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O. Kapeliuk, “L’emploi de la marque de l’accusatif -n avec le complément d’objet direct en<br />

amharique”, IOS 2, 1972, 183-214.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Particules d’enchaînement et de référence en amharique”, GLECS 18-23/2, 1973-79,<br />

241-243.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Particles of concatenation and of reference in Amharic” BSOAS 41, 1978, 272-282.<br />

W. Leslau, “The negative particle ’in in Arabic and (’)ən in Ethiopic”, AIO-O 19, 1969, 137-145.<br />

[with an excursus on Amharic əmbəza(m)].<br />

L. Łykowska, Temporal relation markers in Amharic (SDALC , 31), Warszawa 2002.<br />

K. Petrácek, “La copule näw en amharique dans une perspective chamito- sémitjque et africaine”, in<br />

Fs. Leslau 1983, pp. 286-295.<br />

Zd. Poláček, “Several Notes on the Text Connectors in Amharic”, Fs. Leslau II, pp. 1226-1232.<br />

P. Swiggers, “A comparative-locative participle in Amharic”, Muséon 97, 1984, 163-166 [ kä ‘from,<br />

out of, in, than’].<br />

J. Tubiana, “La particule suffixée –a en amharique”, GLECS 7, 1954-1957, 77.<br />

E. Wolk, “Formant slowotwórczy -ta jako morfem kontaktu w jętzyku amharskim” (The fonnative<br />

suffix -ta as a morpheme of contact in Amharic), in JAK, pp. 149-157<br /> Syntax<br /> General<br />

M. Amberber, “The grarnmatical encoding of ‘thinking’ in Arnharic”, CognL 14, 2003, 195-219.<br />

Baye Yimam, “Agreement phenomena in Amharic”, in Fs. Uhlig, pp. 319-336.<br />

F. P.Cotterell, “The Amharic primary neutral sentence”, JEthS 4, 1966, 11-33 [AfrAb 18, 1967, 706].<br />

F.P. Cotterell, “Control in Amharic”, JEthS 11, 1973, 75-106.<br />

F.P. Cotterell, “Expansion processes in Amharic syntax”, AfrLS 5, 1964, 1-16 [AfrAb 16, 1965, 518].<br />

L. ·Edzard, “Syntaktische und lexikalische Merkmale des Amharischen als Sprache in modernen<br />

diplomatischen Dokumenten: Die amharische Version der OAU-Charta”, in CIASGL I, pp. 59-80.<br />

A. Eilam, “The absence of intervention effects in Amharic: evidence from a non-structural approach”,<br />

BAALL 1, 2009, 204-254.<br />

G. Goldenberg, “Studies in Amharic syntax”, JEthS 3, 1965, 6-22.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “’Il semble que’ ou ‘il semble qui’, un problème de syntaxe amharique”, in P.Händel, W.<br />

Meid, eds., Festschrift für Robert Muth …, Innsbruck 1983, pp. 51-67 [rev. : AAHG 37, 1984,<br />

207-212 (G. Pfligersdorffer].<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Some striking similarities between Amharic and Turkish syntax”, PICL 14, 1987,<br />

2376-2379.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Some suprasentential constructions in Amharic”, in Festschrift Hetzron, pp. 75-83.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Evidentia1ity, absolute present and factitivity in Neo-Ethiopic historiography”, RO 59,<br />

2007, 124-134.<br />

O. Kapeliuk, “Verbless Relative Clauses in Ge c ez and their Equivalents in Amharic and Tigrinya”,<br />

Aethiopica 12, 2009, 143-154.<br />

R. Kramer, “The Arnharic definite marker and the syntax-morphology interface”, Syntax 13/2, <strong>2010</strong>,<br />

196-240.<br />

G.D. Little, “Syntactic evidence of language contact: Cushitic influence in Amharic”, in R.W. Shuy-<br />

Ch.-J. Bailey, eds, Toward tomorrow’s linguistics, Washington 1974, pp. 267-275.<br />

G.D. Little, “Linguistic typology and syntactic change in Amharic”, Orbis 30, 1981, 135-144.<br />

G.D. Little, Approaches to Amharic historical syntax, Diss. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1<br />

974 [DAb 36, 1975, 339-A].<br />

L. Łykowska, Sentence schemata in Amharic (Studies of the Department of African Languages and<br />

Cultures), Warszawa 1992.<br />

Z. Polaček, “Functional sentence perspective in Amharic preliminary notes”, in P8ICEthSt, pp. 561-<br />

565.<br />

H. J. Polotsky, “Syntaxe amharique et syntaxe turque”, Atti del Convegno intern. di studi etiopici (cf.<br />

Congrès), 117-122.<br />

R. Renate, “Some linguistic peculiarities of Old Amharic texts”, in P13ICEthSt, pp. 543-551.

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