Montessori mother - Kamelini Montessori

Montessori mother - Kamelini Montessori

Montessori mother - Kamelini Montessori


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and futile theory, it must be, in its broad outlines at<br />

least, understood and practised by just such people<br />

as I am. We must all collaborate. And here is the<br />

place to say that I consider this book a very tentative<br />

performance; and that I will be very grateful for<br />

suggestions from any of my readers which will help<br />

to make a second edition more useful and complete.<br />

This volume of impressions, therefore, lays no<br />

claim to erudition. It is not written by a biologist<br />

for other biologists, by a philosopher for an audi-<br />

ence of college professors, or by a professional peda-<br />

gogue to enlighten school-superintendents. An ordi-<br />

nary American parent, desiring<br />

above all else the best<br />

possible chance for her children, addresses this mes-<br />

sage to the innumerable legion of her companions in<br />

that desire.<br />

Grateful acknowledgment is made to Miss M. I.<br />

Batchelder and Miss Mary G. Gillmore, both of<br />

the Horace Mann School, for helpful suggestions;<br />

to Miss Anne E. George, who also read the manu-<br />

M-ript; and to the House of Childhood, Inc., 200<br />

Fifth Avenue, New York, for the use of illustrations.<br />

Dr. <strong>Montessori</strong>'s patent rights in the didactic apparatus<br />

are controlled, for the United States and Can-<br />

ada, by the House of Childhood, Inc., Carl R. Byoir,<br />


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