Abstracts - International Initiative for Georgian Cultural Studies

Abstracts - International Initiative for Georgian Cultural Studies

Abstracts - International Initiative for Georgian Cultural Studies


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vaxtang beriZis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis<br />

saerTaSoriso simpoziumi<br />

qarTuli xelovneba evropisa da aziis kulturaTa konteqstSi<br />

21-29, ivnisi, 2008 saqarTvelo<br />

Tezisebi<br />

Vakhtang Beridze <strong>International</strong> Symposium<br />

of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Art in the Context of European and Asian Cultures<br />

JUNE 21-29, 2008, GEORGIA<br />


Tbilisi 2008 TBILISI

gamomcemeli:<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri<br />

saqarTvelo, Tbilisi, 0108,<br />

n.nikolaZis 7<br />

el-fosta: gacc@gaccgeorgia.org<br />

www.gaccgeorgia.org<br />

proeqtis avtori da xelmZRvaneli<br />

maka dvaliSvili, xelovnebis<br />

saerTaSoriso centri<br />

saredaqcio sabWo:<br />

dimitri TumaniSvili, Tavmjdomare<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis<br />

istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri; Tbilisis saxelmwifo<br />

samxatvro akademia<br />

ana kldiaSvili, g. CubinaSvilis sax.<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa<br />

dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri,<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia<br />

ana SanSiaSvili<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri,<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti<br />

mixeil abramiSvili, saqarTvelos<br />

erovnuli muzeumi - Tbilisis<br />

arqeologiuri muzeumi<br />

nana kupraSvili,<br />

Tbilsis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia<br />

nino RaRaniZe, g. CubinaSvilis sax.<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa<br />

dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri,<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia<br />

katalogis koordinatori:<br />

ana SanSiaSvili,<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri<br />

Targmani:<br />

ana SanSiaSvili, naTia miqelaZe, nino<br />

kitovani, nino mataraZe, irina mebuke,<br />

lado mirianaSvili<br />

inglisuri teqstis koordinatori:<br />

sara bolsoni, kolumbiis universitetis<br />

Teachers College, aSS<br />

dizaini da dakabadoneba:<br />

gega paqsaSvili<br />

foto ydaze:<br />

daviT garejis monasteri. berTubani XIII s.<br />

2<br />

Published by:<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center<br />

7, N.Nikoldaze str.,<br />

Tbilisi, 0108, Georgia<br />

e-mail: gacc@gaccgeorgia.org<br />

www.gaccgeorgia.org<br />

Project Leader<br />

Maka Dvalishvili, <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center<br />

Editorial Board:<br />

Dimiti Tumanishvili, Chairman<br />

G. Chubunashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History<br />

and Monuments Protection, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts<br />

Anna Kldiashvili, G. Chubunashvili National Center of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection, Tbilisi State<br />

Academy of Art<br />

Anna Shanshiashvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center, Tbilisi State University<br />

Mikheil Abramishvili, Tbilisi Archaeological Museum of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum<br />

Nana Kuprashvili, Tbilisi State Academy of Art<br />

Nino Gaganidze, G. Chubunashvili National Center of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection, Tbilisi State<br />

Academy of Art<br />

Catalogue coordination:<br />

Anna Shanshiashvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center<br />

Translation:<br />

Anna Shanshiashvili, Natia Mikeladze, Nino Kitovani, Nino<br />

Mataradze, Irina Mebuke, Lado Mirianashvili<br />

English text coordinator:<br />

Sara Bolson<br />

Teachers College at Columbia University, USA<br />

Design and typesetting:<br />

Gega Paksashvili<br />

Photography on the cover:<br />

David Garedji Monastery. Bertubani 13th. c<br />

dabeWdilia:<br />

Printed in:<br />

© <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center 2008<br />

© Authors 2008

Sinaarsi<br />

misalmeba<br />

nikoloz vaCeiSvili. saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvis<br />

da sportis ministri -----------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

maka dvaliSvili. proeqtis avtori da xelmZRvaneli,<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri -------------------------------------------------------------<br />

simpoziumis organizatorebi ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14<br />

simpoziumi madlobas uxdis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15<br />

winaTqma<br />

dimitri TumaniSvili. g. CubinaSvilis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis<br />

istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri,<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia -- ---------------------------------------------------19<br />

Teimuraz sayvareliZe. g. CubinaSvilis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da<br />

ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri -----------------------------------------------------20<br />

I. seqcia uZvelesi saqarTvelo AG.<br />

nino jayeli. uZvelesi samkauli da xelovnebis sxva nimuSebi ZuZuanis mRvimis<br />

zedapaleoliTuri Zeglidan (dasavleT saqarTvelo) -------------------------------------- 23<br />

nino SanSaSvili. giorgi narimaniSvili. mesopotamiis kulturuli interaqtivoba<br />

samxreT kavkasiaSi adre brinjaos xanaSi ------------------------------------------------------ 24<br />

zurab maxaraZe. xelovnebis nimuSebi cixiagoris mravalfeniani Zeglidan ------------- 24<br />

karen rubinsoni. TrilaeTis Tasisa da sarwyulis kuftiniseuli analizis gadafaseba<br />

Tanamedrove Teoriisa da arqeologiuri codnis fonze ----------------------------------- 25<br />

ana kldiaSvili. gamosaxulebaTa semantika da samyaros modeli<br />

winaqristianuli xanis qarTul kulturaSi --------------------------------------------------- 25<br />

mixeil abramiSvili. CaTalhuiukidan sveticxovlamde - amonaridebi<br />

xaris kultis xangrZlivi istoriidan --------------------------------------------------------- 26<br />

goderZi narimaniSvili, kaxa ximSiaSvili. TrialeTis brinjaos xanis namosaxlarebi ------ 26<br />

qeTevan ramiSvili. cxenis gamosaxulebebi Zvel saqarTveloSi da<br />

mecxeneobasTan dakavSirebuli saxelwodebebi qarTulSi ---------------------------------- 27<br />

nino gomelauri. saqarTvelo da evrazia Zv.w. II-I aTasw-Si<br />

brinjaos mcire plastikis mixedviT ----------------------------------------------------------- 28<br />

manana wereTeli. kolxuri saritualo culi /semantika da mxatvruli stili/ ----------- 29<br />

ori soltesi. “qarTulobis” Camoyalibeba uZveles xanaSi ---------------------------------- 30<br />

vaxtang SatberaSvili. minis ori moxatuli WurWeli sofel xovledan --------------------30<br />

Tamaz sanikiZe. kldis qalaq ufliscixis istoriis ZiriTadi etapebis Sesaxeb ----------- 31<br />

mariam gvelesiani. yaTlanixevis anTropomorfuli figuris interpretaciisaTvis -------32<br />

Teimuraz bibiluri. apolonis taZari did mcxeTaSi ----------------------------------------- 33<br />

amiran kaxiZe, maikl vikersi. aTenisa da kolxeTis savaWro-ekonomikuri da<br />

kul tu ru li urTierTobani klasikur xanaSi (saqarTvelo-britaneTis fiWvnaris<br />

er Tob li vi arqeologiuri eqspediciis masalebis mixedviT) ------------------------------- 33<br />

nino ZnelaZe. berZnuli moxatuli keramika fiWvnaridan ----------------------------------- 34<br />

Tamar SalikaZe, tariel ebraliZe. gonio-afsarosis savaWro ekonomikuri da<br />

kulturuli urTierTobani dasavleT xmelTaSuazRvispireTTan -------------------------34<br />

10<br />

11<br />


merab xalvaSi. fiWvnaris importuli am<strong>for</strong>ebi ----------------------------------------------- 35<br />

irine varSalomiZe. romauli monetebi gonio-afsarosidan ---------------------------------- 35<br />

SoTa mamulaZe, emzar kaxiZe. afsarosi - romauli kulturis<br />

centri aRmosavleT SavizRvispireTSi -------------------------------------------------------- 36<br />

II. seqcia Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo MD<br />

kristofer haasi. ioane zedazneli: qarTveli wmindani siriul asketur tradiciaSi ------- 52<br />

aleqsei lidovi. aRmosavleT-qristianuli “gamosaxuleba-paradigma”: hierotopuli<br />

ganzomileba Sua saukuneebis xelovnebis istoriaSi ---------------------------------------- 52<br />

ekaterine gedevaniSvili, marine yenia. sityvisa da gamosaxulebis urTierTmimarTebis<br />

sakiTxisaTvis Sua saukuneebis qarTul kedlis mxatvrobaSi ------------------------------- 53<br />

ori soltesi. “raindobis” xelovneba da misi konteqsti ------------------------------------ 54<br />

mariam didebuliZe. saero tendenciebi Tamaris epoqis kulturaSi<br />

da Tanadrouli kedlis mxatvroba ------------------------------------------------------------ 54<br />

pavlos florentosi. bizantiuri mozaika da kedlis mxatvroba kviprosis taZrebSi ------- 55<br />

aleqsandra davidov temerinski. esqatologia, ideologia da konteqstualizacia:<br />

saSineli samsjavros scenebi deCanSi, axtalasa da timoTesubanSi ------------------------ 55<br />

ida sinkeviCi. freskuli xatebi qarTul da bizantiur monumentur<br />

xelovnebaSi: maTi arsi da mniSvneloba -------------------------------------------------------- 56<br />

irine mamaiaSvili. postbizantiuri mxatvrobis tendenciebi XVI s-is qarTul<br />

monumentur mxatvrobaSi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 57<br />

beatriCe tolijiani. qarTuli gavlenebi grigol bakurianisZis mier bulgareTSi,<br />

plovdivis maxloblad daarsebuli monastris negebobaTa fasadebis morTulobaSi --------- 57<br />

Tamar xundaZe. istoriul pirTa gamosaxulebani Sua saukuneebis<br />

(VI-XI ss.) qarTul xuroTmoZRvrul qandakebaSi ---------------------------------------------- 58<br />

ekaterine kvaWataZe. XI saukunis Semdgomi periodis qarTuli Sua<br />

saukuneebis safasade skulpturis ZiriTadi tendenciebi ---------------------------------- 59<br />

peter grosmani. romauli da gvianromauli elementebi egviptis adreqristianul<br />

arqiteqturaSi saqarTvelos viTarebasTan SepirispirebiT ------------------------------- 60<br />

jon vilkinsoni. sad Caisaxa qarTuli eklesia? ----------------------------------------------- 61<br />

irine giviaSvili. qarTuli mravalafsidiani eklesiebi ------------------------------------- 61<br />

qeTevan abaSiZe. safasade qvis wyoba qarTul saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebaSi ------------- 62<br />

daviT xoStaria. tao-klarjeTis arqiteqtura: istoria da Seswavlis perspeqtivebi --------- 63<br />

bruno baumgartneri. ucnobi da naklebad cnobili qarTuli Zeglebi<br />

Crdilo-aRmosavleT TurqeTSi ---------------------------------------------------------------- 63<br />

markus bogiSi. ramdenime SeniSvna istoriul taoSi (Crdilo-aRmosavleT TurqeTi)<br />

mdebare oSkis taZris “Cawerili jvris” tipis ZiriTadi nawilis Taobaze ---------------- 64<br />

nato gengiuri. qarTuli eklesiebis karibWeebi (adreqristianuli<br />

periodidan ganviTarebul Sua saukuneebamde) ----------------------------------------------- 64<br />

irma berZeniSvili. afxazeTis adre Sua saukuneTa saeklesio xuroTmoZRvreba ------------- 65<br />

edit noibaueri. Sua saukuneebis qarTuli arqiteqtura da skulptura<br />

da romanuli periodi centralur evropaSi -------------------------------------------------- 66<br />

veronika kalasi, iavuz ozkaia. qarTuli aspeqti XIII saukunis anis arqiteqturaSi:<br />

tigran honencis taZari da minuCiris meCeTi ------------------------------------------------- 67<br />

rozmeri beisiki. saqarTvelo da xorvatia: saerTo wyaros magaliTi ---------------------- 68<br />

leila xuskivaZe. ornamenti Sua saukuneebis qarTul WedurobaSi -------------------------68<br />


maria lidova. liturgiuli sivrcis Seqmna: ioane cohabis mier<br />

Sesrulebuli sinuri xatebis jgufi ----------------------------------------------------------- 69<br />

nana burWulaZe. qarTuli xatebi sinas mTis wm. ekaterines monasterSi (qarTulbizantiuri<br />

urTierTobebis istoriisTvis) -------------------------------------------------- 70<br />

aleqsandre saminski. berTis saxarebis miniaturebi da misi warmomavloba ---------------- 70<br />

nino qavTaria. XII-XIII saukuneebis qarTul oTxTavTa ga<strong>for</strong>mebis mxatvruli aspeqtebi ------- 71<br />

lali osefaSvili. qarTul liturgikul gragnilTa mxatvruli ga<strong>for</strong>mebis<br />

Taviseburebani (XII-XVI ss) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 72<br />

izolda meliqiSvili. qarTuli saeklesio samosis ferisa<br />

da <strong>for</strong>mis simbolikis sakiTxisaTvis ---------------------------------------------------------- 73<br />

sastendo moxsenebebi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 93-94<br />

III. seqcia modernizmi saqarTveloSi MIG<br />

gaston buaCiZe. qarTuli ferwera evropis konteqstSi: firosmani,<br />

lado gudiaSvili, daviT kakabaZe --------------------------------------------------------------- 96<br />

giorgi xoStaria. binaruli opozicia niko firosmanaSvilisa da<br />

modernizmis mxatvrobaSi ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 96<br />

liana anTelava. samyaros sivrce/drois kontinualuri modeli<br />

qarTul mxatvrobaSi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 97<br />

marina meZmariaSvili. firosmanis Semoqmedeba evropuli modernizmis CarCoebSi ------------- 98<br />

nana yifiani. “poeturad binadrobs adamiani” ------------------------------------------------- 98<br />

ana SanSiaSvili. niko firosmanaSvilis ferwera XIX s-is bolosa da XX s-is dasawyisis<br />

evropuli mxatvrobis konteqstSi --------------------------------------------------------------------- 99<br />

nestan TaTaraSvili. evropuli kulturuli memkvidreoba - modernis<br />

stilis arqiteqtura saqarTveloSi ------------------------------------------------------------ 100<br />

maia ciciSvili. eqspresionizmidan „dada“-mde 1910-1930-iani wlebis qarTul<br />

mxatvrobaSi (axlad aRmoCenili masalis safuZvelze) -------------------------------------- 101<br />

irine abesaZe. qarTuli modernizmidan - transavangardamde, anu, kidev<br />

erTxel, terminTa definiciis Sesaxeb --------------------------------------------------------- 102<br />

Tea tabataZe. modernistuli artistuli kafes zogierTi Taviseburebis<br />

gansazRvrisaTvis. „qimerionis“ moxatulobis ideur-Sinaarsobrivi<br />

metyvelebis Sesaxeb ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 103<br />

mzia CixraZe. futuristuli wigni, Tbilisi 1910-1920 --------------------------------------- 104<br />

nino zaaliSvili. 1920-30-iani wlebis qarTuli grafikis zogierTi tendencia ------------- 105<br />

qeTevan SavguliZe. montaJis principebi qarTul scenografiaSi (1920-iani wlebi) ------------- 106<br />

Tea uruSaZe. konstruqtivizmis Tavisebureba qarTul<br />

Teatralur-dekoraciul xelovnebaSi -------------------------------------------------------- 107<br />

sastendo moxsenebebi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 118<br />

IV. seqcia restavracia /konservacia;qveseqcia:<br />

biodazianebebi kulturul memkvidreobaSi<br />

maia SaviSvili. sarestavracio saqmianobis zogadi mimoxilva ------------------------------ 120<br />

sabina vedovelo. saziaro proeqti ------------------------------------------------------------- 120<br />

erik viurgeri. istoriuli nagebobebis saZirkvlebis gamagrebis axali meTodi -------------- 121<br />

mark gitinsi. qarTuli kedlis mxatvrobis sami nimuSis konservaciisadmi<br />

meTodologiuri da praqtikuli midgoma------------------------------------------------------- 122<br />


nana kupraSvili. gelaTis RmrTismSoblis taZris XII saukunis<br />

moxatulobaTa teqnika --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 122<br />

julia kaneva. kedlis mxatvrobis biodazianeba ---------------------------------------------- 123<br />

Tomas varSaidi. biodazianeba kedlis mxatvrobaSi ------------------------------------------- 124<br />

franCesko imperi. uZvelesi kedlis mxatvrobis “gavardisfrebis”<br />

etiologia: molekuluri midgoma -------------------------------------------------------------- 125<br />

nino kitovani. in<strong>for</strong>macia ubisis didi karedis saTave xatis<br />

kvlevisa da konservaciis meTodis Sesaxeb ---------------------------------------------------- 125<br />

darejan gogaSvili. xelnawerTa erovnul centrSi daculi papirusebis<br />

konservaciis zogierTi sakiTxi ---------------------------------------------------------------- 126<br />

mari-klod depasio. restavracia Tu konservacia, ra avirCioT? --------------------------- 127<br />

nino kalandaZe. arqeologiuri brinjaos konservaciis meTodi vanis<br />

naqalaqarze aRmoCenili masalis mixedviT ----------------------------------------------------128<br />

Tea kinwuraSvili. vanis minebis skanirebis<br />

eleqtromikroskopul-energodispersiuli analizi,<br />

rentgeno-flurescenciuri gamokvleva da restavracia-konservacia ------------------- 129<br />

sastendo moxsenebebi --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139<br />

V. seqcia kulturuli turizmi<br />

knut gerberi. kulturuli turizmis ekonomikuri efeqtis<br />

Sesaxeb - SesaZleblobebi metia Tu riski? ---------------------------------------------------- 141<br />

beTsi haskeli. turizmi saqarTveloSi --------------------------------------------------------- 142<br />

paata SanSiaSvili. saqarTvelos turistuli konkurentunarianobis<br />

gazrda daculi teritoriebis qselis Seqmnis meSveobiT ----------------------------------- 142<br />

niko kvaracxelia. saqarTveloSi kulturuli turizmis ganviTarebis<br />

tendenciebi da perspeqtivebi ------------------------------------------------------------------ 143<br />

doroTea papaTanasiu-zurTi. transinterpret II: memkvidreobis interpretacia,<br />

rogorc gza multisensoruli gamocdilebisaken. saberZneTis magaliTi; “proeqti<br />

“herodote”: istoriuli garemos tursituli gamoyeneba. nou-haus da xarisxis<br />

menejmentis praqtika regionul doneze”. TanamSromlobis qseli regionuli<br />

TviTmyofadobis da kulturuli memkvidreobis popularizaciisaTvis ------------------ 145<br />

mine kadiroRlu. kulturuli turizmi tao-klarjeTSi ------------------------------------ 146<br />

maka dvaliSvili. kulturuli proeqtebi ganviTarebisaTvis ------------------------------ 147<br />

meri qei judi. qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreoba rogorc<br />

ekonomikuri resursi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 148<br />

mauren doili, jefri doili. kulturuli turizmi da “Ria muzeumi” --------------------- 149<br />

dimitri jafariZe. kulturuli turizmis perspeqtivebi saqarTveloSi ----------------- 150<br />

ia Tabagari. kulturuli turizmi - urTierTobebi eklesiasa<br />

da turizmis industrias Soris ----------------------------------------------------------------- 150<br />

milan prodanoviCi. kulturaTa dialogi da civilizaciaTa konfliqti<br />

saganmanaTleblo/ kulturul turizmTan da regionaluri kulturis evropul<br />

memkvidreobasTan integraciis sakiTxebTan mimarTebaSi ----------------------------------- 150<br />



Preface<br />

Nikoloz Vacheishvili. Minister of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sports of Georgia ------------------- 12<br />

Maka Dvalishvili. Project Leader, <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Center ------------------------------------------ 13<br />

Symposium Bodies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16<br />

Acknowledgments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 17<br />

Foreword<br />

Dimiti Tumanishvili. G. Chubunashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Art History and Monuments Protection, Tbilisi State Academy of Art --------------------------------------------20<br />

Teimuraz Sakvarelidze. G. Chubunashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Art History and Monuments Protection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------21<br />

I. Section Ancient Georgia AG<br />

Nino Jakeli. Ancient Jewelry and Other Works of Art from the Upper<br />

Paleolithic Site of Dzudzuana Cave (Western <strong>Georgian</strong>) -----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Nino Shanshashvili, Giorgi Narimanishvili. <strong>Cultural</strong> Interaction of Mesopotamia<br />

with the South Caucasus in the Early Bronze Age -------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Zurab Makharadze. The Works of Art from Multilayered Site at Tsikhiagora ---------------------------------<br />

Karen S. Rubinson. A Re-evaluation of Kuftin’s Analysis of the Trialeti Silver Goblet and<br />

Bucket in Light of Modern Theory and Current Archaeological Knowledge ------------------------------------<br />

Anna Kldiashvili. Image Semantics and the Model of the Universe in Pre-Christian <strong>Georgian</strong> Culture -----------<br />

Mikheil Abramishvili. From Çatalhöyük to Svetitskhoveli - Extracts from the Enduring Cult of the Bull ------------<br />

Goderdzi Narimanashvili, Kakha Khimshiashvili. Bronze Age Settlements in Trialeti ---------------------<br />

Ketevan Ramishvili. Horse Figurines in Old Georgia and Names Relating<br />

to Horse-Breeding in the <strong>Georgian</strong> Language -----------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Nino Gomelauri. Georgia and Eurasia in the 2nd-1st 38<br />

39<br />

39<br />

40<br />

40<br />

41<br />

41<br />

42<br />

Millennia BC according to Minor Bronze Plastics --------------43<br />

Manana Tsereteli. Colchian Ritual Axe / Semantics and Artistic Style ------------------------------------------43<br />

Ori Soltes. Defining <strong>Georgian</strong>ness in Antiquity --------------------------------------------------------------------- 44<br />

Tamaz Sanikidze. About the Main Stages in the History of the Rock-Carved Town of Uplistsikhe ------------44<br />

Mariam Gvelesiani. For the Interpretation of an Anthropomorphic Figure from Katlanikhevi ------------- 45<br />

Vakhtang Shatberashvili. Two Painted Glass Jugs from the Village Khovle ----------------------------------46<br />

Teimuraz Bibiluri. Temple of Apollo in Greater Mtskheta -------------------------------------------------------- 47<br />

Amiran Kakhidze, Michael Vickers. Trade, Economic and <strong>Cultural</strong> Connections between<br />

Athens and Colchis in the Classical Period (According to the Material Obtained by<br />

the Joint <strong>Georgian</strong>-British Expedition to Pitchvnari) ---------------------------------------------------------------47<br />

Nino Dzneladze. Greek Painted Pottery from Pitchvnari ----------------------------------------------------------48<br />

Tamar Shalikadze, Emzar Ebralidze. Commercial and <strong>Cultural</strong> Ties between<br />

Gonio-Apsaros and the Western Mediterranean --------------------------------------------------------------------- 48<br />

Merab Khalvashi. Imported Amphorae at Pitchvnari ------------------------------------------------------------- 49<br />

Irine Varshalomidze. Roman Coins from Gonio-Apsaros ---------------------------------------------------------49<br />

Shota Mamuladze, Emzar Kakhidze. Apsaros – The Roman <strong>Cultural</strong> Centre<br />

at the Eastern Black Sea Coast ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50<br />

II. Medieval Georgia MG<br />

Christopher Haas. Ioane Zedazneli: A <strong>Georgian</strong> Saint in the Syrian Ascetical Tradition -------------------- 75<br />

Alexei M. Lidov. Eastern Christian ‘Image-Paradigms’: A Hierotopic Dimension of<br />

Medieval Art History ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 75<br />

Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, Marine Kenia. The Correlation of the Word and Image in<br />

the Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Mural Painting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------76<br />

Ori Soltes. The Art of “The Knight” in its Contexts ---------------------------------------------------------------- 76<br />


Mariam Didebulidze. Secular Tendencies in the Culture of Queen Tamar’s Epoch and its<br />

Contemporaneous Mural Painting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Pavlos Flourentzos. The Byzantine Mosaics and Wall Painting of Churches in Cyprus ----------------------<br />

Aleksandra Davidov Temerinski. Eschatology, Ideology, Contextualisation:<br />

The Last Judgment in Dečani, Akhtala and Timotesubani ---------------------------------------------------------<br />

Ida Sinkevic. Fresco Icons in Monumental Art of Georgia and Byzantium: Meaning and Significance ----------------<br />

Irine Mamaiashvili. Post Byzantine Tendencies in 16th c. <strong>Georgian</strong> Mural Painting --------------------------<br />

Beatrice Tolidjian. <strong>Georgian</strong> Inspiration <strong>for</strong> External Wall Decoration of Gregorios<br />

Pakourianos Foundations Around Plovdiv, Bulgaria ---------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Tamar Khundadze. The Images of Historical Figures in Medieval (6th -11thc) <strong>Georgian</strong> Facade Sculpture --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Ekaterine Kvachatadze. The Main Trends of the Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Facade Sculpture After 11 th c -----------------<br />

Peter Grossmann. Roman and Late Roman Elements in the Early Christian<br />

Architecture of Egypt in Comparison with the Situation in Georgia ----------------------------------------------<br />

John Wilkinson. Where did Georgia’s Churches Start? -----------------------------------------------------------<br />

Irine Giviashvili. <strong>Georgian</strong> Polyapsidal Church Architecture ----------------------------------------------------<br />

Ketevan Abashidze. Stone Facing in <strong>Georgian</strong> Ecclesiastic Architecture --------------------------------------<br />

David Khoshtaria. Architecture of Tao-Klarjeti: History and Perspectives of Study --------------------------<br />

Dr. Bruno Baumgartner. Unknown and Less Known <strong>Georgian</strong> Monuments in Northeast Turkey ----------------<br />

Markus Bogisch. Some Remarks on <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and the Cross-in-square<br />

Core of the Church in Oshki in the Historic Province of Tao (Northeast Turkey) -------------------------------<br />

Nato Gengiuri. Porches of <strong>Georgian</strong> Churches (From Early Christian Period to Advanced<br />

Middle Ages) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Irma Berdzenishvili. The Ecclesiastic Architecture of Abkhazeti in Early Middle Ages ----------------------<br />

Edith Neubauer. <strong>Georgian</strong> Medieval Architecture and Sculpture and the Central<br />

European Romanesque Period -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Veronica Kalas, Yavuz Özkaya. The <strong>Georgian</strong> Aspects of Medieval Architecture at Ani in<br />

the Thirteenth Century: The Church of Tigran Honents and the Mosque of Minuchir -------------------------<br />

Rosemary Basic. Georgia and Croatia: A Case of Common Source --------------------------------------------<br />

Leila Khuskivadze. Ornament in Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Repousse work ------------------------------------------<br />

Maria Lidova. Creating a Liturgical Space: the Sinai Complex of Icons by Ioannes Tsohabi --------------------<br />

Nana Burchuladze. <strong>Georgian</strong> Icons at St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai<br />

(To <strong>Georgian</strong>-Byzantine interrelations) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Alexsander Saminski. The Miniatures and Origin of the Berti Gospel-------------------------------------------<br />

Nino Kavtaria. Artistic Aspects of the 12th-13th 77<br />

77<br />

78<br />

78<br />

79<br />

79<br />

80<br />

81<br />

81<br />

82<br />

82<br />

83<br />

83<br />

84<br />

85<br />

85<br />

86<br />

87<br />

87<br />

88<br />

88<br />

89<br />

89<br />

90<br />

c <strong>Georgian</strong> Gospels Illumination ----------------------------- 91<br />

Lali Osepashvili. The Peculiarities of the Decorative Design of the <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Liturgical Scrolls (XII-XIV centuries) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 91<br />

Izolda Melikishvili. The Symbolic Meaning of Color and Form of the Ecclesiastic Vestments ------------------- 92<br />

Poster Presentations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------93-94<br />

III Section Modernism in Georgia MIG<br />

Gaston Buachidze. <strong>Georgian</strong> Painting in European Context: Niko Pirosmani,<br />

Lado Gudiashvili, David Kakabadze ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Gogi Khoshtaria. Binary Opposition in Niko Pirosmanashvili’s Works and Modernist Art ---------------------<br />

Liana Antelava. Continual Model of the Universal Space/Time in <strong>Georgian</strong> Paintings ----------------------<br />

Marina Medzmariashvili. Pirosmani’s Art in the Framework of European Modernism ---------------------<br />

Nana Kipiani. “Poetically Abides a Man” --------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Anna Shanshiashivili. The Painting of Niko Pirosmani in the Context of<br />

Late 19th –Early 20th 109<br />

109<br />

110<br />

110<br />

111<br />

c. European Art --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 111<br />

Nestan Tatarashvili. European <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage - Art Nouveau Architecture in Georgia --------------------- 112<br />

Maia Tsitsishvili. From Expressionism to Dada: <strong>Georgian</strong> Painting from<br />

1910 to the 1930s (Based on Recent Discoveries) -------------------------------------------------------------------113<br />


Irine Abesadze. From <strong>Georgian</strong> Modernism to Transavantgardism, a Definition of Terms ------------------------113<br />

Tea Tabatadze. Towards the Definition of Certain Characteristics of Modernist Artistic<br />

Cafes – Conceptual Aspect of the Kimerioni Wall Paintings -------------------------------------------------------114<br />

Mzia Chikhradze. Futurist Book, Tbilisi 1910-1920 -------------------------------------------------------------- 115<br />

Nino Zaalishvili. Several Trends in <strong>Georgian</strong> Graphic Art of the 1920s and 1930s --------------------------- 115<br />

Ketevan Shavgulidze. The Principle of Montage in <strong>Georgian</strong> Stage Design (1920s) -------------------------116<br />

Tea Urushadze. Peculiarity of Constructivism in <strong>Georgian</strong> Stage Design -------------------------------------- 117<br />

Poster Presentations ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------118<br />

IV. Section Restoration/Conservation; Subsection: Biological Deterioration in <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage<br />

Maia Shavishvili. General Overview of the Restoration field in Georgia ---------------------------------------<br />

Sabina Vedovello. A Shared Project ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Erik Wurger. New Methods of the Consolidation of the Basement of Historic Structures -------------------------<br />

Mark Gittins. Methodological and Practical Approaches to the Conservation of<br />

Three <strong>Georgian</strong> Wall Paintings ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />

Nana Kuprashvili. 12th 131<br />

131<br />

132<br />

132<br />

c Painting Techniques of the Main Church at Gelati Monastery ----------------------- 133<br />

Giulia Caneva. Biodeterioration of Mural Paintings -------------------------------------------------------------- 134<br />

Thomas Warsheid. Biodeterioration on Wall-Paintings ---------------------------------------------------------- 134<br />

Francesco Imperi. Understanding the Etiology of Rosy Discoloration on Ancient<br />

Wall Paintings: A Molecular Approach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135<br />

Nino Kitovani. The In<strong>for</strong>mation on the Study and Conservation Methodology of<br />

the Central Icon of the Ubisi Triptych --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 135<br />

Darejan Gogashvili. Several Issues Relating to the Conservation of the Papyruses Kept<br />

in the National Centre of Manuscripts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 136<br />

Mari Claude Depassiot. Restoration or Conservation, What to Choose? -------------------------------------- 137<br />

Nino Kalandadze. The Method <strong>for</strong> Conservation of Bronze Artifacts by theExample of<br />

Findings Unearthed in Ancient Settlement of Vani ------------------------------------------------------------------ 137<br />

Tea Kintsurashvili. Scanning Glassware from Vani by Means of Electronic Microscope-Energy<br />

Dispersive Analysis: Its X-ray-Fluorescence study, Restoration and Conservation ---------------------------- 138<br />

Poster Presentations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139<br />

V. Section <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism CT<br />

Knut Gerber. About Economic Effects in <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism - More Chances Than Risks? ----------------------152<br />

Betsy Haskell. <strong>Georgian</strong> Tourism ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 152<br />

Paata Shanshiashvili. Advancement of Georgia’s Tourism Competitiveness through<br />

Building of Protected Areas Network ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------153<br />

Niko Kvaratskhelia. Tendencies and Prospects of <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism Development in Georgia ---------------------- 154<br />

Dorothea Papathanassiou-Zuhrt. Transinterpret II: Heritage Interpretation as a Vehicle <strong>for</strong><br />

Multisensorial Experiences. The Case of Greece<br />

“The Project HERODOT: Tourism use of the historic environment-Know-how transfer and quality<br />

management practices at the regional level”: A collaborative network to promote<br />

regional identities and cultural heritage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 155<br />

Mine Kadiroğlu. <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism in Tao-Klarjeti ---------------------------------------------------------------- 156<br />

Maka Dvalishvili. <strong>Cultural</strong> Projects <strong>for</strong> Development -------------------------------------------------------------157<br />

Mary Kay Judy. <strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage as an Economic Resource --------------------------------------- 157<br />

Maureen Doyle, Jeffrey Doyle. <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism and the Open Museum ------------------------------------- 158<br />

Dimirti Japaridze. Perspectives of <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism in Georgia ------------------------------------------------ 159<br />

Ia Tabagari. <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism - Relations Between Church and Tourism Industries --------------------------156<br />

Milan Prodanovic. Dialogue of Cultures and the Clash of Civilization Agenda Related to<br />

The Issues of Educational/<strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism and Related Topics of Regional Culture and<br />

Integration of European Heritage ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 159<br />


misalmeba<br />

10<br />

simpoziumi - “qarTuli xelovneba evropisa da aziis kulturaTa konteqstSi”, wlebis<br />

manZilze miviwyebuli mecnieruli Ziebebis erTgvari aRorZinebaa.<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis Sesaxeb arsebuli werilobiTi masala, es im mecnieruli az-<br />

rovnebis nawilia, romliTac sazrdoobs msoflios samecniero sazogadoebrioba. xelovnebis<br />

tradiciuli dargebis erT simpoziumSi warmoCena saSualebas gvaZlevs Tvali<br />

gavadevnoT qarTuli xelovnebis evolucias, davafiqsiroT ama Tu im dargis individualuri<br />

saxe da amovikiTxoT TiToeuli maTganisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli niSnebi.<br />

sayovelTaod cnobilia, Tu raoden didi mniSvneloba hqonda qarTuli kulturisa<br />

da mecnierebis popularizaciisa da saerTaSoriso asparezze gamotanisaTvis g. CubinaSvilis<br />

saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis institutis mier 1977-1989 wlebSi<br />

italiasa da saqarTveloSi Catarebul, qarTuli xelovnebisadmi miZRvnil eqvs saerTa-<br />

Soriso simpoziums. maTi iniciatori da sulis Camdgmeli Cveni drois udidesi mecnieri<br />

da sazogado moRvawe, akademikosi vaxtang beriZe iyo. TiTqmis oci wlis intervalis<br />

Semdeg, kvlav dadga msgavsi simpoziumebis Catarebisa da qarTuli xelovnebis saerTa-<br />

Soriso asparezze gamotanis aucilebloba.<br />

simpoziumis mizani - gaaRvivos saerTaSoriso samecniero wreebis interesi qarTuli<br />

kulturisadmi da xeli Seuwyos qarTvel da ucxoel mecnierTa TanamSromlobas - udaod<br />

dadasturda winamdebare krebulSi. masSi Tavmoyrilia Cveni xelovnebisadmi miZRvnili<br />

qarTveli da ucxoeli specialistebis samecniero namoRvawari.<br />

simpoziumi, romelic kidev erTxel farTod warmoaCens qarTul kulturasa da mis<br />

unikalurobas, mniSvnelovani RonisZiebaa qarTul saxelovnebaTmcodneo da, zogadad,<br />

samecniero sivrceSi.<br />

nikoloz vaCeiSvili<br />

saqarTvelos kulturis ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis ministri

keTili iyos Tqveni mobrZaneba saqarTveloSi qarTuli xelovnebis saerTaSoriso<br />

simpoziumze, romelic gamoCenili qarTveli mecnieris da xelovnebis istorikosis,<br />

vaxtang beriZis saxels atarebs.<br />

wlevandel simpoziums erTis mxriv, win uZRvoda 2007 wels q. niu-iorkSi kolumbiis<br />

universitetSi harimanis institutTan arsebuli qarTvelologiis centris, xelovnebis<br />

saerTaSoriso centris da Tbilisis samxatvro akademiis mier organizebuli qarTuli<br />

xelovnebis simpoziumi, xolo meores mxriv ki, gasuli saukunis 70-80-ian wlebSi giorgi<br />

CubinaSvilis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis institutis direqtoris - vaxtang<br />

beriZis TaosnobiT Catarebuli simpoziumebis seria, romlebmac yvela CvenTaganSi, da<br />

rac mTavaria, qarTuli xelovnebis Seswavlis istoriaSi waruSleli kvali datova.<br />

qarTuli xelovnebisadmi miZRvnili saerTaSoriso simpoziumis ganaxlebis da tradiciad<br />

gadaqcevis idea Caisaxa kolumbiis universitetis kedlebSi da 2008 wlis simpoziumi<br />

- “qarTuli xelovneba evropisa da aziis kulturaTa konteqstSi” swored am ideis<br />

realizacias warmoadgens.<br />

simpoziumis msvlelobis dros saqarTvelos, evropis, aziis da aSS-s asze meti wamyvani<br />

mkvlevari warmoadgens saxelobnebaTmcodneo moxsenebebs da sastendo prezentaciebs;<br />

amasTanave, simpoziumze saxelovnebaTmcodneo kvlevasTan erTad, warmoCenili iqneba<br />

saqarTveloSi kulturuli memkvidreobis SenarCunebis problematika da kulturuli<br />

memkvidreobis roli ekonomikuri ganviTarebisaTvis (kulturuli turizmi, kulturuli<br />

proeqtebis ganviTarebis da a.S.). programaSia gasvliTi sesiebi Zeglebze - saqarTvelos<br />

dasavleT da aRmosavleT regionebSi, rac kulturul turizmTan da konservaciasTan<br />

dakavSirebul problematikas warmoaCens.<br />

gansakuTrebiT moxaruli var aRvniSno am wlis simpoziumisadmi mkvlevarTa didi<br />

interesi. simpoziumis 5 seqciaSi warmodgenili iqneba 91 moxseneba da 24 sastendo<br />

prezentacia, rac saerTaSoriso doneze qarTuli kulturis Seswavlis mniSvnelobis<br />

zrdaze mianiSnebs. gansakuTrebul madlobas vuxdi Cvens Rrmad pativcemul kolegebs,<br />

romlebic simpoziumSi monawileobis misaRebad msoflios sxvadasxva kuTxidan<br />

Camodian.<br />

da bolos, minda visargeblo am SemTxveviT da madloba gadavuxado saorganizacio<br />

komitets da simpoziumis proeqtis jgufis yvela wevrs, saqarTvelos oficialuri<br />

struqturebis warmomadgenlebs, adgilobriv da saerTaSoriso donorebs da<br />

sponsor organizaciebs wlevandeli simpoziumis warmatebiT Casatareblad gaweuli<br />

ZalisxmevisaTvis.<br />

maka dvaliSvili<br />

proeqtis avtori da xelmZRvaneli<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centris prezidenti<br />



12<br />

The current symposium “<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts in the Context of European and Asian Cultures,” dedicated to<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> art and culture in general, conveys a significant strategic trend in state cultural policy. By simultaneously<br />

observing our remote past in the light of our vast relations and historical-cultural context, it gives<br />

us an opportunity to have a deeper and more objective comparison.<br />

As it is well known, six international symposiums on the issues of <strong>Georgian</strong> art, held from 1977-1989<br />

in Italy and Georgia, organized by G. Chubinashvili Institute of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History were of special significance<br />

<strong>for</strong> popularization of <strong>Georgian</strong> culture and science and <strong>for</strong> their promotion on an international<br />

scale. Initiator and inspirer of the events was full member of the <strong>Georgian</strong> Academy of Sciences, Prof. Dr.<br />

Vakhtang Beridze, a prominent scholar and public man of our times. After a nearly 20 years gap, the necessity<br />

to hold analogous symposiums has emerged.<br />

The present collection of papers provides a good affirmation of the goal of the current symposium: To<br />

generate the interest of an international scientific community in <strong>Georgian</strong> culture and to promote collaboration<br />

between <strong>Georgian</strong> and <strong>for</strong>eign scholars. This collection is comprised of the best works from <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

and <strong>for</strong>eign scholars who have written on issues concerning <strong>Georgian</strong> art.<br />

The symposium, which once again has widely displayed <strong>Georgian</strong> culture and its originality, is an event<br />

of special significance in art studies and the scholarly environment of Georgia in general.<br />

Nikoloz Vacheishvili<br />

Minister of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport, Georgia

I would like to wish you all a warm welcome to Georgia <strong>for</strong> the <strong>International</strong> Symposium of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Arts, the Symposium named after noted <strong>Georgian</strong> scholar and art historian, Vakhtang Beridze.<br />

This year’s Symposium is the first international scholars meeting on <strong>Georgian</strong> Art to take place in<br />

Georgia after nearly a 20 year hiatus, when Vakhtang Beridze, director of Institute of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History<br />

named after Giorgi Chubinashvili, organized the last of six <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts symposium in 1989. The initial<br />

rebirth of these scholarly discussions on <strong>Georgian</strong> Art happened in 2007 at Columbia University of New<br />

York City with the initiation and generous support of the <strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> Center at Harriman Institute<br />

of Columbia University, in collaboration with Tbilisi State Academy of Art, the <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture<br />

Center, and the Fulbright Scholar Program. <strong>Georgian</strong> and American scholars gathered on Columbia’s<br />

campus to present their work to leading members of their respective fields as well as to discuss the future<br />

of <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural studies scholarship. The <strong>for</strong>thcoming symposium, “<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts in the Context of<br />

European and Asian Cultures,” builds on and expands the work started in the 2007 Symposium.<br />

With more than 115 leading scholars from the Georgia, Europe, Asia, and the United States presenting<br />

their papers and posters to highlight and summarize discoveries and investigations in the field from the past<br />

20 years, to define trends of further art historical study, and to discuss the mechanisms available to raise<br />

the level of international scholarship of <strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Cultural</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>, the Symposium likely will define the<br />

best methods of improving international collaboration and networking opportunities between art historians<br />

specializing in the South Caucasus area. Additionally, it will pay particular attention to the ever-evolving<br />

contextualization of <strong>Georgian</strong> art in relation to its European and Asian counterparts, as well as to Georgia’s<br />

contribution to past and present cultural world heritage.<br />

By taking into the consideration political and social changes in the region, the Symposium will focus<br />

on a combination of academic studies and the practice and problems of cultural heritage preservation in<br />

Georgia thereby fostering much-needed discussions on the practicality of cultural heritage <strong>for</strong> economic<br />

development via cultural tourism, cultural projects <strong>for</strong> development, etc. Onsite visits in Tbilisi, Western<br />

and Eastern Georgia will also highlight some of the important issues concerning cultural tourism and preservation.<br />

I have been especially pleased to note how many scholars expressed interest in presenting their works—<br />

this year’s Symposium will feature a total number of 5 sections, with 91 paper and 28 poster presentations—which<br />

speaks to the growing international importance of the subject of <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural studies. I<br />

would like to thank our many esteemed colleagues who have traveled from all over the world to join our<br />

meeting.<br />

As my final note, I must take this opportunity to thank all the members of the Organizational Committee<br />

and the Symposium Project Team <strong>for</strong> their creativity and hard work in assembling the program; <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

authorities <strong>for</strong> their advisement; and local and international donor and sponsor organizations <strong>for</strong> their generous<br />

support in making this year’s Symposium a success.<br />

Maka Dvalishvili<br />

Project Leader<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Center President<br />


simpoziumis organizatorebi<br />

simpoziumi organizebulia saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvis da sportis<br />

saministros da xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centris mier<br />

simpoziumis Tanaorganizatorebi: aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ganaTlebis,<br />

turizmisa da sportis saministro, g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis<br />

da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri, Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia,<br />

ivane javaxiSvilis saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti, saqarTvelos<br />

mecnierebaTa erovnuli akademia, saqarTvelos turizmisa da kurortebis<br />

departamenti<br />

mrCevelTa sabWo: nikoloz vaCeiSvili, Tavmjdomare, saqarTvelos kulturis,<br />

ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis ministri; dimitri TumaniSvili, g. CubinaSvilis saxelobis<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri, Tbilisis<br />

saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia; giorgi buRaZe, Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro<br />

akademiis reqtori; Tamaz gamyreliZe, saqarTvelos erovnuli mecnierebaTa akademiis<br />

prezidenti; Tamar beruCaSvili, saqarTvelos saxelmwifo ministris moadgile<br />

evrointegraciis sakiTxebSi; oTar bubaSvili, saqarTvelos turizmisa da kurortebis<br />

departamentis Tavmjdomare; roin (maTe) takiZe, aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis<br />

ganaTlebis, turizmisa da sportis ministri.<br />

samecniero sabWo: dimitri TumaniSvili, Tavmjdomare; mixeil abramiSvili, seqciis<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo koordinatori; ana kldiaSvili, seqciis Sua saukuneebis<br />

saqarTvelo koordinatori; nino RaRaniZe, seqciis modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

koordinatori; nana kupraSvili, seqciis restavracia/konservacia koordinatori;<br />

julia kaneva, qveseqciis biologiuri dazianebebi kulturul memkvidreobaSi<br />

koordinatori.<br />

proeqtis gundi: maka dvaliSvili, xelmZRvaneli, ana SanSiaSvili, koordinatori;<br />

gega paqsaSvili, dizaineri; eka dvaliSvili, lojistikis menejeri; TaTia Rvineria,<br />

koordinatori; Tamar kiknaZe, koordinatori; Tea gociriZe, eqspozicia; lia<br />

suxitaSvili, koordinatoris asistenti; maia anTaZe, finansebi; maka SavguliZe,<br />

komunikaciebis menejeri; malxaz gelaSvili, teqnikuri menejeri; moli TofuriZe, veb<br />

dizaini; sara bolsoni, inglisuri teqstis koordinatori.<br />

finansuri mxardaWera: aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ganaTlebis, turizmisa<br />

da sportis saministro, Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia, ivane javaxiSvilis<br />

saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti, kaxeTis mxareSi saxelmwifo<br />

rwmunebulis – gubernatoris administracia, merab berZeniSvilis saxelobis<br />

kulturis saerTaSoriso centri “muza“, saqarTvelos istoriul ZeglTa dacvis<br />

da gadarCenis fondi, saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis<br />

saministro, saqarTvelos mecnierebaTa erovnuli akademia, saqarTvelos turizmisa<br />

da kurortebis departamenti; al. diumas saxelobis franguli kulturis centri,<br />

aSS saelCo saqarTveloSi, germaniis teqnikuri TanamSromlobis sazogadoeba (GTZ ),<br />

goeTes instituti, evraziis partniorobis fondi, evrokomisiis warmomadgenloba<br />

saqarTveloSi, italiis saelCo saqarTveloSi, kolumbiis universitetis harimanis<br />

institutTan arsebuli qarTvelologiis centri, European Foundation Stepbeyond Mobility<br />

Fund / Open Society Institute Budapest, WORLD MONUMENTS FUND ® the Samuel H. Kress Foundation,<br />

Trust <strong>for</strong> Mutual Understanding.<br />

maspinZloba, sareklamo da sain<strong>for</strong>macio mxardaWera: <strong>Georgian</strong> Palace Hotel, magi stili,<br />

marko polo, mze, Mercury Classic, M jgufi, rusTavi-2, saqarTvelos sazogadoebrivi<br />

mauwyebeli<br />


simpoziumi madlobas uxdis<br />

saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvis da sportis saministros da piradad<br />

ministrs, baton nikoloz vaCeiSvils simpoziumis gansakuTrebuli mxardaWerisaTvis;<br />

aseve, xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centrs da mis direqtors qalbaton maka dvaliSvils<br />

am RonisZiebis TaosnobisaTvis.<br />

gansakuTrebiT gvinda aRvniSnoT g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis<br />

da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centris, Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro<br />

akademiis, saqarTvelos mecnierebaTa erovnuli akademiis, ivane javaxiSvilis<br />

saxelobis Tbilisis saxelmwifo universitetis, saqarTvelos universitetis,<br />

saqarTvelos istoriul ZeglTa dacvis da gadarCenis fondis, saqarTvelos erovnuli<br />

muzeumis, merab berZeniSvilis saxelobis kulturis saerTaSoriso centris “muza“,<br />

aWaris avtonomiuri respublikis ganaTlebis, turizmisa da sportis saministros,<br />

saqarTvelos turizmisa da kurortebis departamentis, kaxeTis mxareSi saxelmwifo<br />

rwmunebulis – gubernatoris administraciis, saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa<br />

dacvis da sportis saministros Rvawli.<br />

specialuri madloba al. diumas saxelobis franguli kulturis centrs,<br />

saqarTveloSi aSS saelCos, germaniis teqnikuri TanamSromlobis sazogadoebas (GTZ),<br />

goeTes instituts, evraziis partniorobis fonds, evrokomisiis warmomadgenlobas<br />

saqarTveloSi, italiis saelCos saqarTveloSi, kolumbiis universitetis harimanis<br />

institutTan arsebul qarTvelologiis centrs, European Foundation Stepbeyond Mobility<br />

Fund / Open Society Institute Budapest, WORLD MONUMENTS FUND ® the Samuel H. Kress Foundation,<br />

Trust <strong>for</strong> Mutual Understanding. mxardaWerisaTvis.<br />

aseve, Rrma pativiscemiT gvinda aRvniSnoT samecniero sabWos wevrebis: dimitri<br />

TumaniSvilis, mixeil abramiSvilis, ana kldiaSvilis, nino RaRaniZis, nana kupraSvilis,<br />

julia kanevas Zalisxmeva.<br />

didi madloba magi stils, <strong>Georgian</strong> Palace Hotel-s, marko polos, mzes, Mercury Classic-s,<br />

M-jgufs, rusTavi-2-s da saqarTvelos sazogadoebriv mauwyebels simpoziumis<br />

maspiZlobis, sareklamo da sain<strong>for</strong>macio mxardaWerisaTvis.<br />

aseve, gvinda movixsenioT simpoziumis organizebisaTvis proeqtis gundis wevrebis:<br />

ana SanSiaSvilis, eka dvaliSvilis, gega paqsaSvilis, lia suxitaSvilis, maka dvaliSvilis,<br />

maka SavguliZis, malxaz gelaSvilis, maia anTaZis, moli TofuriZis, Tamar kiknaZis,<br />

TaTia Rvinerias, Tea gociriZis, sara bolsonis da aseve, yvela moxalisis mier gaweuli<br />

Zalisxmeva.<br />



The Symposium is organized by the Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia<br />

and <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Center<br />

Co-organizers: Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia; <strong>Georgian</strong> National Academy of Sciences;<br />

Giorgi Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection; Ivane<br />

Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University; Ministry of Education, Tourism and Sports of Achara Autonomic<br />

Republic; Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.<br />

Advisory board: Nikoloz Vacheishvili, Chairman, Minister of Culture, Monument Protection and Sport<br />

of Georgia; Dimiti Tumanishvili, G. Chubunashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments<br />

Protection, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts; George Bugadze, Rector of Tbilisi State Academy of Arts;<br />

Otar Bubashvili, Chairman of the Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia; Roin Takidze, Minister<br />

of Education, Culture and Sports Achara Autonomic Republic; Tamar Beruchashvili, Deputy State Minister<br />

<strong>for</strong> Euro-Atlantic Integration; Thomas V. Gamkrelidze, President of <strong>Georgian</strong> National Academy of<br />

Sciences;<br />

Leading implementing organization: <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center<br />

Scientific council: Dimitry Tumanishvili, Head of the Scientific Council, Michael Abramishvili, Coordinator<br />

of Section Ancient Georgia; Anna Kldiashvili, Coordinator of Section Medieval Georgia; Nino Gaganidze,<br />

Coordinator of Section Modernism in Georgia; Nana Kuprashvili, Coordinator of Section Conservation/Restoration;<br />

Giulia Caneva, Coordinator of Section Biological Deterioration in <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage<br />

Project team: Maka Dvalishvili, Project Leader; Anna Shanshiashvili, Project Coordinator; Eka Dvalishvili,<br />

Logistic Manager; Gega Paksashvili, Designer; Lia Sukhitashvili, Assistant Coordinator; Maka<br />

Shavgulidze, Communication Manager; Maia Antadze, Finances; Malkhaz Gelashvili, Technical Manager;<br />

Molly Topuridze, Web Designer; Tamuna Kiknadze, Project Coordinator; Tatia Gvineria, Project<br />

Coordinator; Tea Gotsiridze, Display coordinator; Sarah Bolson, Special English Coordinator;<br />

Symposium sponsors: Administration of Governor in Kakheti Region, Department of Tourism and Resorts<br />

of Georgia, <strong>Georgian</strong> Historical Monuments Defense and Survival Center; <strong>Georgian</strong> National Academy<br />

of Sciences; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Merab Berdzenishvili <strong>International</strong> Culture<br />

Center «Muza», Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia, Ministry of Education,<br />

Tourism and Sports of Achara Autonomic Republic, Tbilisi State Academy of Art, Alexander Duma Center<br />

of French Culture, Delegation of the European Commission to Georgia, Eurasia Partnership Foundation,<br />

European Foundation Stepbeyond Mobility Fund / Open Society Institute Budapest, Goethe Institute, GTZ ,<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> Center at Harriman Institute of Columbia University,; Italian Embassy in Georgia, Trust<br />

<strong>for</strong> Mutual Understanding, U.S. Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia, WORLD MONUMENTS FUND ® the Samuel<br />

H. Kress Foundation.<br />

Hosting and promotional sponsors: <strong>Georgian</strong> Palace Hotel, Magi Style, Marco Polo, Mercury Classic,<br />

M-Group. In<strong>for</strong>mational Coverige: <strong>Georgian</strong> Public Broadcasting, Mze, Rustavi 2<br />



Organizational Committee of the <strong>International</strong> Symposium of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art owes a special debt to Ministry<br />

of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia and Minister Nikoloz Vacheishvili, personally,<br />

<strong>for</strong> the generous support of the Symposium and to the <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts & Culture Center and its director<br />

Maka Dvalishvili <strong>for</strong> the initiative and organization of this event.<br />

We would like to acknowledge Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia, Department<br />

of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia; Ministry of Education, Tourism and Sports of Achara Autonomic<br />

Republic, Administration of Governor in Kakheti Region <strong>for</strong> their support in realization of the<br />

Symposium.<br />

We have the deepest gratitude <strong>for</strong> <strong>Georgian</strong> National Academy of Sciences , G. Chubunashvili National<br />

Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi<br />

State Academy of Arts, <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum, The University of Georgia, <strong>Georgian</strong> Historical Monuments<br />

Defense and Survival Center; Merab Berdzenishvili <strong>International</strong> Culture Center «Muza».<br />

Our special appreciation and thanks goes to Alexander Dumas Centre of French Culture, Delegation of<br />

the European Commission to Georgia, Eurasia Partnership Foundation, European Foundation Stepbeyond<br />

Mobility Fund / Open Society Institute Budapest, Goethe Institute, GTZ, Harriman Institute at Columbia<br />

University, <strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Studies</strong> Center, Italian Embassy in Georgia, Trust <strong>for</strong> Mutual Understanding, United<br />

States Embassy in Georgia, World Monuments Fund® Kress Program <strong>for</strong> their financial support.<br />

We have the deepest gratitude to the members of scientific council Dimitry Tumanishvili, Michael Abramishvili,<br />

Anna Kldiashvili, Nino Gaganidze, Nana Kuprashvili, Giulia Caneva <strong>for</strong> their enormous work.<br />

Special thanks to the Magi Style, Hosting Company “Mercury” Ltd, Grand Palace Hotel, Marco Polo,<br />

M-group, <strong>Georgian</strong> Public Broadcasting, Mze & Rustavi-2 <strong>for</strong> hosting, promotion and in<strong>for</strong>mational coverage<br />

of the Symposium.<br />

Particular gratitude to project team members whose ef<strong>for</strong>ts made this event possible: Ana Shanshiashvili,<br />

Eka Dvalishvili, Gega Paksashvili, Lia Sukhitashvili, Maka Dvalishvili, Maka Shavgulidze, Malkhaz<br />

Gelashvili, Maia Antadze, Molly Topuridze, Tamuna Kiknadze, Tatia Gvineria, Tea Gotsiridze, Sarah Bolson;<br />

We are also very grateful to all Symposium volunteers <strong>for</strong> their generous help.<br />


winaTqma<br />

vaxtang beriZes, vgoneb, wardgena didad ar unda sWirdebodes. usacilod erTi uTvalsaCinoesi<br />

qarTveli xelovnebis istorikosi, xelovnebaTmcodneebis, arqiteqtorebis,<br />

mxatvrebis, TviT reJisorebisa da msaxiobebis ramdenime Taobis aRmzrdeli, mravali<br />

wamowyebis Tavkaci Tu monawile, igi verc rodis waiSleba qarTuli sazogadoebrivi<br />

mexsierebidan. Cinebulad icnobdnen b-n vaxtangs Cveni qveynis gareTac: kolegebi,<br />

rogorc gamorCeul swavluls, xolo yvela, visac odesme Sexvedria – rogorc farTod<br />

ganaTlebul, moazrovne, xiblian pirovnebas. swored vrceli Tvalsawieri uadvilebda<br />

v. beriZes urTierTobas sul gansxvavebul, sxvadasxva ganswavlis, asakis, erovnebis<br />

adamianebTan. am Tvisebamac gansazRvra warmateba b-ni vaxtangis da qarTuli kulturis<br />

italieli megobrebis, pirvel yovlisa, profesorebis adriano alpago-novelos da nino<br />

yauxCiSvilis mcdelobisa xangamoSvebiT Catarebuliyo saerTaSoriso samecniero Sexvedrebi<br />

Cveni xelovnebis istoriis Taobaze.<br />

qarTuli xelovnebisadmi miZRvnili simpoziumebi 1974-dan 1989 wlamde rogorc cnobilia,<br />

eqvsjer Catarda. sami maTgani g. CubinaSvilis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis<br />

istoriis institutis da misi direqtoris, b-ni v. beriZis moTaveobiT, saqarTveloSi<br />

gaimarTa da, saerTo aRiarebiT, masStabiTa da gaqanebiT qarTvelologiur kongresebs<br />

gautolda.<br />

amitomac, araferi gasakviria, rom rodesac 2007 wels niu-iorkSi, kolumbiis universitetis,<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centris da a. quTaTelaZis sax. Tbilisis saxelmwifo<br />

samxatvro akademiis erTobliv konferenciaze qarTuli xelovnebis Sesaxeb mkvlevarTa<br />

Tavyrilobebis yovelwliurad mowyobis survili gaCnda. daibada simpoziumebis<br />

aRorZinebisa da maTi vaxtang beriZis saxelTan dakavSirebis azric.<br />

momavali gviCvenebs, raoden nayofieri iqneba amjerad qarTveli da sxva qveynebis<br />

xelovnebis mkvlevarTa TanamSromloba, ra sixSiriTa da ra <strong>for</strong>miT warimarTeba<br />

igi. umTavresi, albaT, isaa, rom gadaidga pirveli nabiji SeerTebuli muSaobis<br />

gasacxoveleblad da didwilad Cvens SemarTebasa da SorsmWvretelobazea damokidebuli,<br />

iqneba Tu ara igi Sedegiani da mravlismomtani.<br />

18<br />

dimitri TumaniSvili<br />

simpoziumis samecniero sabWos Tavmjomare<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis<br />


1974 wels italiis qalaq, bergamoSi, gaimarTa qarTuli xelovnebisadmi miZRvnili<br />

saerTaSoriso simpoziumi. am samecniero Tavyrilobis iniciatorebi iyvnen Cveni<br />

italieli kolegebi – Sua saukuneebis evropuli da bizantiuri xelovnebis cnobili<br />

mkvlevari paolo verZone, bergamos universitetis profesori, italiaSi mcxovrebi<br />

Cveni Tanamemamule nino yauxCiSvili, arqiteqtorebi adriano alpago novelo da enco<br />

hibSi. am saintereso oTxeuls mxarSi edga, bunebrivia, vaxtang beriZe, gamoCenili<br />

qarTveli mecnieri da sazogado moRvawe, romelmac aramarto Rirseulad gaagrZela<br />

Tavisi didi maswavleblis, giorgi CubinaSvilis mier dasaxuli farTo samecnierokvleviTi<br />

programa, aramed gansakuTrebuli Rvawli dasdo qarTuli xelovnebisa<br />

da qarTuli xelovnebaTmcodneobis saerTaSoriso asparezze gatanas. bergamos<br />

simpoziums mohyva kidev xuTi aseTi saerTaSoriso simpoziumi, ori isev italiaSi, sami<br />

saqarTveloSi. samive am simpoziumis moTave da gamZRoli (saorganizacio Tu samecniero<br />

sakiTxebis mosagvareblad) vaxtang beriZe gaxldaT. mis gverdiT iyo, cxadia, imxanad<br />

ukve giorgi CubinaSvilis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis instituti,<br />

aqtiurad iyo CarTuli saqarTvelos mecnierebaTa akademia da humanitaruli profilis<br />

yvela instituti, saqarTvelos muzeumebi, galereebi; gvqonda didi mxardaWera da<br />

xelSewyoba respublikis xelmZRvanelobis mxridan. samive es qarTuli simpoziumi<br />

bevrad farTo da masStaburi iyo warmomadgenlobiTobiTac, Camosul stumarTa da<br />

momxsenebelTa saerTo odenobiTac, moxsenebaTa Tematikuri mravalferovnebiT da<br />

gamotanili Zeglebis qronologiuri diapazoniT. sxvadasxva qveynis cnobil xelovnebis<br />

istorikosebs SesaZlebloba miecaT uSualod adgilzeve gacnobodnen saqarTvelos<br />

kulturas, Zveli Tu axali qarTuli xelovnebis sxvadasxva dargis nimuSebs. ucxoel da<br />

qarTvel specialistTa am Sexvedrebs da daaxloebas mohyva is, rom evropis qveynebSi –<br />

italiaSi, safrangeTSi, germaniaSi, belgiaSi, gaCnda qarTuli xelovnebis Semswavleli<br />

centrebi; sxvadasxva qalaqebSi leqciebis wasakiTxad iwveven qarTvel mecnierebs,<br />

amave misiiT saqarTveloSic Camodian specialistebi sazRvargareTidan; gamoqveynda<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis Sesaxeb Cveni ucxoeli kolegebis werilebi, narkvevebi, katalogebi,<br />

didtaniani wignebic, albomebic. araerTi gamofena gaimarTa evropis, amerikis, ruseTis<br />

sxvadasxva muzeumebSi. xolo italiasa da saqarTveloSi gamarTuli simpoziumebi<br />

qarTuli xelovnebis da qarTuli xelovnebaTmecnierebis sayovelTao aRiarebis aSkara<br />

dadasturebad da namdvil zeimad iqca.<br />

“qarTuli xelovneba TandaTan marTlac imkvidrebs im adgils xelovnebis zogadi<br />

evoluciis suraTSi, romelic mas ekuTvnis Tavisi Zeglebis didi mxatvruli da<br />

istoriuli Rirebulebis gamo. Cven ki jer kidev Zalian bevri ram gvaqvs gasakeTebeli<br />

“Sin da gareT~. qarTuli xelovneba amouwuravia. kidev bevri Zegli gamoCndeba, bevri<br />

problema wamoiWreba, istoriis axali furclebi gaSuqdeba, zogi ukve cnobili<br />

furceli, albaT, axlebur gaSuqebas moiTxovs... ar unda Seneldes qarTuli xelovnebis<br />

propaganda aqve, CvenTan, saqarTveloSi, da ucxoeTSi. kargad dawyebuli saqme unda<br />

gagrZeldes da ganmtkicdes”.<br />

- vaxtang beriZis am mowodebis imediani gamoZaxilia dRevandeli simpoziumi.<br />

Teimuraz sayvareliZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis<br />

centri, saqarTvelo<br />



Vakhtang Beridze is a person who does not need to be introduced. As undoubtedly one of the most distinguished<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> art historians; the teacher of a number of generations of art historians, architects, painters,<br />

directors, and actors; and the originator of and participant in many initiatives, he will never vanish from the<br />

memory of <strong>Georgian</strong> society. He was also famous overseas: colleagues knew him as a distinguished scholar,<br />

whereas others, who have ever met him, found him to be a widely educated intellectual and a fascinating<br />

person. His broad-mind was what supported him in his relations with people of different professional backgrounds,<br />

ages and nationalities. It was this feature that helped determine the success that Vakhtang’s and<br />

his Italian friends, Adriano Alpago-Novello’s and Nino Kaukhchishvili’s (great appreciators of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

culture), had in organizing the <strong>International</strong> Scientific Meetings on <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History time after time.<br />

As it is widely recognized, the symposiums of <strong>Georgian</strong> art were held six times from 1974-1989.<br />

Three of them, initiated by the G. Chubinashvili Institute of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and its director V. Beridze,<br />

were held in Georgia and judging by their reception, their popularity equaled that of the Kartvelologian<br />

congress. Because of this, nobody was surprised, when during the 2007 Symposium in New York – a joint<br />

project of Columbia University, <strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Center and the Tbilisi State Academy of Art –<br />

the idea of establishing the annual meeting of scholars of <strong>Georgian</strong> art was launched. The suggestion to<br />

revive the tradition of the symposiums and dedicate them to the memory of V. Beridze followed.<br />

Only the future will show how productive the cooperation between <strong>Georgian</strong> and overseas art researchers<br />

will be, and also what will be the frequency and <strong>for</strong>mat of the symposiums. Yet, the most significant<br />

fact is that the first steps toward the rebirth of the collaboration have already taken place, and it is now<br />

up to our enthusiasm and long term vision to determine how successful and fruitful it becomes.<br />

20<br />

Dimitri Tumanishvili<br />

Chairmen of Symposium Scientific Council<br />

G. Chubunashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection

In 1974, in Bergamo, Italy, an international symposium dedicated to <strong>Georgian</strong> art was held. The event<br />

was initiated by our <strong>for</strong>eign colleagues: Paolo Verzone, a prominent expert in the history of medieval European<br />

and Byzantine architecture and professor at Bergamo University; Nino Kaukhchishvili, our compatriot<br />

from Italy; and architects Adriano Alpago Novello and Enzo Hibsch. The above individuals received<br />

backing from Vakhtang Beridze, the prominent <strong>Georgian</strong> scholar and public person, who succeeded, not<br />

only in promoting the scientific-research program thought out Giorgi Chubinashvili, but also in significantly<br />

contributing to the promotion of <strong>Georgian</strong> art and art studies on an international scale.<br />

Five international symposiums were held after the Bergamo meeting: two of them in Italy and three<br />

in Georgia. Initiator and leader of all three symposiums (both in management and scientific issues) was<br />

Vakhtang Beridze. Significant support was granted by the Chubinashvili Institute of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History.<br />

Actively involved were the <strong>Georgian</strong> Academy of Sciences, different institutes of the humanities, as well as<br />

museums and art galleries. Of note is the support granted by <strong>Georgian</strong> governmental officials.<br />

From the viewpoint of representation, the number of visiting and local speakers, the thematic diversity<br />

of the presented papers and the chronological range within which fell the discussed monuments, all three<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> symposiums can be considered the large-scale events. Prominent art historians from different<br />

countries had a unique opportunity to familiarize themselves with <strong>Georgian</strong> culture and samples of ancient<br />

and modern <strong>Georgian</strong> art. These scholarly meetings resulted in a very interesting events: Centers <strong>for</strong> <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

art studies were open in several European countries, including Italy, France, Germany and Belgium;<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> scholars were invited to deliver lectures in different European universities; <strong>for</strong>eign scholars have<br />

visited Georgia with the same mission; our <strong>for</strong>eign colleagues have published articles, essays, catalogs,<br />

books, and albums dedicated to the <strong>Georgian</strong> art; exhibitions of the <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage were held<br />

in Europe, USA, Russia, etc. Symposiums held in Italy and Georgia gained international recognition of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> art and the <strong>Georgian</strong> school of art studies.<br />

“Step-by-step, <strong>Georgian</strong> art gains a foothold in the timeline of the general evolution of art; the foothold,<br />

which she deserves, thanks to high artistic and historical values of its own monuments. Still more is to be<br />

done both at home and abroad. <strong>Georgian</strong> art is inexhaustible. Still more monuments will be revealed and<br />

many problems will be awaiting <strong>for</strong> us; light will be shed on unknown pages of history; some of the already<br />

conceived pages probably will be elucidated differently in correspondence with newly acquired knowledge.<br />

Popularization of <strong>Georgian</strong> art both in Georgia and abroad must not be slowed down. Good undertakings<br />

must be continued and strengthened”. The recent symposium is a hopeful response to the above words by<br />

Vakhtang Beridze.<br />

Teimuraz Sakvarelidze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection<br />


I seqcia<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

nino jayeli<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

uZvelesi samkauli da xelovnebis sxva nimuSebi ZuZuanas mRvimis zeda paleoliTuri Zeglidan<br />

(dasavleT saqarTvelo)<br />

daaxloebiT 40.000 wlis win kacobriobis istoriaSi daiwyo erT-erTi yvelaze<br />

saintereso da mniSvnelovani periodi zedapaleoliTi. am dros Cndeba Tanamedrove tipis<br />

adamiani da xdeba misi gansaxleba Zveli samyaros did teritoriebze. qvis industriaSi<br />

xarisxobrivi cvlilebebia, izrdeba iaraRTa tipebi da xdeba maTi standartizacia.<br />

isaxeba Zvlisa da rqis Sedgenili iaraRebi, socialuri da Sida Temuri urTierTobebi<br />

axal fazaSi gadadis. viTardeba samonadireo teqnika, pirovuli gamoxatvis saSualebebi,<br />

rogoricaa sxeulis moxatva Tu samkaulebi da rac mTavaria isaxeba xelovneba.<br />

saqarTvelo da, gansakuTrebiT, misi dasavleTi nawili mdidaria zedapaleoliTuri<br />

ZeglebiT, magram xelovnebis nimuSebis simdidriT ar gamoirCeva. amitomac sainteresoa<br />

da mniSvnelovani ZuZuanaSi xelovnebis mcire <strong>for</strong>mebis aRmoCena da is rom yvela es<br />

nivTi kargad stratificirebuli da daTariRebuli fenidan momdinareobs.<br />

zedapaleoliTeli adamiani TviT-gamoxatvisa da esTeturi moTxovnilebis<br />

dasakmayofileblad iyenebda bunebriv saRebavs, oxras. amis dasturia fenebSi nanaxi<br />

oxris mravali fragmenti, romelic mRvimeSi sagangebodaa Semotanili da qvis jamis<br />

<strong>for</strong>mis WurWeli, romelzedac Cans, da laboratoriuladac dadasturda, oxris dafqvis<br />

kvali.<br />

zedapaleoliTisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli Zvlis ornamentirebuli iaraRidan ZuZuanis<br />

mRvimeSi mxolod erTi, Tevzis <strong>for</strong>mis bologaxvretili maxaTi aRmoCnda cxovelis<br />

simboluri gamosaxulebiT.<br />

monadire-Semgroveblebi niJarebis da cxovelis kbilebidan damzadebul samkauls<br />

iyenebdnen, romlebsac sakulto daniSnulebac hqondaT. adamiani, romelic ZiriTadad<br />

nadirobiT irCenda Tavs, mokluli cxovelis damuSavebul kbils amuletad atarebda,<br />

aseTi amuleti 10 calia nanaxi ZuZuanas mRvimeSi.<br />

paleoliTeli adamiani xvretda ara marto Zvals, cxovelis kbils, aramed qvasac.<br />

ZuZuanaSi nanaxia qvis sami samkauli, ori mZivi da erTi ovaluri <strong>for</strong>mis sakidi, romelsac<br />

garSemo Semouyveba 31 naWdevi. Znelia iTqvas, naWdevi marto ornamentia, Tu mas raRac<br />

simboluri datvirTvac hqonda.<br />

saintereso nivTia Zvlis ornamentirebuli firfita, romlis “aversi” Semkulia<br />

momrgvalebuli amoRarviT, da masze dasmulia wertili, aseTi wertilebi meore<br />

mxaresacaa, magram isini gamWoli ar aris. “reversi” daxazulia urTierTgadamkveTi<br />

xazebiT, romelic oTxkuTxedebs qmnis; xazebis gadakveTis adgilebSi SedarebiT patara<br />

wertilebia dasmuli. geometriuli ornamentis gamoyenebiT Seqmnilia mxatvruli saxe.<br />

samwuxarod nivTi gatexilia.<br />

erT-erTi saintereso aRmoCenaa Zvlis ornamentirebuli sakidi, romelic SeiZleba<br />

CaiTvalos saqarTvelos teritoriaze aqamde aRmoCenil uZveles samkaulad. sakidi C<br />

fenaSia napovni, romlis absoluturi TariRia 22.000-21.000 w.w. sakidze gamoxatulia<br />

e. w. daferdebuli jvari, romelic TiTqos wreSia Casmuli da mas zevidan sworferda<br />

jvari adevs. sakidis bolo Sezneqili kuTxiTaa amoWrili. jvari samyaros oTx mxares<br />

ukavSirdeba, sayovelTaod cnobilia, rom pirvelyofil adamians advilad SeeZlo<br />

garemoSi orientacia da SesaZloa am samkaulze amoWrili jvari samyaros oTx mxares<br />

gamoxatavs, xolo mis garSemo wre ki, samyaros usasrulobas.<br />

aseve jerjerobiT unikaluria C fenaSi nanaxi “paleoliTuri venera”, romelic<br />

dasavleT evropuli e. w. “klaviSiseburi” figuris analogiaa.<br />

saqarTveloSi, iseve rogorc maxlobel aRmosavleTSi, ar gvaqvs kedlis mxatvroba,<br />

aq pirvelyofili xelovneba mxolod xelovnebis mcire <strong>for</strong>mebiTaa warmodgenili.<br />

kulturuli erTianoba Cans ara marto qvis industriaSi, aramed xelovnebaSic.<br />


nino SanSaSvili, giorgi narimaniSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

mesopotamiis kulturuli interaqtivoba samxreT kavkasiaSi adre brinjaos xanaSi.<br />

samxreT kavkasiaSi Zv.w. IV-III aTaswleulebis mijnaze, mtkvar-araqsis kulturis<br />

gavrcelebis teritoriaze, Cndeba axali kulturuli elementebi, romelic Crdilo<br />

mesopotamiuri kulturuli gavleniT unda aixsnas. kulturul novaciebs miekuTvneba<br />

alizis aguriT nagebi Senobebi, sacxovrebeli Senobebis iatakis qveS micvalebulTa<br />

dakrZalva, nagebobebis kedlebis poliqromuli moxatuloba, ideogramuli damwerlobis<br />

Seqmnis mcdeloba, moxatuli keramikis gaCena, miniaturuli arqiteqturuli modelebi<br />

– sasakmevleebi, Tixis anTropomorfuli qandakebebi, rqiani zesadgrebi, Stampuri<br />

sabeWdavebi, sabeWdaviT dabeWdili keramika, Tixis anTropomorfuli horeliefi.<br />

kulturis zemoTmotanili elementebi mesopotamiaSi Zv.w. VII aTaswleulSi Cndeba da<br />

yofaSi Zv.w. II aTaswleulis bolomde ganagrZoben arsebobas. samxreT kavkasiaSi aRmoCenili<br />

artefaqtebi ki mesopotamiuri nimuSebis uxeS, adgilobriv minabaZs warmoadgendnen.<br />

ram ganapiroba kulturuli novaciebis SemoRweva samxreT kavkasiaSi? iyo Tu ara es<br />

procesi dakavSirebuli brinjaos xanis dasawyisTan da liTonis importTan? ra saxis<br />

kavSiri iyo samxreT kavkasiisa da mesopotamiis uZveles mosaxleobas Soris?<br />

Zv.w. IV-III aTaswleulebis mijnaze samxreT kavkasiaSi aRiniSna mTeli rigi socialuri<br />

cvlilebebi: Cndeba didi da mcire samlocveloebi; belad-qurumebi Tu “mefeebi”<br />

ikrZalebian gansxvavebul samarxebSi, maT gamorCeuli samarxeuli inventari da insigniebi<br />

gaaCniaT. namosaxlarebze Cndeba sabeWdavebi da sabeWdavebiT dabeWdili WurWeli.<br />

es faqtebi mowmobs, rom arsebobs garkveuli fena, romelic sargeblobs ufro didi<br />

privilegiebiT, vidre Cveulebrivi meTeme. arsebobs sataZro, Tu saTemo sakuTreba,<br />

romelic dacvas saWiroebs da arsebobs niSanTa sistema, romlis saSualebiTac fiqsirdeba<br />

da inaxeba garkveuli in<strong>for</strong>macia. rogorc Cans, es kulturuli siaxleebi dakavSirebuli<br />

iyo savaWro gzebis farTo qselis Seqmnasa da vaWrobisa da gacvlis gaaqtiurebasTan,<br />

romelsac organizebuli xasiaTi mieca.<br />

SesaZloa, mesopotamielTa savaWro interesma gamoiwvia samxreT kavkasiaSi metalurgiis<br />

ganviTareba da brinjaos epoqis dasawyisi, romelsac Tan sdevda saerTo ekonomikuri<br />

da kulturuli aRmavloba. miuxedavad amisa, mtkvar-araqselTa patara soflebi ver<br />

gadaiqcnen qalaqebad, arsad Cans monumenturi arqiteqtura, niSan-simboloebi ver<br />

gadaiqcnen damwerlobad. Zv.w. IV-III aTaswleulebis mijnaze Sida qarTlSi <strong>for</strong>mirebis<br />

stadiaSia administraciuli biurokratiuli aparati, romelic mesopotamiuri sataZro<br />

administraciuli sistemis modelis primitiul asls warmoadgens. Sida qarTlis<br />

namosaxlarebze damwvari fenebis arseboba SeiZleba am mcdelobis warumateblad<br />

damTavrebis maniSnebelia.<br />

zurab maxaraZe<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

xelovnebis nimuSebi cixiagoris mravalfeniani Zeglidan<br />

mravalfeniani Zegli cixiagora mdebareobs Sida qarTlSi, kaspis raionSi, s.<br />

kavTisxevis Crdilo ganapiras, md. mtkvris marjvena napirze. Zeglis Seswavla sam aTeul<br />

welze metia mimdinareobs. kulturuli fenebis simZlavre 6 m aRwevs, gamovlenilia<br />

Semdegi epoqebis fenebi:<br />

adrebrinjaos xanis nasaxlari, xuTi samSeneblo done - Zv. w. III aTasw.<br />

24<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

Suabrinjaos xanis yorRanebi, - Zv. w. II aTasw. I nax.<br />

gvianbrinjao-adrerkinis xanis nasaxlari, ori samSeneblo done - Zv. w. II aTasw. II<br />

nax.-I aTasw. I nax.<br />

aqemeniduri xanis nagebobebi, sami samSeneblo done - Zv. w. 5-4 saukuneebi.<br />

elinisturi xanis sataZro kompleqsi, rva samSeneblo done - Zv.w. 3-2 saukuneebi.<br />

cixiagoris sxvadasxva epoqis kulturul fenebSi mopovebuli artefaqtebi xSir<br />

SemTxvevaSi xelovnebis namdvil nimuSebs warmoadgenen, rogorebicaa: mcire plastikis<br />

nimuSebi, ornamentuli motivebi keramikaze, zoomorfuli ritonebi, kapiteli da sxva. am<br />

masalebis analizi saSualebas gvaZlevs Tvali gavadevnoT imas, Tu ra xerxebiT xdeboda<br />

sxvadasxva epoqaSi ideologiuri warmodgenebis gadmocema xelovnebis nimuSebSi.<br />

karen rubinsoni<br />

barnard koleji. aSS<br />

TrilaeTis Tasisa da sarwyulis kuftiniseuli analizis gadafaseba Tanamedrove Teoriisa<br />

da arqeologiuri codnis fonze<br />

boris a. kuftinma Tavis naSromSi “arqeologiuri gaTxrebi TrialeTSi”, TrialeTis<br />

#5 yorRanSi aRmoCenil Tasze gamosaxuli figurebi marTebulad Seadara TurqeTSi<br />

qarxemiSisa da zinijerlis reliefebs. miuxedavad imisa, rom es ori fenomeni<br />

qronologiurad ar emTxveva erTmaneTs, TrialeTis kulturis kavSiri anatoliis<br />

kulturasTan udavoa. amasTan erTad, kuftinma xazi gausva msgavsebas TrialeTis Tasze<br />

mocemul or cxovelsa da TrialeTis #17 yorRanSi aRmoCenili sarwyulis sadgamze<br />

gamosaxul or cxovels Soris.<br />

mocemul naSromSi Cven detalurad aRvwerT #17 yorRanis sarwyulis yovel<br />

elements, davajgufebT maT tipebis mixedviT da ganvixilavT SemorCenili fragmentebis<br />

paralelebs. Tasze dakvirvebiT SemogTavazebT im Tanmimdevrobas, romelsac ostati<br />

Tasis Seqmnisas misdevda (im fotoebze dayrdnobiT, romelTa gadaRebis saSualebac<br />

cxra wlis win momeca). Cven gamovikvlevT rogor moxda garkveuli gamosaxulebebis<br />

“sesxeba” sarwyulidan Tasze da ra kriteriumiT moxda gamosaxulebebis SerCeva. amasTan,<br />

SevecdebiT es SemoqmedebiTi procesi arsebuli garemos konteqstSi CavsvaT, kerZod<br />

ki yuradReba gavamaxviloT imaze, Tu ratom moxda mezobeli axlo aRmosavleTidan<br />

zogierTi gamosaxulebis gavrceleba TrialeTis kulturaSi da zogierTis ki, ara. da<br />

bolos, Cven SevecdebiT kvlav SevafasoT axlandeli (da xSirad cvalebadi) daTariReba,<br />

rogorc kavkasiisa, ise axlo aRmosavleTisa, imisaTvis, raTa davinaxoT ramdenad<br />

SesaZlebelia TrialeTis kulturaSi axloaRmosavluri elementebis arsebobis axsna<br />

uZvelesi istoriis meSveobiT.<br />

ana kldiaSvili<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri; Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

gamosaxulebaTa semantika da samyaros modeli winaqristianuli xanis qarTul<br />

kulturaSi<br />

winaqristianuli kultura saxe-xatebiT azrovnebs. am saxe-xatebis Seqmna niSansimboloebis<br />

saSualebiT xdeba. Tavad niSan-simboloebiT ki mTavari siRrmiseuli<br />

sazrisis - samyaros universaluri xatis modelireba xdeba. swored samyaros xatis<br />

rekonstruqciis mcdelobaa Cveni moxsenebis mizani da es ramdenime gamosaxulebis (iremi,<br />

wero, wre) magaliTze moxdeba. am universalur, arqetipul gamosaxulebaTa semantikis<br />


gaazreba, maTi kompoziciuri struqturisa da aseve mxatvruli xerxebis analizi<br />

saSualebas mogvcems warmovidginoT imdroindeli adamianis msoflmxedvelobrivi<br />

aspeqtebi, gamovyoT samyaros xatis ZiriTadi maxasiaTeblebis - droisa da sivrcis<br />

gaazreba da maTi urTierTmimarTeba. moxsenebaSi qarTuli masala Sedarebuli iqneba<br />

sxva Zveli kulturebis nimuSebTan. stilisturi analizisa Tu saxelovnebaTmcodneo<br />

kvlevis sxva meTodebis safuZvelze Cven SevecdebiT warmovaCinoT, Tu riT aris<br />

am drois qarTuli kultura sxva kulturebis Tanaziari; amave dros, ra aris<br />

aTaswleulTa ganmavlobaSi masSi konstanturi da ra Taviseburebebi ganapirobebs mis<br />

TviTidenturobas.<br />

mixeil abramiSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi, Tbilisis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

CaTalhuiukidan sveticxovlamde. amonaridebi xaris kultis xangrZlivi istoriidan<br />

xaris kults adamianis rwmena-warmodgenebSi erT-erTi yvelaze xangrZlivi istoria da<br />

konservatuli xasiaTi gaaCnia. am kultma mkafio asaxva hpova xelovnebis mravalricxovan<br />

ZeglebSi, romelTa geografia moicavs vrcel teritorias - indoeTidan evropamde da<br />

kavkasiidan egviptemde.<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom xaris gamosaxulebebs ukve qvis xanidan vxvdebiT, misi ZiriTadi<br />

simbolika, romelic nayofierebis, prokreaciuli (STamomavlobis Semqmneli) Zalis<br />

maskulinuri simbolikis matarebelia, dakavSirebulia miwaTmoqmedebis CasaxvasTan,<br />

mwarmoeblur meurneobaze gadasvlasTan - e. w. neoliTur revoluciasTan, romlis yvelaze<br />

TvalsaCino Zegli CaTalhuiukis nasaxlaria Tavisi mravalricxovani samlocveloebiT,<br />

sadac Tayvaniscemis yvelaze mTavar obieqts swored xari warmoadgenda.<br />

xaris kultma ara marto saukuneebsa da aTaswleulebs gauZlo, aramed organulad<br />

Seerwya kidec sxvadasxva religiebs. mis gamoZaxils Suasaukuneebis qarTuli qristianuli<br />

kulturis Zeglebzec vxvdebiT - iqneba es xaris Tavis gamosaxulebebi bolnisis sionis<br />

eklesiis kapitelze, sveticxovlis galavnis dasavleT karibWeze da mis aRmosavleT<br />

fasadze, Tu xaris rqebiT jvrebis Semkobis tradicia Semonaxul maRalmTian svaneTSi.<br />

xaris kultis mravalaTaswlovani istoriis miuxedavad, am kultis ZiriTadi simbolika<br />

uprecedento konservatiulobiT gamoirCeva. imis gamo, rom xari aris is cxoveli<br />

romlis Zalis gamoyenebiT ixvneba miwa, rac axali sicocxlis dabadebis sawindaria, misi<br />

simbolika ukavSirdeba sikvdil-sicocxlis mudmiv cikls, sadac xari gvevlineba rogorc<br />

mediatori amqveyniurobasa da zeciur samyaros Soris. swored am uZvelesi simbolikiT<br />

aixsneba xaris gamosaxvis tradicia saqarTveloSi, da igi sisxlxorceulia Suasaukuneebis<br />

qarTuli qristianuli tradiciisTvis.<br />

goderZi narimaniSvili, kaxa ximSiaSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

TrialeTis brinjaos xanis namosaxlarebi<br />

samxreT kavkasiis teritoriaze warmoebuli arqeologiuri gaTxrebis Sedegad<br />

gairkva, rom brinjaos xanis (Zv. w. III-I aTaswleuli) arqiteqtura sami ZiriTadi tipiTaa<br />

warmodgenili: Zeluri, Tixis da qvis. qviT nageb Zeglebs Soris gansakuTrebuli adgili<br />

”ciklopur~ arqiteqturas ukavia, romlis monumenturoba da namosaxlarTa didi<br />

masStabebi aSkarad gamoarCevs maT samxreT kavkasiis sxva Zeglebisagan.<br />

26<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

saqarTvelos ”ciklopuri~ namosax larebisa da simagreebis Ziri Tadi dama xa siaTebeli<br />

niSania rogorc sacxovre beli, ise dasax lebaTa sasi magro kedlebis an calke mdgomi<br />

simag reebis didi zomis daumu Savebeli qvebiT Seneba. amgvari teqnika samxreT kavkasiaSi<br />

Zv.w. III aTaswleulidanaa gavrcelebuli, magram, Zv.w. I aTaswleulis Sua xanebis Semdeg<br />

TiTqmis aRar gvxvdeba. qva gamoiyeneba mxolod nagebo baTa kedlis safuZ vlis gasamarTad,<br />

romelzec zemodan alizis aguria dawyobili. amave dros wina planze gamodis xis arqiteq<br />

tura. xe gamoiyeneba rogorc kedlis armirebisaTvis, ise peran guli wyobisaTvis.<br />

Semav seblad gamoyenebulia wvrili qva da alizis masa. amave dros iwyeba damuSavebuli<br />

qvis gamoyeneba. Sua saukuneebSi, samxreT kavkasiiis mTel rig regionebSi soflebs<br />

da msxvil dasaxlebebsac axasiaTebT mSrali wyoba, magram ar gaaCniaT mSrali wyobiT<br />

nagebi simagreebi an sasimagro sistemebi.<br />

”ciklopur~ namosaxlarebsa da simagreebs mivakuTvnebT mxolod im Zeglebs,<br />

romelTac mSrali wyobiT nagebi TavdacviTi kedlebi gaaCniaT.<br />

”ciklopur~ namosaxlarTa da simagreTa perimetri adgil mdebareobis konfiguracias<br />

emTxveoda. iSviaTi gamo naklisis garda, TavdacviT sistemebs da martiv simag reebs<br />

koSkebi ar gaaCniaT.<br />

”ciklopuri~ sasimagro sistemebis mSenebloba Zv.w. XVI s-Si iwyeba. momdevno epoqaSi<br />

maTi Seneba did masStabebs aRwevs.<br />

TrialeTis platoze gaTxrili ”ciklopuri~ namosaxlarebis mixedviT SeiZleba<br />

iTqvas, rom am tipis Zeglebi Zv.w. XVI saukunidan arseboben (beSqenaSeni), Zv.w. XIII-<br />

VII saukuneSi ki gabatonebul mdgomareobas ikaveben (sabeWdavi, knole, crici, bareTi,<br />

axaldaba, loSo, somxeTis Zeglebi).<br />

samxreT saqarTveloSi dReisaTvis cnobili ”ciklopuri~ Zeglebis Seswavlis<br />

Sedegebis mixedviT (gegmareba, dasaxlebis xasiaTi) SeiZleba iTqvas, rom isini xuTi<br />

ZiriTadi tipiTaa warmodgenili.<br />

didi ”ciklopuri~ dasaxlebebi rTul kompleqsebs warmoadgens. maTi ZiriTadi<br />

maxasiaTe beli niSania mZlavri galavani da citadeli, regularulad dagegmarebuli<br />

sacxovrebeli kvartlebi. isini, rogorc wesi, ramde nime ga magrebul monakveTs<br />

(sabeWdavi, Tezi, loSo), an erTiani ga la vnis SigniT moqceul gamagrebul monakveTebs<br />

(uwylo, bare Ti, axaldaba) Seicavs da centraluri, erTiani dagegma rebis prin cipiT<br />

aris aSenebuli. gaaCniaT Sida cixe, rac mmar Tveli fenis sazogadoebis danarCeni<br />

nawilisagan gamoyofis maniSnebelia.<br />

calke mdgomi simagreebi <strong>for</strong>pos tebs warmoadgenda da icavda ra erT garkveul<br />

monakveTs, imavdroulad ”ciklopuri~ Zeglebis gavrcelebis teri toriaze gamaval<br />

gzebsac akontrolebdnen.<br />

qeTevan ramiSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

cxenis gamosaxulebebi Zvel saqarTveloSi da mecxeneobasTan dakavSirebuli<br />

saxelwodebebi qarTulSi<br />

mcire plastikis mravalricxovan nimuSebs Soris, gansakuTrebul yuradRebas iqcevs<br />

cxenis figurebi.<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom maTi ricxvi irmisa da jixvis gamosaxulebebTan SedarebiT<br />

mcirea, isini Semoqmedi sazogadoebis meurneobis, samxedro saqmis, sulierebisa da<br />

socialuri yofis Sesaxeb mniSvnelovan in<strong>for</strong>macias Seicaven. amasTan, cxenis figurebisa<br />

da Tanmxlebi atributebis Sesrulebis manera da mxatvrul-stiluri Taviseburebebi<br />

xelosnobis ganviTarebis doneze migviTiTebs.<br />


cxeni saqarTvelosa da kavkasiis teritoriaze uZvelesi droidan yofila<br />

gavrcelebuli, razec dmanisis paleoliTur fenaSi da sagvarjileSi aRmoCenili<br />

Zvlovani masala miuTiTebs. arqeologiuri monacemebiT kavkasiis mosaxleobas cxeni<br />

ukve Cayenebuli hyolia Tavis samsaxurSi maikopis kulturis sawyis safexurze. Sinauri<br />

cxenis naSTebi da Zvlisgan damzadebuli saybeurebi aRmoCenilia aRmosavleT evropis<br />

tye-stepian zolSic Zv. w. III aTaswleulSi. adrebrinjaos xanis ZeglebSi mopovebuli<br />

Zvlovani masalis mixedviT irkveva, rom saqarTvelos teritoriaze mcxovreb<br />

sazogadoebas sxva Sinaur cxovelebTan erTad cxenic hyolia.<br />

maxlobel aRmosavleTSi, romelTanac qarTvelur samyaros mWidro urTierToba<br />

hqonda, cxeni da cxenebSebmuli orTvala etli Zv.w. IV aTaswleulidan iyo cnobili.<br />

samxreT kavkasiaSi mecxeneobis ganviTarebaze miuTiTebs sof.doRlaurTan aRmoCenili<br />

yorRani, sadac dadasturda cxenis ori ConCxi, brinjaos borblisebri saybeurebi, ori<br />

lagami da sxva. meomarTan erTad dakrZaluli cxeni aRmoCnda aragvis xeobis sof.<br />

abanosxevSi. Sildis samlocveloze aRmoCnda cxenis brinjaos figura, xolo werovanis<br />

samarovanze – Tixis cxenis mcire qandakebebi.<br />

cxenis grafikul gamosaxulebaTa nimuSebi uxvadaa warmodgenili kolxur-yobanuri<br />

kulturis samarxeul kompleqsebSi aRmoCenil nivTebzec.<br />

qarTveluri tomebiT dasaxlebul terotoriaze cxeni ganixileboda rogorc wminda<br />

cxoveli, romelic dakavSirebuli iyo nayofierebis RvTaebaTa wresTan, mzesTan da<br />

ciur samyarosTan. cxenis RvTaebriobaze miuTiTebs brinjaos sartylebze gamosaxuli<br />

solaruli niSnebi, romlebiTac cxenis gamosaxulebebia Semkuli.<br />

Tu brinjaos xanaSi Warbobda cxenis stilizebuli gamosaxulebebi, e.w. antikuri<br />

xanidan TandaTanobiT mkvidrdeba cxenis gamosaxvis realisturi manera, ris magaliTsac<br />

warmoadgens axalgoris sasafeTqleebi wyvili cxenis gamosaxulebiT, Tumca stilizeba<br />

kvlav ganagrZobs arsebobas.<br />

axali welTaRricxvis dasawyisSi tradiciul “wminda cxovelTa” Soris naTlad<br />

gamoikveTa RvTaebrivi cxenis upiratesi roli, rasac, garda tradiciulisa asazrdoebda<br />

miTraizmis farTo gavrceleba. am periodis cxenis gamosaxulebaTa nimuSebi mravladaa<br />

aRmoCenili aragvis xeobaSi, alaznis auzis mTiswineTsa da mTaSi, kldeeTSi. moxsenebaSi<br />

sagangebo yuradRebaa gamaxvilebuli swored am masalebze.<br />

naSoms Tan daerTvis cxenTan da mecxeneobasTan dakavSirebuli terminologia.<br />

nino gomelauri<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

saqarTvelo da evrazia Zv.w. II-I aTaswleulSi brinjaos mcire plastikis mixedviT<br />

saqarTvelo, ganlagebuli evropasa da azias Soris, uZvelesi droidan CarTuli iyo<br />

Zvel samyaroSi mimdinare istoriul da mxatvrul procesebSi, romelic naTlad aisaxa<br />

materialuri kulturis Zeglebze, maT Soris mxatvrul nawarmzec. gansxvavebuli<br />

mxatvruli nakadebi, romelic winaistoriul periodSi iWreboda saqarTvelosa da<br />

amierkavkasiaSi, utyuar kvals aCnevda am xanis xelovnebas.<br />

Zv.w. II-I aTasw-Si brinjaos nakeTobebiT Tvali edevneba saqarTvelos urTierTobebs<br />

anatoliasa da iranTan. am kavSirebs TvalnaTlivs xdis brinjaos skulpturebis ori<br />

jgufi aRmoCenili saqarTvelos teritoriaze. maTgan erTi gavrcelebulia Zv.w. II<br />

aTasw. Sua xanebSi aRmosavleT saqarTvelosa da mTels centralur amierkavkasiaSi da<br />

genetikurad ukavSirdeba adrebrinjaos xanis centraluranatoliur masalebs, meore<br />

ki, mopovebuli Tbilisis teritoriaze, romelic TariRdeba Zv.w. I aTasw. II meoTxediT,<br />

28<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

mis Tanadroul Crdilo-dasavleT iranis mxatvrul nakeTobebs enaTesaveba.<br />

zemoaRniSnuli kavSirebi, am masalebis mixedviT, gansxvavebulia Tavisi xasiaTiT.<br />

mxatvruli tradicia, romelic safiqrebelia rom Semodis anatoliidan, misi matarebeli<br />

eTnikuri elementis Zlier talRasTan erTad, faqtobrivad anatoliuri tradiciis<br />

gagrZelebas warmoadgens. igi mkvidrad ikidebs fexs saqarTvelosa da amierkavkasiaSi<br />

da mis memkvidreobiTobas, aRmosavleT saqarTvelos teritoriaze, Tvali edevneba<br />

xangrZlivi periodis ganmavlobaSi, gvianbrinjaos xanidan dawyebuli aq qristianuli<br />

religiis damyarebamde. maSin, rodesac iranidan Semosuli mxatvruli nakadi<br />

saqarTvelosa da irans Soris arsebul kulturul kontaqtebs asaxavs. igi, winasagan<br />

gansxvavebiT, naklebmomcvelia da sustic Tavisi zegavlenis xarisxiT.<br />

Tbilisis teritoriaze aRmoCenili masalebi, ara mxolod mianiSnebs saqarTvelos<br />

iranul samyarosTan urTierTobebze, aramed igi Zv.w. I aTasw. evraziis farTo kulturul<br />

wreSic eqceva da am teritoriaze mimdinare istoriul procesebs asaxavs, kerZod, im<br />

istoriul movlenebs, romelic am periodSi nomad tomTa gaaqtiurebas ukavSirdeba.<br />

manana wereTeli<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

kolxuri saritualo culi (semantika da mxatvruli stili)<br />

Zv. w. II-I aTaswleulis mijnaze brinjaos metalurgia amierkavkasiaSi ganviTarebis<br />

umaRles safexurs aRwevs. Sesabamisad, aTaswleulis pirvel saukuneebSi mxatvrulad<br />

damuSavebuli liTonis nawarmis arseboba sayovelTao xasiaTs Rebulobs; Sesrulebis<br />

maRali done ki profesional-SemsruleblebiT dakompleqtebuli saxelosnoebis<br />

arsebobaze miuTiTebs. vfiqrobT, rom kavkasiaSi am mravalferovani erTobliobis<br />

yvelaze TvalsaCino saxviT gamovlenas warmoadgens zoomorfuli gamosaxulebebiT<br />

Semku li kolxuri culi. aq mocemuli saxeebi abstraqtulia Tavisi arsiT, radgan maTi<br />

saSualebiT xdeba ara konkretuli, realuri garemos, garkveuli qmedebis asaxva, aramed<br />

swored abstraqtuli ideebis, warmodgenebis simboloebis saSualebiT daqaragmeba.<br />

amgvarad, abstraqtulia stilizaciis sawyisi elementi. aqedan gamomdinare, am<br />

mxatvruli stiliT Sesrulebuli gamosaxulebebis saxiT saqme gvaqvs ara cxovelis<br />

konkretul zoologiur saxeobasTan, aramed ganzogadebul mxatvrul saxesTan,<br />

romelic evoluciis yvela etapze moklebulia yovelgvar naturalizms, yofiT<br />

detalebs. zoomorfuli motivebi am SemTxvevaSi unda ganvixiloT, rogorc religiuri<br />

msoflmxedvelobis zogadi modeli, vizualuri gamovlenis gansxvavebuli variantebiT;<br />

funqciuri daniSnulebis (kolxuri culi, Tavsamkauli) da masalis (brinjao, vercxli,<br />

oqro) moTxovnebis Sesabamisi trans<strong>for</strong>maciiT.<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom droTa ganmavlobaSi zoomorfuli saxeebi ganicdis garkveul<br />

desakralizacias, qristianul xanamde warmoadgens qarTuli da zogadad kavkasiuri<br />

eTnosis mxatvruli aqtivobis erT-erT mniSvnelovan sferos. drois garkveuli<br />

monakveTiT (adre rkina-gvianantikuri xana) da TematikiT (zoomorfuli gamosaxuleba)<br />

gansazRvruli arqeologiuri masalis semantikuri da stiluri analizis safuZvelze<br />

miviReT Semdegi Sedegi;<br />

1. kolxuri brinjaos kulturis damaxasiaTebeli mxavrul-stiluri niSnebis<br />

erToblioba scildeba erTi movlenis sazRvrebs da mniSvnelovanwilad ganapirobebs<br />

zogadad winaqristianuli xelovnebis xasiaTsa da Semdgom evolucias;<br />

2. Zv.w. I aTaswleulidan dasavleT amierkavkasiaSi gamoiyofa brinjaos kulturis<br />

mniSvnelovani nawili, romlis wamyvani saxea polimorfuli arseba. igi asocirdeba<br />

qarTuli folkloris erT-erT yvelaze popularul saxesTan - faskunjTan. sawyis etapze<br />


es gamosaxuleba warmoadgens kosmiur sambunebovan arsebas, romelic dakavSirebuli<br />

iyo sam sknelTan. saukuneebis manZilze moxda miTologiuri saxis TandaTanobiTi<br />

gamartiveba da naturalizacia;<br />

3. adreantikur xanaSi arsebuli diademebi Zv.w. I aTaswleulis pirvel saukuneebSi<br />

Camoyalibebuli Sinaarsis saxviTi Sesatyvisis Semdgomi trans<strong>for</strong>maciis Sedegia;<br />

4. adreantikuri xanis saiuveliro nawarmis mxatvrul dekorSi polimorfuli,<br />

fantastikuri arseba Secvlilia identuri Sinaarsis gamosaxulebiT - stilizebuli xe<br />

da varduli;<br />

5. msgavsi gamosaxulebis variantebi meordeba gvianantikuri xanis TavsamkaulSic<br />

/kldeeTi, gonio, loo/.<br />

ori soltesi<br />

jorjTaunis universiteti. aSS<br />

“qarTulobis” Camoyalibeba uZveles xanaSi<br />

winaqristianuli istoriis ukanaskneli ori aTasi wlisaTvis saqarTvelo imkvidrebs<br />

Tavs aziisa da evropis, sxvadasxva kulturaTa da tradiciaTa gasayarze. “qarTulis”<br />

<strong>for</strong>mireba da gamokveTa mniSvnelovani da saintereso sakiTxia, erTis mxriv, iseTi<br />

umniSvnelovanesi kulturebis fonze, rogoricaa - asuruli, aqemeniduri, berZnuli da<br />

romauli, meores mxriv ki, adgilobriv konteqstSi. araerTgzis aRniSnula is sakiTxi,<br />

rogor esmiT saqarTvelo sxvebs da rogor iTavisebs da aTavsebs saqarTvelo “sxvisas”<br />

sakuTarTan. ra SeiZleba SevityoT am ormxrivi da erTmaneTTan mWidrod dakavSirebuli<br />

sakiTxis Sesaxeb qveynis gareT warmoSobili legendebidan da tradiciebidan? rogorad<br />

Camoyalibda saqarTvelo am xangrZlivi periodis ganmavlobaSi? an ras mogviTxrobs<br />

am or rTul urTierTgadaxlarTul sakiTxze sxvadasxva uZveles da umniSvnelovanes<br />

arqeologiur Zeglze aRmoCenili, stiliT gansxvavebuli, mdidruli arqeologiuri<br />

artefaqtebi? rogor gavarCioT esoden STambeWdavi xelovnebis nimuSebis fonze qarTuli<br />

araqarTulisgan, stilis, Tematikis Tu ostatis TviTmyofadobis TvalsazrisiT esoden<br />

mravalricxovani xelovnebis nimuSebis fonze? da bolos, ra amoZravebs sinTezisa da<br />

Camoyalibebis am process, romelic ori aTasi wlis ganmavlobaSi mimdinareobs da Cvens<br />

epoqaSic grZeldeba?<br />

vaxtang SatberaSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

minis ori moxatuli WurWeli sofel xovledan<br />

2004 wels sofel xovleSi aRmoCnda miTologiuri scenebiT Semkuli, TeTri minis<br />

ori mooqrovebuli WurWeli. orives yelze datanilia wiTel zolebs Soris moqceuli,<br />

oqroTi Sesrulebuli berZnuli warwera “H XAPIC”.<br />

pirveli WurWlis (e.w. dionises sura) tani mowiTalo-moyavisfro saRebaviT datanili<br />

TaRebis meSveobiT xuT tol vertikalur nawilad iyofa. figura, romelic gamosaxulia<br />

pirvel (pl.I-1e) TaRSi axalgazrda, uwveruli dionise unda iyos. meore da mesame (pl.I-1d,<br />

pl.II-1) TaRSi mocemuli figurebis identificireba ver xerxdeba. meoTxe TaRSi (pl.I-1b)<br />

gamosaxulia pani, xolo mexuTe TaRSi (pl.I-1f) warmodgenilia SeSlili likurgosi.<br />

meore WurWeli (belerofontes sura) or scenad iyofa. pirvel scenaze mocemulia<br />

pegasze amxedrebuli belerofontes brZola qimerasTan. meore scenaze warmogvidgenilia<br />

30<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

mamakacis muxlebze mjdomi qali. mamakaci savaraudod belerofonte, qali ki mefis<br />

asuli filonoe unda iyvnen.<br />

WurWlis pirdapiri paraleli inaxeba korningis minis muzeumSi. misi <strong>for</strong>ma da<br />

mxatvrobis teqnika analogiuria xovleSi aRmoCenili WurWlisa, aseTive warweraa<br />

WurWlis yelze. TeTri minis msgavsi teqnikiT moxatuli fragmenti aRmoCnda dura<br />

evroposis da tanaisis gaTxrebisas. arsebobs varaudi, rom yvela es WurWeli qr.S. II<br />

saukunis bolos an III saukunis dasawyisSi, antioqiis erT-erT saxelosnoSi unda iyos<br />

damzadebuli da SesaZloa erTi ostatis naxelavic iyos.<br />

Tamaz sanikiZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

kldis qalaq ufliscixis istoriis ZiriTadi etapebis Sesaxeb<br />

ufliscxis kldeze adamianis saqmianobis kvali Zv.w. I aTaswleulis dasawyisidan<br />

Cans. Semdeg aq, kldis sakraluri Rirsebis gamo, yalibdeba sataZro (Teokratiuli)<br />

Temi, romelic TandaTan Sida qarTlis hegemoni xdeba (mcxeTamde qarTlis dedaqalaqad<br />

ufliscixe ivaraudeba). es xangrZlivi procesi Zv.w. IV-III saukuneebis mijnaze sataZro<br />

qalaqis gamokveTa-aRmSeneblobiT gvirgvindeba. misi imdroindeli zogadi saxe da<br />

ZiriTadi obieqtebi, Zeglis gaTxra-gawmendis Semdeg, dResac naTlad ikiTxeba.<br />

qalaqi dayofili iyo sam ubnad. misi urbanul-funqciuri struqtura zustad<br />

Seesatyviseba strabonis cnobas, romlis mixedviTac samxreT kavkasiis erT-erTi sataZro<br />

sazogadoeba Sedgeboda qurumebis, Teo<strong>for</strong>itebis (kultis Tavisufali msaxurni) da<br />

hierodulebisagan (taZris monebi).<br />

qalaqs dasavleTidan icavda frialo klde, aRmosavleTidan da CrdiloeTidan<br />

uvlida mZlavri galavani, hqonda oTxi karibWe, mtkvarze Camavali gvirabi da saTavdacvo<br />

Txrili, ganieri plat<strong>for</strong>miT.<br />

antikuri periodis ufliscixis qvabul-nagebobaTa Soris mkafiod gamoiyofa sami<br />

tipologiuri jgufi: 1. kamarovani portikis mqone taZrebi. maTi ZiriTadi sivrcobrivmoculobiTi<br />

elementebia naxevarwriuli kamariT dagvirgvinebuli Ria portiki, mis<br />

ukan daxuruli oTaxi (oTaxebi), wina TavRia ezo-darbazi. aris martivi da rTuli<br />

variantebi. 2. darbazuli taZrebi. ZiriTadi elementebia – brtyelWeriani darbazi da<br />

mis win TavRia ezo-darbazi. 3. mrgvali, gumbaTovani salocavebi.<br />

taZrebi kldeSi gamokveTilia miwiszeda (qvis, xis) arqiteqturisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli<br />

wesebiT. xSirad aris gamoyenebuli svetebi, pilastrebi, bazebi, kapitelebi, TaRebi,<br />

kamarebi, koWebi, kesonebi, anu samSeneblo xelovnebis mTeli repertuari.<br />

qalaqs dafuZnebidan eqvsi-Svidi aswleulis manZilze intensiuri cxovreba ar<br />

Seuwyvetia, rac kargad dasturdeba werilobiTi wyaroebiT da uxvi arqeologiuri<br />

masalebiT.<br />

qveyanaSi qristianobis damkvidrebisTanave ufliscixis roli da mniSvneloba mkveTrad<br />

daqveiTda. VI saukunidan igi kvlav iwyebs aRorZinebas. qalaqis mTavar moedanze gaCnda,<br />

nawilobriv kldeSi gamokveTili, mozrdili samnaviani bazilika. sacxovreblebad<br />

gadakeTda uwindeli taZrebi (zogi or sarTuladac).<br />

IX-X ss. ufliscixe qarTvelTaTvis umTavres qalaqad da qveynis gaerTianebisTvis<br />

mebrZol ZalTa citadelad iqca. X saukuneSia aSenebuli ufliswulis sameklesiani<br />

bazilika, romelsac qalaqis centri uWiravs.<br />


ufliscixis aRzevebis es kidev erTi, didi periodi dasrulda XIII saukunis 30-ian<br />

wlebSi. “da iyo qalaqad Cingisamde~ - ambobs vaxuSti. ama mohyva misi dacema-dakninebis<br />

Seuqcevadi procesi. gvian Sua saukuneebSi igi erTxans mcxeTis sveticxovlis kuTvnil<br />

monasters warmoadgenda, xolo Semdeg mefe-feodalTa xelidan xelSi gadadioda. XIX<br />

saukunis dasawyisidan sabolood daicala da gaukacrielda.<br />

Zeglis sistematuri arqeologiuri Seswavla daiwyo 1957 wlidan da kvlavac<br />

grZeldeba.<br />

mariam gvelesiani<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

yaTlanixevis anTropomorfuli figuris interpretaciisaTvis<br />

bunebis didi deda anu mdedruli universalurobis matarebeli qalRvTaeba<br />

saqarTveloSi “didi deda nanas” saxeliT Tayvanicemoda. Sumerul qalRvTaeba “innana”dan<br />

warmoebuli “nana” da misi transliteraciuli <strong>for</strong>mebi (nano, ana, nena, neno, nino,<br />

nina, nane), rogorc sparsul, somxur, TaTrul, tajikur, Turqulenovan, aseve qarTul<br />

dasavlur dialeqtebSi “dedis” mniSvnelobis mqonea. am kultis Tayvaniscemas jer kidev<br />

eneoliTis xanidanve (Zv.w. V aTaswleuli) mowmobs xramis didi goraze gamovlenili,<br />

bunebis mfarveli Zalis - didi dedis gamosaxulebad miCneuli qalis anTropomorfuli<br />

e.w. “naturalisturi” figurebi, romlebic paralels hpovebs swored mesopotamiis,<br />

iranis, mcire aziisa da somxeTis imave epoqis analogiur ZeglebTan.<br />

samecniero mimoqcevaSi damkvidrebuli koncefciiT, qarTvelTa uZveles RvTaebaTa<br />

triadidan (mamrige RmerTi – mTvare, mze-qali anu qal-babari, kviria) ierarqiulad<br />

meore RvTaebis, mze-qalis ipostasia didi deda nana, ris gamoc es ukanaskneli,<br />

tradiciulad, mzesTan dakavSirebul qalRvTaebad moiazreba. Sesabamisad, misi kultis<br />

Tayvaniscemas, arqeologiur masalaSi solaruli atributikis mqone nivTebis (wriuli<br />

<strong>for</strong>mis mqone samlocvelo kerebi, kviristavebi, urmis borblebi, diskoseburi sagnebi<br />

da sxv) arsebobas ukavSireben.<br />

nanas kultisa da mzis qalRvTaebis igiveobis Teoria Tavis droze mxolod<br />

erTdargovani, kerZod – eTnografiuli monacemebis analizis safuZvelze SemuSavda<br />

da Tan imgvarad, rom didi deda nanas genezisis, ganviTarebis, trans<strong>for</strong>maciisa da<br />

sinkretizaciis mTliani sistemuri xazis zogadkulturul, sxva civilizaciaTa<br />

konteqstSi warmoCena ar gamxdara Seswavlis sagani. amgvarma midgomam, Sesabamisad,<br />

sul sxva suraTi mogvca, vidre es gvaqvs saerTaSoriso samecniero mimoqcevaSi, sadac<br />

safuZvlianadaa argumentirebuli am saxeliT cnobili qalRvTaebis ara mzesTan,<br />

aramed mTvaresTan kavSiri. is, rom nana/innana (igive iSTari) saqarTvelos maxlobel<br />

civilizaciebSi mTvaresTan asocirebuli qalRvTaebaa, mogvianebiT nana/innanas fard<br />

sparsul anahitas, elinistur epoqaSi am ukanasknelis monacvle berZnul artemidas,<br />

iseve rogorc Suaaziur qalRvTaeba nanos ikonografiaSic gamovlinda maT Tavze<br />

namgala mTvaris gamosaxvis saxiT.<br />

ufliscixis uZvelesi namosaxlaris, yaTlanixevis I nagebobaSi aRmoCenili TixaSi<br />

naZerwi horeliefi qalis Tavis gamosaxulebiT prof. d. xaxutaiSvilis azriT,<br />

warmoadgens saweso saxviTi xelovnebis Zegls, konkretulad, didi deda nanas<br />

gamosaxulebas, ramdenadac masTan erTad gamovlenil diskosebur sagnebs mkvlevari<br />

mzis kultis materialur gamovlinebad miiCnevs. qandakebis did deda nanad<br />

interpretirebisaTvis, vfiqrobT, arsebiTia iqve napovni xaris mcire zomis qandakeba,<br />

romelic am identifikaciis diametralurad sxva (mTvaris) mimarTebiT argumentirebis<br />

perspeqtivas qmnis.<br />

32<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

Teimuraz bibiluri<br />

didi mcxeTis arqeologiuri saxelmwifo muzeum-nakrZali. saqarTvelo<br />

apolonis taZari did mcxeTaSi<br />

didi mcxeTis dedaqalaqobis droindeli istoriis bevri sakvanZo sakiTxi dRemde<br />

araa gamorkveuli. rac ar unda paradoqsulad JRerdes, maT Sorisaa didi mcxeTis im<br />

ubnis istoria, sadac aRmarTulia sveticxovlis kaTedrali.<br />

qarTuli matianeebis (“moqcevai qarTlisa”, “ninos cxovreba”, leonti mrovelis”cxovrebai<br />

qarTvelTa mefeTa”) mixedviT, ax.w. IVs. 20-30 wlebamde mainc, aRniSnul<br />

teritoriaze gaSenebuli iyo samefo baRi - “samoTxe mefisai” da rom pirveli eklesiis<br />

(svetebis mainc), asagebad gamouyenebiT aqve moWrili xe - libanis naZvi Tu kviparosi.<br />

bizantieli avtorebi (rufinusi, sokrate, sozomeni) mxolod taZris agebaze<br />

saubroben.<br />

qarTul-bizantiuri wyaroebis monacemebSi mniSvnelovani koreqtivebi SeaqvT<br />

siriul-koptur xelnawerebs. maTi monacemebis SejerebiT irkveva, rom “mefis samoTxeSi”<br />

qristianuli taZris agebamde mdgara marmarilos svetebiani apolonis samisno (koptur<br />

svinaqsarSi funqcia ar Cans) da swored “am svetebis amoReba da maTi eklesiis kankelSi<br />

Cadgma (xazi Cemia - T.b.) undodaT, magram verafriT dauZravT adgilidan” (borjis<br />

papirusis sinoduri teqsti); “... qalwuli tiriliT Sevedrebia ieso qristes, ris<br />

Semdegac svetebma eklesiaSi gadmoinacvles” (kopturi svinaqsari).<br />

werilobiTi wyaroebis am cnobas sabuTianobas matebs sveticxovlis sakurTxevelSi<br />

aRmoCenili ax. w. II s. korinTuli tipis kapitelebi. gavixsenoT - marmarilos svetebi<br />

kankelSi Casadgmelad undodaT.<br />

“mefis samoTxeSi” apolonis samisnos arsebobas adasturebs aqve gaTxrili qvasamarxi<br />

Zalze saintereso inventariT: maT Soris, saweri mowyobiloba, romlis vercxlis budeze<br />

sam frizad datanili iyo cxra muzis reliefuri, mooqrovili gamosaxuleba (apoloni<br />

- muzageti).<br />

damatebiT argumentebs warmoadgens xazgasmiT Teo<strong>for</strong>uli saxelis “xvara” (mze)<br />

matarebeli qveynis umaRlesi sasuliero piris gankurneba wminda ninos mier swored<br />

“samoTxeSi” da ara sxvebis, maT Soris dedoflis, msgavsad mayvlovanSi; “samoTxis”<br />

mcveli qalis saxelis anistos berZnuli onomastikonidan warmomavloba da a.S.<br />

yvela monacemis urTierTSejerebisa da saTanado paralelebis moSveliebiT, SeiZleba<br />

gamoiTqvas sakmaod safuZvliani mosazreba imis Taobaze, rom: a) qarTlis samefos<br />

oficialur saxelmwifo religias warmoadgenda mzis Tayvaniscema; b) sveticxovlis<br />

sakaTedro taZrisa da barbareTis eklesiis uSualo siaxloves funqcionirebda naxsenebi<br />

religiis sataZro centrebi.<br />

amiran kaxiZe<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti. baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

maikl vikersi<br />

iesus koleji, oqs<strong>for</strong>di. didi britaneTi<br />

aTenisa da kolxeTis savaWro-ekonomikuri da kul tu ru li urTierTobani klasikur<br />

xanaSi (saqarTvelo-britaneTis fiWvnaris er Tob li vi arqeologiuri eqspediciis<br />

masalebis mixedviT)<br />

adreklasikuri xanidan fiWvnaris uZveles dasaxlebasTan Cndeba eli nuri eTnosic,<br />

romelic saberZneTis materikul centr aTonTan Cans dakav Sirebuli. aqe dan<br />

mokidebuli mTeli klasikuri xanis ganmavlobaSi savaW ro-ekonomikur Tu kulturul<br />

urTierTobaTa sferoSi hegemonad atika gamodis. am mimarTe biT gansakuTrebiT mdidari<br />


da mravalferovani niv Tie ri kultu ris Zeglia mopo ve bu li saqarTvelo-britaneTis<br />

fiWv naris erTob livi eqspediciis aTwlian kvleva-Zie baTa Sedegad. es gansa kuT rebiT<br />

iTqmis fiWvnaris Zv.w. V-IV saukuneebis ber Z nuli nekropolis mi marT, romelic jerje<br />

robiT erTaderTia aRmosavleT pon tospireTSi da, saer Todac, amierkavkasiaSi.<br />

Seswavlilia SesaniSnavad Se mo naxuli 400-ze meti samarxi da aTeu lobiT saritualo<br />

moedani, romlebSic mo po ve bu lia atikuri sada Tu moxatuli brwyinvale vazebi, ioniuri<br />

da kol xu ri Tixis WurWeli, saiuveliro xelovnebisa da torevtikis nimuSebi, feradi<br />

minis WurWeli, numizmatikuri Zeglebi, samkaulebi da a.S. das tur deba, rom Zv.w. V-IV<br />

saukuneebSi kolxebsa da fiWvnarel elinebs So ris arsebobs mSvi dobiani urTierToba,<br />

mWidro kontaqtebi. aqauri eli ne bi gamodian Sua mav lis rolSi metropoliasTan, aTenTan<br />

da SavizRvis pi reTis sxva centrebTan sa va Wro-ekonomikur Tu kulturul urTierToba<br />

Ta sferoSi.<br />

nino ZnelaZe<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti, baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

berZnuli moxatuli keramika fiWvnaridan<br />

fiWvnarSi aRmoCenilia moxatuli keramikis rogorc specialurad Seqmnili, ise<br />

seriuli produqciis nimuSebi. mcire zomis keramika aucilebeli iyo dakrZalvis<br />

ritualisaTvis (cnobilia saflavSi lekiTosebis Cayolebis atikuri da beotiuri wesi,<br />

rac arc fiWvnareli berZnebisaTvis da maTi meSveobiT adgilobrivi mosaxleobisaTvis<br />

iyo ucxo). Tematurad SerCeuli moxatuli keramika masze aRbeWdili miTologiuri<br />

saxeebiTa Tu scenebiT, samarxeuli inventaris mniSvnelovani nawilia.<br />

arqeologiuri eqspediciis mier 1987-2007 ww mopovebuli masala siuJetis mixedviT sam<br />

Tematur jgufad iyofa. esaa miTologiuri personaJebisa da scenebis gamosaxulebebi,<br />

maTi alegoriuli saxeebi da uSualod religiuri ritualis amsaxveli scenebi.<br />

moxatuli keramika aRmoCenilia fiWvnaris kolxur samarovanzec, rac metyvelebs<br />

imaze, rom adgilobriv mosaxleobas miuRia dakrZalvis berZnuli ritualis es<br />

<strong>for</strong>mac.<br />

Tamar SalikaZe, tariel ebraliZe<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti, baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

gonio-afsarosis savaWro ekonomikuri da kulturuli urTierTobani dasavleT<br />

xmelTaSuazRvispireTTan<br />

gonio-afsarosis teritoriaze aRmoCenil importul nakeTobaTa Soris mniSvnelovani<br />

adgili ukavia dasavleT xmelTaSuazRvispireTis sxvadasxva sawar moo centrebSi<br />

damzadebul wiTellakian keramikas, Wraqebs, keramikul tara-am<strong>for</strong>ebsa da minis<br />

nawarms.<br />

saqarTvelos zRvispireTSi dasavluri warmomavlobis wiTellakiani ke ra mika pirvelad<br />

gonio-afsarosSi aRmoCnda. esenia: Tasebi, jamebi, Wraqebi da a.S., romlebic ax.w.<br />

I saukunis meore-mesame meoTxediTa da II saukunis da saw yi si periodiT TariRdeba.<br />

dasavleT evropis sawarmoo centrebTan urTierTobebis SeswavlisaTvis aseve<br />

mniSvnelovania keramikuli tara, kerZod, italikuri am<strong>for</strong>ebi. Zv.w. I-ax.w. I saukuneebSi<br />

wamyvani adgili ekava keramikuli tipis damzadebasa da eqs ports. afsarosisagan<br />

gansxvavebiT, aRmosavleT SavizRvispireTSi am tipis am fo rebi iSviaTobas warmoadgens.<br />

34<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo

uZvelesi saqarTvelo<br />

dasavleT xmelTaSuazRvispireTis sawarmoo centrebSi damzadebuli Canan mo zaikuri<br />

da vertikalurwiboiani minis fialebi, romlebic ax.w. I saukunis meo re da mesame<br />

meoTxediT TariRdeba.<br />

rogorc Cans, dasavleTevropulma produqciam afsarosSi samxedro kon ti ngentTa<br />

gadaadgilebebis Sedegad SemoaRwia. afsarosis funqcionirebis ad re u li<br />

safexurisaTvis ar SeiZleba gamoiricxos dasavleTidan am saxis nawarmis uSualo<br />

mowodebis SesaZleblobac. es gansakuTrebiT iTqmis italikuri amfo re bis mimarT.<br />

merab xalvaSi<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti, baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

fiWvnaris importuli am<strong>for</strong>ebi<br />

fiWvnaris antikuri xanis samarovnebze da naqalaqarze mopovebuli am<strong>for</strong>ebis (qiosi,<br />

Tazosi, lesbosi, mende, heraklea, sinopa da a.S.) Seswavla gvawvdis mniSvnelovan<br />

in<strong>for</strong>macias regionis garesamyarosTan urTierTobis <strong>for</strong>mebisa da intensiurobis<br />

dasadgenad.<br />

fiWvnarSi importuli am<strong>for</strong>ebis Semotana antikuri sakolonizacio praqtikis Sedegad<br />

aq warmoqmnil berZnul samosaxlos ukavSirdeba. namosaxlarze da masTan dakavSirebul<br />

nekropolze mopovebuli masaliT SeiZleba vTqvaT, rom fiWvnarSi importuli am<strong>for</strong>ebi<br />

Zv.w. V saukunis 70-60-ian wlebidan Cndeba da maTi Semotana grZeldeba Zv.w. V saukunis<br />

ukanasknel mesamedamde. drois am monakveTSi urTi erToba gansxvavebuli intensivobiT<br />

viTardeboda. SedarebiT regularul xasiaTs iZens Zv.w. V saukunis pirveli meoTxedis<br />

miwurulidan. mesame meoTxedis adreuli wlebidan da meoTxe meoTxedSi gare samyarosa<br />

da kolxeTs Soris intensiuri urTierToba arsebobs. gansakuTrebulia qiosisa da<br />

Tazosis roli.<br />

Zv.w. V-IV ss berZnul da Zv.w. V saukunis kolxur sama rovanze mopovebuli importuli<br />

am<strong>for</strong>ebis statistikuri Sefardeba gviCvenebs, rom savaWro-ekonomikuri kontaqtebi<br />

arseb obs uSualod zemoT dasaxlebul centrebsa da fiWvnaris berZnul dasaxlebas<br />

Soris. adgilobriv mosaxleobasTan ki es nawarmi berZnul TemebTan vaWrobis gziT<br />

xvdeboda.<br />

irine varSalomiZe<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti, baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

romauli monetebi gonio-afsarosidan<br />

gonio-afsarosi samxreT-aRmosavleT SavizRvispireTis erT-erTi metad mniSvnelovani<br />

Zeglia. afsarosis qalaquri cxovrebis politikuri da sa vaW ro-ekonomikuri<br />

orientaciis kvlevisaTvis pirvelxarisxovan wya roT mcod neobiT bazas warmoadgens<br />

numizmatikuri monapovari.<br />

1995-2007 wlebSi gonio-afsarosis mudmivmoqmedma arqeologiurma eqspe di -<br />

ciam gamoavlina romauli xanis 150-ze meti moneta. maTi Seswavla gonio-af sarosis<br />

samoneto mimoqcevis politikur da savaWro-ekonomikur urTier To baTa Semdeg suraTs<br />

gvixatavs:<br />

pirvel jgufSi Sedis pirveli saukunis monetebi - 29 cali. maTgan 15 moW rilia<br />

antioqiaSi, 4 pontos samefoSi, 2 romSi, 2 lugdunumSi, TiTo-Ti To bos<strong>for</strong>Si, iudeaSi,<br />

gadaraSi da efesoSi. monetebis umravlesoba spi len Zisaa. numizmatikuri masalebis<br />

mixedviT Cans, rom I saukunis meore na xe varSi afsarosi politikur-ekonomikuri<br />

urTierTobebiT dakavSirebuli Cans siriis provinciasTan.<br />


meore jgufi warmodgenilia II saukuneSi moWrili 36 monetiT. maTgan 15 moWrilia<br />

romSi, 13 kesariaSi, 2 aRmosavleTis zarafxanaSi, 3 tra pe zun t Si, 1 neokesariaSi.<br />

monetebis umravlesoba vercxlisaa.<br />

mesame jgufSi gaerTianebulia 38 moneta. maTgan 23 moWrilia kesa ria Si, 5 romSi, 3<br />

trapezuntSi, 2 TesalonikeSi, erTi sinopSi.<br />

I-III saukuneebSi afsarosSi saqalaqo cxovreba dawinaurebuli Cans. nu mi z ma tikuri<br />

masalis Seswavlis Sedegad irkveva, rom am periodSi afsa ro si mcire aziis gavlenis<br />

sferoa da politikur-ekonomikur urTier To baTa mTa vari ZarRvi mimarTulia kapadokiis<br />

provinciisa da Savi zRvis samx reT sanapiros qalaqebisaken.<br />

SoTa mamulaZe, emzar kaxiZe<br />

baTumis saxelmwifo universiteti, baTumis arqeologiuri muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

afsarosi - romauli kulturis centri aRmosavleT SavizRvispireTSi<br />

samxreT-dasavleT saqarTveloSi ori mniSvnelovani antikuri centria: fiWvnari da<br />

afsarosi. pirveli berZnuli kolonizaciis Sedegad warmoiqmna Zv.w. V s-Si. arqeologiuri<br />

masalis mixedviT naTlad ikveTeba adgilobrivi da berZnuli mosaxleobis mWidro<br />

ekonomikuri da kulturuli urTierTobebi, romelic elinistur xanaSi kidev ufro<br />

Rrmavdeba.<br />

afsarosis cixe, romelic ax.w. I s bolo meoTxedSi iqna agebuli, romaelTa samxedrostrategiul<br />

miznebs emsaxureboda da aqedan gamomdinare adgilobriv mosaxleobasTan<br />

kontaqtebi gacilebiT ufro naklebi iyo. aSkaraa kolxuri samSeneblo tradiciebis<br />

farTo gamoyeneba sxvadasxva nagebobebSi (yazarma, principia), rac adgilobrivi<br />

klimaturi pirobebis gaTvaliswinebiT moxda. Tumca, Cvens mier mravali wlis<br />

ganmavlobaSi gamovlenili arqeologiuri masalis mxolod Zalzed umniSvnelo nawili<br />

Seicavs adgilobrivi sameTuneo tradiciebis zegavlenas.<br />

bunebrivia, romauli kulturis radiacia gacilebiT ufro Rrmaa, magaliTad es<br />

kargad Cans gonios ax.w. I-II ss daTariRebuli cnobili ganZidan. Tumca, keramikul<br />

nawarmSi, igive klasikuri da elinisturi periodidan gansxvavebiT, aseTi gavlenis<br />

dafiqsireba sakmaod problematuria.<br />

36<br />

uZvelesi saqarTvelo



Nino Jakeli<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Ancient Jewelry and Other Works of Art from the Upper Paleolithic Site of Dzudzuana Cave (Western<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong>)<br />

The beginning of the Upper Paleolithic Age, one of the most challenging and important periods in<br />

the history of the mankind, dates from about 40,000 years ago. The period saw the emergence of modern<br />

humans and their settlement on large areas of the ancient world. Qualitative changes took place in stone<br />

industry, including the diversification and standardization of tools, introduction of bone and horn tools and<br />

the advancement of social and internal tribal relations into a new phase. Hunting technique developed and<br />

means of self-expression, such as body painting and jewelry and, most importantly, art, emerged.<br />

Georgia, in particular its western region, is rich in Upper Paleolithic artifacts but lacks evidence of artworks.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e the discovery of minor works of art in the cave of Dzudzuana is highly important. One<br />

should emphasize that all these items come from well-stratified and dated layers.<br />

Upper Paleolithic men used ochre-a natural paint-to serve their self-expression and aesthetic needs. This<br />

is evident by the numerous ochre fragments found in the layers of the cave, and by the discovery of a bowlshaped<br />

stone vessels with the traces of ochre verified through the laboratory analyses.<br />

Among the numerous bone tools characteristic of the Upper Paleolithic Age, only one ornamented artifact<br />

was descovered. This is the fish-shaped awl with a pierced end and, a symbolic representation of an<br />

animal.<br />

Hunter-getherers would adorn themselves with jewelry made of shells and animal teeth, both of which<br />

had a religious function. Men of the time, <strong>for</strong> whom hunting was a means of survival, used worked teeth as<br />

amulets. Ten amulets of this type have been found at Dzudzuana.<br />

Paleolithic man pierced not only bone and animal teeth but stone too. Three items of stone jewelry-two<br />

strings of beads and an oval pendant surrounded by thirty-one notches-have been discovered at Dzudzuana.<br />

Whether the notches are just ornaments or they also bear symbolism is difficult to say.<br />

Also of particular note is an ornamented plate of bone. The “averse” of this plate is embellished with<br />

rounded grooves and bears a point. Similar points, though not piercing, can be seen on the other side too.<br />

The “reverse” is drawn with intersecting lines <strong>for</strong>ming rectangles. The locations where the lines intersect<br />

are marked with relatively smaller points. These geometric patterns are used to create an artistic image.<br />

Regrettably, the item survives in a broken <strong>for</strong>m.<br />

Another interesting find is an ornamented stone pendant, which can be considered as one of the earliest<br />

works of jewelry discovered thus far on the territory of Georgia. The pendant was found in the C layer. It<br />

dates to 22,000-21,000 BP. The pendent shows a so-called “slanting cross”, which seems to be inserted into<br />

a circle topped by a “straight cross”. The end of the pendent has a concave corner. Presumably the cross is<br />

linked to the four sides of the universe. It is widely accepted that primitive man could easily orientate, and<br />

thus one can conclude that the cross carved on this item may refer to the four sides of the universe, while<br />

the circle around it must symbolize infinity. The “Paleolithic Venus,” which finds an affinity with Western<br />

European’s so-called “key-shaped” figurines, remains unique to the present day.<br />

Neither Georgia nor its neighboring Near East have preserved wall paintings. The primeval art surviving<br />

here is mostly represented by <strong>for</strong>ms of minor art. <strong>Cultural</strong> unity is manifested not only in stone industry,<br />

but in art as well.<br />

38<br />



Nino Shanshashvili, Giorgi Narimanishvili<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Interaction of Mesopotamia with the South Caucasus in the Early Bronze Age<br />

The period from the late fourth millennium BC to the beginning of the third millennium BC was marked<br />

by the spread of Kura-Araxes culture in the South Caucasus coupled with the emergence of new cultural<br />

elements influenced by the relations with the North Mesopotamia. <strong>Cultural</strong> innovations included: the use<br />

of adobe in building; burying the dead under dwelling floors; the adornment of building walls with polychrome<br />

paintings; attempting to create ideogram scripts; the development of painted pottery and miniature<br />

architectural models, such as incense burners, anthropomorphic clay figurines, horned pot stands, seals and<br />

stamped pottery; and an anthropomorphic clay hot-relief. Such cultural practices emerged in Mesopotamia<br />

in the seventh millennium BC and remained in use until the second millennium BC. The artifacts discovered<br />

in the South Caucasus were local imitations of Mesopotamian works.<br />

What instigated the penetration of cultural innovations into the South Caucasus? Was this process linked<br />

to the beginning of the Bronze Age and to the import of metal? What kind of interaction was there between<br />

the ancient communities of the South Caucasus and Mesopotamia?<br />

The period between the end of the fourth millennium BC and the beginning of the third millennium BC<br />

in the South Caucasus was marked by a series of social changes. The period saw the emergence of large<br />

and small shrines and the burial of pagan priests and “kings” in special graves with distinct burial inventory<br />

and insignia. Seals and stamped pottery also have been uncovered at ancient settlements from this period.<br />

These facts attest to the presence of a social class enjoying greater privileges than ordinary community<br />

members. Religious, or community property already existed in this culture, that needed protection. The<br />

sign system served to record and to store related in<strong>for</strong>mation. These cultural innovations must have been<br />

linked to the expansion of trade routes and to the promotion of trade and exchange, which was becoming<br />

more organized.<br />

It is possible that the commercial interests of the Mesopotamians spurred the development of metallurgy<br />

as well as the beginning of the Bronze Age with its concurrent economic and cultural revival. Despite this,<br />

small villages of the Kura-Araxes culture failed to develop into cities/towns. There are no traces of monumental<br />

architecture, and sign-symbols failed to turn into written language. At the turn of the third millennium,<br />

an administrative bureaucratic machine, which was a primitive copy of the Mesopotamian theocratic<br />

administrative model, was in the process of <strong>for</strong>ming in Shida Kartli. Evidence of burnt strata at Shida Kartli<br />

ancient settlements may well be a sign of the final failure of this attempt.<br />

Zurab Makharadze<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

The Works of Art from Multilayered Site at Tsikhiagora<br />

The multilayered site of Tsikhiagora is located in shida (inner) Kartli, in the Kaspi region, north of the<br />

village of Kavtiskhevi and on the right bank of the Mtkvari River. For more than three decades, exploration<br />

of the site has been progress. The cultural layers, which were up six meters, unveil the layers of following<br />

epochs:<br />

rd • Early Bronze Age settlement, five building layers – 3 millennium BC;<br />

nd • Middle Bronze Age Kurgans – 2 millennium BC;<br />

nd • Late Bronze-Early Iron Age settlement, two building layers – second half of 2 millennium - first<br />


half of 1st millennium BC;<br />

th th • Structures of Achaemenid Period, three building layers –5 -4 century BC;<br />

rd nd • Hellenistic temple complex, eight building layers – 3 to 2 century BC.<br />

The artifacts unearthed in different layers at Tsikhiagora, such as miniature plastic, ornamental motives<br />

on ceramics; zoomorphic rythons and capitals of columns often represent authentic works of art. Analysis<br />

of these items give rise to the possibility of having an overview of the artistic means which reveal the ideological<br />

conception of different periods in works of art.<br />

Karen S. Rubinson<br />

Barnard College. USA<br />

A Re-evaluation of Kuftin’s Analysis of the Trialeti Silver Goblet and Bucket in Light of Modern<br />

Theory and Current Archaeological Knowledge<br />

Boris A. Kuftin was prescient when, in Arkheologicheskie Raskopki v Trialeti, he compared figures on<br />

the goblet from kurgan 5 of Trialeti with reliefs from Carchemish and Zinjerli in Turkey. Although we<br />

know now that they are not chronologically synchronous, nevertheless the relationship of the art of the<br />

Trialeti culture with that of Anatolia remains important. In addition, Kuftin also noted the significant relationship<br />

between at least two animal images on the goblet and two of those at the base of the bucket from<br />

Trialeti kurgan 17.<br />

In this paper I will closely describe all elements of the vessel from kurgan 17, group them by type, and<br />

discuss detailed artistic parallels <strong>for</strong> the preserved elements. In looking at the goblet, I will propose the<br />

order in which the artist worked on the goblet, based on photographs I had the opportunity to take nine<br />

years ago. I will look at how images from the bucket might have been borrowed to be applied to the<br />

goblet, and why some elements were copied but not others. I will also try to place this artistic process into<br />

the setting in which it occurred, looking at the question of why some images from the adjacent Near East<br />

resonated with the artists of the Trialeti culture and others did not. Finally, I will once more evaluate the<br />

current (and frequently shifting) chronologies of both the Caucasus and the adjacent Near East to see how<br />

the ancient history might explain the presence of the ancient Near Eastern elements clearly borrowed into<br />

the Trialeti Culture.<br />

Anna Kldiashvili<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection; Tbilisi State Academy<br />

of Art. Georgia<br />

Image Semantics and the Model of the Universe in Pre-Christian <strong>Georgian</strong> Culture<br />

Pre-Christian culture expresses itself with image-icons. These image-icons were created via signs and<br />

symbols that were meant to shape the main idea of the universal image of the universe. The purpose of this<br />

paper is to reconstruct this image of universe using the examples of several icons (deer, stork and circle).<br />

Comprehension of the semantics of these universal archetypal images and analysis of their structural and<br />

artistic means will help to uncover their weltanschauung aspects and define the major features of the image<br />

of universe – time and space and their correlation. The paper will compare <strong>Georgian</strong> material to the artifacts<br />

of other ancient cultures. Employing the methods of stylistic analysis and other means of art historical<br />

research, the author will make an attempt to highlight the traits that made <strong>Georgian</strong> culture of this period<br />

“the sharer” of other cultures, explore constants throughout millenniums and the features that determine its<br />

identity.<br />

40<br />



Mikheil Abramishvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum, Tbilisi Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

From Çatalhöyük to Svetitskhoveli - Extracts from the Enduring Cult of the Bull<br />

Having an enduring history, the bull cult is one of the most conservative of human beliefs. It appears on<br />

numerous works of art spanning a large area from India to Europe and from the Caucasus to Egypt.<br />

Although the first images of the bull are traced back to the Stone Age, its chief symbolic meaning, associated<br />

with fertility and a procreative power imbued with the idea of masculinity, emerged during the<br />

transition to a farming economy – the so-called “Neolithic Revolution”. The most obvious example of bull<br />

iconography of this period comes from the ancient Çatalhöyük settlement with its numerous shrines, in<br />

which the bull was the primary object of worship.<br />

Besides having endured <strong>for</strong> millennia, the bull cult has merged harmoniously with various religions. The<br />

signs of this cult are evident at some of the medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Christian sites, e.g. the bull heads on the<br />

capital of Bolnisi Sioni Church and on the west porch of the Svetitskhoveli circuit wall and on its eastern<br />

elevation, as well as the tradition of embellishing a cross with bull horns in highland Svaneti.<br />

Despite having a history counting several thousand years, the symbolism of this cult appears to be highly<br />

conservative. Normally used to plough the land, which is the precondition of the birth of new life, a bull<br />

symbolizes a permanent life-death cycle and acts as a mediator between earth and heaven. It is this ancient<br />

symbolism that explains the practice of bull depiction in Georgia, which is inherent to the Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Christian tradition.<br />

Goderdzi Narimanashvili, Kakha Khimshiashvili<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

Bronze Age Settlements in Trialeti<br />

The findings of the archaeological digs on the territory of the South Caucasus suggest that the local architecture<br />

of the Bronze Age (from the third to the first millennium BC) was dominated by three main types<br />

of buildings: cribwork, clay and stone. Of particular note among stone buildings are “cyclopean” structures,<br />

the monumentality of which, as well as the large scale of the respective ancient settlements, make this type<br />

of architecture different from the rest of the monuments found in the South Caucasus.<br />

“Cyclopean” ancient settlements and <strong>for</strong>tifications contained dwellings, <strong>for</strong>tified walls and separately<br />

standing <strong>for</strong>tresses characterized by masonries consisting of large rocks. This building technique was prevalent<br />

in the South Caucasus region beginning from the third millennium BC to the middle of the first millennium<br />

BC, when it was almost fully abandoned. After that time, stone was only used <strong>for</strong> the foundations<br />

of walls, above which adobe brick was laid. Simultaneously, timber architecture became widespread. Wood<br />

was employed both <strong>for</strong> wall rein<strong>for</strong>cement and facing masonry. Small stone and adobe mass were used as<br />

a filler material. It was also at that time that ashlars stone began to be used in construction. In the Middle<br />

Ages, though villages and large settlements in various regions in the South Caucasus were characterized by<br />

dry masonry, no <strong>for</strong>tresses or <strong>for</strong>tified systems were built using this construction technique.<br />

Only the sites with dry masonry <strong>for</strong>tified walls can be considered as ancient “cyclopean” settlements<br />

and <strong>for</strong>tifications.<br />

The perimeter of such settlements and <strong>for</strong>tifications coincided with the outline of the site. With a few<br />

exceptions, defense systems and simple <strong>for</strong>tresses have no towers. The construction of “cyclopean” <strong>for</strong>tifications<br />

started in 16 th century BC and developed further in the following epoch. The discovery of ancient<br />

“cyclopean” settlements unearthed on the Trialeti plateau can be used to date this type of monument to<br />


the 16 th century BC (Beshkenasheni). Sites in Sabechdavi, Knole, Tsritsi, Bareti, Akhaldaba, Losho, and<br />

Armenia prove that “cyclopean” settlements reached dominant position in the period from the 13 th to the<br />

7 th century BC.<br />

The findings of a study on planning and settlement patterns of “cyclopean” sites discovered in Southern<br />

Georgia suggest that five main types exist. One type is large “cyclopean” settlements, which are complex<br />

systems characterized by a strong circuit wall and a citadel, and residential quarters of regular planning.<br />

Usually containing several <strong>for</strong>tified sections (as in Sabechdavi, Tezi and Losho) or <strong>for</strong>tified sections surrounded<br />

by an unbroken circuit wall (as in Utsklo, Bareti, Akhaldaba), they follow a principle of central<br />

planning. They also contain an inner <strong>for</strong>tress, which indicates the separation of the governing class from<br />

the rest of the society. Separately standing <strong>for</strong>tifications served as strongholds. Defending a specific section,<br />

they also controlled roads running through the areas within “cyclopean” monuments.<br />

Ketevan Ramishvili<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

Horse Figurines in Old Georgia and Names Relating to Horse-Breeding in the <strong>Georgian</strong> Language<br />

Numerous works of minor plastics horse figurines found in Georgia are of particular interest. Despite the<br />

smaller number of such sculptures as compared to deer and Caucasian goat figurines, they provide valuable<br />

evidence on the economic, military, spiritual, and social life of the creative society. Also, the manner of<br />

execution of horse figurines and their attributes suggests high level of craftsmanship.<br />

That the horse has long been present in Georgia and across the Caucasus is attested by bone material<br />

found in the Paleolithic layers in Dmanisi and in Sagvarjile. According to archaeological records, the Caucasian<br />

population domesticated the horse at an early stage of Maikop culture. Remains of domestic horse<br />

and bone cheekpieces have also been unearthed in <strong>for</strong>est-steppe stripe of Eastern Europe dating from the<br />

third millennium BC. Bone finds from the early Bronze Age sites attest that among other domestic animals,<br />

people inhabiting the territory of Georgia also had horses.<br />

In the Near East, to which <strong>Georgian</strong> tribes had close ties, horse and horse driven chariot appears in the<br />

fourth millennium BC.<br />

A burial mound, discovered at the village of Doghlauri, provides further evidence of advanced horsebreeding<br />

practice. In it, two horse skeletons, wheel-type bronze cheekpieces, two horsebits and other items<br />

were found. In addition, a horse together with a warrior was also uncovered in the village of Abanoskhevi in<br />

the Aragvi valley; a bronze horse figurine was found at the Shilda shrine; and a horse clay minor sculptures<br />

were uncovered at the Tserovani cemetery. Furthermore, graphical representations of the horse also widely<br />

occur on objects unearthed at the Colchian-Koban culture cemeteries.<br />

On the territory populated by <strong>Georgian</strong> tribes a horse was seen as a sacred animal and was associated<br />

with the deities of fertility, the sun and the world of heaven. Solar signs, represented on bronze belts, with<br />

which horse representations are adorned, refer to the divine nature of horses. If in the Bronze Age it was<br />

stylized representations that prevailed, beginning from the Classical period, a realistic manner of horse depiction<br />

became pronounced. Examples of this style can be found on Akhalgori temple pendants that bear a<br />

representation of a pair of horses., though stylized rendering was still practiced.<br />

The role of a divine horse, leading among ‘sacred animals,’ became especially obvious in the beginning<br />

of the new millennium. This idea, apart from traditions, was encouraged by the spreading of Mithraism.<br />

A large number of examples of horse representations from this period have been discovered in the Aragvi<br />

valley, at the foothills of the Alazani basin and in the mountains of Kldeeti. My paper makes particular<br />

emphasis on this material evidence.<br />

The work is enclosed with horse and horse-breeding related terminology.<br />

42<br />



Nino Gomelauri<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Georgia and Eurasia in the 2 nd -1 st Millennia BC according to Minor Bronze Plastics<br />

Located between Europe and Asia, Georgia has since ancient times been engaged in a variety of historical<br />

and artistic processes, which has found reflection on its material culture, in general, and artistic works,<br />

in particular. Diverse artistic trends which crossed the borders of Georgia and Transcaucasia in pre-historic<br />

times left their mark on the art of the period.<br />

Bronze objects dating from the second to first millennium BC allow us to trace the ties Georgia had with<br />

Anatolia and Persia. Two groups of bronze sculptures discovered in the territory of Georgia provide further<br />

evidence on these relations: One group, dating from the mid-second millennium and found in eastern Georgia<br />

and the entire central Transcaucasia, is genetically akin to the central Anatolian materials dating from<br />

the early Bronze Age; the other group, unearthed in the territory of Georgia, and dating from the second<br />

quarter of the first millennium, finds an affinity with contemporary artistic output of north-west Persia.<br />

The a<strong>for</strong>ementioned ties, according to these materials, have a specific character. The artistic tradition,<br />

which must have arrived from Anatolia, together with a strong wave of ethnic elements, is a certain continuation<br />

of Anatolian tradition. It found a strong foothold in the territory of Georgia and the entire Transcaucasia<br />

and its legacy in eastern Georgia can be traced from the late Bronze Age to the adoption of Christianity.<br />

The artistic trend exported from Persia, however, reflects cultural ties between Georgia and Persia and<br />

compared to Anatolian tradition, is smaller in scope and weaker in terms of its influence.<br />

The materials unearthed on the territory of Tbilisi not only point to the relations between Georgia and<br />

the Persian world but also allow us to locate them within a broader cultural context of Eurasia during the<br />

first millennium BC, reflecting the historical processes related to the increased activities of nomadic tribes<br />

in Eurasia.<br />

Manana Tsereteli<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Colchian Ritual Axe (Semantics and Artistic Style)<br />

Bronze metallurgy reached its apex in Transcacasia at the end of the second millennium BC and the<br />

beginning of the first millennium BC, which explains the wide spread of artistic metalwork items that<br />

date to this time. The high level of craftsmanship of such pieces points to the presence of workshops<br />

that were staffed with skilled craftsman. A Colchian axe, adorned with zoomorphic figures, seems to be<br />

the most notable example of this varied unity. Referring to abstract ideas and symbolizing visions rather<br />

than depicting real, concrete environment, the images represented are nonfigurative in their essence. Thus,<br />

the major element of stylization of the period is abstractness. There<strong>for</strong>e, the representations rendered in<br />

such style shall not be considered as images of specific zoomorphic species but rather as generalized,<br />

fictional images devoid of naturalism at any stage of evolution and of every-day details of life. Zoomorphic<br />

motifs shall in this case be viewed as a general model of a religious world outlook in which various visual<br />

manifestations are adapted to functional needs (Colchian axe and head ornaments) and differ according to<br />

the material employed (bronze, silver and gold).<br />

Despite gradual desacralization, zoomorphic imagery was extensively used by <strong>Georgian</strong> and Caucasian<br />

artists be<strong>for</strong>e the Christian Period. The following are the findings from a semantic and stylistic analysis<br />

of the archaeological evidence belonging to a limited period of time (from the early Iron Age to the late<br />


Classical Period) and restricted by a specific theme (zoomorphic representations):<br />

1. The unity of artistic and stylistic features typical of Colchian Bronze culture defines the nature of<br />

not only one artistic phenomenon, but rather the character of the entire pre-Christian art and its further<br />

evolution;<br />

2. An important segment of Bronze culture in Western Transcaucasia in the first millennium BC is<br />

dominated by polymorphic creature images associated in <strong>Georgian</strong> folklore with one of the most popular<br />

image - a griffon. At the initial stage, this image represented a cosmic tri-hypostatic creature that related to<br />

the three worlds. Over the centuries, the mythological image became simpler and more natural;<br />

3. The diadems dating from early Classical Period are the product of the further trans<strong>for</strong>mation of the<br />

expressive correlate of the content <strong>for</strong>med in the early centuries of the first millennium;<br />

4. A polymorphic, fantastic creature characteristic of early Classicle Period jewelry is replaced by a<br />

figure of identical content – a stylized tree and a rosette;<br />

5. The variants of similar representations recur on late Classical Period head ornaments (Kldeeti,<br />

Gonio and Loo).<br />

Ori Soltes<br />

Georgetown University. USA<br />

Defining <strong>Georgian</strong>ness in Antiquity<br />

By the time history arrives into the last two thousand years or so of pre-Christian antiquity, Georgia is<br />

already establishing itself as a crossroads and meeting point <strong>for</strong> diverse cultures and traditions. The shaping<br />

of “<strong>Georgian</strong>ness,” both from the perspective of some of those key cultures-notably the early Assyrian,<br />

Achaemenid Persian, the Greek and the Roman-and from the perspective of Georgia herself, is an important<br />

issue. The question of how exactly Georgia is referred to and understood by others and that of how she<br />

interweaves aspects of those others with her own unique personality is continuously being implicitly addressed<br />

throughout this time. What may we infer from stories and traditions that emerge from outside and<br />

within what is becoming Georgia during that long period-and even more so, from the artifacts of diverse<br />

media exhibiting diverse stylistic elements that have emerged archaeologically from so many significant<br />

ancient sites-regarding this double, interwoven issue? How do we distinguish what is <strong>Georgian</strong> from what<br />

is not, in terms of style, subject and artist identity, across an astonishing array of artifacts? What is set in<br />

motion as a process of synthesis and definition that will continue <strong>for</strong> the two millennia that carry out of that<br />

era to our own?<br />

Vakhtang Shatberashvili<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

Two Painted Glass Jugs from the Village Khovle<br />

Two vessels with gilded and cold painted decorations were found in the village Khovle in 2004. The<br />

decoration on the body divide the vessels into two registers with identical borders above, between and<br />

below. The neck of both vessels contains a gilded inscription in Greek capitals “H XAPIC”, i.e. “Grace”.<br />

The body of the first vessel is divided into five vertical, equal parts via the arches outlined with reddishbrown<br />

paint. The figure depicted in this (pl.I-1e) first arch must be the young, beardless Dionysus. Figures<br />

depicted in the second (pl.I-1d, pl.II-1) and third (pl.I-1c) archs are not yet identified. The figure depicted in<br />

44<br />



the fourth arch (pl.I-1b) is Pan. The figure illustrated in the fifth arch (pl.I-1f) expresses the mad Lycurgus.<br />

The second vessel is divided in two scenes. In the first scene Belerophon is sitting on Pegasus (pl.I-c,<br />

pl.II-2) while fighting the chimera (pl.I-2b). The other scene (pl.I-2d) depicts a woman sitting on the knees<br />

of a man. The kneeling figure can be identified as Belerophon and the woman must be interpreted as<br />

princess Phylonoe.An exact parallel of the ewers is kept at the Corning Museum of Glass. Its shape and<br />

painting technology is fully analogous to the Khovle vessels and contains the same inscription on the<br />

neck. A fragment in white glass and painted with the same technology was found in Dura Europos and at<br />

Tanais excavations. It is assumed these vessels were made in the same workshop, even by the same master<br />

around the end of the second or beginning of the third century AD in Antioch-on-Orontes. Notwithstanding<br />

whether the hypothesis concerning their place of production is right or wrong, it is proved with confidence<br />

that the five vessels from Khovle, Kerch, Tanais and Dura Europos were produced at the same workshop,<br />

if not by one single master.<br />

Tamaz Sanikidze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

About the Main Stages in the History of the Rock-Carved Town of Uplistsikhe<br />

The first sign of human activity on the cliff of Uplistsikhe can be traced to the beginning of the first<br />

millennium BC. It was at that time that the <strong>for</strong>mation of a theocratic community, later to reach hegemony in<br />

Shida (Inner) Kartli, began (it is assumed that be<strong>for</strong>e Mtskheta, Uplistsikhe had been the capital of Kartli).<br />

At the end of the fourth and the beginning of the third century BC, this long process was culminated by the<br />

construction of the capital, the overall appearance and separate structures of which have been discovered<br />

after excavating and cleaning the area.<br />

The city was divided into three parts. Its urban and functional structure fully agrees with Strabo’s note,<br />

which stated that one of the theocratic communities in the South Caucasus consisted of pagan priests,<br />

theophorites (free servants of the cult) and hierodules (temple slaves).<br />

On the west, the city was guarded by a steep cliff and on the east and the north by a strong wall. It had<br />

four gates, a tunnel leading down to the Mtkvari River and a defensive ditch with a broad plat<strong>for</strong>m.<br />

The caves made in the period of Antiquity can be classified into three distinct typological groups: i)<br />

temples with a vaulted portico, characterized by a semi-circular vault topped by an open portico with<br />

closed room(s) behind and an open yard-hall in front, of which simple and complex variants exist; ii) halltype<br />

temples characterized by a hall with a flat ceiling and an open yard-hall in its front; iii) round, domed<br />

temples.<br />

Rock-carved temples followed the rules of aboveground (stone and timber) architecture. Pillars, pilasters,<br />

bases, capitals, arches, vaults, beams, and caissons were widely used. Thus, a wide repertoire of building<br />

art was employed.<br />

During its six to seven hundred years of existence, the city lived a continuously vibrant life, which can<br />

be evidenced by written records and rich archaeological material uncovered on the site.<br />

But with the adoption of Christianity in the country, the role and significance of Uplistsikhe reduced<br />

significantly. In the sixth century, however, a new revival of the site began. A large three-nave basilica,<br />

partly carved in cliff, was constructed and <strong>for</strong>mer temples were converted into dwellings, some of which<br />

were double-storied.<br />

In the ninth to tenth century, Uplistsikhe became a prominent city and a citadel, which united all the<br />


<strong>for</strong>ces fighting <strong>for</strong> the unification of the country. A three-nave basilica in honor of the prince was constructed<br />

in the centre of the city in the 10 th century.<br />

The 1230s saw the end of this long period of advancement in Uplistsikhe. ”And it was a city until<br />

Genghis,” said the 18 th century historian and geographer, Prince Vakushti Bagrationi. This period was<br />

followed by an irrevocable decline. In the late Middle Ages, the city’s structures became a monastery<br />

belonging to Svetitskhoveli at Mtskheta, and were later passed on from one king or feudal lord to another.<br />

Beginning in the 19 th century, the city was finally deserted.<br />

Regular archaeological investigations of the site commenced in 1957 and continue to the present day.<br />

Mariam Gvelesiani<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

For the Interpretation of an Anthropomorphic Figure from Katlanikhevi<br />

The Great Mother of Nature or the female deity associated with femininity used to be worshipped as the<br />

“Great Mother Nana” in Georgia. “Nana”, which derives from the Sumerian goddess “Innana”, as well as<br />

its transliterated <strong>for</strong>ms-Nano, Ana, Nena, Nino, Nina and Nane- means “mother” in Persian, Armenian, Tatar,<br />

Tajik, Turkish as well as west <strong>Georgian</strong> dialects. That this cult was worshipped in the Chalcolithic Age<br />

(fifth millennium BC) is evidenced by female anthropomorphic, so-called “naturalistic”, figurines from<br />

Khramis Didi-Gora, which are considered to be images of the Great Mother, guardian of nature. They find<br />

parallels with contemporaneous figurines unearthed in Mesopotamia, Persia, Asia Minor, and Armenia.<br />

It has been accepted in scientific literature that the hypostasis of the Sun-woman, which ranks second<br />

in the triad of ancient <strong>Georgian</strong> deities (God – the moon, the Sun-Woman and Kviria) is the Great Mother<br />

Nana. Consequently, the latter is perceived as a female deity associated with the Sun. There<strong>for</strong>e according<br />

to archaeological inventory, worship of its cult is linked to solar attributes (circular shrines, spindleweights,<br />

cart wheels, disco-shaped items, etc).<br />

The theory of sameness of the cult of Nana and the Sun deity was developed based on the findings of a<br />

mono-disciplinary study, namely the analysis of ethnographic evidence, and without the consideration of a<br />

systemic line of the genesis, development, trans<strong>for</strong>mation and synchronization of Mother Nana in a broader<br />

context of culture and civilizations. Such approach has there<strong>for</strong>e yielded results different from those adopted<br />

in international scholarly circles, where the correlation between this well-known female deity and the<br />

Moon, rather than the Sun, is supported by sound arguments. The supposition that Nana/Innana (the same<br />

as Ishtar) is the female deity associated with the Moon in the civilizations neighboring Georgia is backed by<br />

the iconography of Nana/Innana’s Persian correlate Anahita, her Greek correlate during the Hellenic period,<br />

Artemid, and her Central Asian correlate, the deity Nano, in the <strong>for</strong>m of a crescent above the heads of the<br />

figures of these divinities.<br />

Clay hot-reliefs with female heads found in the first structure of Katlanikhevi at the ancient settlement<br />

of Uplistsikhe are considered by Prof. D. Khakhutaishvili as works of ritual fine arts. The scholar makes<br />

particular note of the Great Mother Nana in his analysis of the disco-shaped items unearthed together,<br />

which he associates with the material manifestation of the solar cult. Of special note is a small ox figurine<br />

found nearby, which offers evidence suggesting an entirely different interpretation of the identification of<br />

the figurine as the Great Mother Nana (identification with the moon).<br />

46<br />



Teimuraz Bibiluri<br />

Mtskheta State Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Temple of Apollo in Great Mtskheta<br />

Many of the key points from the history of Greater Mtskheta of the time when it was the capital remain<br />

largely unaddressed to the present day. Strangely enough, this is also true <strong>for</strong> the history of that very spot in<br />

Greater Mtskheta where the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral stands.<br />

According to <strong>Georgian</strong> chronicles (Conversion of Georgia, The Life of St Nino, and The Life of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Kings by Leonti Mroveli), at least through the 320-330s, royal gardens, also referred to as the “King’s<br />

Eden”, stood at this location, and the first church (or at least the pillars) on this spot was built by using a<br />

local tree, namely a cedar of Lebanon or a cypress.<br />

Byzantine authors (Rufinus, Socrates, Sozomen) only refer to the building of a church, but Syrian and<br />

Coptic manuscripts substantially revise the in<strong>for</strong>mation given in <strong>Georgian</strong>-Byzantine records. The compilation<br />

of these data suggests that Apollo’s Oracle with marble columns (it is impossible to establish its function<br />

from the Coptic synaxarion) stood in front of the building of a Christian church and it was the “removal<br />

of these columns and their placement in the chancel barrier that they wanted but failed to (Synodic text from<br />

the Borji papyrus); “... the virgin pleaded to Jesus Christ and after that the columns shifted themselves into<br />

the church”.<br />

The note given in these written sources is further supported by Corinthian capitals of the second century<br />

AD unearthed in the sanctuary of Svetitskhoveli. (Remember - the marble columns were to be placed in the<br />

chancel barrier.)<br />

The existence of Apollo’s Oracle in the King’s Eden is evidenced by the grave in stone box uncovered<br />

nearby, which contains highly interesting inventory, including a writing tool, the silver case of which was<br />

adorned with a gilt relief of nine muses (Apollo – Musagete) arranged in three friezes. Furthermore other<br />

arguments <strong>for</strong> its existence include the healing of the highest ecclesiastical authority in the country bearing<br />

a theophoric name, “Khvara” (the Sun), given by St Nino in “Eden” and not by blackberry bushes as<br />

was the case with others, including the Queen; the origin of the name of the female guardian of the Eden,<br />

Anistos from the Greek onomastics, etc.<br />

Comparing the existing data and taking into account respective parallels, it is reasonable to assume that<br />

i) the sun worshipping was an official religion of the Kingdom of Kartli; ii) temples worshipping the sun<br />

were located in the close vicinity to Svetitskhoveli Cathedral and Barbareti Church.<br />

Amiran Kakhidze<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Michael Vickers<br />

Jesus College, Ox<strong>for</strong>d. Great Britain<br />

Trade, Economic and <strong>Cultural</strong> Connections between Athens and Colchis in the Classical Period<br />

(According to the Material Obtained by the Joint <strong>Georgian</strong>-British Expedition to Pitchvnari)<br />

The Hellenic ethnos, which seems to have been related to Athos – the centre of mainland Greece – first<br />

appeared at the ancient settlement of Pitchvnari in the early Classical period. Beginning from that time and<br />

throughout the Classical period, Attica enjoyed hegemony in the realm of commercial and cultural relations.<br />

Samples of especially rich and diverse material culture have been obtained by the joint <strong>Georgian</strong>-<br />

British expedition to Pitchvnari during its ten years of research. The most notable in this regard is a Greek<br />


necropolis of the fifth to fourth century BC, which is incredibly unique in the eastern coast of the Pontos<br />

and moreover, in the Transcaucasia.<br />

More than four hundred finely preserved graves and dozens of ritual squares-from which plain and<br />

painted Attic vases, Ionic and Colchian ceramics, jewelry and toreutics, colour glassware and numismatic<br />

objects were unearthed-have been studied. Evidence shows that the Colchians and the Hellenic community<br />

of Pitchvnari coexisted peacefully and had close ties with each other in the fifth to fourth century BC. The<br />

Hellenes also acted as mediators in the metropolis, between such cities as Athens and other centres of the<br />

Black Sea littoral, in the sphere of commercial and cultural relations.<br />

Nino Dzneladze<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Greek Painted Pottery from Pitchvnari<br />

Painted pottery, including custom-made and serial samples, was discovered in Pitchvnari. Minor items<br />

of pottery were essential attributes of funerary rites. (The Attic and Biotic tradition of placing lekithoi in a<br />

grave was a practice also familiar to the Pitchvnari Greek community and through them to the local population).<br />

Thematically selected painted pottery with the images of mythological characters and scenes are an<br />

important part of the burial inventory.<br />

The material uncovered in 1987-2007, can be broken into three thematic groups. These are representations<br />

of mythological characters and scenes, their allegorical images and scenes of religious rituals. Painted<br />

pottery also has been discovered in the Colchian cemetery of Pitchvnari, which suggests that the local<br />

population had also adopted this <strong>for</strong>m of Greek funerary rite.<br />

Tamar Shalikadze, Tariel Ebralidze<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Commercial and <strong>Cultural</strong> Ties between Gonio-Apsaros and the Western Mediterranean<br />

The majority of the imported objects unearthed in Gonio-Apsaros include red-varnished pottery, oil<br />

lamps and ceramic containers, such as amphorae and glass items, which had been produced in various<br />

Western Mediterranean workshops. Gonio-Apsaros is a site where red-varnished ceramic items of western<br />

origin, including various vessels and oil lamps, were discovered <strong>for</strong> the first time on the <strong>Georgian</strong> coast.<br />

The unearthed objects date from the second to third quarter of the first century AD and the early second<br />

century.<br />

Ceramic containers, such as Italic amphorae, also provide valuable in<strong>for</strong>mation <strong>for</strong> the study of relations<br />

with various workshops of Western Europe. The production and export of ceramics prevailed in the period<br />

from the first century BC to the first century AD. Amphorae of this type are very rare in the eastern Black<br />

Sea littoral, while they are more common in Apsaros. Uncovered inlaid glass phialai, also dating from the<br />

second and third quarters of the first century AD, seem to have been produced in the western Mediterranean.<br />

It is most likely that Western European products arrived in Apsaros because of military contingent displacements.<br />

However, the possibility of direct supply of these products, and in particular of Italic amphorae,<br />

from the West to Apsaros at an early stage cannot be totally ruled out.<br />

48<br />



Merab Khalvashi<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Imported Amphorae at Pitchvnari<br />

The study of the amphorae discovered in ancient cemeteries and cities (Kios, Thassos, Lesbos, Mende,<br />

Heraclea, Sinope, etc) has yielded substantial evidence that help to establish a type and intensity of relations<br />

that the region had with the outside world.<br />

The import of amphorae into Pitchvnari is related to the Greek settlement founded that was following<br />

the Attic colonization. The materials unearthed on the settlement site and the necropolis related to it, suggest<br />

that the import of amphorae began in Pitchvnari in the 470-460s BC and lasted until approximately<br />

330 BC. The relations were characterised by different degrees of intensity becoming relatively regular<br />

from the first quarter of the fifth century BC. In the early years of the third quarter and in the fourth quarter<br />

Colchis was engaged in intensive relations with the outside world. Kios and Thassos played a key role in<br />

this relationship.<br />

The statistical correlation between the amphorae found in fifth to fourth century Greek cemeteries and<br />

those unearthed in the fifth century Colchian cemeteries confirms the presence of commercial ties between<br />

the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned centres and the Greek colony of Pitchvnari. It appears that the works reached the local<br />

population thanks to the trade ties with Greek communities.<br />

Irine Varshalomidze<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Roman Coins from Gonio-Apsaros<br />

Gonio-Apsaros is one of the most important sites of the southeast Black Sea littoral. Numismatic finds<br />

provide a primary source <strong>for</strong> the study of political and commercial characteristics of urban life in Apsaros.<br />

From 1995 to 2007, the archaeological expedition at Gonio-Apsaros unearthed more than 150 Roman<br />

coins. The study of these coins offers the following findings on the political and commercial connections<br />

relevant to the flow of coins to the region:<br />

The first group comprises 29 coins from the first century, 15 of which were struck in Antioch, four in the<br />

kingdom of Pontus, two in Rome, two in Lugdunum, and one each in Bosporus, Judea, Gadara and Ephesus.<br />

Most of the coins are of copper. Numismatic evidence points to the political and economic relations<br />

between Apsaros and Syria during the second half of the first century;<br />

The second group is represented by 36 coins minted in the second century, of which 15 were struck in<br />

Rome, 13 in Caesarea, two in eastern mint, three in Trebizond, and one in Neocaesarea. Most of these coins<br />

are of silver;<br />

The third group united 38 coins, of which 23 were minted in Caesarea, five in Rome, three in Trebizond,<br />

two in Thessalonica and one in Sinope.<br />

The period between the first and the third centuries saw the advance of urban life. The study of the numismatic<br />

evidence has shown that Apsaros was then under the influence of Asia Minor. It also appears that<br />

it had most intense political and economic relations with Cappadocia and the southern cities and towns of<br />

the Black Sea coast.<br />


50<br />


Shota Mamuladze, Emzar Kakhidze<br />

Batumi State University and the Archaeological Museum. Georgia<br />

Apsaros – The Roman <strong>Cultural</strong> Centre at the Eastern Black Sea Coast<br />

Southwest Georgia has two important centres of the Antiquity: Pitchvnari and Apsaros. The site<br />

of Pitchvnari emerged as a result of Greek colonization, in the fifth century BC. There is enough<br />

archaeological evidence to assume that local and Greek communities had close economic and<br />

cultural relations, which were further rein<strong>for</strong>ced in the Hellenistic period.<br />

Built in the last quarter of the first century AD, the <strong>for</strong>t Apsaros served military and strategic<br />

purposes <strong>for</strong> the Romans and, there<strong>for</strong>e, was less engaged in contacts with the local population.<br />

Various structures of the <strong>for</strong>t (barracks, principia) reveal a profound influence of the Colchian<br />

building tradition, which is due to specific local climate. However, a negligible portion of the<br />

archaeological evidence we obtained also shows the influence of local pottery traditions.<br />

It is obvious that Roman culture had a much broader impact. This can be attested by a wellknown<br />

treasure of Gonio, which dates from the first to second century AD. However, it is difficult<br />

to observe Roman influence on ceramics, as opposed to objects dating from the Classical and<br />

Hellenistic periods in which the impact of those cultures is more pronounced.

II seqcia<br />

Sua saukuneebis<br />


kristofer haasi<br />

vilanovas universiteti. aSS<br />

ioane zedazneli: qarTveli wmindani siriul asketur tradiciaSi<br />

meeqvse saukunis pirvel naxevarSi, saqarTveloSi qristianobaze Zlieri zegavlena<br />

moaxdina axladSemotanilma monasticizmma. es ukavSirdeba iberiis dedaqalaq mcxeTaSi<br />

wm. ioane zedaznelis da misi 12 mowafis Camosvlas, romlebic qarTuli tradiciaSi<br />

aTcameti asureli mamis saxeliT arian cnobilni. wm. ioanes mowafeebi male mimoifantnen<br />

mTels iberiaSi da maTi winamZRvris mgavsad, asketur cxovrebas, saswaulmoqmedebas da<br />

saxarebis qadagebas Seudgnen.<br />

zogierTi avtoris mtkicebiT, asureli mamebi ara sirieli, aramed qarTvelebi<br />

iyvnen, romelTac siriul asketizmTan hqoniaT kavSiri. sxvani maT ganixilaven, rogorc<br />

monofizitebs, romlebic iustinesa da iustinianes mier antiqalkedonelebis devnas<br />

gamoeqcnen. aRniSnuli berebis warmoSobisa da xasiaTis kvlevisaTvis mniSvnelovania<br />

asurel mamaTa Soris erT-erTi yvelaze cnobili beris - wm. ioane zedaznelis swavlebisa<br />

da asketuri cxovrebis analizi. rogorc asurel mamaTa sulieri winamZRvari, wm. ioane<br />

zedazneli maTTvis Tavisi cxovrebis asketuri wesiT mniSvnelovan magaliTs da maTi<br />

swavlebis mniSvnelovan pirvelwyaros warmoadgenda.<br />

moxsenebis sagania wm.ioane zedaznelis cxovrebisa da qadagebis amsaxveli adreuli<br />

wyaroebi, romlebic Sedarebulia adreul siriul wyaroebTan, rac miznad isaxavs meeqvse<br />

saukunis saqarTveloSi samonastro cxovrebis wamowyebaTa da maTi savaraudo siriuli<br />

fesvebis kavSirTa gamovlenas. amasTn, moxseneba aseve ikvlevs wm. ioane zedaznelis<br />

adgils qarTuli istoriuli cnobierebis CamoyalibebaSi, da im xerxebs, romelic mas<br />

ukvdavhyofs qarTul ikonografiasa da kedlis mxatvrobaSi.<br />

aleqsei lidovi<br />

ruseTis saxviTi xelovnebis akademia. ruseTi<br />

aRmosavleT qristianuli “gamosaxuleba-paradigma”: hierotopuli ganzomileba Sua<br />

saukuneebis xelovnebis istoriaSi<br />

moxsenebaSi ganxilulia aRmosavleTqristianuli xelovnebis istoriisadmi<br />

axali midgoma, romelic kavSirSia qarTuli kulturisa da xelovnebis Seswavlis<br />

meTodologiur aspeqtebTan. upirveles yovlisa, SevexebiT avtoris mier axlaxans<br />

SemoTavazebul da mecnierTa saerTaSoriso jgufis mier sxvadasxva publikaciebSi<br />

SemuSavebul hierotopiis (sakraluri sivrceebis Seqmna) koncefcias. am kvlevam<br />

mniSvnelovani Teoriuli sakiTxi warmoaCina. mraval SemTxvevaSi vizualuri kulturis<br />

ganxilva ar unda dadiodes mxolod nimuSis pozitivistur aRwerasa an misi Teologiuri<br />

Sinaarsis analizze. zogierTi fenomenis ganxilva SesaZlebelia mxolod gamosaxulebaideis<br />

doneze, rasac Cven “gamosaxuleba-paradigmas” vuwodebT da rac ar warmoadgens<br />

arc sailustracio suraTs da arc ideologiur koncefcias.<br />

es cneba erTgvari gamosadegi instrumentum studiorum-i unda iyos, rac fenomenis<br />

garkveuli Sreebis gagebaSi gvexmareba. gamosaxuleba-paradigma ar warmoadgens romelime<br />

konkretuli teqstis ilustracias, Tumca is erTgvari gagrZelebaa werilobiTi da<br />

simboluri Sinaarsisa da asociaciebisa. amgvari saxiTmetyveleba gansxvavdeba imisagan,<br />

rasac ikonografiuli xerxi ewodeba. imdenad, ramdenadac gamosaxuleba-paradigma<br />

52<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

xiluli da cnobadia, is vizualur kulturas miekuTvneba, Tumca mas dadgenili <strong>for</strong>ma<br />

ar hqonia, arc mxatvruli saxis da arc mentaluri struqturis TvalsazrisiT. am<br />

TvalsazrisiT gamosaxuleba-paradigma meta<strong>for</strong>as hgavs, romelic azrs kargavs misi<br />

gardaTxrobis, gameorebis an danawevrebis SemTxvevaSi. is exeba ara raime mistikur,<br />

aramed specifikur cnobierebas, romelic zogierT simbolur struqturas da uamrav<br />

konkretul mxatvrul motivsac gansazRvravs. amasTanave, is angrevs Cvens fundametur<br />

meTodologiur damokidebulebas gamosaxulebisadmi, rogorc ilustraciisadmi da<br />

sibrtyobrivi suraTisadmi. moxsenebaSi Cven ganvixilavTzogierT aRmosavleTqristianul<br />

“gamosaxuleba-paradigmas~ da maT Soris ramdenime umniSvnelovanes qarTul<br />

magaliTsac.<br />

ekaterine gedevaniSvili, marine yenia<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

sityvisa da gamosaxulebis urTierTmimarTebis sakiTxisaTvis Sua saukuneebis qarTul<br />

kedlis mxatvrobaSi<br />

wminda xatebaTa Sinaarsis gaxsnaSi, saxviTi xerxebis garda, arsebiTi roli<br />

gamosaxulebaTa Tanmdev warwerebs eniWeba. ga mosaxulebisa da teqstis urTierTmimarTebis<br />

sakiTxs Sua saukuneebis sa x viT xelovnebaSi araerTi ucxoeli mkvlevaris naSromi mie-<br />

ZRvna (b. Se le valdi, l. brubei keri, h. maguaieri, r. nelsoni da sxvani).<br />

qarTul mecnierebaSi, mxatvrobis ikonografiuli programis anali zi sas, Cveulebriv,<br />

sagangebo yuradReba eTmoba calkeul scenaTa gan mar tebiT warwerebs, winaswarmetyvelTa<br />

da wm. eklesiis mamaTa gragnile bisa Tu satriumfo TaRebis warwerebs,<br />

romelTa gaTvaliswinebiT moxatulo bis saerTo Teologiuri idea ixsneba (T. vi rsalaZe,<br />

a. volskaia, e. pri va lo va, i. lorTqifaniZe, a. oqropiriZe, m. dide bu liZe, z.<br />

sxi rtlaZe da sxvani).<br />

qarTvel mkvlevarTa mier damuSavebuli masala Tu bolodro indeli kvlevis<br />

Sedegebi am problemis sagangebo Seswavlisa da monacem Ta kla sifikaciis saSualebas<br />

iZleva. winaswaruli daskvnebis safuZ velze Sem degi “funqciuri” jgufebis gamoyofaa<br />

SesaZlebeli:<br />

• martivi, lakoniuri ganmartebiTi warwerebi, romlebic gamosaxule bis raobas an<br />

vinaobas aRniSnavs - es yvelaze farTod gavrcelebu li tipis warwe rebia, romlebic,<br />

erTi mxriv, sacnaurs xdis gamo saxulebas da, amasTan, mis pirvelsaxesTan mistikur<br />

kavSirs mow mobs.<br />

• gavrcobili, TxrobiTi ganmartebiTi warwerebi, romlebic ara mxolod azustebs,<br />

damatebiTi niuansebiTac amdidrebs gamosaxule bis sazriss. maTgan SeiZleba gamoiyos<br />

- e.w. “memorialuri” mni Svnelobis warwerebi (mag., martvilobis scenaTa ganmartebani),<br />

rom lebic si ty vieri <strong>for</strong>miT avrcobs gamosaxulebis Sinaarss; ase ve Se darebiT iSviaTi<br />

tipis warwerebi, romlebsac pirobiTad “fsiqo logiuri” SeiZleba vuwodoT - amgvari<br />

ganmartebani, Tavisi mxa tvruli <strong>for</strong>miT, mnaxvels/mkiTxvels gamosaxuli movlenis<br />

Tanamo na wiled aq cevs.<br />

• warwerebi, romlebic moxatulobaTa ikonografiul programaSi sa gan gebo<br />

Teologiur maxvilebs gamokveTs. am tipisaa, mag., rogorc calkeuli gamosaxulebis<br />

Tanmdevi warwerebi, ise mxatvrobis saer To ansambl Si CarTuli liturgiuli te qstebi,<br />

citatebi Tu pere frazebi saRmrTo werilidan (winaswarmetyvelTa, wm. eklesiis mama Ta<br />

gragni lebis teqstebi Tu satriumfo TaRebis warwerebi) - am warweraTa erTobliobiT<br />


54<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

ixsneba mxatvrobis dogmatur-simboluri sazrisi.<br />

warweraTa zemoxsenebuli jgufebis gavrcelebis qronologiuri sa zRv rebi vrcelia,<br />

mravalferovania maTi gamoyenebis wesic: zogan erTi ro melime “funqciis” warwerebia<br />

warmodgenili, romlis Tanadrouladac ramdenime “funqciuri” jgufis Tanaarse boba<br />

dasturdeba.<br />

ori soltesi<br />

jorjTaunis universiteti. aSS<br />

“raindobis” xelovneba da misi konteqsti<br />

“vefxistyaosani” qarTuli erovnuli eposis tipiuri nimuSia. moxsenebaSi warmodgenili<br />

iqneba sami erTmaneTTan mWidrod dakavSirebuli sakiTxi. pirveli aris is, Tu ratom aris<br />

poema eposi, romelic Sinaarsisa da stilis mixedviT SesaniSnavad jdeba dasavluri eposis<br />

tradiciis istoriaSi, moyolebuli uZvelesi aRmosavleTidan da gilgameSis eposidan,<br />

damTavrebuli italiuri aRorZinebiTa da tasos “ierusalimi mirTmeuliaTi”. moxseneba<br />

aseve exeba im sakiTxs, Tu ra aris eposaTvis saxasiaTo elementebi - saxismetyveleba, riTmis<br />

<strong>for</strong>ma, sagmiro ganwyoba, erTmaneTSi Caqsovili sasiyvarulo da sabrZolo pasaJebi, RvTiuri<br />

gangebis roli; aseve imas, Tu rogor aris yovelive es asaxuli qarTul poemaSi. meore<br />

sakiTxi ukavSirdeba imas, Tu ramdenad unikalurad qarTulia poema, romelic qarTuli<br />

kulturis Rirebulebebsa da Taviseburebebs asaxavs; rogoria gmiris buneba kulturuli<br />

da religiuri TvalsazrisiT, da rogor asaxavs Tavad gmiri da misi istoriiT wamoWrili<br />

kiTxvebi im socialurad da religiurad mravalferovan garemos, romelSic poema Seiqmna.<br />

sxvagvarad rom vTqvaT, ramdenad asaxavs “vefxistyaosani” qarTul bunebas, Semwynareblobas<br />

da sxvadasxva kulturaTa da tradiciaTa gadakveTaze myofi qveynis xasiaTs. zemoaRniSnuli<br />

ori sakiTxi safuZvels udebs mesames, romelic Seexeba eposis mxatvrul ga<strong>for</strong>mebas<br />

-miniaturebsa da ilustraciebs, romlebic (zemoxsenebuli ori sakiTxis gaTvaliswinebiT)<br />

aseve mosalodnelia, rom sxvadasxva gavlenebsa da imavdroulad adgilobriv niSnebs<br />

asaxavdes. moxsenebaSi ganxiluli iqneba vefxistyaosnis XV-XVIII saukuneebis miniaturebi<br />

msgavseba amave periodis iranul, Turqul da evropul gamosaxulebebTan, da is sakiTxic,<br />

Tu maTgan romeli SeiZleba SevadaroT “vefxistyaosnis” mxatvrul ga<strong>for</strong>mebas da ratom.<br />

mariam didebuliZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

saero tendenciebi Tamaris epoqis kulturaSi da Tanadrouli kedlis mxatvroba<br />

sayovelTaodaa aRiarebuli, rom Tamaris epoqis qarTul kulturaSi SeiniSneba saero<br />

ganwyobis sagrZnobi gaZliereba, rac yvelaze naTlad SoTa rusTvelis saxelganTqmul<br />

“vefxistyaosanSi” aisaxa da safuZveli misca mkvlevarebs “aRmosavluri renesansis”<br />

idea wamoeyenebinaT. msgavsi tendenciebi bizantiuri samyaros sxva nawilebSic iCens<br />

Tavs, gansakuTrebiT konstantinopolsa da masTan daaxloebul wreebSi.<br />

Tumca mainc sakamaToa, ramdenad SeiZleba im drois qarTul saxviT xelovnebaSi<br />

renesansuli mxatvruli tendenciebis amokiTxva dasavleTevropuli gagebiT.<br />

marTlac, Tu Tamaris epoqis kedlis mxatvrobis nimuSebis mixedviT, gansakuTrebiT ki<br />

maTi programebis SemadgenlobiT vimsjelebT, romlebSic marTlmadideblobis triumfisa<br />

da mwvaleblobebTan dapirispirebis ideebi Warbobs, da romlebic ganmartoebul<br />

savaneebsa da asketuri monastrebis taZrebs amkobs, grZnobad-sagnobrivisa da miwieri<br />

sawyisis prioriteti nakleb SeigrZnoba.<br />

Tu maincdamainc, saubari ufro individualur-pirovnulis gamZafrebul gancdaze

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

SeiZleba, romelic kvlav RmerTTan ufro Rrma mistikuri kavSirisken ltolvaze<br />

miuTiTebs.<br />

xelovnebis nimuSebi Tamaris drois adamianTa fsiqologiis saintereso xedvas<br />

gvTavazobs - erTgvarad gaorebulsa da ambivalenturs, RmerTis mistikuri wvdomis<br />

gamZafrebuli gancdiT da, amvadroulad, amqveyniuris “danaxviT”, Tumca saeklesio<br />

xelovnebaSi “es qveyana” gaiazreba swored rogorc uflis qmnileba da misi madliT<br />

gamSvenierebuli.<br />

pavlos florentosi<br />

siZveleTa departamenti. kviprosi<br />

bizantiuri mozaika da kedlis mxatvroba kviprosis taZrebSi<br />

kviprosze qristianobis gavrcelebas Tan axlda iatakis da kedlis mozaikiT<br />

mdidrulad morTuli taZrebis mSenebloba. mozaikis nimuSebia panagia kanakariasa da<br />

panagia angeloktistosis taZrebis VI saukunis sakurTxevlis mozaikebi RmrTismSobel<br />

mariamis gamosaxulebiT.arabTa SemosevebiT gamowveuli dacemis xangrZlivi periodis<br />

Semdeg, kunZuli kvlav moeqca bizantiis mmarTvelobis qveS, ramac xeli Seuwyo<br />

konstantinopolis gavleniT aRbeWdili xelovnebis gavrcelebas. XI-XII saukuneebSi,<br />

kviprosi ayvavebis axal xanaSi Sevida, rac naTlad aisaxa kunZulis mTel teritoriaze<br />

eklesia-monastrebis mSeneblobaSi. kedlis mxatvrobis iseTi nimuSebi, rogoricaa<br />

panagia <strong>for</strong>viotisa panagia tu arakosi, aios nikolaos tis stegis da aios ioanis<br />

lapmpaditis im periodis konstantinopolur, kerZod komnenosTa xelovnebis stilTan<br />

mWidro kavSirze miuTiTebs.<br />

frankebis samefom, romelic kviprosSi 1192 wlidan darsda qveyanaSi dasavluri tipis<br />

feodaluri sistema Semoitana. kedlis mxatvrobis mravali Zegli - panagia <strong>for</strong>viotisa,<br />

aios nikolaos tis stegis, panagia (moutoulasi) da wminda jvari asaxavs qtitorebs,<br />

romelTac dasavluri yaidis samosi acviaT.<br />

veneciis mmarTvelobis periodSi (1472-1571) mTavarangeloz miqaelisa da wminda<br />

jvris agiasmatis taZrebis kedlis mxatvroba siaxloves amJRavnebs konstantinopolSi<br />

gavrcelebul paleologosur stilTan, aseve zogierTi niSniT enaTesaveba e.w.<br />

“jvarosanTa” xelovnebas, romelic ZiriTadad dasavleTidan wamosuli ostatebis mier<br />

bizantiuri mxatvrobis adgilobrivi tradiciebis safuZvelze SemuSavda palestiSi.<br />

da bolos, veneciuri mmarTvelobis dros kedlis mxatvroba ori mimarTulebiT<br />

ganviTarda. erTi mxriv, panagia podiTous mxatvroba misdevs kviprosis italo-bizantiur<br />

skolas, romelmac moaxdina klasikuri bizantiuri elementebis sinTezi italiuri<br />

aRorZinebis niSnebTan, meore mxriv, macxovris feriscvalebis taZris moxatuloba<br />

asaxavs individualurad gamomJRavnebul paleologosur reminiscenciebs.<br />

aleqsandra davidov temerinski<br />

kulturuli memkvidreobis dacvis instituti. serbeTi<br />

esqatologia, ideologia da konteqstualizacia: saSineli samsjavros scenebi deCanSi,<br />

axtalasa da timoTesubanSi<br />

saSineli samsjavros unikalur da gavrcobil cikls, romliTac morTulia deCanis<br />

monastris kaTolokonis pantokratoris taZris naosis dasavleT nawili, uaxloesi<br />

paraleli saqarTveloSi, ufro adreuli taZrebis - axtalisa (1205-1216) da timoTesubnis<br />


(1205-1215) moxatulobaSi moepoveba. am moxsenebaSi am fenomenis axsnas Sevecdebi.<br />

saqarTvelosa da serbeTs Soris arsebuli geografiuli daSorebisa da Sua saukuneebSi<br />

am or saxelmwifos Soris politikuri da kulturuli urTierTobebis arqonisas<br />

erTgvar mxatvrul „gacvla-gamocvlaze“ saubari gamoricxulia. deCanis, axtalisa da<br />

timoTesubnis taZrebis saSineli samsjavros msgavseba SeiZleba aixsnas am taZrebis<br />

moxatvis droisaTvis serbeTisa da saqarTvelosaTvis saerTo, msgavsi ideologiuri<br />

konteqstiT. am sami Zeglidan arcerTSi ar aris aqcentirebuli didaqtikuri an moraluri<br />

mxare, Tumca, rogorc wesi, es mogviano bizantiuri xelovnebis bolo periodis «saSinel<br />

samsjavroTa» erT-erTi yvelaze damaxasiaTebeli niSania. bizantiuri magaliTebisgan<br />

gansxvavebiT, serbul da qarTul ZeglebSi xazgasmulia WeSmaritebis dogmaturi arsi<br />

da marTlmadidebluri rwmena.<br />

moxsenebis mizania, aseve, kvlav gadavxedoT Cvens codnas bizantiur xelovnebasa<br />

da kulturaSi «saSineli samsjavros» gamosaxulebis Sesaxeb. imis gamo, rom aRniSnuli<br />

kompozicia, rogorc wesi, taZris dasavleT nawilSi gamoisaxeboda, is ki, Tavis mxriv,<br />

yvelaze xSirad ganicdida ngrevasa da aRdgenas, monumentur ferweraSi saSineli<br />

samsjavros scenis ganviTareba da Camoyalibebis xazi Tu mTilanad ara, nawilobriv<br />

mainc, ucnobi rCeba. amdenad, am scenis ueWveli „tipiuri niSnebis“ gansazRvrisas jer<br />

kidev mravali kiTxva Cndeba, romelTac pasuxi meti sifrTxiliT unda gaeces.<br />

ida sinkeviCi<br />

lafaiet koleji. aSS<br />

freskuli xatebi qarTul da bizantiur monumentur xelovnebaSi: maTi arsi da<br />

mniSvneloba<br />

rogorc bizantiis, ise misi gavlenis qveS myofi qveynebis monumentur xelovnebaSi<br />

vxvdebiT kedelze daxatul, freskul e.w. fiqtiur xatebs. aRniSnul xatebs, romlebic XI<br />

saukunidan Cndeba, wriuli an oTxkuTxa <strong>for</strong>ma aqvs. xsenebuli gamosaxulebebi wmindanTa<br />

figurebs xatis realisturad gadmocemul CarCoSi warmogvindens. realuri, dasakidi<br />

xatis imitaciis Sesaqmnelad CarCoebze xSirad Camosakidi kavis gamosaxulebasac ki<br />

vxvdebiT.<br />

qarTuli Zeglebis garda, aRniSnul freskul xatebs vxvdebiT oxridis wm. sofias<br />

eklesiaSi, baCkovos monasteris saZvleSi, kievis wm. kiriles monasterSi, jurjevi<br />

stupovSi, nerezSi da mistras eklesiebSi. miuxedavad imisa, rom cnobebis simcire xels<br />

uSlis am gamosaxulebebis warmoSobisa da pirvelwyaros dazustebiT gansazRvras,<br />

maTi gavrcelebis farTo geografiuli areali: makedoniidan - serbeTamde, ruseTidan<br />

- saqarTvelomde, warmoSobs varauds, rom aRniSnuli xatebis saTuo, Tumca SesaZlo<br />

warmoSobis adgilad bizantiis dedaqalaqi - konstantinopoli unda ganvixiloT.<br />

kalender hane jameSi msgavsi xatebis arseboba aRniSnul mosazrebas ufro sarwmunos<br />

xdis.<br />

eklesiis moxatulobaSi e.w. fiqtiuri xatebis gamosaxvas ufro xSirad xsnian, rogorc<br />

mcdelobas moqmedebis adgilis moniSvnisa da xatis sakraluri mniSvnelobis xazgasmisa.<br />

es dasturdeba qarTuli nimuSebiTac, Tumca qarTuli eklesiebis: berTubnis, beTaniis<br />

da yincvisis moxatulobaSi arsebuli magaliTebi aRniSnul xatebs damatebiT Sinaarssa<br />

da mniSvnelobas sZens. moxsenebis mizania saqarTvelos eklesiebis moxatulobaSi<br />

arsebuli freskuli xatebis kvleva da Sua saukuneebis xelovnebasa da kulturaSi maTi<br />

mravalmxrivi kulturuli rolis gansazRvra da Sefaseba.<br />

56<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

irine mamaiaSvili<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

postbizantiuri mxatvrobis tendenciebi XVI s-is qarTul monumentur mxatvrobaSi<br />

XVI s-is qarTuli monumenturi mxatvrobis ZeglebSi sxvadasxva mxatv ruli tendencia<br />

aRiniSneba. XV s-is bolos da XVI s-is dasawyisSi, mZime poli tikur da socialur<br />

pirobebSi, rodesac profesiul mxatvarTa ricxvi aSka rad Semcirebulia, Zlierdeba<br />

e.w. “xalxuri~ nakadi. niSandoblivia, rom am xanaSi, arc sxva marTlmadidebel qveynebSi<br />

aRiniSneba SemoqmedebiTi aqti voba.<br />

“xalxursa~ da profesiul mxatvrobas Soris Sualedur xasiaTs atarebs gelaTis<br />

RmrTismSoblis taZris XVI s-is 20-ian wlebSi Sesrulebuli mxatvro ba. masSi Cans kavSiri<br />

gvianpaleologosur ferwerasTan (fi guraTa proporcie bi, saxis tipi, tansacmlis<br />

nakecebis xasiaTi da damuSave bisas zogan kontras tuli feris gamoyeneba), magram,<br />

amasTan erTad, vlindeba niSnebi, romlebic Tanxvdeba “xalxuri~ mxatvrobis saxviT<br />

saSualebebs (kom poziciaTa xazgasmu lad ateqtonikuri xasiaTi, gamartivebuli naxatis<br />

wamyvani mniSvneloba, <strong>for</strong>maTa ornamentul-dekoratiuli damuSaveba, gulubryvilo<br />

gamomsaxveloba). gamartivebisa da gaubraloebis tendencia, romelic dasaxe lebul<br />

mxatvro baSi aRiniSneba, saerTod axasiaTebs postbizantiuri mxatv robis ganviTarebis<br />

adreul etaps.<br />

postbizantiuri mxatvrobis wamyvani dinebis, kretul-aTonuri skolis gavlena<br />

aSkarad Cans kaxTa mefis levanis (1520-1574), imereTis mefis bagrat III-is (1510-1565) da<br />

misi Zis giorgi II-is (1565-1583) dakveTiT Sesrulebul moxatu lobebSi (alvanis, gremis,<br />

nekresis, axali SuamTis, gelaTis RvTismSoblis taZris da wm. giorgis eklesiis XVI<br />

s-is II naxevris mxatvroba). garTulebuli da datvirTulia ikonografiuli programebi,<br />

SeTvisebulia saqarTvelosTvis axali ikonografiuli Temebi. miuxedavad amisa, aTonur<br />

da sxva marTl madidebeli qveynebis moxatulobebTan Sedarebisas (rumineTi, ruseTi,<br />

serbe Ti), qarTuli mxatvrobani naklebadaa gadatvirTuli gavrcobili ciklebiT,<br />

wmindanTa uamravi gamosaxulebiT. drois saerTo tendenciebis farglebSi, adgilobriv<br />

tradiciasTan kavSiris maCveneblad SeiZleba miviCnioT im wmin danTa gamosaxva,<br />

romelTa kulti gansakuTrebiT popularulia saqarTveloSi; saqtitoro portretis<br />

Taviseburebani; moxatulobaTa stilis zogierTi niSa ni (miswrafeba mxatvro bis agebis<br />

mkafioebisken, kompoziciaTa lakoniuroba, naklebad Wreli fera dovani gama).<br />

amrigad, XVI s-is qarTuli mxatvroba postbizantiuri xelovnebis saerTo<br />

kalapotSi viTardeba, Tumca, garkveuli niSnebiT igi inarCunebs kavSirs adgilobriv<br />

tradiciebTan.<br />

beatriCe tolijiani<br />

kolumbiis universiteti. aSS<br />

qarTuli gavlenebi grigol bakurianisZis mier bulgareTSi, plovdivis maxloblad<br />

daarsebuli monastris negebobaTa fasadebis morTulobaSi<br />

aleqsi I komnenosis mmarTvelobis dros, 1084 wels dasavleTis didma domestikosma<br />

(mTavarsardalma) - grigol bakurianisZem bulgareTSi, sof. stanimakos (dRevandeli<br />

asenovgradis) maxloblad daaarsa petriwonis RmrTismSoblis saxelobis (baCkovos)<br />

monasteri. grigol bakurianisZis iniciativiT agebuli nagebobebidan Cveni kvlevis<br />


sagans warmoadgens baCkovos monastris saZvle da wm. giorgis “metoSkis” taZari.<br />

savaraudod, orive nageboba 1083-1086 wlebs Soris unda iyos agebuli. naSromSi mTavari<br />

aqcenti gakeTebulia am ori Zeglis fasadebis morTvis wesze, romelSic Tavs iCens Sua<br />

saukuneebis taZrebis fasadebis morTvis bulgareTisaTvis sruliad ucxo, Semotanili<br />

dekoratiuli sistema. sqema, romelic saerToa orive magaliTisaTvis warmoadgenilia<br />

ormagi CakveTili dekoratiuli TaRnariT, Ziritadi elementi SuaSi naxevarsvetis<br />

mqone pilastria, naxevarcilindris kveTis am svetebs uSualod, ukapitelod TaRebi<br />

agrZelebs, ase rom svetebica da TaRebic erTiani naxevarwriulad amoziduli<br />

“organizmis~ nawilebad warmogvidgeba.<br />

aRniSnuli dekoratiuli programa farTod aris gavrcelebuli kavkasiaSi, sadac<br />

is ZiriTadad gamoiyeneboda saeklesio nagebobebis eqsterieris mosarTavad, Tumca<br />

iSviaTad is interierSic mouxmariaT. mecnierebi ZiriTadad, taZris fasadebis morTvis<br />

am tradicias somxeTs miaweren., Tumca avtori asaxelebs ufro adreul, kerZod 864<br />

wlis qarTul magaliTs. sxva amgvari qarTuli Zeglebi X da XI saukunis I naxevriT<br />

TariRdeba.<br />

kvlevis mizania grigol bakurianisZis mier bulgareTSi daarsebuli monastris<br />

xsenebuli ori Zeglis stilisa da funqciis da qarTuli Zeglebis SedarebiTi<br />

analizi, imisTvis, raTa warmoaCinos, rom es mxatvruli xerxi nasesxebia kavkasiis Sua<br />

saukuneebis taZrebis morTulobidan, romelTa Soris uadresi swored saqarTveloSi<br />

dasturdeba. fasadebis morTvis mxatvruli ideis kavkasiuri programidan sesxebis<br />

es precedenti saqarTvelosa da bulgareTis am mxaris qarTvel berTa saZmos mWidro<br />

urTierTobasTan, metadre ki monastris damaarsebelTa da saqarTvelos uaxloes<br />

kavSirTan SepirispirebiT iqneba ganxiluli.<br />

Tamar xundaZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

istoriul pirTa gamosaxulebani Sua saukuneebis (VI-XI ss.) qarTul xuroTmoZRvrul<br />

qandakebaSi<br />

qristianuli samyaros Sua saukuneebis saxviT xelovnebaSi istoriul pirTa<br />

gamosaxulebebs mniSvnelovani adgili uWiravs.<br />

saqarTveloSi am Temis uadresi nimuSebi qvis reliefebze SemogvrCa. qarTul eklesiaTa<br />

fasadebze xSirad gvxvdeba qtitorTa - saero xelisufalTa da sasuliero pirTa, iseve<br />

rogorc mSenebelTa Tu ostatTa gamosaxulebani. maTi ganTavsebis adgili taZris<br />

xuroTmoZRvrul korpusze ar aris mkacrad reglamentirebuli - isini gamoikveTebian<br />

eklesiis kedlebis qveda nawilSic, kar-sarkmelTa Tavzec da gumbaTzec ki.<br />

istoriul pirTa reliefur gamosaxulebebs imTaviTve saTanado yuradReba mieqca<br />

qarTul saxelovnebaTmcodneo mecnierebaSi, g. CubinaSvilis, r. Smerlingis, l.<br />

rCeuliSvilis, n. CubinaSvilis, g. alibegaSvilis, n. aladaSvilis, a. volskaias, k.<br />

maCablis naSromebSi mniSvnelovani adgili eTmoba saqtitoro kompoziciebis mxatvrul-<br />

stilistur analizsa da istoriul in<strong>for</strong>macias. reliefTa Tanmxlebi warwerebisa da<br />

istoriuli wyaroebis Sejerebis Sedegad moxerxda bevri gamosaxulebis identifikacia.<br />

bolo oci wlis naSromebSi (n.aladaSvili, l. xuskivaZe, d. xoStaria, i. nikoleiSvili,<br />

g. gagoSiZis, i. giviaSvili, T. xundaZe da sxv.) ki meti interesi Cans saqtitoro<br />

kompoziciebis Sinaarsobriv-saxismetyvelebiTi konteqstis mimarT.<br />

58<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

am reliefebis ZiriTad Temas adamianis sulis xsnisaTvis locva-vedreba da<br />

uflis mier misi kurTxeva warmoadgens. Tumca, am mTavari ideis farglebSi adgili<br />

aqvs Sinaarsobriv variaciebs, rac iwvevs kompoziciur sqemaTa mravalferovnebas<br />

- gvxvdeba macxovris, RmrTismSoblis, wmindanebis an angelozTa winaSe vedrebiT<br />

mimarTuli istoriuli pirebi; vedrebis an orantis pozaSi calke gamosaxuli figurebi;<br />

mravalricxovania istoriul pirTa figurebi eklesiis simboluri gamosaxulebiT xelSi<br />

makurTxeveli macxovris, Cviledi RmrTismSoblis, wmindanTa Tu winaswarmetyvelTa<br />

winaSe, aseve gvxvdeba gankiTxvis dRis kompoziciaSi CarTuli da calke warmodgenili<br />

erTi an ori qtitori eklesiis gamosaxulebiT; araerTi magaliTi gvaqvs jvris orsav<br />

mxares vedrebis JestiT mimarTuli istoriuli pirebisa, sadac Cans jvris Tayvaniscemis<br />

uZvelesi adgilobrivi tradicia.<br />

gvxvdeba erTeuli originaluri kompoziciebi, mag., sami istoriuli piri eklesiis<br />

gegmis win, eklesiis kurTxevis scena, liturgiuli msvleloba, cxenebze amxedrebuli<br />

istoriuli pirebi da sxv.<br />

mravalferovani azrobrivi da kompoziciuri interpretaciiT xasiaTdeba xuroTmoZRvar-ostatTa<br />

gamosaxulebanic - isini xan vedrebis pozaSi, xan - samuSao iaraRebiT,<br />

xanac - muSaobis procesSi gamoisaxebian.<br />

araerTgvarovania agreTve Sua saukuneebis qarTuli saqtitoro reliefebis<br />

stiluri Sesruleba, sadac vlindeba sxvadasxva epoqaTa Tu regionTa maxasiaTebeli<br />

gansxvavebuli mxatvrul-esTetikuri niSnebi da gemovneba.<br />

ekaterine kvaWataZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

XI saukunis Semdgomi periodis qarTuli Sua saukuneebis safasade skulpturis ZiriTadi<br />

tendenciebi<br />

XI s-is bolodan qarTul qandakebaSi krizisis xana dgeba. swored amitom XI s-is<br />

Semdgomi xanis skulpturis istoriis es xangrZlivi periodi met-naklebad xelovnebaTmcodneTa<br />

yuradRebis miRma darCa. jerac rTulia, momdevno saukuneebis plastikis<br />

ganviTarebisa Tu problematikis mTeli sisruliT gaanalizeba, magram ukve SesaZlebeli<br />

unda iyos am epoqis reliefuri skulpturis Sesaxeb erTgvari mosazrebebi mainc<br />

gamovTqvaT.<br />

saukuneebis manZilze (XII-XVI saukuneebSi) qarTuli taZrebis gare kedlebze erTiani<br />

ideiT gamoxatul, fasadTa gamamTlianebel siuJetur kompoziciebs veRar vxvdebiT.<br />

isini naklebadac iqmneboda da, nawilobriv, albaT, JamTa siavis gamoc, ver SemorCa<br />

(gansakuTrebiT XIV-XV ss-Si). am saukuneebis Semonaxul eklesiaTa (fitareTi, kazreTi,<br />

erTawminda, wuRruRaSeni, dmanisis sioni, maRalaanT eklesia, safara, sadgeri, CiTaxevis<br />

samreklo da sxv.) fasadebze, umetesad erTmaneTTan daukavSirebeli, mxolod calkeuli<br />

reliefuri kompoziciebi Tua saxilveli. sxvadasxva rigis ostatobiT Sesrulebuli<br />

es, umeteswilad mcire zomis, safasade reliefebi, romlebic xSirad ornamentaciis<br />

wnulSia Caqsovili, Tavisi erTgvari miniaturulobiT mcire plastikis ZeglebTan<br />

amJRavnebs siaxloves; es ki, bunebrivia, safasade skulpturisTvis damaxasiaTebeli<br />

monumenturobis Zalis damakninebelia. gamosaxulebaTa dekoratiuli xasiaTis<br />

miuxedavad, am, xSirad simbolur-Teologiuri SinaarsiT datvirTuli skulpturuli<br />


eliefebiT arqiteqturis sakralurad mniSvnelovani adgilebia gamaxvilebuli.<br />

Semdgom etapze ki - gviani Sua saukuneebis (XVII-XVIII ss.) mqandakeblobis mxatvrul<br />

(erT-erT) amocanad monumenturi safasade skulpturis sistemis Seqmnis mcdeloba<br />

daisaxa.<br />

gviani Sua saukuneebis pirveli Zegli, sadac, mTeli simZlavriT “amoifrqva”<br />

Sua saukuneebis qarTul safasade plastikaSi ase didi xniT miviwyebuli, erTiani<br />

mxatvruli programiT, rTuli saRvTismetyvelo SinaarsiT gaerTianebuli reliefuri<br />

gamosaxulebebi, ananuris taZaria. uSualod ananurs mosdevs sagarejos petre-pavles<br />

eklesiis safasade dekoric, iseve rogorc ananurTan axlos dgas yincvisis “gigos<br />

saydari”, gamorCeulia leCxumis “mcxeTa”.<br />

skulpturuli Ziebebi, romlebic qarTul plastikaSi XI s-is Sua xanebSi wydeba, arc<br />

gvian Sua saukuneebSi (XVII-XVIII ss-Si) xdeba gamococxlebuli SemoqmedebiTi Zalebis<br />

mTavari mamoZravebeli. qvis qandakebis mxatvruli Ziebebis amosavali eklesiis fasadTa<br />

Teologiuri SinaarsiT gamTlianebuli skulpturis programis Seqmna-aRorZinebaa.<br />

triumfalur-esqatologiuri niSniT aRbeWdili jvrebis mklavebqveS “iSleba” taZrebis<br />

safasade programaTa Zveli Tu axali aRTqmiseuli saxeebiT gajerebuli reliefuri<br />

dekoris umTavresi idea.<br />

gviani Sua saukuneebis reliefuri skulpturis mxatvruli stili iseve<br />

araerTmniSvnelovani da araerTgvarovania, rogorc am epoqis, rig SemTxvevebSi,<br />

aratipiur-araordinaruli, Znelad “wasakiTxi” ikonografia.<br />

peter grosmani<br />

arqeologiis germanuli instituti qairoSi, germania<br />

romauli da gvianromauli elementebi egviptis adreqristianul arqiteqturaSi<br />

saqarTvelos viTarebasTan SepirispirebiT<br />

avgustusis periodidan moyolebuli egvipte romis imperias ekuTvnoda. IV saukuneSi<br />

da kidev ufro adrec, egviptelebma uari Tqves diad “faraonul” tradiciaze da<br />

TavianT arqiteqturul garemoSi elinisturi da romauli elementebi Seitanes.<br />

maT arqiteqturaSi wayvani romauli stili gaxda, Tu ar CavTvliT mcirericxovan<br />

gamonaklisebs, romlebic ufro xangrZlivi istoriis mqone tradicias misdevdnen.<br />

adreqristianuli arqiteqturis taZris uadresi tipi - bazilika, romelic mTels<br />

msoflioSia gavrcelebuli, egvipteSi winaqristianul <strong>for</strong>mas inarCunebs. egviptis<br />

centraluri gegmarebis taZrebis umetesoba ucxoeTidan Semotanil models misdevs,<br />

maTi arqiteqturuli morTuloba ki bizantiis imperiis dedaqalaqis - konstantinopolis<br />

gavlenis kvals atarebs.<br />

saqarTveloSi mkveTrad gansxvavebul suraTs vxvdebiT. saqarTvelo arasdros yofila<br />

romis imperiis nawili. qarTuli saeklesio xuroTmoZRvreba gansxvavdeba bizantiis<br />

imperiis gavleniT nasazrdoebi arqiteqturisagan. aq bazilikis tipis taZrebi iSviaTad<br />

gvxvdeba, centraluri gegmarebis mqone nagebobebi ki, rogorc Cans, saqarTveloSi ufro<br />

adre gavrcelda vidre imperiis sxva nawilebSi. amasaTan, qarTuli taZrebis umetesoba<br />

qviT aris nagebi, xolo maTi morTuloba tipiurad qarTulia. romauli (bizantiuri)<br />

gavlenebis kvals mxolod iSviaT SemTxvevebSi vxvdebiT.<br />

60<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

jon vilkinsoni<br />

britaneTis arqeologiis skola ierusalimSi. didi britaneTi<br />

sad Caisaxa qarTuli eklesia?<br />

1995 wels gamimarTla da wilad mxvda bedniereba profesor vaxtang beriZes<br />

Sevxvedrodi. cameti wlis manZilze uZvelesi eklesiebis Sesaxeb misi naSromis kiTxvam<br />

didi codna SemZina. ar vici ramdenad dameTanxmeboda qvemoT moyvanil mosazrebaSi,<br />

Tumca erTi ram udaoa, rom guldasmiT momismenda.<br />

sayovelTaod miCneulia, rom eklesiaTa <strong>for</strong>ma bazilikidan unda momdinareobdes.<br />

Tumca, am mosazrebas safuZvlad is udevs, rom XIX saukuneSi mecnierebis centri iyo<br />

romi. romis gavlena igrZnoba yvelgan, radgan swored romSi gamoica pirveli wignebi<br />

xelovnebaze, romelTa done nebismieri standartis gaTvaliswinebiT saukeTeso iyo.<br />

Tavis mxriv, romael avtorebze didi STabeWdileba moaxdina leon batista albertis<br />

(romelic aseve vatikanSi cxovrobda) naSromma arqiteqturaze. albertim Tavisi naSromi<br />

1485 wels gamoaqveyna da pirvelad swored aq daistamba Teoria imis Taobaze, rom<br />

bazilika eklesiis <strong>for</strong>mis pirvelwyaros warmoadgens.<br />

aris Tu ara eklesiis bazilikidan warmoSobis Teoria marTebuli? saqarTvelos<br />

SemTxvevaSi yuradReba unda mieqces sakurTxevlis ganlagebas, romelic yvela<br />

taZrisaTvis erTnairi ar aris. Tumca niSani, romelic sayovlTaoa aris proporcia,<br />

proporcia aRTqmis kidobnisa karvisa Tu ierusalimis taZrisa. amdenad, Cemi azriT,<br />

eklesiis arqiteqtura Tavdapirvelad efuZneboda im nagebobebs, romelTac mWidro<br />

kavSiri hqondaT sawamebelTan an Tavad taZris struqturasTan da es nagebobebi ebrauli<br />

sinagogebia.<br />

irine giviaSvili<br />

damoukidebeli mkvlevari. saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli mravalafsidiani eklesiebi<br />

Cems mier Catarebuli kvlevis mizania mravalafsidiani eklesiebis saxeliT cnobili<br />

arqiteqturuli tipebis Sesaxeb arsebuli codnis Tavmoyra da am tipis eklesiaTa<br />

aRmocenebisa da ganviTarebis mizezebisa da etapebis gansazRvra.<br />

“mravalafsidianis~ saxeliT ganvixilavT Senobebs, romelTac afsidi edgmis ara<br />

mxolod aRmosavleTiT (sakurTxevlisaTvis), aramed ganiv RerZze (samxreTiT da<br />

CrdiloeTiT), aseve dasavleTiTac, anda gumbaTqveSa sivrcis irgvliv; am saxeliT<br />

erTiandeba is arqiteqturuli tipebi, rogoricaa trikonqi, tetrakonqi, xuTafsidiani,<br />

eqvsafsidiani da rvaafsidiani taZrebi. mravalafsidiani Senobebi ganxilulia aseve<br />

centrul mravalmklava taZrebTan Sedarebisasac. amgvari Senobebi an maTi nangrevebi<br />

SemorCenilia rogorc saqarTveloSi, ise istoriul tao-klarjeTSi (TurqeTi) da<br />

hereTSi (azerbaijani).<br />

qarTuli saxelovnebaTmcodneo skolis fuZemdeblis giorgi CubinaSvilis monografia<br />

“Памятники типа Джвари~, Tbilisi, 1948, tetrakonqebis saqarTveloSi warmoSobisa da misi<br />

evoluciis Sesaxeb, zogadad qarTuli arqiteqturis kvlevis safuZvels warmoadgens.<br />

araerTi kvleva mieZRvna mravalafsidian qarTul eklesiTa calkeul nimuSebs, aseve<br />

calkeuli tipebis klasifikaciasa da gaanalizebas.<br />

rogorc winaswarma kvlevam aCvena, ama Tu im tipis saqarTveloSi gamoCena garkveuli<br />


stilisturi moTxovnilebebis Sesabamisad xdeba. klasikuri periodis esTetika kargad<br />

tetrakonqul moculobas exameba. mravalafsidiani eklesiebis Senebis xana “gardamaval<br />

xanas” emTxveva, xolo trikonqis arqiteqturuli tipi axali masStabis moTxovnilebebs<br />

akmayofilebs da e.w. sakaTedro arqiteqturad ikidebs fexs.<br />

mravalafsidian taZarTa klasifikaciisas mniSvnelovania liturgiuli moTxovnilebebis<br />

gaTvaliswineba, rac iyo kidec ganmsazRvreli ama Tu im tipis taZarTa<br />

<strong>for</strong>mebis da masStabebis Camoyalibebisas. am kuTxiT sainteresoa banas kaTedralis<br />

struqturuli analizi.<br />

qarTuli mravalafsidini eklesiebis kvleva SeuZlebelia mezobeli qveynebis,<br />

qristianuli aRmosavleTisa Tu adreqristianuli xanis paraleluri masalis Sedarebis<br />

gareSe, ufro metic, romauli tradiciebisa da qristeanobamdeli nimuSebis ganxilvis<br />

gareSe.<br />

kvlevam gviCvena, rom ama Tu im tipis Camoyalibeba da ganviTareba drois Sesabamisad<br />

da erTmaneTisagan damoukideblad mimdinareobda, Tumca mWidro kavSirisas da<br />

urTerTgavlenebisas mezobeli qveynebis sataZro arqiteqturasTan. Sua saukuneebis<br />

saqarTvelos sataZro arqiteqtura xom imave tipologiuri mravalferovnebiTaa<br />

warmodgenili, rogorc qristianuli aRmosavleTis saeklesio arqiteqtura.<br />

qeTevan abaSiZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

safasade qvis wyoba qarTul saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebaSi<br />

Tavisi sivrciT saqarTvelo evropis patara saxelmwifoebs emsgavseba. misi reliefi<br />

mravalferovnebiT xasiaTdeba. aq, SedarebiT mcire teritoriaze, TiTqmis yvela tipis<br />

bunebrivi landSaftia warmodgenili.<br />

mravalferovani da mravalsaxaa saqarTvelos buneba, klimati, mcenareuloba...<br />

Sesabamisad mravalnairi da mravalferadia qvebic - aq aris sxvadasxva feris da naxatis<br />

mqone mkvrivi marmariloebi, sarkesaviT gakrialebuli teSenitebi, oqrosferi tufebi,<br />

mwvane feris albitofirebi, muqi nacrisferi bazaltebi, nacrisferi, mowiTalo-iisferi<br />

andezitebi, nairferi kirqvebi da qviSaqvebi, travertinebi (Sirimi), fiqali...<br />

qvaTa jiSebis amgvari nairsaxeoba, cxadia, saqarTvelos geologiuri warsulis<br />

siZveleze metyvelebs. Sesabamisad, samSenelo kultura saukuneTa siRrmeebSi midis.<br />

moxsenebis Temaa safasade qvis wyoba Sua saukuneebis qarTul saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebaSi.<br />

moxsenebaSi warmodgenilia saqarTveloSi nagebobaTa (ganurCevlad sakulto Tu<br />

sae-ro) safasade qvis wyobis xasiaTi, uZvelesi droidan vidre qristianul taZarTmSeneblobamde<br />

da Semdgom masTan uwyvet istoriul konteqstSi ganxilulia qarTuli<br />

saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebis erT-erTi gamorCeuli, gansakuTrebuli Tviseba -<br />

xazgasmulad mxatvruli SemoqmedebiTi muxtiT Sesrulebuli safasade qvis wyoba -<br />

sxvanairad mas nagebobis (taZris) perangi, an taZris “Sesamoseli~ ewodeba. taZrebis qviT<br />

gamoqsovili “kvarTi~ uZveles adgilobriv samSeneblo tradiciebze dasaZirkvlda.<br />

qva, Tavisi feriTa da wyobiT, eklesiis, rogorc xuroTmoZRvruli mTelis saerTo<br />

saxis-xatis Seqmnisas, taZarTa fasadebis mamkob kveTil- nakvTian saxeebTan erTad<br />

erT-erTi mTavari “komponentia~ da mas Tanabrad konstruqciul-seismuri, mxatvrulesTetikuri<br />

da simboluri daniSnuleba aqvs.<br />

62<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

daviT xoStaria<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

tao-klarjeTis arqiteqtura: istoria da Seswavlis perspeqtivebi<br />

tao-klarjeTis siZveleebis mimarT arqeologiuri interesi pirvelad XIX saukune-<br />

Si gaCnda (k. koxi, d. baqraZe, g. yazbegi, pr. uvarova). arqiteqturuli TvalsazrisiT<br />

tao-klarjeTis siZveleebi gamoikvlies a. pavlinovma, n. marma da e. TayaiSvilma. am<br />

ukanasknelma regionSi aTeulobiT taZari, monasteri da cixe-simagre moinaxula da<br />

Rirebuli masalac gamoaqveyna, romelic aRwerebs, fotoebsa da Canaxatebs Seicavs.<br />

pirveli msoflio omis Semdeg, tao-klarjeTis arqiteqturis Seswavla Sewyda, Tumca<br />

xangrZlivi periodis Semdg kvlav gagrZelda n. da m. tierebis, v. jobaZis, r. edvardsis<br />

da b. baumgartneris wyalobiT. 1980 wlidan tao-klarjeTis Zeglebis aRwerasa da<br />

kvlevaSi aqtiurad Caebnen m. kadiroRlu da sxva Turqi mkvlevarebic.<br />

1980-iani wlebisTvis, tao-klarjeTis arqiteqturis kvleva qarTveli mecnierebisTvis<br />

prioritetul sferod iqca, Tumca, politikuri situaciis gamo qarTveli mkvlevarebi<br />

ver axerxebdnen e.w “TurqeTis saqarTvelos” siZveleebis adgilze Seswavlas. jer<br />

kidev 1930-ian wlebSi mianiSnebda g. CubinaSvili qarTuli ariqteqturis ganviTarebis<br />

istoriaSi tao-klarjeTis xuroTmoZRvrebis gansakuTrebul rolze. SemdgomSi,<br />

v. beriZem es roli kidev ufro srulad warmoaCina Tavis zogadi xasiaTis naSromSi.<br />

mxolod sabWoTa reJimis damxobis Semdeg moaxerxes qarTvelma mkvlevarebma TurqeTSi<br />

eqspediciebis mowyoba.<br />

ukanasknel wlebSi, tao-klarjeTis arqiteqturis kvlevaSi axali perspeqtivebi<br />

gamoikveTa. TurqeTis teritoriaze arsebuli qarTuli Zeglebis aRweris mizniT Seiqmna<br />

erToblivi Turqul-qarTuli jgufi (o. aitekini. i.elizbaraSvili). m. bogiSis ZalisxmeviT<br />

moxerxda tao-klarjeTisadmi dasavluri samecniero wreebis interesis xelmeored<br />

gamoRviZeba. swored amis Sedegi unda iyos, rom bizantiuri kvlevebis XXI saerTaSoriso<br />

kongresze, londonSi, specialurad tao-klarjeTisadmi miZRvnili sastendo moxsenebis<br />

wardgena moxda, rac am sakiTxis gamo sxvadasxva qveynis mecnierebis pirveli Sekreba<br />

iyo. 2007 wels stambulSi gamarTuli samuSao Sexvedra am mimarTulebiT kidev erTi<br />

win gadagmuli nabiji iyo. Sexvedram xeli Seuwyo saerTaSoriso multidisciplinaruli<br />

jgufis Camoyalibebas (f. bairami, d. xoStaria, i. giviaSvili, a. pikoki), romelic taoSi<br />

kvlevebis dawyebas 2008 wlis zafxulSi gegmavs.<br />

bruno baumgartneri<br />

venis universiteti. avstria<br />

ucnobi da naklebad cnobili qarTuli Zeglebi Crdilo-aRmosavleT TurqeTSi<br />

tao-klarjeTis (an zemo qarTlis, rogorc qarTvelebi moixseniebdnen md. Woroxisa<br />

da md. mtkvris zeda welSi mdebare terotorias) kvleva garkveul sirTuleebs<br />

ukavSirdeba, ramdenadac es teritoria ruseTsa da TurqeTs Soris moqceul regionSi<br />

mdebareobda. Cemi daintereseba tao-klarjeTiT 1982 wels aRmosavleT anatoliaSi<br />

turistuli mogzaurobisas daiwyo, romlis drosac pirvelad movinaxule taoklarjeTis<br />

iseTi mniSvnelovani Zeglebi, rogoricaa oSki, iSxani, xaxuli, dolisyana<br />

da eni rabaTi.<br />

momdevno wlebSi manqaniT kidev oTxjer moviare tao-klarjeTi. 1985, 1986, 1988 da<br />


1990 wlebSi il. zdaneviCis mier naxsenebi TiTqmis yvela mniSvnelovani Zegli movinaxule.<br />

gzebis Tanamedrove rukebiTa da Turquli armiis rukebiT (Harta Genel Müdürlüğü)<br />

aRWurvilma movaxerxe araTu TiTqmis yvela qarTuli Zeglis adgilmdebareobis<br />

gansazRvra, aramed maTi umetesi nawilis azomva da fotografirebac.<br />

1989 wels Cems mier klarjeTSi Catarebuli kvlevis angariSi warvadgine qarTuli<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso simpoziumze, TbilisSi. momdevno wlebis ganmavlobaSi<br />

ramdenime werili gamovaqveyne avstriasa da safrangeTSi, 1997 wels ki venis<br />

universitetSi davicavi disertacia - “tao-klarjeTis istoriuli geografia”,<br />

romelSic Tavmoyrilia tao-klarjeTis TiTqmis yvela taZris, monastrisa da cixesimagris<br />

aRwera da fotoebi.<br />

warmodgenil moxsenebaSi, pirvel rigSi, aRvwer ramdenime eklesias mtkvris xeobis<br />

zeda welSi kolas, artaanisa da javaxeTis provinciebSi. maTi umetesoba e. TayaiSvilis<br />

mere, anu XX saukunis dasawyisis Semdeg, Tanamedrove mecnierebs aRar unaxavT, esenia:<br />

Cikori, oTxTa eklesia, alagozi, skibeirehatuni, olTeki, eruSeTi, borki, sikiribi da<br />

gogubani.<br />

Sevexebi, aseve SedarebiT ucnobi eklesia-monastrebis meore mniSvnelovan jgufs,<br />

romelic mdebareobs md. bardizis, oltu penekis mdinaris xeobaSi. maT Sorisaa:<br />

leqsori, kalkusi, orTulis vanqi, bardizi, kopi, qoTrisi da bobisgeri.<br />

markus bogiSi<br />

kopenhagenis universiteti. dania<br />

ramdenime SeniSvna istoriuli taoSi (Crdilo-aRmosavleT TurqeTi) mdebare oSkis taZris<br />

“Cawerili jvris” tipis ZiriTadi nawilis Taobaze<br />

oSkis monastris mTavar taZars (963-73) gaaCnia cxra monakveTad dayofili ZiriTadi<br />

sivrce, romlis gumbaTis mzidic oTxi Tavisuflad mdgomi burjis meSveobiT iqmneba.<br />

arsebiTad, es kvadratSi Cawerili “jvris tipis” stuqturaa, Tumca ufro monumenturi<br />

masStabis nagebobaa. am tipis nagebobebi IX saukunidan farTod gavrcelda bizantiis<br />

imperiaSi. Tumca, maTi warmoSobis sakiTxi jer kidev sakamaToa. warsulSi Catarebuli<br />

sxvadasxva tipis kvleva moicavs rogorc evoluciis da socialur-ekonomikur Teoriebs,<br />

ise fenomenologiur interpretaciebs. am moxsenebis mizani, ara imdenad oSkis ZiriTad<br />

nawilsa da konstantinopolSi SemorCenili “Cawerili jvris” gegmarebis taZrebis<br />

<strong>for</strong>maluri an tipologiuri msgavsebis kvlevaa, aramed maTi qristianuli ekumenis<br />

sakraluri arqiteqturis zogad konteqstSi ganxilva. samxreT kavkasiasa da wminda miwas<br />

Soris tradiciulad arsebuli kavSirebis gaTvaliswinebiT, SevecdebiT warmovaCinoT is<br />

<strong>for</strong>maluri, konceptualuri da ideologiuri maxasiaTeblebi, romelic oSkis taZars<br />

ierusalimis zogierTi saxelganTqmuli eklesiis arqiteqturasTan akavSirebs.<br />

nato gengiuri<br />

SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis Teatrisa da kinos saxelmwifo universiteti.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli eklesiebis karibWeebi<br />

(adreqristianuli periodidan ganviTarebul Sua saukuneebamde)<br />

qar Tu li ar qi teq tu ris is to ria mow mobs, rom sa ek le sio xu roT moZ Rvre bis ar sebo<br />

bis yve la etap ze taZ ris Se sas vlels gan sa kuT re bu li gu lis yu riT ud ge bod nen, rac<br />

mis mxat vrul-ar qi teq tu rul ga <strong>for</strong> me ba Si ga mo i xa ta. ka ris mniS vne lo ba, ro me lic mi si<br />

64<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

mxat vru li ga daw yve ti Taa xaz gas mu li, zo ga dad qris ti a nu li xu roT moZ Rvre bis Tvi saa<br />

sa xa si a To. aq ga dam wyve tia sa kul to na ge bo bis, ise ve ro gorc mi si cal ke u li na wi lis<br />

sim bo lu ri ga az re ba. es xa zi mka fi od ga mo i xa ta Sua sa u ku ne e bis da sav le Tev ro pul arqi<br />

teq tu ra Sic da ama ve pe ri od Si Seq mnil ko men ta reb Si, sa dac bib li u ri na ge bo be bis<br />

ga az re bis ori <strong>for</strong> ma re a li z de ba. esaa ide a lu ri ar qi teq tu ru li siv rcis ver ba lu ri<br />

aR we ra da am siv rcis ale go ri u li ga ge ba. yo ve li ve aC ve nebs sa kul to ar qi teq tu ris ormxriv<br />

mniS vne lo bas, rac Se sas vle lis sa kiT xsac un da da vu kav Si roT. ram de na dac taZ ris<br />

ked le bi ga i az re ba ori sam ya ros - sa a qa o sa da sa uf los sim bo lur saz Rvrad, ek le si is<br />

Se sas ve ls sa uf los Tan Sex ved ris sa Su a le bis azri eZleva. am de nad, mi si gan Tav se ba, ekle<br />

si is mTli an or ga niz mTan da qvey ni e re bis mxa re eb Tan mi mar Te ba da mxat vrul-ar qiteq<br />

tu ru li re a li ze bis <strong>for</strong> ma gan sa kuT re bul mniS vne lo bas iZens. es is sa kiT xe bia, romel<br />

Ta Ses wav la qar Tul sa ek le sio xu roT moZ Rvre bas Tan mi mar Te ba Sic un da mox des.<br />

sa qar Tve lo Si met-naklebad mniS vne lo van ek le si eb Si Se sas vlel Tan ka rib Wis, rogorc<br />

cal ke ar qi teq tu ru li mo cu lo bis aR mar Tva sa val de bu lo iyo. ar se bobs ka rib Wis<br />

sa xe o ba, ro me lic yve la pe ri od Si gvxvde ba. esaa oTx bur jze day rdno bi li, sam mxa res<br />

Ta Re biT gax sni li por ti ki. amis pa ra le lu rad, das tur de ba sxva <strong>for</strong> mis ka rib We e bic.<br />

Se sas vlel Ta aq cen ti re bis xer xe bi ic vle ba ar qi teq tu ris sti lis tu ri gan vi Ta re bis<br />

kva lad. sxva das xva is to ri ul etap ze qar Tul ar qi teq tu ra Si ka rib We Ta ram de ni me nair<br />

sa xe o ba das tur de ba. Tval sa Ci noa, rom kon kre tul pe ri od Si ka rib Wis ro me li me erT<br />

<strong>for</strong> mas eni We ba upi ra te so ba.<br />

ad req ris ti a nul xa na Si Se sas vle ls bur jze an bur jeb ze ga das ro li li Ta Re biT gamo<br />

yo fen. V-VIIss-Si ume tes wi lad ka rib We cal ke ar qi teq tu rul mo cu lo bad ar aris<br />

ga mo yo fi li. is gar Se mo sav le lis er Ti an “di ne ba Sia~ Car Tu li (bol ni sis si o ni, qve mo<br />

bol ni si, kon da mi a ni, va zi su ba nis ba zi li ka, ol Ti si, ta ba ki ni da a.S.)<br />

gar da ma val xa na Si, er Ti mxriv, Se nar Cu ne bu lia ka rib Wis Zve le bu ri <strong>for</strong> ma da, me o re<br />

mxriv, mim di na re obs Zi e ba axa li, sam na wi li a ni ka rib Wis Seq mnis mi mar Tu le biT. VIII-IX ss-<br />

Si das tur de ba ka rib We e bis <strong>for</strong> ma Ta va ri a ci e bi (am ba ra, cxva ri Wa mia, dva ni, vaC na Zi a nis<br />

yve law min da). am Zi e be bis Se de gad ya lib de ba mom wi fe bul Sua sa u ku ne eb Si po pu la ru li<br />

ka rib Wis sa xe o ba, ro me lic sam na wi li a ni arqi teq tu ru li mo cu lob isa gan Sed ge ba da<br />

Cu qur Tme biT mdid ru la daa ga <strong>for</strong> me bu li. ase Ti ka rib We mo i cavs cen trSi amaR le bul,<br />

fron to niT das ru le bul na wils da gver diT frTebs, ro mel nic nak le bi si maR li saa<br />

da cal fer da sa xu ra vi Taa ga da xu ru li. isi ni XI s-dan mo yo le bu li gvxvde ba, ro gorc<br />

gum ba To van, ise ugum ba To ar qi teq tu ra Si (ze mo kri xi, ma Ra la anT ek le sia, man gli si, be-<br />

Ta nia, qva Ta xe vi, da a. S.).<br />

irma berZeniSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi - arqeologiuri kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

afxazeTis adre Sua saukuneTa saeklesio xuroTmoZRvreba<br />

afxazeTis adre Sua saukuneTa saeklesio xuroTmoZRvreba metwilad arqeologiuri<br />

gaTxrebis Sedegad gamovlenili arqiteqturuli ZeglebiTaa warmodgenili. cnobilia,<br />

rom aRniSnuli regioni, romis imperiisagan devnili pirveli qristianebis gadasaxlebis<br />

adgils warmoadgenda, rac, garkveulwilad, xelisSemwyobi faqtori iyo aq axali,<br />

qristianuli mrwamsis gasavrceleblad.<br />

dReisaTvis afxazeTSi adreqristianuli xanis 26 arqiteqturuli Zeglia gamovlenili,<br />

romelTa qronologiuri CarCo IV-VIII saukuneebSi Tavsdeba.<br />


uZvirfases Zegls regionisaTvis, ra Tqma unda, biWvinTa warmodgens, sadac,<br />

savaraudod, ukve III s-is miwurulidan arsebobda organizaciulad ga<strong>for</strong>mebuli<br />

adreqristianuli Temi, rac arqeologiuri aRmoCenebiTac dadasturda. IV-VI ss-<br />

Si biWvinTasa da mis midamoebSi 9 qristianuli taZari Sendeba, VI s-dan ki aqtiurad<br />

iSleba saeklesio mSenebloba afxazeTis mTel teritoriaze, rogorc zRvispira zolSi<br />

(ganTiadi, gagra, anakofia, miusera, soxumi, oCamCire, gudava), aseve afxazeTis mTiswina<br />

da mTian regionebSi (xaSufse, lixni, dranda, jgerda, webelda, Sapka, mramba). swored<br />

saeklesio mSeneblobas ukavSirdeba mrambaSi, webeldaSi, anakofiaSi, soxumSi, kulambasa<br />

da drandaSi aRmoCenili qristianul siuJetebze reliefuri skulpturis Zeglebi.<br />

afxazeTis teritoriaze gamovlenili adreqristianuli sakulto arqiteqtura,<br />

ZiriTadad, bazilikuri tipis ramdenime variantiTaa warmodgenili: ornaviani bazilika<br />

(biWvinTa), samnaviani bazilika (biWvinTis #2 da #3 eklesiebi, alahaZe, ganTiadi, soxumi)<br />

da sameklesiiani bazilika (gagra, miusera, abaanTa, qiaC-aba). garda amisa, warmodgenilia<br />

darbazuli tipis eklesia (biWvinTa, anakofia, gienosi, webeldis #2 da #3 eklesiebi,<br />

mramba, Sapka, xaSufse), baptisteriumi, rogorc calke mdgomi Senoba (gudava) da jvargumbaTovani<br />

tipis taZari (dranda).<br />

afxazeTis adreqristianul saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebaSi kargad Cans dasavluri da<br />

aRmosavluri samSeneblo tradiciebis Serwyma. samSeneblo teqnikis mxriv afxazeTis<br />

Zeglebi konstantinopolisa da mcire aziis zRvispira regionis Zeglebs uaxlovdeba;<br />

meore mxriv, isini garkveul msgavsebas avlens mcire aziis Sida regionis ZeglebTan.<br />

afxazeTSi arsebul ZeglTa kompleqsuri kvleva dReisaTvis ramdenadme garTulebulia<br />

Seqmnili politikuir situaciis gamo; Tumca, cnobilia, rom arqeologiuri kvleva-<br />

Zieba afxazeTSi dRes, da gansakuTrebiT, bolo xuTi wlis ganmavlobaSi, sakmaod<br />

aqtiurad mimdinareobs - afxazeTSi rusul-afxazuri eqspedicia muSaobs, romelmac<br />

aqamde ucnobi araerTi arqeologiuri Zegli gamoavlina, romelTac metad mohfines<br />

Suqi regionis siZveleTa kvlevasTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebs da rigi axali sakiTxebic<br />

wamoWres. friad samwuxaroa, rom es samuSaoebi qarTuli mxaris sruli ugulebelyofiT<br />

da ignorirebiT mimdinareobs.<br />

edit noibaueri<br />

laipcigis universiteti. germania<br />

Sua saukuneebis qarTuli arqiteqtura da skulptura da romanuli periodi centralur<br />

evropaSi<br />

saqarTveloSi qristianoba saxelmwifo religiad jer kidev 337 wels gamocxadda.<br />

warmarTuli kerpebi ganadgurda da, xSir SemTxvevaSi, maT adgilas RvTismsaxurebisa<br />

da naTlobisaTvis qristianuli taZrebi aRimarTa, anu aq saqme gvaqvs fenomenTan,<br />

romelic “kultmsaxurebis adgilis uwyvetobis” saxeliT aris cnobili. maSin ar<br />

arsebobda qristianuli taZrebisTvis rame savaldebulo nimuSi.. IV-VII saukuneebSi<br />

qarTvel xuroTmoZRvarTa sazrianoba-gonebamaxvilobis wyalobiT bazilikisa da jvargumbaTovani<br />

taZris mravali sxvadasxva varianti Seiqmna.<br />

centruli gumbaTovani taZrebi (mcxeTis jvari 586/87-604/05) da jvargumbaTovani<br />

taZrebi calke mdgomi oTxi svetiT (wromis macxovris taZari 626-34) axleburi,<br />

aRmosavleT qriatianuli samyarosaTvis unikaluri variaciebia. am mniSvnelovan<br />

monapovarTa SemweobiT saqarTvelos bizantiisagan damoukidebloba warmoCinda.<br />

66<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

adreqristinuli xuroTmoZRvrebis damaxasiaTebeli niSansagani reliefuri qandakebis<br />

gamoyenebaa, rac meoTxe saukunis bazilikebSic gvxvdeba, Tumca Tavdapirvel periodSi<br />

gansazRvruli koncefciis gareSe. jvarSi da wromSi SemTxveviToba ukve gamoricxulia,<br />

vinaidan nagebobis yoveli nawilis morTuloba dadgenili ideologiuri programis<br />

mixedviT aris Sesrulebuli. am mimarTulebiT imedismomcemi ganviTareba arabebis 200wlianma<br />

mmarTvelobam Sewyvita. X saukune qristianuli arqiteqturisa da, amasTanave,<br />

monumenturi skulpturis aRorZinebis xanaa.<br />

meore mniSvnelovani niSani reliefis taZris portalis timpanze gamoyenebaa.<br />

adreqristianul qveynebSi saeklesio xuroTmoZRvrebasTan mimarTebaSi reliefiT<br />

morTuli timpani mxolod saqarTvelosa da somxeTSi gvxvdeba. qarTuli da germanuli<br />

romanuli periodis wirTlebis, moCarCoebebis da mxatvruli programebis Sedareba<br />

gasaocar msgavsebas aCevenebs. gamoZaxilia es Tu paraleluri gadawyveta?<br />

aqamde monumenturi stilisa da reliefis ganviTarebas eklesiaTa fasadebTan<br />

mimarTebaSi gansakuTrebuli yuradReba ar eqceoda. 600 wlis axlos Sesrulebuli<br />

reliefi jvris aRmosavleT fasadze pioneruli qmnilebaa. misi antikurobasTan,<br />

urartus Tu aRmosavlur xelovnebasTan mimavali fesvebi jer kidev ar aris saTanadod<br />

Seswavlili. saqarTvelosa da somxeTSi monumenturi skulpturis ganviTarebuli stili<br />

Tavs X saukunis dasawyisSi, axtamarsa da oSkSi iCens. am impulsma bizantias, Zvel<br />

ruseTs, germaniasa da safrangeTsac miaRwia.<br />

veronika kalasi<br />

veinis saxelmwifo universiteti. aSS<br />

iavuz ozkaia<br />

arqiteqturis sarestavracio saxelosno “prometi”. TurqeTi<br />

qarTuli aspeqti XIII saukunis anis arqiteqturaSi: tigran honencis taZari da minuCiris<br />

meCeTi<br />

tigran honencis taZari da minuCiris meCeTi TurqeTis Crdilo-aRmosavleT<br />

nawilSi mdebare Sua saukuneebis mitovebuli qalaqis - anis (romelic sxvadasxva<br />

periodSi bizantiis, somxeTis, saqarTvelosa Tu TurqeTis mflobelobaSi imyofeboda)<br />

umniSvnelovanes Zeglebs warmoadgens. TurqeTis kulturisa da turizmis saministros<br />

mier wamowyebuli kampaniis farglebSi, romelic amasTanave miznad isaxavda qveynis<br />

ganuviTarebeli periferiebisadmi yuradRebis mipyrobas, am ori umniSvnelovanesi<br />

Zeglis gadasarCenad Seiqmna specialuri komisia. 2006 wlis gazafxulsa da zafxulSi<br />

ankaraSi dafuZnebuli arqiteqturuli firmis - prometis mier Catarda tigran honencis<br />

taZrisa da e.w. meCeTis dokumentacia. am moxsenebaSi ganvixilavT am kvlevis zogierT<br />

mniSvnelovan moments, maT Soris naxazebs da samganzomilebian maketebs, romlebic am<br />

proeqtis farglebSi Seiqmna. Cven aseve SevexebiT imas, Tu ramdenad didi mniSvneloba<br />

SeiZleba mieniWos Sedgenil masStabur dokumentacias am regionis Sua saukuneebis<br />

(XIII s-is) arqiteqturis istoriis kvlevaSi. es ori Zegli warmoadgens TvalsaCino<br />

sabuTs XIII saukuneSi aRmosavleT anatoliasa da kavkasias Soris arsebuli kulturuli<br />

urTierTobebisa. Cven gansakuTrebul yuradRebas gavamaxvilebT am ori nagebobis<br />

qarTul aspeqtze da SevexebiT rogorc nagebobebis qronologias, teqnikas da stils,<br />

ise maT TviTmyofadobasTan, funqciasa da SinaarsTan dakavSirebul sakiTxebs.<br />


ozmeri beisiki<br />

oklahomas universiteti, aSS<br />

saqarTvelo da xorvatia: saerTo wyaros magaliTi<br />

moxsenebaSi ganxilulia TvalsaCino stilisturi elementebi, romelnic erTmaneTTan<br />

akavSirebs XI saukunis RmrTismSoblis xats wm. kvirikesa da ivlitas saxelobis lagurkas<br />

taZridan da XIII saukunis RmrTismSoblis xats spalatodan (spliti), xorvatiidan.<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom es nimuSebi oficialurad sxvadasxva geografiuli da religiuri<br />

tradiaciis kuTvnilebaa, maT anaTesavebs saerTo stili, romelic am or nimuSSi asaxuli<br />

unikaluri da ekleqturi gamomsaxvelobiTi maneris Semqmneli ostatebis mier unda<br />

yofiliyo SemuSavebuli da savaraudod, gavrcelebulic.<br />

Cemi mizania, am ori nimuSis Seqmnis winapirobebis kvleva da ramdenime qvemoT<br />

moyvanil kiTxvaze savaraudo pasuxis SemoTavazeba: sad da rodis Camoyalibda aRniSnuli<br />

stili? aRiarebuli faqtia, rom X saukunidan qarTveli ostatebi uars amboben iudeopalestinur<br />

modelebze da mas konstantinopolis saeklesio tradiciiT anacvleben. am<br />

droisaTvis, bizantiis dedaqalaqi saxelganTqmuli iyo ikonografistebiT, romlebic<br />

sxvadasxva “inovaciur” stils qmnidnen da imperiis sxvadasxva nawilSi “nimuSebis<br />

wignebis” meSveobiT avrcelebdnen. aRniSnuli ostatebis savaraudod italiuri<br />

warmoSoba, rogorc amas xorvatiul nimuSSi vxvdebiT, ganapirobebda SemuSavebuli<br />

stilis “originalurobas” da mas Tavisebur - e.w. “maniera laTina”-s stilSi gardaqmnida.<br />

meore mxriv, qarTuli nimuSi erTdroulad amJRavnebs rogorc wminda bizantiuri<br />

stilis, ise “maniera laTina”-s saxasiaTo niSnebs.<br />

savaraudod, aRniSnuli nimuSebis gamomsaxvelobiTi enis wyaro unda iyos egviptis<br />

sinas udabnos mZlavri berZnuli kera - wm. ekaterines monasteri, sadac sxvadasxva<br />

mxatvruli saxelosnoebi xatebis Seqmnisa da gavrcelebis xangrZliv procesSi, aqtiurad<br />

monawileobdnen kulturulad da religiurad “gamravalferovnebuli” ikonografiis<br />

SeqmnaSi, gavrcelebasa da SenarCunebaSi.<br />

leila xuskivaZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

ornamenti Sua saukuneebis qarTul WedurobaSi<br />

ornamentuli dekori Sua saukuneebis qarTuli xelovnebis yvelaze warmatebuli<br />

sferoTagania. am mxriv, xuroTmoZRvrebasTan erTad, gansakuTrebiT gamorCeulia<br />

oqromWedloba. es umdidresi da mravalferovani masala warmogvidgens Sua saukuneebis<br />

qarTuli ornamentikis rTul da araerTgvarovan suraTs. masSi aSkaradaa asaxuli<br />

Zveli aRmosavleTisa da berZnul-romauli samyaros tradiciebi da agreTve Sua<br />

saukuneebis mxatvruli kulturis saerTo miRwevebi. amave dros, aq gamovlenilia is<br />

Taviseburebebi, rac qarTveli ostatebis SemoqmedebiTma midgomam, maTma mdidarma<br />

fantaziam da ganviTarebulma dekoratiulma miswrafebebma moitana. qarTuli Weduri<br />

ornamenti, zogadad, garkveul kavSirs bizantiurTan amJRavnebs, magram masSi mimdinare<br />

stilisturi cvlilebebi - es, pirvel rigSi, exeba foTlovan-yvavilovan ornaments,<br />

68<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

ufro berZnuli da dasavleT evropuli ornamentis evoluciur procesebTan iwvevs<br />

asociaciebs. qarTuli Weduri ornamentis mniSvnelovani roli imiTac ganisazRvreba,<br />

rom misi saSualebiT xerxdeba mxatvruli skolebisa da saxelosnoebis gamoyofa.<br />

Sua saukueneebis qarTuli Weduri ornamentis warmatebul ganviTarebas Tavisi<br />

wanamZRvrebi hqonda - erTi mxriv, saqarTvelos winaqristianuli xelovnebis mdidari<br />

tradiciebi, da, meore mxriv, xalxuri Semoqmedeba, gansakuTrebiT ki xeze kveTa.<br />

qarTuli Weduri ornamentis specialuri kvleva sxvadasxva mimrTulebiT unda<br />

warimarTos: ornamentuli motivebis dajgufeba qronologiuri ganviTarebis metnaklebi<br />

dacviT, maTi funqciis, simbolikis, stilis, Taviseburebebis, Sesrulebis<br />

teqnikuri xerxebis dadgena, rac SeiZleba farTo da mdidari paraleluri masalis<br />

moZieba, maTi mimarTeba gansakuTrebiT qarTul xuroTmoZRvrul dekorTan.<br />

amgvari Seswavlis Sedegad gamotanili daskvnebi gansazRvravs qarTuli Weduri<br />

ornamentis Rirseul adgils rogorc qarTuli, aseve msoflio ornamentuli dekoris<br />

istoriaSi.<br />

maria lidova<br />

Scuola Normale Superiore. italia<br />

liturgiuli sivrcis Seqmna: ioane cohabis mier Sesrulebuli sinuri xatebis jgufi<br />

moxseneba Seexeba eqvs xats, romelnic egvipteSi, sinas mTaze, wm. ekaterines<br />

monastris koleqciaSi inaxeba. oTxi maTgani kaledaruli xatia, mexuTeze gamosaxulia<br />

saSineli samsjavro, meeqvse ki RmrTismSoblis xuTi saswaulmoqmedi xatis da qristes<br />

saswaulebisa da vnebebis TxrobiTi ciklis unikaluri gamosaxulebaa. am xatTa TariRi<br />

XI saukunis bolosa da XII saukunis dasawyiss Soris meryeobs.<br />

xatebis es jgufi erT-erTi mowmobaa Sua bizantiur xanaSi sinas mTaze qarTveli berebis<br />

aqtiuri moRvaweobisa. qarTuli warmoSoba dasturdeba ara mxolod im eqspresiuli<br />

stiliT, romelic jer kidev moelis detalur analizsa da qarTul mxatvrobebTan<br />

Sedarebas, aramed orenovani warwerebiTac (yovel berZnul saxels Tan erTvis Sesabamisi<br />

qarTuli). mokle qarTuli warwera, romelic saSineli samsjavros scenaSi macxovris<br />

saydris qvemoT aris mocemuli, mRvdel ioane cohabs xatebis damkveTad warmogvidgens.<br />

igive saxeli - ioane, romelic mocemulia oTxi didi berZnuli epigramiT, xatebis ukana<br />

mxares amkobs. es berZnuli warwera Seusrulebia ostat-poets, romelic berZnuli<br />

teqstebisa da literaturis didi mcodne unda yofiliyo.<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom es xatebi araerTxel ganixila sxvadasxva xelovnebaTmcodnem,<br />

garkveuli sakiTxebi gadauWreli rCeba. Catarebuli kvleva ZiriTadad calkeul xatebs<br />

ganixilavda. am moxsenebaSi Cven SevecdebiT xatebi ganvixiloT rogorc erTiani,<br />

erTmaneTTan mWidrod dakavSirebuli proeqti. Cveni azriT, sruliad dasaSvebia, rom<br />

eqvsive xati erTad yofiliyo warmodgenili, rac garkveul liturgikul sivrces qmnida<br />

da gansazRvravda. am erTianobas adasturebs rogorc daxvewili berZnuli epigramebi,<br />

ise maTi Taviseburi ikonografiuli programebi da stilisturi da tipologiuri<br />

msgavseba. xelnawerTa miniaturebTan da monumenturi mxatvrobis nimuSebTan SedarebiT<br />

SesaZlebelia sinas xatebis jgufis specialuri liturgikuli mniSvnelobis Cveneba.<br />

da bolos, am xatebs udidesi mniSvneloba eniWeba ormxrivi qarTul-bizntiuri<br />

urTierTobebis kvlevis sakiTxisaTvis.<br />


nana burWulaZe<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli xatebi sinas mTis wm. ekaterines monasterSi (qarTul-bizantiuri<br />

urTierTobebis istoriisTvis)<br />

sinas mTasa da wm. ekaterines monasters gansakuTrebuli adgili ukavia qristianuli<br />

aRmosavleTis sasuliero centrebs Soris. qarTvelebi odiTganve miiltvodnen am<br />

wminda adgilisken - maTi iq yofnis kvali jer kidev VI saukuneSia dadasturebuli<br />

sinas mTaze qarTvelTa moRvaweoba gansakuTrebiT IX-X saukuneebSi gaaqtiurda.<br />

qarTveli ber-monazvnebis mier iq iwereboda da iTargmneboda saeklesio literaturis<br />

mravalricxovani Zeglebi, iqmneboda RvTivsulieri xatebi. xatweris nimuSTa sinur<br />

koleqciaSi saqarTvelodan Catanil-Sewiruli siwmindeebic aris.<br />

bolo xans qarTvel mecnierebs miecaT saSualeba SeeswavlaT sinaze daculi qarTuli<br />

xelnawerebi - gamoica am saunjis katalogic. rac Seexeba qarTul xatebs, maT Sesaxeb<br />

jer kidev Zalze mcire ramaa cnobili.<br />

cxadia, amgvar viTarebaSi metad aqtualuria wm. ekaterines monasterSi arsebuli<br />

TiToeuli qarTuli xatis gamovlena da Seswavla, vinaidan isini aRrmavebs codnas<br />

qarTvelTa sasuliero moRvaweobis Sesaxeb sinas mTaze. Zalze mniSvnelovania agreTve<br />

dokumenturi masalis Sekreba Tavis droze wm. ekaterines monastris kuTvnili, XIX<br />

saukuneSi rus koleqcionerTa mier wamoRebuli da aw ukve gamqrali xatebis Sesaxeb<br />

Cveni kvlevis saganic swored esaa. moxsenebaSi warmodgenili iqneba sinaze naklulad<br />

daculi erT-erTi mravalkaredi xati qarTuli warwerebiT, romelzec zogadad<br />

qristianuli eklesiis wmindanebTan erTad gamosaxuli arian “mnaTobni qarTvelTa”<br />

- asureli da aToneli wm. mamebi da sxva cnobili qarTveli sasuliero moRvaweebi.<br />

xatis adgilze Seswavla da masze arsebuli in<strong>for</strong>maciis moZieba gviCvenebs, rom igi<br />

samecniero literaturaSi arasworadaa gaSuqebuli.<br />

xatze muSaobisas SevZeliT dagvedgina misi Semadgenloba da ikonografiuli programa,<br />

gamogvekvlia Sesrulebis teqnika da stili da SedarebiTi analizis safuZvelze es<br />

maRalmxatvruli nawarmoebi XIV saukunis pirveli naxevriT dagveTariRebina.<br />

amasTan, aRniSnuli mravalkaredis gamokvlevas davurTeT SeZlebisdagvarad sruli<br />

in<strong>for</strong>macia sinaze odesRac da dResac daculi qarTuli xatebis Sesaxeb.<br />

vfiqrobT, rom Catarebuli kvlevis Sedegebi erTnairad saintereso da sasargeblo<br />

iqneba rogorc qarTuli xatweris, iseve sinas mTis wm. ekaterines monastrisa da<br />

-saerTod, marTlmadidebluri xatebis istoriisTvis.<br />

aleqsandre saminski<br />

andrei rubliovis muzeumi. ruseTi<br />

berTis saxarebis miniaturebi da misi warmomavloba<br />

berTis saxareba (Tbilisi, Q-906) misi mooqruli vercxlis ydis gamoa cnobili,<br />

romelic XII saukunis bolos opizis monasterSi oqromWedel beSqenis mier iqna<br />

Sesrulebuli. xelnaweri mezoblad mdebare berTis monasters Seswira berma ioane<br />

mTavraiZem, romelmac saxareba memkvidreobiT Zmisa da biZisagan miiRo. miuxedavad<br />

imisa, rom anderZi ar asaxelebs saxarebis gadaweris adgils, xelnaweris miniaturebi<br />

70<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

Tavis warmoSobaze Tavad miuTiTeben. miuxedavad imisa, rom isini calke inaxeboda,<br />

miniaturebis gverdebis zoma da maT mindorze arsebuli nakeris naxvretebi, romlebic<br />

emTxveva xelnawerisas, miuTiTebs, rom isini Tavdapirvelad erT mTlian kodeqsad iyo<br />

akinZuli.<br />

berTis saxareblis wm. lukas gamosaxuleba Dumbarton Oaks-is koleqciaSi daculi<br />

XII saukunis miwurulis xelnaweri 4-is miniaturis zusti aslia. xelnawerebi msgavsia<br />

agreTve <strong>for</strong>matis, asoTa moyvanilobis da TiToeul gverdze moTavsebuli striqonebis<br />

raodenobis mxrivac. isini maxloblad mdebare monastrebSi unda iyos gadawerili.<br />

vaSingtonSi daculi miniaturebis maRalmxatvruli Sesruleba konstantinopolur<br />

warmoSobaze unda miuTiTebdes, Tumca wiTeli melniT SedarebiT mokrZalebulad<br />

Sesrulebuli TavsarTebi da pergamentis saSualo xarisxi sxva varaudebis<br />

SesaZleblobasac ar gamoricxavs.<br />

berTis saxarebis maxareblebis portretebi axlo msgavsebas amJRavnebs peterburgSi<br />

aRmosavleTmcodneobis institutSi dacul qarTul xelnawerTan E45. aRniSnul<br />

xelnawer wigns SesaZloa hqondes igive warmoSoba, rac berTisa da vaSingtonis<br />

saxarebebs. maTes gamosaxulebis qveS misi mflobelis mier Sesrulebuli berZnuli<br />

warwera miuTiTebs, rom 1832 wels saxareba berZnul garemoSi yofila. misi zogierTi<br />

TavsarTi axlo msgavsebas amJRavnebs antioqiaSi, XI saukuneSi Sesrulebul berZnul<br />

da qarTul xelnawer kodeqsebTan. erT-erTi am xelnawerTagania TbilisSi daculi<br />

kodeqsi - Q-371, romelic 1091 wels mRvdel ioane mTvaraiZis mier iqna gadawerili.<br />

amdenad, savaraudoa, rom berTis saxarebis mflobelis - ioane mTvaraiZis sagvareulos<br />

warsulSi garkveuli kavSirebi hqonda antioqiasTan.<br />

nino qavTaria<br />

xelnawerTa erovnuli centri. saqarTvelo<br />

XII-XIII saukuneebis qarTul oTxTavTa ga<strong>for</strong>mebis mxatvruli aspeqtebi<br />

XII-XIII saukuneebis politikurma da kulturulma aRmavlobam ganapiroba qarTuli<br />

xelnaweri wignis mxatvruli donis amaRleba. qveynis SigniT Tu mis ga reT arsebuli<br />

mravalricxovani samonastro kerebis skriptoriumebi ak ma yo fi lebdnen wignze,<br />

gansakuTrebiT ki xelnawer oTxTavze, gazrdil moT xo v nilebas.<br />

moxsenebis mizania XII-XIII ss.-is qarTuli xelnaweri oTxTavebis mxatvruli aspeqtebis<br />

Cveneba. sayovelTaod cnobil xelnawerebis, gelaTis oTxTavTan-Q-908, jruWi II -H-1667-<br />

Tan da vanis saxarebasTan A-1335 erTad Cven ganvixilavT XII-XIII ss. im xelnawerebs,<br />

romlebic naklebadaa cnobili da Seswavlili.<br />

maTi ga<strong>for</strong>meba ki mxolod dekoratiuli elementebiT (kamarebi, TavsarTebi,<br />

inicialebi) da maxarebelTa gamosaxulebebiT Semoifargleba (A-281, Q-906, Q-907, Q-929,<br />

H-1707, H-2075, H-1706 – XII s.; Q-883, Q-900, A-498, A-1563, Q-899 – XII-XIII ss.; A-138, A-494,<br />

S-110, A-26 –XIII s) am xelnawerTa ga<strong>for</strong>mebaSi naTlad gamoikveTa stilis ganviTarebis<br />

erTiani xazi, gaZlierebuli de ko ra tiuloba, <strong>for</strong>maTa sirbile, saerTo feradovneba,<br />

ornamentuli mo ti ve bis mravalferovneba da siuxve. imavdroulad, TvalnaTliv Cans<br />

ferweruli da gra fikuli tendenciebis Serwyma. saerTo bizantiuri gavlenebis fonze,<br />

ca l keul xelnawerTa ga<strong>for</strong>mebaSi gamJRavnebulia adgilobrivi mxatvruli tradiciebi.<br />

saxasiaToa isic, rom am drois xelnawerebSi singuriT da fe ri li ornamentuli<br />

samkaulebi scildeba CarCos sazRvrebs, erwymis inicials, te qstSi iWreba da masTan<br />

erTad erT mTlianobas avlens, xolo etratis spi losZvlisferi feris mniSvnelobiT<br />


gamoyeneba im drois sa kmaod gavrcelebuli meTodia.<br />

naSromis amocanaa warmoaCinos sxvadasxva mxatvruli skolebis iko no gra fi uli,<br />

stiluri da mxatvruli Taviseburebani, aCvenos qarTuli wignis xelovnebis evoluciuri<br />

ganviTarebis gza am saukuneebSi.<br />

lali osefaSvili<br />

SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis Teatrisa da kinos saxelmwifo universiteti.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

qarTul liturgikul gragnilTa mxatvruli ga<strong>for</strong>mebis Taviseburebani (XII-XVIss)<br />

xelnawerTa erovnul centrSi daculia liturgikuli gragnilebis garkveuli<br />

raodenoba, romelTaTvis Tvalis gadevneba ga<strong>for</strong>mebis Taviseburebebis Sesaxeb<br />

daskvnebis gamotanis saSualebas iZleva.<br />

cnobilia, rom xelnaweri liturgikuli gragnilebi XI saukunis inovaciaa. am<br />

epoqis pirveli qarTuli xelnaweri gragnili mourTvelia. XII saukunidan (S-4980) ukve<br />

yalibdeba maTi morTulobis specifika. amjerad sxva kanonikuri xelnawerebis msgavsad<br />

gragnilsac gaaCnia Tavfurceli, anu I kefi, romelzec gamoisaxeba an simboluri<br />

xasiaTis konpozicia an avtoris portreti. magaliTad, Tu XII saukunis gragnilis<br />

Tavfurcelze gamosaxulia Zeli, anu sveti-cxoveli, XIII saukunis gragnilis (A-922)<br />

I kefze ki, wm. ioane oqropiria, viTarca avtori liturgiisa, xolo XVI saukunis<br />

gragnilze (H-516) aSkaraa, rom Tavfurclis miniatura garkveul varirebas ganicdis.<br />

aq gamosaxulia monumenturi jvari da liturgiis avtorebi-wm. basili didi da wm. ioane<br />

oqropiri anu gaerTianebulia golgoTas msxverpli da evqaristiuli msxverpli.<br />

XII saukunidan marginalur areebze ukve sazedao asoebia ganTavsebuli. SesaZlebelia<br />

maTi diferencireba: 1. martivi sazedao aso - singuriT moxazuli; 2. rTuli agebulebis<br />

sazedao aso-mcenareuli an zoomorfuli ornamentebiT Semkuli da 3. siuJeturi<br />

sazedao aso, romlis ga<strong>for</strong>mebaSic gamosaxulebaa CarTuli.<br />

gragnilTa morTulobis es specifika, romelic XII saukunidan iRebs saTaves, XVI<br />

saukunemde met-naklebi sxvaobiT grZeldeba. moipoveba gragnilebi, romelnic mxolod<br />

sazedao asoebiT aris morTuli: H-521(XV s.); H-511(XVI s.)<br />

miuxedavad gragnilTa morTulobis specifikisa, mxatvari misdevs xelnawerTa<br />

morTulobis Camoyalibebul normebs, vTqvaT ise, rogorc uxvad ilustrirebul<br />

oTxTavebSia. magaliTad, sveticxovliseul gragnilze iq, sadac ziarebazea Txroba,<br />

teqsti horizontaluradaa gaWrili da sami zolisebri scenaa gamosaxuli-jer “qriste<br />

mociqulebiTurT” da “ziareba”jer sefiskveriT, Semdeg zedaSiT.<br />

Cven SegviZlia aseve qarTuli liturgikuli gragnilebi bizantiurs SevadaroT,<br />

rac kidev erTxel mowmobs, rom qarTuli kultura, erTi mxriv, isrutavs mowinave<br />

qveynis miRwevebs da, meore mxriv, myar erovnul tradiciebs qmnis. saamiso nimuSad<br />

SeiZleba movitanoT erTi magaliTi: aso Q-ons qarTveli mxatvari bizantielTa msgavsad<br />

medalionad ar iyenebs da masSi ar aTavsebs gamosaxulebas, qarTveli mxatvari mas wris<br />

ki ara ovalis <strong>for</strong>mas aniWebs, qristes gamosaxulebas mis zemoT aTavsebs, viTarca<br />

dominants, romelic sufevs yovelsa zeda.<br />

amdenad, liturgikuli gragnilis morTuloba saukuneTa manZilze myar saxes iRebs:<br />

teqsti naweria erT svetad nusxuriT, gaaCnia Tavfurceli, marginalur areebze ki<br />

sazedao asoebi.<br />

72<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelo<br />

izolda meliqiSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli saeklesio samosis ferisa da <strong>for</strong>mis simbolikis sakiTxisaTvis<br />

qarTuli mxatvruli qargulobis nimuSebi yvelaze mniSvnelovani saxiT saqarTvelos<br />

erovnuli muzeumis S. amiranaSvilis saxelobis xelovnebis muzeumSia warmodgenili.<br />

es koleqcia or ZiriTad jgufadaa gayofili: saero da sasuliero daniSnulebis<br />

naqargoba, es ukanaskneli ki aerTianebs sasuliero pirTa da saeklesio msaxurebisTvis<br />

saWiro nivTebs da samoss. jer kidev Zveli aRTqmis mixedviT, samosi, romelic RmerTma<br />

“daumtkica” aaronsa da sxva mRvdelmTavarT, ganasaxierebda maT gamorCeulobas sxva<br />

adamianTagan.<br />

amave principidan gamomdinare, axali aRTqmis eklesiam Tavis msaxurTaTvis daawesa<br />

samosi, romlis warmomavlobas mociqulTa cxovrebis xanas ukavSireben. arsebobs mravali<br />

varaudi, Tu rogori <strong>for</strong>misa da feradovnebis iyo uZvelesi saRvTismsaxuro samosi,<br />

magram erTi ram yvela saxis literaturaSi (rogorc saeklesio, aseve samecniero)<br />

xazgasmiTaa aRniSnuli, rom uZvelesi samosi iyo TeTri - “angelozTa samosis feri”.<br />

am samosis tarebis ufleba da masTan dakavSirebuli dogmatika gansazRvruli iyo da<br />

aris saeklesio krebebis dadgenilebebiT. aqedan gamomdinare dawesda saeklesio pirTa<br />

ierarqiis sami xarisxis samosi. aseve dadginda TiToeuli saeklesio xarisxis Sesabamis<br />

SesamoselTa raodenoba (diakoni imoseba sami, mRvdeli - xuTi da mRvdelmTavari Svidi<br />

saxis samosiT). simboluri TvalsazrisiT, saRvTismsaxuro es is samosia, romelsac<br />

macxovari atarebda miwieri cxovrebis, misi Sepyrobisa da gasamarTlebis dros.<br />

am samosis <strong>for</strong>misa da feris simbolika am konteqstSi unda iqnes ganxiluli.<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumis koleqciebSi daculi saRvTismsaxuro samosis<br />

Seswavlam garkveuli daskvnebis gamotanis saSualeba mogvca:<br />

1. iseve rogorc mTel marTlmadidebel samyaroSi, qarTuli saeklesio samosis<br />

<strong>for</strong>mebSic ori ZiriTadi arsi Zevs: jvari - macxovris miwieri da zeciuri cxovrebis<br />

aRmniSvneli simbolo da wre - misi maradiuli arsebobis, uwyvetobis, usasrulobisa da<br />

“simrTelis” niSani.<br />

2. samosis simbolika emyareba wminda ricxvTa gamoyenebas. rac ukavSirdeba “orobis”,<br />

“samebisa” da “Svidobis” arsis Cadebas saeklesio samosis <strong>for</strong>maTa gaazrebaSi.<br />

3. feri, romelic aRmosavleT saqristianos xelovnebaSi yovelTvis asrulebda<br />

umniSvnelovanes rols, qarTul saeklesio samosSic mniSvnelovani simbolikiTaa<br />

datvirTuli; bizantiis ferTa kanonikaSi ukve VI saukuneSi Camoyalibda Svidi ZiriTadi<br />

feri da swored am ferTa struqturazea agebuli RvTismsaxurTa qarTuli Sesamoselis<br />

ferTa gamac.<br />

4. feri da feradovneba qarTul saeklesio samosSi TviTmyofadobiTa da<br />

TaviseburebebiT - sisadaviT da ferTa TavSekavebuli gamiT gamoirCeva. feri simboluri<br />

gagebiT macxovrisa da wm. mamebis mier dadgenili samsaxuris maradiulobis, ubiwobisa<br />

da WeSmariti rwmenis gamoxatvis erT-erTi umniSvnelovanesi saSualebaa.<br />


seqcia II SECTION<br />


Christopher Haas<br />

Villanova University. USA<br />

Ioane Zedazneli: A <strong>Georgian</strong> Saint in the Syrian Ascetical Tradition<br />

During the first half of the sixth century, the character of <strong>Georgian</strong> Christianity was profoundly<br />

influenced by the introduction of monasticism. This is attributed to the arrival of St.Ioane Zedazneli (John<br />

of Zedazeni) at the Iberian capital of Mtskheta with twelve of his monastic co-laborers, known collectively<br />

in the <strong>Georgian</strong> tradition as the Thirteen Syrian Fathers. St. John’s disciples soon fanned out across Iberia,<br />

following his example of asceticism, miracle-working and evangelization.<br />

Some commentators have argued that the Syrian Fathers were, in fact, not Syrian at all, but <strong>Georgian</strong>s<br />

who had come into contact with Syrian ascetics. Others have viewed them as Monophysite dissidents<br />

who fled as refugees from Chalcedonian persecution under Justin and Justinian. One profitable avenue of<br />

inquiry into the origins and character of these monks is to engage in a close analysis of the teachings and<br />

ascetic practices of St. Ioane Zedazneli, one of the best known of the Syrian Fathers. As a spiritual leader<br />

to the other Syrian Fathers, St. Ioane Zedazneli served as their most important model <strong>for</strong> the ascetic life, as<br />

well as the principal source <strong>for</strong> their teachings.<br />

This paper examines the early sources, which depict the life and teachings of St.Ioane Zedazneli. These<br />

works are then compared with representative sources from the early Syrian ascetical tradition to reveal the<br />

various links between the pioneers of sixth century <strong>Georgian</strong> monasticism and their purported Syrian roots.<br />

In addition, this paper will examine St. Ioane Zedazneli’s place in the <strong>for</strong>mation of <strong>Georgian</strong> historical<br />

memory, and the ways in which he has been commemorated in <strong>Georgian</strong> iconography and mural painting.<br />

Alexei M. Lidov<br />

Russian Academy of Fine Arts. Russia<br />

Eastern Christian “Image-Paradigms”: A Hierotopic Dimension of Medieval Art History<br />

The paper deals with new approaches to the history of Eastern Christian art, which relate to the methodological<br />

aspects in studies of medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> art and culture. It, first of all, concerns the concept of<br />

hierotopy (the creation of sacred spaces), recently proposed by the author of this paper and elaborated in<br />

several publications by an international group of scholars. These studies have revealed an important theoretical<br />

issue. In many cases, the discussion of visual culture can not be reduced to a positivist description of<br />

artifacts, or to the analysis of theological notions. Some phenomena can be properly interpreted only on the<br />

level of image-ideas, I prefer to term them “image-paradigms”, which do not coincide with the illustrative<br />

pictures or ideological conceptions.<br />

This special notion seems a useful instrumentum studiorum, which helps to explain a layer of phenomena.<br />

Image-paradigms were not connected with the illustration of any specific text, although they remained<br />

a part of a continuum of literary and symbolic meanings and associations. This type of imagery is quite<br />

distinct from what one may call an iconographic device. At the same time the image-paradigm belonged to<br />

visual culture, it was visible and recognizable, but it was not <strong>for</strong>malized in any fixed state, either in a <strong>for</strong>m<br />

of the pictorial scheme or in a mental construction. In this respect, the image-paradigm looks similarly to<br />

the metaphor that loses its sense in re-telling, or in its de-construction into parts. It does not concern any<br />

mystic but a special type of consciousness, which determined several symbolic structures as well as numerous<br />

concrete pictorial motifs. In addition, it challenges our fundamental methodological approach to the<br />

image as illustration and flat picture. In the paper, I am going to discuss some particular Eastern Christian<br />

“image-paradigms”, including very important <strong>Georgian</strong> examples.<br />


Ekaterine Gedevanishvili, Marine Kenia<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

The Correlation of the Word and Image in the Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Mural Painting<br />

Along with pictorial language, the idea of holy icons is primarily unveiled by inscriptions, which accompany<br />

such images. The issue surrounding the correlation of the “Word” and “Image” in the medieval art<br />

is continuously being addressed by different <strong>for</strong>eign scholars (B. Schellewald, L. Brubacker, G. McGuer,<br />

R. Nelson and others). In <strong>Georgian</strong> scholarship, in addition to analyzing iconography special attention has<br />

been paid to the accompanying explanatory inscriptions of several scenes, as well as to the inscriptions on<br />

the prophet scrolls and triumphal arches, which help to uncover the coalesced theological idea emphasized<br />

by the paintings (T. Virsaladze, A. Volskaia, E. Privalova, I. Lortkifanidze, A. Okropiridze, M Didebulidze,<br />

Z. Skhirtladze and others).<br />

The material of these studies by <strong>Georgian</strong> scholars and the results of the recent research give rise to the<br />

possibility of making certain classification. According to preliminary conclusions, findings are likely to<br />

determine the following “functional” groups:<br />

• Simple, laconic explanatory inscriptions, unveiling the subject or identity of the image – this is<br />

the most common type, which, on one hand, makes the image recognizable and, on the other, indicates the<br />

mystical connection with the prototype.<br />

• Widespread, narrative explanatory inscriptions, which not only specify the essence of the image,<br />

but also enrich the image with additional details. Among these are so-called “memorial” inscriptions (i.e.<br />

the explanations of martyrdom scenes), which give the narrative extension to the meaning of the image and<br />

rare inscriptions, which we can refer to as “Psychological” ones, which in with their pictorial <strong>for</strong>m grip the<br />

spectator as a participant of the event.<br />

• Inscriptions that emphasize the key highlights of the theological program. To this type belong accompanying<br />

inscriptions of separate images, as well as the liturgical texts included in the ensembles (the<br />

scroll texts of prophets and St. Fathers, the inscription of triumphal arches) – these inscriptions help to<br />

explore the dogmatic-symbolic meaning of the painting.<br />

The chronological constraints of the use of these inscriptions are profound and the rules <strong>for</strong> their application<br />

are quite diverse: whereas in some cases we have just one “functional” type of the inscriptions, in<br />

other, contemporary cases we observe the simultaneous use of different “functional” groups.<br />

Ori Soltes<br />

Georgetown University. USA<br />

The Art of “The Knight” in its Contexts<br />

The Knight in the Panther’s Skin is typically referred to as Georgia’s national epic poem. This paper<br />

will consider three interwoven issues. The first is how the poem is an epic that fits well into the history<br />

of the Western epic tradition that extends in time and space from the ancient Middle East and the Epic of<br />

Gilgamesh to the Renaissance in Italy and Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered, in terms of content and in terms<br />

of style. What are the elements-the imagery, rhythmic patterns, heroic goals, interweave of issues of love<br />

and strife, role of divinity-that define an epic and how does the <strong>Georgian</strong> poem exhibit those elements?<br />

The second issue is how the poem is uniquely <strong>Georgian</strong>, reflecting the values and sensibilities of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

culture. What is the nature of the hero - culturally and religiously - and what does he and the questions<br />

raised by his adventure reflect of the socio-religiously diverse world in which the poem was created? Put<br />

otherwise: how does The Knight in the Panther’s Skin reflect the nature of Georgia as a realm of tolerant<br />

synthesis, a place of meeting among diverse cultures and traditions? These two issues will <strong>for</strong>m the basis<br />

<strong>for</strong> the third, which is to consider the visual imagery that has attached itself to the epic - the illuminations<br />

and illustrations that, given the first two issues addressed in this paper, might be expected to offer a synthesis<br />

of diversely influenced and indigenous elements. How does the imagery that connects to the epic<br />

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from the 15th-18th c compare with imagery in the Persian, Turkish and European worlds of that era? What<br />

sort of imagery within these other traditions is specifically comparable to the imagery of the Knight in the<br />

Panther’s Skin and why?<br />

Mariam Didebulidze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Secular Tendencies in the Culture of Queen Tamar’s Epoch and its Contemporaneous Mural<br />

Painting<br />

It is widely recognized that the Queen Tamar’s epoch is marked by the noticeable rise of a secular<br />

spirit, as most clearly reflected in the famous “Knight in the Panther’s Skin” by Shota Rustaveli. This has<br />

given scholars the right to argue that idea of a Western Renaissance existed in Georgia. The same kinds of<br />

tendencies are also observed in other parts of Byzantine world, especially in Constantinople and its close<br />

associates.<br />

However, it is still difficult to find artistic trends of the Renaissance from a Western European perspective<br />

in <strong>Georgian</strong> fine art from the period. Indeed, judging by the mural paintings of Queen Tamar’s epoch,<br />

especially by the content of their programs, which demonstrate the triumph of Orthodoxy and the idea<br />

of rejection against heresies, and also by the fact that they adorn the isolated abbeys and the churches of<br />

ascetic monasteries, the sensual, physical and mundane is hardly noticeable. It is only possible to cite the<br />

acute sensation of individual and personal, which points to the aspiration to a more deep mystical union<br />

with God.<br />

Such artworks demonstrate the interesting aspect of human psychology during Queen Tamar’s epoch,<br />

which on one hand was somehow dual and ambivalent, aspiring to reach a mystical union with god; while<br />

on the other, it perceived the earthly world. However, “this world” in ecclesiastic art is analyzed particularly<br />

as the creation of God, beautified by his divine blessing.<br />

Pavlos Flourentzos<br />

Department of Antiquities. Cyprus<br />


The Byzantine Mosaics and Wall Painting of Churches in Cyprus<br />

The spread of Christianity in Cyprus was accompanied by the construction of numerous churches richly<br />

decorated with floor and mural mosaics. The sixth century wall mosaics of Panagia Kanakaria and Panagia<br />

Angeloktistos are both unique examples of mosaics found in apses that depict the Virgin Mary.<br />

After a long period of decline following the Arab raids, Byzantine rule was reestablished on the island,<br />

once again promoting art that emanated directly from Constantinople. During the 11 th and 12 th centuries,<br />

Cyprus entered a new era of prosperity as is witnessed by the number of churches and monasteries built all<br />

over the island. Wall paintings such as those of Panagia Phorviotissa, Panagia tou Arakos, Ayios Nikolaos<br />

tis Stegis, and Ayios Ioannis Lampadistis display strong links between contemporary Comnenian art as it<br />

was evolving in Constantinople.<br />

The Frankish kingdom, established in Cyprus in 1192, lasted three centuries and introduced the island<br />

to a western type of feudal system. Many of the wall paintings of this period found at Panagia Phorviotissa,<br />

Ayios Nikolaos tis Stegis, Panagia (Moutoulas), and the Holy Cross depict donors dressed in western<br />

style.<br />

During Venetian rule (1472-571), the wall paintings of Archangel Michael and of the Holy Cross<br />

Agiasmati reflect the Paleologian style developed in Constantinople; elements of the so-called “Crusader”<br />


style of painting, which was developed mainly in Palestine by western artists; and the local tradition of<br />

Byzantine painting.<br />

Finally, after Venetian occupation ended, wall paintings developed in two distinct directions. The wall<br />

paintings of the church of Panagia Podithou follow the Italo-Byzantine school of Cyprus, which combine<br />

classical Byzantine elements with those of the Italian Renaissance. On the other hand the wall paintings of<br />

the church of the Transfiguration of our Saviour reflect the Palaeologian revival in a personal character.<br />

Aleksandra Davidov Temerinski<br />

Institute <strong>for</strong> the Protection of <strong>Cultural</strong> Monuments. Serbia<br />

Eschatology, Ideology, Contextualisation: The Last Judgment in Dečani, Akhtala and Timotesubani<br />

The unique and grandiose cycle of the Last Judgment that decorates the western part of the naos of the<br />

Pantokrator Church, the katolikon of the monastery Dečani in Serbia (app. 1345), finds its closest parallels<br />

in some earlier <strong>Georgian</strong> churches: Akhtala (1205-1216) and Timotesubani (1205-1215). In this paper I will<br />

try to explain this phenomenon.<br />

Given the vast geographical distance between Serbia and Georgia and the fact that political, trading<br />

or cultural liaisons between these two medieval states did not exist, it is clear that any kind of artistic<br />

“exchange” should have been excluded. The similarity of the Last Judgement images in Dečani, Akhtala<br />

and Timothesubani could be explained as a consequence of the similar ideological context in Serbia and<br />

Georgia at the time when these churches were painted. In none of these three compositions is the didactic or<br />

moral message emphasized, although, generally speaking, that was the most recognizable Last Judgement<br />

feature in the last period of Byzantine art. On the contrary, in both Serbian and <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments, the<br />

most prominent aspect of the scene is the dogmatic sense of the true, orthodox faith.<br />

The second aim of this paper will be an appeal <strong>for</strong> reconsidering our knowledge of the Last Judgement<br />

image in Byzantine art and culture. Considering that the compositions were represented in the western<br />

parts of the churches that had most often been ruined or rebuilt, the development and standardisation of the<br />

monumental Last Judgement scenes still represents, at least partly, the terrain of a terra incognita. Our certainty<br />

in establishing its “typical characteristics” still poses various questions which we have yet to answer<br />

with more caution.<br />

Ida Sinkevic<br />

Lafayette College. USA<br />

Fresco Icons in Monumental Art of Georgia and Byzantium: Meaning and Significance<br />

Painted icons, also referred to as fresco icons or even fictive icons, are found in the monumental art of<br />

both Byzantium and the countries within the orbit of its influence. Known since at least the eleventh century,<br />

these painted images of panel icons are either circular or rectangular in shape, displaying holy figures<br />

within realistic frames often topped with a painted hook to imitate the appearance of the actual hanging<br />

icons. In addition to <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments, we also see fresco icons in the Church of St. Sophia in Ohrid;<br />

the Ossuary of Backovo Monastery; the Monastery of St. Cyril in Kiev; Djurdjevi Stupovi; Nerezi; and the<br />

churches of Mystra. While paucity of evidence precludes the knowledge of their sources, the wide geographic<br />

range of places where they appear, from Macedonia and Serbia, to Russia and Georgia, may suggest<br />

the Byzantine capital, Constantinople, as a tentative but possible place of their origin. The appearance of<br />

fictive icons in Kalenderhane Camii supports this claim.<br />

The presence of fictive icons in church decoration has been most commonly explained as an attempt to<br />

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define the place of action and emphasize its sacred character. While this is generally true of fresco-icons<br />

in <strong>Georgian</strong> churches too as the examples prove, those at Bertubani, Betania and Q’inc’visi, suggest additional<br />

meaning and significance of these icons. It is the purpose of this paper to examine fresco-icons in<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> churches and assess their importance in understanding the multiplicity of cross-cultural roles that<br />

these icons held in medieval art and culture.<br />

Irine Mamaiashvili<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Post Byzantine Tendencies in 16 th c. <strong>Georgian</strong> Mural Painting<br />

Sixteenth century <strong>Georgian</strong> mural paintings are marked with a variety of different tendencies. At the<br />

end of 15 th , beginning of 16 th centuries, during a period of political and social turmoil when the number of<br />

professional painters was reduced, a so-called “Folk paintings” became dominant in murals painting. Like<br />

Georgia, other countries of the Orthodox world did not experience a period of intense creative activity during<br />

the time.<br />

The realm between “Folk paintings” and professional painting in Georgia is occupied by the murals of<br />

the Church of the Virgin at Gelati, executed in the 1520s. On one hand, features of Palaeologan style (figure<br />

proportions, face types, and the use of clothing drapery and color contrasts) are obvious; and on the other<br />

hand, some features coincide more with typical characteristics of “Folk paintings” pictorial elements (the<br />

evident non-tectonic nature of compositions, simplicity of drawing, ornamental-decorative embellishment<br />

of <strong>for</strong>m, and the naive expressiveness). The tendency toward the simplification, which is peculiar to these<br />

paintings, is generally common to the early stage of development of Post-Byzantine art.<br />

The influence of mainstream Byzantine art, and namely of the schools of Crete and Mount of Athos,<br />

is clearly demonstrated by paintings donated by Levan, King of Kakheti (1520-1574); Bagrat III - King<br />

of Imereti (1510-1565); and his son George II (1565-1583). Such paintings can be found at Alvani, Gremi,<br />

Nekresi, Akhali Shuamta, Church of the Virgin and St. George at Gelati. The iconographic programs<br />

get more complex as they are enriched with new, previously unknown iconographic themes <strong>for</strong> Georgia.<br />

However, <strong>Georgian</strong> examples, unlike the paintings of other Orthodox countries, are less “overfilled” with<br />

extended cycles and different Saints’ images. The depiction of Saints, which were especially venerated in<br />

Georgia, the peculiarities of donor portraits, as well as a number of features of painting style, such as a trend<br />

toward the clarity of structure, laconic compositions, and less variegated palette, can be ascribed to local<br />

traditions. Thus the 16 th century <strong>Georgian</strong> painting evolved within the mainstream of Post-Byzantine art,<br />

though at a certain extent it retained its ties to local traditions.<br />

Beatrice Tolidjian<br />

Columbia University, USA<br />


<strong>Georgian</strong> Inspiration <strong>for</strong> External Wall Decoration of Gregorios Pakourianos Foundations Around<br />

Plovdiv. Bulgaria<br />

In 1084, Gregorios Pakourianos, the grand Domesticos of the West during the reign of Alexios I Comnenos<br />

founded a monastery dedicated to the Theotokos at Petrizos, (Bachkovo Monastery) near the village<br />

of Stanimacos, present day Asenovgrad, Bulgaria. Of the building campaigns of Pakourianos, the foundations<br />

of interest <strong>for</strong> the present study are the Bachkovo Monastery ossuary and the Church St. George<br />

“Metoshki.” They both would have been built between 1083 and 1086. This study in gestation focuses on<br />

the manner of the decorative treatment of the facades in each of the two cases. One observes features never<br />


e<strong>for</strong>e seen on Bulgarian lands as pertaining to the external decorative scheme of medieval churches. A<br />

feature shared by both the ossuary and Metoshki consists of a twice recessed blind arcade. Its main unit<br />

consists of a pilaster, to the center of which is attached a semi-column.These engaged columns with semicylindrical<br />

profiles rise to <strong>for</strong>m arches in a continuous manner, i.e. uninterrupted by capitals. The columns<br />

and the arches become part of the same continuous organism projecting the exact same semi-cylindrical<br />

profile.<br />

This decorative program is well-known in the Caucasus, where it has been used extensively, mainly <strong>for</strong><br />

embellishing parts of the exterior of ecclesiastical buildings, while very occasionally it has been used in the<br />

interior as well. Scholarship has traditionally pointed to Armenian precedents <strong>for</strong> this type of church facade<br />

decoration. This author, however, puts <strong>for</strong>th in this study, an even earlier <strong>Georgian</strong> example, namely from<br />

864. Other <strong>Georgian</strong> examples exist from the 10 th and the early part of the 11 th century.<br />

This study proposes to make a comparative analysis with respect to style and function of the external facade<br />

decoration of the two Pakourianos foundations in Bulgaria and the <strong>Georgian</strong> buildings with the intent<br />

of showing that this artistic idiom has been borrowed from the medieval buildings of the Caucasus, with<br />

the earliest extant exponent coming from Georgia. This notion of the importation of artistic ideas from the<br />

Caucasian program of facade decoration will be examined in light of the close politico-socio-religious ties<br />

that existed between Georgia of the third quarter of the 11 th century and the <strong>Georgian</strong> community of monks<br />

in this region of Bulgaria, and most importantly in light of the founder’s own intimate ties with the lands<br />

of the Caucasus.<br />

Tamar Khundadze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

The Images of Historical Figures in Medieval (6 th -11 th c) <strong>Georgian</strong> Facade Sculpture<br />

The images of historical figures <strong>for</strong>m an important part of Christian medieval art. The earliest examples<br />

of these images in Georgia are preserved on stone carvings. The facades of <strong>Georgian</strong> churches often bear<br />

the images of donors, such as governors and clergy, as well as of architects and masters. The exact place <strong>for</strong><br />

these images on the exterior was not strictly determined – we see them on the lower part of the building,<br />

above the doors and windows, and even on the dome.<br />

The stone carved images of historical persons became the focus of <strong>Georgian</strong> scholarship from the very<br />

beginning of this area of study. Significant research by G. Chubinashvili, R. Schmerrling, L. Rcheulishvili,<br />

N. Chubinashvili, G. Alibegashvili, N. Aladashvili, A. Volskaia, K. Machabeli is dedicated to analysis<br />

of the style and historical in<strong>for</strong>mation provided by these images. Juxtaposing carvings’ accompanying<br />

inscriptions with historical sources helped to identify the historical figures depicted. In the past twenty years,<br />

studies by N. Aladashvili, L. Khuskivadze, D. Khoshtaria, I. Nikoleishvili, G. Gagoshidze, I. Giviashvili, T.<br />

Khundadze, among others, mainly focused on the thematic and symbolic context of donor compositions.<br />

The central idea of these images is the plea <strong>for</strong> the salvage of human soles and <strong>for</strong> divine protection. In<br />

terms of this general idea, there are some thematic variations that result in a diversity of composition and<br />

schemes: We have the images of historical persons approaching the Savior, the Virgin, the Saints, and the<br />

Angels with the gesture of prayer; the separate praying, Orant figures; and the donors with church models<br />

in their hands be<strong>for</strong>e the Savior, the Virgin, the Saints or Prophets. Furthermore, images of historical figures<br />

with church models are included in scenes of The Last Judgment. In addition, we have some examples of<br />

historical figures flanking the cross, which reflects the longlasting local tradition of cross veneration. Some<br />

unique compositions include donors facing the plan of the church, the consecration of church, liturgical<br />

procession, historical figures riding horses, among others.<br />

Diversity of thematic and compositional interpretation is also present in the images of architects and<br />

80<br />



masters: Sometimes they are depicted with the gesture of prayer, sometimes with their working tools or even<br />

during the working process. The medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> donor reliefs also vary in terms of a style, reflecting<br />

the artistic and aesthetical taste and features of different historical epochs, as well as the peculiarities of<br />

various regions of the country.<br />

Ekaterine Kvachatadze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

The Main Trends of the Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Facade Sculpture After 11 th century<br />

The end of 11 th century marks a period of crises in <strong>Georgian</strong> sculpture, and as a consequence, the history<br />

of sculpture after this time remained beyond the focus of scholars. Though it is still difficult to analyze<br />

comprehensively the development and problematic nature of the sculpture of these centuries, there are<br />

some hypotheses we can put <strong>for</strong>ward.<br />

During the 12 th -16 th century, scenes and images emphasizing integral ideas are not found on the exteriors<br />

of <strong>Georgian</strong> churches at any further extent. Due to political turmoil, the creative process was interrupted<br />

and some examples became dilapidated (especially from the 14 th -16 th century). On the facades of the surviving<br />

churches from this period (Pitareti, Kazreti, Ertatsmnida, Tsugrugasheni, Dmanisi Sioni, Magalaant<br />

Eklesia, Sapara, Sadgeri, Chitakhevi Belfry, etc.), we can observe separate and unrelated stone carved<br />

compositions. These miniature facade reliefs, often interwoven with the ornamental decor, display different<br />

qualities of craftsmanship and are close stylistically to miniature sculpture. This diminishes their monumentality,<br />

which generally characterizes facade decoration. Despite their overall decorative nature, these<br />

sculptural reliefs, which often bear deep symbolic and theological meaning, highlight the most important<br />

parts of the building.<br />

In the following period of Late Middle Ages (17 th - 18 th century), we witness an attempt to create a system<br />

of facade decoration. At Ananuri Church, the long abandoned tradition of creating an integral artistic<br />

program of facade decoration to express one idea and a complex theological meaning is rediscovered.<br />

This is followed by a system of facade decoration at St. Peter and Paul Church in Sagarejo and “Gigos<br />

Sakdari” in Kintsvisi, which stands close to Ananuri. The “Mtskheta” church in Lechkhumi is somewhat<br />

distinguished.<br />

The artistic interest in volumetric <strong>for</strong>ms, which had waned after 11 th century, is not a driving <strong>for</strong>ce, even<br />

<strong>for</strong> the revitalized creative explorations of 17 th -18 th century. The main intention of such artistic explorations<br />

was the creation and revival of the sculptural programs incorporated to express one theological idea. Beneath<br />

the arms of crosses marked with the triumphal-eschatological features evolved the main idea <strong>for</strong> the<br />

decoration program that reflected Old and New Testament images.<br />

The artistic style of late medieval relief sculptures is as polysemantic and dissimilar, as in some cases,<br />

non-typical and difficult to interpret iconography of this period.<br />

Peter Grossmann<br />

German Institute of Archaeology in Cairo. Germany<br />

Roman and Late Roman Elements in the Early Christian Architecture of Egypt in Comparison with<br />

the Situation in Georgia<br />

Since the time of Augustus Egypt belongs to the Roman Empire and since the 4 th century or even be<strong>for</strong>e<br />

the Egyptians abandoned their great Pharaonic tradition and used <strong>for</strong> the architectural arrangement of their<br />

surroundings motives from the Hellenistic and Roman art. The style of their architecture became Roman<br />


with a few minor exceptions based on longer lasting traditions. The basilica, common type of early church<br />

architecture all over the world, keeps in Egypt its pre-Christian shape. All centralized churches in Egypt<br />

follow <strong>for</strong>eign models and the architectural decoration is heavily influenced from the development in C/pel,<br />

the capital of the Late Roman Empire.<br />

With Georgia the situation is completely different. It was never as long part of the Roman Empire. The<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> ecclesiastical architecture is indeed rather different from the influence of the Late Roman Empire.<br />

Examples which used the style of the basilica are rare and it seems that a centralized building type came in<br />

Georgia earlier into use than in other parts of the Empire. Apart of this the <strong>Georgian</strong> churches are nearly all<br />

built of stone material and the decorative elements are typical <strong>Georgian</strong>. Only in rare cases one can observe<br />

traces of later Roman influences<br />

John Wilkinson<br />

The British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem. (Retired Director) UK<br />

Where did Georgia’s Churches Start?<br />

I was lucky enough in 1995 to meet Professor Vachtang Beridze. Over 13 years I have benefited greatly<br />

by reading his book on ancient churches. I do not know whether he would have agreed with what I am going<br />

to say about their origin, but he would certainly have given it a fair hearing.<br />

It used to be the case that the design of churches was supposed to come from the basilica. But this was<br />

because so much nineteenth century scholarship was based in Rome. Roman influence was everywhere<br />

because Rome was the first to publish art books which, by any standard, were excellent. And Roman<br />

scholars were very impressed by the author of a book on architecture, Leon Battista Alberti, who was also<br />

an inhabitant of the Vatican. Alberti published his book in 1485, and this was the first time that his theory<br />

about the basilica as the origin of church design was printed.<br />

Is this theory of the basilica leading to the church correct? In Georgia, you only have to look at the<br />

position of the altar on the plan. It is not exactly the same in every church. But the thing which links all these<br />

altars is the proportion, the proportion of the Ark in the Tabernacle or in the Jerusalem Temple. So, in my<br />

personal opinion, the churches were originally based on some buildings with a close link to the Tabernacle<br />

or the Temple, and these are the Jewish synagogues.<br />

Irine Giviashvili<br />

Freelance Scholar. Georgia<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Polyapsidal Church Architecture<br />

The aim of my work is to bring together and analyze the developments of the type of medieval church<br />

known as Polyapsidal. A polyapsidal church has more than one apse. In these churches a semicircular wall<br />

covered with a conch can be found not only the east part of the sanctuary, but also on the lateral, north and<br />

south sides, and on the west too. These buildings are reffered to as triconches, tetraconces, five-apsed and<br />

hexaconces. Such Polyapsidal buildings will be discussed in comparison with six arm and eight arm buildings.<br />

The remains of these kind of buildings are preserved in Georgia, as well in historic <strong>Georgian</strong> provinces<br />

of Tao-Klarjeti (Turkey) and Hereti (Azerbaijan).<br />

The evaluation of the tetraconch church type in Georgia was published by Prof. G. Chubinashvili, founder<br />

of the School of Art History studies in Georgia. His work Monuments of the Jvari type, Tbilisi 1948,<br />

remains not only as the main publication of this type of church building in Georgia but also as the key study<br />

of Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Architecture in general. Numerous publications by other scholars were dedicated to<br />

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the different Polyapsidal churches of Georgia, as well as on the rendering these types.<br />

According the preliminary research the appearance of this type of architecture in Georgia is connected<br />

to contemporary stylistical movements. The aesthetics of the so called “classical” period contributed to<br />

the popularity of tetraconches. By contrast, the period of building hexaconces and eight armed churches<br />

corresponds a period known as the “transitional period”, time when architects are in search to achieve new<br />

scale and new style. The Building time of triconches corresponds to the new needs of 0-11 th centuries and<br />

becomes a major type of cathedral architecture.Order to classify Polyapsidal churches it is important to take<br />

into consideration the liturgical needs that contributed to the development of the <strong>for</strong>ms and sizes of these<br />

types. In this regard it is important to discuss the structure of Bana Cathedral and compare this example<br />

with the other buildings of the same type.- the tetraconch in rotunda.<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Polyapsidal church architecture must be discussed in relationship to similar buildings found in<br />

neighboring regions of the Christian East and in roman and pre-Christian architecture. Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

church architecture represents a typological diversity which is similar to that of church architecture in the<br />

Eastern Christian world.<br />

Ketevan Abashidze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Stone Facing in <strong>Georgian</strong> Ecclesiastic Architecture<br />

Georgia’s land resembles that of other small European counties. Its relief is marked by diversity, as on<br />

this relatively small territory one will come across almost every type of natural landscape.<br />

The nature, climate and flora in Georgia are varied as well. So too are its stones: one can find multicolored<br />

and differently drawn solid marble; mirror-like teshenites; gold tuffs; green albitophire; dark gray basalt;<br />

gray and lilac-colored andesite; different colored limestone and sandstones; travertine and shale.<br />

Diversity in stone types points to the geological ancientness of Georgia. Likewise, the roots of building<br />

traditions in Georgia date back to the hoary past. The paper focuses on the façade stone cladding of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

ecclesiastic architecture. It explores the characteristics of the façade stone facing of both ecclesiastic and<br />

secular buildings, from ancient times through the period of Christian church building and beyond. The<br />

paper analyses the peculiar feature of <strong>Georgian</strong> churches, artistically executed masonry such as on “the<br />

robe” (in <strong>Georgian</strong>) of the building. Such craftsmanship bears the traces of a special creative impulse. A<br />

church “robe” that was made of stones draws upon the ancient local building traditions.<br />

The stone’s color and placement plays an important role in creating the entire image of the church.<br />

Furthermore, together with carved ornamentation, it is one of the most important elements of church facade<br />

embellishment, because it simultaneously bears the constructive-seismic, artistic-aesthetic and symbolic<br />

meaning.<br />

David Khoshtaria<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Architecture of Tao-Klarjeti: History and Perspectives of Study<br />

Archaeological interest in the antiquities of Tao-Klarjeti started in the nineteenth century (K. Koch, D.<br />

Bakradze, G. Kazbegi, Pr. Uvarova). From the architectural point of view, they were explored by A. Pavlinov,<br />

N. Marr, and E. Taqaishvili who visited many churches, monasteries, and <strong>for</strong>tresses in the region and<br />

published valuable materials including descriptions, photographs, and drawings.<br />

After the First World War, the study of the architecture of Tao-Klarjeti was interrupted and was resumed<br />


after a long time owing to N. and J.-M. Thierry,V. Djobadze, R. Edwards, and B. Baumgartner. From 1980s,<br />

M. Kadiroğlu and other Turkish scholars are also actively engaged in the inventory and study of the monuments<br />

of Tao-Klarjeti.<br />

By the 1980s, the architecture of Tao-Klarjeti was already determined as a priority aspect of research by<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> scholars. However, political obstacles prevented them from exploring the antiquities of “Turkish<br />

Georgia” in situ. As early as 1930s, G. Chubinashvili argued the exceptional role of Tao-Klarjeti in the<br />

development of the <strong>Georgian</strong> architecture. Subsequently V. Beridze fully revealed this role in his general<br />

work. Only after the collapse of the Soviet regime, <strong>Georgian</strong> scholars managed to arrange expeditions in<br />

Turkey.<br />

In the recent years, new perspectives emerge in the study of the architecture of Tao-Klarjeti. A joint<br />

Turkish-<strong>Georgian</strong> team (O. Aytekin, I. Elizbarashvili) was <strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> the inventory of <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments<br />

in Turkey. Due to the ef<strong>for</strong>ts of M. Bogisch, there is a revival of the interest in Tao-Klarjeti in the<br />

Western scholarship, which resulted in a special panel at the XXI <strong>International</strong> Congress of Byzantine<br />

<strong>Studies</strong> in London 2006. Actually, it was the first gathering of scholars studying the subject from different<br />

countries. Workshop in Istanbul 2007 was an important further step in this direction. It gave an incentive to<br />

the creation of the international multidisciplinary team (F. Bayram, D. Khoshtaria, I. Giviashvili, A. Peacock),<br />

which plans to start investigations in Tao in Summer 2008.<br />

Dr. Bruno Baumgartner<br />

University of Vienna. Austria<br />

Unknown and Less Known <strong>Georgian</strong> Monuments in Northeast Turkey<br />

The exploration of Tao-Klarjeti, or better of Zemo Kartli (Upper Kartli) how the <strong>Georgian</strong>s have called<br />

the provinces situated in the valley of the river Çhorkhi and in the upper reaches of the river Kura (Mtkvari)<br />

was dominated by its difficult position in the region between Turkey and Russia.<br />

My own researches in Tao-Klarjrti began with a touristical journey to Eastern Anatolia in 1982 when I<br />

visited the first time some important monuments of Tao-Klarjeti as Oshki, Ishkhani, Xaxuli, Doliskana and<br />

Yeni Rabat.<br />

During the following years I undertook with a car of my own four journeys to Tao-Klarjeti In 1985,<br />

1986, 1988 and 1990 I could travel to nearly all places cited by Zdanevich. Assisted by the aid of modern<br />

street maps and the Map of the Turkish Army (Harta Genel Müdürlüğü) I was able not only to locate nearly<br />

all <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments but also to measure and photograph most of them.<br />

In 1989 at the <strong>International</strong> Symposium of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History in Tbilisi I reported about my researches<br />

in Klarjeti. During the following years I published some articles in Austria and France and in 1997 I finished<br />

at the University of Vienna my dissertation <strong>Studies</strong> on the historical geography of Tao-Klarjeti, where you<br />

can find new descriptions and photos of nearly all churches, monasteries and <strong>for</strong>tresses in Tao-Klarjeti.<br />

First I want to describe some churches in the upper region of the Kura/Mtkvari valley, the <strong>for</strong>mer <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

provinces Kola, Artaani and Javaxeti. The greatest part of them was not visited by modern scholars<br />

since the days of Takaishvili at the beginning of the 20th century:<br />

Cicor, Dörtkilise, Alagöz, Eskibeyrehatun, Ölçek, Eruљeti, Börk, Sikirib and Gogubani.<br />

Another interesting group of nearly unknown churches and monasteries is situated in the valley of the<br />

Bardiz river, an important collateral valley of the Oltu-Penek river. Here we can find :<br />

Leksori, Kalkus, Ortulis Vanki, Bardiz, Kop, Kotris and Bobisgeri.<br />

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Markus Bogisch<br />

University of Copenhagen. Denmark<br />


Some Remarks on <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and the Cross-in-square Core of the Church in Oshki in the<br />

Historic Province of Tao (Northeast Turkey)<br />

The main church of the monastery in Oshki (963-973) has a core which is divided into nine bays by the<br />

four free-standing piers that support the dome. In essence, this is a cross-in-square structure, albeit on a<br />

monumental scale. Churches of this building type became predominant all over the Byzantine Empire from<br />

the ninth century onwards. The origin of the building type, however, remains still disputed. Various modes<br />

of explanation have been employed in the past, ranging from evolutionary and socio-economical theories<br />

to phenomenological interpretations. The intention of this paper is not that much to focus on the <strong>for</strong>mal<br />

and typological similarities between the core structure of Oshki and the Middle Byzantine cross-in-square<br />

churches of Constantinople, but also to analyse it within the framework of the sacred architecture of the<br />

Christian East. Considering the traditionally close relations between Georgia and the Holy Land, I want to<br />

show that there are certain <strong>for</strong>mal, conceptual and ideological traits that ultimately link Oshki to the architecture<br />

of Jerusalem.<br />

Nato Gengiuri<br />

Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University Georgia. Georgia<br />

Porches of <strong>Georgian</strong> Churches<br />

(From Early Christian Period to Advanced Middle Ages)<br />

The artistic-architectural decoration of church porches proves that the entrance to a church was a focus<br />

of <strong>Georgian</strong> architecture throughout all stages of its development. The importance of the entrance, which is<br />

highlighted by its artistic embellishment, is a feature common to Christian architecture in general. Central<br />

to it is the symbolic interpretation of both the entire ecclesiastic building as well as its separate parts. This<br />

idea is emphasized by western European medieval architecture and its contemporaneous texts, in which<br />

ecclesiastic buildings are interpreted in two ways: in terms of verbal description of ideal architectural space<br />

and its allegorical understanding. This unveils the double meaning of ecclesiastic architecture which is<br />

also present at entrances. Considered a symbolic border between the two worlds, the entrance acquires the<br />

meaning of a meeting point. Hence its location, conjunction with the church’s main body and its orientation<br />

to the different sides of the world (East, West, North, and South) take on the special importance. These issues<br />

should be addressed also in terms of <strong>Georgian</strong> ecclesiastic architecture.<br />

Construction of the entry porches, as separate architectural volumes, was compulsory in almost every<br />

important monument in Georgia. Certain types of porches, such as the arched construction supported by<br />

four free standing pillars and open in three directions, are common to every stage of architectural development.<br />

But at the same time, the existence of other <strong>for</strong>ms of porches is also observable. In addition, the<br />

means by which the importance of the porch is emphasized varies according to the development of different<br />

architectural styles. Because different stages of architectural development mark changes in porch varieties,<br />

certain porch types are more common to certain periods.<br />

In early Christian epoch, the entrance was highlighted through the arched pillared construction. In the<br />

fifth through seventh centuries the entrance, which was not separated from the main body of the church,<br />

is in “one flow” with the structure’s detour, as can be seen in Bolnisi Sioni, Kvemo Bolnisi, Kandamiani,<br />

Vazisubani, Oltisi, and Tabakini, among elsewhere.<br />


During the transitional period, there was a tendency both to maintain already established patterns and to<br />

explore the new three-parted porch style. The eighth and ninth century monuments, such as the churches of<br />

Ambara, Tskhvarichamia, Dvani, and Vachnadziani, display a variety in porch types. The widespread threeparted<br />

and richly stone carved porch type, which is typical to the advanced Middle Ages, was <strong>for</strong>med as a<br />

result of these artistic explorations. They have central parts with double-pitched pediment ended roofs and<br />

sides with lower single-pitched roofs. This type of the porch spreads in popularity from the 11 th century on<br />

and is observable in church structures with and without domes (Zemo Krikhi, Magalaant Eklesia, Manglisi,<br />

Betania, and Kvatakhevi, etc.).<br />

Irma Berdzenishvili<br />

Archaeological Research Center of National Museum of Georgia. Georgia<br />

The Ecclesiastic Architecture of Abkhazeti in Early Middle Ages<br />

The ecclesiastic architecture of early Middle Ages in Abkhazeti is mainly known from unearthed architectural<br />

monuments. The spread of Christianity in this area was partly due to the fact that this region served<br />

as an asylum to first Christians persecuted by the Roman Empire. Today we know of about 26 fourth to<br />

eighth century architectural monuments discovered on the territory of Abkhazeti. Among these, the earliest<br />

and most valuable site is Bichvinta (Pitiunt), where the existence of a strong, organized Christian community,<br />

which dates to the late third century, can be observed. This is also proven by archeological finds. In<br />

fourth to sixth century, nine Christian churches were built on the territory of Bichvinta and its surroundings.<br />

From the sixth century onward, intensive ecclesiastic building activities spread throughout all Abkhazeti,<br />

including its costal area (Gantiadi, Gagra, Anakopia, Miusera, Sokhumi, Ochamchire, and Gudava), inland<br />

and mountainous regions ( Khashupse, Likhne, Dranda, Jgerda, Tsebelda, Shapka, and Mramba). Examples<br />

of Christian relief sculpture discovered in Mramba, Tsebelda, Anakophia, Sokhumi, Kulamba, and<br />

Dranda, are linked with these progressing building activity.<br />

Early Christian ecclesiastic architecture in Abkhazeti is manly represented by basilica-type churches:<br />

two- (Bichvinta) and three-aisled basilicas (Bichvinta #2 and #3 churches, Alahadze, Gantiadi, Sokhumi<br />

churches), and by triple-church basilicas (Gagra, Miusera, Abaanta abd Kiach-aba Churches). Along<br />

with basilica structures are some single-nave churches (Bichvinta, Anakopia, Gienosi, Tsebelda #2 and #3<br />

churches, Mramba, Shapka and Kashupse), free standing baptisteries (Gudava) and a cross-domed church<br />

(Dranda).<br />

The early Christian ecclesiastic architecture of Abkhazeti bears evidence of traces of the synthesis between<br />

eastern and western building traditions. On one hand, the building techniques used link the monuments<br />

of Abkhazeti with those of Constantinople and the costal area of Asia Minor; and on the other, some<br />

features relate to the monuments of the inland regions of Asia Minor.<br />

Due to the current political situation, further investigation into the monuments of Abkhazeti became difficult.<br />

However a team of Russian-Abkhazian archeologists have been studying in the area <strong>for</strong> the last five<br />

years and has discovered many previously unknown archeological sites. Though we regret the fact that the<br />

abovementioned investigations have occurred without the participation <strong>Georgian</strong> scholars, it is clear that<br />

such recent discoveries have shed light on many vague issues as well as raised many new and interesting<br />

questions concerning the study of the antiquities in this region.<br />

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Edith Neubauer<br />

University of Leipzig. Germany<br />


<strong>Georgian</strong> Medieval Architecture and Sculpture and the Central European Romanesque Period<br />

Georgia had adopted Christianity as a state religion as early as 337 AD. The pagan idols<br />

disappeared and at the same places Christian churches <strong>for</strong> worship and baptism were often been erected,<br />

a phenomenon known as “Continuity of the place of cult.” There were no examples of Christian churches<br />

to follow. In the time between the fourth and the seventh centuries the inventive mind of <strong>Georgian</strong> architects<br />

created numerous manifold <strong>for</strong>ms of basilicas and domed cruci<strong>for</strong>m churches.<br />

The domed centralized church (Mtskheta, Jvari church 586/87 – 604/05) and the domed cruci<strong>for</strong>m<br />

church with four freestanding pillars (Tsromi, Redeemer church 626 -34) became new variations, unique<br />

in the eastern Christian world. Georgia manifested its political and cultural independence of Byzantium<br />

with these remarkable achievements. A distinguishing feature of early Christian architectures is the use<br />

of relief sculpture which was already included in basilicas from the fourth century, but initially without a<br />

fixed concept. In the Jvari church and the Redeemer church no part of the building was ever adorned by<br />

pure chance, rather a fixed ideological programme existed. This promising development was interrupted<br />

by a 200-year of Arabic rule. The beginning of the tenth century was the renaissance of Christian church<br />

architecture and at the same time the renaissance of the monumental relief sculpture.<br />

A second significant use of relief sculpture are the tympana which are linked with the portal of a<br />

church. In the early Christian countries sculptured tympana in connection with church architecture can only<br />

be found in Armenia and Georgia. The comparison of <strong>Georgian</strong> and Romanesque German jambs, frames<br />

and pictorial programmes shows an astonishing similarity. Reception or parallel solution?<br />

Up to date the development of the monumental style of relief sculpture linked with fades of churches<br />

has not yet been given any regard. The first appearance about 600 AD (Jvari church, east façade) was<br />

a pioneering event. The multitude of its roots - Antiquity, Urartu art, and oriental art – have not been<br />

examined sufficiently. In Georgia and Armenia the mature style of monumental relief sculpture appeared<br />

in the early tenth century in Achtamar and Oshki. The impetus reached Byzantium, Old Russia, Germany<br />

and France.<br />

Veronica Kalas<br />

Wayne State University. USA<br />

Yavuz Özkaya<br />

Architectural Restoration PROMET. Turkey<br />

The <strong>Georgian</strong> Aspects of Medieval Architecture at Ani in the Thirteenth Century:<br />

The Church of Tigran Honents and the Mosque of Minuchir<br />

The Church of Tigran Honents and the Mosque of Minuchir at Ani stand among the most important<br />

buildings of the abandoned medieval Byzantine, Armenian, <strong>Georgian</strong>, and Seljuk city of Ani in northeastern<br />

Turkey. In a campaign to salvage major monuments in eastern Turkey that have been neglected <strong>for</strong> decades<br />

and to bring attention to underdeveloped regions of the country, Turkey’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism<br />

offered a special commission <strong>for</strong> the preservation of these two structures. During the spring and summer<br />

of 2006, Tigran Honents and the so-called mosque were the object of intensive survey by the architectural<br />

firm PROMET based in Ankara. In this paper, we present some of the highlights from this study, including<br />

the most important drawings and three-dimensional models produced from the survey. We also discuss<br />


the ways in which this significant work of primary documentation may lead toward a better understanding<br />

of medieval architectural history in the region, especially during the thirteenth century. These buildings<br />

testify to a complex period of cultural interactions in eastern Anatolia and the southern Caucasus during the<br />

thirteenth century. We will focus on the <strong>Georgian</strong> aspects of these two buildings, and explore the problems<br />

of building chronology, technology and style, as well as issues of identity, function and meaning.<br />

Rosemary Basic<br />

The University of Oklahoma. USA<br />

Georgia and Croatia: A Case of Common Source<br />

This paper explores some striking stylistic elements shared by a famous eleventh-century icon of Our<br />

Lady of Tenderness from the Church of SS Cyricus and Julitta in Lagurka, Svanetia, and thirteen-century<br />

example of the Virgin Mary with Child from the Church of Virgin Mary from Spalato (Split) in Croatia.<br />

Despite the fact that both paintings officially belong to different geographical and religious traditions, they<br />

share traces of <strong>for</strong>mative style that was originated and perhaps transmitted by masters who appropriated an<br />

eclectic and rather unique manner of expression recognized in these two works.<br />

It is my intention to trace the background of these two examples and offer possible answers on the<br />

following questions: where and when this style was <strong>for</strong>matted? It is a known fact that from tenth century<br />

on, the <strong>Georgian</strong> masters were turning away from Judeo-Palestinian models replacing them with the tradition<br />

of the Church in Constantinople. At the time, the Byzantine capital was famous <strong>for</strong> iconographers<br />

who created numerous innovative styles that were transmitted with model-books to various parts of the<br />

Empire. The cultural origin of these masters, like in Croatian case, was most likely Italian, enhanced the<br />

“originality” of appropriated style and trans<strong>for</strong>med it in what is known as the maniera latina work. On the<br />

other hand, the <strong>Georgian</strong> example reveals the mixture of both, genuine Byzantine and maniera latina elements.<br />

The possible source of both versions of this mode of expression was the Monastery of St. Catherine,<br />

a Greek stronghold at the Sinai desert in Egypt, where numerous artistic workshops were engaged in<br />

creating, transmitting, and preserving multicultural and religiously diversified iconography of long-lasting<br />

icon producti<br />

Leila Khuskivadze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Ornament in Medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> Repousse work<br />

Ornamental decoration is the branch of <strong>Georgian</strong> medieval art, distinguished with great accomplishments. In<br />

this regard, alongside with the architecture, repousse work occupies an important place. The array of these<br />

rich and diverse artworks demonstrates the complexity and variety of <strong>Georgian</strong> ornamental art, which on<br />

one hand reflects the traditions of Ancient Eastern and Greek-Roman world, and on the other, demonstrates<br />

the accomplishments of medieval culture in general. In addition the latter unveils the peculiarities,<br />

developed due to the <strong>Georgian</strong> masters’ creativity, rich imagination and their relish <strong>for</strong> decorativeness.<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> ornaments are someway linked with the Byzantine ones; however the ongoing stylistic changes,<br />

especially of foliage ornaments associate them with evolution processes of Greek and Western European<br />

ornament. The fact that repousse ornaments help to identify certain artistic schools or workshops assume<br />

the additional important role to them.<br />

The successful development of medieval repousse ornament in Georgia had a broad background – on one<br />

hand the rich traditions of pre-Christian <strong>Georgian</strong> art, and on the other, of folk art and namely of wood<br />

88<br />


carving.<br />

The study of <strong>Georgian</strong> repousse ornaments should be conducted in many different directions: the<br />

chronological grouping of ornamental motives, definition of their function, symbolic meaning, style,<br />

peculiarities, techniques, a search <strong>for</strong> a wide and rich parallel material, as well as their links with <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

architectural decoration. As a consequence the conclusions of these studies will define the worth place of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> repousse ornament in the <strong>Georgian</strong> and world history of ornamental decoration.<br />

Maria Lidova<br />

Scuola Normale Superiora. Italy<br />

Creating a Liturgical Space: the Sinai Complex of Icons by Ioannes Tsohabi.<br />

This paper deals with six icons from the collection of St. Catherine’s monastery on Mount Sinai in Egypt.<br />

Four of the panels are calendar icons. A fifth represents the Last Judgment while the last one bears a unique<br />

representation of five miraculous icons of the Virgin and a narrative cycle dedicated to the miracles and passions<br />

of Christ. A range from the late eleventh early twelfth century has been proposed <strong>for</strong> the dating of these<br />

images.<br />

This group of icons is one of several testimonies pointing to the active presence of <strong>Georgian</strong> monks on<br />

Sinai in the Middle Byzantine period. The <strong>Georgian</strong> origin of these images is confirmed not only by a particularly<br />

expressive style that still awaits detailed analysis and comparison with <strong>Georgian</strong> paintings, but also<br />

by bilingual inscriptions (every Greek name is complemented by its <strong>Georgian</strong> equivalent). A short <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

inscription under the throne of Redeemer in the scene of the Last Judgment records the priest Ioannes Tsohabi<br />

as a commissioner of the icon. The same name, Ioannes, is cited in four large Greek epigrams that decorate<br />

the reverses of the icons. These Greek inscriptions are a work of a master poet, a great connoisseur of Greek<br />

texts and literature.<br />

Though these icons have already been discussed by various art historians, several problems remain unresolved.<br />

Previous studies have generally treated the icons individually. In this paper, I will analyze the icons<br />

as a single and coherent project. In my view, it is quite probable that all six were displayed together and thus<br />

created and defined a particular liturgical space. Their unity is confirmed by the sophisticated Greek epigrams,<br />

their original iconographic programs, and their stylistic and typological similarity. Through a comparison<br />

with illuminated manuscripts and monumental paintings, it is possible to demonstrate that the Sinai complex<br />

of icons had specific liturgical meanings. Finally, these icons are of great importance <strong>for</strong> understanding the<br />

mutual relations between <strong>Georgian</strong> and Byzantine art.<br />

Nana Burchuladze<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />


<strong>Georgian</strong> Icons at St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai (To <strong>Georgian</strong>-Byzantine<br />

Interrelations)<br />

The Mount Sinai and the monastery of St. Catherine are among the most important spiritual centers<br />

of the Christian East. <strong>Georgian</strong>s were always attracted to this sacred site – traces of their presence can be<br />

detected from the 6 th century.<br />

The activities of <strong>Georgian</strong>s were especially intense between the ninth and tenth centuries as evident<br />

from the amount of translated ecclesiastic literature and icons painted by <strong>Georgian</strong> monks. The Sinai collection<br />

of icons also comprised these relics brought from Georgia. Recently <strong>Georgian</strong> scholars were given<br />

the opportunity to study <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscripts kept on the Mount Sinai. The catalogue of this treasure was<br />


also published. As <strong>for</strong> <strong>Georgian</strong> icons, little in<strong>for</strong>mation exists on them.<br />

Obviously, in this situation the unveiling and study of each <strong>Georgian</strong> icon is of a special importance, as<br />

they provide the valuable in<strong>for</strong>mation on the spiritual life and activities of <strong>Georgian</strong> monks on the Mount<br />

Sinai. The collection of documentary in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding these icons from the collection of St. Catherine’s<br />

Monastery and which were subsequently bought by a Russian collectors in the 19 th century and which<br />

are lost <strong>for</strong> today, is a very important issue.<br />

The paper aims at presenting one of those Sinai icons, particularly the fragmented polyptych with<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> inscriptions, which depicts common Christian Saints alongside <strong>Georgian</strong> saints—the Syrian and<br />

Athonite fathers and other <strong>Georgian</strong> eminent spiritual figures. The onsite study of the icon and of related<br />

material reveals that in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding this work of art in scientific literature is misleading.<br />

While studying the icons, we had the opportunity to determine their composition and iconographic program,<br />

investigate the technique and style in which they were executed, as well as date this masterpiece to<br />

the first half of 14 th century based on the comparative analyses. Along with the study of the a<strong>for</strong>ementioned<br />

polyptych, we have also submitted relatively comprehensive in<strong>for</strong>mation regarding the <strong>Georgian</strong> icons,<br />

which <strong>for</strong>med and continue to <strong>for</strong>m a part of the Sinai Collection. We hope that the results of this accomplished<br />

study will be interesting and useful both <strong>for</strong> the study of the medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> icon painting and<br />

<strong>for</strong> the history of Sinai and Orthodox icons in general.<br />

Alexsander Saminski<br />

Andrei Rublev Museum, Russia<br />

The Miniatures and Origin of the Berti Gospel<br />

The Berti Gospel book (Tbilisi, Q-906) is famous <strong>for</strong> its late-twelfth-century silver-gilt covers made<br />

by the goldsmith Beshken at the Opiza Monastery. The manuscript was donated to the neighboring Monastery<br />

of Berti by a monk named Iovane Mtavraidze, who inherited it from his brother and uncle. Though<br />

his dedicatory inscription does not specify where the Gospel was copied, the book’s miniatures provide<br />

key evidence <strong>for</strong> its origin. Though presently kept separately, they were at first integral to the volume, as it<br />

can be deduced from their page size and from the marginal traces of sewing holes that match those of the<br />

codex’s binding.<br />

The Berti portrait of Saint Luke is a direct copy of a miniature in a late-twelfth-century manuscript at<br />

Dumbarton Oaks, Ms 4. The codices are also similar in terms of <strong>for</strong>mat, ruling type and number of lines per<br />

page. They should have been written at adjacent locations. The excellent execution of the Washington miniatures<br />

suggests Constantinopolitan origin, but the volume’s modest headpieces in red ink and the mediocre<br />

quality of its parchment show that other possibilities should not be excluded.<br />

All of the Berti Gospels’ evangelist portraits find close counterparts in a <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscript held at the<br />

St. Petersburg Institute of Oriental <strong>Studies</strong>, E 45. This codex probably has the same origin as the Berti and<br />

Washington ones. A Greek inscription of its owner under the image of Matthew suggests that in 1832 it was<br />

in a Greek milieu. Some of its headpieces closely resemble Greek and <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscripts produced in<br />

Antioch in the 11 th century. One of those books is the present Tbilisi Q-371 copied by a priest named Iovane<br />

Mtavaraidze in 1091. The family of the owner of the Berti Gospels - Iovane Mtavraidze thus seems to have<br />

had old connections with Antioch<br />

90<br />



Nino Kavtaria<br />

National Center of Manuscripts. Georgia<br />

Artistic Aspects of the 12 th -13 th c <strong>Georgian</strong> Gospels Illumination<br />

The political and cultural flourish in the 12 th -13 th century determined refined quality of <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscript<br />

illumination. Scriptoriums at numerous monastic centers throughout the country and abroad helped<br />

to meet the rising demand <strong>for</strong> books and especially on manuscript gospels.<br />

The paper aims at unveiling the artistic aspects of 12 th -13 th century <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscript gospels. Alongside,<br />

the famous Gelati Q-908, Jruchi #2 H-1667, and Vani A-1335 Gospels, the author explores the relatively<br />

less-known and studied 12 th -13 th century manuscripts. Their embellishment is reduced to such decorative<br />

elements as frames, headpieces, capital letters and the images of evangelists (A-281, Q-906, Q-907,<br />

Q-929, H-1707, H-2075, H-1706 – 12 th c.; Q-883, Q-900, A-498, A-1563, Q-899 – 12 th -13 th c.; A-138,<br />

A-494, S-110, A-26 –13 th c). The illumination of these manuscripts clearly demonstrates an integral course<br />

of development, amplified decorativeness and outline softness, common palette, and diversity and richness<br />

of ornamental motives. Simultaneously, the synthesis of colorific and graphical tendencies is clearly<br />

observable. Despite common Byzantine influences, the illumination of several manuscripts also reflects<br />

the local artistic traditions. The ornamental decoration applied in cinnabar goes beyond the frame borders,<br />

conflates the capital letters, penetrates the text and altogether becomes one single whole. In addition, the use<br />

of ivory-white shade of the parchment as a color was a widespread method <strong>for</strong> that time.<br />

The paper aims at unveiling the iconographic, stylistic and artistic peculiarities of different artistic<br />

schools and at demonstrating the evolutionary course of <strong>Georgian</strong> manuscript illumination during these<br />

centuries.<br />

Lali Osepashvili<br />

Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University. Georgia<br />

The Peculiarities of the Decorative Design of the <strong>Georgian</strong> Liturgical Scrolls (XII-XIV centuries)<br />

The National Center of Manuscripts maintains a number of liturgical scrolls, the review of which will<br />

help us to make conclusions concerning the peculiarities of their design.<br />

It is known that manuscript liturgical scrolls are an innovation of the 11 th century. The first <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

manuscript scroll of this epoch is without any embellishment. From the 12 th century, their design becomes<br />

more elaborate (S-4980). As with other canonical manuscripts, the scroll has its cover page (so called<br />

“kephi”) on which a symbolic composition or an author’s portrait is represented. The development of the<br />

cover page design can be explained as follows: If the cover page of the 12 th -century scroll is decorated with<br />

the image of the life-giving column, the cover page of the 13 th -century scroll (A-922) represents St. John<br />

Chrysostom as the author of the liturgics, while the miniature on the cover page of the 16 th -century scroll<br />

(H-516) reveals some variations on both design. On the 16 th -century scroll, we see a monumental cross and<br />

the authors of the liturgics, St. Basil the Great and St. John Chrysostom, integrating the Eucharistic and<br />

Golgotha (the Mount Calvary) misteries.<br />

From the 13 th century there appear the capital letters appear on the marginal spaces. It is possible to<br />

differentiate them: 1) A simple first capital letter, outlined in cinnabar; 2) A complex featured capital letter,<br />

decorated with foliage or zoomorphic ornaments; and 3) Capital letters, with an image included in its<br />

ornamentation.<br />

This specificity of the scrolls design, starting from the 13 th century evolved through the 16 th century with<br />

some distinctions. We maintain scrolls decorated only with capital letters: H-521 (15 th century); H-511 (16 th<br />


century). Notwithstanding the specificity of a scroll design, the artist pursues the specified standards of a<br />

scroll design, as seen in the abundantly illustrated Gospels. For example, on the scroll from Svetistskhoveli,<br />

the text narrating the story of the Eucharist is divided horizontally by three horizontal compositions: “Christ<br />

with the Apostles,” “Eucharist” initially with bread (“Sephiskveri”), and than with wine (“Zedashe”).<br />

We can also compare the <strong>Georgian</strong> Liturgical Scrolls with those of Byzantine, which confirms that, on<br />

the one hand, <strong>Georgian</strong> culture absorbs the accomplishments of the region’s leading country, and on the<br />

other hand, <strong>for</strong>med stable national traditions. For example, unlike the Byzantines, the <strong>Georgian</strong> artist never<br />

uses the letter “Q” as a medallion and does not represent an image in it; <strong>Georgian</strong> artist makes it oval instead<br />

of circular and depicts Christ above it as a lord – dominant and all-mighty.<br />

Consequently, the design of the Liturgical Scrolls acquires the determined structure over centuries: the<br />

text is written in one column in Nuskhuri, has a cover page and capital letters on the marginal spaces.<br />

Izolda Melikishvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

The Symbolic Meaning of Color and Form of the Ecclesiastic Vestments<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> artistic embroidery is most amply represented by the collection of the <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum:<br />

Sh. Amiranashvili Art Museum. This collection in divided in two groups: secular and ecclesiastic<br />

embroidery, the latter unites the vestments of both clergy and ritual objects. According to the Old Testament,<br />

the clothing which the Lord approved to Aaron and other priests was to demonstrate their distinction<br />

from other humans. Likewise, the New Testament church established specific clothing <strong>for</strong> clergy, the<br />

origins of which date back to the period of Apostle’s .<br />

Many assumptions exist regarding the outline and color of ancient worshiping vestment; however, one<br />

trait commonly mentioned (both in ecclesiastic and scientific literature) is that the ancient garment was<br />

white, like the “robes of angels”. The right to wear this kind of vestment was and still is determined by the<br />

canons of Ecumenical Councils, which defined three types of ecclesiastic clothing and the number of clothing<br />

each religious figure should wear according to a pre-determined hierarchy (a deacon three, a priest five<br />

and an archbishop seven pieces). These vestments symbolize the clothing worn by the Savior during his<br />

earthly life and passions. Hence, the meaning of the outline and color of ecclesiastic vestments should be<br />

analyzed in this context.<br />

The study of the ecclesiastic vestments kept in the collection of <strong>Georgian</strong> State Museum gives rise<br />

to the following possible conclusions:<br />

1. Like the rest of the orthodox world, the outline of <strong>Georgian</strong> ecclesiastic vestment draws upon<br />

two major outlines: the cross-the symbol of earthly and heavenly life-and the circle-a representation of<br />

perpetuity of existence, continuity, infinity and integrity.<br />

2. The symbolic meaning of vestment rests upon the use of sacred numbers, which is connected<br />

with the notion of “duality”, “trinity” and “seveniity”.<br />

3. Color, which played an important role in the eastern Christian World, has significant symbolic<br />

meaning in <strong>Georgian</strong> ecclesiastic vestment as well. The palette of seven major colors was already <strong>for</strong>med<br />

by the sixth century Byzantine color canonic; similarly, the vestment palette in Georgia also draws upon the<br />

structure of these colors.<br />

4. The <strong>Georgian</strong> ecclesiastic vestment is distinguished by its modest and harmonious color<br />

spectrum. Color, with its symbolic meaning, is an important way of representing the infinity and chastity of<br />

service established by the Savior and St. Fathers and the verity of the true faith.<br />

92<br />


sastendo moxsenebebi / Poster Presentations<br />

giorgi gagoSiZe. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

qarTvelTa monasteri RaliaSi (kviprosi)<br />

Giorgi Gagoshidze. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Monastery of <strong>Georgian</strong>s in Ghalia (Cyprus)<br />

giorgi pataSuri. g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis<br />

erovnuli kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

mcxeTis sveticxovlis fasadebze XI saukunis fenis gamoyofa da maTi rekonstruqciis<br />

cda<br />

Giorgi Patashuri. G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments<br />

Protection. Georgia<br />

The definition of 11 th c. Layer on the Facades of Svetitskhoveli and the Attempt its Reconstruction<br />

gulnaz baraTaSvili. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

dafarnaTa kompleqti Tbilisis sionis taZridan<br />

Gulnaz Baratashvili. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

The Aers from Sioni Church in Tbilisi<br />

dea gunia. axalgazrduli arasamTavrobo organizacia “dro da memkvidreoba”.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

safaris miZinebis taZari<br />

Dea Gunia. Youth NGO “Time and Heritage”. Georgia<br />

The Church of the Dormition of the Virgin at Sapara<br />

eTer ediSeraSvili. g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa<br />

dacvis erovnuli kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

nadarbazevis sameklesiani bazilikis safasade skulptura (programis rekonstruqcia)<br />

Eter Edisherashvili. G. Chubinashvili National center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and monuments<br />

protection. Georgia<br />

The Façade Sculpture of the Nadarbazevi Triple Church Basilica, (the Reconstruction of Program)<br />

eka berelaSvili. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

mRvdelmTavar mitrofanes mitra<br />

Eka Berelashvili. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Mitre of Archbishop Mitrophane<br />

elene kavlelaSvili. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

mxemis moxatuloba<br />

Elene Kavlelashvili. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Mkhemi Church Painting<br />


vera SaniZe. saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da<br />

sportis saministro. saqarTvelo<br />

XVI-XVIII saukuneebis saero arqiteqtura saqarTveloSi, iranuli stilistikis<br />

zegavlena Tu qarTuli auTentizmi?<br />

Vera Shanidze. Ministry of Culture, Monument protection and Sport of Georgia. Georgia<br />

The 16 th -18 th c Secular Architecture in Georgia, Persian Stilistic Influencies or <strong>Georgian</strong> Authenticity?<br />

irine mirijanaSvili. iv. javaxiSvilis sax. Tbilisis saxelmwifo<br />

universiteti, saqarTvelo<br />

Sua saukuneebis saqarTvelos sazRvrispira provinciebSi arsebuli monastrebis<br />

mniSvneloba (istoriuli hereTis magaliTze)<br />

Irine Mirijanashvili. I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Georgia<br />

The Role of the Monasteries of the Marchlands of Medieval Georgia (on the Example of Hereti)<br />

maia karanaZe. xelnawerTa erovnuli centri. saqarTvelo<br />

ioane-zosimes xeliT Semosili kidev erTi xelnaweri<br />

Maia Karanadze. National Center of Manuscripts. Georgia<br />

One More Manuscript Adorned by Ioane Zosime<br />

mzisTvala kecxoveli. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

samRvdelo olari anCidan<br />

Mzistvala Ketskhoveli. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

Priest’s Orarion from Anchi<br />

nino giorgobiani. sasuliero akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

bolnisis sionis moxatuloba da<br />

misi qtitorebi _ episkoposi nikolozi da mefe giorgi XI<br />

Nino Giorgobiani. <strong>Georgian</strong> Seminary. Georgia<br />

The Bolnisi Sioni Painting and its Donors: The Episcope Nikoloz and the King George XI<br />

nino daTunaSvili. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

Tesalonike - gremi: aTonis mTis mxatvruli tradicia da<br />

leon kaxTa mefis RvawliT Seqmnili bolo ferweruli ansambli<br />

Nino Datunashvili. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

The Thessalonica-Gremi: The Athonite Artistic Tradition and the Last Paintings Executed<br />

with the Ef<strong>for</strong>ts of Leon, King of Kakheti<br />

nino CixlaZe. saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. saqarTvelo<br />

paleologosTa mxatvruli stilis moxatulobis fragmentebi martvilis eklesiidan<br />

Nino Chikhladze. <strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

The Fragments of Palaeologan Style Paintings in Martvili<br />


III seqcia<br />

modernizmi<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

gaston buaCiZe<br />

de l’Académie de Bretagne et des Pays de la Loire. safrangeTi<br />

qarTuli ferwera evropis konteqstSi: firosmani, lado gudiaSvili, daviT kakabaZe<br />

kiril da ilia zdaneviCebTan erTad, franguli warmoSobis mxatvari miSel le<br />

dantiu monawileobs firosmanis “aRmoCenaSi”. firosmanis nawarmoebebi gamofenil<br />

iqna parizSi (andre marlos iniciativiT) da nantSi, 1999 wels. nantSi gamocemuli<br />

mSvenieri katalogi, franguli presis gamoxmaureba. le dantium, lui aragonma (da<br />

sxva xelovnebaTmcodneebma) firosmani Seadares jotos. p.pikaso xatavs firosmanis<br />

portrets. “aqtrisa margarita” TiTqosda ewviao firosmanis gamofenas parizSi<br />

sakuTari portretis sanaxavad.<br />

1920-i an wlebSi daviT kakabaZe da lado gudiaSvili Sedian “parizis skolaSi” da<br />

mraval gamofenaSi monawileoben. 1925 wels moris reinali gudiaSvils monografias<br />

uZRvnis. gudiaSvilis naxatebi goias “kapriCosaa” Sedarebuli. gudiaSvili xvdeba<br />

iaponel fuJitas, italiel modilianis, polonel z. valiSevskis (gudiaSvili miziarebs<br />

samiveze Tavis mogonebebs). 1997 wels gudiaSvilis gamofena imarTeba parizSi, erovnul<br />

sakrebuloSi. katalogis gamocema.<br />

daviT kakabaZe aqveynebs parizSi statiaTa or qarTul krebuls (“parizi, 1920-1923”,<br />

“xelovneba da sivrce”, parizi, 1924-25) da erT wigns frangulad, (“konstruqtiuli<br />

suraTis Sesaxeb”, gamomcemloba “Sen ver:). 1973 wels miSel se<strong>for</strong>i miziarebs Tavis<br />

mogonebebs da mesaubreba kakabaZis Semoqmedebaze. xelovnebis sakuTari koncefciis<br />

Camoyalibebisas, kakabaZe gansakuTrebiT leonardo da vinCisaken ixreba. 1982 wels,<br />

luiji magarotosa da misi kolegebis mier momzadebuli koleqtiuri krebuli gamodis<br />

veneciaSi: “avangardi TbilisSi”, sadac saubaria, kerZod, gudiaSvilsa da kakabaZeze.<br />

kakabaZis peizaJebi moicaven sivrces misi mSobliuri imereTidan moyolebuli<br />

bretanamde. kakabaZis TqmiT, WeSmariti erovnuli xelovneba universaluri xelovnebis<br />

SeqmnaSi monawileobs.<br />

giorgi xoStaria<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

binaruli opozicia niko firosmanaSvilisa da modernizmis mxatvrobaSi<br />

niko firosmanaSvilis mxatvrul wyobaSi aRiniSneba iseTi struqturuli<br />

Taviseburebebi romlebic arsebiTia Tanamedrove mxatvrobisTvisac. es aRniSnuli aqvT<br />

misi Semoqmedebis sxvadasxva mklevarebs (i. zdaneviCi, e. kuznecovi da sxv.) Tumca isini<br />

ar iZlevian am faqtis siRrmobriv analizs.<br />

modernizmis, rogorc epoqaluri movlenis erT-erT arsebiT maxasiaTeblad migvaCnia<br />

mxatvruli mTlianobis axleburi gaazreba binaruli opoziciis gamZafrebis safuZvelze.<br />

sxvadasxva skolebi, meTodologiuri principebis mqone mimarTulebebi Tu individebi<br />

sxvadasxva doneze, sxvadasxva siRrmiT iazreben am problemas. uaRresad saintereso<br />

da amasTan bolomde auxsnel faqtad gvevlineba is, rom n. firosmanaSvilTan vxedavT<br />

swored am mxatvrul-SemoqmedebiTi problemis Rrma, organul gaazrebas da maRal doneze<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

gadawyvetas. uaxlesi drois xelovneba iazrebs ra binaruli opoziciis fundamentalur<br />

sawyisebs, kerZod im faqts, rom nebismieri suraTi, rogorc mxatvruli nawarmoebi,<br />

warmoadgens ormagi niSnobrivi rigis gaerTianebas erT did niSanSi da, amdenad, suraTi<br />

aris samganzomilebiani, dinamikuri, SemousazRvravi. suraTgareSe arsebuli samyaros<br />

niSnebis gadatana organzomilebian SemosazRvrul materialur safuZvlebze, aZlierebs<br />

am dapirispirebas da cdilobs miiRos axali tipis mxatvruli mTlianoba.<br />

Tanamedrove xelovnebis etapebi da mimarTulebebi ZiriTadSi ganisazRvreba<br />

swored imiT, Tu rogor, ra doneze gaiazreba aRniSnuli problematika. am gzaze did<br />

etapobriv movlenad gvevlineba e. delakruas, impresionistebis da, gansakuTrebiT p.<br />

sezanis Semoqmedeba. sainteresoa, rom n. firosmanaSvilis Semoqmedebis Camoyalibeba<br />

xdeba imave periodSi, 1880-90-ian wlebSi, rodesac p. sezani agvirgvinebs Tavis Ziebebs.<br />

magram saocreba isaa, rom araviTari kontaqti n. firosmanaSvils parizTan da frangul<br />

skolasTan ar hqonia. am periodSi saqarTveloSi araTu Tanamedrove mxatvrobis, aramed<br />

zogadad realisturi dazguri mxatvrobis pirvel nabijebTan gvaqvs saqme. mxolod 1900iani<br />

wlebis dasawyisidan Cndeba saqarTveloSi pirveli niSnebi Tanamedrove mxatvrobisa,<br />

im dros rodesac firosmanaSvilTan swored 1900-ian wlebSi vxedavT ara pirvel nabijebs,<br />

aramed iseT maRali donis gadawyvetebs, romelic, rogorc wesi, miiReba mniSvnelovani<br />

evoluciuri gzis Semdgom. am problemis gadawyvetisas warmoqmnil winaaRmdegobaTa<br />

mogvarebis erT-erT arsebiT maorganizebel principad gvevlineba Sesrulebis mZafri<br />

lakonizmi, romelsac firosmanaSvilTan vxedavT ufro adre, vidre parizuli skolis<br />

mxatvrebTan. Cveni amocanaa aRniSnul debulebaTa TvalnaTlivi Cveneba.<br />

liana anTelava<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

samyaros sivrce/drois kontinualuri modeli qarTul mxatvrobaSi<br />

mxatvroba tradiciulad drois ar mqone sivrciT xelovnebaTa rigs ganekuTvneba.<br />

Tumca udaoa, rom yovelives, rac myofobs, gaaCnia droiTi maxasiaTebeli.<br />

drois specifikas warmoadgens is, rom igi grZnobaTa organoebis mier ar aRiqmeba,<br />

arasensorulia, zegrZnobadia da amitomac misi saxe mWidrodaa mijaWvuli meta<strong>for</strong>asTan<br />

(risi meSveobiTac xdeba zegrZnobadis modelireba) da ganpirobebulicaa meta<strong>for</strong>ebiT.<br />

sivrciT xelovnebad artikulirebul mxatvrobaSi dro meta<strong>for</strong>is saxiT monawileobs.<br />

drois yvelaze ufro arsobriv da sayovelTao maxasiaTebel niSanTa rigs miekuTvneba<br />

sivrcesTan kavSiri. amitom bunebrivia drois arsis axsna sivrcisaTvis damaxasiaTebeli<br />

niSnebis meSveobiT. sivrce da dro warmoadgens samyaros suraTis dRemde cnobili<br />

ganmartebis “mzidav konstruqcias~.<br />

mxatvrobaSi dro meta<strong>for</strong>ulad vlindeba tiloze. sivrce/drois urTierobiT<br />

mJRavndeba samyaros xedva/gancda. sivrce/drois kontinualur modelSi akumulirebulia<br />

ama Tu im kulturis, epoqis, stilis, mxatvris ZiriTadi fenomenuri niSnebi, romelTa<br />

gamovlena-Seswavla mkafiod warmoaCens ama Tu im kulturis gansakuTrebul<br />

individualobas.<br />

warmodgenil moxsenebaSi es sakiTxi ganxiluli iqneba niko firosmanaSvilis da daviT<br />

kakabaZis namuSevarTa magaliTze.<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

marina meZmariaSvili<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

firosmanis Semoqmedeba evropuli modernizmis CarCoebSi<br />

moxseneba eZRvneba TviTnaswavli xelovanis - niko firosmanis da dasavleT evropisa<br />

da ruseTis modernizmis Tematikas. moxsenebaSi ganixileba firosmanis xelovnebis<br />

ramdenime aspeqti, rogorc saqarTveloSi modernizmis pirveli gamoxatuleba.<br />

firosmans ar miuRia profesiuli ganaTleba da igi tfilisis sazogadoebis yvelaze<br />

dabali fenis warmomadgeneli iyo.<br />

firosmanis fenomeni mxatvris SemoqmedebaSi grZnobebis asaxvaSi mdgomareobs,<br />

romelic codnas ar eqvemdebareba. firosmanis Semoqmedebis sawyis etapze Seiqmna<br />

namuSevrebi, romelic me-20 saukunis dasawyisSi axali iyo dasavleT evropisa da<br />

ruseTisaTvis, amasTan ki, ucxo saqarTvelosaTvis.<br />

firosmanis namuSevrebi agreTve mniSvnelovania sivrcis, feris da <strong>for</strong>mis<br />

gansakuTrebuli, SemoqmedebiTi midgomis TvalsazrisiT. aRniSnuli problemebi imave<br />

dros arsebobda ruseTis, safrangeTisa da germaniis SemoqmedebiT samyaroSi. moxsenebaSi<br />

firosmanis Sedarebulia a. rusos, p. pikasos, n. gonCarovas, m. Sagalis, a. makisa da sxva<br />

SemoqmedTa namuSevrebs. moxseneba miuTiTebs firosmanis Semoqmedebis zegavlenaze<br />

rusul “neo-primitivizm”-sa da avangarduli xelovnebis sxva mimdinareobebze.<br />

rusma mxatvrebma - m. le dantium da m. SevCenkom firosmanis namuSevrebi gadaakeTes.<br />

zemoaRniSnuli sakiTxi dRemde TiTqmis Seuswavleli iyo. rusi mxatvrebis is<br />

namuSevrebi, romlebic sazogadoebisaTvis iyo cnobili, arasodes ganixileboda,<br />

rogorc reproduqciebi.<br />

Cven yuradRebas vamaxvilebT rusi avangarduli mimdinareobis wamyvani mxatvris -<br />

le dantiusa da futuristTa - iliazdisa da kirile zdaneviCis rolze, romlebmac<br />

aRmoaCines firosmani da misi namuSevrebi gaacnes saqarTvelos, ruseTsa da safrangeTs<br />

(1972 wels p. pikasom Seqmna firosmanis portreti).<br />

firosmanis fenomeni dasavleTisa Tu aRmosavleTis, erovnuli Tu msoflio<br />

xelovnebis mimarTulebebiT, folklorisa da modernizmis SemoqmedebiTi ideebiTaa<br />

gamsWvaluli.<br />

nana yifiani<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli<br />

kvlevis centri. saqarTvelo<br />

“poeturad binadrobs adamiani”<br />

XX saukunis dasawyisis qarTuli saxviTi da literaturuli modernizmi, romelsac<br />

tfilisur modernizmsac uwodeben, axali da uaxlesi qarTuli kulturis istoriaSi<br />

yvelaze Tavisufalia Tavisi arsiT da imavdroulad yvelaze tragikuli bedis mqone.<br />

moxsenebis mizania dasvas tfilisuri modernizmis erovnuli identurobis problema,<br />

rac xsenebuli Tavisufali kulturul-mxatvruli cnobierebis pirobebSi mis vizualur<br />

Tu sityvier teqstebSi wakiTxvadia.<br />

identurobis problemis dayeneba aqtualuria gamomdinare qarTuli modernizmis<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

aRniSnuli tragikuli bedidanac. mas, romlis droiTi sazRvrebi sul ori aTwleulia,<br />

(1910-1920-iani wlebi), dReisaTvis mcire niSac ar ukavia msoflios/dasavleTis<br />

modernizmis istoriaSi. amis mizezi saqarTvelos politikur-kulturuli mdgomareobaa<br />

- erTi mxriv, sabWouri 1930-iani wlebidan, zogadad modernistuli xelovneba, Tavad<br />

rusuli revoluciuri avangardic ki, ukve represirebulia. meore mxriv, 1921 wels<br />

aneqsirebuli saqarTvelos kulturam erTiani sabWouri kulturul-esTetikuri<br />

sivrcis Seqmnis mizniT lokalurad, Tavad saqarTveloSic ki, ara Tu mis sazRvrebs<br />

miRma, akrZalvebis Sedegad marginalizacia ganicada.<br />

sabWoTa kulturis politikis mier erovnuli kulturebis marginalizacias<br />

darTulma modernizmis akrZalvam Cveni mexsierebidan srulad amoSala XX saukunis<br />

dasawyisis qarTuli saxelovnebo cxovreba. Cven axla viwyebT ara Tu am fenomenis<br />

gaazrebas istoriul-RirebulebiTi, mxatvrul-RirebulebiTi TvalsazrisiT, aramed<br />

faqtobrivi masalebis aRmoCena-aRwera-dokumentaciasac ki. arsebobs kidev erTi<br />

Seferxeba, rac modernisti mxatvrebis Semoqmedebis interpretacias, maT arazust<br />

konteqstSi ganTavsebas Seexeba: sabWour periodSi represiebs fizikurad gadarCenili<br />

modernistebis 1910-20-iani wlebis Semoqmedeba gasagebi garemoebebis gamo ganixileboda<br />

axalgazrda mxatvarTa modernizmiT erTgvari “gatacebis” periodad, sabWoTa periods<br />

Tanxvedrili maTi represirebuli xelovneba ki, erTgvar evoluciur-ganviTarebad<br />

WrilSi warmodgnideboda, da Zalauneburad socialisturi realizmis konteqstSi<br />

Tavsdeboda. dRes es ase aRar aris, magram jer-jerobiT mainc ar xdeba am ori<br />

mdgomareobis - modernulisa da socialistur-komunisturis, konceftualurad Tu<br />

konteqstualurad urTierTgamijnva, rac moitans Tavad tfilisuri modernizmis<br />

reabilitacias, misi mxatvruli da istoriuli Rirebulebebis gansazRvras; meore<br />

- sabWouri sistemis mier Seqmnili da dRemde moqmedi kulturuli da saxelovnebo<br />

ierarqiis demontaJs.<br />

moxsenebaSi identurobis konteqstSi daismeba erTi problema kategoriaTa WriliT.<br />

esaa sivrcis kategoria: romeli sivrcea tfilisuri modernizmisTvis faseuli; rogori<br />

mniSvnelobisaa igi dro-sivrcis urTierTobis modernistul konteqstSi. sivrcis<br />

gaazrebis specifika asaxavs tfilisuri modernizmis erT Taviseburebas.<br />

moxseneba daeyrdnoba SedarebiT analizs: 1. Tanadroul dasavlur da rusul<br />

masalasTan da, 2. qarTuli Sua saukuneebis arqiteqturasa da kedlis mxatvrobasTan.<br />

moSveliebuli iqneba rogorc evropuli Sua saukuneebis, ise bizantiuri arqiteqturisa<br />

da mxatvrobis nimuSebi.<br />

ana SanSiaSvili<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri<br />

iv. javaxiSvilis sax. Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. saqarTvelo<br />

niko firosmanaSvilis ferwera XIX s-is bolosa da XX s-is dasawyisis evropuli<br />

mxatvrobis konteqstSi<br />

qarTuli ferweris erT-erTi yvelaze mniSvnelovani figuris _ niko firosmanaSvilis<br />

Semoqmedebas mravali iseTi Tavisebureba axasiaTebs, rac mis mxatvrobas XIX s-is bolosa<br />

da XX s-is dasawyisis evropuli xelovnebis sxvadasxva mimdinareobebTan akavSirebs.<br />

cnobilia, rom firosmanaSvils xSirad TviTnaswavl “naiv” an “primitivist” mxatvrad<br />

ganixilaven, Tumca mkvlevarTa umetesoba aRiarebs qarTveli mxatvris Semoqmede-<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

bis gansakuTrebul siRrmes da mravalmxrivobas - firosmanis figuris mniSvnelobas<br />

erTiorad zrdis is, rom qarTveli mxatvari Tavisi Semoqmedebis manZilze sruliad<br />

damoukideblad, intuitiurad mivida imave mxatvrul principebamde, romlebsac<br />

amave periodis dasavleT evropaSi mTeli mxatvruli skolebi da mimdinareobebi<br />

amuSavebdnen.<br />

qarTvel mxatvars gamoarCevs detalisa da mTlianobis erTdroulad SegrZnebis Tandayolili<br />

unari. mis namuSevrebSi ukugdebulia bevri detali, rac mis mier Seqmnil<br />

saxeebs pirobiT, monumentur, zogjer erTgvar “abstraqtul” saxeebad warmogvidgens.<br />

es principi mas evropuli modernizmis sxvadasxva mimdinareobebTan anaTesavebs: cnobilia,<br />

rom <strong>for</strong>mis “sisufTavis”, sisadavis problema Tanamedrove mxatvrobis erT-erT<br />

umTavres principad iqca. mTavari, <strong>for</strong>mis naturalisturad asaxvis nacvlad, asaxulis<br />

arsis wvdoma da garkveuli de<strong>for</strong>maciiT, meorexarisxovani detalebis nivelirebiT<br />

Tu pirobiTobis xarisxis gazrdiT misi warmoCena gaxda. swored es principi, romelic<br />

TvalsaCinod da Taviseburadaa gamovlenili firosmanis SemoqmedebaSi safuZvlad<br />

daedo Tanamedrove xelovnebis sxvadasxva mimdinareobas: esqpresionizs, kubizms,<br />

abstraqcionizms da a.S.<br />

p. sezanis, matisisa da derenis muSaobis stils mogvagonebs niko firosmanaSvils<br />

farTo monasmi, weris Tavisufali manera, erTi amosunTqviT muSaoba. P. sezanis muSaobis<br />

teqnikasTan msgavsebaze miuTiTebs firosmanis Sav muSambaze xatvis manerac. cnobilia,<br />

rom p. sezani Tavis mxatvrobaSi tilos TeTr fers iseve iyenebda, rogorc amas niko<br />

Savi muSambis SemTxvevaSi akeTebda _ rodesac Savi feri sWirdeboda, fonad Tavisufal<br />

adgils tovebda.<br />

amave kavSirze miuTiTebs mxatvris mier sxvadasxva ferebisTvis miniWebuli simboluri<br />

mniSvneloba, rac Tanamedrove evropuli mxatvrobis sxvadasxva mimdinareobebis:<br />

postimpresionizmis, simbolizmis Tu abstraqcionizmisaTvis aris damaxasiaTebeli.<br />

igive SeiZleba iTqvas naxatSi warwerebis damoukidebel kompoziciur elementad<br />

CarTvze, rac evropaSi pirvelad 1911 wels kubistebma gamoiyenes.<br />

mxatvrobis Tavisufali teqnika, kompoziciis sisadave, feris mniSvneloba Tu<br />

warwerebis gamoyeneba niko firosmanaSvils modernizmis epoqis mowinave mxatvarTa<br />

rigSi ayenebs.<br />

nestan TaTaraSvili<br />

damoukidebeli mkvlevari. saqarTvelo<br />

evropuli kulturuli memkvidreoba - modernis stilis arqiteqtura saqarTveloSi<br />

XIX s-is dasasruls evropaSi Camoyalibebuli axali stili, romelsac saqarTveloSi<br />

moderns vuwodebT, sxvadasxva saxeliT - Art Nouveau, Jugendstil, Secession, Modernista, Liberty<br />

da sxv. swrafad damkvidrda msoflios bevr qveyanaSi da maT Soris saqarTveloSic. sxva<br />

stilebisgan gansxvavebiT, moderni ar gvTavazobs winaswar SemuSavebul da dadgenil<br />

<strong>for</strong>mebs. is gamoricxavda meqanikur gameorebas da iTxovda mxolod sakuTari ideebisa<br />

da Temebis Tavisufal improvizacias, rasac Cvenma ostatebma warmatebiT gaarTves<br />

Tavi.<br />

saqarTveloSi modernis stiliT Sendeboda ara marto dedaqalaq TbilisSi, aramed<br />

sxva, SedarebiT patara qalaqebSi: soxumSi, baTumSi, foTSi, quTaisSi, gagraSi, axal<br />

aTonSi, qobuleTSi, duSeTSi.<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

sacxovrebeli da saSemosavlo saxlebis garda, Zalze xSiria modernis sxva funqciis<br />

Senobebic: bankebi, saswavleblebi, maRaziebi, saavadmyofoebi, saxelosnoebi, Teatrebi,<br />

oranJerea. aRsaniSnavia, rom gvaqvs, agreTve, modernis stilis Tambaqos fabrika da<br />

Tboeleqtrosadguri TbilisSi, xolo biblioTeka da etlebis sadgomi - foTSi.<br />

modernis SesaniSnavi memorialuri Zeglebia daculi Zvel, istoriul sasaflaoebze.<br />

gansakuTrebuli aRniSvnis Rirsia modernis stilis kinoTeatrebi. cnobilia, rom<br />

modernisa da kinos gaCenisa da gavrcelebis TariRebi TiTqmis emTxveva erTmaneTs da<br />

amitom Zalian mniSvnelovania, rom maSindeli msoflios am ori novaciis Tanxvedra<br />

ase warmatebulad ganxorcielda saqarTveloSi.<br />

samwuxarod, modernis Senobebis gamovlenis samuSaoebi, iseve rogorc sruli saarqivo<br />

kvleva - dausrulebelia, Tumca Cven xelT arsebuli masala naTlad adasturebs,<br />

rom evropasTan aRdgenilma kulturul-ekonomikurma urTierTobam saqarTvelos<br />

saSualeba misca daenerga da gaevrcelebina maSindel msoflioSi yvelaze popularuli<br />

- modernis stilis arqiteqtura. moderns Tavisi kuTvnili adgili sWirdeba ara marto<br />

qarTul samecniero naSromebSi, aramed saswavlo saxelmZRvaneloebsa da turistul<br />

gzamkvlevebSi.<br />

saqarTvelos modernis stilis arqiteqturam ukanasknel wlebSi cnobili<br />

saerTaSoriso organizaciebis: niu iorkis “msoflio ZeglTa fondis”, briuselis<br />

“modernis qselisa” da barselonas “modernis evropuli marSrutis” yuradReba miipyro<br />

da amJamad Cveni modernis amsaxveli masalebi maT mier rogorc internetSi, agreTve<br />

sxvadasxva saerTaSoriso gamocemebSia ganTavsebuli.<br />

saqarTvelos moderni - evropuli kulturuli memkvidreoba - Tavad evropam<br />

ukve Seafasa da mas saTanado adgilic miuCina. jeri axla Cvenzea, radgan moderni<br />

saqarTveloSi dRemde kvlav srulyofilad Seuswavleli da amasTanave - Seufasebeli<br />

da daucvelia; daucveli rogorc ngrevisa da ganadgurebisgan, aseve ukanasknel wlebSi<br />

gaxSirebuli mcdari da samecniero safuZvels moklebuli restavraciisgan.<br />

maia ciciSvili<br />

iv. javaxiSvilis sax. Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. saqarTvelo<br />

eqspresionizmidan dadamde 1910-1930-iani wlebis qarTul mxatvrobaSi (axlad<br />

aRmoCenili masalis safuZvelze)<br />

bolo wlebis ganmavlobaSi, yvela, vinc ki 1910-1930-iani wlebis qarTul avangards<br />

Sexebia, cnobili mizezebis Sedegad faqtobrivad ucnobs, imdenad gaocebula misi<br />

daxvewili saxviTobiT, Taviseburi, TiTqos faruli simZafriT, sisadavis mniSvnelovnebiT,<br />

mravalferovnebiTa da TavisTavadobiT, rom aSkarad moulodnelobisa Tu gakvirvebis<br />

gamo es movlena nawilobriv SemTxveviTobas miewera. yvela es Tviseba, romelic XX saukunis<br />

pirveli mesamedis qarTul xelovnebas Tanadrouli evropulisgan ramdenadme gamoarCevs,<br />

faqtobrivad ucvlel niSnad gasdevs mas mTeli arsebobis manZilze. am periodis qarTvel<br />

xelovanTa SemoqmedebaSi (ferwera, grafika, Teatraluri mxatvroba da wignis grafika)<br />

gaziarebulia evropuli avangardis TiTqmis yvela ZiriTadi mimdinareoba.<br />

XX saukunis dasawyisSi, maSin rodesac avangardulma ganwyobam evropis mravali<br />

qalaqi moicva, Tbilisic Tavisi tradiciuli gaxsnilobiTa da axlis miRebis mzaobiT,<br />

CarTuli aRmoCnda am Tanadroul mowinave saerTaSoriso moZraobaSi. SeiZleba iTqvas,<br />

qarTuli mxatvroba yvelaze bunebrivad da Tavisuflad swored 1910-1920-ian wlebSi<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

viTardeboda. sagulisxmoa, rom avangardul xelovnebas yvela mxatvari individualurad<br />

miudga: Tu zogierTis SemoqmedebaSi mxolod erTi an ori mimdinareobis midevneba<br />

vlindeba (S. qiqoZe, v. sidamon-erisTavi, k. zdaneviCi, i. zdaneviCi, e. axvlediani, d.<br />

TavaZe), sxvebTan ramdenime mimarTulebis Tanmimdevruli gadamuSaveba da gaTaviseba<br />

iCens Tavs (d. kakabaZe, l. gudiaSvili, i. gamrekeli, d. SevardnaZe), zogjer ki, qarTveli<br />

modernistis nawarmoebebi imdenad saxecvlili da Taviseburia, rom pirdapiri analogis<br />

moZiebac ki Zneldeba (p. ocxeli).<br />

sazogadoebisaTvis naklebad cnobili da, gansakuTrebiT ki, ukanaskneli sami<br />

wlis manZilze aRmoCenili ucnobi masalis, Tamami, zogjer ukiduresad avangarduli<br />

nawarmoebebis, Cveneba da ganxilva kidev ufro srulad warmoadgens qarTveli<br />

modernistebis Semoqmedebas da garkveulad Secvlis aqamde arsebul Sexedulebas maT<br />

mxatvrobaze. ra Tqma unda mravali wlis manZilze faqtobrivad miuwvdomeli masalis<br />

Ziebebisa da aRmoCenebis procesi grZeldeba, Tumca Sesrulebuli samuSao ukve iZleva<br />

xSirad moulodneli da metad sagulisxmo nawarmoebebis garkveulwilad Sejamebisa da<br />

analizis saSualebas.<br />

irine abesaZe<br />

SoTa rusTavelis saxelobis Teatrisa da kinos saxelmwifo universiteti.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli modernizmidan - transavangardamde, anu kidev erTxel terminTa definiciis<br />

Sesaxeb<br />

xelovanis mier samyaros aRqmisas, mkveTrad gamoxatulma negaciam, msoflio omebiTa<br />

da revoluciebiT provocirebulma, erTmaneTis miyolebiT warmoSva is mxatvruli<br />

mimdinareobebi, romlebic erTi saerTo saxelwodebis “modernizmis” qveS gaerTianda.<br />

am mimarTulebaTa mimdevrebi adamianis miusafrobis, gaucxoebis SegrZnebis, totaluri<br />

Zaladobis winaSe SiSis sindromis ama Tu im <strong>for</strong>miT dafiqsirebas cdilobdnen. samyaros<br />

mosalodneli aRsasrulis mtkivneulma gancdam, esqatologiurma xilvebma Tavis apogeas<br />

XX s-is 60-70-ian ww. miaRwia, rodesac sakacobrio WerqveS erTmaneTisgan damoukideblad,<br />

cnobili kulturologebi da filosofosebi alaparakdnen imis Sesaxeb, rom amgvarad<br />

veRar gagrZeldeboda. SemTxveviTi ar aris, rom XX saukunis udides filosofoss<br />

m. haidegers egzistencializmTan erTad, postmodernistuli msoflmxedvelobis erTerT<br />

pirvel Semoqmedad miiCneven. swored mas ekuTvnis azri, rom ”postmodernizmi<br />

imitom ki ar warmoiSva, rom daasamaros misi winamorbedi modernistuli mimarTuleba,<br />

aramed imisaTvis, rom samyaros axali sazrisi SesZinos”.<br />

marTalia, XX s-is 80-90-ian ww. qarTul kulturul arealSi mimdinare samxatvro<br />

procesebze saubari, maTi Sefasebis TvalsazrisiT, jer kidev naadrevia, vinaidan, jer<br />

kidev ar dasrulebula maTi ideur-<strong>for</strong>maluri Camoyalibeba. dReisaTvis mxolod im<br />

tendenciebis konstataciaa SesaZlebeli, romelic saxezea, esenia: 1) abstraqciuli<br />

mxatvrobis nonfiguratulobis sapirispirod, neofigurativizmis damkvidreba; 2)<br />

groteskis,ironiis ZiriTad mxatvrul xerxebad gamoyeneba; 3)stiluri ekleqtizmis<br />

damkvidreba, interteqstualoba;4) religiuri da miTologiuri motivaciebis arseboba;<br />

5) istoriuli warsulis nostalgia.; 6) ormagi kodirebis tendencia.<br />

aRsaniSnavia, rom terminebi “modernizmi” da “avangardizmi”, iseve, rogorc<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

maTi Semdgomi, mimarTulebebi “postmodernizmi” da “transavangardi” samecniero<br />

literaturaSi xSirad erTmaneTiTaa Canacvlebuli urTierTTavsebadi bunebisa da<br />

arsobrivi identurobis gamo. aqedan gamomdinare, mxolod SeTanxmebis doneze unda<br />

gadawydes qarTul saxelovnebo sivrceSi romeli definiciebia ufro morgebuli, rom<br />

ar daibnes gaucnobierebeli recipienti. Tu gaviTvaliswinebT, rom XX -is 80-ani w.<br />

kulturuli tendenciebis misamarTiT termin “postmodernizms” pirvelad vxvdebiT<br />

frangi filosofosis J. bodriaris naSromebSi, Semdeg italieli p.portogezi am termins<br />

mxolod 80 - 90-ani ww. arqiteqturasTan mimarTebiT ixmars, termin “transavangards”ki,<br />

safuZvels umagrebs meore italieli profesori b. oliva, romelmac pirvelma wamoayena<br />

xelovnebis ganviTarebis transavangarduli koncefcia. aqedan gamomdinare, SesaZloa<br />

Tanamedrove qarTuli mxatvrobis konteqstSi ufro upriania “transavangardis”<br />

gamoyeneba. erTi ram cxadia, romeli terminic ar unda SeirCes XX-is 80-ani ww.<br />

samxatvro tendenciebis aRsaniSnavad, postsabWour sivrceSi moxvedrilma saqarTvelos<br />

SemoqmedebiT-inteleqtualurma garemom spontanurad moaxdina adekvaturi reaqcia<br />

da transavangarduli elementebiT gaajera qarTuli saxviTi xelovneba. amaSi ki, mas<br />

safuZveli XX s.dasawyisis qarTulma avangardulma memkvidreobam gaumagra.<br />

Tea tabataZe<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

modernistuli artistuli kafeebis zogierTi Taviseburebis gansazRvrisaTvis.<br />

(„qimerionis“ moxatulobis ideur-Sinaarsobrivi metyvelebis Sesaxeb)<br />

artistuli kabare/klubi/kafe adreuli modernizmis erT-erTi mniSvnelovani<br />

movlenaa. swored XIX saukunis bolosa da XX saukunis dasawyisis evropasa da<br />

ruseTTan mimarTebaSi saubroben kabaretul moZraobaze, kabaretul stilze, “kafes<br />

kulturaze”. am sakiTxTan dakavSirebuli literaturis analizi gvafiqrebinebs,<br />

rom artistuli kabare/klubi/kafeebis Seqmna konkretuli kulturul-esTetikuri -<br />

modernuli konteqstis, qveynis politikur-socialuri viTarebisa da sazogadoebis<br />

garkveuli fsiqologiuri ganwyobis erTobliobiT iyo ganpirobebuli, rac misi<br />

gaerTianebis, erTad yofnis survilsa da safuZvels qmnida; am dawesebulebaTa<br />

daarsebis qronologias, funqcionirebis xasiaTsa da sazogadoebaSi maT socialuresTetikur<br />

funqcias gansazRvravda. amitomac, artistul kabareebs yvela qveyanasa<br />

da qalaqSi sxvadasxva dros Tavisi saxe, ganumeorebeli garemo, sakuTari « Tema »<br />

hqonda. es konteqsti TbilisSi 1910-iani wlebisTvis iqmneba da swored am periodSi<br />

vrceldeba CvenSi „kabaretuli epidemiac“. artistuli kafe-klubebis tradicia<br />

saqarTveloSi ruseTidan Semodis, maTi daarseba qarTvelebTan erTad im periodSi<br />

TbilisSi myofi sxvadasxva erovnebis modernistebis mier xdeba. ruseTis artistul<br />

klubebs ukavSirdeba maTi moxatvis tradiciac. amasTanave, XX saukunis 10-iani wlebSi<br />

am dawesebulebaTa simravle da aqtiuri, mravalferovani funqcionireba miuTiTebs,<br />

rom es kafeebi Tbilisis kulturuli sivrcis bunebrivi da logikuri nawilia, rac,<br />

garkveulwilad, imis maniSnebelicaa, rom am periodis qarTuli kultura modernizmis<br />

erTiani diskursis nawilad moiazreba.<br />

meore mxriv, Tbilisis artistuli kafeebi, kerZod „qimerioni“, gansvavebuli<br />

xasiaTisaa, radgan im garemos, im sazogadoebis sulieri, msoflmxedvelobrivi,<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

esTetikur/eTikuri miswrafebebis Sesabamisad yalibdeba, romlis wiaRSic ibadeba.<br />

am xasiaTis ganmsazRvrelad ramdenime faqtori gvesaxeba: 1. istoruli da politikuri<br />

viTareba (damoukideblobis wlebi), rac sazogadoebis fsiqologiur ganwyobasac<br />

ganapirobebs; 2. Tavad qalaqi Tbilisi - misi Tvisebrioba, misi cxovrebisa Tu masSi<br />

Tanacxovrebis wesi. 3. Tbilisis modernuli kulturis, xelovnebis xasiaTi: misi<br />

mraval-Tu-internacionaluri buneba da am periodis qarTvel SemoqmedTa umTavresi<br />

esTetikuri amocana: “erovnuli da sayovelTao” - xelovnebis daniSnulebisa da<br />

qveynis mimarT damokidebulebis gansazRvra; am damokidebulebis mimarT maSindeli<br />

sazogadoebis erTsulovneba;<br />

“qimerioni” sinTezuri struqturaa - kedlis mxatvrobiT Semkuli garkveuli funqciis<br />

mqone sivrce, Sesabamisad, istoriul-droiTi Tu socialuri mimarTebebi, XX saukunis<br />

dasawyisis Tbilisis SemoqmedebiTi sazogadoebis msoflmxedveloba da miswrafebebi<br />

esTetikuri <strong>for</strong>miT ganivrcoba kafes moxatulobaSic - upirveles yovlisa, mis ideur-<br />

Sinaarsobriv metyvelebaSi. am mxriv „qimerionis“ mxatvroba erTiani sistema, mxatvruli<br />

mTlianobaa, Tumca ki, es mTlianoba sam individualobas (l.gudiaSvili, d.kakabaZe,<br />

s.sudeikini), sam subieqtur xedvas, sam damoukidebel Tematikas da or gansxvavebul<br />

kulturas moicavs.<br />

mzia CixraZe<br />

g. CubinaSvilis sax. qarTuli xelovnebis istoriis da ZeglTa dacvis erovnuli kvlevis<br />

centri. saqarTvelo<br />

futuristuli wigni, Tbilisi 1917-1919<br />

moxseneba Seexeba Tbilisis kuturuli cxovrebis erT-erT mniSvnelovan mxatvrul<br />

movlenas - 1910-1920-ian wlebSi gamocemul futuristul wignebs, rac mxatvarTa<br />

da literatorTa interkulturuli, internacionaluri TanamSromlobis magaliTs<br />

warmoadgens. naSromSi daxasiaTebulia is winapirobebi, rac aRniSnul movlenas uZRoda<br />

win, anu warmodgenilia am periodis Tbilisuri mxatvrul-kulturuli cxovrebis mokle<br />

mimoxilva.<br />

naSromSi ganxilulia Tanamedrove xelovnebis mimdinareoba, romelic cnobilia<br />

futurizmis saxeliT da aRniSnuli mimdinareobis iseTi umniSvnelovanesi movlena,<br />

rogoricaa futuristuli wigni. warmodgenilia evropuli (italiuri) da rusuli<br />

futurizmis SedarebiTi daxasiaTeba, mimoxilulia italiuri futuristuli wigni<br />

da masTan kavSirSi sxva mxatvruli movlenebi, romelTac seriozuli roli iTamaSes<br />

modernizmisa da, konkretulad, futuristuli wignis Seqmnasa da ganviTarebaSi.<br />

xazgasmulia aRniSnuli mimdinareobis fuZemdeblis filipo tomazo marinetis roli<br />

futurizmis da futuristuli wignis CamoyalibebaSi. aseve ganxilulia miseuli<br />

futuristuli filosofiis Teoriuli safuZvlebi.<br />

gansakuTrebuli adgili eTmoba rusul futuristul wigns, romelic gamoicemoda<br />

moskovsa da peterburgSi 1910-ian wlebSi da romelmac didwilad ganapiroba Tbilisuri<br />

futuristuli wignis warmoSoba. warmodgenilia rusuli da Tbilisuri futuristuli<br />

wignebis paraleluri analizi, dadgenilia maTi saerTo niSnebi da agreTve Tbilisuri<br />

futuristuli broSurebis ganmasxvavebeli, specifikuri maxasiaTeblebi.<br />

gamokveTilia poet ilia zdaneviCis figura da misi mniSvneloba qarTuli modernizmis<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

ganviTarebisaTvis, xazgasmulia misi wvlili futuristuli xelovnebisa da dadaizmis<br />

CamoyalibebaSi 1910-iani wlebis TbilisSi.<br />

ganxilulia futuristuli organizaciis “41 0 ” sagamomcemlo saqmianoba 1917-1919<br />

wlebSi, rac umniSvnelovanesi furcelia Tbilisis kulturul cxovrebaSi. organizaciam<br />

kruConixis, terentievis, ilia da kirile zdaneviCebis, valiSevskis TaosnobiTa da<br />

monawileobiT sxvadasxva gamomcemlobaSi mravali saintereso wigni dabeWda, romlebic<br />

1912-1913 wlebSi peterburgsa da moskovSi gamocemuli futuristuli wignebis xelaxali<br />

gamocema iyo. gansakuTrebuli yuradReba aqvs daTmobili futuristuli literaturis<br />

erTgvar anTologiad qceul krebuls, romelic msaxiob sofia melnikovas mieZRvna.<br />

wigni 1919 wels gamovida da is ara marto qarTuli da rusuli, aramed saerTod,<br />

Tanamedrove evropuli wignis grafikis xelovnebis mniSvnelovan monapovrad iqca.<br />

daskvnaSi gamokveTilia TbilisSi 1910-1920-ian wlebSi gamocemuli futuristuli<br />

wignebis, rogorc mxatvruli movlenis, mniSvneloba qarTuli modernizmis Camoyalibebisa<br />

da ganviTarebisaTvis, xazgasmulia misi wvlili zogadad futuristuli<br />

wignis ganviTarebaSi.<br />

nino zaaliSvili<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

1920-30-iani wlebis qarTuli grafikis zogierTi tendencia<br />

XX saukunis dasawyisSi qarTul grafikaSi adre dawyebuli sakuTari saxis Ziebis<br />

procesi, romelic daiwyo SedarebiT martivad, Zveli qarTuli xelovnebis sxvadasxva<br />

dargis nimuSebis ubralo citirebiT, gagrZelda miRebuli impulsebis gaazrebuli,<br />

SemoqmedebiTad aTvisebis mimarTulebiT.<br />

amasTan, mxatvrebi ar ifarglebodnen mxolod amgvari ZiebiT _ maTi interesis<br />

sagans warmoadgenda rogorc evropuli, ise aRmosavluri xelovneba. gansakuTrebuli<br />

mniSvneloba SeiZina modernis stilma da garkveulwilad o.berdsleis Semoqmedebamac.<br />

modernis stilma saqarTveloSi gavlena ufro didxans SeinarCuna, vidre evropaSi, rasac<br />

xels uwyobda 1922 wels daarsebul samxatvro akademiaSi peterburgidan revoluciis<br />

Semdgom gadmosaxlebuli mxatvrebis, “mir iskustvas” warmomadgenlebis e.lanseres da<br />

i.Sarlemanis SemoqmedebiTi da pedagogiuri saqmianoba.<br />

avangardistuli mimdinareobebis farTo speqtri grafikaSi popularuli gaxda 1918-<br />

21 wlebSi damoukidebel saqarTveloSi emigrirebul rus mxatvrebTan kontaqtebis<br />

Sedegad. i.gamrekelis, b.gordezianis, k.zdaneviCis, e.la laevas eqspresionistuli,<br />

konstruqtivistuli namuSevrebi aisaxa qarTuli wignis da saJurnalo grafikaSi, dazgur<br />

furclebSi. zogierTi grafikosis SemoqmedebaSi (l.grigolia) garkveuli mniSvneloba<br />

mieca ramdenime popularuli evropeli mxatvris Semoqmedebasac (f.valatoni,<br />

f.mazereeli). scenograf petre ocxelis grafikul furclebSi aseve aqtiurad<br />

SeigrZnoba o.berdsleis, l.baqstis, g.klimtis namuSevrebis gamoZaxili. 1930-iani<br />

wlebis ideologiurma wnexma negatiuri gavlena qarTul grafikazec moaxdina. mravali<br />

grafikosi (zemoT dasaxelebul mxatvrebTan erTad k,kvesi, k.gricai, i.Stenbergi)<br />

gamoeTiSa samxatvro process, p.ocxeli daxvrites.<br />

1930-ian wlebSi da mogvianebiTac grafikosebi l.gudiaSvili, s.gabaSvili agrZeleben<br />

Tavis ilustraciul da dazgur grafikaSi evropuli da aRmosavluri xelovnebis<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

qarTul ZirebTan Sejerebis process. ramdenadme gansxvavebuli mimarTulebiT muSaobs<br />

s.qobulaZe, romelic aqcents renesansis xelovnebis interpretirebaze akeTebs, Tumca<br />

sicocxlis bolos p.pikasos neogrekuli stiliT interesdeba. saukeTeso namuSevrebSi<br />

qarTvel grafikosTa Taobebi agrZeleben 1920-30-ian wlebSi gamokveTil miswrafebas<br />

kulturul dialogSi monawileobisaken, erovnuli xelovnebis harmoniuli CarTvisaken<br />

msoflioSi mimdinare aqtualur samxatvro procesebSi.<br />

qeTevan SavguliZe<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

montaJis principebi qarTul scenografiaSi (1920-iani wlebi)<br />

1920-ian wlebSi novatori reJisorebisa da scenografebis namuSevrebSi montaJis<br />

principebma da kinoxelovnebis specifikurma saSualebebma aqtiurad iCina Tavi. rusuli<br />

Teatris scenaze vs. meierholdis xelmZRvanelobiT Seqmnili speqtaklebis saerTo<br />

sadekoracio sistemaSi uSualod iqna CarTuli ekrani, romelic agitaciuri xelovnebis<br />

efeqtur saSualebad iqca. msoflio Teatris masStabiT sayuradRebo movlenas<br />

warmoadgenda germaniaSi e. piskatoris da dadaisti mxatvrebis mier proeqciuli<br />

dekoraciis dargSi ganxorcielebuli avangarduli Teatraluri eqsperimentebi.<br />

1920-ian wlebis miwuruls qarTveli scenografebi sasceno sivrcis gegmarebis<br />

axali principebis Ziebis procesSi novatoruli _ kinematografiuli xerxebiT<br />

dainteresdnen. speqtaklis “hopla, Cven vcocxlobT!” (es 1928w. k. marjaniSvilis<br />

TaosnobiT Camoyalibebuli quTaisi-baTumis saxelmwifo dramatuli Teatris pirveli<br />

warmodgenaa) d. kakabaZis mier, el. axvledianis saintereso scenografiuli namuSevrebi<br />

mohyva (“rogor?”, “moxuci enTuziasti”, “xatije”). speqtaklebis sadekoracio sistemaSi<br />

CarTuli iqna specifikuri kinematografiuli saSualebebi _ ekrani da proeqciuli<br />

aparatura. scenuri moqmedebis ganviTareba-gagrZelebis mizniT ekranze specialurad<br />

speqtaklisaTvis gadaRebuli kinokadrebis demonstrireba xdeboda. Teatris msaxiobis<br />

mier kinokadrSi “dawyebuli” moqmedeba igive msaxiobis mier sasceno moedanze<br />

grZeldeboda da piriqiT. Teatraluri warmodgenis saerTo struqturasTan organulad<br />

Serwymuli kadrebi moqmedebis xSir cvlasTan dakavSirebiT warmoqmnili problemebis<br />

daZlevis efeqtur saSualebas warmoadgenda.<br />

vs. meierholdis da e. piskatoris TaosnobiT ganxorcielebul speqtaklebSi _<br />

“dedamiwa yalyze” (mxatvari l. popova), “iZlevi evropas” (i. Slepianovi), “ruseTis<br />

dRe”, “miuxedavad yvelafrisa”(d. hartfildi), “mZvinvare nakadi” (e. zuri), “hopla, Cven<br />

vcocxlobT!” (t. miuleri), ekranze agitaciuri Sinaarsis lozungebis, politikuri<br />

plakatebis, mowodebebis, titrebis, dokumenturi, qronikaluri kadrebis da mokle<br />

filmebis proeqcireba xdeboda. revoluciuri moZraobis progresuli xasiaTis xazgasmis,<br />

piesis ideis ganzogadebis mizniT, nawarmoebSi aRwerili konkretuli faqtebi montaJis<br />

xerxis meSveobiT msoflio mniSvnelobis movlenebis fonze iyo gaSuqebuli.<br />

k. marjaniSvilis xelmZRvanelobiT d. kakabaZis da el. axvledianis mier ga<strong>for</strong>mebul<br />

speqtaklebSi proeqciul saSualebebs gansxvavebuli Sinaarsobrivi datvirTva hqonda<br />

miniWebuli. piesebis agitaciuri mimarTulebis xazgasma da politikuri ideebis<br />

propaganda maTTvis TviTmizans ar warmoadgenda. ganyenebuli Sinaarsis vizualuri<br />

masalis demonstrirebis nacvlad, ekranze proeqcirebuli kadrebi uSualod iyo<br />


modernizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

dakavSirebuli konkretul dramaturgiul nawarmoebSi aRweril faqtebTan da<br />

sivrcobrivi problemebis daZlevis, piesis fabuliT gaTvaliswinebuli mniSvnelovani<br />

movlenebis xazgasmis da speqtaklis mxatvruli iersaxis gamdidrebis metyvel da<br />

efeqtur xerxs warmoadgenda.<br />

Tea uruSaZe<br />

iv. javaxiSvilis sax. Tbilisis saxelmwifo universiteti. saqarTvelo<br />

konstruqtivizmis Tavisebureba qarTul Teatralur-dekoraciul xelovnebaSi<br />

XX saukunis dasawyisSi istoriulma movlenebma, dramaturgiaSi mimdinare procesebma,<br />

reJisorisa da mxatvris urTierTTanamSromlobis axalma principebma ganapiroba sasceno<br />

sivrceSi gansxvavebuli stilis dekoraciuli sistemebis aRmoceneba. am periodSi<br />

msoflio xelovnebaSi avangardistuli mimdinareoba ikidebs fexs. avangardizms ver<br />

ascda scenografiac da TeatrSi axali gamomsaxvelobiTi esTetikis Camoyalibebas<br />

Seuwyo xeli. am TvalsazrisiT dekoraciuli xelovnebis istoriaSi yuradsaReb<br />

monakveTs warmoadgens konstruqtivizmi, romelic saerTo movlenaa im drois sabWoTa<br />

dekoraciul xelovnebaSi.<br />

konstruqtivizmi ga<strong>for</strong>mebis or ZiriTad princips ayalibebs: pirveli - es aris erTiani<br />

danadgari, romelic mTeli warmodgenis ganmavlobaSi ar icvleba, meore ki, gaxlavT<br />

funqcionaluri scenografia. es principi iTvaliswinebs ZiriTad konstruqciasTan<br />

mibmuli moZravi elementebis funqcionalur datvirTvas. funqcionaluri scenografia<br />

ga<strong>for</strong>mebis kompoziciur erTianobas warmoadgens. amgvari konstruqciis TiToeuli<br />

elementi emsaxureba, rogorc dramaturgiuli masalis “ambis” Txrobas, aseve misi<br />

plastikuri <strong>for</strong>mis Seqmnas. amasTan erTad konstruqtivizmi ga<strong>for</strong>mebis dazgur<br />

princips uaryofda. aqedan gamomdinare, man mniSvnelovani roli Seasrula sasceno<br />

sivrcis ganaxlebis procesSi da sxvadasxva Teatris scenaze, kerZod saqarTveloSic,<br />

gansxvavebuli xelweriT gamovlinda.<br />

qarTuli dekoraciuli xelovnebis saTaveebTan mdgomma mxatvrebma konstruqtivizmis<br />

mniSvnelovani mxareebi ostaturad gamoiyenes da Taviseburad ganaviTares: sasceno<br />

sivrcis reorganizacia, Casmuli danadgarebis funqcionaloba, sasceno iatakis<br />

aSlis principi, metyveli pirobiToba, feris da Suqis intensiuri qmedeba, saxviTi<br />

enis lakonizmi da, rac metad mniSvnelovania, ga<strong>for</strong>mebis am sistemas istoriuli<br />

konkretuloba da Sinaarsobrioba SesZines.<br />

konstruqtivizmis ganviTarebam mTlianad Secvala sagnobrivi sivrce, Seqmna axali<br />

garemo, samyaros axleburi xedva daamkvidra. im drois mignebebma, mravali stilis<br />

matarebeli niSnebis warmoqmnam, maT mxatvrul <strong>for</strong>mebSi trans<strong>for</strong>maciam is Rrma ideuri<br />

safuZveli Seqmna, ramac Semdgom wlebSi sabolood ganapiroba qarTuli Teqtralurdekoraciuli<br />

xelovnebis saxe.<br />

gazrdili interesi 1920-30-ian wlebSi momuSave Teatraluri mxatvrebis<br />

namuSevrebisadmi gamowveulia im mniSvnelovani faqtiT, rom qarTul scenografiaSi<br />

misi ganviTarebis procesSi, konstruqtivizmis ideebs gansxvavebuli midgomiT da<br />

datvirTviT yovelTvis vxvdebiT da dResac mas aqvs ganviTarebis Taviseburi saxe da<br />

perspeqtiva.<br />




Gaston Buachidze<br />

de l’Académie de Bretagne et des Pays de la Loir., France<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Painting in European Context: Niko Pirosmani, Lado Gudiashvili, David Kakabadze<br />

Together with Kiril and Ilia Zdanevichs, the artist of a French origin - Michel Le Dantu participates<br />

in “discovery” of Pirosmani. Pirosmani’s artworks are exhibited in Paris (initiated by Andre Malaux) and<br />

in 1999, in Nantes, where the high quality catalogue was published. This event was followed by the wide<br />

reception in French Media. Le Dantu, Louis Aragon and other art critics compared Pirosmani to Giotto.<br />

Picasso paints the Portrait of Pirosmani. The “actress Margarita” is said to visit Pirosmani’s Exhibition in<br />

Paris to see her own portrait.<br />

In 1920s David Kakabadze and Lado Gudiashvili enter the “The school of Paris” and participate in<br />

many exhibitions. In 1925 Maurice Raynal dedicates his monograph to L. Gudiashvili. The latter is compared<br />

with F. Goya’s “Caprices”. L. Gudiashvili meets Japanese Foujita, Italian Modigliani and Polish<br />

Walishewski (Gudiashvili shares his memories of three of them to me). In 1997 Gudiashvili’s exhibition is<br />

held in Paris, in National Assemble, followed by the publication of catalogue.<br />

David Kakabadze publishes two of his <strong>Georgian</strong> papers in Paris (Paris, 1920-1923; “The art and the<br />

space”, Paris, 1924-25) and one book in French (“Regarding the constructivist picture”, Chene Vert edition).<br />

In 1973 Michel Seuphor shares his memories to me and discusses the art of D. Kakabadze. While<br />

elaborating his conception on art, D. Kakabadze “leans” toward the art of Leonardo de Vinci. In 1982 the<br />

collective catalogue - “avant-garde in Tbilisi”, published by Luigi Magarotto and his colleagues in Venice,<br />

concerns L. Gudiashvili and D. Kakabadze. The landscapes of D. Kakabadze encompass the space between<br />

his homeland - Imereti and Bretagne. According to the words of D. Kakabadze the authentic national art<br />

contributes in creation of a universal art.<br />

Gogi Khoshtaria<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection. Georgia<br />

Binary Opposition in Niko Pirosmanashvili’s Works and Modernist Art<br />

Niko Pirosmanashvili’s painting system contains structural features which are inherent to contemporary<br />

art. This has been suggested by researchers of his art, including I. Zdanevich and V. Kuznetsov, but without<br />

providing an in-depth analysis of this phenomenon.<br />

One of the most essential characteristics of Modernism, as an epoch-making phenomenon, was the<br />

revised perception of artistic unity through more polarized binary oppositions. Various art schools, movements<br />

with methodological principles of their own and individuals have been interpreting the problem with<br />

different degrees of complexity. The deep insight into the essence of this artistic problem as well as its perfect<br />

solution offered by Niko Pirosmanashvili is immensely interesting and difficult to explain at the same<br />

time. Having reconsidered the fundamental essence of binary oppositions—namely the fact that any picture<br />

as a work of art represents a convergence of two semiotic planes into a single sign and the respective transfer<br />

of a dynamic, borderless three-dimensional world into the material two-dimensional limited space—<br />

contemporary art further increases the opposition and attempts to achieve artistic unity of a new type.<br />

Stages and movements of contemporary art are mainly defined by the level of insight taken into the<br />

a<strong>for</strong>ementioned problem. The works by E. Delacroix, Impressionists and, especially, P. Cezanne were epoch-making<br />

in this regard. Strangely enough, Pirosmanashvili’s art was shaped during the period (1880-<br />

1890s) when P. Cezanne culminated his artistic endeavors. What is especially difficult to explain is that<br />

Pirosmanashvili had no connection with Paris or the French school of painting. At that time in Georgia, only<br />

early steps were made in the development of realist easel painting, and it was not until the early 1900s that<br />


110<br />


signs of contemporary art emerged. However, it is in Pirosmanashvili’s paintings dating from the 1900s that<br />

we see artistic solutions which are normally achieved at the end of an artist’s evolutionary path rather than<br />

at the beginning of it. In Pirosmanashvili’s art, extremely laconic rendering is one of the key organizing<br />

principles applied in addressing the controversies faced, and this can be evidenced by his paintings created<br />

well be<strong>for</strong>e the works of the artists of Paris school.<br />

Liana Antelava<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

Continual Model of the Universal Space/Time in <strong>Georgian</strong> Paintings<br />

Painting is traditionally attributed to spatial arts. However, it is also without doubt that everything that<br />

exists has a temporal dimension. A specific feature of time is that it is not subject to perception. Being<br />

non-sensorial, the image of time is closely linked to and defined by metaphors (through which the nonsensorial<br />

is modeled). Thus in painting, traditionally articulated as spatial art, time manifests itself through<br />

metaphor.<br />

Connection with space is inherent to time. It is there<strong>for</strong>e natural that time can be explained through features<br />

characteristic of space. Space and time are “bearing structures” of the image of the world known to us.<br />

The correlation between space and time reflects the vision/perception of the outside world. The continuum<br />

of space and time accumulates basic phenomenal features of a given culture, epoch, style, and artist. The<br />

study of these features shall demonstrate the individual character of a given culture.<br />

The presentation will address this issue by presenting works by Niko Pirosmanashvili and Davit Kakabadze.<br />

Marina Medzmariashvili<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection.Georgia<br />

Pirosmani’s Art in the Framework of European Modernism<br />

This paper addresses self taught artist Niko Pirosmani and modernism in Western Europe and Russia.<br />

The paper discusses some aspects of Pirosmani’s art as the first signs of modernism in Georgia.<br />

Pirosmani had not received any professional education and represented the member of Tiflis’ lowest<br />

levels of society, thus his art reflected his feelings but not any knowledge. Pirosmani’s original art created<br />

issues, which were new to Western Europe and Russia in the first years of XX century, but were unknown<br />

in Georgia.<br />

Pirosmani’s works are also successful in a very specific, artistic way - that is how they dealt with space,<br />

color and shape. The same problems at the same time were raised in the Russian, French and German<br />

artistic world. The lecture compares Pirosmani’s works with the paintings of H.Russo, P. Picasso, N. Goncharova,<br />

M. Chagall, A. Macke and others. The lecture points at the influence of Pirosmani’s art on Russian<br />

“neo-primitivism” and other areas of avant-garde art.<br />

Russian artists M. Ledantu and M. Shevchenko created remakes of Pirosmani’s works, an issue almost<br />

untouched until today. Though, some of the works of these Russian painters were known to public, they<br />

were never reviewed as remakes.<br />

We would like to stress the role of the leaders of Russian avant-garde, including M. Ledantu, and of<br />

futurists, such as Iliazd and Kiril Zdanevich, in the discovery of Pirosmani and introduction of his works to<br />

Georgia, Russia and France (in 1972 year Picasso created Pirosmani’s portrait).<br />

Pirosmani’s phenomenon lays in the natural sublimation of artistic ideas from East and West, in the national<br />

and international trends in art, and in the combination of folklore and modernism.


Nana Kipiani<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection.Georgia<br />

“Poetically Abides a Man”<br />

Early 20 th century Modernism in <strong>Georgian</strong> fine arts and literature, which is also referred to as “Tbilisian<br />

Modernism,” is the most liberal in its essence and yet, the most tragic, of all trends in modern and recent<br />

history of <strong>Georgian</strong> culture. The goal of the paper is to address the national identity of Tbilisian Modernism,<br />

which can be traced in the visual and verbal texts of this movement and in the presence of liberal cultural<br />

and artistic perception.<br />

The problem of identity is relevant, considering the tragic fate of <strong>Georgian</strong> Modernism. With only a<br />

two-decade existence (from 1910 to the late 1920s), it failed to establish even a small niche of its own in the<br />

realm of international/western Modernism. This is mainly due to the political and cultural circumstances:<br />

Following Sovietization in the 1930s, modernist art, including even Russian revolutionary avant-garde art,<br />

suffered repression. Along with that, after the 1921 annexation, the culture of Georgia became marginal as<br />

a result of severe restrictions on art and a sweeping movement towards a common cultural and aesthetic<br />

space.<br />

The ban of Modernism, which occurred simultaneously with the marginalization of national cultures<br />

by the Soviet culture policy, has totally erased from memory artistic life of the early 20 th century Georgia.<br />

It is only now that scholars have begun to assess the historical and artistic importance of this phenomenon<br />

and, moreover, started to trace, describe and register its factual material. One obstacle in interpreting the<br />

works of modernist artists is their improper affiliation to various movements: the work of the modernist<br />

artists of the 1910-20s, who had escaped the Soviet repressions, were, <strong>for</strong> obvious reasons, considered as<br />

a product of certain infatuation and their “repressed” art, created in the Soviet period, was presented as an<br />

evolutionary and transitional phenomenon, which was thus placed within the borders of Socialist Realism.<br />

The situation has changed, but nevertheless, the two settings, that of Modernism and Socialism/Communism,<br />

have been demarcated neither conceptually nor contextually. The latter, however, is essential <strong>for</strong> the<br />

rehabilitation of Tbilisian Modernism and <strong>for</strong> the definition of its artistic and historical significance on one<br />

hand, and <strong>for</strong> the dismantling of the still surviving cultural and artistic hierarchy established by the Soviet<br />

system on the other.<br />

This paper raises another problem in the context of identity, namely the category of space, and will<br />

respond the following related questions: which space is valuable <strong>for</strong> Tbilisian Modernism and what value<br />

does it have in the modernist context of the correlation between time and space? The specific character of<br />

the interpretation reflects a peculiarity of Tbilisian Modernism. The speech also makes use of comparative<br />

analysis with i) contemporary western and Russian material and ii) medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> architecture and<br />

mural painting. Samples of medieval European as well Byzantine architecture and painting will be used<br />

Anna Shanshiashivili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Centre.I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Georgia<br />

The Painting of Niko Pirosmani in the Context of Late 19 th -Early 20 th c. European Art<br />

The paintings of Niko Pirosmani, some of the most significant representations of <strong>Georgian</strong> fine art,<br />

unveil traits, which link him to different artistic movements of late 19 th - early 20 th century European art.<br />

Known as a self-taught artist, Pirosmani is often interpreted as a “Naive” or “Primitive” painter; however,<br />

the majority of scholars acknowledge a particular depth and comprehensiveness that distinguish <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

painter from other naives. The fact that Pirosmani independently and intuitionally came to the key principals<br />

of modern painting, elaborated by different painting schools and artistic movements in contemporane-<br />


ous Europe, gives greater importance to his work.<br />

Pirosmani is distinguished by a unique, intuitive, inherited sense of the simultaneous comprehension of<br />

the whole and the detail, principal and secondary. In order to represent his subjects in a greater context, the<br />

painter often neglects details, thus trans<strong>for</strong>ming the subject of his painting into a monumental and even “abstract”<br />

imagery. This principle connects him to different artistic movements of European modernism. It’s<br />

widely known that the desire to “pure plastic” and to achieve simplicity of <strong>for</strong>m became one of the major issues<br />

of modern painting. Central to these tenets was the exploration of essence, revealed through the neglect<br />

of superfluous details in order not to encroach upon the essential elements and alteration or simplification of<br />

natural <strong>for</strong>ms instead of their naturalistic depiction. These principles <strong>for</strong>m a basis <strong>for</strong> the majority of artistic<br />

movements of modern art, such as Expressionism, Cubism, Abstractionism and etc.<br />

Moreover, Pirosmani’s free, quick manner of painting and use of wide brushstrokes resemble the styles<br />

of Paul Cézanne, Henri Matisse and Andre Derain. Furthermore, Cézanne used white canvas in the same<br />

manner as Pirosmani - with a black oilcloth; when he needed black colour, he simply left that part bare.<br />

The symbolic meanings attributed to different colours by Pirosmani are another feature that relates his<br />

painting to Post-Impressionism, Symbolism and Abstractionism, whereas the incorporation of inscriptions<br />

as an independent compositional element in the picture plain associates the <strong>Georgian</strong> painter to the art of<br />

Cubists, who did the same in 1911.<br />

Such qualities as a free manner of painting, simplicity of composition and pictorial means, symbolic<br />

language of colors and, finally, the use of inscriptions in composition help to establish Pirosmani amongst<br />

the greatest artists of modernism.<br />

Nestan Tatarashvili<br />

Freelance Scholar. Georgia<br />

European <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage - Art Nouveau Architecture in Georgia<br />

The late 19 th century saw the emergence of a new style in Europe, referred to as Modern in Georgia,<br />

which spread quickly in various countries, including in Georgia, under names as diverse as Art Nouveau,<br />

Jugendstil, Secession, Modernista, Liberty, etc. Unlike other styles, Art Nouveau refused to follow preliminarily<br />

established <strong>for</strong>ms. It rejected mechanical repetition and promoted free improvisation with ideas and<br />

themes, which <strong>Georgian</strong> artists also accomplished successfully.<br />

Art Nouevau architecture was built not only in the capital city of Tbilisi, but in other smaller cities and<br />

towns, such as Sokhumi, Batumi, Poti, Kutaisi, Gagra. Akhali Atoni, Kobuleti and Dusheti.<br />

Apart from being used as residential and tenement houses, Art Nouveau buildings also were used <strong>for</strong><br />

banks, schools, shops, hospitals, workshops, theatres and an oranjerie. Of particular note are a tobacco plant<br />

and a thermal power station in Tbilisi, as well as a library and a shed <strong>for</strong> horse-drawn carriages in Poti, all<br />

designed in Art Nouveau. Brilliant memorial monuments survive in old, historical cemeteries. Mention<br />

must be made of Art Nouveau cinema houses. It is well-known that the dates of the emergence and spread<br />

of Art Nouveau and the cinema are almost identical, and it is there<strong>for</strong>e important that the convergence of<br />

these two innovations was such a success in Georgia.<br />

Regrettably, there is still much to be done to reveal Art Nouveau buildings and complete related archival<br />

studies. The material available, however, attests that the renewed cultural and economic relations with Europe<br />

allowed Georgia to adopt and promote Art Nouveau - the most popular trend in architecture at the time.<br />

Art Nouveau must be duly addressed not only in <strong>Georgian</strong> scholarly papers, but also in school textbooks<br />

and tourist itineraries.<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Art Nouveau architecture has recently drawn the attention of various internationally acknowledged<br />

organizations such as the World Monuments Fund in New York, Reseau Art Nouveau Network in<br />

Bruxelle and Art Nouveau European Route in Barcelona. As a result, <strong>Georgian</strong> Art Nouveau heritage is now<br />

represented on their websites as well as in numerous international publications.<br />

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<strong>Georgian</strong> Art Nouveau - part of the European cultural heritage - has been duly evaluated by Europe.<br />

Now it is our turn as Art Nouveau still lacks appreciation and protection; protection from deterioration as<br />

well as from wrong and scientifically non-justified restoration ef<strong>for</strong>ts, the number of which has increased<br />

over the last years.<br />

Maia Tsitsishvili<br />

I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Georgia<br />

From Expressionism to Dada: <strong>Georgian</strong> Painting from 1910 to the 1930s (Based on Recent<br />

Discoveries)<br />

During recent years everyone who has ever been in touch with the 1910-1930s <strong>Georgian</strong> avant-garde<br />

movement was so surprised to find the hidden acuity, simplicity, diversity and uniqueness of previously<br />

unknown material (owing to the existing political situation), that the discovery of these qualities were<br />

partly referred to as a <strong>for</strong>tuity. These traits, which to some degree distinguish <strong>Georgian</strong> painting of the first<br />

half of 20 th century from its contemporaneous European art, are observable during the entire course of its<br />

existence. The art of this period (painting, graphic, and theatrical stage design, as well as book illumination)<br />

reflects nearly all artistic movements of the European avant-garde.<br />

During the first half of 20 th century, when many European cities overflowed with the avant-garde spirit,<br />

Tbilisi - with a peculiar openness and readiness to absorb new ideas was also incorporated into this contemporaneous<br />

progressive movement. One may say that <strong>Georgian</strong> painting evolved most naturally during this<br />

period between 1910 and 1920s. It is noteworthy, that every single painter had an individual approach to the<br />

avant-garde art: some of them followed just one or two artistic trends (Sh. Kikodze, V. Sidamon-Eristavi,<br />

K. Zdanevich, I. Zdanevich, E. Akhvlediani, D. Tavadze); others were engaged in analyzing and developing<br />

many different movements (D. Kakabadze, L. Gudiashvili, I. Gamrekeli, D. Shevardnadze); and the works<br />

of some <strong>Georgian</strong> modernists are so unique that it is difficult to find their direct analogues (P. Otskheli).<br />

The presentation to the public at large and analysis of these bold and in some cases extremely avantgarde<br />

works, which were discovered during the last three years, will contribute to fully recognizing the<br />

importance of <strong>Georgian</strong> modernists and help to change already established views on their work. Although<br />

the process of exploration of this unknown material is ongoing, already unveiled artworks that are at once<br />

unexpected and remarkable offer the possibility <strong>for</strong> recapitulation and analysis.<br />

Irine Abesadze<br />

Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Cinema University. Georgia<br />

From <strong>Georgian</strong> Modernism to Transavantgardism, a Definition of Terms<br />

The sharply pronounced negation in the perception of the outside world, as provoked by world wars and<br />

revolutions, one after another, gave birth to artistic movements which were united under the name of “modernism”.<br />

The followers of this movement attempted to convey the sense of homelessness and alienation of<br />

the humans and the fear of totalitarian violence in various <strong>for</strong>ms. The painful perception of the anticipated<br />

tragic end of the universe and eschatological visions reached their apex in the 1960-70s, when renowned<br />

culturologists and philosophers began asserting, independently from each other, that the life could not go on<br />

the same way. It is as a result that the greatest philosopher of the 20 th century, M. Heidegger, is considered<br />

one of the <strong>for</strong>efathers of not only Existentialism, but Postmodernism as well. To him belong the following<br />

words: “Postmodernism originated to add new notion to the world rather than to finish off the trend of<br />

Modernism.”<br />

It is too early to discuss artistic processes taking place in the 1980-1990s in the <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural milieu<br />

as their conceptual <strong>for</strong>mation is still underway. Today it is only possible to state the trends in evidence: i)<br />


the establishment of Neo-figurativism in contrast to non-figurativeness of abstract art; ii) the extensive use<br />

of artistic devices, such as grotesqueness and irony; iii) the establishment of the style of eclecticism and<br />

inter-textualism; iv) the presence of religious and mythological motivations; v) nostalgia of historical past;<br />

and vi) double coding.<br />

The terms “Modernism” and “Avant-gardism”, as well as “Postmodernism” and “Transavant-garde”,<br />

which came after, are often interchangeably used in scholarly literature due to their compatible nature and<br />

essential similarities. There<strong>for</strong>e it seems more reasonable to agree on which definitions are more applicable<br />

to the <strong>Georgian</strong> artistic milieu in order not to confuse unaware recipients. The terms “Postmodernism” was<br />

first applied in respect to cultural trends in the 1980s by the French philosopher J. Baudrillard and later by<br />

P. Portogezi in the 1980-1990s in relation to architecture. The term “Transavantgarde” was supported by<br />

another Italian professor B. Oliva, who first published the Transavantgarde concept of art development.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e it is more appropriate to use the term “Transavantgarde” to explain this movement. What is clear<br />

though is that whatever term is selected to denote the 1980s’ artistic trends, the creative and intellectual<br />

context of Georgia, having found itself in the Soviet space, spontaneously reacted by saturating <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

fine art with Transavantgarde elements. The grounds <strong>for</strong> this had been prepared by early 20 th century avantgarde<br />

art.<br />

Tea Tabatadze<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art Georgia. Georgia<br />

Towards the Definition of Certain Characteristics of Modernist Artistyle Cafes - Conceptual Aspect<br />

of the Kimerioni Wall Paintings<br />

The artistic cabaret/club/café is a notable phenomenon of early Modernism. It was at the end of the 19 th<br />

and beginning of the 20 th century that the cabaret movement, cabaret style and “café culture” became relevant<br />

in Europe and Russia. The analysis of the related literature suggests that the establishment of artistic<br />

cabarets/clubs/cafés was facilitated by a combination of cultural, aesthetic (modernist context), political,<br />

and social circumstances in the country, as well as because of the psychological disposition of the public. A<br />

shared public consciousness created the need, desire and grounds <strong>for</strong> this unity and defined the chronology,<br />

nature of the function of these establishments and their social and aesthetic purpose to the public. There<strong>for</strong>e,<br />

artistic cabarets in all countries and cities had their own, distinctive context, their own “theme”.<br />

Tbilisi of the 1910s had the right context <strong>for</strong> the “cabaret epidemic”. The tradition of artistic cafés and<br />

clubs was imported from Russia. Apart from <strong>Georgian</strong>s, they were founded by modernists of various nationalities<br />

living in Tbilisi at the time. The tradition of adorning cafés with murals also came from Russia.<br />

But despite Russian influence, the differing functions of these establishments attest to the fact that they<br />

were natural and logical elements of the Tbilisi cultural milieu, which, in its turn, suggests that <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

culture of the time contributed towards the unified modernist discourse.<br />

Though influenced by the spiritual, aesthetic/ethical aspirations from which they emerged, Tbilisi’s artistic<br />

cafés, and the Kimerioni in particular, had a distinctive character that was their own. This was defined<br />

by the following factors: I) historical and political settings (the years of national independence); II) Tbilisi<br />

itself - its character, its way of life; III) the nature of the modernist culture and art: its multi- or international<br />

character; the main aesthetic object of the <strong>Georgian</strong> artists of the time - “national and universal” - which<br />

defined the function of art and its relation to the country; and the unanimous understanding of the society<br />

during this period of this relationship.<br />

Kimerioni is a synthetic structure - a functional space adorned with murals containing historical, time<br />

and social references and depicting the world outlook and aspirations of early 20 th century Tbilisi through<br />

the aesthetic <strong>for</strong>m. In this regard, the Kimerioni presents a shared artistic system, though this unity is represented<br />

by three individual artists (L. Gudiashvili, D. Kakabadze and S. Sudeyikin), three subjective visions,<br />

three distinctive themes, and two distinct cultures.<br />

114<br />



Mzia Chikhradze<br />

G. Chubinashvili National Center of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art History and Monuments Protection.Georgia<br />

Futurist Book, Tbilisi 1917-1919<br />

The paper touches on one of the most important artistic occurrence of cultural life of Tbilisi - the futurist<br />

books issued in 1910-1920ies, which was a good example of intercultural, international cooperation of artists<br />

and literary men. In the work there are overviewed the preconditions of the above mentioned phenomenon,<br />

i.e. it is done the short survey of the artistic-cultural life of Tbilisi of that period.<br />

In the work there is observed the modern art movement futurism and very important part of that movement<br />

the futurist books. There is done the comprehensive analysis of European (Italian) and Russian futurism,<br />

it is surveyed Italian futurist book and in this connection other artistic phenomenon, which plaid an<br />

essential role in founding and development of Modernism and particularly, futurist book. There is stressed<br />

the role of the founder of the movement Fillipo Thomaso Marinetti in establishing of futurism and futurist<br />

book there. It is also presented the theoretical basing to his futurist philosophy.<br />

The special place is given to the analysis of Russian futurist books, which were issued in Moscow and<br />

Petersburg in 1910s, those books greatly promoted the arising of Tbilisi futurist books. It is done the parallel<br />

analysis of Russian and Tbilisi futurist books and also it is revealed the common and the specific characteristics<br />

of Tbilisi Futurist book.<br />

In the work there is marked out the figure of the poet Ilia Zdanevich and his importance <strong>for</strong> the development<br />

of <strong>Georgian</strong> Modernism, it is underlined his contribution to futurist art and establishment of Dadaism<br />

in 1910s in Tbilisi.<br />

It is considered the publishing activity of futurist organization “41 0 ” in 1917-1919, which was a very<br />

important event in cultural life of Tbilisi of that period. The organization under the leadership of Kruchonikh,<br />

Terenteev, Ilia and Kirill Zdanevich and Valishevski published many interesting books inn different<br />

publishing houses of Tbilisi, those were republished futurist books which have been issued in Moscow<br />

and Petersburg in 1912-1913. The special place is given to the collection dedicated to the artists Sophia<br />

Melnikova, that book became a real anthology of futurist literature. The collection was issued in 1919 and<br />

it is considered as the important attainment not only of <strong>Georgian</strong> and Russian, but also Modern European<br />

book design art.<br />

As a conclusion it is marked out the significance of the futurist books published in 1910-1920ies in<br />

Tbilisi and it is shown the importance of that artistic event <strong>for</strong> founding and development of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

Modernism in general and particularly, advancing the art of futurist book.<br />

Nino Zaalishvili<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

Several Trends in <strong>Georgian</strong> Graphic Art of the 1920s and 1930s<br />

The search <strong>for</strong> self-identification, launched earlier with simple quotations from <strong>Georgian</strong> works of art,<br />

was continued in the 20 th century by creative reproduction of the impulses received. This was not, however,<br />

the only pursuit of artists of the time. They took equal interest in European and oriental arts. Art Nouveau<br />

then became particularly relevant, and works by also A. Beardsley fell into focus to some extent. In Georgia,<br />

this style retained its influence <strong>for</strong> a period longer than in Europe. This was facilitated by creative and<br />

pedagogical activities of E. Lansere and I. Scharleman who had fled Petersburg and worked at the Academy<br />

of Art established in 1922.<br />

A wide range of avant-garde movements gained popularity between 1918 and 1921 as a result of contact<br />


with Russian artists who had emigrated to an independent Georgia. Expressionist and constructivist works<br />

by I. Gamrekeli, B. Gordesiani, K. Zdanevich and E. Lalaeva were featured in <strong>Georgian</strong> book and magazines<br />

and on leafs of paper. The works of some graphic artists (L. Grigolia) reflect the style of a number of<br />

popular European artists (F. Vallaton and F. Masereel). The graphical paper leafs by the stage designer Petre<br />

Otskheli are reminiscent of A. Beardsley, L. Baxt and G. Klimt. The ideological suppression in the 1930s<br />

had a negative impact on <strong>Georgian</strong> graphic art: numerous graphic artists, including K. Kwees, K. Gritsai, I.<br />

Stennberg, had to quit, while P. Otskheli was executed.<br />

In the period during and after the 1930s, the graphic artists L. Gudiashvili and S. Gabashvili proceeded<br />

with their attempts to synthesize European and oriental art with <strong>Georgian</strong> art in their illustrations and<br />

easel graphics. Slightly different was the style in which S. Kobuladze worked; he emphasized the interpretation<br />

of Renaissance art, though in his final years the artist took interest in Picasso’s Neo-Greek style.<br />

Continuing the spirit of the 1920-30s, following generations of the best <strong>Georgian</strong> graphic artists have<br />

opted to engage in a cultural dialogue and to achieve inclusion of national art into processes unfolding on<br />

the international artistic arena.<br />

Ketevan Shavgulidze<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Principle of Montage in <strong>Georgian</strong> Stage Design (1920s)<br />

The works of innovative stage producers and designers during the 1920s was marked by the use of the<br />

principles of montage and by specific cinematographic techniques. On the Russian stage, a screen was included<br />

into the common system of settings by V. Meyerhold, which became an effective means of artistic<br />

propaganda. Avant-garde drama experiments per<strong>for</strong>med by E. Piscator and Dadaist artists in the field of<br />

projective decoration in Germany was an important novelty <strong>for</strong> the international theatrical world.<br />

In the late 1920s, <strong>Georgian</strong> stage designers, in their search <strong>for</strong> new principles of space organization,<br />

took interest in innovative cinematographic techniques. The first attempt made in this regard was D. Kakabadze’s<br />

stage design <strong>for</strong> the play Hoppla, We’re Alive (the first per<strong>for</strong>mance held at the Kutaisi-Batumi<br />

State Drama Theatre, which was founded by K. Marjanishvili in 1928). This was followed by interesting<br />

stage sets created by E. Akhvlediani <strong>for</strong> How?, An Old Enthusiast, Khatije. The decorative system of these<br />

per<strong>for</strong>mances included specific cinematographic facilities, such as a screen and projective equipment. Specially<br />

made film shots were shown on the screen to develop and continue stage acts. The action “started” by<br />

an actor in the film shot would continue by the same actor on the stage and the other way round. Harmoniously<br />

merging with the overall structure of the drama per<strong>for</strong>mance, the shots were an effective means of<br />

overcoming problems resulting from frequent changing of acts.<br />

The per<strong>for</strong>mances staged by V. Meyerhold and E. Piscator - The Earth Upside Down (stage designer L.<br />

Popova), Giving Europe (I. Shlepyanov), Russian Day, Despite Everything (D. Hatfield), Raging Current<br />

(E. Zur), and Hoppla, We’re Alive (T. Muller), featured a screen projecting propaganda slogans, political<br />

posters, appeals, subtitles, documental shots and short films. To highlight the progressive nature of the revolutionary<br />

movement and to generalize the idea of the play, specific facts described were, through the use of<br />

montage technique, displayed against the background of the events of universal relevance.<br />

Different was the conceptual function of projections used in the per<strong>for</strong>mances under K. Marjanishvili<br />

and by D. Kakabadze and E. Akhvlediani’s direction. The emphasis on the agitation and propaganda of<br />

political ideas was not a self-goal. Instead of demonstrating abstract visual material, the projected shots<br />

were linked to the facts described and served to overcome spatial problems. They were an expressive and<br />

effective means of underlining the important events in the plot of the play.<br />

116<br />



Tea Urushadze<br />

I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. Georgia<br />

Peculiarity of Constructivism in <strong>Georgian</strong> Stage Design<br />

The historical circumstances coupled with the processes unfolding in the dramatic arts and the emerging<br />

principles of director-artist cooperation in the early 20 th century contributed to the development of decorative<br />

systems of a new style of stage design. World art at the time was marked by the advancement of the<br />

avant-garde movement. This movement affected stage design by fostering the development of expressive<br />

theatre aesthetics. It was also connected to Constructivism, which characterized the Soviet art of the period<br />

and provides an interesting segment of the history of decorative art.<br />

The concept of constructivist stage design rests on two major principles. It implies the presence of a<br />

monolithic structure throughout a per<strong>for</strong>mance and functional scenography. The latter implies giving functional<br />

importance to adjustable elements attached to the main structure. Functional scenography builds on<br />

the compositional unity of the design. Each element of such structure adds to the “narration” of dramatic<br />

materials and <strong>for</strong>mation of its plastic <strong>for</strong>m. Constructivism also rejected the use of easel painting. It thus<br />

played an important role in the renewal of stage art and found different manifestations on various stages<br />

throughout Georgia.<br />

The artists who were at the root of <strong>Georgian</strong> decorative art took advantage of Constructivism and developed<br />

it in their own way by reorganizing the stage space, adding functionality to installed structures and<br />

introducing the principles of a disordering stage floor, expressive conventionality, an intensive use of color<br />

and light, laconism of expressive vocabulary and, most importantly, historical specificity and meaningful<br />

content to this system of design.<br />

The development of Constructivism brought about an extensive change to “object space” and contributed<br />

to the establishment of a new environment and to the creation of new world outlook. The solutions<br />

found at that time, as well as the emergence of features characterized by a mixture of styles and their trans<strong>for</strong>mation<br />

into artistic <strong>for</strong>ms set conceptual grounds which shaped the image of <strong>Georgian</strong> decorative art in<br />

the years to come.<br />

The growing interest in the works of stage designers active in the 1920s-30s is largely due to the Constructivist<br />

ideas that manifested in different ways in the history of <strong>Georgian</strong> stage design, and which still<br />

have a distinctive image and perspectives <strong>for</strong> further development.<br />


118<br />

sastendo moxsenebebi / Poster Presentations<br />

TaTia Rvineria. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

elene axvledianis Semoqmedebis ucnobi aspeqti (parizuli periodis studiur<br />

Canaxatebze dayrdnobiT)<br />

Tatia Ghvineria. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Unknown Aspect of the Art of Elene Akhvlediani (Based on The Studio Sketches of Parisian Period)<br />

naTia ebanoiZe. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

organuli <strong>for</strong>mis sakiTxi Salva qiqoZisa da elene axvledianis SemoqmedebaSi<br />

Natia Ebanoidze. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Issue of Organic Form in the Art of Shalva Kikodze and Elene Akhvlediani<br />

qeTevan cecxlaZe. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

qarTuli modernizmi -tradicia da Tanamedroveoba<br />

Ketevan Tsetskhladze. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Modernism -Tradition and Contemporariness<br />

qrinstine darCia. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

klara kveesis Semoqmedeba (XX saukunis 20-iani wlebis qarTuli ferweris ucnobi<br />

furceli)<br />

Kristine Darchia. Tbilisi State Academy of Art.Georgia<br />

The Art of Clara Kvees (The Unknown Page of <strong>Georgian</strong> Painting of 1920s)

IV seqcia<br />

restavracia/konservacia<br />

biodazianebebi kulturul memkvidreobaSi

maia SaviSvili<br />

saqarTvelos kulturis, ZeglTa dacvisa da sportis saministro. saqarTvelo<br />

sarestavracio saqmianobis zogadi mimoxilva<br />

ukanasknel periodSi siZveleTa dacvisa da kulturuli memkvidreobis nimuSTa<br />

restavracia-reabilitaciis procesi saministros mier sul ufro da ufro aqtiurad<br />

imarTeba. dargi viTardeba multidisciplinarul kvlevebsa da saerTaSoriso gamocdilebaze<br />

dayrdnobiT, risTvisac saministros mier mimdinareobs saqmianoba mravali<br />

mimarTulebiT - xorcieldeba “unikalur ZeglTa gadarCenis saxelmwifo programa”,<br />

romlis farglebSic restavrirebul iqna kedlis mxatvrobis, xuroTmoZRvrebis,<br />

xelnawerTa Tu sxva saxis asobiT Zegli. gansakuTrebuli yuradReba eqceva, agreTve<br />

UNESCO-s Zeglebs; swored amJamad mimdinareobs gelaTis samonastro kompleqsis<br />

reabilitaciisa da infrastruqturis mowyobis proeqti, aseve mcxeTis wm. jvris mcire<br />

taZris gadaudebeli sareabilitacio samuSaoebi, quTaisis “bagratis” taZris azomviTi<br />

da kvleviTi samuSaoebi.<br />

dargis ganviTarebisa da swori mimarTulebiT warmarTvis mizniT, saministro<br />

TanamSromlobs aseve sxvadasxva fondebTan, romelTa TanadgomiTac dafinansebul iqna<br />

iseTi mniSvnelovani specialuri naSromebis Targmna da gamocema, romelTa avtorebic<br />

arian i. iukileto, j. kaneva, i. masari, krebuli “xuroTmoZRvrebis konservacia”<br />

da sxv. 2004 wels a. quTaTelaZis sax. Tbilisis saxelm. samxatvro akademiis bazaze<br />

daarsda saxviTi xelovnebisa da arqiteqturis restavraciis fakulteti, romelic<br />

manamde integrirebuli iyo sxva fakultetebTan. aqve Seiqmna diagnostikur-kvleviTi<br />

laboratoria, saerTaSoriso standartebiT SemuSavebul iqna specialuri saswavlo<br />

programa.<br />

yovelive amis Sedegad, gaizarda interesi dargis mimarT, saxelmwifos mxridan<br />

yuradRebis mipyrobam sarestavracio saqmianobisadmi, TandaTanobiT gamoiwvia misi<br />

popularizacia, gaizarda moTxovnileba da, movida axali Taoba, romelic izrdeba<br />

pro-fesionalebis gverdiT.<br />

amas garda, saministroSi, integrirebul iqna adre damoukideblad arsebuli ZeglTa<br />

dacvis departamentis arqivi, romelSic ganTavsebulia Zeglebze 1920-iani wlebidan<br />

dawyebuli da dRes mimdinare saproeqto samuSaoebis amsaxveli masala, romlis nawilic<br />

ukve TavisTavad kulturuli memkvidreobis Zegls warmoadgens da xSirad Tanamedrove<br />

Carevebis dros fasdaudebel daxmarebas uwevs restavratorebs.<br />

sabina vedovelo<br />

Conservazione Beni <strong>Cultural</strong>,italia<br />

saziaro proeqti<br />

am moxsenebaSi mimovixilav im xangrZlivi TanamSromlobis istorias, romelic 1996<br />

wels msoflio bankis Italian Trust Fund-is dafinansebiT daiwyo. am gamocdilebam safuZveli<br />

Cauyara qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreobis ZeglebTan dakavSirebuli principuli<br />

problemebis gaazrebas, proeqtebis dagegmvasa da sakonservacio sakiTxebis Sesaxeb<br />

mosazrebaTa gacvla-gamocvlas.<br />

ganxorcielda sami erToblivi proeqti: yincvisSi, timoTesubansa da martvilSi.<br />

imasTan erTad, rom yoveli SemTxveva konkretuli Zeglis damaxasiaTebeli problematikis<br />

kuTxiT iqna Seswavlili, proeqtebis ganxorcielebam gamokveTa is midgoma, romlis<br />

misadagebac sxva SemTxvevebSic SeiZleba. amasTan, unda aRiniSnos, rom adgilobrivi<br />

specialistebi xSirad ufro maRali donis profesionalizmiT da damoukidebeli<br />

120<br />


estavracia/konservacia<br />

gadawyvetilebebis miRebis unariT gamoirCeodnen.<br />

sami sxvadasxva proeqtis mimoxilva warmoaCens im niuansur gansxvavebebs, ramac<br />

SemdgomSi maTi sxavadsxva gziT ganviTareba gamoiwvia, da im sirTuleebs, romelTa<br />

winaSec videqiT. aseve warmoaCens im gzas, romelmac sxvadasxva mkacri kriteriumebiT<br />

SemuSavebul sakonservacio meTodikamde migviyvana.<br />

aRniSnul Zeglebze dadasturebuli biologiuri dazianebebis kvleva udaod yvelaze<br />

sainteresoa im problemaTagan, romelTa winaSec mogviwia dadgoma, Tumca ufro zogadi<br />

konteqstisaTvis Cven gvsurs aseve ganvixiloT;<br />

• restavratorebis, xelovnebaTmcodneebisa da sazogadeobrivi struqturebis<br />

TanamSromloba sakonservacio treningebsa da memkvidreobis dacvaSi, diagnostikisa<br />

da teqnikuri dokumentaciis sakiTxSi.<br />

• sakonservacio sakiTxebTan dakavSirebuli codnis gafarToeba kedlis mxatvrobis<br />

udidesi memkvidreobis mqone ori qveynis - saqarTvelosa da italias Soris mWidro<br />

TanamSromlobiT.<br />

• da bolos, sakonservacio problematikis Seswavlis da samuSaoebis dagegmvis<br />

sakiTxSi interdisciplinaruli jgufis TanamSromloba.<br />

erik viurgeri<br />

damoukidebeli mkvlevari. germania<br />

istoriuli nagebobebis safuZvlebis gamagrebis axali meTodi<br />

kulturul memkvidreobaze da saganZurze zrunva kulturuli eris ZiriTadi<br />

maxasiaTebelia. amaSi igulisxmeba istoriuli nagebobebis: eklesiebis, monastrebis,<br />

taZrebis, minareTebis da aseve teqnikuri nagebobebis: xidebis, akvedukebis da a.S movla<br />

da Senaxva.<br />

komerciuli daniSnulebis anu turizmis garda, aseTi istoriuli nagebobebi,<br />

upirveles yovlisa, saxelmwifos erovnul identurobas emsaxureba. Senaxvisa da movlis<br />

garda, xSirad aucilebeli xdeba am nagebobebis rekonstruqciac.<br />

saukuneTa ganmavlobaSi nagebobebi ziandeba ara mxolod meteorologiuri<br />

movlenebis, araprofesionaluri minaSenebis an miwisZvrebis Sedegad, aramed sakmaod<br />

xSiria saZirkvelis dazianebebic.<br />

gruntis wylebis dawevam SeiZleba xis ximinjebiani saZirkvelis lpoba gamoiwvios, ris<br />

Sedegadac warmoiqmneba bzarebi. niadagSi warmoiqmneba iseTi araxelsayreli pirobebi,<br />

romelnic nagebobis araerTgvarovan jdomas ganapirobebs. amis kargi magaliTia pizis<br />

koSki.<br />

rogorc wesi, fundamentis rekonstruqcia Zalian rTulia da did xarjebs<br />

ukavSirdeba.<br />

axali meTodis danergvidan TiTqmis 25 weli gavida. miuxedava imisa, rom igi jer kidev<br />

sakmaod Zviria, es meTodi dazianebuli saZirkvlebis rekonstruqciis SedarebiT iol<br />

meTods warmoadgens. amis garda, es meTodi imis saSualebasac iZleva, rom fundamenti<br />

gruntis wylebis donis qveviTac gamagrdes.<br />

axali meTodis mTavari azri isaa, rom mzidi kedlebis qveS arsebuli grunti<br />

Tavdapirvelad gaTxevaddes, xolo Semdeg cementis damatebiT miwa-betonad iqces.<br />

mas Semdeg, rac vertikaluri burRva niadagisTvis aucilebel siRrmes miaRwevs,<br />

burRis Tavidan didi wneviT gamoiSveba wylis Wavli. wylis WavliT burRis garSemo<br />

arsebul niadags xsnian da aTxevadeben. burRis milis neli trialiTa da amoweviT<br />

cilindruli <strong>for</strong>mis gaTxevadebuli niadagi warmoiqmneba. burRis milis amowevisas<br />

meore reaqtiuli mfrqvevanadan cementi gamoiSveba da gruntSi iwnexeba.<br />

gaTxevadebuli niadagi cementTan erTad warmoqmnis svetis <strong>for</strong>mis miwa-cementis<br />


sxeuls, romelsac myar gruntze msxvili betonis ximinjiviT SeuZlia nagebobis simZimis<br />

zidva.<br />

moxsenebaSi aRwerili meTodi, romelsac samSeneblo literaturaSi reaqtiuli Wavlis<br />

meTodi anu Jet Grouting-i ewodeba, warmodgenili iqneba avstriasa da xorvatiaSi<br />

ganxorcielebuli ramdenime eklesiis rekonstruqciis magaliTze.<br />

mark gitinsi<br />

Conservazione Beni <strong>Cultural</strong>i. italia<br />

qarTuli kedlis mxatvrobis sami nimuSis konservaciisadmi meTodologiuri da<br />

praqtikuli midgoma<br />

moxsenebis mizania ganvixiloT sakonservacio samuSaobi, romlebic 1996-2008<br />

wlebSi saqarTveloSi sam Zeglze, kerZod yincvisis wm. nikolozis da timoTesubnis<br />

da martvilis RmrTismSoblis taZrebis moxatulobebis sakonservacio proeqtebis<br />

farglebSi ganxorcielda.<br />

proeqtebSi CarTuli iyvnen sxvadasxva profesiis qarTveli da ucxoeli<br />

specialistebi.<br />

sakonservacio samuSaoebis dagegmvisas gaTvaliswinebul iqna zogadi sakonservacio<br />

meTodologiis sakiTxebi, iseve, rogorc ufro konkretuli sakiTxebi, romlebic zogadad<br />

qarTuli Zeglebis, konkretulad ki, am mxatvrobebis konservaciis specifikasTan iyo<br />

dakavSirebuli.<br />

magaliTad, aseTi sakiTxia SezRuduli biujeti, romelic gulixmobs, rom<br />

prioritetad gamoiyo yvelaze aucilebeli samuSaoebis Catareba, Tumca Tavis mxriv es<br />

kargad eTanxmeboda e.w minimaluri Carevis princips, romliTac samuSao jgufis yvela<br />

wevri xelmZRvanelobda.<br />

aseve, mniSvnelovani iyo fizikuri da qimiuri SeTavsebadobis sakiTxi: magaliTad,<br />

is faqti, rom moxatulobaTa umetesi nawili sveli teqnikis nacvlad mSrali teqnikiT<br />

aris Sesrulebuli niSnavada imas, rom agresiuli gamwmendi masalis gamoyenebis sakiTxi<br />

TavisTavad gamoiricxa.<br />

masalis SerCevisas, aseve, gaTvaliswinebuli iyo misi stabiluroba da SemdgomSi freskis<br />

dazianebis wyarod qcevis saSiSroebac: magaliTad, mikroorganizmebis gavrcelebis<br />

riskis gamo gadawyda ar gamoyenebuliyo aqerclili ferweruli fenis gasamagrebeli<br />

tradiciuli saSualeba - kazeini.<br />

da bolos, ukanaskneli periodis sakonservacio samuSaoebisas yuradReba mieqca<br />

ferweruli fenis danakargis Sevsebisas esTetikur mxaresac, rac erTis mxriv miznad<br />

isaxavs, rom freskis dazianeba maqsimalurad naklebad TvalSi sacemi iyos mnaxvelisaTvis,<br />

Tumca meores mxriv eyrdnoba “minimaluri Carevis” princips.<br />

nana kupraSvili<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

gelaTis RmrTismSoblis taZris XII saukunis moxatulobaTa teqnika<br />

gelaTis mravalricxovan moxatulobaTa Soris qronologiurad yvelaze adreulia<br />

XII s-Si Sesrulebuli narTeqsis, samxreT-aRmosavleT egvteris, samxreTi egvteris<br />

karibWisa da Crdilo-dasavleT egvteris moxatulobebi.<br />

narTeqsis mxatvrobis Seswavlisas yuradRebas iqcevs misi Sesrulebis teqnika.<br />

Sua saukuneebis qarTuli kedlis mxatvrobis istoriaSi es nimuSi erT-erTia im<br />

mcirericxovan ZeglTagan, romlebic Sereuli teqnikiTaa Sesrulebuli. am moxatulobis<br />

122<br />


estavracia/konservacia<br />

Selesilobis ZiriTadi komponentia kiri, rac aucilebeli pirobaa Sereuli teqnikiT<br />

xatvisas. mosamzadebeli naxatisaTvis ZiriTadad gamoyenebulia miwis saRebavebi, xolo<br />

sruli saxiT SemorCenil fragmentebze iseTi ZviradRirebuli pigmentebic gvxvdeba,<br />

rogoricaa ultramarini, singuri da surinji.<br />

gelaTSi SemorCenil moxatulobaTagan qronologiurad momdevno unda iyos<br />

samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris moxatulobis qveda fena. TinaTin virsalaZe mas XII s-iT<br />

aTariRebs da narTeqsis moxatulobis Tanadroulad miiCnevs. es fena egvterSi dRes<br />

arsebuli mxatvrobis qvemodan adgil-adgil Cans.<br />

es mxatvrobac Sereuli teqnikiTaa Sesrulebuli. fragmentebi mosamzadebeli naxatis<br />

donezea SemorCenili.<br />

samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris moxatulobis pirveli fenisa da narTeqsis mxatvrobis<br />

SelesilobaTa analizma gviCvena, rom nalesobani gansxvavdeba, rogorc SemadgenlobiT,<br />

aseve, - sisqiT.<br />

kidev erTi adreuli moxatulobis Selesilobis kvali SemorCenilia samxreTi egvteris<br />

karibWeSi. mxatvrobis kvali aq faqtiurad aRarsad Cans. nalesobis Semadgenloba ki<br />

narTeqsis nalesobis Semadgenlobis identuria.<br />

nalesobaTa analizis safuZvelze SeiZleba vivaraudoT, rom narTeqsi da samxreTi<br />

karibWe erTdroulad moixata XII s-Si, xolo samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris pirveli<br />

fena odnav mogvianebiT, narTeqsisa da karibWis Semdgom.<br />

gelaTis adreuli moxatulobebis jgufSi Sedis Crdilo-dasavleT egvterSi samxreT<br />

kedelze, TaRSi mosamzadebeli naxatis doneze SemorCenili sami wminda dedis<br />

figura, romlebic Sereuli teqnikiTaa Sesrulebuli. mosamzadebeli naxati aqac wiTeli<br />

oqrisaa. mxatvrobis Selesilobis analizma metad saintereso monacemebi gamoavlina: es<br />

nalesoba samxreT-aRmosavleTi egvteris pirveli fenis Selesilobis identuria.<br />

amgvarad, gelaTis adreul moxatulobaTa Selesilobis analizis Sedegebis<br />

safuZvelze SeiZleba vivaraudoT, rom gelaTSi Tavdapirvelad mxatvroba Sesrulda<br />

narTeqssa da samxreT karibWeSi (1125-1130 ww.), odnav mogvianebiT ki moixata samxreTaRmosavleTi<br />

da Crdilo-dasavleTi egvterebi. am moxatulobaTa zusti TariRis<br />

dadgena damatebiT kvlevas moiTxovs.<br />

julia kaneva<br />

romis III universiteti. italia<br />

kedlis mxatvrobis biodazianeba<br />

martvilis RmrTismSoblis eklesiis kedlis mxatvrobis biologiuri dazianebis<br />

kvleva Catarda floristuli da ekologiuri meTodiT. es problema gansakuTrebiT<br />

mniSvnelovani iyo eklesiis dasavleT karibWeSi, sadac SeiniSneboda Savi, mwvane da<br />

vardisferi fena, rac wyalmcenareebis (Chroococcale) da sxva baqteriuli <strong>for</strong>mebis<br />

arsebobam gamoiwvia. es baqteriuli koloniebi Seswavlil iqna optikuri mikroskopis<br />

da standartuli eleqtronuli modulis saSualebiT, da gamoikveTa, rom gansxvaveba<br />

sxvadasxva fenomenologiebs Soris ZiriTadad raodenobrivia, garda vardisferi<br />

patinisa. es ukanaskneli, faqtiurad, sxva baqteriul <strong>for</strong>mebs miekuTvneba, romelic<br />

karotenoiduli pigmentebs Seicavs, rac dakavSirebulia ganaTebasTan SedarebiT nakleb<br />

tenianobasTan.<br />

zogadad, i biodazianebis cvlilebebi kavSirSia sinaTlisa da haeris cirkulacias-<br />

Tan, gansakuTrebiT teniani haerisa da nislis mimarTulebasTan zamTarSi. masalaTa<br />

(samSeneblo xsnari da qva) <strong>for</strong>ianobis da karibWeSi arsebuli gansxvavebuli garemo<br />

pirobebis gaTvaliswinebiT, am organizmebisa da maTi, rogorc bioindikatorebis,<br />


gavrcelebis gamoyenebiT, SemuSavebul iqna kedlebis tenianobis donis maCvenebeli<br />

ruka.<br />

zogierT sakonservacio samuSaos win uswrebda winaswari testi masalis efeqturobaze,<br />

kerZod testebi Catarda ori biocidis gamoyenebiT (rocima 110 da preventol R80,<br />

oTxmagi amoniumis marilebi, pirvel SemTxvevaSi amas emateba organotinis xsnari),<br />

romlebic farTodaa Semowmebuli da gamoyenebuli warsulSi. Zeglis mikroklimaturi<br />

pirobebis Sefasebis saSualebiT, SeTavazebul iqna garemo pirobebSi Careva, imisaTvis,<br />

raTa SezRudul iqnas am organizmebis zrdis ekologiuri SesaZlebloba da es<br />

sakonservacio problema xangrZlivi droiT gadaiWras.<br />

Tomas varSaidi<br />

LBW-Bioconsult. germania<br />

biodazianeba kedlis mxatvrobaSi<br />

mikroorganizmebis biodamazianebeli efeqtebi istoriul kedlis mxatvrobaSi<br />

emyareba nagebobis struqturis (anu tenianoba, temperatura, ventilacia), mocemuli<br />

istoriuli masalebis tipis (anu struqtura, Termo-higruli Tvisebebi, kvebiTi<br />

efeqti), iseve rogorc mikroflorisa da maTi metaboluri aqtivobis kompoziciis<br />

rTul urTierTqmedebas.<br />

istoriuli kedlis mxatvrobis dazianeba, ZiriTadad, ganisazRvreba ferweruli<br />

fenis <strong>for</strong>ianobiT, mineraluri, Sesabamisad organuli matricis stabilurobiT,<br />

nestisa da tenianobis Sewovis unariT, xsnadi marilebis raodenobiT da garemo<br />

mikroklimaturi pirobebiT. Sedegad miRebuli damazianebeli procesi xasiaTdeba<br />

marilebis kristalizaciiT, gamkvrivebiT da pigmenturi fenebis gaTiSviT, iseve<br />

rogorc damangreveli koroziiT, rasac mosdevs moxatuli zedapiris gafxviereba da<br />

kedlis moxatulobis struqturis erTianobis saboloo dakargva.<br />

aRweril damazianebel <strong>for</strong>mebs xSirad Tan axlavs mikrobuli zegavlena, rogoricaa<br />

gamauferulebeli pigmentebis biogenuri zrda (anu qlorofilebi, melaninebi,<br />

karotinoidebi), nestis Semwovi, gamkvrivebuli da webovani biofirebis warmoSoba,<br />

sokos SeRweva da meqanikuri zewola, fermentuli ieriSi organul safuZvelze (anu<br />

istoriuli SemaerTeblebi, sakonservacio konsolidantebi), aseve organuli mJavebis<br />

gamoyofa.<br />

aq, “seko” moxatulobebi ufro xSirad xdeba biodazianebis msxverpli, vidre<br />

“freskuli” mxatvroba, ramdenadac isini gvTavazoben organuli warmoSobis farTo<br />

speqtrs (saxamebeli, webo, kazeini, zeTi, kvercxis guli), magram sakuTriv anTropogenul<br />

zegavlenebsac SeuZlia xeli Seuwyos mikrobuli dazianebis process organuli wvrili<br />

mtveriT gazrdili damtverviT, iseve rogorc polimeris konsolidantebis gamoyenebiT<br />

restavraciis procesSi. adgilze arsebuli klimaturi pirobebi sabolood gansazRvraven<br />

potenciuri mikrobuli zrdis zomas. imisaTvis raTa gamovlindes Tu ra gavlenas<br />

axdens kompleqsuri biodazianeba kedlis mxatvrobaze, winaswari mikrobiologiuri<br />

Seswavlis safuZvelze ganxilul iqneba atenis eklesiis magaliTi; saqarTveloSi da<br />

evropaSi msgavsi dazianebis mqone Zeglebi.<br />

124<br />


estavracia/konservacia<br />

franCesko imperi<br />

romis III universiteti. italia<br />

uZvelesi kedlis mxatvrobis “gavardisfrebis” etiologia: molekuluri midgoma<br />

uZvelesi moxatulobis biologiuri dazianebis gamomwvevi mikroorganizmebis aRwera<br />

sarestavracio samuSaoebis ganuyofeli nawilia. materaSi (italia) “pirveli codvis”<br />

kriptis Sua saukuneebis freskebis ”gavardisfrebis” gamomwvevi mikrobi gamokvleul<br />

iqna mikroskopuli, molekuluri da stereoskopuli meTodebiT. baqteriuli koloniebi<br />

moxatulobis sami sxvadasxva “vardisferi” adgilidan, gamokvleul iqna 16S rRNA genuri<br />

meTodebiT. eubaqteriuli kolonizacia ZiriTadad Sedgeboda aqtinobaqteriebisgan,<br />

romelTa Soris gamosxivebisadmi mdgradi rubrobaqteria Seadgenda 16S rRNA<br />

genetikuri fondis 63-87% erTi sinjisaTvis. arqea, romelSic Warbobs haloarqeas<br />

msgavsi biotipebi, aRmoCenil iqna samidan erT adgilze, sadac is Seadgenda mTeli<br />

16S rRNA genetikuri fondis

saqarTveloSi dRemde, calkeuli SemTxvevebis garda, xatweris teqnika jer kidev<br />

ar gamxdara Tanmimdevruli, interdisciplinaruli kvlevis sagani. am mxriv ubisis<br />

xatis kompleqsuri kvleva gansakuTrebiT mniSvnelovania, miT umetes, rom. xatis<br />

avTentikuroba ar aris darRveuli Semdgomi restavracia-ganaxlebebiT.<br />

kvlevisaTvis gamoviyeneT Cvens xelT arsebuli Semdegi mikrodestruqciuli<br />

meTodebi: xis dafis, tilos da cvilis Semkvrelis mikrobotanikuri, (paleobiologiis<br />

instituti), pigmentebis mikroqimiuri( Tbilisis samxatvro akademiis rest. ak. lab.)<br />

analizebi da Semkvrelebis fotospeqtrometruli (infrawiTeli speqtrometria)<br />

kvlevis meTodebi (stu minerfalogiis kaTedris lab.). aucilebelia xatis gamokvleva<br />

sxva fiziko-optikuri (u.i, i.w.,. radiografiuli) meTodebiTac.<br />

gamoyenebuli Semkvrelebis SeswavlisaTvis jer Catarda Semkvrelebis etalonebis,<br />

Semdeg ki xatis mikrofragmentebis kvleva.<br />

kvlevis Sedegebze dayrdnobiT xatis konservaciisaTvis Cvenis azriT mizanSewonili<br />

iqneba Semdegi meTodikis gamoyeneba: 1. tilos antiseptireba da sokos sporebis<br />

meqanikuri wesiT mocileba; 2. zevidan dakruli qaRaldis mSrali wesiT moxsna; 3.<br />

levkasisa da ferweris gamagrebis procesSi yoveli mikrofragmentisaTvis adgilis<br />

povna da damagreba maT qveS organuli webos mikrodozis SeyvaniT. es procesi<br />

aucilebelad binokularuli mikroskopis, el.dozimetris, teflonis mikroSpatelisa<br />

da firfitis gamoyenebiT unda Catardes. 4. tilos dakvra Sesaferisi simkvrivis iaponur<br />

qaRaldze; 5. dafis dezinseqticireba anoqsiis meTodiT da gansakuTrebiT darbilebuli<br />

adgilebis konsolidacia paraloid B-72-iT, dafis nakluli adgilebis Sevseba msubuqi<br />

merqnisagan damzadebuli fragmentebiT (es aucilebeli iqneba Weduri fragmentebis<br />

damagrebisaTvis); 6. ferweriani tilos damagreba xis safuZvelze;<br />

Zeglis Semdgomi dauzianeblobisaTvis aucilebeli iqneba specialuri vitrinakonteineris<br />

damzadeba pleqsiglasis markis orgminisagan.<br />

darejan gogaSvili<br />

Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia. saqarTvelo<br />

xelnawerTa erovnul centrSi daculi papirusebis konservaciis zogierTi sakiTxi<br />

xelnawerTa erovnul centrSi daculia Zv. w. III – ax. w. VIII ss. 160-mde papirusis<br />

fragmenti, romelic moicavs berZnul enaze Sesrulebul astrologiur da samedicino<br />

traqtatebs, iuridiul dokumentebs, sxvadasxva xasiaTis qviTrebs, fsalmunis,<br />

epistolaruli da mxatvruli teqstebis fragmentebs da sxva.<br />

papirusebi gasuli saukunis 50-ian wlebSi mouTavsebiaT or minas Soris. maTi umetesi<br />

nawili myife da msxvrevadia. teqsti ZiriTadad Sesrulebulia karbonuli, iSviaTad<br />

ki rkina-galuri melniT. moxsenebaSi ganxilulia melnis fenis dazianebis calkeuli<br />

SemTxvevebi da misi gamomwvevi mizezebi. xSiria papirusis furclis Semadgeneli<br />

vetikaluri da horizontaluri zolebisa da boWkoebis ganSreveba, de<strong>for</strong>macia,<br />

gvxvdeba papirusze dawebebuli qaRaldis fragmentebi, furclis zedapirze SeiniSneba<br />

miwa, WuWyi da mtveri. papirusis aseTi saxis dazianebas ganapirobebs papirusis, rogorc<br />

saweri masalis damzadebis teqnologia, xelnaweris <strong>for</strong>ma (gragnili, kodeqsi) da<br />

garemo pirobebi (maTi umetesi nawili miwaSi iyo Camarxuli).<br />

papirusis da minis zedapirze xSirad SeiniSneba gamoleqili marilis kristalebi.<br />

gamoleqili marilis identifikaciisaTvis damzadda sakvlevi nimuSebi da Catarda<br />

Tvisobrivi analizi Na + , K + , Cu2+ , Fe2+ , Cl- 2+ SO ionebis aRmosaCenad. natriumis, kaliumis<br />

4<br />

126<br />


estavracia/konservacia<br />

da spilenZis ionebis arseboba ganisazRvra atomur absorbciul speqtro-fotometrze,<br />

Perkin Elmer 300 aparatze. rkinis ionebis aRmosaCenad gamoviyeneT kaliumis rodanidi,<br />

2+ qloris ionebis aRmosaCenad-vercxlis nitrati, SO -is arseboba ganiszRvra BaCI2 -iT.<br />

4<br />

analizis Sedegad sakvlev xsnarSi aRmoCnda natriumis da qloris ionebi. NaCl-is gamoleqva<br />

zedapirze permanentuli, TandaTanobiTi procesia da gamowveulia temperaturisa<br />

da tenianobis cvalebadobiT.<br />

moxsenebis daskvniT nawilSi, Catarebuli kvlevebis sfuZvelze, SeTavazebulia<br />

SesaZlo sakonservacio samuSaoebi. konservaciis meTodebisa da masalebis SerCevisas<br />

gaTvaliswinebulia papirusis mdgomareoba, dazianebis calkeuli SemTxvevebi da misi<br />

gamomwvevi mizezebi, sakonservacio masalebis da melnis urTierTmimarTeba.<br />

mari -klod depasio<br />

gabriel Sapotas sax. arqeologiuri masalis kvlevisa da konservaciis centri.<br />

safrangeTi<br />

restavracia Tu konservacia, ra avirCioT?<br />

didi xnis manZilze sazogadoeba restavratorisagan moiTxovda xelovnebis nimuSebis<br />

srul restavracias, anu maTTvis pirvandeli mdgomareobis dabrunebas. magram Tu<br />

gaviTvaliswinebT imas, rom droTa ganmavlobaSi Zveldeba, ziandeba da saxes icvlis<br />

nebismieri masala, gasagebi xdeba, rom nivTisaTvis e.w. pirveladi mdgomareobis<br />

dabruneba mxolod moCvenebiTi movlenaa.<br />

Tu xelovnebis bazarze msgavsi midgoma jer kidev arsebobs, samecniero-profesiul<br />

da zogadad kulturul wreebSi restavratorisagan ukve gansxvavebul midgomas<br />

moelian, rac gacilebiT nakleb Carevas, magram did pasuxismgeblobas gulisxmobs.<br />

saqarTveloSi ganxorcielebuli proeqtebis dros Cavatare antikuri xanis minisa da<br />

keramikis nimuSebis restavracia : 2005-Si sof. xovleSi aRmoCenili minis ori unikaluri<br />

suris, xolo 2007-Si mcxeTis muzeumis kuTvnili minisa da keramikuli WurWlis<br />

ramdenime nimuSis konservacia/restavracia. amasTanave es iyo saswavlo mecadineobebi<br />

Tbilisis samxatvro akademiis restavraciis fakuletis studentebisaTvis, sadac<br />

praqtikuli restavraciis teqnikisa da meTodebis swavlebasTan erTad Sevecade maTTvis<br />

amexsna konservaciis eTikis umTavresi principebi: mkafiooba (Zeglis avTentikurobisa<br />

da nebismieri sarestavracio Carevis mkafiod aRqmis SesaZlebloba), Zeglis mdgradoba<br />

da Seuqcevadoba.<br />

swored konservaciis mizanSewonilobaze, miznebze da profesiuli eTikis principebze<br />

dafiqrebis saSualebas iZleva mcxeTis muzeumsa da safrangeTSi, leis sen-Jermenis<br />

arqeologiis erovnul muzeumSi (MAN) daculi brinjaos sartylebisa da maTi<br />

restavraciis meTodebis msgavseba.<br />

saqme exeba 1885-88 wlebSi saqarTvelo-somxeTis sazRvarze warmoebuli arqeologiuri<br />

gaTxrebis Sedegad aRmoCenil da baton j. morganis mier safrangeTSi wamoRebul<br />

brinjaos sartylebs.<br />

1997 da 2000 wlebSi ganxorcielda sartylebis xelaxali restavracia. samwuxarod<br />

20-ian da 1978-79 wlebSi araswori da Seuqcevadi meTodebis gamoyenebiT Catarebuli<br />

restavraciis, agreTve, arasrulfasovnad Sedgenili, mwiri dokumentaciis gamo Tavis<br />

droze arsebuli in<strong>for</strong>maciis nawili dRes ukve samudamodaa dakarguli; SeuZlebelia<br />

gravirebuli dekoris srulad wakiTxva. Semonaxulia morganis mier gakeTebuli ramdenime<br />

SeniSvna, xolo daculobis mdgomareobis aRwera ar arsebobs.<br />


nivTebis sruli diagnostireba/ Seswavla SesaZlebeli gaxda mxolod 1997-2000 ww-Si<br />

ganxorcielebuli radiografiuli kvlevis Sedegad.<br />

Zeglebis konservacia/restavraciis miznebisa da koncefciis Camoyalibebis sirTule,<br />

SesaZlo riski, profesiuli eTikis moTxovnebi da samuSaoTa fasi restavrators<br />

sul ufro xSirad aiZulebs upasuxos kiTxvas, Tu ramdenad mizanSewonilia ama Tu im<br />

sakonservacio Carevis ganxorcieleba. amitom umjobesia avirCioT konservacia da ara<br />

restavracia.<br />

nino kalandaZe<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

arqeologiuri brinjaos konservaciis meTodi vanis naqalaqarze aRmoCenili masalis<br />

mixedviT<br />

2007 wlis kampaniis dros vanis arqeologiurma eqspediciam gamoavlina<br />

naqalaqarisaTvis manamde ucnobi saxis arqeologiuri Zegli-ganZi. is dafluli iyo<br />

kldovan dedaqanSi saxeldaxelod amoWil oTkuTxa ormoSi (sigrZe-1,85 m; sigane-0,85<br />

m; siRrme-0,85 m), naqalaqaris qveda terasaze. es monakveTi warmoadgens naqalaqaris<br />

samxreT-aRmosavleT kides. aq dafiqsirda qalaqis damcavi kedlis naSTebi. rogorc<br />

Cans, ganZi daflulia mas Semdeg, rac kedeli daingra da misi saZirkvlis qvebi amoRebul<br />

iqna Semdgomi moxmarebisaTvis. ganZi Sedgeba rkinisa da brinjaos nawarmisagan. ganZs<br />

gamTxreli arqeologi dimitri axvlediani Semadgeneli nivTebiT gvianelinisturi xaniT<br />

aTariRebs, xolo, ganZis daflva, misive azriT, unda momxdariyo Zv.w. I s-is SuaxanebSi<br />

qalaqis dangrevis Semdeg. mogexsenebaT, rom amierkavkasiis qveynebze da, maT Soris,<br />

kolxeTzec gadioda savaWro-satranzito gza, romelic dasavleTs aRmosavleTis<br />

qveynebTan akavSirebda. berZen-romael avtorTa cnobebis mixedviT irkveva, rom es gza<br />

indoeTidan kaspiis zRvamde miemarTeboda, xolo Semdeg amierkavkasiis teritoriis<br />

gavliT (md.mtkvari, suramis uReltexili, rioni) aRwevda Savi zRvis sanapiros qalaq<br />

fasisTan da mere ukve sazRvao gziT SavizRvispireTisa da mcire aziis qalaqebs<br />

ukavSirdeboda. swored am garemoebebis gamo, Zalze saintereso da, amavdroulad, xSirad<br />

rTulic aris msjeloba ama Tu im nivTis warmomavlobisa da konkretuli regionisadmi<br />

mikuTvnebis Sesaxeb. kolxeTis oqroTi simdidreze saubroben berZeni da romaeli<br />

avtorebi. vanis arqeologiurma gaTxrebma daadastura, rom berZen da romael avtorTa<br />

cnobebs kolxeTSi oqros simravlis Sesaxeb realuri safuZveli hqonda. 2003-2004-2007<br />

wlebis uaxlesma arqeologiurma aRmoCenebma naTelhyo, rom vani ara mxolod oqros,<br />

aramed vercxlis, brinjaosa da rkinis simravliTac iyo gamorCeuli. jer kidev ori<br />

aTasi wlis win didi berZeni istorikosi straboni aRniSnavda, rom “am qveynis simdidre<br />

oqroTi, vercxliT, rkiniTa da spilenZiT gvixsnis argonavtTa laSqrobis sababs” [T.<br />

yauxCiSvili “strabonis “geografia”, Tb., 1957, gv. 70-71]. moxsenebaSi warmogidgenT 2007<br />

wels aRmoCenili ganZis ori brinjaos artefaqtis sarestavracio sqemebs, romelic<br />

gamoyenebul iqna Cvens mier. yuradReba gamaxvilebul iqneba restavracia-konservaciis<br />

procesis dagegmvasa da kvlevebis specifikaze.<br />

128<br />


estavracia/konservacia<br />

Tea kinwuraSvili<br />

saqarTvelos erovnuli muzeumi. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro akademia.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

vanis minebis skanirebis eleqtromikroskopul-energodispersiuli analizi, rentgenoflurescenciuri<br />

gamokvleva da restavracia-konservacia<br />

uZvelesi minis qimiuri Sedgenilobisa da teqnologiis SeswavliT mopovebul<br />

in<strong>for</strong>macias, arqeologiur gamokvlevebTan erTad, gadamwyveti roli SeuZlia<br />

Seasrulos aRmoCenili minis nimuSebis ama Tu im regionisadmi mikuTvnebis sakiTxSi da<br />

am regionis kulturuli ganviTarebis donis SefasebaSi.<br />

samxreT kavkasiaSi, kerZod, saqarTveloSi, romelic yovelTvis imyofeboda Zveli<br />

savaWro gzebis gzajvaredinze, mopovebulia didi raodenobiT minis masala, romelic<br />

asaxavs ara mxolod am regionis, aramed Zveli samyaros minis warmoebis praqtikulad<br />

yvela etaps. uZvelesi epoqidan am saxis produqcias gansakuTrebuli adgili ukavia<br />

kacobriobis istoriaSi, Sesabamisad, didia mecnieruli interesi am saxis nawarmisadmi.<br />

saqarTvelo miekuTvneba msoflios im regionTa ricxvs, romlebSic minis warmoebas<br />

uZvelesi droidan icnobdnen. saqarTvelos teritoriaze mopovebuli minisa Tu minisebri<br />

nivTierebebisagan damzadebuli uZvelesi sagnebi Zv.w. III aTaswleuliT TariRdeba. es<br />

aRmoCenebi saSualebas iZleva, sxva qveynebTan erTad, saqarTveloc mivakuTvnoT minis<br />

warmoebis erT-erT uZveles keraTa ricxvs, saidanac igi CrdiloeTiT gavrcelda.<br />

Cveni kvlevis obieqts warmoadgens vanSi aRmoCenili Zv.w. V-IV ss. minis WurWeli.<br />

naSromis mizania minis restavracia-konservacia, rentgeno-flurescenciuri<br />

gamokvleviT Semferavi nivTierebebis dadgena, skanirebis eleqtromikroskopulenergodispersiuli<br />

analiziT minaSi Semaval elementebze in<strong>for</strong>maciis mopoveba da<br />

warmomavlobis dadgena, radgan minis warmoebasTan erTad, zemoT aRniSnul periodSi,<br />

gavrcelebuli iyo minis nawarmis importica da eqsportic.<br />





Maia Shavishvili<br />

Department of <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage of the Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport of Georgia.<br />

Georgia<br />

General Overview of the Restoration field in Georgia<br />

Recently the processes of heritage protection, as well as restoration and rehabilitation of cultural heritage<br />

sites, have been more actively managed by the Ministry of Culture, Monuments Protection and Sport<br />

of Georgia. The branch developed out of multidisciplinary studies and is based on international experience.<br />

Its work is promoted in different directions: “State Program <strong>for</strong> Rescuing Unique Monuments” is currently<br />

under way. Some one hundred monuments, including paintings, architecture and manuscripts, have been<br />

restored under this program. Special emphasis has also been placed on the monuments listed as the UNES-<br />

CO World Heritage Sites, and activity has begun on the following sites: Rehabilitation and infrastructure<br />

development of the Gelati Monastery complex; urgent intervention in a small Jvari Church in Mtskheta;<br />

documentation in the “Bagrati Church” in Kutaisi and carrying out research activities.<br />

The ministry collaborates with foundations <strong>for</strong> development of the branch to promote its work. Thanks<br />

to the support granted, the following work has been accomplished: translation and publication of a professional<br />

book under the authorship of I. Jakiletto, G. Caneva and I. Massari; publication of the collection of<br />

works “Conservation of Architectural Monuments”, among others.<br />

The Faculty of Restoration of Fine Arts and Architecture, earlier integrated with other faculties, was<br />

founded in 2004 as an individual unit at the A. Kutateladze Tbilisi State Academy of Art. A diagnosticresearch<br />

laboratory was set up at the above facility, and a special education program, which meets international<br />

standards, was developed.<br />

As a result, interest in the field has increased. <strong>Georgian</strong> government grants have paid more attention<br />

to restoration activities. Popularization of the branch has generated great demand. It is attracting young<br />

people, who now have of the opportunity to gain skills by working along side professionals.<br />

The Archives of the Department of Monuments’ Protection, <strong>for</strong>merly an independent body, was also<br />

integrated into the Ministry. Materials on restoration projects since 1920s are preserved in the archives. Today,<br />

parts of these documents can also be considered “monuments” of cultural heritage. They are of special<br />

value to restorers when accomplishing restoration and intervention activities.<br />

Sabina Vedovello<br />

C.B.C. Conservazione Beni <strong>Cultural</strong>i. Italy<br />

A Shared Project<br />

In this paper I would like to provide an overview of a long period of collaboration which began in 1996<br />

with funding from the World Bank Italian Trust Fund.<br />

That initial experience laid the foundations <strong>for</strong> an understanding of some of the principal problems<br />

facing the cultural heritage of <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments, and <strong>for</strong> the exchange of ideas about project planning<br />

and treatments.<br />

Three joint projects have been worked on up till now, in the churches at Kintsvisi, Timotesubani and<br />

Martvili. In each case, while the problems specific to the individual structures have been studied, at the same<br />

time each project has thrown light on approaches which can be applied in other situations. Furthermore, in<br />

each project <strong>Georgian</strong> professionals have shown ever higher levels and stronger senses of autonomy.<br />

The illustration of the three different projects, pointing out their intrinsic differences and sketching their<br />

separate evolutions, provides an idea of the complexity of the situations that had to be faced, and also shows<br />

how we arrived at the various treatment methods adopted, in each case following strict criteria aimed at<br />


132<br />


protecting the works.<br />

The study of the biological degradation found at the monuments is certainly one of the more interesting<br />

facets of the problems faced. However, at a more general level we would like to discuss:<br />

- the collaboration between conservators, art historians and public institutions dealing with both<br />

conservation training and heritage protection, particularly in terms of diagnostics and technical<br />

documentation<br />

- the broadening of understanding of issues concerning conservation through direct links between Italy<br />

and Georgia, two countries with a large and extensive heritage of wall paintings<br />

- the joint ef<strong>for</strong>ts to involve a wide range of different specialists and institutions in the planning and study<br />

of problems in conservation<br />

Erik Wurger<br />

Freelance Schola., Germany<br />

New Methods of the Consolidation of the Basement of Historic Structures<br />

The care <strong>for</strong> the cultural heritage and treasures is a feature of cultural nations. This includes preservation<br />

and maintenance of such historical buildings as: churches, monasteries, minarets as well as technical<br />

structures: bridges, aqueducts and etc.<br />

Alongside the commercial and touristic function these kinds of buildings serve as examples of countries’<br />

national identity. Besides their maintenance and preservation these buildings often need reconstruction.<br />

Throughout centuries the structures are affected by meteorological damage, earthquakes and inappropriately<br />

attached constructions. Quite often the damage to the basement occurs.<br />

The dropping down of the soil water level might cause the decay of basement’s wooden supports, resulting<br />

the cracking. The soil is causative of inappropriate conditions that cause the non-homogenous sagging<br />

of the structure. The Pisa Tower can serve a good example <strong>for</strong> that.<br />

The reconstruction of the basement is usually very difficult and expensive. It is already 25 years that<br />

this new method has been introduced. Despite the fact that this method of basement reconstruction is still<br />

expensive, it is relatively simple. This method also gives the possibility to rein<strong>for</strong>ce the basement under the<br />

level of soil waters.<br />

The method is based on the dilution of soil under the supporting walls and its trans<strong>for</strong>mation into a soilconcrete<br />

by the cement injection.<br />

While reaching the proper deepness of soil through the vertical drilling, the drill capping sprays the<br />

water with high pressure. It dissolves the nearby soil and dilutes it. The slow rotation of the drill the diluted<br />

soil <strong>for</strong>ms a cylinder. Simultaneously to this process the second sprayer pours cement and presses it into<br />

the soil.<br />

The diluted soil mixed with cement <strong>for</strong>m the soil-concrete columns, which serves as concrete supports<br />

<strong>for</strong> the building.<br />

The paper presents the described method referred as Jet Grouting in engineering literature using the<br />

examples of reconstruction of several churches in Austria and Croatia.<br />

Mark Gittins<br />

C.B.C. Conservazione Beni <strong>Cultural</strong>. Italy<br />

Methodological and Practical Approaches to the Conservation of Three <strong>Georgian</strong> Wall Paintings<br />

This paper aims to discuss the treatments which have been implemented in a series of conservation<br />

projects to conserve the wall paintings in three churches in the Republic of Georgia – the Church of St


Nicholas, Kintsvisi, the Church of the Mother of God, Timotesubani and the Church of the Virgin, Martvili<br />

– over the period 1996-2008.<br />

The projects have involved both <strong>Georgian</strong> and <strong>for</strong>eign experts from a variety of disciplines.<br />

Designing the treatments has involved following a series of general methodological issues applicable to<br />

conservation treatments in general, as well as a series of questions tied more particularly to <strong>Georgian</strong> works<br />

and to these projects in particular.<br />

For example budgetary constraints meant that treatments had to be highly prioritised to identify the<br />

most necessary treatments, though this was very much in accordance with a principal of minimal intervention<br />

favoured by all members of the teams.<br />

Problems of physical and chemical compatibility were also to the <strong>for</strong>e: <strong>for</strong> example, the fact that most of<br />

the paintings considered in the projects were not executed in buon fresco but rather using secco techniques<br />

meant that the use of aggressive cleaning agents was out of the question.<br />

Materials also had to be selected <strong>for</strong> their long term stability and evaluated against the possibility of their<br />

leading to further deterioration: <strong>for</strong> example, due to the risk of attack by microorganisms, it was decided<br />

not to use traditional fixatives such as casein to reattach flaking paint.<br />

Finally, in the most recent treatments the perhaps underappreciated problem of aesthetic presentation of<br />

the paintings has also been considered, in terms of the treatment of losses, which attempts to minimise disturbances<br />

to the viewer caused by damage to the images, while at the same time adhering to the principals<br />

of minimal treatment<br />

Nana Kuprashvili<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

12 th c Painting Techniques of the Main Church at Gelati Monastery<br />

Among the numerous murals of Gealti monastery the 12 th c frescos of the narthex, the south-eastern the<br />

southern porch and the north-western chapels are the earliest ones.<br />

The study of the painting in the narthex unveiled that the techniques in which the murals are executed is<br />

of a special interest. These painting belong to the minority of those medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> murals, which are<br />

executed in the mixed technique. The major component of the plaster of these murals is lime - the crucial<br />

factor while employing the mixed technique. The earth pigments are used <strong>for</strong> the preparatory drawing,<br />

whereas the painting uses the precious pigments such as ultramarine, cinnabar and red led.<br />

Chronologically, from the paintings survived in Gelati the first layer of the murals in south-eastern chapel<br />

comes next. T. Virsaladze dated these murals to 12 th c and considered them to be contemporaneous to<br />

the paintings of narthex. This layer is still visible from the existing painting in some places.<br />

This painting is also executed in the mixed technique. The fragments are survived on the level of preparatory<br />

drawing.<br />

The analyses of the painting of south-eastern chapel and those of narthex revealed that their plasters<br />

differ in terms of both - their content and thickness.<br />

The traces of another example of the early painting are observed in the southern porch, where the painting<br />

is almost vanished. The content of the plaster is similar to that of narthex.<br />

The plaster analyses give rise to the assumption that the narthex and southern porch were painted simultaneously<br />

in 12 th c., whereas the first layer of south-eastern chapel was applied slightly later.<br />

Among the earliest paintings of Gelati also are the three figures of Holy women survived on the level<br />

of the preparatory drawing on the southern wall of north-western chapel, which are also executed in mixed<br />

techniques. The preparatory drawing is applied in red ochre. The plaster analyses unveil the interesting fact<br />

that its plaster is similar to that of the first layer of the south-eastern chapel.<br />


Giulia Caneva<br />

University Roma Tre. Italy<br />

Biodeterioration of Mural Paintings<br />

The biological attack of the mural paintings of the church of the Virgin in Martvilli was analysed, with<br />

a floristic and ecological approach. This problem was particularly relevant in the case of the western porch<br />

of the church, where diffuse growths of blackish, green and pink patinas, due to cyanobacteria (and other<br />

bacterial <strong>for</strong>ms were detected. These biological colonisations were studied through optical microscopy<br />

and SEM, and differences between the different phenomenologies appeared mainly quantitative, with the<br />

exception of the pink ones. These latter seem, in fact, to referred to other bacterial <strong>for</strong>ms, with carotenoid<br />

pigments, linked to high light input and lower values of humidity.<br />

In general, the changes in biodeterioration appeared to be correlated mainly to light and to the air circulation,<br />

especially the direction of humid air and fog during winter. Considering the porosity of the materials<br />

(mortars and stone) and the different environmental conditions in the porch, a map of the humidity level of<br />

the walls was carried out, using these organisms and their distribution as bioindicators.<br />

Some conservation treatments were carried out with preliminary tests of efficiency, using two biocides<br />

(Rocima 110 and Preventol R80, quaternary ammonium salts, in the first case plus an organotin compound)<br />

widely tested and used in the past. Through a microclimatic evaluation of the site, further interventions of<br />

environmental conditioning were also suggested, in order to limit the ecological ability of these organisms<br />

to grow, and solve this problem in a long lasting way.<br />

Thomas Warsheid<br />

LBW-Bioconsult. Germany<br />

Biodeterioration on Wall-Paintings<br />

The biodeteriorating effects of microorganisms on historical wall-paintings is based on a complex interaction<br />

between building physiscs (i.e. humidity, temperature, ventilation), the type of historical materials<br />

present (i.e. structure, thermal-hygric properties, nutritive effect) as well as the composition of the referring<br />

microflora and their metabolic activity.<br />

The deterioration of historical wall-paintings is basically determined by the porosity of the painted layer,<br />

the stability of their mineralic respectively organic matrix, the absorption of moisture and humidity, the load<br />

of soluble salts and the surrounding microclimatic conditions. Resulting damage processes are characterized<br />

by salt efflorescence, swelling and detaching pigment layers as well as disintegrating corrosion leading<br />

to powdering painting surfaces and the final loss of coherence of the wall paintings structure.<br />

The described damage <strong>for</strong>ms are often accompanied by microbial impacts such as the biogenic enrichment<br />

of discolouring pigments (i.e. chlorophylls, melanins, carotinoids), the <strong>for</strong>mation of moistureabsorbent,<br />

swelling and sticky biofilms, the penetration and mechanical stress by fungal hyphae, the enzymatic<br />

attack on organic substrates (i.e. historical binders, conservating consolidants) as well as the excretion of<br />

organic acids.<br />

Here, “Secco”-paintings are far more often victims of biodeterioration processes than “Fresco”-paintings<br />

since they offer a wider range of organic subtrates (i.e. starch, glue, casein, oil, egg yolk), but even<br />

anthropogenic influences can additionally support microbial deterioration processes by the increased deposition<br />

of organic fine dust as well as the application of polymer consolidants in the course of restoration<br />

treatments. Nevertheless the climatic conditions at site finally determine the extent of the potential microbial<br />

endargement. The complexity of biodeterioration impacts on wall-paintings will be discussed based on<br />

preliminary microbiological studies at the church of Ateni (Georgia) and related objects in Europe<br />

134<br />



Francesco Imperi<br />

University Roma Tre. Italy<br />

Understanding the Etiology of Rosy Discoloration on Ancient Wall Paintings: A Molecular<br />

Approach<br />

The inventory of microorganisms responsible <strong>for</strong> biological deterioration of ancient paintings has become<br />

an integral part of restoration activities. Here, the microbial agent of rosy discoloration on medieval<br />

frescoes in the Crypt of the Original Sin (Matera, Italy) was investigated by a combination of microscopic,<br />

molecular and spectroscopic approaches. The bacterial community from three rosy-discolored painting sites<br />

was characterized by 16S rRNA gene-based techniques. The eubacterial population was composed prevalently<br />

of Actinobacteria, among which Rubrobacter radiotolerans-related bacteria accounted <strong>for</strong> 63–87% of<br />

the 16S rRNA gene pool per sampled site. Archaea, with prevalence of Haloarchaea-related species, were<br />

detected in one of the three sites where they accounted <strong>for</strong> < 0.1% of the total 16S rRNA gene pool. Raman<br />

spectroscopy confirmed the identity between R. radiotolerans carotenoids (bacterioruberins) and pigments<br />

responsible <strong>for</strong> color alteration of frescoes. This investigation provides the first evidence of a causal relationship<br />

between heavy contamination by Rubrobacter-related bacterioruberin producing bacteria and rosy<br />

discoloration of ancient wall paintings.<br />

Nino Kitovani<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Georgia<br />

The In<strong>for</strong>mation on the Study and Conservation Methodology of the Central Icon of the Ubisi<br />

Triptych<br />

The Ubisi icon of the Virgin (SEG#657, MM 225/a; 33X27 sm. Wood, canvas, gesso, gold, egg tempera,<br />

repousse), an important example of 13 th century <strong>Georgian</strong> icon painting and metalwork, <strong>for</strong>ms a part of the<br />

treasury of Ubisi Monastery and represents the central icon of the triptych specially created <strong>for</strong> this monastery.<br />

It was already damaged in 1925 when it was brought from Ubisi, together with other icons, to the Sh.<br />

Amiranashvili Museum of Art, where it is still kept today.<br />

Today, the icon remains in pieces. Its board has been split in two: the canvas with the painting and silver<br />

plates with gilded repousse décor. At this time, we will discuss only the condition of the ground paint layer,<br />

wood and canvas, and their methods of their study and conservation.<br />

There has been complex damage wrought to the organic and non-organic materials of the work, which<br />

make up its structural elements. Due to humidity and biological attacks present throughout the centuries,<br />

the chemical alterations and loss of mechanical stability to the piece is obvious. The binding material has<br />

disintegrated, the denseness of gesso (levkas) paint layer has decreased and the adhesiveness of the layers<br />

has weakened. There are paint losses, especially in the parts under the repousse. The board has been damaged<br />

by worms, powdered and fragmented; the canvas is fragile and fragmented as well. The glue used to<br />

attach the paper to the paint layer has also disintegrated.<br />

To determine the best methods of conservation and to better understand the technique and technology of<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> icon painting, it was necessary to undertake the complex investigation of contents of the remaining<br />

parts. Only few cases of the systematic and interdisciplinary study of the icon painting technique exist.<br />

Considering this, the complex study of Ubisi icons is especially important, as long as the authenticity of the<br />

icon is not lost by the restoration/rehabilitation of the work.<br />

We have used the following available microdestructural methods: A microbotanical analysis of board,<br />

canvas and wax (per<strong>for</strong>med by The Institute of Paleobiology); a microchemical analysis of the pigments<br />


(per<strong>for</strong>med at the laboratory of the Tbilisi Art Academy); and photospectometral analysis of the binder—an<br />

infrared spectrometry (per<strong>for</strong>med at the STU laboratory of the Chair of Mineralogy). Further investigation<br />

of the icon using physical-optical (radiographic) methods is necessary.<br />

In order to investigate the binder used first the etalons were studied and then the micro fragments of the<br />

icon itself.<br />

Based on the result of the study, we consider that <strong>for</strong> the conservation of the icon the following methods<br />

should be used:<br />

Antisepticise the canvas and mechanically remove the fungi; 2) Remove the paper from the surface using<br />

dry method; 3) Individually allocate and fix all the micro fragments during the consolidation of gesso and<br />

painting by micro injecting organic glue under each fragment; this should be per<strong>for</strong>med using binocular,<br />

dosimeter, Teflon plates, and microspatel while fixing the painting; 4) attach of the canvas on the Japanese<br />

paper of relevant thickness; 5) Anoxia of the board and further consolidation of especially fragile parts with<br />

Paraloid B-72; filling the board losses with light wooden fragments; (This is also necessary <strong>for</strong> the fixation<br />

of repousse fragments). 6) After conservation, the canvas with the painting should be attached to a board.<br />

And, finally, to protect the icon from further damage, it is necessary to encase it in a special container<br />

with a Plexiglas organic glass cover to ensure stable climate conditions.<br />

Darejan Gogashvili<br />

Tbilisi State Academy of Art Georgia. Georgia<br />

Several Issues Relating to the Conservation of the Papyruses Kept in the National Centre of<br />

Manuscripts<br />

The National Centre of Manuscripts keeps approximately 160 papyrus fragments, including astrological<br />

and medical treatises, legal documents, psalms, a variety of receipts, and fragments of epistolary and literary<br />

texts, which range in date from the 3rd century BC to the 8th century.<br />

In the 1950s, many of these artifacts were placed between two sheets of glass. Most of the papyruses<br />

are fragile and brittle. The texts were executed primarily in carbon, and occasionally, in iron gall ink. This<br />

presentation examines damages to this ink layer as well as studies the causes of such damage. There are<br />

many instances of stratification and de<strong>for</strong>mation of vertical and horizontal stripes and of fibers. Some of<br />

the papyruses also preserve paper fragments that have been glued to them. Earth, dirt and dust can be seen<br />

on the folio surfaces. Damage can be explained by the technologies used in producing papyrus as writing<br />

material, the <strong>for</strong>m of manuscripts (a scroll or codex) and their settings in which the papyruses were found<br />

(their majority had been buried in earth).<br />

Furthermore, crystals of precipitated salt can be detected on the papyruses and glass surfaces. Research<br />

samples were prepared <strong>for</strong> salt identification. Qualitative analysis has been conducted to detect Na + , K + ,<br />

Cu2+ , Fe2+ , Cl- 2+ SO ions. The content of natrium, potassium and copper ions was determined on an atomic<br />

4<br />

absorption spectrometre, Perkin Elmer 300. Potassium rhodante was used <strong>for</strong> the detection of iron ions,<br />

2+ and silver nitrate <strong>for</strong> detection of chlorine nitrate, while the presence of SO content was determined by<br />

4<br />

means of BaCI Analysis has also shown the existence of natrium and chlorine ions in the solution that was<br />

2.<br />

studied. The precipitation of NaCI is a permanent, gradual process caused by the changing temperature and<br />

humidity.<br />

Relying on the findings of the research, the conclusive part of the presentation provides recommendations<br />

on conservation measures. The state of preservation of the papyruses, the type of damages and their<br />

causes, as well as the compatibility of conservation material and ink were taken into account while choosing<br />

conservation methods and materials.<br />

136<br />



Mari Claude Depassiot<br />

Municipal Center of Archaeological <strong>Studies</strong> and Restoration.France<br />

Restoration or Conservation, What to Choose?<br />

For a long time, restorers demanded to restore fully works of art, i.e. to return them to their initial appearance.<br />

However, if we consider the fact that over time every material gets older and is affected by various<br />

conditions and thus altered, restoring the initial appearance of an object seems elusive. Though this<br />

approach may still exist on the art market, the scientific-professional and cultural society expects a different<br />

approach from the restorer: minimal intervention and great responsibility.<br />

Within the scope of projects carried out in Georgia, I have implemented the restoration/conservation<br />

of antique glass and ceramics artifacts, namely of two unique glass jugs discovered in village Khovle in<br />

2005 and some unique examples of glass and ceramic vessels kept in the Museum of Mtskheta. At the same<br />

time, I have provided the students of restoration at Tbilisi State Academy of Art with workshops, where I<br />

have demonstrated and explained the major principals of conservation ethics: clarity (the clear perception<br />

of the authentic image and the traces of any kind of intervention) and maintaining the stability of the work<br />

of art.<br />

Comparing the similarities between the restoration methods applied to the bronze belts kept in the<br />

Mtskheta Museum and those in National Museum of Archeology in Saint Germain in Laye (MAN), which<br />

were discovered near the Armenian-<strong>Georgian</strong> border in 1885-88 and later brought to France by J. Morgan,<br />

give us more ground to analyze the principles of the professional ethics of restoration, its goals and appropriateness.<br />

In 1997-2000, restoration work on the belts was per<strong>for</strong>med <strong>for</strong> the second time. But, un<strong>for</strong>tunately, due<br />

to the incorrect and irreversible methods of restoration used in ‘20s and in 1978-79, and as a result of a lack<br />

of documentation of these methods, it is now entirely impossible to read the engraved décor. Though some<br />

notes by Morgan exist, there is no description of the belts’ previous condition.<br />

The complete diagnostic study of the items became possible only after a radiographic investigation was<br />

per<strong>for</strong>med in 1997 -2000.<br />

The difficulties related to the determination of the goals and conception of conservation/restoration, its<br />

risk factors, the demands of professional ethics, and the cost of restoring works are the factors which make<br />

the restorer think about the appropriates of any conservation intervention. That’s why we should preference<br />

conservation, rather then restoration.<br />

Nino Kalandadze<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum.Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Method <strong>for</strong> Conservation of Bronze Artifacts by the Example of Findings Unearthed in Ancient<br />

Settlement of Vani<br />

The 2007 archaeological campaign in Vani was marked by the unearthing of buried treasure unusual <strong>for</strong><br />

the site: iron and bronze artifacts. The treasure was buried in a quadrangular pit, hastily cut in the living<br />

rock (length – 1.85 m, width – 0.85 m, depth – 0.85 m) on the lower terrace of the city. The site under consideration<br />

lies at the south-east edge of the settlement. Remains of a defensive wall of the city can be traced<br />

there. Most likely, the treasure was buried after the defensive wall collapsed and substructure stones were<br />

removed to be re-used. Dimitri Akhvlediani, the archaeologist responsible <strong>for</strong> unearthing the treasure, dated<br />

the findings back to the Late Hellenic period. At the same time, he assumed that the treasure was buried in<br />

mid-first century B.C., after the city was razed to ground.<br />


As it is well known, a transit trade road passed through the territories of the Transcaucasian countries, including<br />

Colchis, linking east with west. According to the accounts of Greek-Roman authors, the trade road<br />

started in India, passed along the Caspian Sea, crossed Transcaucasus (Mtkvari River, Surami pass, Rioni<br />

River), and went on to the Black Sea shore city of Phasis. From there, it went still further along the Black<br />

Sea and reached Asia Minor cities. Due to such circumstances, it is difficult to state from where exactly an<br />

artifacts excavated at the site originates.<br />

As the writings of Greek-Roman authors reveal, Colchis was rich in gold. Excavations carried out in<br />

Vani have proved that the accounts of Greek-Roman authors are well-grounded. The recent (2003, 2004,<br />

2007) archaeological findings have uncovered evidence to suggest that Vani was rich not only in gold, but<br />

in silver, bronze and iron as well. Two thousand years ago, the Greek historian Strabo wrote the following:<br />

“The wealth of the regions about Colchis, which is derived from the mines of gold, silver, iron, and copper,<br />

suggest a reasonable motive <strong>for</strong> the expedition [of Jason], (Strabo, The Geography, I, 2.39).<br />

The paper deals with restoration schemes applied by us to two bronze artifacts excavated in Vani in<br />

2007. The planning process <strong>for</strong> restoration and conservation and the specificity of the approach used will<br />

be accentuated.<br />

Tea Kintsurashvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> National Museum. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

Scanning Glassware from Vani by Means of Electronic Microscope-Energy Dispersive Analysis: Its<br />

X-ray-Fluorescence study, Restoration and Conservation<br />

In<strong>for</strong>mation obtained in a process of studying the chemical composition and production technology of<br />

ancient glassware, jointly with archaeological data, can be decisive <strong>for</strong> attributing glass artifacts to a certain<br />

region and <strong>for</strong> evaluating the level of cultural development of that region.<br />

Glass artifacts unearthed in abundance in the south Caucasus region, namely in Georgia, which lies at<br />

the crossroad of ancient trade routes, carry in<strong>for</strong>mation on glass manufacturing stages characteristic of not<br />

only of the region, but of the entire ancient world in general. As glassware has been of special importance<br />

in the history of mankind, scholarly interest in its samples is of special significance.<br />

Georgia is among the regions throughout the world, which produced glass since ancient times. The most<br />

ancient artifacts from glass and glass-like materials unearthed throughout the territory of Georgia are dated<br />

to the third millennium B.C. These findings enable us to identify Georgia as the most ancient site of glass<br />

production, from where the technology was spread to regions in the north.<br />

The objective of our study concerns glassware dating to the fifth - fourth cenutry B.C. unearthed in<br />

Vani. The paper deals with restoration and conservation of glass artifacts, as well as with determination<br />

of dye-stuffs used in the process of manufacturing by means of X-ray fluorescence technology; collecting<br />

in<strong>for</strong>mation on the components used <strong>for</strong> glass production by means of electronic microscope-Energy dispersive<br />

X-ray fluorescence technology; electronic microscope-energy dispersive scanning analysis of the<br />

composition; and establishing the place of pruduction. The latter issue is of special importance, as in the<br />

period under consideration, in addition to producing glass locally, importing and exporting glassware was<br />

a widespread practice.<br />

138<br />


sastendo moxsenebebi / Poster Presentations<br />

guram WeiSvili. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro aKademia. saqarTvelo<br />

martvilis taZris (VII-XIXss) diagnostikuri kvlevis, arqiteqturis<br />

reabilitaciis da freskebis konservaciis proeqti<br />

Guram Cheishvili. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Project of the Diagnostic <strong>Studies</strong>, Rehabilitation of Architectural Structure and Conservation<br />

of Frescos of Martvili Church (7th -19thc) guram WeiSvili. Tbilisis saxelmwifo samxatvro aKademia. saqarTvelo<br />

timoTesubnis taZris (XII-XIII ss) diagnostikuri kvlevis, arqiteqturis<br />

reabilitaciis da freskebis konservaciis proeqti<br />

Guram Cheishvili. Tbilisi State Academy of Art. Georgia<br />

The Project of the Diagnostic <strong>Studies</strong>, Rehabilitation of Architectural Structure and Conservation<br />

of Frescos of Timotesubani Church (12th-13th c)<br />

Tamar iaSvili. s. durmiSiZis sax. bioqimiisa da bioteqnologiis instituti.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

mikrobiologiuri dazianebis kvlevis meTodebi da prevencia<br />

Tamar Iashvili. S. Durmishidze biochemical and biotechnology Institute, Georgia<br />

The Methods of Study of Biodeterioration and Its Prevention<br />


V seqcia<br />

kulturuli turizmi

knut gerberi<br />

GTZ. germania<br />

kulturuli turizmis ekonomikuri efeqtis Sesaxeb - SesaZleblobebi metia Tu riski?<br />

saqarTvelos, rogorc kulturuli turistebis mzardi raodenobis maspinZeli<br />

qveynis Sesaxeb, dRes ufro meti kiTxva meqneboda, vidre pasuxi...<br />

evropaSi “kulturul turizms” zurgs mniSvnelovani faqtebi da monacemebi umagrebs,<br />

magaliTad turistTa saerTo raodenobis 23,5% “kulturul turistebze” modis,<br />

maTgan 31-ze meti “zogadad kulturuli”, xolo 3,5% ki “konkretuli kulturuli”<br />

turistia. es Suqs hfens mosalodnel Sedegebs, rogorc maspinZeli regionebisaTvis,<br />

ise adgilobrivi macxovreblebisa da kulturuli memkvidreobisaTvis.<br />

raSi mdgomareobs (kulturuli) turizmis ekonomikuri efeqtis dadebiTi mxare?<br />

es aris, ZiriTadad, moxmareba, rac mosdevs turistTa meti raodenobiT Camosvlas<br />

da RamisTeviT darCenas. es gulisxmobs met sagadasaxado Semosavals maspinZeli<br />

regionisaTvis da ekonomikuri efeqtis Semdgom gavrcelebas adgilobriv turistul,<br />

kulturul da sxva samsaxurebze.<br />

kulturuli turizmi qmnis samuSao adgilebs, kulturul da sawarmoo seqtorebSi.<br />

muSa xelze gazrdil moTxovnas Tan sdevs dadebiTi gavlena socialur da sagadasaxado<br />

sferoze.<br />

kulturuli turizmi did rols asrulebs daniSnulebis adgilis axali profilis<br />

SeqmnaSi. es exmareba garkveuli adgilis “saTuTi” mxareebis gamovlenas, rasac<br />

did mniSvnelobas aniWeben investorebi gadawyetilebebis miRebisas da mas, aseve,<br />

gaaCnia xarisxobrivi da aramaterialuri funqcia samomavlo sacxovrebeli garemos<br />

CamoyalibebaSi.<br />

kulturuli turizmi sezonuri ar aris, ris gamoc turistTa raodenoba ar aRwevs<br />

sezonur piks da, Sesabamisad, ekonomikuri efeqtic mTel welze nawildeba.<br />

kulturul turizms wvlili Seaqvs endogenuri potencialis ganviTarebaSi. es<br />

xels uwyobs regionis/qalaqis TviTmyofadobis da Sesabamisad bazarze gayidvis<br />

unikluri SeTavazebis (USP) gaCenas, amasTanave, xels uwyobs adgilobrivi mosaxleobis<br />

da mewarmeTa saqmianobis dakavSirebas da, Sesabamisad, axali saqmiani kontaqtebis da<br />

SesaZleblobebis gaCenas.<br />

raSi mdgomareobs (kulturuli) turizmis ekonomikuri efeqtis negatiuri mxare?<br />

pirvel rigSi, es aris Tavad turizmis komercializacia! am SemTxvevaSi kulturuli<br />

momomsaxurebis mizania mxolod mogebis miReba da ara kulturis sxva faseulobebis<br />

warmoCena.<br />

imisaTvis, rom CamomsvlelTa raodenoba maqsimalurad gaizardos da a.S., kulturuli<br />

momsaxureba xSirad modificirebulia turistis molodinis gasamarTleblad, magram,<br />

aseT SemTxvevebSi, xSirad ikargeba identuroba da yvelaferi mxolod sanaxaobas<br />

emsgavseba! amas mivyavarT adgilobrivi TviTmyofadobis da mis miRma arsebuli<br />

koncefciis dayvanas kulturuli produqtis donemde.<br />

yvelaze mniSvnelovani is aris, rom meti turistis Camosvlas mosdevs meti<br />

sacobi, xmauri, dabinZureba da sxva datvirTva garemosaTvis, amiT adgilis<br />

momxibvleloba klebulobs, rom araferi vTqvaT nagebobaTa istoriuli arsis “cveTis”<br />

Seuqcevadobaze.<br />


eTsi haskeli<br />

turizmis komiteti, amerikis savaWro palata saqarTveloSi. aSS<br />

turizmi saqarTveloSi<br />

saqarTvelo mdidaria siZveleebiT, kulturuli da arqeologiuri RirsSesaniSnaobebiT<br />

da mimzidveli adgilia stumrobisaTvis. saqarTveloSi nebismieri, vinc samoTx<br />

metrze miwas gaTxris, qveynis TiTqmis yvela mxareSi V an VI saukunis naqalaqars an<br />

nasoflars aRmoaCens. amas saqarTvelos mravalferovani topografiac emateba, dawyebuli<br />

kavkasiis qedis umaRlesi mwvervalebidan, damTavrebuli daviT garejis monastris<br />

udabno SemogareniT. saqarTvelo, aseve, mdidaria unikaluri floriTa da fauniT,<br />

Tumca amJamad qveynis simdidris aRmosaCenad mogzaurs didi simamace marTebs, rac<br />

imiT aris gamowveuli, rom bolo 20 wlis ganmavlobaSi infrastruqturis ganviTarebaSi<br />

investicia ar Cadebula. gzebi gauvalia, ar arsebobs sagzao niSnebi, kargi sastumroebi<br />

da restornebi Znelad mosaZebnia. zomieri klimatisa da Tavgadasavlebis maZiebel<br />

turistTa interesis miuxedavad sabWoTa periodis gadmonaSTebisagan gaTavisuflebas<br />

Zalze xangrZlivi dro dasWirda.<br />

komunistur periodSi saqarTveloSi turizmSi investiciebis simciris erT-erTi<br />

mizezi, albaT, is iyo, rom sabWoTa kavSiris Caketil sivrceSi saqarTvelo yvelaze<br />

popularul daniSnulebis adgils warmoadgenda - da radganac pirobebis miuxedavad<br />

saqarTvelo mainc popularobiT sargeblobda, infrastuqturis gasaumjobeseblad<br />

aRaraferi gakeTebula. bolo xanebamde turistebis mizidvis koncefciis SemuSaveba,<br />

kom<strong>for</strong>tuli da usafrTxo sastumroebis mSeneblobisa da nangrevebis aRdgenis sakiTxis<br />

ganxilva, iseve rogorc, qarTuli da rusuli enebis garda, Tanamedrove in<strong>for</strong>maciis<br />

sxva enebze miwodeba warmoudgeneli iyo da yovelive amis mcdeloba drois fuW kargvad<br />

aRiqmeboda.<br />

miuxedavad yvelafrisa, vardebis revoluciis Semdeg da prezidentis mier<br />

Setanilma cvlilebebma da dasaxulma prioritetebma turistuli infrastruqturis<br />

ganviTarebisaTvis investiciebis mozidva prioritetad aqcia. qalaq siRnaRis<br />

infrastruqturis mosawesrigeblad gamoiyo daaxloebiT 30 milioni lari. amJamad<br />

qalaqi saocrad mSvenieria, Tumca adgilobrivebs jer kidev gasacnobierebeli aqvT<br />

maRaziebis, kargi restornebisa da kafeebis arsebobis saWiroeba. msgavsi investicia iqna<br />

Cadebuli quTaisis Zvel nawilSic. mTavrobis dabal procentiani sesxebis saSualebiT,<br />

yvelgan Sendeba axali sastumroebi, magram maRaziebis, restornebisa da kafeebis<br />

koncefcia jer kidev ar aris aqtiurad SemuSavebuli.<br />

am bolo xanebSi dasrulebul strategiul gegmaSi, romelic turizmisa da<br />

kurortebis departamentma aSS-s mTavrobis TDA dafinansebiT SeimuSava, dasaxulia<br />

arsebuli problemebi da maTi mogvarebis strategia. vimedovnebT, rom am problemebis<br />

gadasaWrelad saqarTvelos mTavroba saWiro resursebs gamohyofs.<br />

paata SanSiaSvili<br />

aSS Sinagani departamentis saerTaSoriso teqnikuri daxmarebis programa.<br />

saqarTvelo<br />

saqarTvelos turistuli konkurentunarianobis gazrda daculi teritoriebis qselis<br />

Seqmnis meSveobiT<br />

saqarTvelo mTagoriani qveyanaa, romlis mosaxleoba mxolod ramdenime milionia.<br />

misi landSafti moicavs mtknari wylis uxv hidrografiul qsels, mTiswina da mTian<br />

regionebs, sub-alpur da alpur mdeloebs, myinvarebs, didi da mcire kavkasionis<br />

142<br />

kulturuli turizmi

kulturuli turizmi<br />

TovliT dafarul mwvervalebs, romlebic zRvis donidan 5 000 metrs aRwevs, Savi<br />

zRvis sanapiroebs, Warbtenian teritoriebs, dasavleT saqarTvelos notio dablobebis<br />

tyeebs da samxreT-aRmosavleT saqrTvelos aridul stepsa da naxevrad aridul<br />

udabnoebs. qveynis 40% dafarulia tyiT. sxvadasxva bio-geografiuli pirobebi xels<br />

uwyobs saxeobaTa mravalferovnebas, endemizmis maRal dones da iSviaTi habitatebis<br />

tipebis simravles, iseve, rogorc istoriuli da kulturuli landSaftebis gamorCeul<br />

mravalferovnebas da unikalurobas.<br />

daculi teritoriebis sistemis Seqmna, romelic emsaxureba bunebrivi da kulturuli<br />

erovnuli memkvidreobis SenarCunebas, qveynis mdgradi ganviTarebis erT-erTi umTavresi<br />

Semadgenelia. is erTdroulad momgebiania ekologiuri da ekonomikuri TvalsazrisiT<br />

da, amasTanave, ucxoel da adgilobriv vizitorebs mimzidvel da esTetikurad sasiamovno<br />

saganmanaTleblo, rekreaciul da saTavgadasavlo SesaZleblobebs Tavazobs.<br />

erovnuli daculi teritoriebis kanonmdebloba adgens samarTlebriv CarCos 6<br />

erovnuli da 3 globaluri kategoriisaTvis (msoflio memkvidreobis ubani, ramsaris<br />

ubani da biosferuli rezervati).<br />

erovnuli daculi teritoriebis kategoriebi gamiznulia:<br />

• mkacri dacvisaTvis – nakrZali;<br />

• ekosistemis konservaciisa da rekreaciisaTvis _ erovnuli parki;<br />

• unikaluri bunebrivi warmonaqmnebis SesanarCuneblad – bunebis Zegli;<br />

• aqtiuri menejmentis saSualebiT konservacisaTvis – aRkveTili;<br />

• kulturuli landSaftis konservaciisa da rekreaciisaTvis _ daculi<br />

landSafti;<br />

• bunebrivi ekosistemis mdgradi gamoyenebisaTvis _ mravalmxrivi gamoyenebis<br />

daculi teritoria;<br />

erovnuli parkis, bunebis Zeglis da daculi landSaftis erT-erTi upirvelesi mizania<br />

vizitorTa momsaxureba. turistuli saqmianoba eTavseba aRkveTilsa da mravalmxrivi<br />

gamoyenebis dacul teritorias, xolo <strong>for</strong>maluri saganmanaTleblo saqmianobis<br />

warmarTva erT-erTi mizania nakrZalisTvisac.<br />

daculi teritoriebi vizitorebs RamisTevis, kvebisa da samaSvelo momsaxurebasTan<br />

erTad bunebrivi da kulturuli resursebis materialuri da aramaterialuri<br />

faseulobebis Semecnebis saSualebas, mravalferovan rekreaciul da saTavgadasavlo<br />

perspeqtivebs Tavazobs.<br />

vizitorTa infrastruqturis ganviTarebas safuZvlad udevs mdgradi ganviTarebis<br />

da garemos dacvis eTikis principebi. aramaterialuri resursebis Seswavla da saTanado<br />

gamoyeneba am procesis principuli nawilia.<br />

niko kvaracxelia<br />

Tbilisis ekonomikur urTierTobaTa saxelmwifo universiteti. saqarTvelo<br />

saqarTveloSi kulturuli turizmis ganviTarebis tendenciebi da perspeqtivebi<br />

XX saukunis 80-iani wlebidan kulturuli turizmi xasiaTdeba swrafi ganviTarebiT,<br />

rac gamowveulia, erTi mxriv, saerTaSoriso konferenciebisa da kongresebis xSiri<br />

organizebiT, xolo, meore mxriv, turizmSi mecnieruli kvlevebis Sedegad gakeTebuli<br />

rekomendaciebis danergviT da samogzauro Tematikis daxvewiT da misi daaxloebiT<br />

momxmarebelTa moTxovnebTan. turoperatorTa winadadebebi ufro metad daefuZna<br />

mimzidveli obieqtebis gamorCevas.<br />

Tanamedrove turizmis warmatebebi sul ufro damokidebuli xdeba sam umniSvnelovanes<br />

pirobaze:<br />


masebis keTildReobis zrda: meore msoflio omis Semdeg industriuli evropis<br />

sazogadoebis wevrTa wliuri Semosavlebi 25-jer gaizarda. gaizarda mosaxleobis<br />

msyidvelobiTi unari da SesaZleblobebi. gaumjobesda cxovrebis done, rac aisaxa<br />

Tavisufali drois dagegmvis srulyofaSi. adamianebma SeZles meti Tanxebi da dro<br />

dauTmon dasvenebas da mogzaurobas.<br />

drois mzardi biujeti: drois zemoaRniSnul periodSi evropaSi Semcirda samuSao<br />

kviris saaTebi da Sesabamisad gaizarda adamianis Tavisufali dro. es, gansakuTrebiT<br />

wlis ganmavlobaSi, mosaxleobisTvis uqme da gamosasvleli dReebis raodenobaSi gaxda<br />

SesamCnevi. adamianebs gauCndaT meti arasamuSao dro da es realoba kidev ufro gaizrdeba<br />

da maqsimums 2020 wlisaTvis miaRwevs. kviraSi xuTi samuSao da ori gamosasvleli dRe,<br />

erovnuli da religiuri dResaswaulebi, Svebulebis dReebi - yvelaferi erTad iZleva<br />

Tavisaufali drois did monakveTs, romelsac dagegmva da Sinaarsianad gatarebisTvis<br />

zrunva sWirdeba.<br />

mogzaurobebiT adamianebis gataceba: survili, romelic adamians samogzaurod<br />

ubiZgebs, calke Seswavlis Rirsia da igi ar aris erTgvarovani, magram evropis<br />

mosaxleobaSi arsebuli samogzauro mobiluroba namdvilad TvalSisacemia da masobrivi<br />

xasiaTisaa. mecnierTa azriT amas xeli Seuwyo satransporto sistemisa da komunikaciebis<br />

gaumjobesebam. magram turizmis industriis sasaxelod unda iTqvas, rom igi Rirseulad<br />

momzadebuli Sexvda masebis moTxovnebs da uzrunvelyo maTi survilebi warmoudgenlad<br />

mravalferovani SeTavazebebiT. turizmis ekonomika am mravalferovnebas efuZneba.<br />

turistuli saqmianobis is nairsaxeoba, romelsac kulturul turizms vuwodebT,<br />

moicavs rogorc humanitarul, ise biznesis sferos. imavdroulad kulturuli turizmi<br />

aris teritoriuli erTeulis ekonomikuri da kulturuli ganviTarebis erTerTi yvelaze<br />

perspeqtiuli seqtori. mraval turistul qveyanaSi es seqtori miCneulia ganviTarebis<br />

prioritetul mimarTulebad. saqarTveloc am qveynebs ganekuTvneba, miTumetes,<br />

rom kulturuli turizmis ganviTarebisaTvis aq namdvilad didi potenciali arsebobs:<br />

mimzidveli buneba, klimati, landSaftebi, erovnuli parkebi, sakurorto adgilebi,<br />

mTis kurortebi mdidari mineraluri wylebiT da sxva samkurnalo TvisebebiT da<br />

saqarTvelos istoriuli Zeglebi umdidresi Tavisi raodenobiTa da mravalferovnebis<br />

xarisxiT, romlebic mravladaa qveynis yvela kuTxeSi. 12 aTasi istoriuli Zeglidan<br />

5 aTass icavs saxelmwifo, xolo oTxi maTgani Setanilia iuneskos unikalur ZeglTa<br />

siaSi.<br />

gamomdinare potencialidan, Sesabamisad adeqvaturi unda iyos SeTavazebac.<br />

samwuxarod, unda aRiniSnos, rom mTels saqarTveloSi receptiuli turistuli<br />

firmebis ricxvi, romlebic miRebaze warmatebiT muSaoben, aTeuls ar aRemateba.<br />

mraval xelisSemSlel mizezTa Soris qvemoTCamoTvili mizezebis gaTvaliswinebaa<br />

aucilebeli:<br />

1. saqarTveloSi kulturuli turizmis turebi moicavs, rogorc wesi, erTxel<br />

amorCeul obieqtebs da aseTi turi gadis ramdenime turistuli firmis mier<br />

gakvalul marSrutebze. aravin cdilobs siaxlis Setanas da inovaciuri meTodebis<br />

danergvas. uamravi STambeWdavi Zegli rCeba turistuli firmebisa da, Sesabamisad,<br />

turistebis yuradRebis gareSe.<br />

2. saxelmwifo ar aris dakavebuli turoperatorebisaTvis rekomendaciebis<br />

momzadebiT, maTTvis Zeglebis nusxis SedgeniTa da maTi in<strong>for</strong>maciuli<br />

uzrunvelyofiT. ar aris kavSiri saxelmwifosa da kerZo seqtors Soris.<br />

3. turoperatorebi faqtiurad ar ewevian profesiul saqmianobas axali<br />

turistuli marSrutebis Sesaqmnelad, radgan maTTvis aseTi saqmianoba ar aris<br />

didi mogebis momtani.<br />

144<br />

kulturuli turizmi

kulturuli turizmi<br />

4. uRimRamoa turistuli reklama, aravinaa dakavebuli saprezentacio da<br />

sasuveniro produqciis xarisxiT. ar xdeba moTxovna-miwodebis kvleva.<br />

5. kulturul turizmSi TiTqmis araa CarTuli raionebisa da soflebis muzeumebi.<br />

ar arsebobs maTi gamoyenebis programa an gegma.<br />

6. unda Seiqmnas kulturuli turizmis sain<strong>for</strong>macio uzrunvelyofis saxelmwifo<br />

programa, romelic saTanado RonisZiebebs dasaxavs.<br />

doroTea papaTanasiu-zurTi<br />

egeosis universiteti, IRIS kvleviTi laboratoria. saberZneTi<br />

transinterpret II: memkvidreobis interpretacia, rogorc gza multisensoruli<br />

gamocdilebisaken. saberZneTis magaliTi<br />

miuxedavad imisa, rom farTo sabazro segmentebisaTvis memkvidreobis resursia<br />

mogzaurobis ZiriTadi motivi, naklebad cnobili kulturuli memkvidreoba Tanamedrove,<br />

rogorc aseTi, adamianis mexsierebis da rogorc aseTi, Semecnebis procesis miRma rCeba.<br />

xiluli Zeglebi SeiZleba aRqmul iqnas, rogorc epoqaluri maniSneblebi, romlebic<br />

mnaxvels istoriaSi mogzaurobas sTavazobs. amdenad, msgavsi epoqaluri maniSneblebi<br />

mravalferovani auditoriis moTxovnebs unda akmayofilebdes. siaxlis da ukve kargad<br />

nacnobis, avTenturisa da Tqmulebebis dabalansebiT, Zeglis warsulsa da awmyos<br />

SeuZlia misi adgilis gansazRvra zogad istoriul procesSi.<br />

saberZneTis periferiebSi kargad aqvT gaazrebuli adgilobrivi memkvidreobis<br />

turistuli potenciali. da mainc, xSirad, adgilobriv mTavrobebs ar ZaluZT Seqmnan<br />

turizmis ganviTarebis damoukidebeli srulyofili gegmebi, maSin, roca adgilobriv<br />

mosaxleobas sul ufro metad awuxebs ukontrolo turistuli nakadis gavlenisagan<br />

sakuTari TviTmyofadobis, garemos, bunebrivi da kulturuli simdidris dacvis<br />

problemebi. amavdroulad, sxvadasxva turistuli segmentebi axorcielebs zewolas<br />

turistul industriaze gamocdilebaTa mravalferovnebisa da aqtivobaTa diapazonis<br />

gasafarToveblad. aRniSnuli moxseneba warmogvidgens dagegmvis im process, rasac<br />

unda mohyves memkvidreobis TviTkoordinirebul mimarTulebaTa dasaxva saberZneTis<br />

periferiebis istoriul mravalferovnebaze dayrdnobiT, transinterpret II-is<br />

farglebSi da C.I. Leader+-is egidiT.<br />

transinterpret II aviTarebs memkvidreobis interpretaciasTan dakavSirebul<br />

proeqtebs, dinamikurad mzard monacemTa bazis standartebisa da rekomendaciebis<br />

gaTvaliswinebiT. amasTan, is uzrunvelyofs xarisxis niSniT monacemTa specifikaze<br />

dayrdnobiT Seqmnil interpretaciul proeqtebsa da momsaxurebas. transinterpret II<br />

miznad isaxavs sazogadoebis CarTvas da regionuli mTavrobisa da akademiuri wreebis<br />

TanamSromlobis xelSewyobas, imisaTvis, raTa: a) aamaRlos procesSi monawile mxareebis<br />

codna memkvidreobis interpretaciis mniSvnelobaze; b) moaxdinos rekreaciul zonebSi<br />

damsvenebelTa Tavisufali drois realizacia; g) gaacnos adgilobriv da ucxoel<br />

stumrebs regionis istoriuli da kulturuli memkvidreobis RirsSesaniSnaobebi da<br />

d) Seqmnas saberZneTis soflebisa da periferiebis unikaluri turistuli saxe.<br />

“proeqti “herodote”: istoriuli garemos tursituli gamoyeneba. nou-haus da<br />

xarisxis menejmentis praqtika regionul doneze”: TanamSromlobis qseli regionuli<br />

TviTmyofadobis da kulturuli memkvidreobis popularizaciisaTvis<br />

saerTaSoriso da multidisciplinarul doneze mimdinare decentralizaciis procesi,<br />

romelic uzrunvelyofs turizmis produqtis maRal damatebiT Rirebulebas, yovelTvis<br />

utopia ar aris. saberZneTsa da italias Soris arsebuli erTaSorisi TanamSromlobis<br />


qseli - “herodote”, romelic C.I.P. arqimede IIIB-s mier finansdeba, miznad isaxavs<br />

istoriuli garemos turizmis “agentad” gaazrebas, rac partniorTa teritoriebis<br />

farglebSi memkvidreobis marTvisa da turizmis dagegmvis saukeTeso gamocdilebis<br />

gavrcelebis saSualebiT unda ganxorcieldes. “herodote” amkvidrebs TanamSromlobis<br />

axal <strong>for</strong>mas akademiur wreebsa da periferiis mkvidrTa Soris, virtualur da realur<br />

garemoSi turizmisaTvis Rirebuli in<strong>for</strong>maciis marTviT, rekreaciul saswavlo<br />

garemoSi sakomunikacio politikis gamoyenebisa da memkvidreobis interpretaciis<br />

meTodis meSveobiT. adgilobrivi/regionuli memkvidreobis valorizaciisaTvis farTod<br />

gavrcelebuli naklovanebebisa da warmatebebis faqtorTa kvlevis saWiroebis gaazrebis<br />

Semdeg, “herodote”-m am naklovanebebis aRmosafxvrelad Seqmna partniorTaSorisi<br />

SemecnebiTi qseli. aTi partniori italiidan da saberZneTidan, romlebic warmoadgenen<br />

akademiur dawesebulebebs, adgilobriv avtoritetebsa da regionul doneze turizmis<br />

industriasTan dakavSirebul sxvadasxva erTeulebs, erTad SemuSavebuli gegmarebiTi<br />

meTodebiTa da resursebiT xelmZRvanelobs. qselis mravalerovani xasiaTi xels<br />

uwyobs partniori qveynebis seqtorTaSoris TanamSromlobas, rac, Tavis mxriv, dadebiT<br />

gavlenas axdens regionul politikaze, stimuls aZlevs samewarmeo inovaciebs da<br />

xmelTaSuazRvispireTSi xarisxis menejmentis praqtikas avrcelebs.<br />

qseli ZiriTadad damokidebulia mowinave nou-haus danergvasa da SemdgomSi<br />

TiToeuli partnioris mier regionul da adgilobriv doneze mis damoukideblad<br />

gavrcelebaze. procesis dinamika scdeba programis finansur CarCoebs, rac iZleva<br />

proeqtis mdgradobis da saukeTeso praqtikis sxvadasxva teritorialur da socialur<br />

garemoSi gavrcelebis garantias. specifikuri instrumentebisa da meTodologiebis<br />

erTad SemuSaveba uzrunvelyofs regionul/adgilobriv doneze turizmis “agentebis”<br />

profesionaluri codnis amaRlebas turizmis dagegmvis, memkvidreobis marTvis da<br />

interpretaciis Sesaxeb. gamocdilebis gacvla-gamocvla (seminarebi sxvadasxva erovnebis<br />

warmomadgenelTaTvis da xuT sxvadasxva regionSi Catarebuli kvleva) xels Seuwyobs<br />

memkvidreobis menejmentis partniori mxareebisaTvis specifikuri strategiebis<br />

SemuSavebas da wvlils Seitans turistuli regionis Seucvleli iersaxis SeqmnaSi.<br />

proeqtebis ganxorcielebis Sedegad gamokveTili saukeTeso praqtika warmoaCens<br />

saerTaSoriso TanamSromlobis meSveobiT SeZenil jamur nou-haus, romelic SemdgomSi<br />

gavrceldeba regionul/adgilobriv doneze, rogorc erTgvari gzamkvlevi xarisxiani<br />

turistuli produqtebis danergvisaTvis.<br />

mine kadiroRlu<br />

bulent isleri. avstria<br />

kulturuli turizmi tao-klarjeTSi<br />

moxsenebis mizania Crdilo-aRmosavleT anatoliaSi Sua saukuneebis qarTuli<br />

kulturuli memkvidreobis mimarT saerTaSoriso interesis gamoRviZeba, tao-klarjeTsa<br />

da mis mimdebare teritoriaze kulturuli turizmis ganviTarebis saSualebiT.<br />

amJamad is turistebi, romlebic stumroben tao-klarjeTis Zeglebs, umetesad, Sua<br />

saukuneebis qarTuli arqiteqturis ZeglebiT dainteresebuli qarTvelebi arian,<br />

Tumca Tavisufali turebi, aTi an meti dRis xangrZlivobiT, romlebic moicavs oSkis,<br />

iSxanis, tbeTis da sxv. saeklesio Zeglebze eqskursiebs, SeiZleba organizebul iqnas<br />

xandazmuli momlocvelebisaTvis, maSin, rodesac “moxetiale” turebi Tvalwarmtaci<br />

peizaJis fonze mowyobil unda iqnas enTuziazmiT savse SezRuduli Tavisufali drois<br />

mqone, Tumca energiuli axalgazrda momlocvelTaTvis.<br />

turistebis kidev erT jgufs Seadgenen Turqi, umetesad, qarTuli warmomavlobis<br />

146<br />

kulturuli turizmi

kulturuli turizmi<br />

mqone biznesmenebisagan, romelnic saqarTvelos respublikaSi komerciuli (savaWro)<br />

da industriuli miznebiT mogzauroben. aRniSnuli jgufi moicavs warmatebul<br />

da ganaTlebul Turq moqalaqeebs, romelTa interesic qarTuli kulturuli<br />

memkvidreobisadmi gamoRviZebul unda iqnas. imis mere, rac siamovnebas miiReben<br />

qarTvelTa stumarTmoyvareobiT, maRali xarisxis RviniT, samzareuloTi da<br />

ZviradRirebuli sastumroebiT, isini datkbebian kavkasiis umSvenieresi peizaJebiTa da<br />

gaecnobian unikalur Zeglebs, biznesmenebi aRar daiSureben Zalisxmevas tao-klarjeTSi<br />

konservaciis mcdelobaTa mxardasaWerad. amis xelSesawyobad, mokle (magaliTad, 5 an<br />

6 dRiani) eqskursiebi unda iqnas organizebuli, dawyebuli tao-klarjeTis ukeTesad<br />

daculi Zeglebidan - saqarTvelos yvelaze STambeWdavi samonastro kompleqsebiT da<br />

Tbilisis muzeumebis CaTvliT.<br />

TurqeTSi dasavleTidan da aRmosavleTidan mimaval turistebs, romelTa ricxvic<br />

yovelwliurad izrdeba, stimuli unda mieceT tao-klarjeTis qarTuli Zeglebis<br />

mosanaxuleblad. kavkasiis mimarTulebiT “moxetiale” turebi unda daigegmos dawyebuli<br />

tao-klarjeTidan an saqarTvelos nebismieri sxva adgilidan da unda moicavdes qarTuli<br />

Sua saukuneebis zogierT ukeT dacul Zegls. specialurad qarTuli Sua saukuneebis<br />

Zeglebis mosanaxuleblad dagegmili eqskursiebi xels Seuwyobs fasdaudebeli qarTuli<br />

kulturuli memkvidreobis popularizacias mTels msoflioSi.<br />

Tumca, avtori kvlav eWvis TvaliT uyurebs masobrivi turizmis pozitiur Sedegebs,<br />

gansakuTrebiT SedarebiT mitovebul adgilebSi, sadac kuturuli memkvidreobis<br />

naSTebia SemorCenili; is acnobierebs im upiratesobebs, rac, SesaZloa, msoflio<br />

masStabis aRiarebam moutanos Sua saukuneebis qarTul kulturul memkvidreobas taoklarjeTSi.<br />

yovelive aqedan gamomdinare, moxseneba moicavs RonisZiebebs, rogoricaa<br />

kargad gansazRvruli marSrutebis SeTavazeba ara mxolod tao-klarjeTSi, aramed<br />

saqarTvelos nebismier sxva mxareSi, Turquli, qarTuli, evropuli da aziuri<br />

turistuli gzamkvlevebisaTvis vizualuri masalisa da teqstebis momzadebas, aseve,<br />

seminarebisa da leqciebis organizebas sastumros administratorebisa da Zeglebisa da<br />

muzeumebis siaxloves mcxovrebTaTvis. es SeiZleba ganxilul iqnas sawyisad qarTul-<br />

Turquli TanamSromlobisa, romelic miznad isaxavs ara mxolod kulturuli turizmis<br />

kargad aRWurvili da organizebuli programis realizacias, aramed masobrivi turizmis<br />

uaryofiTi efeqtebis Semcirebasac.<br />

maka dvaliSvili<br />

xelovnebis saerTaSoriso centri. saqarTvelo<br />

kulturuli proeqtebi ganviTarebisaTvis<br />

kultura istoriis manZilze aRiqmeboda da ganixileboda, rogorc elitaruli<br />

- “gansakuTrebuli” sazogadoebrivi fenis Semoqmedebis an “moxmarebis” sferod.<br />

saxelmwifos mier subsidirebuli sfero, naklebad aRiqmeboda ekonomikurad momgebian<br />

saqmianobad an biznesad (Tu ar CavTvliT xelosnobas). kulturisadmi msgavsi<br />

damokidebuleba dResac grZeldeba da ZiriTdad Semoifargleba esTetikuri Rirebulebis<br />

miniWebiT da gansxvavebiT dasavleTis qveynebisagan moklebulia ekonomikur xedvas.<br />

sabazro ekonomikis pirobebSi cneba - kultura ekonomikuri ganviTarebis datvir-<br />

Tvasac iZens. amis naTeli maCvenebelia dasavleT evropisa da aSS-s praqtika, sadac<br />

kulturuli produqciis saSemosavlo wili procentulad utoldeba da, xSir SemTxvevaSi,<br />

aRemateba, magaliTad warmoebis iseT sferoebs, rogoricaa mcire biznesi, turizmi,<br />

rewva, rom araferi vTqvaT kinomatografiaze an musikis industriaze.<br />

kulturis sfero, rogorc ekonomikuri ganviTarebis erT-erTi wyaro, gansakuTrebul<br />


Rirebulebas iZens iseT qveyanaSi, rogoric saqarTveloa, sadac xelovneba istoriis<br />

uZvelesi periodidan dawyebuli, warmoadgens qarTuli erovnulobis, tradiciulobis<br />

maxasiaTebels, msoflmxedvelobis Tu cnobierebis erT-erT ganuyofel nawils. sadac<br />

dResac, miuxedavad saerTo qarTuli kulturuli fenomenis daqveiTebisa, kulturuli<br />

TviTmyofadoba warmoadgens sazogadoebis cnobierebis organul nawils. yovelive<br />

es iZleva noyier niadags organizebuli marTvis pirobebSi kulturisa da xelovnebis<br />

dargebi iqces ekonomikurad momgebian sferod. sabazro ekonomikis pirobebSi kulturis<br />

gardaqmna ekonomikurad momgebian produqtad, SesaZlebelia ekonomikuri ganviTarebis<br />

erT-erTi wyaro gaxdes. Tumca, amavdroulad, dgeba mniSvnelovani sakiTxi, sad unda<br />

gaevlos zRvari kulturis komercializaciasa da WeSmarit Semoqmedebas Soris. kulturis<br />

ekonomika moicavs iseT gamoyenebad sferoebs, rogoricaa: kulturuli turizmi,<br />

kulturuli (SemoqmedebiTi) industriebi, kulturuli infrastruqturis ubnebi da<br />

yovelive amis biznesad gardasaxva qmnis pirobas am dargebis ganviTarebisaTvis da<br />

Sesabamisad cxovrebisunarianobis SenarCunebisaTvis. (aq gansakuTrebiT unda aRiniSnos,<br />

rom es exeba mxolod utilitaruli xelovnebis dargebs, da aramc da aramc natif<br />

xelovnebas).<br />

da bolos, ZiriTadi da mniSvnelovani postulatia, rom kulturis ekonomikur,<br />

“gamoyenebad” produqtad gardaqmna, ar unda emuqrebodes mis mxatvrul Rirebulebas.<br />

Sesabamisad, unda ganisazRvros da SemuSavdes mxatvruli Rirebulebis dacvis<br />

meqanizmebi. magalaTad dRes, rodesac saqarTveloSi kulturuli turizmi ganvi-<br />

Tarebis sawyis safexurzea, Tavidanve iqnas Seswavlili da gaTvaliswinebuli stiqiuri<br />

turizmis uaryofiTi Sedegebi, kerZod, iseTi magaliTebi, rogoric veneciaa, sadac<br />

turizmi damangrevel zemoqmedebas axdens adgilobriv kulturul memkvidreobaze da<br />

infrastruqturaze.<br />

moxseneba Seicavs mosazrebebs da zemoaRniSnuli problematikis analizs da<br />

warmoadgens saqarTveloSi kulturis menejmentis ganviTarebis SesaZleblobebs.<br />

meri qei judi<br />

arqiteqturuli da kulturuli memkvidreobis konservacia. aSS<br />

qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreoba, rogorc ekonomikuri resursi<br />

moxsenebis mizania warmoaCinos qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreobis marTvis da<br />

samarTlebrivi dacvis dadebiTi roli adgilobrivi ekonomikis ganviTarebaSi.<br />

imis garda, rom adgilobrivi kulturuli memkvidreobis dacvas sasicocxlo<br />

mniSvneloba eniWeba erovnuli istoriisa da TviTmyofadobis momavali TaobebisaTvis<br />

SesanarCuneblad, is, aseve, mniSvnelovan resurss warmoadgens. Zveli Tbilisi, Sua<br />

saukuneebis eklesiebi da freskebi, vansa da dmanisSi bolodroindeli arqeologiuri<br />

aRmoCenebi, svaneTis koSkebi, bolo xanebSi aRiarebuli modernistuli xelovneba da<br />

sxva - samomavlod saqarTvelos ekonomikuri ganviTarebis SesaZleblobaTa momcvelia.<br />

qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreoba, mis Seucvlel faseulobebTan erTad, aseve<br />

warmoadgens mniSvnelovan ekonomikur resurss kulturuli turizmis xelSewyobisaTvis,<br />

adgilobrivi biznesis mxardaWerisaTvis, urbanuli gamococxlebisaTvis, dasaqmebis<br />

SesaZleblobebisaTvis, sakuTrebis Rirebulebis zrdis da ucxouri investiciebis<br />

waxalisebisaTvis. ucxouri investicia, Tavis mxriv, ekonomikuri ganviTarebis procesSi<br />

qmnis qveynisaTvis sasicocxlo mniSvnelobis sagadasaxado bazas.<br />

qarTuli kulturuli memkvidreobis sami Zegli Seyvanilia iuneskos msoflio<br />

memkvidreobis siaSi. es potenciali mraval sxva qarTul Zeglsac gaaCnia. axlaxans,<br />

2006 wels, timoTesubnis RmrTismSoblis eklesiis restavraciam evropis sabWos oqros<br />

148<br />

kulturuli turizmi

kulturuli turizmi<br />

medali - evropa nostras jildo miiRo.<br />

saerTaSoriso aRiarebis kidev erTi sabuTia isic, rom saqarTvelo iyo pirveli<br />

qveyana, romelsac gamorCeuli kulturuli memkvidreobis safuZvelze, 1998 wels<br />

msoflio bankma ekonomikuri ganviTarebis sesxi gamouyo.<br />

moxsenebaSi konkretuli qarTuli magaliTebis ganxilvamde, warmodgenili iqneba<br />

saerTaSoriso kvlevebis magaliTebic, Tanmdev finansur monacemebTan erTad, rac kidev<br />

erTxel warmoaCens kulturuli memkvidreobis ekonomikurad momgebian da, amavdroulad,<br />

mdgrad resursad qcevis SesaZleblobas. Tumca aRsaniSnavia, rom es ar gulisxmobs<br />

resursebis eqpluatacias an mdgradi ganviTarebis principebis gaTvaliswinebis gareSe<br />

turizmis xelSewyobas. samagaliTo kvlevebSi ganxilul iqneba Semdegi:<br />

• memkvidreobiTi turizmi:<br />

turizmis wvlili qveynebis mTlian Sida produqtSi<br />

(mSp): magaliTad, turizmis wili kviprosis mSp-s 25 %-ia, maltaze _ 20% mSp,<br />

germaniSi _ 8% mSp, xolo safrangeTSi _ 7% mSp.<br />

• adgilobrivi biznesis mxardaWera:<br />

makaos calobiTi gayidvis Semosavlis 60%<br />

gamomuSavdeba qveynis memkvidreobis konservaciis zonebSi.<br />

• sakuTrebis gazrdili Rirebuleba:<br />

niu iork siTis mTavrobis mier gamoqveynebuli<br />

ekonomikuri dokumentacia niu iork siTiSi istoriul RirsSesaniSnaobaTa raionSi<br />

nagebobebis sakuTrebis Rirebulebis zrdis Sesaxeb.<br />

• dasaqmebis SesaZleblobebi:<br />

norvegiaSi istoriuli rekonstruqciis proeqtebi<br />

warmoqmnis saSualod 20%-iT met samuSao adgils, vidre didi biujetis mqone<br />

axali samSeneblo proeqtebi. safrangeTSi sarestavracio samuSaoebSi srul<br />

ganakveTze 40 000 adamiania dasaqmebuli.<br />

• mesakuTreTa waxaliseba:<br />

britaneTsa da italias aqvs sakuTrebis gadasaxadebis<br />

wamaxalisebeli programebi memkvidreobis kerZo mflobelebisaTvis, rac xels<br />

uwyobs memkvidreobis dacvas, rac Tavis mxriv, xels uwyobs kulturuli<br />

memkvidreobis ekonomikur resursad qcevas.<br />

saerTaSoriso precedentebis magaliTze kulturuli memkvidreobis ekonomikuri<br />

SesaZleblobebis analizis Semdeg, gamovlenili iqneba saqarTveloSi Catarebuli<br />

kvlevebi, romelic xels uwyobs turizmis ganviTarebas da, amasTanave, ekonomikurad<br />

mdgradia.<br />

moxseneba dasruldeba gadasaxadebis anulirebis da brunvadi sesxebis SemoRebis<br />

ramdenime wamaxalisebeli gegmisa da modelis ganxilviT. es winadadebebi<br />

gaTvaliswinebulia saqarTveloSi adgilobrivi xelisuflebis da arasamTavrobo<br />

organizaciebisaTvis, raTa maT, Tavis mxriv, arqiteqturuli memkvidreobis saxelmwifo<br />

da kerZo mflobelTa wreSi aamaRlon codna maTi sakuTrebis “momgebianobis” Sesaxeb.<br />

mauren doili, jefri doili<br />

“heritansi”. aSS<br />

kulturuli turizmi da “Ria muzeumi”<br />

turizmi - sxvadasxvaobaze dafuZnebuli industriaa. kulturuli turizmi stumars<br />

Txrobis saSualebiT izidavs, rac sxvadasxvaobisa da mravalferovnebis gamovlenas<br />

emsaxureba. “didi muzeografiisaken” gza realuri adamianebis da movlenebis<br />

Sesaxeb mimzidvel da damajerebel Txrobaze gadis. amis saukeTeso saSualeba yvela<br />

personaJisaTvis “xmis miniWebaa”, ramdenadac, mosayolad Rirebul yvela istorias,<br />

rogorc wesi, ramdenime mxare aqvs.<br />

amasTan, inkluziuri Txroba, romelic muzeums ufro sainteresos da mimzidvels<br />

xdis stumrisaTvis, zogadad momgebiania sazogadoebisaTvisac, da ara mxolod gazrdili<br />


turistuli Semosavlis gamo - “Ria muzeumis” atmosfero xels uwyobs konstruqciul<br />

da mravalmxriv dialogs, rac nebismieri pluralistuli sazogadoebis safuZvelia.<br />

“heritans”-ma “Ria muzeumis” koncefcia Camoayaliba imisaTvis, raTa waaxalisos<br />

da xeli Seuwyos Ria da inkluziur muzeumebs. “heritans”is xedva “Ria muzeumze” sam<br />

ZiriTad princips efuZneba:<br />

Ria muzeografia. imisaTvis, rom sxvas gaugo, pirvel rigSi, mis istorias unda mousmino<br />

da sakiTxs misi TvaliT unda Sexedo. “Ria muzeumi” eqponatebs swored ise gamofens,<br />

rom istoriebs sxvadasxva da erTmaneTis sapirispiro kuTxiT warmogvidgens.<br />

Ria mmarTveloba. “heritans”-is rwmeniT mxolod gamWvirvale, inkluziuri da Ria<br />

mmarTvelobis mqone muzeumi SeZlebs saTanadod da sarwmunod warmoaCinos nebismieri<br />

sazogadoebis mravalferovneba. ufro metic, Ria mmarTvelobis principi aZlierebs<br />

sazogadoebas mSvidobiani Tanaarsebobisa da adgilobrivi avtonomiisaTvis aucilebeli<br />

praqtikis demonstrirebiT.<br />

sajarooba. “Ria muzeumebi” qmnis garemos, romelic gaxsnili da misawvdomia muzeumiT<br />

dainteresebul pirTa mTeli speqtrisaTvis. es gulisxmobs muzeumis daaxloebas<br />

xalxTan moZravi gamofenebis, skolebis monawileobis, warmodgenebis, dResaswaulebis<br />

da internetis saSualebiT.<br />

“heritans”-i dafuZnebul iqna 2007 wlis TebervalSi da saqmianobis pirveli wlis<br />

ganmavlobaSi adgilze Caatara seminarebi, konsultaciebi da grantebi gadasca muzeumebs<br />

rva qveyanaSi, romelTa Sorisaa kolumbia, kenia, meqsika, ruanda da samxreT afrika.<br />

dimitri jafariZe<br />

saqarTvelos turizmisa da kurortebis departamenti. saqarTvelo<br />

kulturuli turizmis perspeqtivebi saqarTveloSi<br />

ia Tabagari<br />

kavkazus Treveli. saqarTvelo<br />

kulturuli turizmi _ urTierTobebi eklesiasa da turizmis industrias Soris<br />

milan prodanoviCi<br />

novi sadis universiteti. serbeTi<br />

kulturaTa dialogi da civilizaciaTa konfliqti saganmanaTleblo/ kulturul<br />

turizmTan da regionaluri kulturis evropul memkvidreobasTan integraciis<br />

sakiTxebTan mimarTebaSi<br />

150<br />

kulturuli turizmi



Knut Gerber<br />

GTZ. Germany<br />

About Economic Effects in <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism - More Chances Than Risks?<br />

Concerning Georgia as a host country of increasing number of cultural tourists I would have more questions<br />

than answers today…<br />

Behind the “cultural tourism” in Europe stand some hard facts& figures, i.e. 23,5% of all tourist arrivals<br />

are coming from “cultural tourists”, from them are more than 31 Mio so called “general cultural tourists”<br />

and 3,5 Mio “specific cultural tourists”. This gives a flash light of possible consequences <strong>for</strong> host regions,<br />

<strong>for</strong> their inhabitants and even <strong>for</strong> the heritage of any cultural resource.<br />

What stands <strong>for</strong> economic effects of (cultural) tourism?<br />

Mainly more consumption through more arrivals and overnight stays, That means more tax income in<br />

host region including additional multiplication of similar effects <strong>for</strong> local entrepreneurs in tourism, culture<br />

and productive services.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism creates working places, in cultural, and in productive sectors. The increased demand in<br />

labor <strong>for</strong>ce is followed by social and again positive tax effects.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism is becoming more important <strong>for</strong> designing a new profile of a destination. It helps to<br />

develop the soft factors of a location, being more and more important <strong>for</strong> investor’s decision making processes<br />

and it has also qualitative and immaterial aspects <strong>for</strong> future living environment.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism is working all seasons. That means the location has no peaks in high season and all<br />

economic effects are existing during year.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism has a share in development of endogen potentials. A region/city will have its own<br />

identity which creates an USP at markets, helps to develop cross border tolerance of inhabitants and entrepreneurs<br />

activities and there<strong>for</strong>e creates new business contacts and opportunities.<br />

What stands <strong>for</strong> negative economic effects in cultural tourism?<br />

First the commercialization of tourism itself! In case cultural services are given only <strong>for</strong> profit reasons<br />

and not longer <strong>for</strong> presenting the internal value of a cultural good. To have a maximum in arrivals etc.,<br />

very often cultural services are de<strong>for</strong>med to find a much better access to tourist’s expectations. But then the<br />

identity is very often lost, because of being only a show! This leads to a shrinking local identity with the<br />

cultural product and the concept behind.<br />

Most relevant is that more tourist arrivals lead to more traffic, to more noise, pollution and other burdens<br />

<strong>for</strong> environment. The attraction of a destination is decreasing. Not to <strong>for</strong>get the not reversible wear of<br />

historical substance of buildings.<br />

Betsy Haskell<br />

Tourism committee, American Chamber of Commerce in Georgia. USA<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Tourism<br />

Georgia is rich in antiquities, cultural and archeological sites and is a fascinating place to visit. Anyone<br />

with a spade who digs three to four meters down in almost any part of Georgia will uncover a fifth or sixth<br />

century town or village.<br />

In addition, Georgia has a varied and legendary topography, from the highest peaks of the Caucasus<br />

range to the desert-like terrain surrounding the Monastery of Davit Gareji. Numbers of unique examples<br />

of flora and fauna are found in Georgia as well, but, at the moment, it takes an intrepid traveler to find and<br />

152<br />



enjoy its riches. This is because <strong>for</strong> the past 20 years or so, no investment in infrastructure was made.<br />

Roads are impassable, signage completely missing, and good hotels and restaurants hard to find. Despite<br />

its moderate climate, and great appeal to tourists in search of new adventures, the hangover from the Soviet<br />

period has taken a very long time to recover from.<br />

One of the reasons <strong>for</strong> the lack of tourist-friendly investment in Georgia during communist times was<br />

because Georgia was probably the most popular destination in the closed-Soviet Union and since people<br />

came to visit regardless of the conditions, no ef<strong>for</strong>ts were made to enhance their experience. Until very<br />

recently, the concept of attracting tourists, building com<strong>for</strong>table and safe accommodations, restoring<br />

crumbling ruins, or, indeed, providing up-to-date in<strong>for</strong>mation in languages other than <strong>Georgian</strong> and Russian<br />

was unheard of and ef<strong>for</strong>ts to do so were dismissed as a waste of time.<br />

However, with the Rose Revolution and the changes in attitude and priorities wrought by the President,<br />

new investment in infrastructure <strong>for</strong> attracting tourism has become a priority. The medieval walled town of<br />

Signaki received over 30 million Lari in investment in electricity, water and sewage lines, completely new<br />

streets and tiled roofs were installed, and the town is now absolutely beautiful, though the villagers have yet<br />

to understand the need <strong>for</strong> shops, good restaurants and cafes. A similar investment is being made in the old<br />

part of Kutaisi . Because of government low-interest loan initiatives, new hotels are popping up all over,<br />

but still, the concept of shops, accessible restaurants and cafes hasn’t taken hold.<br />

A recently completed Strategic Plan, developed with a TDA grant from the US Government to the<br />

Department of Tourism and Resorts, lays out the problems, along with a strategy to address them. We<br />

are all hoping that the necessary resources will be allocated by the Government of Georgia to solve these<br />

problems.<br />

Paata Shanshiashvili<br />

<strong>International</strong> Technical Assistance Program of U.S. Department of the Interior. Georgia<br />

Advancement of Georgia’s Tourism Competitiveness through Building of Protected Areas Network<br />

Georgia is a small mountainous country with a population of few million people. Its landscapes include<br />

a rich freshwater hydrographic network, foothills, mountain <strong>for</strong>ests, sub-alpine and alpine meadows,<br />

glaciers, the snowcapped mountain peaks of the Greater and Lesser Caucasus, which rise five thousand<br />

meters above see level, the Black Sea coast, wetlands, the humid lowland <strong>for</strong>ests of western Georgia, and<br />

the arid steppe and semi-deserts of southeastern Georgia. Forests cover 40% of the country. The varied biogeographic<br />

conditions contribute to the species richness, high level of endemism and global rarity of major<br />

habitat types, as well as to the uniqueness and exceptionally high diversity of historic-cultural landscapes<br />

Creating a protected areas system, focused on conservation of the nation’s natural and cultural legacy,<br />

is a crucial part of the overall sustainable development of the country. It provides the nation with numerous<br />

ecological and economic benefits, as well as offers international and local visitors attractive and aesthetically-pleasant<br />

educational, recreational and adventure opportunities.<br />

The National Protected Areas legislation provides legal framework <strong>for</strong> designation of 6 national and 3<br />

global categories (World Heritage Site, Ramsar site and Biosphere Reserve).<br />

The national protected areas categories mainly are managed <strong>for</strong>:<br />

• Strict protection - Strict Nature Reserve / Wilderness Area<br />

• Ecosystem conservation and recreation - National Park<br />

• Conservation of natural features - Natural Monument<br />

• Conservation through active management - Habitat / Species / Management Area<br />

• <strong>Cultural</strong> Landscape conservation and recreation - Protected Landscape<br />

• Sustainable use of natural ecosystems – Multiple Use Protected Area<br />

Visitor use is a primary objective <strong>for</strong> National Park, Natural Monument and Protected Landscape. Tourism<br />

activities are applicable <strong>for</strong> the Managed Nature Reserve and Multiple Use protected areas Categories.<br />


Provisions <strong>for</strong> <strong>for</strong>mal educational opportunities are the secondary objective of a Strict Nature Reserve<br />

category.<br />

In protected areas, besides offering basic services related to accommodation, sustenance, and safety,<br />

visitors are provided with unique opportunities <strong>for</strong> enjoyment, inspiration of material and nonmaterial values<br />

of natural and cultural resources, as well as adventure and recreation prospects.<br />

Visitor infrastructure development is guided by the principles of sustainable design and environmental<br />

ethics. Inventory and adequate use of nonmaterial resources are also critical parts of the process.<br />

Niko Kvaratskhelia<br />

Tbilisi State Economic University. Georgia<br />

Tendencies and Prospects of <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism Development in Georgia<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism development in Europe has been remarkable since 1980s. The reason <strong>for</strong> this is twofold:<br />

On one hand, a large number of international conferences and congresses have taken place in the<br />

region, and on the other hand, recommendations proposed by scholarly studies of tourism issues have been<br />

implemented, consumer demands have been considered and the travel thematic refined. As a result, tour<br />

operator offerings are comprised of a selection of better attractions.<br />

Success of the contemporary tourism industry has depended on three major conditions:<br />

Improvement of the well-being of the people: The annual income of citizens of the industrial European<br />

countries increased 25-fold after World War 2. Purchasing capacity has also increased. Standard of<br />

living has improved, influencing the planning of free time. People can spare more money and time <strong>for</strong> rest<br />

and travel.<br />

Increasing time resource: During the above mentioned period, work duration decreased in Europe, and<br />

correspondingly people have more free time. The number of day-offs and holidays during the course of<br />

year are quite large. People have more free time. This tendency will continue, reaching its maximum level<br />

in 2020. Five day work-weeks with two day-offs, not including national and religious feasts and vacations,<br />

all result in more free time, which should be properly planned and spent.<br />

Keenness on traveling: This is an issue <strong>for</strong> individual study as it is not a uni<strong>for</strong>m process. What one can<br />

say <strong>for</strong> sure is that the attraction of Europeans to tourism is obvious and mass tourism increases. Scholars<br />

consider that this was stimulated by the development of road infrastructure and communications. It should<br />

be noted that the tourism business was ready <strong>for</strong> mass demands and has proposed a wide variety of services.<br />

The economics of tourism results of this variety of offerings.<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> tourism envelops both humanitarian and business spheres, and is one of the best prospects<br />

among the tourism segments <strong>for</strong> economical and cultural development of the territorial entity. Many countries<br />

consider its development a priority. Georgia is among these countries. It has significant resources to<br />

encourage tourism development: a picturesque environment, mild climate, diverse landscapes, national<br />

parks, resort zones, mountain resorts famous <strong>for</strong> mineral spas, and a great number of historical monuments<br />

found at every step. Five out of twelve thousand monuments are under protection of state,four of them are<br />

enrolled on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage sites.<br />

Proposed services should be adequate to meet the region’s the existing potential. Un<strong>for</strong>tunately, it must<br />

be noted that the number of successful tourism operators currently does not exceed a dozen. Among the<br />

reasons <strong>for</strong> the industry’s unmet potential, the following should be taken into consideration:<br />

1. <strong>Cultural</strong> tourism routes in Georgia, as a rule, are restricted to pre-selected sites. They follow<br />

the routes already paved by different tourism firms. All are reluctant to introduce novelties<br />

and implement innovations. As a result, the firms, and correspondingly the tourists, take<br />

no notice of many monuments of interest.<br />

2. The state has not concerned itself with drawing recommendations <strong>for</strong> tour operators, or<br />

supplying them with list of monuments and necessary in<strong>for</strong>mation. The link between the<br />

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state and private sector does not exist.<br />

3. It is a fact that tour operators do not work on developing new tourism routes, as this activity<br />

does not bring them much income.<br />

4. Tourism advertising has not become relevant to the travel industry. Nobody is concerned<br />

with the quality of presentation materials or souvenirs. Demand and delivery issues have not<br />

been studied.<br />

5. Museums in the provinces are not involved in cultural tourism. No plans <strong>for</strong> their involvement<br />

exist.<br />

6. A state program <strong>for</strong> developing a cultural tourism database is to be launched, which will<br />

assist in planning respective activities<br />

Dorothea Papathanassiou-Zuhrt<br />

University of the Aegeant; The IRIS Research Laboratory. Greece<br />

Transinterpret II: Heritage Interpretation as a Vehicle <strong>for</strong> Multisensorial Experiences. The Case of<br />

Greece<br />

Although heritage resources are the main travel motive <strong>for</strong> a wide range of market segments, in unfamiliar<br />

heritage settings the distant past is beyond the contemporary individual memory and as such beyond<br />

the process of understanding. Visible monuments can be understood as time markers, able to move visitors<br />

back and <strong>for</strong>th in history. Such time markers should be managed so as to appeal to diverse audiences. By<br />

creating a balance between novelty and familiarity, authenticity and the stories told, a site’s past and present<br />

can demonstrate its place in the historical continuity.<br />

Many peripheral areas throughout Greece recognise the potential to use local heritage <strong>for</strong> tourism. Still<br />

in many cases local governances are not equipped to create autonomously comprehensive tourism development<br />

plans, whilst local populations are increasingly anxious to preserve their identity, environment, and<br />

natural and cultural wealth from the impact of uncontrolled tourism flows. At the same time diverse tourist<br />

segments exercise pressure upon the tourism industry <strong>for</strong> a variety of experiences and a range of activities.<br />

This paper presents the planning process followed to create a series of self-guided heritage trails using the<br />

diversity of historic environments in rural areas in Greece within the framework of TRANSINTERPRET<br />

II, a multilateral cooperation, under the umbrella of C.I. Leader+.<br />

TRANSINTERPRET II develops projects concerned with Heritage Interpretation according to the<br />

standards and recommendations of a dynamically evolving database, providing all interpretive projects<br />

and services, created according to collected specifications, with a quality label. TRANSINTERPET II reflects<br />

an ef<strong>for</strong>t to combine community involvement, regional governance and academic research in order<br />

to a) educate stakeholders on the values of heritage interpretation; b) manage leisure time <strong>for</strong> non-captive<br />

audiences in recreational settings; c) to communicate to domestic and <strong>for</strong>eign visitors the highlights of the<br />

region’s historical and cultural heritage; and d) to create a non-exchangeable tourism image <strong>for</strong> sites located<br />

in rural and peripheral areas in Greece.<br />

“The Project HERODOT: Tourism use of the historic environment - Know-how transfer and quality<br />

management practices at the regional level”: A collaborative network to promote regional identities<br />

and cultural heritage<br />

A decentralized process within a transnational and multidisciplinary framework, able to guarantee <strong>for</strong><br />

high-added value tourism products is not necessarily a utopia. HERODOT, a transnational collaborative<br />

knowledge network between Greece and Italy, funded by C.I.P. Archimed IIIB, aims to promote the historic<br />

environment as an agent <strong>for</strong> tourism within the partners’ areas through the dissemination of best practices<br />

in heritage management and tourism planning. HERODOT pioneers a new <strong>for</strong>m of co-operation between<br />


academic research and rural development, managing successfully in<strong>for</strong>mation with tourism value in virtual<br />

and in situ environments by applying communication policies with the public in recreational learning environments<br />

and interpretive heritage presentation methods.<br />

Recognising the necessity to investigate widespread shortcomings and factors of success <strong>for</strong> the valorisation<br />

of local and regional heritage, HERODOT has created a knowledge network among partners to<br />

deal with these shortcomings. Ten partners from Italy and Greece, representing academic institutions, local<br />

authorities and various partners related to the tourism industry at regional level, share commonly developed<br />

planning tools and resources. The network’s transnational character promotes cross-sectoral synergies in<br />

the partners’ areas, influences regional policies, motivates entrepreneurial innovation, and disseminates<br />

quality management practices in the Mediterranean area.<br />

The network relies heavily on advanced know-how transfer and on further diffusion at regional and local<br />

levels by each partner separately. Its dynamism exceeds the program’s financial framework, guaranteeing<br />

long-term project viability and diffusion of best practices at multiple spatial and social levels. Common<br />

development of specific tools and methodologies provide tourism-involved agents at regional/local level<br />

with vocational skills in tourism planning, heritage management and interpretation. Experience exchange<br />

(transnational workshops and in situ research in five different regions) will elaborate partner specific heritage<br />

strategies and serve tourism by creating non-exchangeable destination images. Best practices deriving<br />

from implemented projects will reflect the summative know-how acquired through the transnational co<br />

operation. These will be further diffused at regional/local level serving as a guide to implementing quality<br />

tourism products<br />

Mine Kadiroğlu<br />

Bulent Isler. Austria<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism in Tao-Klarjeti<br />

The aim of the presented paper is to discuss possibilities to augment international interest in medieval<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage in northeastern Anatolia by means of cultural tourism in and around Tao-Klarjeti.<br />

Currently the tourists visiting the monuments in Tao-Klarjeti are mostly <strong>Georgian</strong>s with interest in medieval<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> architectural monuments. But leisurely tours, with a duration of ten days or longer, that include<br />

sight-seeing trips to the religious monuments of Oşki, İşkhani, Tbeti, etc., can be organized <strong>for</strong> elderly<br />

pilgrims, whereas “wander” tours within the picturesque landscape should be developed <strong>for</strong> the enthusiastic<br />

younger generation of pilgrims with less time but more energy.<br />

Another group of tourists are the Turkish businessmen, mostly of <strong>Georgian</strong> origin, who travel to the<br />

Republic of Georgia <strong>for</strong> trade and <strong>for</strong> industrial purposes. This group includes prosperous and well-educated<br />

Turkish citizens whose curiosity <strong>for</strong> <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage must be awakened. Once businessmen, who<br />

begin to enjoy the hospitality of the <strong>Georgian</strong>s, the high quality of wine and food and the luxurious hotels,<br />

get acquainted with the unique monuments within the wonderful scenery of the Caucasus, they surely<br />

will do their best to support conservation attempts in Tao-Klarjeti. To facilitate this, short, (i.e. 5 or 6-day)<br />

excursions, starting at the better-preserved monuments in Tao-Klarjeti, extending to the most impressive<br />

monastic complex in Georgia and ending at a museums in Tbilis, should be organized.<br />

Western and eastern tourists to Turkey, whose numbers seems to increase each year, need to be encouraged<br />

to visit the <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments in Tao-Klarjet. “Wander” tours should be developed along the Caucasus,<br />

starting either from Tao-Klarjeti or elsewhere in Georgia, and include some of the better-preserved medieval<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> monuments. Various excursions, arranged specifically to visit the medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> monuments,<br />

will be indispensable to promoting Georgia’s invaluable cultural heritage across the world.<br />

The presenters of this paper, while remaining doubtful about the positive effects of mass tourism,<br />

especially at deserted sites with remnants, are aware of the advantages that world-wide fame could bring<br />

to the medieval <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage in Tao-Klarjeti. There<strong>for</strong>e this paper includes measures, such as<br />

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suggesting well-defined itineraries both in Tao-Klarjeti and elsewhere Georgia, preparing visual material<br />

and texts <strong>for</strong> Turkish, <strong>Georgian</strong>, European and Asian tourist guides, and organizing seminars and lectures<br />

<strong>for</strong> hotel administrators and inhabitants in the vicinity of the monuments and museums, which will be<br />

discussed with the intention of initiating a Turkish-<strong>Georgian</strong> cooperation, not only to realize a well-equipped<br />

and organized program <strong>for</strong> cultural tourism but also to diminish the negative effects of mass tourism.<br />

Maka Dvalishvili<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> Arts and Culture Center. Georgia<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Projects <strong>for</strong> Development<br />


Throughout history, “Culture” (in particular “Art”) was considered to be a field of creativity, and of<br />

consumption of “noble” and “extraordinary” strata in society. Culture in the counties of the Soviet Union<br />

was subsidized by the government and was almost never regarded as an economically beneficial activity<br />

or business (except <strong>for</strong> artisanship). Contrary to in the West, this approach to culture still continues in<br />

Post Soviet countries, where the role of culture is merely reduced to aesthetic rather than economic value/<br />

function.<br />

There<strong>for</strong>e in terms of the market economy, culture should acquire an important role in economic<br />

development. The Western European and US experience proves that the percentage of cultural product<br />

income equals—and some cases exceeds—profits garnered in fields such as small businesses, tourism,<br />

crafts-based enterprises, and the movie or music industries.<br />

The field of culture acquires a special economic importance in a country such as Georgia, with its deeprooted<br />

cultural heritage and its tradition of cultural philosophy that has been an integral part of <strong>Georgian</strong><br />

national identity <strong>for</strong> centuries. Despite the observed trends of overall cultural decline in modern Georgia,<br />

the idea of a national cultural identity has strong hold in <strong>Georgian</strong> consciousness, which makes trans<strong>for</strong>ming<br />

culture into profitable field viable.<br />

However, it is important to draw line between commercialized culture and authentic art. The culture<br />

economy is comprised of such field as cultural tourism, creative industries, cultural districts etc. that fosters<br />

an environment <strong>for</strong> further development of these fields as well as improves their sustainability. (It must be<br />

noted that this concerns only the applied fields but not the fine arts).<br />

Finally, the most important point is that trans<strong>for</strong>mation of culture into a profitable product should<br />

not threaten the artistic value of the art. Consequently, the tools <strong>for</strong> protection of artistic values should<br />

be determined and worked out. It is especially true that while cultural tourism is in its early stages of<br />

development in Georgia, all negative impacts of non-organized tourism should be investigated. To do so,<br />

we can consider the experiences of such cities as Venice, where the growth of the tourism industry has had<br />

a negative impact on local cultural heritage and infrastructure;<br />

The paper analyzes and presents considerations <strong>for</strong> the development cultural management and studies<br />

cases of cultural project development in Georgia.<br />

Mary Kay Judy<br />

Architectural and <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage Conservation. USA<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> <strong>Cultural</strong> Heritage as an Economic Resource<br />

The paper will establish that stewardship and legal protection of <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage has direct<br />

benefits as a resource <strong>for</strong> local economic development.<br />

While the protection of local cultural heritage is vital <strong>for</strong> the preservation of national history and identity<br />

<strong>for</strong> generations to come- it also comprises a myriad of resources from Old Tbilisi, medieval churches and<br />


wall paintings, the exceptional recent finds archaeological finds at Vani and Dmanisi, the towers of Svaneti,<br />

and more recently recognized Modernist heritage are imbued with great possibilities <strong>for</strong> Georgia’s future<br />

economic growth.<br />

<strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage, in addition to its intrinsic and irreplaceable values, also represents an<br />

important economic resource <strong>for</strong> the promotion of heritage tourism, support of local businesses, urban<br />

revitalization, increased employment opportunities, enhanced property values and the encouragement of<br />

<strong>for</strong>eign investment. Foreign investment in turn creates a vital tax base <strong>for</strong> the country in its continued<br />

economic development.<br />

The value of <strong>Georgian</strong> cultural heritage has been acknowledged internationally by the inscription of three<br />

UNESCO World Heritage Sites- and has the potential <strong>for</strong> many more sites to be nominated. Most recently,<br />

the restoration of the Virgin Church of Timotesubani received a Gold Medal in 2006 by the European<br />

Union’s Europa Nostra.<br />

This international stature was further illustrated by Georgia being the first country ever to be awarded an<br />

economic development loan on the basis of its exceptional cultural heritage by the World Bank in 1998.<br />

Be<strong>for</strong>e considering <strong>Georgian</strong> specific sites, international case studies will be presented with supporting<br />

financial data reflecting how cultural heritage is both an economically viable and sustainable resource. It<br />

is important to note however, that this does not propose the exploitation of resources or the promotion of<br />

unsustainable tourism. Potential case studies will include the following:<br />

• Heritage Tourism: The contributions of tourism to countries gross domestic product (GDP): For<br />

example, tourism in Cyprus accounts <strong>for</strong> 25% of the GDP, Malta 20% GDP, Germany 8% GDP and<br />

France 7% GDP.<br />

• Local Business Support: 60% of Macau’s retail revenue is generated in the country’s heritage<br />

conservation zones.<br />

• Enhanced Property Values: Published economic documentation on the rise of property values on<br />

buildings within Historic Landmarks Districts in New York City, by the New York City government.<br />

• Employment Opportunities: In Norway, historic restoration projects create on average 20% more<br />

jobs than comparably budgeted new construction projects. In France, 40,000 craftspeople are employed<br />

full-time in restoration work.<br />

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• Owner Incentives: Britain and Italy both have property tax incentive programs <strong>for</strong> private heritage<br />

property owners that support and promote preservation, which in turn supports cultural heritage as<br />

an economic resource.<br />

After the international precedent of cultural heritage’s economic viability of cultural heritage has been<br />

established, existing and potential <strong>Georgian</strong> case studies that generate tourism and are economically<br />

sustainable will be profiled.<br />

The paper will conclude with proposals <strong>for</strong> several incentive plans and models, including tax credits/<br />

abatements and revolving loans, designed <strong>for</strong> the local government and NGO’s to implement to promote<br />

awareness and benefits <strong>for</strong> the government and local private property owners of heritage buildings in<br />

Georgia.<br />

Maureen Doyle, Jeffrey Doyle<br />

Heritance. USA<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism and the Open Museum<br />

Tourism is an industry based on difference. <strong>Cultural</strong> tourism engages the visitor by making difference<br />

and diversity intelligible through narrative. The key to great museograpy is telling engaging and convincing<br />

stories about real people and real events. And the best way to do this is to give all the characters a voice,<br />

because any story worth telling always has more than one side.

At the same time, the inclusive narrative that makes a museum interesting and engaging <strong>for</strong> tourists is<br />

also beneficial to society at large, and not just because of increased tourist revenues: the atmosphere of an<br />

open museum fosters the constructive and inclusive dialog that is the bedrock of any enduring pluralistic<br />

society.<br />

Heritance developed the concept of the Open Museum in order to foster and promote open and inclusive<br />

museums. Heritance’s vision of the Open Museum is based on three core principles:<br />

Open Museography. Understanding others depends on listening to their stories and seeing things from<br />

their point of view. Open museums display objects and organize exhibits that tell stories from multiple<br />

and contrasting perspectives.<br />

Open Governance. Heritance believes that only museums that practice transparent, inclusive and open<br />

governance can consistently and reliably represent the diversity of any community. Moreover, open<br />

governance strengthens the community by modeling the practices essential to peaceful coexistence<br />

and local autonomy.<br />

Open Access. Open museums create an environment that is welcoming and accessible to the entire<br />

range of museum stakeholders. This means bringing the museum to the people through traveling<br />

exhibits, school outreach, per<strong>for</strong>mances, celebrations, and the Internet.<br />

Heritance was founded in February 2007 and during the first year of operation, delivered on-site workshops,<br />

consultations and seed grants to fifteen museums in eight countries, including Colombia, Kenya,<br />

Mexico, Rwanda, and South Africa<br />

Dimirti Japaridze<br />

Department of Tourism and Resorts of Georgia. Georgia<br />

Perspectives of <strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism in Georgia<br />

Ia Tabagari<br />

Caucasus Travel. Georgia<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism - Relations Between Church and Tourism Industries<br />

Milan Prodanovic<br />

University of Novi Sad. Serbia<br />


Dialogue of Cultures and the Clash of Civilization Agenda Related to The Issues of Educational/<br />

<strong>Cultural</strong> Tourism and Related Topics of Regional Culture and Integration of European Heritage<br />


160<br />

vaxtang beriZis saxelobis qarTuli xelovnebis saerTaSoriso simpoziumi<br />

Vakhtang Beridze <strong>International</strong> Symposium of <strong>Georgian</strong> Art<br />

SeniSvnebi<br />


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