein content which is increased from 11.01% to 13.23%<br />

(+2.22) and the wet gluten which increases from 23.29% to 30.98% (+7.69), and the<br />

Zeleny sedimentation index which increases from 28.34 ml to 45.19 ml (+16.85).<br />

Table 5<br />

Influence of factor fertilization on the wheat quality parameters, in SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu<br />

Mures(2009/2010)<br />

Dose of fertilizer<br />

(kg/ha) (B)<br />

Specification<br />

Protein<br />

content, %<br />

Wet gluten,<br />

%<br />

Zeleny index, ml<br />

N0P0 (B1) – Mt. Value (Mt.) 11.01 23.29 28.34<br />

Value 13.23 30.98 45.19<br />

N40P40 (B2)<br />

%<br />

Dif. ±<br />

120.2<br />

+2.22<br />

133.0<br />

+7.69<br />

159.4<br />

+16.85<br />

Semnif. *** *** ***<br />

DL<br />

5% +0.07 +0.09 +0.67<br />

1% +0.11 +0.15 +1.11<br />

0.1% +0.21 +0.29 +2.08<br />

The significance of effect: NS not significant, * significant pozitive, ** significant distinct pozitive, *** very significant pozitive;<br />

0 significant negative, 00 significant distinct negative, 000 very significant negative

3.2.3. The influence of variety on wheat quality cultivated in two areas<br />

climatic different (Turda and Targu Mures)<br />

The variety is one of the most important factors in wheat culture technology,<br />

because its quality depends in a relatively high genetic potential of each variety.<br />

The wheat variety Arieşan was used as a blank in the analyzed experiences being<br />

the most cultivated variety in the research areas. The analyzed quality parameters values<br />

were 12.25% protein, 27.38% wet gluten and 36.59 ml index, sedimentation.<br />

Based on the statistical data analysis was noticed that for the majority of wheat<br />

varieties taken into study, significant negative or insignificant differences were noticed<br />

reported to Arieşan variety considered blank. An exception was made by Josef wheat<br />

variety which shown very significant positive differences for all the analyzed qualitative<br />

parameters, with an increase of +0.83% for protein content (figure 11), +3.60% for wet<br />

gluten content (figure 12) and +7.28 ml for Zeleny sedimentation index (figure 13).<br />

Josef wheat variety was followed by Turda wheat variety in 2000, which showed<br />

significant differences in protein content (+0.11 compared to the blank) (figure 11), very<br />

significant positive differences in wet gluten content (+0.52% to of blank) (figure 12),<br />

and Zeleny sedimentation index (+1.85 ml compared to the blank) (figure 13).<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content ( %)<br />

13.5<br />

13<br />

12.5<br />

12<br />

11.5<br />

11<br />

10.5<br />

10<br />

12.28<br />

Apullumº<br />

12.05<br />

Dumbravaººº<br />

11.9<br />

Turda 2000 (NS)<br />

12.38<br />

(+0.11)<br />

Exoticººº<br />

11.65<br />

Faur(NS)<br />

12.13<br />

Serinaººº<br />

11.95<br />

11.22<br />

(-1.05)<br />

Glosaººº<br />

Josef***<br />

13.1<br />

(+0.83)<br />

12.57<br />

(+0.30)<br />

Dropia**<br />

Fig.11 The variation of protein content to ten varieties of winter wheat<br />

(SCDA Turda, SCDCB Targu Mures, 2009/2010)<br />

Indicele Zeleny/Zeleny index (ml)<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

36.59<br />

Apullum**<br />

38.13<br />

Dumbrava(NS)<br />

37.22<br />

Turda 2000***<br />

38.78<br />

(+1.85)<br />

Exoticººº<br />

XLI<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten ( %)<br />

35.33<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

27.38<br />

Apullumººº<br />

26.88<br />

Dumbravaººº<br />

26.75<br />

27.9<br />

(+0.52)<br />

Turda 2000***<br />

Exoticººº<br />

25.03<br />

Faur(NS)<br />

27.38<br />

Serinaººº<br />

24.01<br />

(-3.37)<br />

Glosaººº<br />

30.98<br />

(+3.60)<br />

26.95<br />

Josef***<br />

28.13<br />

(+0.75)<br />

Dropia***<br />

Fig. 12 The variation of wet gluten to ten varieties of winter wheat<br />

(SCDA Turda, SCDCB Targu Mures, 2009/2010)<br />

34.38<br />

Faurººº<br />

Serinaººº<br />

34.9<br />

30.35<br />

(-6.57)<br />

Glosaººº<br />

44.2<br />

(+7.28)<br />

Josef***<br />

37.48<br />

(+0.55)<br />

Dropia(NS)<br />

Fig. 13 The variation of Zeleny index to ten varieties of winter wheat<br />

(SCDA Turda, SCDCB Targu Mures, 2009/2010)

3.2.4. Interaction factors (the area of culture, agrofond and variety) on<br />

quality parameters wheat<br />

The interactions between the × agrofond culture area and the × variety culture area<br />

has significantly influences the quality of wheat, although there were noticed also<br />

insignificant values. It can be concluded that regardless of culture area, the agrofond by<br />

applying nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers and the cultivated variety, by its genetic<br />

potential, can contribute to wheat quality parameters improvement.<br />




The specific objectives pursued in our research were to: study the influence of<br />

ecological factors (temperature and precipitation years experience and areas of culture),<br />

the variety and fertilization with different doses of fertilizers and foliar fertilizer complex<br />

treatments, fungicides and insecticides on a seven specific parameters, the quality of<br />

wheat grain and flour quality of bread made from wheat.<br />

For this purpose we used statistical calculations namely variance analysis to<br />

determine the cause variability of each factor on the technological characteristics of<br />

wheat and wheat flour.<br />

Of the statistical parameters that characterize the best variability of factors on<br />

quality indices such studies have been taken into account the sum of squares, degrees of<br />

freedom, and average square factor F.<br />

For a more suggestive illustration of the influence of complex factors and their<br />

interaction on the quality parameters was analyzed using analysis of variance estimation<br />

percentage share of each factor involved in the implementation characteristics of wheat<br />

bread.<br />

The coefficient of participation of the climatic conditions of the three experimental<br />

years, the experience made in Turda polifactorială is very high for protein content, 88%<br />

(figure 15), wet gluten, 89% (figure 16), indicating gluten, 88% (figure 17),<br />

sedimentation index, 85% (figure 18) indicate a fall, 82% (figure 19) and mass per<br />

storage volume, 71% (figure 14). Share in the climatic conditions in the year 2009 - 2010<br />

in Targu Mures Turda and influences but in a very small proportion of protein and wet<br />

gluten.<br />

From the analysis participation rates of the factors to achieving quality parameters,<br />

that variety is the greatest contribution to the hectoliter weight, 22% (figure 14).<br />

The action fertilizer for three years experience influenced both share similar<br />

protein content, 4% (figure 15), wet gluten content, 5% (figure 16) and index gluten, 4%<br />

(figure 17) and index Zeleny sedimentation, 17% (figure 18), but the action of fertilizers<br />

for agricultural year experience in hand, but in different areas of culture, influences a<br />

large proportion of protein content, 78% (figure 20), wet gluten, 78% (figure 21) and<br />

sedimentation index, 82% (figure 23).<br />

The complex treatments on vegetation, influenced in a small proportion of<br />

qualitative parameters, respectively, 2%, mass per storage volume (figure 14), gluten<br />


index (figure 17), sedimentary index (figure 18), 1%, protein content (figure 15) and wet<br />

gluten (figure 16).<br />

The share of interactions was higher if the index falls 11% (figure 19), interaction<br />

effect on other quality parameters were much lower. Very significant for research<br />

conducted in the climatic conditions of the years 2007 - 2010 in ARDS Turda is striking<br />

influence on the quality of the harvest, followed by a variety of climatic conditions,<br />

respectively agrofond., And for research in two different areas in Turda and Targu Mures<br />

a high percentage had agrofondul, followed by variety and growing area.<br />

Masa hectolitrică/Weight test (kg/hl)<br />

71%<br />

4% 2% 1%<br />

22%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/<br />

D(crop tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig.14 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the crop treatments at weight test<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

89%<br />

3%<br />

1% 5%<br />

2%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/<br />

D(crop tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig. 16 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the crop treatments(D) at wet gluten<br />

Indice de sedimentetre Zeleny/Zeleny index (ml)<br />

85%<br />

5% 2%<br />

1%<br />

7%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/<br />

D(crop tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig. 18 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the treatments at Zeleny index<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />

78%<br />

2% 5%<br />

15%<br />

A (zona de cultură) /<br />

A (area of the culture)<br />

B (agrofond)/ B<br />

(fertilization)<br />

C (soi)/ C (variety)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/ I<br />

(interactions)<br />

Fig. 20 Participation rates of area of the culture (A), fertilization (B)<br />

and variety (C) at protein content<br />

XLIII<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (% )<br />

88%<br />

4% 1% 4%<br />

3%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/<br />

D(crop tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig. 15 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the crop treatments(D) at protein content<br />

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

88%<br />

5% 2% 4% 1%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/ D(crop<br />

tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig. 17 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the treatments at gluten index<br />

Indice de cădere/Falling number (sec)<br />

82%<br />

11%<br />

6%<br />

0%<br />

1%<br />

A (ani)/ A(year)<br />

B (soi)/ B(variety)<br />

C (agrofond)/<br />

C(fertilization)<br />

D (tratamente)/<br />

D(crop tratament)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/<br />

I(interactions)<br />

Fig. 19 Participation rates of climatic conditions (A), variety (B),<br />

fertilization (C) and the treatments at Falling number<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

78%<br />

2% 4%<br />

16%<br />

A (zona de cultură) /<br />

A (area of the culture)<br />

B (agrofond)/ B<br />

(fertilizarion)<br />

C (soi)/ C (variety)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/ I<br />

(interactions)<br />

Fig. 21 Participation rates of city (A), fertilization (B)<br />

and variety (C) at wet gluten

Indice de sedimentare Zeleny/Zeleny index(ml)<br />

82%<br />

1%<br />

4%<br />

13%<br />

XLIV<br />

A (zona de cultură) /<br />

A (area of the culture)<br />

B (agrofond)/ B<br />

(fertilizarion)<br />

C (soi)/ C(variety)<br />

I (interacţiuni)/ I<br />

(interactions)<br />

Fig. 22 Participation rates of city (A), fertilization (B)<br />

and variety (C) at Zeleny index<br />



For the association value of quality parameters analysis from three wheat breeds<br />

harvested at SCDS Turda in the experimental years 2007 – 2010 and also for ten wheat<br />

breeds harvested in the same conditions and in the same experimental year (2009-2010),<br />

but in different areas at SCDA Turda and at SCDCB Targu Mures, it was calculated<br />

correlation coefficients ( r ). Studying the existent relationships between the analysed<br />

quality parameters has a great impact in mill and bakery products industry, by allowing<br />

the selection of wheat breeds with several optimal quality parameters for bakery, but it<br />

also gain attention of how difficult it`s to accomplish this tasks.<br />

The results regarding the correlation coefficients between studied quality<br />

parameters from those three wheat breeds harvested at SCDA Turda in 2007 -2010 and<br />

from those ten autumn wheat breeds from SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures are<br />

illustrated in table 6 and 7.<br />

It can be observe that gained correlation coefficients shows the existence of tight<br />

and significant links between the studied characteristics. From the experiment realized at<br />

SCDA Turda in the years 2007-2010 (table 46), the strong positive relationship between<br />

proteins and gluten content (r = 0.9947***) is stated, a natural correlation regarding that<br />

most of the proteins are represented by glutenic proteins, such as glyadine and glutenine,<br />

components fractions of gluten. Protein content is also positively correlated with glutenic<br />

index (r = 0.9569***), which characterize the quality of gluten, it was also correlated<br />

with the sedimentation index (Zeleny index) (r = 0.8950***), which characterize the<br />

quality of protein. Hectolitric mass has been positively correlated with Zeleny index ( r =<br />

0.7534***), with falling index (r = 0.7130***), with protein (r = 0.5635***), with wet<br />

gluten (r = 0.5821***) and with glutenic index (r = 0.4833***), and it was not correlated<br />

with deformation index (r = -0.3274**). From the others positive correlations gained<br />

between 2007 and 2010 at SCDA Turda, it`s shown the strong positively correlation<br />

between glutenic index and sedimentation index (r = 0.8147***), sedimentation index<br />

and falling index ( r = 0.5675***) and the significant correlation between deformation<br />

index and glutenic index (0.2723*).<br />

From the insignificant correlation gained at SCDA Turda, we state the relationship<br />

between deformation index and Zeleny sedimentation index (r = 0.0230 NS ) and the<br />

relationship between deformation index and falling index (r = -0.2396 NS ).

The correlation coefficients between quality parameters at wheat varieties in polifactorial experience<br />

with 4 factors in 3 repetitions (2007 – 2010)<br />

Quality parameters<br />

Weight<br />

test, kg/hl<br />

Protein<br />

content, %<br />

Wet<br />

gluten, %<br />

XLV<br />

Deformation<br />

index, mm<br />

Gluten<br />

index ,%<br />

Zeleny<br />

index, ml<br />

Weight test, kg/hl 1<br />

Protein content, % 0.5635*** 1<br />

Wet gluten, % 0.5821*** 0.9947*** 1<br />

Deformation index,<br />

mm<br />

-0.3274** 0.3476*** 0.3188** 1<br />

Gluten index ,% 0.4833*** 0.9569*** 0.9640*** 0.2723* 1<br />

Zeleny index, ml 0.7534*** 0.8950*** 0.8950*** 0.0236 N.S.<br />

0.8147*** 1<br />

Falling number, sec 0.7130*** 0.3169** 0.3236*** -0.2396 N.S.<br />

0.1541 N.S.<br />

r5% = 0.24<br />

r1% = 0.31<br />

0.5675*** 1<br />

Table 6<br />

Falling<br />

number,<br />

sec<br />

Results analysis shows that correlation coefficient between protein content and<br />

wet gluten from SCDA Turda and from SCDCB Targu Mures, gained a high positive<br />

value, r = 0.9937*** at SCDA Turda and r =0.9801*** at SCDCB Targu Mures. In the<br />

same time it`s shown a high positive correlation between protein and sedimentation index<br />

at SCDA Turda (r = 0,9574***) and (r = 0.9817***) at SCDCB Targu Mures, which<br />

suggest the importance of protein content on quality index, giving the possibility to use<br />

the Zeleny sedimentation index as a selection criterion for wheat quality in identifying<br />

the breeds with very good qualities for bread manufacturing. The correlation between<br />

sedimentation index and wet gluten is also worth to be stated here, (r = 0.9633***) at<br />

SCDA Turda and (r = 0.9432***) at SCDCB Târgu Mureş, which suggest once again the<br />

importance of protein and its quality on wet gluten.<br />

Table 7<br />

The correlation coefficients between quality parameters at 10 wheat varieties<br />

grown in Turda and Targu Mures(2009/2010)<br />

Quality<br />

parameters<br />

Protein<br />

content %<br />

Wet gluten,<br />

%<br />

Zeleny<br />

index, ml<br />

r 5% = 0.44<br />

r1% = 0.56<br />

Protein<br />

content, %<br />


Wet gluten,<br />

%<br />

Zeleny index, ml Protein, %<br />

1 1<br />

Wet gluten,<br />

%<br />

0.9937*** 1 0.9801*** 1<br />

Zeleny index, ml<br />

0.9574*** 0.9633*** 1 0.9817*** 0.9432*** 1<br />



For a more precise examination of correlations found in autumn wheat, between<br />

bread manufacturing quality parameters, regressions were made for the most important<br />

attributes. For parameters analysed in different cities (Turda and Targu Mures) the

egressions were illustrated on the same graph for an easier comparison of existent<br />

relationship between quality parameters, in different haverst zones.<br />

3.5.1. The relationship between protein content and the wet gluten<br />

The association of protein content with wet gluten from the experiment realized at<br />

SCDA Turda in 2007-2010(figure 23) and at SCDCB Targu Mures in 2008/2009(figure<br />

24), it can be seen that for autumn wheat breeds the association is described by an<br />

regression line with a strong ascending slope (b=3.66) at SCDA Turda and (b=3.45) at<br />

SCDCB Targu Mures, which shows that the wet gluten is direct proportional with protein<br />

content.<br />

The determination coefficient (R 2 ) calculated show that the total variation of wet<br />

gluten content 98% (SCDA Turda, 2007 – 2010) and 96% (SCDA Turda and SCDCB<br />

Targu Mures, 2010) is determined by the variation of protein content<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

y = 3.6666x - 17.909<br />

r = 0.9947<br />

R 2 = 0.9896<br />

7 9 11 13 15 17<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />

Fig. 23 The relationship between protein content and wet gluten at<br />

three varieties of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

XLVI<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />


y = 3.4555x - 14.619<br />

r = 0.9801<br />

R 2 = 0.9607<br />

TURDA:<br />

y = 3.4824x - 15.092<br />

r = 0.9937<br />

R 2 = 0.9876<br />

9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />


Fig. 24 The relationship between protein content and wet gluten at ten<br />

varieties of winter wheat (Turda and Targu Mures, 2009/2010)<br />

3.5.2. The relationship between protein content and the gluten index<br />

In figure 25 is graphically represented the relationship between protein content<br />

and glutenic index for autumn wheat breeds from SCDA Turda between 2007 -2010.<br />

Correlation coefficient with a value of r = 0.9569*** indicates the existence of a very<br />

strong positive relation, suggesting the importance of this indicator for quality<br />

appreciation.<br />

The determination coefficient (R 2 = 0.9156) indicates that for analyzed breeds,<br />

from total variation of glutenic index only approximately 91% can be attributed to protein<br />

content variation.

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

y = 5.3939x - 19.004<br />

r = 0.9569<br />

R 2 = 0.9156<br />

7 9 11 13 15 17<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />

Fig. 25 The relationship between protein content and gluten index at three varieties<br />

of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />

3.5.3. The relationship between protein content and the Zeleny index<br />

A very tight relationship between protein content and sedimentation index is<br />

described by the regression line with a slope b = 4.15% (SCDA Turda. 2007-2010)(figure<br />

26), b=6.48 and b=8.18 ( SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures, 2010) (figure 27), a<br />

natural relationship stating that sedimentation index characterizing protein quality.<br />

The determination coefficient R 2 has high values, 0.8012 (SCDA Turda, 2007 –<br />

2010), 0.9167 and 0.9817 (SCDA Turda and SCDCB Târgu Mureş, 2010), which means<br />

that the sedimentation index variation is determined in proportion of 80%, 91% and 98%<br />

by the protein content variation.<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index (ml)<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

y = 4.181x - 11.306<br />

r = 0.8950<br />

R 2 = 0.8012<br />

7 9 11 13 15 17<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />

Fig. 26 The relationship between protein content and Zeleny index at<br />

three varieties of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />

XLVII<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index<br />

(ml)<br />

60<br />

55<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />


y = 8.183x - 62.254<br />

r = 0.9817<br />

R 2 = 0.9637<br />

TURDA:<br />

y = 6.4857x - 41.716<br />

r = 0.9574<br />

R 2 = 0.9167<br />

9 10 11 12 13 14 15<br />

Conţinut de proteină/Protein content (%)<br />


Fig. 27 The relationship between protein content and Zeleny index at<br />

ten varieties of winter wheat (Turda and Targu Mures, 2009/2010)<br />

3.5.4. The relationship between wet gluten and the gluten index<br />

The liniar relantionship between wet gluten content and glutenic index is showed<br />

in figure 28. Association of wet gluten content with glutenic index is described by a<br />

regression line with an ascendant slope b= 1.47, which suggest the tight link between and<br />

gluten quality, represented by glutenic index and gluten quantity. Determination<br />

coefficient R 2 = 0.9294), shows that 92% of glutenic index variation is influenced by wet<br />

gluten content

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

y = 1.4744x + 7.2639<br />

r = 0.9640<br />

R 2 = 0.9294<br />

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (%)<br />

Fig. 28 The relationship between wet gluten and gluten index at three varieties<br />

of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />

3.5.5. The relationship between wet gluten and the Zeleny index<br />

In figures 29 and 30 are graphically represented the relationships between wet<br />

gluten content and Zeleny index for autumn wheat breeds from SCDA Turda in years of<br />

2007-2010 and from SCDA Turda and SCDCB Târgu Mureş from 2009/2010.<br />

The determination coefficient (R 2 ) calculated indicates that from total variation of<br />

Zeleby index 80% (SCDA Turda, 2007-2010), 92% and 88% (SCDA Turda and SCDCB<br />

Târgu Mureş, 2010) is determined by the variation of wet gluten content.<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index(ml)<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

y = 1.1339x + 9.2663<br />

r = 0.8947<br />

R 2 = 0.8005<br />

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (% )<br />

Fig. 29 The relationship between wet gluten and Zeleny index at three<br />

varieties of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />

Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index<br />

(ml)<br />

XLVIII<br />

60<br />

55<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />


y = 2.3062x - 23.056<br />

r = 0.9432<br />

R 2 = 0.8897<br />

TURDA:<br />

y = 1.8622x - 13.602<br />

r = 0.9633<br />

R 2 = 0.928<br />

15 20 25 30 35<br />

Gluten umed/Wet gluten (% )<br />


Fig. 30 The relationship between wet gluten and Zeleny index at ten<br />

varieties of winter wheat (Turda and Targu Mures, 2009/2010)<br />

3.5.6. The relationship between gluten index and the Zeleny index<br />

The relationship between glutenic index and Zeleny index is represented in figure<br />

31.<br />

The linear regression equation shows that a relationship exist between these<br />

quality indexes (b=0.67), but not as tight as in between protein and wet gluten, which<br />

suggest that besides the technologically factors applied in favor of quality and quantity of<br />

proteins and of wet gluten, in a large part the climate condition of experimental year<br />

influence the quality of protein and gluten.<br />

The determination coefficient (R 2 = 0.6639) indicates that, for analyzed breeds,<br />

from total variation of Zeleny index only 66% can be attributed to glutenic index<br />


Indice Zeleny/Zeleny index(ml)<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

y = 0.6752x + 7.6326<br />

r =0.8147<br />

R 2 = 0.6639<br />

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80<br />

Indice glutenic/Gluten index (%)<br />

Fig. 31 The relationship between gluten index and Zeleny index at three varieties<br />

of winter wheat (Turda, 2007 – 2010)<br />



3.6.1. Qualitative determination of total aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2) of winter<br />

wheat grown from SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures<br />

The mycotoxins followed in this study are: total aflatoxins (AFL B1, AFL B2, AFL<br />

G1, AFL G2), were chosen because of their massive presence in cereals<br />

In table 8 are represented the results for 40 version, which consider the presence or<br />

absence of aflatoxins<br />

Table 8<br />

Area of<br />

the<br />

culture<br />

TURDA<br />

TÂRGU<br />

MURES<br />

Identifying the presence of aflatoxins in winter wheat varieties grown in Turda and Targu Mures<br />

Sample<br />

code<br />


Sample<br />

Variety of Type of<br />

code<br />

wheat aflatoxin<br />

P1 Ariesan AFL B2 P11 Ariesan ND<br />

P2 Apullum ND P12 Apullum ND<br />

P3 Dumbrava ND P13 Dumbrava ND<br />

P4 Turda 2000 ND P14 Turda 2000 ND<br />

P5 Exotic ND P15 Exotic ND<br />

P6 Faur ND P16 Faur ND<br />

P7 Serina ND P17 Serina ND<br />

P8 Glosa ND P18 Glosa ND<br />

P9 Josef ND P19 Josef ND<br />

P10 Dropia ND P20 Dropia ND<br />

P21 Ariesan ND P31 Ariesan ND<br />

P22 Apullum ND P32 Apullum ND<br />

P23 Dumbrava ND P33 Dumbrava ND<br />

P24 Turda 2000 ND P34 Turda 2000 ND<br />

P25 Exotic AFL B1 P35 Exotic ND<br />

P26 Faur ND P36 Faur ND<br />

P27 Serina ND P37 Serina ND<br />

P28 Glosa ND P38 Glosa ND<br />

P29 Josef AFL B1 P39 Josef ND<br />

P30 Dropia ND P40 Dropia ND<br />

ND- unidentified<br />


In table 52 it`s shown the presence of aflatoxins B1 and B2 , the positive samples<br />

are: Ariesan breed harvested at SCDA Turda (AFL B2) and Exotic and Josef breeds<br />

harvested at SCDCB Târgu Mureş in not fertilized system (AFL B1). It can be said that<br />

fertilization, besides that positively influence the quality of wheat breeds it`s also a<br />

measure for mycotoxins contamination prevention, because aflatoxins have not been<br />

identified in samples (figure 32).<br />

Prezenţa aflatoxinelor/Presence of<br />

aflatoxins (%)<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

2.5<br />

0<br />

Probe AFL B1<br />

Samples AFL B1<br />

L<br />

5<br />

0<br />

Probe AFL B2<br />

Samples AFL B2<br />

Probe fertilizate / Fertilized samples<br />

100<br />

92.5<br />

Probe negative<br />

Negative samples<br />

Probe nefertilizate / Unfertilized samples<br />

Fig. 32 Percentage distribution of samples contaminated with aflatoxins<br />

For the presence of aflatoxins in samples from Turda şi Târgu Mureş a percentage<br />

distribution of aflatoxins frequency in samples was made (figure 33).<br />

Număr probe<br />

Sample number<br />

20<br />

18<br />

16<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

95 %<br />

5 %<br />

90 %<br />

10 %<br />

Turda Târgu Mureş<br />

Probe negative /<br />

Negative samples<br />

Probe pozitive /<br />

Positive samples<br />

Fig. 33 The presence of aflatoxins in samples from SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures<br />

By looking at the results regardind the idenfication of aflatoxins in wheat<br />

gleanings from Transilvania, it was notice that: in 92.5% of samples none of the<br />

determinate mycotoxins were found (figure 46);<br />

· in 5% of samples AFL B1 were found;<br />

· in 2.5% of samples AFL B2 were found<br />

· regarding the harvested zone, at Turda 5% of samples were contaminated<br />

with aflatoxins and at Targu Mures 10%.



The result gained from the conducted researches with autumn wheat breeds, from<br />

SCDA Turda between 2007-2010 and from SCDA Turda şi SCDCB Târgu Mureş in<br />

2009/2010, can be resumed by the following conclusions:<br />

Harvesting some autumn wheat breeds in different climate conditions at SCDA<br />

Turda, in 2007/2008, 2008/2009 and 2009/2010, also harvesting romanian and foreign<br />

autumn wheat breeds in different harvesting zones (Turda şi Târgu Mureş), showed that<br />

quality parameters depend on climate conditions of experimental years and harvesting<br />

zones, on breed and on technological condition, especially fertilization and in a small<br />

measure on treatments.<br />

Wheat quality parameters are influenced by different climatic and technological<br />

factors. Thus due to the conditions at SCDA Turda, in 2007 - 2010, climatic conditions<br />

influence the hectolitric mass, protein content, wet gluten, gluten index, and Zeleny<br />

sedimentation index and drop index, and for the SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures<br />

conditions within the agricultural year 2009/2010, agrofondul has a strong influence on<br />

quality parameters of wheat;<br />

To assess the presence of mycotoxins in wheat samples a reliable method in terms<br />

of technique work and cost was used - thin layer chromatography – adapted after a<br />

method of extraction from Camag with methanol and distilled water, qualitative analysis<br />

was followed by HPTLC plates reading with a scanner Camag, 92.5% of the analyzed<br />

samples were not contaminated with any of determined mycotoxins;<br />

2008/2009 crop year, a favorable year in terms of thermal and precipitation during<br />

grain filling, also at harvest, was the most favorable for all quality parameters analyzed,<br />

gaining very good positive results from the witness year 2007/2008;<br />

Given the years 2007 – 2010, at SCDA Turda, wheat variety Arieşan obtained the<br />

best results in quality parameters, followed by the variety Apullum and finally<br />

Dumbrava;<br />

In the given conditions at SCDA Turda and SCDCB Targu Mures in agricultural<br />

year 2009/2010, Josef wheat variety showed the highest values, followed by Turda 2000<br />

and Dropia wheat varieties, the lowest values were obtained from wheat variety Serine;<br />

The fertilization is decisively influencing the percentage of protein, wet gluten,<br />

gluten and Zeleny sedimentation index. The quantity of nutrients given by wheat at<br />

different stages of vegetation, contribute to the increasing percentage of gluten proteins<br />

and to their quality, with good results on beakery quality.<br />

The applied treatments have highlight little difference between varieties, the best<br />

results were obtained for D1variety of treatment, by foliar fertilizer application in all four<br />

major phenological moments, insecticide at the beginning of vegetation in spring, skin<br />

and flowering phase, and fungicide in the skin and flowering phase.<br />

From the varieties taken into study, only in the unfertilized samples were found<br />

aflatoxins, the fertilized samples were not contaminated suggesting the possibility of<br />

using fertilization as measure to prevent the contamination with mycotoxins.<br />



Creating Romanian varieties acclimatized to the new climatic change from the<br />

recent years.<br />

The extension of wheat crop in warm areas and precipitation within the potential<br />

biological limits of culture and the use of equilibrated doses of nitrogen and phosphorus<br />

recorded in the limits and agrochemicals principles.<br />

The application of a suitable culture technologies, taking into account the<br />

phytosanitary requirements which is followed not only to obtain high yields, but also to<br />

ensure superior health status of wheat grains.<br />

The wheat harvesting at the optimal timing and storage conditions, which cannot<br />

ensure the evolution of the microorganisms involved in infection and the qualitative<br />

degradation of the wheat used in food processing.<br />

Removal of the contaminated seed lots from the processing process and finding<br />

other destination than in animal feeding.<br />

Diversification of mycotoxins methods for identifying with the purpose of<br />

avoiding their use in bakery products.<br />


Establishing the correlations, following the experimental factors influence on<br />

wheat quality, used as raw material in bakeries, grown in the same technological<br />

conditions, but in different cultural areas.<br />

Comparative data regarding the quality and safety of the local wheat varieties and<br />

the wheat varieties imported in the growing and pedo-climatic conditions from the<br />

centrum of Transylvania.<br />

Evaluating the agrofond effect and cultural area on aflatoxine contamination<br />


The achievement of a study regarding the quality parameters and the identification<br />

of mycotoxin contaminations from the wheat used for bread and other imported varieties.<br />

Monitoring the presence of mycotoxins during wheat storage, in the raw material<br />

used for flour and bakery products obtaining.<br />



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