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bib-sem.15etpii _2010 - Telefonica.net

bib-sem.15etpii _2010 - Telefonica.net


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W. Leslau, “Remarks on the Gemination of the Gurage Dialect of Azarnat-Mugo”, BiOr 18, 1961,<br />

15.9.5 2.2. Selṭi<br />

Baye Yimam, R. Siraj, “Silṭe deictics”, in CFC, pp. 139-151.<br />

M. Denais, “Aspects of number in Silṭi grammar”, in P11ICEthSt, pp. 453-464.<br />

E.A. Gutt, A multi-tiered approach to Silṭi verb morphology. - SAL 16/2, 1985, 183-222.<br />

E.A. Gutt, “Toward an analysis of pragmatic connectives in Silt’i”, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 665-678.<br />

E.A. Gutt, “On the conjugation of Silṭi verbs”, JES 19, 1986, 91-112.<br />

E.A. Gutt, “Studies in the phonology of Silti”, JEthS 16, 1983, 37-73.<br />

E.A. Gutt, “The Silte Group (East Gurage), in SemLang 509-534.<br />

E.A. Gutt, M. Hussein, Silṭe-Amharic-English dictionary, with concise grarmnar, Addis Ababa<br />

1995/1997.<br />

E. Gutt, “Salṭi language”, in EnAeth 4, pp. 605-607.<br />

W. Leslau, “Arabic loanwords in Səlṭi”, Aethiopica 2, 1999, 103-123.<br />

R. Siraj, “Relative verb and the element yä in Silṭi”, Ləssān 18, 2004, 38-55.<br /> Wäläne<br />

Alämayyähu Dogamo, Təreza Haylä-Mäsûäl, Wolayttatto qaalatu amaaratto birsh-shettaa - Yäwälaytəñña<br />

amarəñña mäzgäbä ûalat”, Addis Ababa 1991 [= 1998-1999] [Wolaytta dictio-<br />

nary].<br />

W. Leslau, “Outline of the verb in Wolane (East Gitage)”, in Fs. Wagner, pp. 141-157.<br />

R. Meyer, Wolane: descriptive grammar of an East Gurage language (Ethiosemitic) (Grammatische<br />

Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen, 31); Köln 2006 [rev.: Aethiopica 11, 2008, 269-271 (D.L.<br />

Appleyard)].<br />

R. Meyer, “Wäläne language”, in EnAeth 4, pp. 1079-1080.<br /> Zway<br />

W. Leslau, “A preliminary description of Zway”, in Fs. L. Ricci, pp. 145-169.<br />

W. Leslau, Zway: Ethiopic documents : grammar and dictionary (Athiopistische Forschungen ; 51)<br />

Wiesbaden 1999 [rev.: Aethiopica 3, 2000, 241-246 (W.W. Müller); AAP 62, 2000, 169-173 (R.<br />

Meyer); RSE 43, 1999 (2000), 237-241 (L. Ricci); JES 33, 2000, 107-110 (Getahun Amarä)].<br />

W. Leslau, “Position of Zway within East Gurage”, in Mél DCohen 2003, pp. 413-420.<br />

R. Meyer, Das Zay. Deskriptive Grammatik einer Ostguragesprache (Äthiosemitisch) (Grammatische<br />

Analysen afrikanischer Sprachen, 25), Köln 2005 [rev.: FolOr 41, 2005, 286s. (An. Zaborski);<br />

Aethiopica 9, 2006,232-248 (R. Voigt)].<br />

R. Meyer, “‘To be or not to be’ - is there present tense copula in Zay?”, in P14ICEthSt, pp. 1798-1808.<br />

R. Meyer, “The Zay language”, ELRCWP 2, 2006, 85-165.<br />

R. Voigt, “Zur Grarnmatik des Z(w)ay”, Aethiopica 9, 2006, 232-248 [on Meyer, Das Zay, 2005].<br />

15.9.6. Transversal/Peripheral/on Classified South-Ethiopic (Gafat, Gogot,Harari, Muher, Mäsqan)<br /> Gafat<br />

W. Leslau, Gafat documents. Records of a South-Ethiopic language. Grammar, text and comparative<br />

vocabulary (American Oriental Series 28), New Haven 1945 [rev.: BSL 1946 (127), 180-183<br />

(Cohen); Word 1, 1945, 291-292 (Marcus); Language 21, 1945, 277 (Blake); JLS 5, 1946,

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