Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com

Registration document 2007 - Total.com


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Business overview<br />

Downstream - Refining & Marketing<br />

The Group also decided to build a desulphurization unit at the<br />

Lindsey (Immingham) refinery in the UK. This investment is<br />

being designed to raise the portion of high-sulphur crude that<br />

the plant can process from 10% to 70%. The unit is<br />

scheduled to begin operating in 2009. A second project to<br />

build a desulphurization unit at the Donges refinery in France<br />

is currently being studied. Commissioning is planned for 2010.<br />

A third project to construct a desulphurization unit at the<br />

Leuna refinery in Germany is also being studied.<br />

In addition, CEPSA (1) has announced investments to improve<br />

the performance of its refineries, including the construction of<br />

a 2.1 Mt hydrocracker (2) unit at the Huelva refinery in Spain.<br />

This unit is scheduled to begin operating near the end of<br />

2009.<br />

(1) Group’s share in CEPSA: 48.8% as of December 31, 2006.<br />

(2) To which should be added a crude distillation unit (CDU), a vacuum distillation unit<br />

(VDU) and a steam methane reformer (SMR).<br />

Crude oil refining capacity<br />

The table below sets forth TOTAL’s share of the daily crude oil refining capacity of its refineries.<br />

TOTAL – <strong>Registration</strong> Document 2006<br />

• Investments are being made to modernize refining sites,<br />

improve safety and energy efficiency and reduce<br />

environmental impacts.<br />

At the Dalian (China) refinery, a modernization program was<br />

launched to respond to changes in the volumes and quality of<br />

products demanded on national and international markets. A<br />

distillate hydrocracker with a planned capacity of 1.5 Mt/y is<br />

under construction and is scheduled to begin operating in the<br />

summer of <strong>2007</strong>. A desulphurization unit with a 2 Mt/y capacity<br />

is also under construction. This investment should allow the<br />

refinery to meet new diesel specifications.<br />

In 2006, two refineries operated by TOTAL were affected by<br />

major turnarounds, <strong>com</strong>pared to six in 2005 and five in 2004.<br />

Ten refineries are scheduled for major turnarounds operated<br />

throughout <strong>2007</strong>.<br />

As of December 31 (a) (kb/d) 2006 2005 2004<br />

Refineries operated by the Group<br />

Normandy (France) 331 331 328<br />

Provence (France) 158 158 155<br />

Flandres (France) 141 159 160<br />

Donges (France) 230 229 231<br />

Feyzin (France) 116 118 119<br />

Grandpuits (France) 99 99 99<br />

Antwerp (Belgium) 350 350 352<br />

Leuna (Germany) 227 225 227<br />

Rome (Italy) (b) 64 64 52<br />

Immingham (United Kingdom) 221 221 223<br />

Milford Haven (United Kingdom) (c) 74 73 73<br />

Vlissingen (Netherlands) (d) 81 84 84<br />

Port Arthur, Texas (United States) 174 174 176<br />

Subtotal 2,266 2,285 2,279<br />

Other refineries in which the Group has an interest (e) 434 423 413<br />

<strong>Total</strong> 2,700 2,708 2,692<br />

(a) For refineries not 100% owned by TOTAL, the indicated capacity represents TOTAL’s proportionate share of the overall refining capacity of the refinery.<br />

(b) TOTAL’s interest was 71.9% as of December 31, 2006 and 2005; TOTAL’s interest was 57.5% as of December 31, 2004.<br />

(c) TOTAL’s interest is 70%.<br />

(d) TOTAL’s interest is 55%.<br />

(e) Fourteen refineries in which TOTAL has interests ranging from 16.7% to 55.6% (seven in Africa, four in Spain, one in Germany, one in Martinique and one in China) and the Reichstett<br />

refinery in France in 2004).

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